Vin Scullyvervetvoice

drrrong the most nemorable clates in the canon is septetul)cr 9. 1965, Dotlger Staclitrur' r-hcn ortc of the gicatest Sarncs ever pitchecl urrfcrltletl in Sanc$ KoLrfhx rvas on the mouncl antl thc Cubs' Bob Hecllev las tltc onlv hat- ter that stoocl betu'cen Koufar aud a llelfect gaure his lonrth cat'ecr uo-hittet" .fhervilsonrcvoiceoftheDoclgersfloatedover'theairrvirvestolrarrretlre

rnolnenI in this poiglant obscrvaliou: in the Bronx, where "l *ould thi"k that tht mound at Dodger St:diun right Vncent Edrvatd Scullv's story begrn a couple from Cotnty Crvan' now is the loneliest place in the world." he was bon to hardsorking rvalked youngVin in his babl In the end, the Dodgets walked away rvnh the ivin Inland. The Scullys sonetimes canpus Koufar ivith hr place in baseball's Hall of Fene, and the crrLiaee acLo* tl,e Ro* Hill "lr,l'r, tnld that she say. 'Vnce"t, commentator, Vn Scullp with the heans of sports lans -othe. o"." -c '"ould I dream thr t"'e da1' 1ou'll sr"dy hcni" Solly hx rid' rhc mid-19'+0s, vin won : Scully hir a hone run of h; own at Rose Hill in Ma1', The drern was prophctic: ln where hc najorcd ii com- ivhen he delivered the comnencement addres to t|e prnirl scholarhip to Fordhem, Univenrry's Clas of 2000. Wnh the grace of a r*ural sto- rror col'm'n 'or ryteller, Scully sernlesly blended anecdotes and advice all O r idc .he .h 'roo,n scll\ ' 'pnrr' nervsprpcr, rvas a stringcL for Ib Mw lul in the honeyed voice that ; so familiar Tlr xoa srudenr the Shaling Mugs, i camPts ''l am one of you," he told rhe gnduates " l walked the r,r,-, rnd *as a nenber of He anno"nced ftotl'all, bark*brll and halls you ualked. I sar in the sane clasroons l took rhe barbcrhop qurner. WFUV A wcak-hrtting ott- srme notes and s*rated out rhe final exams; dtank coffee i" basebrtl ga"'es on Fodhan! brseball team, Scully mrnaged ro hit the cal6 and played spons on your gLrsy fieldsl' fielder on Fotdham! college carcer. But rhe nonent snrllv said tlar the rvords he asociates rvith Fordhan are one hone run during his -as Lin Le sonewhalvhen rhe nrorr llom Mws ran a photo of h,-.. lorc r'd hop. Fordhrn u-' hnne o "L le narred moment of gloq' abovr a caprbn drat idrntified was a srudent at Fordham Prep and the Unn'ereitp he nade hin in hs "Jin lifelong friend' there a"d loved every minute; and it was er hin as Td\'i' the young nan h:d l; hcan Fordhan rhar he began to pureue his hopes and dteams Still, despitc orher intcLcsts, on broadcasring. Scully rold dre gradurtes thar as r bov "Lerve some pauses a"d some gaps in iour life so that vou set benearh his femilyls four leggcd tadio con can do something spontaneously rathet thm just being led he would cas4 btoadcasts of sPorring evcnrs so tl'* hc could bl the arml'he said. 