Kent Day Returns
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The Loomis Chaffee Log Issue CIV No. 5 Est. 1915 • 4 Batchelder Rd., Windsor, CT January 30, 2020 KENT DAY RETURNS By RYAN FORTANI ’22 “fizzled out a bit because we stopped playing Staff Writer each other in football...much of the luster of the rivalry was lost because “the spoon” was November 14, 2020, will mark the return no longer a part of the equation.” of an age-old Loomis Chaffee tradition: While both Loomis and Kent are mem- Kent Day. bers of the Founders League, there has typ- With the recent creation of Founders ically not been a football league within the League Football, Loomis can once again Founders organization. Therefore, mem- play the Kent School in football and thus re- ber schools have joined different football ignite a rivalry that shaped school spirit at leagues and often get split apart. both institutions. Loomis was originally able to play Kent in “We will play all fall sports except football because both schools were members cross-country on the last day of the fall sea- of the Erickson League, named after former son in 2020...and with the addition of foot- Loomis athletics director Ralph Erickson. ball to our league, bring[ing] Kent Day back However, Loomis pulled out of this league seems like a natural return of what was a to join the Central New England Class A great day for both league (consisting communities,” Ath- of schools such as letic Director Ms. The Loomis-Kent rivalry’s Deerfield, Andover, Sue Cabot said. Exeter, Choate, etc.). The Loomis-Kent roots date back to 1921, In doing so, Loomis rivalry’s roots date lost the ability to play back to 1921, when a when a Kent football Kent as they were no Kent football player longer in the same stole a silver spoon player stole a silver spoon league. during the post- during the post-game tea... The Loomis-Kent game tea service held rivalry was as a hall- at Head of School mark of our community, and it still remains Nathaniel Batchelder’s house for the two to be seen how the athletic department will competing teams. capitalize on this increased spirit leading up The disappearance of the spoon creat- to Kent Day. ed tension between Mr. Batchelder and “Back in the day, they used to have a pep the Kent head of school, Frederick Sill. In rally with a bonfire...and we would be out 1947, however, Father Sill’s successor, Fa- there chanting and cheering and each team ther Chalmers, returned the spoon with the would lead a cheer, and it was pretty good addition of an enlarged replica, which was for the entire community,” English faculty then used as the trophy for the winner of the member Mr. Fred Seebeck said. rivalry’s football game. While it is clear that Kent Day is making “The spoon went to the winner of the a return, it is unclear whether the spoon football game every year, and then to ac- itself will do the same. Head football coach knowledge the importance of the other ath- Mr. Jeffrey Moore stated that “Kent had the letic contests, a bowl was established to be spoon [last] and they [have] lost the spoon. given to the school who had the best win/ So right now, no one knows where the loss record in all of the other sports on Kent spoon is...but it would be great if we could Day,” Associate Head of School Mr. Webb create a new replica — maybe through the Trenchard said. PHI [Pearse Hub for Innovation].” However, after over 60 years of storied Regardless, the return of Kent Day will Clockwise from top left: Photos and graphics courtesy of the 1991 Confluence, the 1983 Confluence, the LC rivalry, Loomis and Kent stopped playing fill a missing portion of a traditional board- Archives, the 1970 confluence, and the LC Archives each other in football, concluding this cher- ing school student life: rivalries. ished tradition as other sports competitions “I am hopeful that the Kent Day rivalry Clockwise from top left: A cartoon featured in the 1991 Confluence; a banner to celebrate Kent Day between the schools also slowly died out. will exemplify a tradition of healthy compe- in November, 1982; the spoon that was used as a trophy by the two schools; a bus decorated by LC stu- Yet, it still remains unclear why exactly tition, mutual respect, camaraderie and un- dents for Kent Day in 1970; Mrs. Batchelder and Mr. Batchelder with a Loomis School football player the rivalry ended. paralleled good sportsmanship between our holding the original spoon. According to Mr. Trenchard, the rivalry two schools,” Ms. Cabot said. By JENNY PAN ’22 spring term. Before the entire student body Girls’ Vice President Margarita Demkina Graphics Manager votes, StuCo plans to host a debate on the ’20 