this logo grouped to this note is the original size one onThe sept 16 cover is slightly smaller Vol. 26 • October 21, 2010 - November 3, 2010 • free! The R• Your LGBTQainbow News in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, T Connecticutimes & Vermont •

R• Your LGBTQainbow News in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, T Connecticutimes & Vermont •

Acclaimed Lesbian Author Lesléa Newman

Photo: tynan p ower Brings Anti-Bullying Message To NoHo p6

Obama’s “Get-Out-The-Vote” Rally for Patrick Photos p18 Photo: glenn Koetzner Governor patrick’s Successful LGBT Fundraiser p13 Photo: p hili reusch

Bella Maddo: Anderson All Trans Ensemble Playing Non-trans Roles p10 13 Homolicious Halloween Movies p17 Cooper Ron Perkov’s New Album & Racism In His Life p14 Will He Become The CT: One Big Event w/Ian Harvie & ! p15 “New” Oprah?p18  • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • The Rainbow Times • It is a simple matter of inclusive civil rights: Queer kids’ suicides, torture continue All should be equal,not some left behind because of their sexual orientation By: Gricel M. Ocasio*/TRT Publisher Lieutenant Governor Deval Patrick and Tim he election of candidates that Murray, and Charlie Baker and openly run- Isn’t anyone paying attention to these tragedies? ning mate Richard Tisei for the GOP ticket. are LGBT supporters, allies and By: Jason Lydon/TRT Columnist people current- even LGBT contenders them- Charlie Baker’s campaign has a commend- T he George Jackson Brigade, a radical ly incarcerated, selves is of utmost importance to the able position on LGB rights and his position is underground organization in the 1970s the far majority relevant issues that we are still facing solid for support of these rights. If we lived in a of whom have as a community and society. Because place like Alabama, this support would mean un- Tmade up of queers and formerly incar- cerated people, wrote of themselves that, “we been convicted iniion of this, it is a must that we know who precedented change. However, when it comes to are cozy cuddly/armed and dangerous/and we of not-violent is who, when we finally cast our votes. dealing with people’s livelihood and safety, we p drug offenses. Most importantly, we must ensure that will raze the F*@%ing prisons/to the ground.” cannot fall short of including most and excluding Two books have come out over the past couple In Massachu-

o the entire LGBT community is included some. That is where the Baker campaign does setts 1 in 24 and represented in the candidates’ ini- of months detailing the history of this organi- not measure up, for it excludes the Trans com- zation and what inspired them to join the vio- people are ei- tiatives that we are voting for or endorsing. munity in the “ Civil Rights Bill” lent leftist underground in the 1970s. I have ther in prison, Jason Lydon In this case, we examined the top two cam- now famously known as the “bathroom bill.” on probation, paigns: incumbent Democrat Governor and begun reading these books and while many See Inclusive on page 8 people consider all underground organizations or on parole, this liberal state has the fourth of the 60s and 70s to be the same, all like the highest rate of state-controlled lives in the Weather Underground, they were all actually country. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Follow the money: Voters not paying incredibly different and the George Jackson and queer people today must prioritize the lives Brigade is important, especially for queer of our incarcerated family in the work that we close attention will be easily fooled people, to remember. They are important to do. Because of our rates of homelessness, ad- remember because whether you agree with diction, unemployment, and family abandon- By: Susan Ryan-Vollmar*/ In four of the five statewide races—for gov- their tactics of political bombing, bank expro- ment we are targeted by the prison system. TRT Columnist ernor, attorney general, treasurer, and audi- priations, and jail-breaking, the liberation they The U.S. incarceration system has become ere’s a scary thought: tor—the candidates acting as the stand-in for were struggling for is the same liberation we known by many as the prison industrial com- Voters this year “change” are not our allies. At the state Repub- are fighting for today. Queer kids are killing plex. It is called such because the system is Hare so obsessed lican convention in April, gubernatorial candi- themselves, people are being tortured because not simply about the concrete and steel build- with the economy and date Charlie Baker derided a bill (co-sponsored of their sexual orientation, and members of our ings that warehouse individuals. The system change for change’s sake by his openly gay running mate state Sen. community are suffering behind prison walls. is a full collusion between the police, judges, that we’re going to see Richard Tisei, no less) that would expand ex- The George Jackson Brigade prioritized the prosecutors, corporate profiteers, politicians, some candidates slip into isting civil rights law in the state to transgender struggle of prisoners as the focus of their po- neighborhood-watch groups, “victims’ rights” office who otherwise people, as a “bathroom bill,” and promised to litical action. They did so at a time when there groups, and so many others who claim to be Susan Ryan-Vollmar would never have had a veto it if he were governor. were less than a million people incarcerated in solving the problems of violence and poverty shot. And the end result James McKenna, who is running for attorney U.S. prisons. Today, there are over 2.3 million is that our political landscape will be a lot less general against Martha Coakely, says he never See Queer Kids on page 4 accepting and supportive of LGBT people than would have filed a lawsuit challenging the con- it is now. stitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage A poll released Sept. 30 by the MassINC Act (DOMA), which forces the state of Mas- Letters to the Editor The Rainbow Times sachusetts to withhold rights and benefits from 351 Pleasant St., #322 Polling Group found that 92 percent of regis- Dear Editor, tered voters surveyed said that “jobs and the married lesbian and gay couples. His reason- Northampton, MA 01060 ing? His job as attorney general is to “enforce I loved the Jujubee cover on TRT. She’s economy” is the most important issue in the so awesome and so giving. I was at the NA- governor’s race. Seventy-three percent were the law.” Apparently even when it’s applied GLY event and we had a blast with her dedi- [email protected] concerned about taxes and 68 percent were wor- in discriminatory fashion. And, oh, McK- [email protected] enna won’t say whether or not he supports the cation to this important fundraiser. Thanks ried about corruption. Just 25 percent said that Phone: 413.282.8881, 617.444.9618 “gay marriage” was an issue they cared about. for giving her the cover pic. See Follow the Money on page 6 Great job and great cover! or Fax: 206.203.0436 —Justin Meyer, Salem, MA Publisher Columnists CABO members outreach efforts to prevent teen suicides Dear Editor, Gricel M. Ocasio Lorelei Erisis By: Jenn Tracz*/CABO’s Executive Director organization that provides I liked the coverage of the Back to School Editor-In-Chief Deja N. Greenlaw Paul P. Jesep s everyone has seen in the news over the a safe place for kids to go anti-bullying run. I also watched CNN’s Nicole Lashomb past few weeks LGBT teen suicide is to talk and be who they are. coverage of the bullying and saw Sirdeaner Jason Lydon Ahitting a tipping point. In the past month Kamora Herrington, the Walker and her daughter speaking out about Assistant Editor Jenn Tracz alone there have been 5 stories of teen suicides Mentoring Program Direc- bullying, but denying and almost not ad- Natalia Muñoz John Verlinden with the common theme of being bullied be- tor at True Colors stated, dressing that this was an anti-gay bullying Sales Associates Susan Ryan-Vollmar cause they were gay or lesbian. In September “As horrible as the recent act, even if her kid had not come out of the Chris Gilmore Reporters suicides have been, I need closet. Who knows if he had wanted to. But, GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Educa- Liz Johnson Chuck Colbert tion Network, released its 2009 National School to believe that their lives to just try to make it about bullying leaving Christine Nico Climate Survey. The study shows nearly 9 out were lost in order for a true out the anti-gay rhetoric does not do it jus- Lead Photographer Tynan Power of 10 LGBT students experienced harassment and real conversation about tice to our cause. Glenn Koetzner Joe Siegel at school and two-thirds felt unsafe because real LGBT issues to sur- —John Mattews, Westfield, MA Webmaster Lead Designer of their sexual orientation. These are numbers face.” She also said, “Our Jarred Johnson Jim Curran that the LGBT community has seen and that are Jenn Tracz children need to know us Dear Editor, now making an impact in mainstream media. and know that we love The coverage by Mr. Joe Siegel about the The Rainbow Times is published biweekly by CABO has two non-profit members that are them and value them. As much as I admire Dan unsafe College Campuses concerns me a The Rainbow Times, LLC. TRT is affiliated with the working in the capacities of LGBT youth out- Savage’s “It gets better” campaign, we need to lot. My daughter is about to go to college National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, reach and bullying prevention. One works to do better. Our kids don’t need more videos of and she’s an open lesbian. I don’t want her CABO - The Connecticut Alliance for Business help the LGBT youth that need it and the other gay folks being proud on YouTube, they need to feel discriminated against, hurt and bul- Opportunity, and QSyndicate. The articles written to know us and talk to us and see us on a regular by the writers, columnists, and correspondents express works with schools to help implement bullying lied by others. I thought I only had to be their opinion, and do not represent the endorsement prevention programs. basis.” concerned about these things when she was or opinion of The Rainbow Times, LLC or its owners. The Governor’s Prevention Partnership To find out more about CABO, True Colors little. With how many suicides by GLBT To write letters to the editor, please send your letters, ( is an organiza- or the Governor’s Prevention Partnership, visit students, I often wonder where did we go with your name, address and phone number to: The tion that serves LGBT youth in a different way CABO at or contact me at wrong as a society. Great story by Mr. Rainbow Times (address shown above), or e-mail with the end result of preventing bullying alto- [email protected]. Siegel. any comment/s to the editor at: editor@therain- gether. “In the face of these unspeakable trage- Thank you, All submissions will be edited dies, parents, schools and communities can take *In her role as Executive Director, Jenn is —Audrienne Simons, Boston, MA according to space constraints. The Rainbow Times, responsible for maintaining and growing mem- LLC reserves the right not to print any or all content, action by renewing their efforts to keep youth or advertisements for any reason at all. TRT is not safe…” Jill Spineti, President & CEO, said. bership, developing strategic business partner- Dear Editor, responsible for advertising content. To receive The “Working together, all community sectors can ships and overseeing the day-to-day opera- I was so happy to see a story about us, Rainbow Times at your home via regular mail, or help prevent bullying and youth suicide; ensur- tions of the organization. In addition to being GLBT Seniors in the Times. I wish we through electronic delivery, please visit our website. ing that the youth of today become the leaders CABO’s executive director, she also is a small could have seen more diversity and not just The whole content and graphics (photos, etc.) are the of tomorrow.” business owner specializing in marketing and sole property of The Rainbow Times, LLC and they True Colors,, is an design services. See Letters on page 7 cannot be reproduced at all without TRT’s consent. • The Rainbow Times • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 •  Get out the vote: Obama heckled by protestors on same-sex marriage and HIV/AIDS By: Chuck Colbert/TRT Reporter mine my political views on this issue, President Barack Obama headlined I do believe that tradition, and my a get-out-the-vote rally for Democratic religious beliefs say that marriage is Governor Deval Patrick in Boston on something sanctified between a man Saturday afternoon October 16. The and a woman.” rally took place at the Hynes Con- But for Sousa, civil marriage is the vention Center in the city’s Back Bay issue, not religious marriage. neighborhood, drawing thousands of Challenging Obama over mar- elight supporters. riage equality is a slight change But after speaking for only ten min- of tactics among local activists. In

