“It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is.” ~ Hermann Hesse.

State of the Valley page 3 page 7 Necrology Venerable Master page 4 page 8 Commander of Kadosh Master Craftsman Program page 4 page 8 Weekend Class April 24-25th National Bank CEO Speaker page 5 page 9 Master Of Kadosh Consistory CEO Boy Scouts Speaker page 5 page 10 Celebrating the Craft

Wise Master of Rose Croix page 6 page 11 Duluth Valley Petition

Volume 15 No 01 Spring 2015 DULUTH VALLEY SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN Send Address Changes to 4 W. 2nd St., Duluth, MN 55802 Online: Editor: [email protected] A quarterly publication by the Scottish Rite Bodies, Valley of Duluth, Orient of Minnesota, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States. ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉

The views expressed in the Scottish Rite Bulletin are not necessarily those of the Scottish Rite Bodies. Submission of articles are welcome and due by the 4th Monday of the month preceding Sovereign Grand Sovereign Grand Assistant Personal Personal Representative the publication. Commander Inspector General, Representative Duluth Valley, Articles may be Southern Jurisdiction, Orient of Minnesota Orient of Minnesota Raymond G. Christensen, submitted by email in Ill. Ronald A. Seale Jerry B. Oliver, Terrence J. Becker, 33° I.∙.G.∙.H.∙. MS Word or 33° 33° 33° I.∙.G.∙.H.∙. compatible format to [email protected].

The Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, sitting in the Valley of Duluth, Orient of Minnesota, acknowledge and yield allegiance to the Assistant Personal Rep. Almoner, Secretary, Treasurer, Supreme Council (The Valley of Duluth Valley of Duluth Valley of Duluth Valley of Duluth Mother Council of the Franklin Skaff, Paul Gunderson, Dennis Shultz, Kurt E. Erickson, World) of the Inspector 32° K.∙.C.∙.C.∙.H.∙. 33° I.∙.G.∙.H.∙. 32° K.∙.C.∙.C.∙.H.∙. 32° K.∙.C.∙.C.∙.H.∙. General Knights of Commander of the of Solomon of the Thirty Third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of Venerable Master Wise Master Commander of Kadosh Master of Kadosh America, whose See is Lodge of Perfection Chapter of Rose Croix Council of Kadosh Consistory at the Grand Orient of Kenneth Smith Jr. David J. Vosen Darrell O. Kyle John M. Glendenning Jr. Charleston, in the state 32°. 32° K.∙.C.∙.C.∙.H.∙. 32° 32° of South Carolina. DULUTH MASONIC CENTER OFFICE 4 WEST SECOND STREET, DULUTH, MN 55802 218-722-2420 |[email protected] | Office Hours: Tues — Thurs, 10 A.M.-2 P.M.

Trustees: Brian E. McVean, 32° Eric J. Neetenbeek, 33° Mark Signorelli, 32°

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Members of the Duluth Valley. I focus on Two Vital and Core Missions of the Valley, and a Third of the heart: 1. Confer, live, teach, study, & nurture the philosophical components of Scottish Rite Freemasonry 2. Support the work of the Duluth Scottish Rite Speech and Language Clinic 3. After the above, maintain the Lake Avenue Masonic Center Illustrious Brother Terry Becker is in a fight for his life. His spirit and pluck as he faces the great unknown are open lessons to us all. For Terry and all brothers in distress, the Valley stands in personal and spiritual support.

