Lysosomes in

Maria Eugenia Guicciardi1, Marcel Leist2 and Gregory J Gores*,1

1Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN 55905, USA; 2H. Lundbeck A/S, DK-2500 Valby, Denmark

For many years apoptosis research has focused on the magnitude of lysosomal permeabilization, and, and their putative role as sole executioners of consequently, the amount of proteolytic programmed cell death. Accumulating information now released into the cytosol (Li et al., 2000). A complete suggests that lysosomal are also pivotally breakdown of the organelle with release of high involved in this process, especially in pathological condi- concentrations of lysosomal enzymes into the cytosol tions. In particular, the role of and lysosomal results in unregulated necrosis, whereas partial, selective enzymes in initiation and execution of the apoptotic permeabilization triggers apoptosis (Bursch, 2001; Turk program has become clear in several models, to the point et al., 2002). In both instances, the amount of released that the existence of a ‘lysosomal pathway of apoptosis’is enzymes is sufficient to overcome the protective barrier now generally accepted. This pathway of apoptosis can be of the endogenous inhibitors present in the cytosol (i.e. activated by death receptors, lipid mediators, and photo- ), which usually prevent potential damage from damage. Lysosomal can be released from the the spontaneous leakage of lysosomal enzymes naturally lysosomes into the cytosol, where they contribute to the occurring through the lysosomal membrane (Berg et al., apoptotic cascade upstream of mitochondria. This review 1995; Claus et al., 1998). Once in the cytosol, lysosomal focuses on the players and the molecular mechanisms enzymes can contribute to the execution of the apoptotic involved in the lysosomal pathway of apoptosis as well as program either by direct cleavage of key cellular on the importance of this pathway in development and substrates, or by acting in concert with the caspases in pathology. the signaling pathway (Leist and Jaattela, 2001a, b). However, the precise mechanisms by which lysosomes are involved in apoptosis are still largely unknown and Keywords: cathepsins; Spi2A; TNFa currently under intense investigation. The most recent findings regarding the role of lysosomal proteases in apoptosis are described below.

Introduction When does the lysosomal pathway of cell death occur? For many years, lysosomes have been thought to be solely involved in necrotic and autophagic cell death, Lysosomal enzymes were among the first proteases to be with their role in apoptosis being limited to the digestion associated with programmed cell death, for example, in of engulfed apoptotic bodies (Ferri and Kroemer, 2001a; the tadpole tail during the 1960s. However, this line of Leist and Jaattela, 2001a). Likewise, lysosomal research has not been actively perpetuated into the functions were believed to be limited to nonspecific modern age of apoptosis. While it is firmly established intracellular protein degradation occurring within the that , and herewith lysosomes, plays a role in . These concepts now seem to be outdated by a developmental cell death, the evidence for a pivotal role growing body of evidence that strongly points to a role of individual cathepsins in developmental apoptosis is of lysosomes in apoptosis that goes beyond that of poor or negative. Unlike many other pathways of simple ‘garbage disposals’. Indeed, partial lysosomal apoptosis, lysosomal cathepsins do not appear to permeabilization with subsequent release of proteolytic contribute to developmental or physiologic apoptosis enzymes into the cytosol, and their active contribution of the central nervous system (CNS), heart, liver, and to the signaling pathways, has been recently described in limbs. In contrast, various knockout mice show several models of apoptosis. This phenomenon is so developmental defects in these tissues (Los et al., 1999). widely recognized that the ‘lysosomal pathway of The lysosomal pathway of apoptosis has been identified apoptosis’ is now accepted terminology. The key-factor primarily in pathological situations. For instance, in determining the type of cell death (necrosis vs cathepsins have been implicated in CNS apoptosis apoptosis) mediated by lysosomal enzymes seems to be following ischemia and during neurodegenerative pro- cesses (Yamashima et al., 1998; Tsuchiya et al., 1999; *Correspondence:GJ Gores, Mayo Medical School, Clinic, and Lieuallen et al., 2001; Houseweart et al., 2003a). In the Foundation, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA; liver, a lysosomal-mediated pathway of apoptosis has E-mail:[email protected] been found to contribute to TNF-a signaling, liver 2882 damage following bile duct obstruction, and cold- Oncogenic activation sensitizes cells to various ischemia/warm-reperfusion injury (Guicciardi et al., apoptotic stimuli. Transformation of cells, for example 2000; Guicciardi et al., 2001; Canbay et al., 2003). by Ras, strongly affects processing, trafficking and Another pathological situation favoring the activation subcellular localization of lysosomal enzymes (Nishi- of the lysosomal pathway is tumorigenic transformation mura et al., 1998; Demoz et al., 1999), and it is of cells. Many tumors express considerably