m utes a handful of protestors, advocating previous Obama protests, represen-

i increased federal funding for HIV/ tatives from Get Equal heckled the president over not doing enough to

L AIDS, heckled the president, raising a sign reading “Keep the Promise: Fight lift the ban on openly gay service in Global AIDS.” the military and for not pushing hard The protestors were local college enough for federal legislation to ban students, “fighting for global health sexual orientation discrimination in equity,” said Arjus Suri a first-year the workplace. student at the Harvard Medical School. While many Democrats have Photo: chuck colbert “Candidate Obama promised $50 bil- shunned the president, the Mas- Arjus Suri, a first year student at theH arvard Medical sachusetts governor has embraced

n the the n lion for to fight global AIDS.” But him. Patrick, an ardent backer of School, and Krishna Rabhu, a senior at Harvard Col- I “he’s delivered on only one-tenth of Photo: chuck colbert gay equality, is in tight race with a lege, joined dozens of protestors outside the Hynes that promise.” Convention Center, with a message for the president: During the president’s remarks Obama men- Ian Struthers makes is case for marriage Republican challenger. Both candi- tioned his administration’s increased funding equality outside the Hynes Convention Cen- dates favor gay rights, but the GOP’s Keep your promise to fund AIDS/HIV treatment and for HIV/AIDS. ter on Saturday afternoon after a President Charlie Baker has offended many prevention. But not enough for Suri: Yes, “when the Obama keynoted a get-out-the-vote rally LGBT voters by dismissing a trans- gender civil rights bill, saying he would veto president. Still, “I wanted to tell Obama that I president said he funded AIDS a little bit more, for Gov. Deval Patrick. want the same rights as everyone else. I want he was right,” Suri said. “One-tenth is not “the bathroom bill.” “I also asked whether he opposes atheist The rally came just ten days after 300 LGBT and end to DADT, and an inclusive ENDA so enough. An inch is not a mile. It’s not enough that I can have job security. I work and pay to pay lip service by saying he’s funded more.” marriage since his opposition to civil marriage community leaders ands allies raised more rights for same-sex couples is based upon his than $160,000 for the Democratic governor taxes and am like everyone else — except that Also inside the convention center, gay- I date men.” rights activists from the grass roots group Join religious beliefs.” who is seeking a second four-year term. “Would you want a civil union?” Sousa Activists from Join the Impact MA and ad- Harvard College senior Krishna Rabhu ex- the Impact MA reproached Obama for balking plained his reasons for protesting. “It’s not on same-sex civil marriage. yelled out to Obama who did not respond. vocates of increased HIV/AIDS funding were In fact, during an interview with the Chica- clear — Deval Patrick was not their target. the governor. We support Deval Patrick. We Boston College law student Paul Sousa spoke wanted Obama’s ear.” out several times during Obama’s remarks. “I go Daily Tribune, Obama told the newspaper, A student at Fisher College, Ian Struthers “I’m a Christian. And so, although I try not to of Join the Impact MA said he wanted to hear Sending Obama a message for marriage equality, asked the president to stop the bigotry and sup- Sousa said, “Best comes from Massachusetts.” port marriage equality,” Sousa explained. have my religious beliefs dominate or deter- the governor and to show support for the  • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • The Rainbow Times • Faith, Family, and God: Punish, but offer forgiveness too Queer Kids from page 2 but rather perpetuate them through the sys- By: Paul P. Jesep*/TRT Columnist people. It would also spotlight the national recognition that love can triumph over hate. tematic attack on marginalized communi- d he recent suicide of Tyler Clem- tragedy of gay and lesbian teen suicides that This would apply to a Bronx street gang that ties. The prison industrial complex relies on enti, a Rutgers University fresh- an uninformed society causes. Ravi and Wei kidnapped and tortured a gay Hispanic man the racism of our culture to continue feeding Tman and likely gay man, merits can assist in transforming an ignorant, intoler- earlier in the month. its hunger for the bodies of Black and Latino a more thoughtful, better managed na- ant society into a more enlightened one. Tutu underscores that we define our Cre- men. According to the Pew Foundation 1 in tional discussion. There are calls for Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa ation, in part, by how we respond to hate. If 15 Black men age 18 or older are currently Tyler’s roommate, along with the fe- is an example and inspiration to be true to forgiveness is not part of the equation then the incarcerated, versus 1 in 106 white men. male accomplice, to receive the harsh- one’s inner beauty when faced with ugliness. human spirit is compromised and getting at the This is an attack on Black men, including est punishment for posting a video of He championed an end to problem that caused the hate queer/gay/same-gender loving Black men; him being intimate with another man. the racist apartheid policies “No one is born to hate. cannot be addressed. Failing this is an attack on our community. This is It may compound one tragedy with of South Africa and orga- to get at the cause means it an attack and we must fight back! e of go of e another. nized a national healing be- No one is born a bigot, will happen again. In order to begin fighting back we must Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei, the stu- tween the oppressed and the anti-Semite, or homophobe. “Forgiveness and being know who we are fighting alongside. If you m oppressors. reconciled to our enemies,” dents responsible for the video, are prob- These are learned both in do not currently know or care about some- ably never going to return to Rutgers. The brutality blacks and he wrote in God has a one who is incarcerated, change that. Take It’s possible that few, if any, colleges minorities faced in white a household and through Dream – A Vision of Hope the time to write to someone who is behind will want them on their campus. Their controlled South Africa social conditioning. for Our Time, “… is not bars. An organization I work with, Black lives like those of Tyler and his family were breathtaking in bar- about pretending that things and Pink, lists hundreds of queer/trans pris- and friends have been changed forever. barity. In leading a national Misguided religious