2014 has been a year of change for our Valley: 1. Our longstanding Secretary Brother George Palo retired early this year. Brothers Rich Harri, Kevin Acker and Robert Sharkey were godsends as we worked through finances and office responsibilities while without a Secretary. 2. Kevin Acker has also taken the lead on seeking out a non-profit 501c3 status for the library and/or building. That journey is not complete but looks very promising. Thank you Eric Neetenbeek and others for your assistance. 3. We are most fortunate that after careful deliberation Brother Dennis Schultz has accepted the position of Executive Secretary of the Duluth Valley of the Scottish Rite. He has been deliberative and caring in his work, as well as very wise in his advice. Kari rounds out the office and also proved invaluable during our transition. 4. Treasurer Peter Downs has served our Valley for several years and has decided to step down and I/we owe Brother Downs a huge thank you for his labors. 5. As I type this, I just received letters of appointment, and am thrilled that SGIG Oliver has agreed with our recommendation and appointed Kurt Erickson as our new Duluth Valley Treasurer. 6. The Foundation has continued to move forward on a new building to house our very successful Scottish Rite Speech and Language Clinic. The Fuhr Building has been removed and an empty hole awaits new construction. Kevin Acker was appointed to the Foundation Board this year. 7. Brian McVean has been elected to the Valley Trustees and also serves on the Foundation Board. 8. The building needs of the Foundation and the Lake Avenue Masonic Center weigh heavily on my mind. I commend Brother Peter Beckwith and his committee as they work to maintain and cash flow for the Lake Avenue Masonic Center. 9. To Ken Smith, David Vosen, Darrell Kyle, and Jock Glendenning a very deep and heart felt thank you for the leadership you have provided this past year. You have tackled very difficult issues; there has been contentious debate and excellent decisions. You are providing good governance for the Valley and preserving and improving our work. 10. Frank Skaff remains a stalwart friend and brother with good advice. With our loss of Ill. Brother Charlie Bell, Frank has stepped forward to work on the pledges many of us made for our roof and have not paid. Frank will be in touch. 11. Nice to see the Glengarry headgear in our Valley. Thank you to all who organized and operationalized the Knights of St Andrew, and for your work.

Finally, melancholy and empathy touches me as I reflect back over the year thinking of Brother Terry and so many more who have been ill and/or departed this past year. I have recognized a few of the many Brothers who make our organization strong and durable. You work in degrees and on stage, serve on lines, work on committees, and share talents on the Foundation Board and other committees. It is each and all combined that make our success – “together we are stronger”.

As Terry battles for his health so it is with us. I hope that my efforts approach the level needed for our continued success.


Feb 05 History of the Star-Spangled Banner, Roger Morris 33° 6 PM B&B Market : Roast Beef, Au Gratin Potatoes, Green Bean Almondine

Feb 12 14th Degree Team Practice 6 PM Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes w/gravy, Vegetables, Tossed Salad

Feb 19 Master Craftsman Book Club Discussion 6 PM Chicken Alfredo Pasta, Vegetable, Mediterranean Salad

Feb 26 18th Degree Team Practice 6 PM Spaghetti, Vegetables, Tossed Salad, Garlic Bread

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Greetings Brothers, I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season. As we enter a new Scottish Rite season I want to especially thank the Heads of Bodies and the Building Committee for their time, effort and dedication to our cause. Our Valley is facing a number of challenges, i.e finances, building, membership and progress has been made, but there is still much to do. There are a number of other people, some visible some not, that devote many hours to our Valley; you are an inspiration. During challenging times, let us consider: “The past is for inspiration, not imitation, for continuation, not repetition” (Israel Zangwell).

With our Traditional Class now starting in the fall, the Valley will be conducting a Fast Class on April 24th & 25th. On Friday, we will portray the 4th & 14th degrees and the 18th, 30th and 32nd degrees on Saturday. This is a good opportunity for those that have commitments this fall to experience Scottish Rite. I hope this finds you well.


