MAKNA SIMBOLIK RUWATAN CUKUR RAMBUT GEMBEL DI DESA DIENG KEJAJAR Oleh : Moh. Choirul Arif Andin Fathurrahman Abstrak Rambut Gimbal dalam masyarakat Dieng Wonosobo adalah bentuk fisik yang unik pada rambut pada umumnya dan diyakini memiliki misteri. Umumnya anak yang berambut gembel memiliki kepribadian yang berbeda. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan ritual cukur rambut yang diyakini dapat mengambalikan kepribadian anak sebagaimana anak pada umumnya. Prosesi ruwatan yang dilakukan sangat kental dengan makna dari simbol simbol yang digunakan. Seperti makna dari penggunaan symbol tumbeng robyong, jajanan pasar, dan bakaran menyan yang masing-masing memiliki makna yang berbeda benda. Pendahuluan Dieng daerah dataran tinggi terletak di Kecamatan Kejajar Kabupaten Wonosobo Jawa Tengah, Kondisi alamnya berbukit-bukit banyak terdapat sumber mata air dengan berbagai corak, sumber mata air untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, sumber air panas, dan sumber air asam. Dari kondisi alamnya yang unik, Wonosobo menyimpan berbagai misteri yang patut disingkap dan disimak, salah satunya adalah Ruwatan Cukur Rambut Gembel yang secara tradisional hingga kini masih berjalan turun temurun, terutama di Dataran Tinggi Dieng dan Lereng Sindoro Sumbing. Rambut Gimbal di sekitaran wilayah Dataran Tinggi Dieng, Mereka Bukanlah Penganut aliran Reage atau Rasta seperti Bob Marley. Rambut Gimbal yang mereka miliki bukan hasil permak Salon melainkan alami hasil buatan alam. Anak-anak berambut gembel terbilang langka dan jarang kita jumpai seantero wilayah nusantara ini. Sebagian besar dapat kita temukan di wilayah Kabupaten Wonosobo dan sebagian di Kabupaten Banjarnegara serta di lereng Merbabu. Anak berambut gembel memiiki karakter dan perilaku yang berbeda dari kebiasaan anak seusianya. Kalau tidak energik, nakal, berjiwa heroik, suka mengatur akan muncul perilaku yang diam, pemalu, susah bergaul dengan dunia luar. Ruwatan cukur rambut gembel adalah adalah kegiatan ritual, sedangkan ritual sendiri berkaitan dengan identitas kepercayaan masyarakat. Didalamnya terkandung makna utama yaitu kemampuan masyarakat dalam memahami konteks lokal dan kemudian diwujudkan


Ruwatan Ritual of Dreadlocks Haircut: Negotiation Between Cultural Identity and Cultural Innovation in Contemporary Dieng Plateau Community A Luthfi1, K B Prasetyo2, N Fatimah3, E Pularsih4 1,2,3Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Universitas Negeri 4SMA Takhassus al Qur’an, Wonosobo {[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]}

Abstract. This Dieng Plateau Society is a community group in Central that has a belief about the existence of dreadlocked children as Descendants of Kyai Kolodete. Ruwatan ritual of dreadlocks haircut individual are rituals that are performed to keep the dreadlocked children from the influence of evil spirits. In the past, this ritual was matched to the children's weton. But nowadays, the dreadlocks haircut are integrated into the annual cultural festival of Wonosobo , Carried out communally and no longer based on the children's weton. This study aims to explain the struggle between cultural identity contested by local people and cultural innovation initiated by local Governments in order to promote the cultural tourism in . This study uses qualitative research methods with observation, interviews, and document studies as a tool for collecting data. Data processing is done in four steps roomates are the data collection, data reduction, a data display, and conclusion. The results of the study show that: (1) the beliefs of the Dieng Plateau community about mythic elements from dreadlocked children are still strongly embraced even though the procession of ruwatan ritual of dreadlocks haircut has been changed due to adaptation for tourism interests. (2) Cultural identities and cultural innovations in the ritual of dreadlocks haircut ruwatan communally involve; different actors and different orientations so that both can be done According to Reviews their own interests. (3) The existence of cultural innovation brings changes slowly to the perspective and behavior of the community about the existence of rituals roomates are no longer Merely sacred dimensions. Keywords: Cultural identity, Cultural innovation, Dreadlocks haircut, Ritual.