leaders are other than they are. It is oners who are incarcerated and searching Harassment laws, while needed, are reconciliation he said that contribute to the problem.” not about patting one anoth- for pen pals, visit useless if the underlying reasons that conditioning “perverts the er on the back and turning to get a pen pal and learn more. Also, find initiate the abuse, harm, and humilia- human spirit.” Tutu, a tireless champion of a blind eye to the wrong. True reconciliation out what prisons are in your area. Go and tion are not addressed. No one is born to LGBT rights, observed that if there is to be exposes the awfulness, the abuse, the pain, the visit some one! Tell the Department of Cor- hate. No one is born a bigot, anti-Sem- moral growth “there has to be the possibility hurt, the truth.” An act of forgiveness is not rections that you are watching what is go- ite, or homophobe. These are learned of becoming immoral.” Clearly, the treatment just something done to heal our own soul, but ing on. Acknowledge that more than 60% in the na the in both in a household and through social of Tyler and the overall discrimination faced it is an expression of hope in humanity and a of LGB prisoners report being sexually as- conditioning. Misguided religious leaders con- by the LGBT and Searching community are better tomorrow. saulted while behind bars, and nearly 100% tribute to the problem. immoral. of transgender women report some form of The tragedy is a chance to educate. Throwing According to Tutu, “we are the agents of *Paul is an author, attorney, and a seminary sexual violence or harassment in prison. the book at Ravi and Wei is counterproductive transformation that God uses to transfigure” trained, ordained priest in greater Albany, NY. Acknowledge this and make changes in and would speak to our lesser angels. Making the world. One of his biggest challenges is re- His book Crucifying Jesus and Secularizing your lives to stand with those who are made them volunteer for several years at a place like minding people that while the Creator “loves America – the Republic of Faith without Wis- invisible and who we are told to forget, or the Trevor Project or Ali Forney Center would you as you are” the Maker of All Good “equal- dom, is available on He may be worse, not even consider human. help rehabilitate two callous, insensitive young ly loves your enemies.” It is only through this reached at [email protected]. online calendar of events @ • The Rainbow Times • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 •  TRT Heroes: Stephen Hartley aka Miss Kitty Litter and his steady commitment to HIV/AIDS fundraising By: Joe Siegel/TRT Reporter PROVIDENCE, RI—Stephen Hart- ley, known to the Rhode Island LGBT community as the flamboyant and ir- reverent drag queen Miss Kitty Litter, has been raising money for HIV/AIDS for several years. For the past 6 years, Hartley has served as Director of De- velopment for AIDS Care Ocean State. His responsibilities include rais- ing money for client services, grant writing, and communications for the organization. Hartley wants to spread awareness that HIV is still a very serious health trt heroes trt threat. “There are new medications out there that are making people live longer but eventually the people do develop a resistance to those medications,” Hartley said. “It’s still consid- ered a deadly disease.” Hartley, who lives in Pawtucket, admires Providence Mayor David Cicilline and House Speaker Gordon Fox for bringing positive change to the LGBT community. Cicilline is Photo: joe siegel a candidate for the state’s 1st Congressional Stephen Hartley, aka Miss Kitty Litter District, and Fox is the first openly gay House Speaker in state history. for same-sex couples, educating people about Hartley believes people in the community HIV, and creating stronger awareness of the is- can make a difference, as long as they are will- sues facing the community, such as the repeal ing to contact their legislators about LGBT of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, Hartley noted. issues, attend hearings at the State House, par- “They need to get involved,” Hartley said. ticipate in rallies, and follow what is happen- “They need to volunteer their time with either ing in the news. marriage equality or (Rhode Island) Pride. My The three main issues for the LGBT com- munity right now are securing marriage rights See TRT Heroes on page 8 MassEquality PAC endorses candidates Martha Coakley, Steve Grossman, and Suzanne Bump Election of allies to statewide office critical forLG BT equality BOSTON, MA—Last week, the MassE- representative, voted to take away the rights of quality PAC announces its endorsement same-sex couples to marry and also voted to keep of Martha Coakley for Attorney General, a ban in place prohibiting same-sex couples from Steve Grossman for Treasurer, and Su- out of state from marrying in Massachusetts. It is zanne Bump for Auditor. impossible to understate the importance of having “The only way we will be successful in allies of LGBT equality in statewide office, and advancing equal opportunities for LGBT MassEquality is proud to endorse Steve Gross- people from cradle to grave – in schools, man for state treasurer. in marriage and family life, at work and As a state representative in the late 1980s, Su- in retirement – is by electing candidates zanne Bump was one of a handful of lawmak- who understand the ers who went on the record importance of work- to oppose a dangerous bill ing for all citizens of that sought to take away the the Commonwealth, rights of LGBT people to including LGBT cit- become parents. She also izens,” said Kara Suffredini, executive di- backed the 1989 Gay Civil Rights Bill. Her op- rector of MassEquality. “Martha Coakley, ponent in the auditor’s race, Mary Connaughton, Steve Grossman, and Suzanne Bump have signed a petition that sought to take away the each distinguished themselves in their rights of LGBT people to marry in Massachu- advocacy on behalf of LGBT people and setts. The choice in this race is clear: Suzanne MassEquality is proud to endorse them.” Bump is someone who, from early in her career, Attorney General Martha Coakley sued has been very supportive of LGBT people, and the federal government last year for its un- MassEquality enthusiastically endorses her can- fair treatment of married lesbian and gay didacy for state auditor. couples in Massachusetts and won. Her MassEquality urges voters to support Martha opponent has said that he does not think Coakley for Attorney General, Steve Grossman the lawsuit is relevant to the duties of a for Treasurer and Suzanne Bump for Auditor on