increased conceivable that cathepsins might take part in the amounts of cathepsins and the TNF-dependent apop- transformation-induced death of tumor cells. Indeed, tosis pathway in tumor cells is often particularly Ras triggers cell death of human cancer cells by acti- B dependent (Foghsgaard et al., 2002; vation of a caspase-independent cell death program (Chi Fehrenbacher et al., unpublished). et al., 1999), which may involve lysosomal proteases. Photodynamic therapy, a process employing UV-light The overexpression of cathepsins often observed in and photosensitizers to kill cancer cells, as well as accu- tumors should render cancer cells more susceptible to mulation of lysosomotropic agents within the organelle, cell death via the lysosomal pathway. It should be also triggers the lysosomal pathway of cell death (Boya possible to exploit this pathway to differentially et al., 2003a, b; Cirman et al., 2004; Li et al., 2003). As modulate susceptibility of cancer cells to cell death. this pathway becomes better understood, its role in For example, -related apoptosis- additional pathologies will likely become apparent. inducing ligand (TRAIL) preferentially kills tumor cells both in vitro and in vivo (Ashkenazi et al., 1999; Walczak et al., 1999). Although the underlying mechanism of Role of the lysosomal pathway of cell death in cancer TRAIL selectivity toward tumor cells remains unclear, biology TRAIL, which can trigger lysosomal cell death (Foghs- gaard et al., 2001), might induce apoptosis in trans- Many lysosomal enzymes, including cathepsins, are over- formed cells via the lysosomal pathway. These concepts expressed in cancer (Koblinski et al., 2000). For example, merit further investigation. increased expression and activity of cathepsin B and/or have been observed in breast (Castiglioni et al., 1994), colorectal (Campo et al., 1994; Meyer et al., Mechanisms of lysosomal permeabilization 1997), gastric (Watanabe et al., 1989), lung (Sukoh et al., 1994), prostate (Sinha et al., 1995), and thyroid Vesicle permeabilization in apoptosis is selective. (Shuja and Murnane, 1996), as well as in different brain Whereas lysosomes are permeabilized, endocytic vesicles tumors, including gliomas and meningiomas (Rempel are not, as the absence of total vesicular breakdown et al., 1994; Levicar et al., 2003), and the magnitude of implies the existence of a regulatable process. Consistent expression has often prognostic significance. Many with these observations, even lysosomal breakdown is authors have suggested that enhanced secretion of these partial and/or selective in this apoptotic pathway. proteases by exocytosis promotes cancer growth, inva- Indeed, two manuscripts have reported that in cells sion, and metastasis by promoting degradation of with lysosomes labeled with LysoTracker red, a extracellular connective matrices and angiogenesis (Ko- fluorescent dye that loads predominantly into lyso- blinski et al., 2000). Indeed, inhibition of cathepsin B by somes, release of the dye appears to occur in only a synthetic inhibitors has been shown to subpopulation of lysosomes (Werneburg et al., 2002; effectively reduce the invasiveness of glioblastoma cells Madge et al., 2003). Whether these observations (Demchik et al., 1999) and breast cancer cell lines (Xing represent a time-dependent phenomenon, partial release, et al., 1998). However, the role of the lysosomal pathway or targeting of mediators to a distinct subpopulation of of cell death in transformed cells remains largely ‘killer lysosomes’ remains unclear. unexplored. Tumor cell death is often caspase-indepen- It is unquestionable that lysosomal enzymes, in order dent (Foghsgaard et al., 2001; Leist and Jaattela, 2001a), to participate to the apoptotic process, need to be due to acquired defects in the classic caspase-dependent translocated to the cytosol (and, possibly, to the pathways of apoptosis during the malignant transforma- nucleus) where most of the cellular proteins degraded tion, and these alternative pathways may represent during apoptosis are found. Therefore, the first logical potential targets for cancer therapy (Jaattela, 2002). question regards the mechanism(s) leading to lysosomal For example, enhancing the lysosomal cell death path- permeabilization. How is it possible to achieve a partial, way may be a therapeutic strategy to overcome the selective permeabilization that allows the translocation blocks in caspase-dependent cell death. Indeed, the of only a moderate amount of lysosomal to the topoisomerase inhibitor camptothecin induces apoptosis cytosol without risking a complete breakdown of the in hepatocellular carcinoma cells via a cathepsin D/B- organelle and the induction of a necrotic process? And mediated pathway (Roberts et al., 1999). Moreover, what are the molecular pathways signaling lysosomal cathepsin B has been shown to play a dominant role in permeabilization after DNA damage or the engagement executing the apoptotic program in several tumor cell of death receptors, both models of apoptosis often lines (Foghsgaard et al., 2001). Therefore, it seems that associated with lysosomal dysfunction? Several studies cathepsin B may play two opposing roles in malignancy: have tried to answer these questions, generating as an executioner of apoptosis