01 Feb 1941, the first Masonic Service Center opened at Columbia, SC. by the Masonic Services Association. 06 Feb 1931, Pascual Ortiz Rubio President of Mexico (1930-32) received the 32° AASR at Chapultepec Castle and was invested with membership in the Anezeh Shrine and . 08 Feb 1924, Harris Perlstein, President of Pabst Brewing Co., Chicago, (1932-56) received his degrees in Kismet Lodge No. 1107. He was a 32° AASR (NJ) and a member of Mohammed Shrine Temple, Peoria, IL. 12 Feb 1746 Thaddeus Kosciusko (1746-1817) Polish patriot and General of American Revolution was born in Minsk, Lithuania. He led the Polish rebellion of 1794, and became dictator of Poland. 13 Feb 1923, Grand Fascist Council issued first resolution against Freemasonry. 18 Feb 1909, William Howard Taft, President of the United States from 1909-13, was made a Mason "at sight" within the body of Kilwinning Lodge No. 365, Cincinnati, Ohio. where his father served as Master. 21 Feb 1802, Israel de Lieben, a prosperous merchant known as "the liberal-handed Jew" and a founder of the Mother Supreme Council AASR (SJ) was named grand treasurer of the empire on this date. 24 Feb 1853, the of Minnesota was formed 27 Feb 1854, King Kamehameha V, King of Hawaii (1863-72) was raised as the first Hawaiian to be made a Freemason at the Hawaiian Lodge No. 21. 28 Feb 1929, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. President of the United States from 1933-45, received the 32° AASR (NJ) at Albany, N.Y. Brother Roosevelt was the only U.S. President ever to serve more than two terms. MASTER CRAFTSMAN BOOK CLUB

We have officially started a small group that will be reading and discussing the Master Craftsman each Thursday with the hope of completing the program by the end this Spring. We will meet semi- regularly each week to share our thoughts and reflections on the quiz questions and our essays. We would be glad to have more join for any or all of the program as your schedule allows from week to week as we will be using a password protected web portal on our website to help keep Brothers in sync with lessons and to help continue the conversation. Please contact Wise Master David Vosen at [email protected] if you want to have online access to the Master Craftsman web portal.

The cost of the program is $35 and includes six lessons and materials, the Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor and Guide (de Hoyos), and a personalized certificate and lapel pin upon completion of the program. You can order online here to join our group:

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Mar 05 National Bank CEO, Steve Burgess **Guest Night 6 PM Baked Chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans

Mar 12 CEO of the Boy Scouts, David Nolle **Guest Night 6 PM Swiss Steak, garlic mashed potatoes, coleslaw

Mar 19 Extinguishing of the Lights | Mystic Feast 6 PM Roast Beef, mash potatoes gravy, harvest beets

Mar 20 Vernal Equinox, First Day of Spring

Mar 26-28 MN Grand Lodge, Duluth, MN No Meeting


On March 5th, we will hear from the National Bank of Commerce CEO, Steve Burgess. He will speaking on the Regional Economic Indicators Forum and has over thirty years of banking experience, joining NBC almost three years ago (June 2012 started at NBC), from State Bank Financial in La Crosse, Wisconsin, where he was President and CEO for eleven years.

Steve, and National Bank of Commerce, are the drivers behind the Regional Economic Indicators Forum, or REIF for short. Through their underwriting, detailed analyses of key regional indicators are being researched by the three large local universities. This analysis will help businesses and government leaders spur economic growth, prosperity, and regional collaboration.

CEO OF THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA VOYAGEURS AREA COUNCIL |March 12th On March 12th, join David Nolle will be speaking about his experience with the Boy Scouts of America and their recent increase in membership across the country. He was born and raised in rural eastern . As an Eagle Scout, he served for twelve years on camp staff, is a vigil honor member in the Order of the Arrow and served as Lodge Chief. Following college, David continued to focus on Scouting as a professional scouter, living first in Jefferson City and then Columbia, Missouri. Eventually, after many years as a bachelor district executive, camp director, Wood Badger, computer geek, Rotarian, world traveler, hobby classic truck collector, program director and finance director, he met his best friend Angie who would later become his wife and the mother of his children, Sophie, Luke, and Oliver. (from MN Grand Lodge| March 26th – 28th, Duluth, Minnesota The 162nd Annual Communication to be held in Duluth for the first time since 2008. Open to ALL Masons, as is the annual Grand Lodge banquet on Friday, March 27th, the 2015 session promises to be a very worthwhile event. All Lodge officers and members are urged to bring their wives, who are invited to attend the banquet, the breakout sessions and to take part in other ladies’ activities.