assachusetts news assachusetts Massachusetts attorney general. Ensur- November 2, 2010. ing that all citizens of the Commonwealth

m have equal access to government-spon- About MassEquality: MassEquality is the only sored benefits and protections is a basic grassroots organization in the state working to function of the Attorney General’s job, and Mar- achieve full equality for the LGBT Community. tha Coakley is the candidate who will support and We’re protecting marriage equality in Massa- advance LGBT equality. chusetts, working to win it in other states, and Steve Grossman supported LGBT people and promoting a full Equality Agenda to ensure that the cause of marriage equality long before it be- every LGBT person in Massachusetts is protect- came easy to do so. His wife Barbara was a found- ed from cradle to grave, with equal rights and ing board member of MassEquality and was an opportunities in school, in marriage and family active member for years. His opponent, as a state life, at work and in retirement.  • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • The Rainbow Times • Acclaimed author Lesléa Newman brings anti-bullying message to Northampton High School By: Tynan Power/TRT Reporter young as 13. The auditorium fell quieter with finds time and energy to reach out to young for them. For other kids, at the very least, we’re NORTHAMPTON, MA—At Northampton each name. people. beginning to plant some seeds, some different High School, a nationally-known local author As one might expect of a gifted writer, New- “I’m just very passionate about doing this dialogs and things that they may not see or hear brought a powerful message: it’s up to all of us man’s personal response to Shepard’s murder work,” Newman said. “I have to do this.” about in other places. I think that is what good to create a world free of violence and bullying. was channeled into words. In May, she com- For Northampton High School, the work education should be about.” On October 7th, Lesléa Newman presented pleted an elegiac collection of poetry, entitled of building an open, accepting and diverse twice to students who filled the auditorium at October Mourning. Students at NHS were school—and world—continues. Learn more about Lesléa Newman at www. NHS. Jon Sass, advisor to the GSA at NHS, privileged to hear Newman read from this as- “In some ways, we are planting seeds,” Lom- Information about the organized the two assemblies so that virtually yet unpublished work. bardi said. “For some kids, they may fully em- Matthew Shepard Foundation is available at all students had the opportunity to attend. One of the poems included the utterance brace that already and it may be reinforcement According to Bryan Lombardi, Assistant of slurs not normally tolerated at NHS. In an Principal at NHS, highly publicized bullying- auditorium gone still, the words seemed to re- Follow the Money from page 2 at who’s contributing to his campaign, it be- related suicides—including two in neighboring verberate, hitting their marks, sounding—for comes fairly obvious. Paul Adams, the former towns last year and a more once—as cruel to the silent rights of same-sex couples to marry. Coak- ley, of course, did file a lawsuit challenging Southeastern Massachusetts Regional Direc- recent spate around the coun- witnesses as bullying targets tor for the Coalition for Family and Marriage, try—have driven educators to feel them to be. the constitutionality of DOMA—and won. The U.S. Department of Justice appealed that an anti-LGBT group, gave him $50. And the talk more and more about the “Imagine a world that is Working Families PAC gave him $500. need for programs to address safe for you, for everyone,” ruling October 12. Karyn Polito, the Republican nominee for And speaking of Paul Adams, he’s run- bullying. Newman challenged the stu- ning for an open state rep seat in Andover. “As a school, we think that dents. “Imagine yourself do- state treasurer, voted against the rights of The Democratic candidate, Pat Commane, it’s important that we have ing something in that world same-sex couples to marry when she was a has said she will be a strong ally of LGBT these on our campus, because that you don’t feel safe doing state representative. She also voted to keep equality. Adams, who graduated from Ando- it is not just an issue that is in this one.” a ban in place preventing lesbian and gay ver High School in 2000, has spent his entire always about someone who She asked students to com- couples from out of state from marrying in professional career advocating against the identifies as being gay,” said mit to doing one thing to make Massachusetts. And she’s accepted cam- rights of same-sex couples to marry. Yet if Lombardi. “It could be about that safer world a reality. For paign donations from Kris Mineau, head of you got to his campaign website, you won’t anything, if you do not begin her part, Newman had a com- the anti-gay Massachusetts Family Institute, find a single mention of that work. He’s also to understand how these types mitment to make, too. as well as funds from the anti-gay Coalition taken money from Mineau. Voters who aren’t of things happen.” “Every time I hear someone for Marriage and Family Working Fam- paying attention will be easily fooled. Newman began her pre- Photo: tynan power say ‘gay’ in a negative way, ily Political Action Committee. Democratic In the 18th Essex District race, incumbent sentation with stories from Nationally recognized local I’ll donate $5 to the Matthew nominee Steve Grossman, by contrast, was state rep Barbara L’Italien is in a tight race her own life. When she was author, Lesléa Newman Shepard Foundation,” New- an early backer, funder, and fundraiser for with challenger Jim Lyons. L’Italien, the in school, she told students, a man announced. MassEquality, the advocacy organization that mother of two gay sons, has been an unwav- close male friend didn’t come out to her until She asked students to turn to each other and spear-headed the campaign to defeat an anti- ering ally of LGBT equality. Lyons? Not so they were about to go separate ways as young share what they committed to doing. Quickly, marriage amendment to the state constitution, much. Again, it’s hard to find much about adults. She didn’t come out as a lesbian herself the audience broke into the boisterous noise and his wife was a founding board member of Lyons’ view on LGBT issues—you certainly until she was 27. A writer who trained at the one might expect in a high school auditorium, the organization. won’t