in cytotoxic signaling numerous intriguing hypotheses. One of the mechanisms cascades and as a mediator of tumor invasion. recently proposed suggests that intracellular sphingosine 2883 may be responsible for lysosomal dysfunction. Indeed, creating a feedback loop that can lead to more sphingosine generation is increased in certain models of lysosomal permeabilization (Zhao et al., 2003). Finally, apoptosis, such as after TNF-a treatment (Schutze et al., recent studies suggest that short-term exposure to low 1999), which has been associated with lysosomal concentrations of H2O2 may induce lysosomal rupture permeabilization (Guicciardi et al., 2000). Owing to its indirectly by activation of phospholipase A2 (PLA2), lysosomotropic properties, sphingosine accumulates which would cause a progressive destabilization of the within the lysosomes, where it can permeabilize the membranes of intracellular organelles, including lyso- membrane via a detergent mechanism, and facilitate the somes and mitochondria, by degradation of the relocation of lysosomal enzymes to the cytosol (Kagedal membrane phospholipids (Zhao et al., 2001a). Consis- et al., 2001b). When Jurkat cells and J774 cells were tently, activation of PLA2 has been reported during incubated with low concentrations of sphingosine, apoptosis triggered by TNF-a and oxidative stress partial lysosomal rupture was observed in a dose- (Jaattela et al., 1995; Suzuki et al., 1997). ROS- dependent manner, which preceded caspase activation stimulation of PLA2 may also depend on the oxidative and mitochondrial dysfunctions. In contrast, high stress-mediated activation of Ca2 þ signaling and/or concentrations of sphingosine caused extensive lysoso- protein phosphorylation. (Suzuki et al., 1997). Several mal rupture and necrosis, without involvement of oxidants have been shown to increase cytosolic Ca2 þ by caspases (Kagedal et al., 2001b). Consistently, sphingo- mobilizing it from the , the sine has been found to induce lysosomal dysfunction in extracellular space, or the mitochondria, in response to primary mouse hepatocytes as well as to permeabilize oxidative stress influence on Ca2 þ pumps, channels, and isolated hepatic lysosomes in vitro (Werneburg et al., transporters. Indeed, oxidant-induced lysosomal per- 2002). Moreover, reduction of sphingosine generation meabilization can be mediated by an increase in by overexpression of a dominant-negative factor asso- intracellular free Ca2 þ (Smolen et al., 1986). ciated with neutral sphingomyelinase (FAN), an adap- An intriguing explanation on how lysosomes are tor protein involved in TNF-R1-mediated activation of permeabilized would be the translocation of proapop- neutral sphingomyelinase, prevents lysosomal destabili- totic members of the Bcl-2 family to the lysosomal zation (Werneburg et al., unpublished). In the cell, membrane after apoptotic stimuli, where they would sphingosine is generated from the processing of cer- induce the formation of pores with a mechanism similar amide, which has also been proposed as a mediator of to what observed in the outer mitochondrial membrane. lysosomal permeabilization. Although exogenous C6 Although no direct evidence supporting this hypothesis ceramide does not permeabilize lysosomes in vitro are currently available, recent studies have shown that (Werneburg et al., 2002), ceramide generated by the the phosphorylated, active form of Bcl-2 blocks oxidant- endolysosomal acid sphingomyelinase has been shown induced apoptosis, at least in part, by stabilizing to bind to and activate the lysosomal aspartate protease lysosomes (Zhao et al., 2000, 2001b). The authors cathepsin D. The direct binding of ceramide to cathepsin conclude that Bcl-2 may prevent activation of PLA2, D results in the processing of the preprocathepsin D to but it is certainly tempting to speculate that Bcl-2 may the enzymatically active form of the protease, which, in also exert its protective effect by antagonizing proa- turn, is responsible for the proteolytic activation of poptotic Bcl-2-like proteins (i.e. Bax or Bid) that might other lysosomal proteins (Heinrich et al., 1999). translocate to the lysosomal membrane to induce Another possible mechanism of lysosomal permeabi- membrane permeabilization. lization involves the generation of reactive oxygen Besides extralysosomal signals, it is clear that many species (ROS). Lysosomal destabilization has been events occurring within the lysosome (i.e. iron-catalysed recognized as a feature of oxidative stress-induced cell oxidative reactions) are important to promote lysosomal damage (Zdolsek et al., 1993), and ROS can induce permeabilization. For example, in a model of TNF-a- lysosomal leakage, possibly as a consequence of induced hepatocyte apoptosis, the absence of the intralysosomal iron-catalysed oxidative processes (An- lysosomal cysteine protease, cathepsin B, confers tunes et al., 2001; Dare et al., 2001; Persson et al., 2003). increased resistance to lysosomal permeabilization, Many apoptotic stimuli that induce lysosomal permea- suggesting that lysosomal enzymes are not only pas- bilization, such as TNF-a (Manna et al., 1998) and sively released but can also participate to the process of lipopolysaccharide (Wang et al., 1997), as well as light- membrane destabilization