Grand Master James A. Christensen urges all Minnesota Lodges to send their full quota of delegates to the 2015 meeting. While the Masters and Wardens are the voting delegates, any Master Mason in good standing is welcome to attend any and all events. Anyone wishing to attend meal events should contact the Grand Lodge office to receive the event registration form, phone 952-948-6700 or 800-245-6050 or by e-mail [email protected]. from The Minnesota Mason Vol. 62, No. 5.

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The Beehive is one of the more long-standing hieroglyphic emblems of Freemasonry, and has a fascinating history and role in our natural as well as in our Masonic world. In the ancient necropolis of Egypt, the Sun Temple of Ny-woser-Re at Abusir depicts a scene of beekeeping as early as the 26th century B.C. The Oracle of Delphi, in Greece not only used the symbolism of the beehive but also cultivated its “maddening honey,” derived from psychotropic plants, to enhance their mystical understanding.

Masons have also pursued bees as “an emblem of industry” as heard in our Third degree lecture, and greatly implied in the Second degree: “A survey of nature and the observation of her beautiful proportions first determined man to imitate the Divine plan and study symmetry and order. This gave rise to societies and birth to every useful art.” In addition, A.E. Roberts in The Craft and Its Symbols, reveals that Masonic Lodges were once called a “Hive of Free-Masons.” Bees work hard and tirelessly, not just for themselves, but also for their swarm. Their knowledge of construction, their cooperation within the framework of social law, and their protection of the hive may buzz familiarly to a Brother’s ears.

Scientists often refer to bees as a ‘keystone’ species. They ensure the continued reproduction and survival of the plants and other organisms that live off of them. In like manner, Freemasonry has served to benefit the whole of civilization. Ancient and Modern Freemasons have pollinated the world with their industry by building pyramids, temples, and cathedrals. We have influenced the formation of the international banking system, the development of unions, the Royal Society and the birth of modern science, and the birth democracies.

Furthermore, we Masons have stored up, like honey, the knowledge of how to order, structure, and build civilizations. Our numbers are akin to the health of freedom and democracy. Yet, as in the ancient library of Alexandra, we must be cautious of the potential loss of our allegorical system of moral knowledge. Alarmingly, both the bees and the freemason numbers are declining at accelerating rate; U.S. Beekeepers are reporting 80 to 90 percent losses in recent years! Given modern society’s dangerous dependency on a single bee species, Apis mellifera, out of thousands, Masons must be mindful of continuing the work and traditions of the Craft.

On March 19th, our Valley will be extinguishing our lights for the year. In deference to the Maundy Thursday rites of churches, the Supreme Council deemed in 1994 that the traditional Maundy Thursday observance of the “Celebration of Remembrance and Renewal” be held near the vernal equinox, March 20. Please consider coming earlier this evening to lay a rose for our fallen Brothers of this past year (Necrology on the next page) and to join in the our annual Mystic Feast.

As the future health of our Valley depends directly on the strength and establishment of our Blue Lodge Masonry, I want to encourage all Brethren join Grand Master James A. Christensen at our 162nd Annual Communication of Minnesota Grand Lodge at the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center on March 27th and 28th.

Our Scottish Rite Valley has an obligation, if not moral imperative, to continue to building on the foundation of our rich Blue Lodge heritage. We must venture further into the construction of new cathedrals relevant to the age of information, and continue to pollinate society with justice, truth, and freedom. By doing so, we will honor our rich history and continue our hegemony of spreading moral and social virtue that cement us into one sacred band of Brothers.

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Volume 15 No 01 Spring 2015 NECROLOGY ~ ROLE OF REMEMBRANCE