find his opinion on his website. But Naropa Institute and apprenticed with Allen as students shared their commitments with Mary Z. Connaughton, the Republican campaign contributions tell the story. The Ginsberg, she rocketed to fame after she pub- each other. nominee for state auditor, signed the anti- Working Families PAC has been generous lished Heather Has Two Mommies in 1990—to “They were amazing,” Newman said of the gay petition that sought to put the rights of with Lyons, giving him $500. And Bob Joyce, a mixture of accolades and vitriolic criticism. NHS students. “They were very attentive.” same-sex couples to marry up for a popular an outspoken anti-gay candidate from Boston Her story then intertwined with that of “Like anything in a population of 900 [stu- vote. She’s also accepted campaign money who ran against state Sen. Marian Walsh in the person she came to talk about: Matthew dents],” Lombardi observed. “Sometimes you from Mineau. Democratic nominee Suzanne 2004 solely because she backed the rights of Shepard. hear some kids saying ‘I didn’t like it. It was Bump, as a state representative in the 1980s, same-sex couples to wed, has contributed to Newman asked the students if they knew boring,’ but at the same time, I heard very good opposed a proposal that would have banned Lyons’ campaign. who Matthew Shepard was. A show of hands things about it. I think it makes you walk away LGBT people from becoming parents. And There are plenty more examples like this. indicated some did but many didn’t. thinking about things differently. Bottom line, she supported the 1989 Gay Civil Rights You can see it all for yourself in the online Back in October 1998, Newman was sched- I think even when you are averse to it and you Bill. database of the Office Campaign and Politi- uled to speak at the University of Wyoming hear [a presentation like this], it sinks in.” Legislative campaigns are littered with sim- cal Finance. So what will it all mean come as part of their Gay Awareness Week planned “It’s very intense,” Newman said. “Some- ilar examples. Out in Attleboro, Ward Coun- November 2? Who knows. In this post-Sen. around National Day (October times people just want to think about what cilor George Ross is challenging incumbent Scott Brown world, anything’s possible. And 11). The day she was scheduled to speak, Octo- they’ve just heard.” state representative Bill Bowles. Bowles first it’s not necessarily going to be pretty. ber 12th, was the day Shepard died. It touched Since leaving the post of Poet Laureate of won office in 2008 and quickly showed that her deeply to know that Shepard had planned Northampton this past spring, does Newman he’s an ally to LGBT equality by co-sponsor- *Susan Ryan-Vollmar is a media relations to attend her talk. find she has more time for projects like this? ing the Transgender Civil Rights Bill. You and communications consultant. MassEqual- When Newman called for a moment of si- “Yes and no,” she says. She’s now teach- can find very little on the record about where ity is one of her clients. She lives in Arlington lence at NHS, a large screen showed a photo ing at Clark University and, twice a year; she Ross stands on LGBT issues. But if you look with her family. of Shepard, then transitioned to images of travels to Kentucky to teach in a low-residency five teens who recently killed themselves af- MFA program at Spaulding University. When ter being targeted by anti-gay bullying. New- she’s not teaching, she’s working on her latest man read the names and ages of each, some as children’s book Donovan’s Big Day. Still, she • The Rainbow Times • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 •  LGBT films premiere inN orthampton October 23 NORTHAMPTON, MA—“These new LGBT store takeover performance, shopping carts films are the most popular ones at LGBT film included, to a stunning nightclub dance num- festival around the country,” says Jaime Mi- ber and ballroom dance competitions, Leading chaels, executive producer/director of Out! Ladies offers an indulgently satisfying array of For Reel. On Saturday, October 23, Out! For dance. Starring Benji Schwimmer, 2006 win- Reel kicks off its season with the award-win- ner of “So You Think You Can Dance” and ning lesbian romance, The Secret Diaries renowned ballroom and Latin dancer Melanie of Miss Anne Lister at the Academy of Mu- LaPatin.On Saturday December 4, Elena Un- sic Theater, Northampton, at 7:30 pm. Doors done, a new lesbian romantic love story, will open at 6:30 pm for an be screened by Out! For informal social hour. A Reel at the Academy of celebratory After Party Music Theatre at 8 pm. will follow the film at Touting bragging rights the Clarion Hotel Ball- to having the longest room, Northampton, lesbian kissing scene 9:30 pm - 12:30 am. in the history of film, If Jane Austen had Elena Undone, portrays written a lesbian love the passion, resistance, story with racy bed- and pleasure of falling room scenes and clan- in love unexpectedly. destine dalliances in the It’s a great date film for woods, it might come a cold winter’s night. close to this captivat- Tickets for all films ing and award-winning are available online at film. Based upon a true, or at story, this BBC-pro- the Academy of Music duced lesbian period Box Office. Tickets drama portrays the re- are $11.50 Advance markable life and loves / $14.50 Door / $10 of Anne Lister (1791 Photo: out! for reel Students (Box Office – 1840), who was a A scene from Out! for Reels’ Leading Ladies. only). To watch the 19th century British film trailers visit Out- landowner who dared to love women in Vic- torian England 200 years ago. Out! For Reel’s After Party on October 23 On Saturday, November 6, Out! For Reel will offer great dance music by the popular will present Leading Ladies, a highly enter- DJ Lori B, free hors d’oeuvres, cash bars, and taining film about dance, true love, and com- free parking. Tickets are $7 Advance / $7 w/ ing out, at the Academy of Music Theater, Film ticket stub at Door / $10 General at Door. Northampton, at 7:30 pm. Tickets are available only online at OutFor- Packed with astounding dance sequences or at the Door. and an infectious pop soundtrack, Leading Ladies is alternately outrageous and touching, Out! For Reel LGBT Film Series is now the and sure to please everyone from film buffs to largest LGBT film series in the U.S. with over dance lovers to Hairspray fans. From a Tooth- 11,000 attendees in the past two years. For brush Tango in the bathroom to a grocery more information visit