from within the lysosome activated photosensitizing lysosomotropic agents (Ferri (Werneburg et al., 2002). These findings are supported and Kroemer, 2001b), also induce generation of by the evidence that the antichymotripsin-like serpin, intracellular H2O2 during apoptosis. Moreover, ROS serine protease inhibitor 2A (Spi2A), which effectively contribute to neuronal apoptosis during aging, which inhibits cathepsin B, also partially reduces lysosomal seems to be associated with lysosomal dysfunction breakdown (Liu et al., 2003). This latter study also (Bahr and Bendiske, 2002; Raha and Robinson, 2000). demonstrates that NF-kB inhibits the lysosomal path- Experimental evidence suggests that ROS-induced way of cell death by inducing Spi2A. Finally, an increase lysosomal permeabilization usually precedes mitochon- in lysosomal size often observed during the early stages drial dysfunction (Roberg and Ollinger, 1998; Roberg of apoptosis (i.e. after TNF-a-treatment), may deter- et al., 1999; Guicciardi et al., 2000); however, lysosomal mine their susceptibility to rupture; indeed, larger enzymes have been found to act on mitochondria lysosomes may breakdown more efficiently with stress and promote mitochondrial ROS generation, therefore, (Ono et al., 2003). These observations suggest that the 2884 et al., 2002). The processing of the proenzymes into the catalytically active form usually occurs within the lysosome (Ishidoh and Kominami, 2002); therefore, the enzymes escaping from the lysosome are in their active, monomeric form and generally do not require any other conformational change. Besides their role in intralysosomal protein degradation, cathepsins also have other physiologic functions in the cells (Chapman et al., 1997). Cathepsin B has been involved in processing and release of other proteins (Turk et al., 2000; Foghsgaard et al., 2002), as well as in the response to exogenous antigens (Katunuma et al., 2003). Both and S play an important role in antigen processing and presentation (Chapman et al., 1997), and cathepsin L is also involved in keratinocyte and melanocyte differentiation during hair follicle morpho- genesis (Reinheckel et al., 2001; Tobin et al., 2002). contributes to bone remodeling (Chapman et al., 1997) and cathepsin D is known to participate in protein targeting (Cantor and Kornfeld, 1992). Despite their high concentrations and their fundamental role in protein turnover, none of these proteases seem to be Figure 1 Mechanisms of lysosomal permeabilization. Schematic representation of the current concepts of lysosomal permeabiliza- essential for an effective intralysosomal protein degra- tion. Lysosomes undergo membrane permeabilization in response dation, as demonstrated by the absence of a substantial to different stimuli including lysosomotropic agents photodamage phenotype at this regard in single knockout mice lacking ROS and lipid-mediators such as sphingosine. Intralysosomal either cathepsin B, or L, or D (Saftig et al., 1995; generation of ceramide from activated acid sphingomyelinase has also been associated with activation of cathepsin D and lysosomal Reinheckel et al., 2001). permeabilization. The accumulation of these agents within the Following lysosomal permeabilization, several pro- lysosome, and/or intralysosomal proteolytic reactions mediated by teases are released into the cytosol, some of which have enzymes such as cathepsin B and L, result in membrane damage been implicated in apoptotic processes (Roberts et al., and release of lysosomal proteases into the cytosol. Massive 1999; Turk et al., 2000, 2002). One of the most con- lysosomal breakdown results in cellular necrosis, whereas a partial and selective lysosomal permeabilization is associated with induc- troversial issues regarding the role of lysosomal pro- tion of apoptosis. See text for details teases outside the lysosomes is their actual ability to function at neutral pH. A series of elegant studies showed that, although lysosomal enzymes have an activity optimum at acidic pH, lysosomal cysteine proteases role of oncotic processes also warrants study as a are stable and active at neutral pH for a time that mechanism of lysosomal destabilization. ranges from a few minutes to an hour or more, In conclusion, it appears that multiple mechanisms confirming their destructive potential in cellular com- can contribute to lysosomal permeabilization, likely in a partments other than the lysosomes (Turk et al., 1993, stimulus- and cell type-dependent fashion (Figure 1). 