1 INTRODUCTION In the era of globalization, society and culture change so quickly in line with the increasing mobility of society and development of information technology. The movement of people who navigate the space and place in a very short time make cultural contacts between a person or a group of people with other social groups else going on almost every second. This resulted in the intersection between two different cultures becomes increasingly rapid and intense.

ICEL 2019, March 23-24, Malang, Copyright © 2019 EAI DOI 10.4108/eai.23-3-2019.2284905


needs to be more environmentally friendly, consider more on the Dieng Culture preservation of the local culture, and involve all local people to Festival and its participate in the event. Keywords—Culture preservation, culture festival, communitybased Culture tourism. I. INTRODUCTION Conservation Dieng Culture Festival (DCF) is a community cultural festival which was originally called as “Dieng Dilemma cultural event”, Agung Setiawan held to promote Javanese tradition in doing Magister Management of Tourism ruwatan for STIEPARI Dieng’s children, when the kid’s dreadlock Semarang, Indonesia hair is cut. [email protected] Ruwatan is a purification ceremony that has become customary Abstract—The purpose of this paper is to in Java. According to Poerwadarminta (1939) evaluate Ruwatan community-based tourism activities, the Dieng originated form ruwat word that means 1) Culture Festival uncontrolled danger (DCF). The methods used is descriptive qualitative in case study 2) Request God’s help to avoid the and utilize the concept of cultural and tourism uncontrolled danger. The event for analysis. ruwatan is done in order to avoid the danger, The results will be used as improvement for bad luck free tourism activities from curse and evil’s influence, thus people planning in general. The DCF is an event can live in peace designed for Dieng and safe. (p.534). local society for “Ngruwat Gimbal” ceremony, a The uniqueness of ruwatan for children with Central the dreadlock Javanese tradition that exists in the Dieng Kulon village of Batur, hair, is that the phenomenon only exists in Banjarnegara. It has brought many visitors and Dieng. Realizing the multiplied local potential value of this tradition, a local economic growth as well as community based community that has tourism activities. consciousness in tourism called as “Pokdarwis Beside its success, DCF also has problems. Dieng Among of the Pandawa” has set an idea to change the form problems are: 1) “Ngruwat Gimbal’s ceremony of this ceremony as the main into Dieng Culture Festival. Its concept is program on DCF event, by cutting the dreadlock from the Dieng combining the Kulon kid’s hair, has excluded the locals from culture with nature tourism and their mission participating in is to empower the ceremony, and served mostly for outsider, Dieng economic. To establish their mission, the non-local and Pokdarwis Dieng foreign tourists. 2) The insertion of the “jazz Pandawa active in the introduction to the diatas awan” in a public about the local culture festival by some people, is importance of tourism in various angles, one considered not of them, in terms appropriate.The discussions result suggested that the DCF event of economy, is to make economically independent society. In