5/14/2010 Curtis R Mott 6/19/2014 Donald F Zeh 1/4/2011 Harold M Magnuson 6/26/2014 Donald F Gode 7/5/2013 Merrill D Hendrickson 7/12/2014 Robert G Neubauer 12/12/2013 Clyde W Mass 7/14/2014 Leroy Thompson 1/11/2014 Michael C Gray 7/23/2014 Theodore R Farver 1/13/2014 Clyde D Atwood 9/16/2014 Roy J Tanner 1/21/2014 Richard E Latvala 9/20/2014 Charles A Rono 2/9/2014 Lawrence R Nyberg 10/4/2014 Arnold C Johnson 2/14/2014 Robert O Rosenberg 10/28/2014 Walter A Carlson 3/8/2014 Oliver E Soltau 11/26/2014 Calvin A Davies 4/12/2014 Alfred S Diehl Jr 12/10/2014 Lyle T Johnson 4/22/2014 Erving G McKenzie 12/25/2014 Daniel P Grambush 4/22/2014 Roderick G McKenzie 12/25/2014 James Glazman 4/23/2014 Peter R Cummings 1/4/2015 Walter L Stein 4/25/2014 Wayne E Busse 2/5/2015 James A Denney 5/4/2014 Seymour S Chez 2/10/2015 John M Young Jr 5/5/2014 William B Satterness 2/13/2015 Donald W. Hanson 5/15/2014 Roger W Hartzberg 2/19/2015 John C. Grinden


06 Mar 1775, , was made a Master Mason in Irish Constitution Military Lodge No. 441 06 Mar 1836, Brother David (Davy) Crocket was killed during the heroic defense of The Alamo in Texas. In his auto-biography, he wrote "I leave this rule for others when I'm dead. Always be sure you're right: then go ahead." 12 Mar 1807, Albert Gallatin Mackey, Masonic Author, notably of the Masonic Dictionary was born. 18 Mar 1314, Jacques De Molay was burned at the stake. He had been imprisoned in 1307 as a result of the treachery of the King of France and Pole Clement V. 18 Mar 1902, the was incorporated, in Trenton, New Jersey. 18 Mar 1919, Order of DeMolay founded in Kansas City, Missouri, later to become DeMolay International 23 Mar 1775, American Revolutionary leader and orator Brother Patrick Henry gave his famous at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia where he said: "I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death." Though records were lost, he was considered a member of Tappahannock Lodge of Virginia. 23 Mar 1887, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle received his 3rd degree. 25 Mar 1902, Sir Winston Churchill received his 3rd degree in Studholme Lodge #1591, London 30 Mar 1919, John Wanamaker made a by the Grand Master of Pennsylvania, March 30.


Apr 02 Maundy-Thursday (No Meeting) Apr 24 Scottish Rite Weekend Class Registration & Introductions 4:30 - 5:45 PM Apr 09 Relighting of the Lights (Family Night) 6 PM 4°; 8 PM 14° Passover Family Meal (Baked Chicken) Apr 25 Scottish Rite Weekend Class Apr 16 Progarm TBA Check in 7 AM ; 9 AM 18°; Noon Lunch Meat balls, mashed potatoes, dessert. 1 PM 30°; 3 PM 32° Apr 23 31st Degree Apr 30 Election of Officers Roast Pork, medley salad, dessert. Taco Dinner Bar

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My Brothers, The word Kadosh means holy or set apart. The word Holy as we have come to think of it in our culture has become almost exclusively the use and province of the church or synagogue. But as we prepare for the calendar to turn to the time of the year that is Holiest for Christians, let us take a moment to examine what that term means for us and for our context as Scottish Rite Masons.

To begin with, Holy for us does not diminish the power of the term for followers of a faith. Each of us was asked the same question when we first entered the lodge to become an entered apprentice. So, we should each and all be familiar with faith and its essential place. For us, being set apart means that we are called to a special purpose. We are not given the gift of the lessons of Masonry for the titles and honors it bestows, but rather for the wisdom that can be gathered and, dare I say, shared in the many and various degrees. The lessons of Masonry should, and indeed must, make us different. And, my brothers, those lessons do not end with the completion of the degrees. We learn from one another to be not better than our fellows, but better than ourselves, whether that be in the lodge room or the dining room or out in the world.

So maybe for us being Kadosh, or Holy, or set apart is not really a matter of being set apart from the profane. It certainly is not a matter of being set apart from one another. Maybe just maybe being Kadosh is being set apart from ourselves. It is a matter of becoming not perfect but rather of becoming more of the man that we aspire to be. It is a matter of setting aside our petty grievances and learning about what it means to forgive. It is a matter, my brethren, of setting ourselves apart from those rough parts of the ashlar and being fitted as living stones for that Spiritual building, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. That my brothers, is what Kadosh, and frankly life, is all about.