1995, 2000). Cathepsin B, which is one of the most stable However, some common findings can be recognized in proteases at physiologic pH, is essential in different each instance, such as that the release of lysosomal models of apoptosis, including bile acid-induced hepa- enzymes does not appear to be mediated by specific tocyte apoptosis (Roberts et al., 1997; Jones et al., 1998; transporters, and it is not selective for specific proteases. Faubion et al., 1999; Canbay et al., 2003), TNF-a- Therefore, it is conceivable that all lysosomal proteases, induced apoptosis of primary hepatocytes and tumor especially small-size cathepsins, if not membrane-bound, cells (Guicciardi et al., 2000, 2001; Foghsgaard et al., will be released into the cytosol after lysosomal 2001), neuronal apoptosis in Unverricht-Lundborg permeabilization, the amount of which will be propor- progressive myoclonus (EPM1) (Houseweart tional to the extent of the membrane damage. et al., 2003a) and after brain ischemia (Yamashima et al., 1998; Tsuchiya et al., 1999), and PC12 cell apoptosis after serum deprivation (Shibata et al., 1998). Cathepsin Lysosomal proteases implicated in the apoptotic pathway D has been implicated in apoptosis induced by staurosporine (Bidere et al., 2003; Johansson et al., The lysosomal cysteine proteases, also called cathepsins, 2003), interferon-g, Fas/CD95/APO-1 and TNF-a represent the largest group of proteolytic enzymes in the (Deiss et al., 1996; Demoz et al., 2002), oxidative stress lysosomes. Among the 11 human cathepsins known (Roberg and Ollinger, 1998; Roberg et al., 1999; (cathepsin B, H, L, S, F, K, C, W, X, V, and O), Ollinger, 2000; Kagedal et al., 2001a), sphingosine cathepsin B and L are ubiquitously expressed and are (Kagedal et al., 2001b), and p53 (Wu et al., 1998). the most abundant in the lysosomes, together with Finally, cathepsin L, the least stable of the lysosomal cathepsin D, the only lysosomal aspartic protease (Turk cysteine proteases at neutral pH, is an important 2885 regulator of ultraviolet-induced apoptosis of keratino- procaspase-2 in vitro is less effective than the one by cytes (Tobin et al., 2002; Welss et al., 2003), and active caspase-2 during the auto-activation process, yet etoposide-induced apoptosis of P39 cells (Hishita et al., the generated fragment shows significant mitochondrial 2001). Much less is known about the role of other cytochrome c-releasing activity, suggesting that this cathepsins in apoptosis. pathway may have biological importance (Guicciardi et al., unpublished). Thus, direct activation of caspases by cathepsins cannot be ruled out, at least in some models. However, a growing body of evidence suggests Mechanisms of lysosome-mediated apoptosis that lysosomal proteases rather promote apoptosis by acting on mitochondria to induce mitochondrial dys- At this time, an impressive body of evidence supports a function, associated with release of proapoptogenic key role of lysosomes in apoptosis, but the mechanisms factors (Guicciardi et al., 2000; Bidere et al., 2003; Boya by which this occurs, and the possible, functional et al., 2003a, b; Cirman et al., 2004; Zhao et al., 2003). relationships and/or cross-talks with other known ROS generated following the mitochondrial damage, apoptotic pathways remain largely unclear. In many and possibly other factors of mitochondrial origin, instances, lysosomal permeabilization appears to be an could also feedback to the lysosome, resulting in early event in the apoptotic cascade, preceding other further lysosomal breakdown and exacerbation of the hallmarks of apoptosis like destabilization of mitochon- apoptotic cascade (Zhao et al., 2003). The release of dria and caspase activation (Roberg et al., 1999; lysosomal proteases may cause mitochondrial dysfunc- Guicciardi et al., 2000; Li et al., 2000; Bidere et al., tion directly (Zhao et al., 2003) or indirectly (Bidere 2003; Boya et al., 2003a, b; Liu et al., 2003). Thus, et al., 2003; Boya et al., 2003a, b; Cirman et al., 2004; proteases released from the lysosomal compartment Guicciardi et al., 2000; Stoka et al., 2001). Addition of seem to be able to trigger initiating events of apoptosis. purified cathepsin B or D to mitochondria in vitro It is not clear what determines the relative contribution results in substantial ROS generation (Zhao et al., of lysosomal enzymes vs caspases in initiation and 2003), although cathepsin B per se induces only minimal execution of apoptosis. Some models of apoptosis release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria (Guic- appear to be dependent exclusively on cathepsins ciardi et al., 2000). In contrast, when isolated mitochon- (Foghsgaard et al., 2001; Leist and Jaattela, 2001a; dria are incubated with purified cathepsin B in the Boya et al., 2003a), whereas others rely on both caspases presence of cytolic extracts, a substantial release of and cathepsins for their initiation and execution cytochrome c is detected, suggesting that one or more (Faubion et al., 1999; Guicciardi et al., 2000). The latter cytosolic factor(s) activated by cathepsin B mediate might be the case also for a number of models believed mitochondrial dysfunction (Guicciardi et al., 2000). A to be solely caspase-dependent. Indeed, misleading data very plausible candidate would be a cytosolic member of have been generated from studies utilizing pharmacolo- the Bcl-2 family, which is known to control the gical inhibitors of caspases, which, at the concentrations mitochondrial checkpoint of apoptosis in different generally used, are now known to inhibit also other models. Bid is cleaved and translocated to the mito- proteases, including cathepsins (Faubion et al., 1999; chondria following lysosomal disruption by lysosomo- Foghsgaard et al., 2001). tropic agents (Cirman et al., 2004). Moreover, lysosomal But how do lysosomal proteases promote apoptosis extracts have been shown to cleave Bid in vitro to after being released in the cytosol? A possible mechan- generate a fragment with cytochrome c-releasing activity ism would be via direct cleavage and