Letters from page 2 happy stories, however. I wish there were we’ve grown up! a story about places where we can go when our partners have passed, etc. Maybe The Times can cover something like this soon. meet us —Marguerite Solemn, Boston, MA

now on our Dear Editor, What great pics you had in this edition. fan page! I could recognize some of the people from our community. That was awesome. Thanks search the rainbow times for the pics and for your nice and serious coverage of our issues. to join us! —Jessica Gonzales, Jamaica Plain  • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • The Rainbow Times • Creep of the Week: Let’s talk Matt Barber Amy Ray and Zoë Lewis to mark LGBT By: D’Anne Witkowski*/Special for TRT sin is that suicide is never the way out,” Barber It feels like every time we check the news offers. “But there is a way out. It comes first Stonewall Center’s 25th Anniversary this month there’s a story about yet another through belief in Jesus Christ, and then through AMHERST, MA—To celebrate its 25th anni- the Stonewall Center has brought Ellen DeGe- young person taking his or her life in order to confession of sin; finally, repentance.” versary, the University of Massachusetts, Am- neres, Harvey Fierstein, and Kate Clinton. escape anti-gay bullying. It’s heartbreaking. In other words, Barber’s message to gay herst Stonewall Center is sponsoring a concert The concert will be held on Wednesday, No- And not just for the gay community. teens is that they’re yucky sinners who sim- by the highly acclaimed singer-songwriters vember 17 at 8 p.m. in the Student Union Ball- Even Matt Barber of the rabidly anti-gay ply need to pray real hard to get the gay out of Amy Ray and Zoë Lewis. Ray, room at the University of Mas- Liberty Counsel expressed his sorrow: “Any- them. Never mind that being gay isn’t some- best known as one half of the re- sachusetts, Amherst. Tickets are one with a heart grieves deeply over these thing you can pray away. nowned contemporary fold duo available at the Stonewall Center needless suicides.” But for folks like Barber it isn’t about ac- the Indigo Girls, has also estab- (Crampton Hall), Tix Unlimited Amen to that. Hey, we might not agree on tual people with hearts. It’s about a sinister lished herself as a leading solo (317 UMass Student Union), and everything, but at least we all have something and faceless “gay agenda.” And anyway the artist, with four albums on her Pride & Joy (20 Crafts Ave., in common: a heart. real victims of this whole gay suicide mess are own Daemon Records. Lewis, Northampton) for $20 ($10 for Or do we? Christians. known as “a one-woman band” students with ID). For people “Unfortunately – though not surprisingly Ellen DeGeneres recently said, “There are for her ability to play just about who live outside of the area, – extremist ‘gay’ pressure groups, like the messages everywhere that validate this sort of any instrument, is a mainstay on phone orders are being taken at incongruously named ‘Human Rights Cam- bullying and taunting and we need to make it the festival circuit and a “must (413) 545-4826. The concert is paign,’ Ellen DeGeneres and other liberal stop. We can’t let intolerance and ignorance see” for LGBT people visiting also sponsored by The Rainbow activists are shamelessly exploiting these trag- take another kid’s life.” Provincetown, her adopted home. Times. edies as a means to Barber is kind “We are thrilled that Amy Ray Photo: daemon records achieve their own enough to translate set her fall schedule around us, Amy Ray The third oldest LGBT campus selfish political ends,” So let me get this this “from liberalese so that she could be here for this center in the country, the Stone- Barber continues. to plain English” for milestone anniversary,” states Genny Beemyn, wall Center provides support, advocacy, and Wait, is he saying us: “Public defense of the director of the Stonewall Center. “The cen- programming for LGBT and allied people at that gays are actually straight (no pun God’s express, self- ter has a long history of sponsoring great pro- UMass Amherst and for the larger Pioneer happy about all of this? evident and unequivo- gramming for the campus and the community, Valley. A complete list of the center’s 25th an- “It makes me physi- intended): bloodthirsty cal design for human and Amy Ray and Zoë Lewis are very much a niversary events can be found on its website: cally ill to watch as the sexuality must be part of that tradition.” For past anniversaries, HRC and other ‘gay’ gay militants are stopped under force of militants lick their law. Proponents of the Inclusive from page 2 mer President George W. Bush and his failed chops and rub their actually celebrating Judeo-Christian sexual Gov. Patrick, on the other hand, is the only administration. His exit was convenient in hands together over ethic are murdering that he left others to deal with the chaos that ‘gay’ kids with their gubernatorial candidate who supports a trans- the tragic suicides of the fact that these he caused. And, these are exactly the financial these troubled, sexu- words.” gender civil rights bill and has promised to Now, I can’t speak sign it, not veto it like the other candidates situations that the Democrats are dealing with ally confused young kids killed themselves at this moment. We must remember this fact men,” Barber says. for DeGeneres... Oh, have stated. This bill would provide protec- “Before they were because it’s good for what the hell, I will: tions to our trans community members who before blaming the current leaders. Tough even laid to rest, the No, she’s not. She is not as of now, remain one of the most targeted times call for tough decisions. radical homosexual the cause? saying that, you para- and exposed members of our LGBT commu- Because of these reasons and more, The lobby pounced lever- noid, deluded f@#$. nity. It is impossible for us to support a can- Rainbow Times is proud to support and en- aging these suicides to demand that govern- Although now that you mention it, telling a didacy that does not include the Trans com- dorse Gov. Deval Patrick and Tim Murray ment codify each of their extremist, social en- young person who is being bullied for being gay munity, especially when our mission is based for Massachusetts Governor and Lieutenant gineering demands.” while most of the adults in his life stand idly by upon unification and the strengthening of our Governor, respectively. If the LGBT fund- So let me get this straight (no pun intended): that he is broken and should feel ashamed of LGBT community as a whole. raiser is an indication of the LGBT vote, then bloodthirsty gay militants are actually celebrat- feelings he cannot control and he pretty much In addition, Gov. Patrick has been a strong Gov. Patrick should have no problem with his ing the fact that these kids killed themselves deserves it until he gets right with a god who advocate of our community with strong lead- LGBT supporters. because it’s good for the cause? can’t magically “fix” his sexual orientation no ership. He signed recent anti-bullying legisla- Best, Oh, I get it – gays don’t have hearts. Only matter how hard be prays sounds like a pretty tion and repealed the 1913 law that prevented human beings have hearts and Barber clearly good recipe for suicidal desperation. out-of-state same-sex couples from marrying Gricel M. Ocasio doesn’t see homos that way. Because in his And that isn’t good for anyone’s cause. in Massachusetts. Looking at the complete picture, Gov. Pat- *Gricel M. Ocasio is the co-founder, co- world, gays don’t actually exist. They’re just owner and Publisher of The Rainbow Times. “sexually confused young men” who didn’t *D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for pay rick and President Obama have worked under love Jesus enough. since 2003. She’s a freelance writer and poet one of the toughest financial recessions ever, She is a graduate of Temple University and “God’s message to young people struggling (believe it!). When she’s not taking on the and a housing market that was about to col- has been in the journalism and publishing with same sex temptation or to those who feel creeps of the world she reviews rock ‘n’ roll lapse under the former “leadership.” This field for almost 20 years. You can reach her the shame that naturally accompanies sexual shows in Detroit with her twin sister. legacy was left to all of us as a gift from for- at: [email protected].