Weekend Class| April 24th -25th- As we continue to receive further light from turning of the season, consider the inviting (website petition or last page) your Lodge Brothers to further light through our “University of Freemasonry.” The Duluth Valley Lodge of Perfection looks forward to welcoming, with your assistance, a new weekend class of worthy candidates on April 24th -25th.

There is nothing more precious than a family tradition. To withstand time, traditions must be built on a solid foundation. A Scottish Rite family tradition is built upon patriotism and brotherly love, benevolence, encouraging all that is good, kindness and charity and standing up against all that is cruel and oppressive. Its observance uplifts everyone under its influence to do good to others, to forgive enemies, to love neighbors, and to return good for evil. The Scottish Rite tradition embraces the highest moral laws that will withstand the test of any ethics or philosophy. While there is no Masonic degree more important than that of Master Mason, there is a long tradition—as old as Freemasonry—of “high degrees” that expand upon and elaborate the teachings and lessons of the first three degrees. Our Scottish Rite degrees teach a series of moral lessons culminating in the 32°, Master of the Royal Secret. (source: Visual to share with Candidates (Pictured above 2014’s 32nd Degree Team & Candidates)

“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” ~ Greek Proverb

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XXI Degree--Scottish Rite: Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander, April 23rd, 2015 Glen Avon Lodge #306 has presented this degree for the last several years. Before the last presentation, in April 2014, we discussed the Book of the Dead, which only appears above the stage in the Auditorium. We saw some of the Egyptian and Coptic language on flash cards, as shown above the stage--Anubis, Thoth, Osiris, and Isis. In the Degree Work, we learned that the Scales of Justice which weigh heavily on the works and deeds as life conducted by a person. So as puts it, "To hear patiently, to weight deliberately and dispassionately, and to deicide impartially, these are the chief duties of a Judge…The Holy Bible will remind you of your obligation, and that as you are judged here below, so you will be yourself judged hereafter, by the One who has not to submit, like an earthly judge, to the sad necessity of inferring the motives, intentions, and purposes of men…"

"God has made this general law for government." Pike continues by writing, "we may learn the moral law of justice, the law of right by experience and observation; but God has given us a moral faculty, our conscience…(and) institutive perception of it. Justice keeps just relations between men, holding the balance (the Scale of Justice) between nation and nation, and mankind and his family. Men are the instruments of God's principals; our morality is the instruments of His justice which is comprehensible to us." Justice is the rule and conduct or our lives as we have learned in the preceding degrees.

XXXII Degree: The Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret (Masters of the Royal Secret), April 25th, 2015 Albert Pike writes in his book of Morals and Dogma, "The Royal Secret, of which you are prince, if you are a true Adept, if knowledge seems to you and visible, and Philosophy is, for you, radiant with divine beauty, is that which the Zohar terms the Mystery of Balance. It is the Secret of the Universal equilibrium. Equilibrium is: "…in the Deity, between Infinite Divine Wisdom, and Infinite Divine Power…between the Infinite Devine Justice, and the Infinite Divine Mercy…Of that between Necessity and Liberty, between the action of Divine Omnipotence, and the free-will…Between Good and Evil, Light and Darkness in the world…Sympathy and Antipathy, Attraction and Repulsion, each a Force of Nature are contraries, in the Soule of men and Universe…between Authority and Individual Action which constitutes free government…And finally, that of Equilibrium, possible in ourselves and which Masonry incessantly labors to accomplish…Equilibrium proves to us that our Appetites and Senses also are Forces given unto us by God."