activation of (Stoka et al., 2001). The cleavage site of lysosomal caspases. Indeed, cathepsin B has been shown to process enzymes within Bid has been mapped at Arg65,a procaspase-1 and -11 in vitro (Schotte et al., 1998; different site compared to the one cleaved by caspase-8 Vancompernolle et al., 1998). However, both caspase-1 (Asp59) or granzyme B (Asp75), but located in the same and -11 are mainly involved in inflammatory responses flexible loop (Stoka et al., 2001). Further studies and have a very limited, if any, role in the apoptotic confirmed that several purified cathepsins, such as B, process. On the other hand, main effector caspases, such K, L, H, and S, but not cathepsin D, C, and X, cleave as procaspase-3, -6, -7, as well as caspase-2, -9, -12, and - Bid at Arg65, with the exception of , which 14, have been proven to be poor substrates for various has a unique cleavage site at Arg71 (Cirman et al., 2004). cathepsins in vitro, including cathepsin B, H, K, L, S, However, proteolytic cleavage at Arg71 is not observed and, X (Vancompernolle et al., 1998; Stoka et al., 2001). with lysosomal extracts, thus a role of cathepsin H in Nonetheless, a human cathepsin L-like protease (Ishi- Bid cleavage in vivo seems unlikely (Stoka et al., 2001; saka et al., 1999, 2001) and the trypanosomal cysteine Cirman et al., 2004). Considering the higher concentra- cathepsin, (Stoka et al., 2001), structurally tion of cathepsin B and L compared to other lysosomal related to cathepsin L, have been shown to cleave cysteine proteases, and the fact that cathepsin B is more procaspase-3/-7 in cell-free systems and cell culture. stable than cathepsin L at physiologic pH, and is less Cathepsin L has also been proposed to trigger activation effectively inhibited by B, the major endogenous of procaspase-3 indirectly, via activation of another inhibitor of cysteine cathepsins (Turk et al., 1997), lysosomal, membrane-bound protease, which has cathepsin B seems to play a key role in lysosome- not been identified in the study (Katunuma et al., mediated Bid cleavage. Nevertheless, data are still 2001). Moreover, although cathepsin B cleavage of controversial at this regard, as Bid is cleaved to the 2886 same extent in wild-type and cathepsin B-deficient hepatocytes in vitro and in vivo after TNF- a-treatment, suggesting that Bid is cleaved either by multiple lysosomal enzymes or by non-lysosomal enzymes (i.e. caspase-8) in this apoptotic pathway (Guicciardi et al., unpublished). The data are consistent with a report showing that pharmacological inhibition of cathepsin B, L, and D activities does not suppress Bid cleavage, or procaspase-9 and -3 activation following lysosomal photodamage in murine hepatoma 1c1c7 cells, suggesting that other lysosomal proteases might be responsible for Bid cleavage (Reiners et al., 2002). Moreover, a study employing a model of /Bid double knockout mice showed that the absence of Bid did not rescue the neurological phenotype caused by constitutional activation of cathepsins (due to the lack of the endogenous inhibitor cystatin B), suggesting that Bid is not required for cathepsin-mediated apoptosis in this in vivo model of cell death (Houseweart et al., 2003b). Finally, Bid does not contribute to apoptosis induced by the lysosomotropic photosensitizers cipro- floxacin or norfloxacin, as Bid-deficient mouse embryo- nic fibroblasts are not protected against mitochondrial membrane permeabilization (Boya et al., 2003a). Recent studies demonstrated that lysosomal enzymes can also cleave and activate another cytosolic member of the Bcl- 2 family involved in mitochondrial destabilization, Bax. A study in human lymphocytes showed that lysosomal proteases translocate into the cytosol during the early phase of staurosporine-induced apoptosis preceding mitochondrial permeabilization. Using specific pharma- Figure 2 Lysosome-mediated apoptotic signaling pathways. cological inhibitors and the siRNA technique, the Schematic representation of proposed apoptotic signaling path- authors demonstrated that cytosolic cathepsin D, but ways activated by lysosomal proteases. Lysosomal extracts, as well not cathepsin B or L, triggers Bax activation and as selected purified cathepsins, have been shown to cleave and relocation to the mitochondria, resulting in release of activate the proapoptotic Bcl-2-like protein, Bid. Cathepsin D can trigger Bax activation and translocation to the mitochondria, the proapoptogenic factor apoptosis-inducing factor where it induces the opening of pores on the outer mitochondrial (AIF), and the apoptotic phenotype (Bidere et al., membrane. Direct induction of mitochondrial damage as well as 2003). The requirement of Bax and/or Bak in lysosome- direct activation of procaspases by lysosomal enzymes have also mediated apoptosis has been further confirmed by been described, but the results are controversial and need further demonstrating that mouse embryonic fibroblasts elucidation. Generation of ROS following mitochondrial dysfunc- tion can feedback to the lysosome (directly or indirectly via from Bax/Bak double knockout are resistant against activation of PLA2) to maximize lysosomal permeabilization and, mitochondrial membrane permeabilization induced by in turn, mitochondrial damage. See text for details the