reach out to a dedicated readership & informed community... TRT Heroes from page 5 need to learn how to use the parental controls biggest thing is to get somebody to volun- on the computer. They need to follow what advertise today @ teer once. Once they volunteer, they always their children are doing on the computer.” come back. Everyone can make a difference Hartley knows that as long as people stay by volunteering for whatever ’cause they be- active in the fight for LGBT equality, prog- lieve in.” ress can be achieved. The work The best advice Hartley has he continues to do is part of ever received? “Do it for the reaching that goal. cause and not for the glam- “I’ve lived long enough now our,” Hartley said. “I don’t do that I’ve seen the changes that it for awards or praise. I do it have happened,” Hartley ex- because I believe in all the plained. “I know if you’re per- organizations that I volunteer sistent and you continue your for. Everything that I have fight, changes can happen. done for the LGBT community There’s domestic partner bene- I am proud of, in one way or fits now at most companies.2 5 another.” years ago that was unheard of. Hartley acknowledges that I’m sure that eventually there bullying is a major problem, will be marriage rights here in not just for LGBT teenagers, Rhode Island and throughout but for all teenagers. the United States.” “Bullying in general has just gotten out Does Hartley consider him- of control, especially with cyber bullying” self an LGBT hero? Hartley noted. ”The kids are smarter than the He says no: “I do what I do because it parents when it comes to technology. Parents needs to be done.” • The Rainbow Times • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 •  Recent string of gay suicides spur awareness, anger, calls to action By: Joe Siegel/TRT Reporter anti-gay attitudes they were experiencing from In the wake of a string of gay suicides, out- other students. raged members of the LGBT community have Rankin admits such a high percentage was held vigils and are having discussions on how to “shocking”. prevent more tragedies from occurring. Even more disturbing is the fact that only 7 At Brown University in Providence on Octo- percent of colleges and universities offer insti- ber 4, a memorial was held to honor the memo- tutionalized resources for LGBTQ students, ac- ries of the six gay men who took their own lives cording to Rankin. in the past month. The Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Friends of Raymond Chase, a Johnson and Resource Professionals is an organization dedi- Wales University student who committed sui- cated to making colleges and universities more cide a week earlier, spoke at the event. accepting environments for LGBT students and Another vigil was held at the State House faculty members. There is a directory of colleges in Boston, where participants with LGBT resource centers at expressed anger at the lack of their web site: www.lgbtcam- progress on LGBT civil rights legislation, which they believe Campus Pride released the re- was a factor in the suicides. sults of a study last month, titled On Thursday, October 6, The 2010 State of Higher Edu- Campus Pride released a state- cation for LGBT People, which ment calling on the President documented the experiences of of Rutgers University to expel nearly 6,000 students, faculty, both Dharun Ravi and Molly staff and administrators who Wei for invasion of privacy of identify as lesbian, gay, bisex- fellow student Tyler Clementi. ual and transgender (LGBT) at On September 22, Clementi colleges and universities across jumped off the George Wash- the United States. The results ington Bridge after posting on point to significant harassment his Facebook page: “jumping of LGBT students and a lack off the gw bridge sorry.” Photo: courtesy of safety and inclusiveness that “Ravi and Wei acted mali- Raymond Chase exists on campuses across the ciously to secretly tape Tyler country. Clementi, even posting comments to encourage Some key findings: others to ‘video chat’ and watch. This is an egre- • Lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer (LGBQ) gious act of invasion of privacy. Both students respondents experienced significantly greater should be expelled. Period,” said Shane Wind- harassment and discrimination than their hetero- meyer, executive director and founder of Cam- sexual allies, and those who identified as trans- pus Pride. “This act was not simply a prank. It masculine, transfeminine, and gender non-con- has been two weeks now and neither student has forming (GNC) experienced significantly higher been expelled. Now is the time to act decisively rates of harassment than men and women and send a clear message at Rutgers and at col- • LGBQ students were more likely than het- leges across the country that LGBT harassment erosexual students to have seriously considered and hate will not be tolerated any longer.” leaving their institution as a result of harassment “Rutgers University has an obligation to the and discrimination. family of Tyler Clementi and to parents who • LGBQ respondents of color were more likely have gay kids across the nation to enforce the than their LGBQ White counterparts to indicate student code of conduct,” added Windmeyer. race as the basis for harassment, and were sig- “The nation is watching what happens. Rutgers nificantly less likely than LGBQ White respon- should take immediate action in the wake of this dents to feel very comfortable or comfortable in national tragedy and immediately expel both their classes (60%, 65%, respectively). students.” • Respondents who identified as transmasculine, A number of academians have also weighed transfeminine, and gender non-conforming have in, explaining that colleges need to do more to more negative perceptions of campus climate provide more resources for LGBT students. when compared with those who identify within Sue Rankin, a Professor of Education at Penn the gender binary. State, conducted some research and found that over one third of the respondents would consid- For more information about Campus Pride’s er leaving their college or university due to the “2010 State of Higher Education for LGBT People” report, visit 10 • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • The Rainbow Times • LGBT Halloween Dance at Free adoption programs Nov. 6: Bella Maddo: The novelita Brattleboro American Legion Families sought for children in foster care All transgender ensemble, cast in NON-transgender roles! An LGBT community dance party SPRINGFIELD, MA—This event focuses on By: Gina Morvay*/Special for TRT will be held on Friday, October 29, 9 finding adoptive families for children in fos- p.m.-1 a.m., at the American Legion ter care. The program begins at 1:00 PM with Bella Maddo is a new soap-opera style in Brattleboro, Vermont. The event is a Family Orientation on how best to use this short film being welcomed throughout the sponsored by the Men’s Program of the party. Waiting children arrive at 1:30 with film-festival circuit. AIDS Project of Southern Vermont. their social workers for carnival-style fun and Okay, another day, another short, and so The DJ of the evening is DJ Buck, games. Social work students from Elms Col- it goes, but this film is not only directed by who played for the June Pride Party, lege in Chicopee, MA and from Westfield a trans-woman, it also has trans-children in and there will be another fantastic light State University will be assisting the children it. In fact, this film ONLY has trans people show by Jonathan. Admission to the and organizing games and activities. The adop- in it, and moreover, these performers don’t dance is $5.00, and there is a cash bar tion party gives prospective parents the chance even play trans people in this film. and free refreshments. Raffle tickets to interact with children awaiting adoption The actors are 24/7 trans peeps of all dif- are sold at the dance, for a variety of through informal activities including arts and ferent ages (9 to 76). news ont great prizes donated by local sponsors, crafts, basketball and games. Attendees should The idea of using all trans actors