'And, rbove all, dream. Dont ever stop sole during r* brau'c feel rhe roar of the crcwd "wash over n'e" Appropdate fo' d. D' ,m lor yoJbcl\,' 'nd drcrm lo 'm.nq. e dre of thc Dodgcs and. out of your dreans will come hoPe thai we will h:v' a b"- the boy who would becon 'oice basebal nselt In drese pmt 5l yeare Sctllv has tcnrorld and a better noral clinatel' for nany, of callcd Ha.k Aaron's tecord-br..k : New York Yenkdes broadc.srer ;rg 7l5th homt mn, thnc perfcct : M;chacl Kai', Irco '82, says he games, l8 no-Jr;t..6, 25 World ! was impressdd with Scully's Serics and 12 All-Srar gancs. gr.ciolsnss when rh€y her in the Sculiy gnduatcd fron Fordharn New Yotk Me.s pres box. "He's n1 19.t9 and speni rhlr sumnd a. blazed a padr lor a lor of Fo.dlran a CIIS radio affiliate inWashingron, sfudrnt bro.dcasreB who are .ow DC. At 23, he icturned ro N.w in rhe busine$; says Kal,. In facr, York to talk to the nctwork. Larc Scully can be consideLed the dean tha vcck, his nodrcr can. ro hinr ol r Fordl,an tradition in sporrs wnh wonde&l news. broadcasting that includes baseball "She wm flustcted and scrrcdl' brordcaster Ed Randell, WPIX- Scnlly rccalh. "You'll ncvcr gucs TV sporrs anchor Sal Marcliano, who calicd!'she sakl. I said,'Whoi' "voict of dre Knicks'Mike Brc.., She rcplied: 'Rcd SkchonJ"' and Nets and Cianrs play-by-play Acruall)' rhe crll had come fron irDnouncer Bob Pepa. R.d Barber, dlc nctwork's lcg- Scully's nastrlul delivery con- endary chief sporrscasrcr. Batbcr bines dugout-cse a.d dilbond sA CBS mdios college frx,tbali parhos wirh a touch of poetrl statnm ill. and the He PeraPhrascs Adnirat Perry's nerdcd S lly ro cdc r gil',c rhar words afrer a poor Siturdal bcls@n Bonon UDnt6ny Dodgc'mnortdl performance: "We have and the UnivcFty of Mrryhnd. mer rhe enemy, and he is us." He Le$ rhan A lear l.rcr, Scully l.ndrd a job on tht Brooklyn describcs brses loadcd, no ours for rl,e opposing rerm wnh Dodge6 brcadcmring rcAh. thc sods: 'The Dodgcrs lrave rhe sword of Dinocles h!ng- sctl), also bccame a cBS And NBC an.ounccr for base- ;rg ov.r Lradsl' ball, football and gol{ and one of drc nosr acconplshed "H.'s s;mply rhc besr .nnounc€r in baseball his6ryl'con- broadcasrcr in sporn history. Inducrcd into rhc Nrtioral tcnds ESPN and SaD Fran.fco Gianrs amouncer lon Miller Brscb:rll Hall of F)nc in 1982, hc has rrcn hlrild spo'.r$ "In h'gh school, I once pi.ked np r Dodger doubleheader on casring awirds, hosted his ow.TV show end pllird himsef rh. ,,J,. "h l. I s.,,.1, v,rg lo,u.,gh, 'ouh.^ \,.,r nI n fiins, cohhcrcials and even Sony's Playsration MLD grendmother in Orcgon. Vin kepr me inreresrdd fie whole 2000 baseball vidco gim.. season hc scrvcd as Masrer wai, Itt rhe lrt tharl hc knows rhe game and 'norc fthm of Cerenon;es 3r Mrjor Leegle Bxscbrllls AII-CeDruryTeeh docs h; homcwork; he has an innate sense of when and how inducrion cctemony d{r;ng rhe World ScLics. to usc inforharion."

Btrt Scully adnirs rhar in 1950 he still had a lot ro lcrrn, Si'll). /.). .. \ h. bcl,, \, . , h,r ,po, r, JUn.i-g ' 'n, despitc be;ng htred bI rhc Dodgcre lor $5,000 a yc,L "Red was his desriny. The "VclverVoice" has logged nillions of raught nc two inporrant le$ons rhar I srill crirl ro this d.y: niles travel;ng fron ballpark ro ballpark, and coundcs Tr$t your;nsrincrs and allow rhe cro'ld ro help tcll lhc l,o b,",,1c,.r ,,,n". bu, h. L,,lotirns,oH,,c. )ou ^ "r no.yl says Scullr "I love what I'm doing, and I'll conrinue ro do n as lorg Scully has long becn known as much lor his $oughtful as I h hcrhhy," he says. "I srill gtt goose bunps whcn theres Dc$, nodesry rnd gc.dcmanly dcneanor lor Jr;s .bilq ro r big PIay." print word pictures fot hs andicnce. Ckih k dJtu-kw etitr b6ti ih Nu'tj,N.J -Btll