Dieng Culture Festival as a cultures and customs in Dieng into Reinforcement of Local broader community. This should be able to Cultures in distribute the attractiveness in Dieng to Globalization Era potential visitors both local and Ervin Hidayat1, Ismi Dwi Astuti international. Moreover, DCF is well- Nurhaeni2 scheduled and published through any 1 Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas media Maret University ([email protected]) (printed, sites, or social media). The event 2 Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, involves modern arts and music (Jazz Sebelas Maret University and lantern festival) that attract more ([email protected]) visitors to come (Diengnesia, 2017). Abstracts: Dieng Culture Festival (DCF) Hence, this writing is descriptive analytics is an event that offers a variety of and discusses the purpose of Dieng traditional arts Culture Festival as an encouragement initiated with performance of Kuda towards local or traditional cultures Lumping (leathered horse dance), through Rampakyaso culture preservation as an effort to Dance, Wayang (shadow puppet), and maintain Dieng’s identity in this rapid finalized with dreadlock hair cutting development in technology and modern traditional ceremony. Local wisdom in world. The outcome of this research Dieng plateau is closely related to the includes the description on how DCF local could be an essential magnet to attract wisdom which is associated to God more through a range of traditional ceremonies visitors so they can learn Dieng and its available (Suyatno, 2011). cultures deeply. The unique and varied cultures in Dieng Keywords: Dieng, Dieng Culture certainly become pride and challenge that Festivals, local cultures, tourists must be faced in order to maintain the 1. INTRODUCTION cultures and inherit them for the next Cultural value shifting has become a generation. Thus, the rapid changes and noteworthy issue to discuss today since it development of this era also result in is changes on people’s life into a more an important process people cannot easily modern way. Therefore, people tend to create or even force. Gradually, the choose cultural new culture for it is considered more value shifting is surely able to alter practical than the local one (Effendi, national 2017). mindset. Nevertheless, a superior nation is DCF aims the construction of new concept the one that can preserve and protect its which is the acculturation of culture and cultures in order to strengthen the national natural tourist destination. Its missions characteristics. include the enhancement of economic With the aim of maintaining or level preserving available cultures, citizens of of local people, preservation of Dieng one cultures, and information spread about nation are obligated to involve in this local effort.


RITUAL RAMBUT GEMBEL DALAM ARUS EKSPANSI PASAR PARIWISATA Moh. Soehadha UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract This article focusing on religious and social change in Dieng tourism society and its relation with state capitalism. The government has commercialize gembel hair ritual (ritual rambut gembel) by tourism policy, that long have been live in Dieng community. In this article indicated that there are two variants of the social response to the change, the people who accept and reject society. The receiving society is the people that having an interest in economic on activities of the tourism development, whereas the rejecter society is the people that hold belief and tradition faithful. Theoretically, this study gives an explanation that public religiosity into the value system which affect people’s behavior to confirm the mode of economic production runs, as well as oversee social change. *** Tulisan ini mengambil fokus pada agama dan perubahan sosial akibat ekspansi pasar pariwisata di dataran tinggi Dieng, dan hubungannya dengan kapitalisme negara. Pemerintah telah mengusahakan ritual rambut gembel sebagai komoditas pariwisata di dataran tinggi Dieng. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada dua varian respon sosial terhadap perubahan akibat ekspansi pasar pariwisata, yaitu masyarakat yang menerima dan masyarakat yang menolak. Masyarakat penerima adalah orang-orang yang memiliki kepentingan di bidang ekonomi dalam kegiatan pengembangan pariwisata, sedangkan masyarakat yang menolak adalah orang-orang yang memegang keyakinan dan tradisi lokal. Secara teoritis, studi ini memberi penjelasan bahwa religiusitas masyarakat dipengaruhi oleh moda produksi ekonomi yang ada. Keywords: rambut gembel, tradisi lokal, religiusitas, pariwisata, produksi ekonomi


Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology) 6 (1) (2020): 123-130 DOI: 10.24114/antro.v6i1.17244 Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology) Available online Eksistensi Ruwatan Rambut Gimbal di Desa Dieng Kulon, Kecamatan Batur, Kabupaten Banjarnegara The Existence of Ruwatan Dreadlocks in Dieng Kulon Village, Batur Subdistrict, In’am Zaidi*, Nurjaya & Muhamad M. Muzadi Peneliti, Pesantren Riset Al-Muhtada, Indonesia Diterima:27 Februari 2020; Disetujui:04 Maret 2020; Dipublikasi:01 Juni 2020.

Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji bagaimana eksistensi dan peran serta masyarakat dalam mempertahankan ruwatan rambut gimbal di Dieng Kulon Banjarnegara khususnya pada era sekarang. Latarbelakang penelitian ini diitandai dengan keberadaan ruwatan anak berambut gimbal yang dipercayai sebagai titisan Kyai Kolodete. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan Pemangku Adat Dieng dan masyarakat yang melakukan ruwatan rambut gimbal. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa eksistensi ruwatan rambut gimbal di Dieng Kulon masih tetap terpelihara sampai sekarang. Bukti ruwatan tersebut masih eksis dapat dilihat dari keberadaan acara Dieng Culture Festival. Keeksisan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa keunikan yang terdapat pelaksanaan ruwatan tersebut, contohnya penentuan waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan yang harus disesuaikan dengan keinginan anak gimbal. Kemudian, terkait peran serta masyarakat dalam mempertahankan ruwatan rambut gimbal, masyarakat Dieng tetap memegang teguh kepercayaan yang ada didaerah tersebut. Salah satunya dengan tetap melaksanakan ruwatan rambut gimbal baik dilakukan secara pribadi dirumahnya masing-masing, maupun melalui acara Dieng Culture Festival. Kata Kunci: Eksistensi, Ruwatan, Rambut Gimbal. Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine how the existence and role of the community in maintaining the dreadlocks of dreads in Dieng Kulon Banjarnegara, especially in the current era. The background of this research is characterized by the existence of Ruwatan dreadlocks children who are believed to be incarnations of Kyai Kolodete. This type of research is a qualitative research with a descriptive qualitative approach. Primary data were obtained through interviews with Dieng Indigenous Peoples and the community who carried out dreadlocks. The results showed that the existence of ruwatan dreadlocks in Dieng Kulon is still maintained until now. Evidence of this ruwatan still exists can be seen from the existence of the Dieng Culture Festival event. The keeksisan is influenced by some uniqueness in the implementation of the ruwatan, for example the determination of the time and place of implementation that must be adjusted to the wishes of the child dreadlocks. Then, related to the community's role in maintaining the strength of dreadlocks, the Dieng community continued to uphold the beliefs in the area. One of them is by continuing to carry out the dreadlocks of dreads whether done privately in their respective homes, or through the Dieng Culture Festival. Keywords: Existence, Ruwatan, Dreadlocks. How to Cite: Zaidi, I. Nurjaya & Muzadi, M.M. (2020). Eksistensi Ruwatan Rambut Gimbal di Desa Dieng Kulon Kecamatan Batur Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology) 6 (1): 123-130.


