THE BEST PLAYER’S CLUB IN 2014 HOW TO OBTAIN A card must then be removed and re-inserted to BOARDING PASS CARD work properly. It is the Member’s responsibility to ensure that when playing with his/her 1. A ll individuals must be twenty-one (21) Boarding Pass card that the card is tracking years of age or older to qualify for his/her play and that the bezel around his/her membership in the Boarding Pass program Boarding Pass card is solid green. at participating locations. 5. I f available at a participating location, Members 2. M embers may sign up at Rewards Centers may earn points based on live game play such as located at participating locations or online bingo, race & sports, and poker. In order to earn at points based on live game play, a Member must 3. P hoto identification, acceptable to Station present his/her Boarding Pass card to a Team , will be required for membership Member prior to his/her live game play or wager. registration, activation, point redemptions and Please visit the Rewards Center for details for obtaining any information with respect to a and availability. Boarding Pass points are not Boarding Pass account. awarded for table games play; however, at the 4. A cceptable forms of photo identification are sole discretion of a participating location, comps as follows: State issued Driver’s License, State may be issued. A Boarding Pass card is required issued ID card, Government issued Passport, for player tracking at table games. Military ID, or a Government issued Green Card. 6. P rogram points may be redeemed for Boarding Pass vouchers, Slot Play, Bingo Play, Sports Play BOARDING PASS POINTS or Cash Back. The number of points required to receive goods and services are delineated 1. B oarding Pass points are earned by Members at on the Boarding Pass Redemption Menu, participating locations in accordance with their which is available at the Rewards Center. The gaming activity and the amount of Boarding redemption of one thousand (1,000) points Pass Points earned will vary depending on is equivalent to $1 in redemption value. This the model of the gaming device played, or, ratio may be revised by at its if applicable, select live game play. Station discretion. Boarding Pass vouchers may be Casinos may revise the method for earning used to acquire the equivalent dollar value in points at its discretion. The current schedule goods and services throughout Station Casinos’ for earning points is available below: facilities. Boarding Pass vouchers may not be . a E arn one (1) base point for every $1 of coin-in used for wagering. on designated Video Poker, Video Reel, 7. B oarding Pass vouchers, Slot Play, Bingo Reel Slot, Video Keno and Video Blackjack Play, Sports Play and/or Cash Back will machines. require a photo identification and/or personal . b Earn three (3) base points for every $12 of identification number (“PIN”) in order to coin-in on designated 100% Payback Video redeem and/or utilize the offer. Poker machines. 8. B oarding Pass vouchers, Slot Play, Bingo Play, . c Earn one (1) base point for every $1 in wagers and Sports Play have no cash value and United for Sports Straight Bets, Sports Parlay, States currency/coin or casino chips/tokens will Sports Teaser, Sports Parlay Card and In- not be issued in lieu thereof. House Race play. 9 If applicable, expiration dates will be printed on . d Earn twenty (20) base points for every $1 Boarding Pass vouchers when issued. in wagers for WPS Pari-Mutuel Race, Exotic Pari-Mutuel Race, IPT Pari-Mutuel Race and Phone Pari-Mutuel Race. BOARDING PASS POINTS FOR . e Earn five (5) base points for every $1 in SLOT/BINGO/SPORTS PLAY AND Bingo wagers. CASH BACK . f Earn one thousand (1,000) base points for 1. The redemption of one thousand (1,000) points every one hour of live Poker play. is equivalent to $1 in Slot/Bingo/Sports Play and 2. Members may earn 3X points every day Cash Back value. on designated Video Poker, Video Reel, 2. P oints earned playing Video Poker, Video Reel, Reel Slot, Video Keno and Video Reel Slot, Video Keno, Video Blackjack and Blackjack machines. Bingo on or after February 14, 2008 are eligible a. Active Chairman, President and Platinum for Slot/Sports Play and Cash Back redemption. cardholders will automatically receive the 3. P oints earned playing Sports Straight Bets, 3X multiplier; no kiosk swipe or Station Sports Parlay, Sports Teaser, Sports Parlay Card Casinos App activation is required. and In-House Race play on or after September 1, Member’s points will multiply at the end of 2010 are eligible for Slot/Bingo/Sports Play and each gaming session after Boarding Pass Cash Back redemption. removal from machine. 