lysosomotropic agents ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, and hydroxychloroquine (Boya et al., 2003a, b). However, the absence of Bax and Bak in the double knockout cells does not impair lysosomal permeabiliza- Role of the lysosomal pathway of apoptosis in animal tion, suggesting that lysosomal enzymes are not able to development and pathogenesis of diseases: lessons from directly induce mitochondria dysfunction, but require knockout mice the activation of a Bax/Bak-dependent pathway (Boya et al., 2003b). The role of lysosomes in apoptosis merits attention for In conclusion, it appears that, consistently with their the possible implications in senescence and storage relatively low substrate specificity, lysosomal proteases diseases (Cuervo and Dice, 2000; Bahr and Bendiske, trigger apoptosis not via a single specific pathway, 2002). As previously mentioned in this review, lysosomal but rather multiple molecular pathways, which often cathepsins seem not to be essential during embryonic integrate with the ones controlled by traditional development. Generally knockout mice for single mediators of apoptosis, like caspases and Bcl-2 family cathepsins develop normally and do not have any proteins (Figure 2). As the key role of lysosomes manifest phenotype at the time of birth that distinguish in apoptosis is becoming increasingly evident, many them from their wild-type littermates. The explanation other molecular pathways mediated by lysosomal for the lack of an abnormal phenotype is likely in the enzymes are likely to be described in the years to redundancy of the cathepsin pathways in the lysosomes come. and in their functional overlap, which ensure that the 2887 proper intralysosomal protein degradation and protein Similar to other cathepsins, cathepsin B is not turnover during embryonic development occur even in essential for embryonic development, as cathepsin B the absence of one protease. However, these mice can knockout mice do not manifest any morphological, develop abnormalities later in life, suggesting that functional, or behavioral alteration (Reinheckel et al., cathepsins play an important role in postnatal tissue 2001). However, cathepsin B is perhaps the only homeostasis and pathophysiology. The most striking lysosomal protease whose role in apoptosis has been example comes from the cathepsin D knockout mice. associated to pathological processes. Inhibition of These mice manifest a normal phenotype at birth, but cathepsin B significantly reduces hepatocyte apoptosis die at postnatal day 2671 in a state of anorexia because and liver injury in cholestasis (Canbay et al., 2003), of massive intestinal necrosis, thromboembolia, and TNF-a-mediated acute liver failure (Guicciardi et al., lymphopenia (Saftig et al., 1995). They also manifest 2001), and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (Feldstein et al., seizures and become blind near the terminal stage, with unpublished), strongly suggesting that cathepsin B- the histopathological appearance of storage of autop- mediated apoptosis is a key player in the induction hagosome/autolysosome-like bodies containing ceroid and progression of liver damage of different etiologies. lipofuscin in the CNS neurons (Koike et al., 2000). Moreover, transformed fibroblasts derived from cathe- However, whether the impairment of cathepsin D- psin B deficient mice are resistant to TNF-a-triggered mediated apoptotic pathways contributes somehow to apoptosis, while cathepsin B plays a relatively minor the development of both the gastrointestinal and the role in primary fibroblasts (Fehrenbacher et al., unpub- neuronal pathologic phenotypes is not known, although lished). This underlines the more dominant role of the it seems rather unlikely. Indeed, cathepsin D has been lysosomal pathway in the pathological tumor situation. found to play an important role in various pathological Cathepsin B has been implicated in other pathophysio- conditions, the majority of which affects the CNS, where logical conditions (Chapman et al., 1997; Koblinski its contribution seems to be limited to alterations of et al., 2000), including the onset of acute pancreatitis normal proteolytic processes rather than induction of due to cathepsin B-mediated premature intracellular cell death (Banay-Schwartz et al., 1987; Matus and trypsinogen activation and acinar cell necrosis (Halangk Green, 1987; Nakanishi et al., 1997). Nonetheless, et al., 2000). The contribution of cathepsin B-mediated studies employing cathepsin D-deficient cells, as well apoptosis in these diseases, however, remains to be as specific pharmacological inhibitors, have demon- elucidated. strated that cathepsin D is a central mediator of Whereas cathepsin L and cathepsin B single knockout apoptosis induced by several stimuli, such as stauros- mice manifest a rather mild phenotype, the simultaneous porine, death receptor-activation, growth factor-depri- deficiency of these two functionally related proteases vation, and oxidative stress (Roberg and Ollinger, 1998; results in profound abnormalities. Combined deficiency Brunk and Svensson, 1999; Kagedal et al., 2001a; of cathepsins B and L in mice is lethal during the Johansson et al., 2003). second to fourth week of life, due to massive apoptosis The cathepsin L knockout mice do