Jurnal Empati, Agustus 2016, Volume 5(3), 461-466

RUWAT RAMBUT GEMBEL Eugenius Eko Yuliyanto, Zaenal Abidin Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275 [email protected] Abstrak Ruwat rambut gembel adalah tradisi yang dilakukan bagi anak yang memiliki rambut gembel yang dilakukan di daerah Dieng. Tradisi turun temurun ini dipercaya akan membawa keselamatan pada anak. Para orangtua yang memiliki anak berambut gimbal akan mengadakan ruwat rambut gembel atau mengikutsertakan anak mereka dalam ruwat rambut gembel secara masal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan proses ruwatan rambut gembel dan tujuan dari ruwatan rambut gembel itu dilakukan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus. Model pengumpulan data adalah dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi terhadap dua orang subjek dan tiga orang informan, serta menggunakan studi dokumentasi. Subjek adalah orangtua yang pernah melakukan ruwatan pada anak mereka, dan informan adalah orang yang berkaitan secara langsung dengan acara ruwatan yang dilakukan oleh subjek yaitu pencukur, sesepuh, dan ketua Kelompok Sadar Wisata (pokdarwis). Peneliti mendapat subjek melalui key person, yaitu kenalan peneliti yang juga mengenal subjek. Peneliti menemukan beberapa tema besar, diantaranya kemunculan rambut gembel, budaya masyarakat, perilaku anak, hubungan orangtua-anak, melakukan ruwatan, religiusitas, dan setelah ruwatan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ruwat rambut gembel merupakan tata cara kebudayaan yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Dieng untuk mencukur rambut anak yang gembel (gimbal). Ruwatan ini bertujuan untuk menghilangkan sukerti (marabahaya) yang ada pada anak berambut gembel. Proses ruwatan dilakukan dengan pembacaan doa-doa seperti shalawat sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan. Kata kunci: tradisi; orangtua; proses ruwatan Abstract Ruwat rambut gembel is a tradition performed for children who have tangled hair in Dieng. This hereditary tradition is believed to bring savety for children. Parents who have a tangled hair children will hold ruwat rambut gembel or engage their children to mass of ruwat rambut gembel. The purpose of this study is to describe the process of ruwatanrambutgembel and objectives of ruwatan tangled hair was done. This research used case study in it’s method. Data in this study are completed by interview and observation with two subjects and three informans, and also used a documentary. Subjects are parents who have done ruwatan for their children, and informans are some people who involved in ruwatan program which done by subjects, they are barber, elder, and chief of a tour awareness group (pokdarwis). Researcher get the subjects with key person’s help, he is someone who know by the researcher and he also know some subjects. Researcher found some big themes, they are the appear of tangled hair, society culture, children behavior, interactions between parent and children, doing ruwatan, religiousity, and after ruwatan. Conclusions in this research are ruwat rambut gembel is the way of culture in society of Dieng to cut children’s hair which grow tangled. Ruwatan has a purpose to lose sukerti (dangerous things) in tangled hair children. The process of ruwatan done by some pray like shalawat as an expression of gratitude to God. Keywords: tradition; parent; process of ruwatan


Tradition of Dreadlocks Shaving Ritual (Gimbal) in Dieng Plateau Wonosobo Nor Holis [email protected] Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia

Abstract Ritual cukur rambut gimbal or dreadlocks shaving ritual is tradition ritual which is done by people who live in Dieng plateau. The ritual is inherited from ancestor of the Dieng people, Kiai Kolodete. This ritual aims to eliminate the dreads in children which done based on Javanese calendar calculation. This paper aims to find out the relationship between the ritual and myth and Dieng people’s belief. Finding out the good and correct ritual procession based on empirical facts of the local community is the goal of this research as well. Parikesit is the village which is located in Kejajar sub-district, Wonosobo in Dieng plateau. There are some children with the dreadlocks who live in the village. Therefore, its people still maintain the ritual well. Parikesit is chosen to collect the information about the ritual of this research by interviewing its people. Meanwhile, this research also uses some books to define the myth and the ritual. Dreadlocks shaving ritual is done as a form of praying to dreads in children do not grow anymore. This ritual is done differently in every village in Dieng plateau. There are some communities with Javanese belief (Kejawen) held the ritual in Arjuna temple area with Javanese tradition and the ritual also held by other communities at their own home like other traditional party based on their religion (slametan). This ritual basically has same essence which is to pray and fulfill the desires of the children (who will be shaved) which is an absolute requirement. Keywords: Dreadlocks Shaving Ritual, Myth, Experience Introduction Dieng plateau is well known as mountainous region of two districts Wonosobo and Banjarnegara. Most people who live in this area are potato farmers because Dieng has fertile nature. Meanwhile, people in Dieng plateau have different way of life from people who live lowland. It is affected by nature condition and culture. Culture is the identity of people in certain area because each community has their own value and norms inside the culture that must be done by the community (Koentjaraningrat, 1990: 217). It means that value and norms of the