said. ratification of the new constitution so that StuCo Boys’ Vice President Min Jun Jung StuCo Revises Behind the closed doors of the student students will be exposed to arguments for ’20 said that the change would move the council (StuCo), the Loomis Chaffee stu- and against the revision. constitution closer to Loomis’s core values. dent constitution is undergoing a major Specifically, StuCo wishes to revise the “I think it’s more a symbolic step rather revision. At this point, the senior represen- student council voting process, introduc- than a logistical one. Especially when mov- Constitution tatives have finished their revision draft and ing a policy of gender-neutral language for ing forward, the gender language is be- are waiting for the vote of the rest of StuCo. voting. Removing the distinction between coming more of a relic. As we start moving Gender-Neutral If StuCo passes the revised draft, then the “female” and “male” candidates, StuCo aims forward, the constitution and the student entire student body will vote on whether to to eliminate gender divisions in representa- council should as well,” Min said. Language Included adapt or discard the new constitution, an tives and the voting process. event that will take place sometime in the “We want to be more inclusive,” StuCo (Continued on Page 2) January EDITORS’ CONNECT WITH US! PICKS The Loomis Chaffee Log News (Page 2) Attrition at LC - 2 Features (Pages 3-5) The Loomis Chaffee Log How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint - 5 Opinions (6-7) @thelog What the Flip? - 6 BRIDGEPORT, CT PERMIT NO. 140 U.S. POSTAGE PRSRT STD Sports (8-9) PAID Hockey’s Hot Start - 8 @thelclog Mélange (10-12) 2019 Superlatives - 11 2 | NEWS The Loomis Chaffee Log January 30, 2020 Solar Fest Celebrates Why Students Sustainability and LC’s New Leave Loomis Solar Panels By RYAN FORTANI ’22 be the best place for them, and they will be Staff Writer able to thrive in another institution. Additionally, we see students leave be- During the fall term, nine students left cause the workload and rigor at Loomis Loomis Chaffee for a variety of reasons. proves unmanageable for them, because of These nine students will now be included mental health reasons, and because of ath- into what is known as our attrition rate, or letics. Athletic attrition typically sees stu- the rate at which students leave every year. dents move from one school to another in Loomis Chaffee’s attrition rate is around 2% order for the student to become a stronger per year. and more dominant athlete in their respec- According to Head of School Dr. Sheila tive sport. Culbert, this percentage “is very much in “Perhaps they will get more playing time line with our peer schools.” at another school or they want to do some- While the individual circumstances sur- thing like junior hockey” Dr. Culbert said. rounding a students Ultimately, attri- leave are confiden- tion is an inevitable tial, there are some Loomis Chaffee’s attrition part of any academ- general reasons that ic institution, and lead students to rate is around 2% per while we work to leave the Island per- find students that manently. Rough- year... “very much in line will best fit our com- ly one to three with our peer schools.” munity through- students leave the out the admissions school due to disci- process, there will plinary reasons each year. However, due to always be flaws that lead to some form of Loomis’ level system, students often are able tension between the school and a student, to make mistakes and learn from them while but for the most part, it is clear that most remaining in the community. students have found Loomis to be the right “We are very much a second-chance place for them—after all, most students stay school, so this is not a major source of attri- for the full four years. tion,” Dr. Culbert said. “Some students just miss their family or Another source of attrition is family and friends from home and boarding school is personal reasons. Another one to three stu- not for them,” Dr. Culbert explained. Photo by Neala Sweeney ’20 dents will leave due to homesickness and recognition that boarding school may not Pictured is the paper mache sun that science teacher Ms. Julie Hinchman made for Solar Fest. The LC Environmental Proctors had students write down their 2020 sustainability resolutions and attach them to the sun. StuCo Drafts New Student Constitution By JENNY PAN ’22 Graphic Manager In order for a revision to Continued from front pass, three-quarters of the The upcoming revision will also remove student body has to outdated procedures like “taking notes on a Photo by Anna Rebello ’21 physical notebook paper” as Min said.