not show any of select neurons in the cerebral cortex, the cerebellar difference from their wild-type littemates, except for a Purkinje and granule cell layers, resulting in severe brain slightly higher mortality rate upon weaning. However, atrophy (Felbor et al., 2002). Neurodegeneration is they start to lose their fur at postnatal day 21, they re- accompanied by accumulation of unique lysosomal grow it thereafter, and continue to undergo periodic bodies in large cortical neurons and by axonal enlarge- cycles of hair loss and re-growth throughout their life ments, suggestive of impaired proteolysis (Felbor et al., (Reinheckel et al., 2001). This phenomenon has been 2002). It is not clear whether the increased neuronal related to an impaired cathepsin L function in the skin, apoptosis is directly caused by the absence of the which results in alteration of hair follicle physiology, as two proteases, but, considering their proapoptotic well as in marked thickening of the interfollicular role in other models, it appears that apoptosis might epidermis. The latter, however, appears to be due to be a consequence of the intracellular proteolytic the hyperproliferation of the cells in the basal layer of imbalance rather than a primary event. Regardless of the epidermis, rather than to a reduced rate of cell death, the mechanisms involved, these data demonstrate the suggesting that the role of cathepsin L in apoptosis is crucial role of cathepsins L and/or B in maintenance of not relevant in this model (Roth et al., 2000). Moreover, the CNS. cathepsin L knockout mice show a marked depletion of CD4 þ T lymphocytes likely due to an impaired positive selection of T cells in the thymus (Nakagawa et al., 1998), but once again the possible relationship between Conclusions this phenotype and an impairment in cathepsin L-mediated apoptosis has not been verified. Indeed, Apoptosis is a crucial process in embryonic develop- although cathepsin L has been implicated in some ment, as well as in adult tissue homestasis, and experimental models of apoptosis (Hishita et al., uncontrolled increase or suppression of apoptosis al- 2001; Tobin et al., 2002; Welss et al., 2003), the ways leads to disease pathogenesis. During apoptosis, importance of this phenomenon in the pathogenesis of activation of specific proteases results in degradation of human and animal diseases in vivo has never been cellular components and, ultimately, in the appearance established. of the characteristic morphological and biochemical 2888 in order to define their biochemistry and biological effects. While caspases certainly continue to play a central role in apoptosis, there is now a large body of evidence suggesting that other proteases, such as lysosomal proteases, , and granzyme B, may be involved in the initiation and/or execution of the apoptotic program. Lysosomal permeabilization and release of proteolytic enzymes into the cytosol and nucleus have been described in several models of apoptosis, and many data support the hypothesis that this is generally a primary, early event, and not part of the late degenerative stage of cell death. These findings also suggest that proteases released from the lysosome are capable of triggering mitochondrial dysfunction with subsequent caspase activation and cellular demise. Interestingly, this pathway is inhibited by the transcrip- tion factor NF-kB, which strongly induces the cathepsin B inhibitor Spi2A (Liu et al., 2003). The inhibition of this pathway by NF-kB implies that this is a key pathway for death receptor-mediated apoptosis (Figure 3). The identification of the cellular substrates specifically cleaved by lysosomal proteases during apoptosis, as well as the mechanisms and signaling pathways that mediate lysosomal permeabilization, will represent an enormous advancement in the study of the apoptotic pathways and will have great potential for therapeutic application in diseases linked to lysosomal dysfunction. Figure 3 Inhibition of the TNF-a-induced lysosomal pathway of apoptosis by NF-kB. Engagement of TNF-R1 by TNF-a simultaneously activates:(i) a death pathway mediated by lysosomal permeabilization, release of cathepsin B into the cytosol, Abbreviations and mitochondrial dysfunction, and (ii) a survival pathway, CNS, central nervous system; EPM1, progressive myoclonus mediated by the activation of the transcription factor NF-kB. epilepsy; FAN, factor associated with neutral sphingomyeli- NF-kB translocates to the nucleus, where it promotes the transcription of several antiapoptotic , including the serine nase; PLA2, phospholipase A2; ROS, reactive oxygen species; protease inhibitor Spi2A, which potently inhibits cathepsin B TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor-alpha; TNF-R1, tumor necrosis activity, preventing mitochondrial dysfunction factor-receptor 1; TRAIL, tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL).

features of the apoptotic cell. For many years it was believed that caspases were the only enzymes responsible Acknowledgements for the proteolytic cascade in apoptosis, and an This work was supported by NIH Grant (DK63947 to G.J.G.), impressive amount of time and resources were employed the Palumbo Foundation, and the Mayo Foundation.


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