4. P oints earned playing live Poker on or after . b Active Gold and Preferred cardholders September 15, 2011 are eligible for Slot/Bingo/ Sports Play and Cash Back redemption. must swipe daily at the kiosk or accept the 5. P oints earned by using point days or point offer on Station Casinos App to activate the multipliers are eligible for Slot/Bingo/Sports 3X point multiplier. If activation occurs Play and Cash Back redemption. prior to start of gaming play, member’s points 6. P oint grants and point adjustments are not will multiply at the end of each gaming eligible for Slot/Bingo/Sports Play and Cash session upon Boarding Pass removal from Back redemption. machine. If activation occurs at end of 7. O nly points earned from playing Bingo, Poker, gaming day play, all prior points earned Sports Straight Bets, Sports Parlay, Sports for the day will be multiplied on Teaser, Sports Parlay Card, In-House Race and Member’s account. qualified Video Poker, Video Reel, Reel Slot, 3. P oints are redeemable for at least thirteen Video Keno and Video Blackjack machines, using (13) months from the date they were earned. a Boarding Pass card are eligible. All points in an account that have not been 8. Redemption of points for Slot Play is available redeemed will be expired and removed if no at designated Video Poker, Video Reel, Reel gaming activity has occurred on that account Slot, Video Keno and Video Blackjack for a period of thirteen (13) months. Any machines, at any Boarding Pass Kiosk or the gaming transaction where your Boarding Rewards Center. Pass is used to earn points or status credits on 9. R edemption of points for Bingo/Sports Play is available at any Boarding Pass Kiosk or the designated Video Poker, Video Reel, Reel Slot, Rewards Center. Video Keno, Video Blackjack, Table Games, 10. To redeem points for Cash Back, a Member Bingo, Race, Sports and Live Poker qualify as must obtain a cash voucher from the Rewards gaming activity. Station Casinos may change Center. The cash voucher must be redeemed this criteria at its discretion. at the Main Casino Cage within 48 hours. Photo 4. T he Boarding Pass card must be inserted in a identification must be presented. slot machine’s card reader to record play and 11. R edemption of points for Bingo Play is available earn points. The Boarding Pass card bezel must at the Rewards Center or a Boarding Pass Kiosk be solid green to accurately record points. If and a printed voucher will be provided and must the card reader displays “please re-insert”, the be redeemed in the Bingo Room. reader is no longer recording machine play. The 12. T he Slot and Sports Play will be automatically uploaded to the Boarding Pass card once the residing at the same address may link accounts points are redeemed at the Boarding Pass to share Boarding Pass points. Both members Kiosk or Rewards Center and will expire ninety must be present with valid photo identification (90) days from issuance. at the Rewards Center to link accounts. Either 13. B oarding Pass points redeemed for Slot Play member may request that a link be removed consists of machine credit amounts that are from his/her account in person at the Rewards non-cashable and must be played at a gaming Center with valid photo identification. device. There is a $5 minimum requirement per 5. E ach Member of a linked account will be issued transaction to redeem points into Slot Play, with an individual Boarding Pass program card and a maximum of $1,000 per day. All redemptions account number. However, all Members on a must be done in $5 increments. linked account may modify any linked account 14. T here is a $1 minimum requirement per data and will share Boarding Pass points. transaction to redeem points into Sports Play, Visit the Rewards Center for additional linked with a maximum of $1,000 per day and a bet account details. maximum of $500 per bet. 6. E ach Member is responsible for selecting 15. T here is a $1 minimum requirement per a confidential PIN for his/her account and transaction to redeem points into Bingo Play, for keeping the PIN secure. Each Member with a maximum of $50 per session. is responsible for all transactions on his/her 16. T here is a $5 minimum requirement per account when his/her confidential PIN is used. transaction to redeem points into Cash Back, 7. A member is required to present valid photo with a maximum of $1,000 per day. identification bearing the same name on his/her 17. W PS Pari-Mutuel Race, Exotic Pari-Mutuel Race, Boarding Pass card when requesting that his/ IPT Pari-Mutuel Race and Phone Pari-Mutuel her confidential PIN be reset or changed. Race points may NOT be redeemed for Slot/ 8. D uplicate Boarding Pass cards will be issued Bingo/Sports Play and Cash Back. with proper photo identification, up to two (2) in 18. B oarding Pass Members must have their one day. confidential PIN to be able to redeem points for 9. Boarding Pass cards, Boarding Pass Status Slot/Bingo/Sports Play and Cash Back. Credits, offers, awards and all other program 19. O nce points are redeemed for Slot/Bingo/ benefits are non-transferable. Sports Play or Cash Back and it is on the 10. Boarding Pass points are non-transferable, Boarding Pass card, it can not be reversed. unless the two Members are on a linked account. 