Such Brethren, is the TRUE WORD of a MASTER MASON; such the true ROYAL SECRET, which makes possible, and shall at length make real, the HOLY EMPIRE, of the true Masonic Brotherhood. GLORIA DEI EST CELARE VERBBUM. AMEN


04 April 1778, Voltaire initiated in Paris with Benjamin Franklin and Count Gebelin as his conductors 06 April 1922, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls founded in McAlester, Oklahoma 05 April 1886, Rudyard Kipling received his 1st degree. 08 April 1790, the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire was constituted. 19 April 1787, the Grand Lodge of Maryland was formed. 20 April 1884, Pope Leo XIII issued a famous Papal Bull against Freemasonry, titled Humanum Genus. 22 April 1785, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart received his 3rd degree. 24 April 1901, President Theodore Roosevelt received his 3rd degree. 28 April 1738, Pope Clement XII issued the first Papal Bull, in eminenti apostolatus specula, attacking Freemasonry. 29 April 1871, 10,000 French Freemasons (55 lodges being represented) marched along the Champs Elysées to the Arc de

Triomphe to attempt the last serious at conciliation between Versailles and the Paris Commune

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May 07 Officer Installation BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots

May 16 Celebrating the Craft 5 – 11 PM **Guest Night Saturday : Live video stream in the Red Room

Aug 20 Annual Scottish Rite Language Clinic Dinner Northland Country Club

Sept 03 Duluth Valley Scottish Rite Annual Meeting

4th ANNUAL CELEBRATING THE CRAFT The Fourth Annual Celebrating the Craft (CTC) will air on Saturday, May 16, 2015 from 5-11 PM (CT) in the Duluth Valley Auditorium. Since 2012, CTC is an webcast hosted each May that pays tribute to the Scottish Rite and its members, while also supporting the Fraternity’s charitable endeavors.

CTC is about coming together for a night of entertainment and laughter that pays homage to our beloved fraternity, honored members and supports a greater good. Throughout the live six-hour program which you can view from your home at, viewers are encouraged to make a donation via phone or online to be split 50/50 between the House of the Temple Historic Preservation Foundation, Inc. and the Scottish Rite philanthropies as directed by Orient’s SGIG or Deputy. This year’s highlights include a Social Media Campaign (use #CTC2015 and #SRHT2015 on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram), and of course our seeing our fellow brethren in the Scottish Rite Has Talent webcast. MAY HISTORIC MASONIC DATES 01 May 1847, President Polk, a Mason, helped lay the cornerstone of the Smithsonian Institution, at Washington, DC, May 1. 04 May 1821, the and Illinois were formed 08 May 1843, a national Masonic Congress was begun in Baltimore, 11 May 1865, the Grand Lodge of West Virginia was formed 12 May 1932, the George Washington Masonic National Memorial, in Alexandria, Virginia, was dedicated 12 May 1725, The earliest reference to the conferment of a third degree is from London, from the minutes of "Philo Musicae et Architecturae Societas Apollini.” 14 May 1753, the second charter was issued for a lodge in Rhode Island. The one issued in 1749 had been unused. 16 May 1866, the Grand Lodge of West Virginia was founded. 17 May 1921, High Twelve International was organized. 20-May 1927, Brother Charles A. Lindbergh made history with his nonstop trans-Atlantic flight from Long Island to Paris. 20-May 1641, Sir Robert Moray initiated by a Scotch regiment of Masons at Newcastle-on-Tynein; the earliest recorded initiation. 20-May Grand Lodge of Hawaii formed in 1989 21-May 1864, Garibaldi united all the Masonic groups in Italy 25-May 1875, Oscar Wilde was raised at Appolo University Lodge No. 357, Oxford, England. 31-May 1801, the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, "mother council of the world," was established, in Charleston, South Carolina. SCOTTISH RITE LANGUAGE CLINIC DONATION I would like to make a tax-deductible donation to help the kids at the Scottish Rite Clinic:

Name______Please mark personal and confidential and return to: Mail to: The Scottish Rite Clinic Address______City______Jim Proctor 28West 2nd Street State______Zip:______Phone:______Duluth, MN 55802 ___ In Memory of: ___ In Honor of: ___ Contact me regarding a donation of appreciated stock, direct IRA donations, trusts, life insurance or other legacy planning

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