TRADISI RUWATAN BAGI MASYARAKAT DIENG Oleh: Ken Widyatwati Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UNDIP ABSTRACT The narrative or a myth is not only one story, but it have a meaning and structure. The structure of myth is representation form the society, who to support. Structure or model to become representation from the society to exist in stage unconscious, and only to be looking for with structuralism Levi-Straus Analysis. Exorcism Ritual for Dieng Society is a folklore wich Dieng society. Exorcism Ritual for Dieng Society is not ritual content, but it have many contents be trusted by community, The aim of this research is description of Exorcism Ritual for Dieng Society are component Identification, and the content of myth. This Ritual perform every year the date in one Sura in Javanese Callender. Time is 05.00-14.00 am. The place is Bale Kambang Lake in Dieng Banjarnegara, . The content of Exorcism Ritual for Dieng Society is place, time, instrument, ritual offering, prayer and myth. This myth is Rambut Gembel and Exorcism Ritual of Rambut Gembel cut. Keywords: Exorcism, Ritual, Exorcism Ritual Prosesion of Rambut Gembel Cut A. PENDAHULUAN 1. Latar Belakang

Indonesia terdiri atas beribu-ribu pulau yang penuh dengan aneka ragam suku bangsa dan kebudayaan. Setiap suku bangsa di Indonesia menciptakan, menyebarluaskan dan mewariskan kebudayaan masing-masing dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya. Keanekaragaman suku bangsa dan kebudayaan itu pada hakikatnya adalah satu dan memberi identitas khusus serta menjadi modal dasar pengembangan budaya bangsa. Keanekaragaman kebudayaan pada setiap suku bangsa di Indonesia menunjukkan kekayaan kebudayaan Nusantara. Masing-masing daerah di Indonesia memiliki corak kebudayaan yangberbeda-beda.Untuk mengembangkan kebudayaan daerah yang merupakan akar dari kebudayaan nasional, pemerintah memberikan landasan seperti yang tercantum dalam UUD 1945 pasal 32 yang berbunyi ”Pemerintah memajukan Kebudayaan Nasional Indonesia”. Kebudayaan daerah adalah akar dari kebudayaan nasional. Oleh karena itu kebudayaan daerah harus dilestarikan dan dipertahankan. Salah satu usaha untuk mempertahankan kebudayaan daerah adalah melalui pelestarian folklor. Folklor sebagai sumber informasi kebudayaan daerah tidak bisa diabaikan dalam usaha menggali nilai-nilai dan keyakinan yang tumbuh dalam suatu masyarakat.


TRADISI RUWATAN ANAK GIMBAL DI DIENG Eki Satria Program Pascasarjana Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

ABSTRAK Saat ini rambut gimbal merupakan salah satu tren gaya rambut semata. Namun siapa sangka dalam salah satu kebudayaan di Indonesia justru anak kecil yang berambut gimbal dipercaya sebagai titisan dewa. Hal ini merupakan adat-istiadat di Dataran Tinggi Dieng, Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Kepercayaan ini diakhiri dengan upacara Ruwatan pada anak-anak gimbal yang dipercaya sebagai utusan dewa tersebut. Ruwatan ini merupakan proses pemotongan rambut anak gimbal yang sudah pada usia balligh dan sudah memiliki ketentuan-ketentuan khusus. Pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode semiotika Roland Barthes untuk membedah makna yang terdapat pada tradisi Ruwatan anak gembel di Dieng. Hasil peneilitian merupakan penemuan makna ruwatan anak gimbal di Dieng secara teks maupun konteks. Secara teks, tradisi ruwatan ini sebatas pemotongan rambut, sedangkan makna secara konteks dari pemotongan rambut gimbal ini sendiri sebagai upaya dan tadisi untuk membersihkan lahir dan batinnya dari pengaruh jahat, agar dalam kehidupan dan perkembangannya terhindar dari gangguan kekuatan gaib yang berada dalam dirinya serta masih banyak sekali makna dibalik acara ruwatan dan prosesi acaranya yang panjang. Kata kunci: Ruwatan, anak gimbal, Dieng

A. Pendahuluan Di era kekinian, rambut gimbal bisa dianggap tren mode. Rambut model pilin ini dapat dibentuk kapster-kapster salon dengan waktu relatif singkat, tapi biayanya mahal. Otomatis rambut pilin ini dianggap sebatas ungkapan rasa seni pemiliknya. Namun tidak demikian bagi masyarakat Dieng Jawa Tengah.