11. B oarding Pass account discrepancies should be BOARDING PASS STATUS immediately reported to Station Casinos to be CREDIT STRUCTURE eligible for reconsideration. 12. A ny misuse of the Boarding Pass card or 1. B ased upon the number of Boarding Pass improper play, as determined by Station Casinos credits earned during specific time periods, in its sole discretion, will result in forfeiture Members may also be eligible for additional of all Boarding Pass account accumulated awards as determined by the Boarding Pass points, offers, vouchers and may result in the Status Credit Structure. Earning more credits cancellation of Member(s) participation in the will qualify Members to reach higher levels. Boarding Pass program. 2. B oarding Pass Status Credit Structure and 13. B oarding Pass Members who have been issued time requirements will be available at the credit by Station Casinos and are delinquent Rewards Center. Upon attaining a status in repayment of that credit, and/or Boarding level, a designated Boarding Pass card will be Pass Members who have had a check(s) cashed available to the Member. Current status levels at a Station Casinos location which has been are Chairman, President, Platinum, Gold and returned for non-payment, shall have all their Preferred. Boarding Pass account accumulated points, 3. B oarding Pass point days, multiplier offers and offers, vouchers and Slot, Bingo and/or Sports other Boarding Pass point adjustment offers Play forfeited until all discrepancies have been will not be counted towards the Boarding Pass remedied to the satisfaction of Station Casinos Status Credit Structure. in its sole discretion. 4. Attaining a Boarding Pass Status provides 14. B oarding Pass Members should notify Station additional Boarding Pass program offers and Casinos of any name, address, e-mail address, or benefits to the Member. These offers and telephone number changes in order to continue benefits may be modified, changed, added, to receive information on Boarding Pass deleted or cancelled by Station Casinos at its programs, offers, bonuses, party invitations or discretion. Please visit the Rewards Center for other program events. a description of current Boarding Pass Status 15. S tation Casinos reserves the right to deny an offers and benefits. application to participate in the Boarding Pass 5. O ffers and benefits can only be redeemed program or revoke a Boarding Pass Member’s by presenting the applicable valid status card at any time in its sole discretion. level Boarding Pass Card along with photo 16. P articipation in this program constitutes each identification acceptable by Station Casinos at Boarding Pass Member’s agreement to abide time of redemption. by these Official Rules of the Boarding Pass program and the decisions of Station Casinos. GENERAL RULES 17. A ny and all applicable taxes relating to a 1. Participating locations are Boarding Pass Member receiving any awards is & Casino, Hotel & the sole responsibility of the Member. Casino, Gambling Hall & Hotel, 18. S tation Casinos will resolve any dispute or Sunset Station Hotel & Casino, Santa Fe situation not covered by these Official Rules and Station Hotel & Casino, that decision shall be final and binding. Resort Spa Casino, Red Rock Casino Resort 19. S tation Casinos is not responsible for lost or Spa, Casino - Hotel, Fiesta stolen Boarding Pass cards. Henderson Casino - Hotel, Barley’s Casino & 20. Any Boarding Pass card, voucher or Brewing Company, Wild Wild West Gambling any other offer that has been mutilated, Hall & Hotel, Wildfire Casino - Rancho, forged, misprinted, altered, tampered with, Wildfire Casino – Boulder Highway, Wildfire mechanically reproduced, is illegible, or has Casino & Lanes, Wildfire Casino - Sunset, been obtained by any means other than Wildfire Casino – Anthem, Wildfire Casino – pursuant to these Official Rules is automatically Valley View, Wildfire Casino – Lake Mead and void. In addition, Station Casinos reserves the The Greens. right to void any Boarding Pass card, voucher or 2. B oarding Pass points and status credits for all any other offer at any time in its sole discretion. 19 participating locations are now available 21. S tation Casinos may introduce other on one convenient Boarding Pass account. promotions that operate in association with the Consolidation of multiple accounts is required, Boarding Pass program. All rules, conditions as each Member should have only one (1) and procedures for these promotions will be Boarding Pass account. detailed in the Official Rules of each specific 3. O nly Members listed on a Boarding Pass associated promotion. account may receive information or engage 22. Any rule or procedure relating to the Boarding in any transaction(s) relating to that Boarding Pass program may be changed, modified or Pass account. cancelled by Station Casinos at any time in its 4. U p to two (2) eligible Boarding Pass members sole discretion without prior notification.

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