came Photo: Philip Ruesch and all attendees get a free chance at a dress casually for this event. Refreshments, from director/actress Janice Danielles’ own The cast of Bella Maddo m door prize. catered by Westfield Vocational High School frustrations with being cast in a narrow niche. Costumes are encouraged but not re- Culinary students will be served. Her tipping point came when she was up for a Simpson was appointed based on her knowl- edge, and she should serve as an example to the quired. These dance parties regularly In Massachusetts, more than 600 children non-trans role for which a (well-known) director er entire trans community” said Janice. “The ques- bring in close to 100 local and regional and teens in foster care are waiting for adop- wanted to hire her, but backed down because he members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, tion into permanent loving families. School- thought her trans-history would be too much of tion shouldn’t be ‘what were you,’ but instead v WHAT DO YOU DO!” and transgender community, and their aged children, sibling groups, children of color “a distraction.” friends and allies. This is a community event and children with special needs tend to wait Performers included in Bella Maddo are Isis open to all. Synopsis of Bella Maddo the longest for families. MARE’s Adoption King, well known from her participation on Parties provide a relaxed setting where wait- America’s Next Top Model with Tyra Banks, A pregnant sociopath compulsively values thin- For more information, contact Howie Peter- ness over caring for her young daughter and un- ing children and adults hoping to adopt can musician Joe Stevens, 9 year old Miss Jazz (she son at the Men’s Program, at [email protected] meet. Participants can also learn about the was featured on Barbara Walters’s 20/20 spe- born child. This dark-comedy, soap-opera style or 802-254-4444. film is about an aging, vain and selfish mother; adoption process and support resources avail- cial) and many other talented [trans] actors. able, as well as financial subsidies for which Bella Maddo is a unique and powerful achieve- the perfect blend of Joan Crawford and Dina Lohan. children adopted from foster care may be eli- ment. It views trans people not as objects of curi- gible. Adoption parties are MARE’s most ef- osity to exploit, but as individuals who can play Proceeds from the purchase of this film are blog • personals generously donated to various charities, which fective tool in building adoptive families, now any role given the chance. accounting for 32% all children placed into are listed on the website. Purchase either DVD Janice is expanding the film into an 8-part calendar • chat adoptive homes. mini-series. Future directorial projects for her in- or online viewing; both can be done at www. The Adoption Party will take place on Sat- clude a film completely cast with trans children. resources urday, November 6, from 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. at When asked about who her role model is, the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Westfield, Janice stated Amanda Simpson (trans-woman *Gina Morvay’s blog can be found at: www. breaking news 25 West Silver St., Westfield, MA. To RSVP appointed to the Obama administration) “Ms. for the Pre-Party and/or the Adoption Party, or advertise to learn more about adoption from foster care, contact MARE at 1-800-882-1176 or visit & more ... MARE is a private, non-profit organiza- tion, working since 1957 to find a “permanent place to call HOME” for CHIL- DREN in foster care, including sibling groups and children who are traditionally harder to place. We do this by recruit- ing, educating, supporting and advocating for FAMILIES throughout the adoption pro- cess. These events are spon- sored by MARE and DCF West- ern MA Regional Office, with support from Providence Be- havioral Health Hospital, Boys & Girls Club of Greater West- field and an anonymous donor. • The Rainbow Times • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • 11 State House vigil held in wake of rash of gay suicides By: Joe Siegel/TRT Reporter Island, Felix Sacco (17) Massachusetts, and Many of the speakers expressed their frus- noted that the Governor’s Commission on Gay BOSTON, MA—On October 5 at the Mas- Caleb Nolt (14) Indiana. tration with a lack of progress on LGBT civil and Lesbian Youth made recommendations sachusetts State House in Boston, a vigil was Emcee David Mailloux, Co-Chair of Join rights at the federal level, such as the repeal of 16 years ago to create safer schools for LGBT held to draw attention to the recent string of the Impact MA, led the crowd in a sing-a-long the military’s ban on openly gay service, and youth in Massachusetts, and yet Carl Walker- gay teen suicides. of Christina Aguilera’s anthem Beautiful. The failure to pass ENDA (Employment Non-Dis- Hoover (Springfield, Mass.) killed himself in The event, which was attended by several Rev. Jack Lewis of the Unitarian-Universalist crimination Act). 2009 after being bullied. hundred people, was organized by Join the Im- Society of Wellesley declared that no LGBT “The bullying stems from ignorance and ho- Mailloux said Join the Impact will be col- pact MA. Join person need feel mophobia,” Mailloux said. “The homophobia laborating with other organizations, including the Impact MA alone – “we’ve stems from the lack of legislation that protects Queer Women of Color and Allies and BAGLY is a local grass- come together the LGBT community.” (Boston Alliance of Gay and Lesbian Youth). roots organiza- in unity in re- Several speakers demanded action on fed- “We realize that something definitely need- tion which was sponse to the eral anti-bullying legislation to augment the ed to be done about bullying and how could created follow- hatred against state protections enacted in Massachusetts ear- we reach out more to the youth in our com- ing the passage us and we need lier this year. Sue Hyde of the National Gay munity,” Mailloux said. “The conversation is of ’s to watch each and Lesbian Task Force and Mass Equality most definitely going to continue.” Proposition 8 in other’s backs.” 2008. The group Gunner Scott has confronted of the Massa- a variety of is- chusetts Trans- sues over the gender Political past 2 years, Coalition con- with the ex-gay demned the lack movement a of legal protec- particular target tion for trans- for its promo- Photo: Join the Impact ma gender youth in tion of negative Several hundred people attended this Join the Impact MA Massachusetts, attitudes about organized State House rally, targeting recent gay suicides and introduced homosexuality. two trans youth A total of ten lives have ended as a result of who told personal stories of being bullied and homophobia and anti-gay bullying, a longtime beaten for their . problem which has taken the spotlight over the Keegan O’Brien, a student at UMass/Bos- past month. ton, told the crowd that can have an The lives lost include: Justin Aaberg (15), impact by protesting, marching, sitting-in, and Minnesota, Billy Lucas (15) Indiana, Cody J. chaining ourselves to the White House fence. Barker (17) Wisconsin, Seth Walsh (13) Cali- An open microphone speak-out followed, in fornia, Tyler Clementi (18) New Jersey, Asher which individuals were invited to share per- Brown (13) Texas, Harrison Chase Brown sonal stories of surviving homophobia and (15), Colorado, Raymond Chase (19) Rhode bullying. 12 • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • The Rainbow Times • One man’s first feature length film to Items of interest in our local gayborhoods and beyond By: Joe Siegel/TRT Reporter of bullying and harassment. This event is to benefit LGBT youth organization, NAGLY honor ALL victims and raise awareness about By: Chuck Colbert/TRT Reporter trying to get by, paying the bills. Now, along Eastern Massachusetts News: these issues. A gay New Hampshire native has written and comes a baby, what are they doing to do?” • The MassEquality PAC announced We plan to gather with our candles from 5 to 6 directed his first feature-length movie — quite Scarelli said he is happy to partner with its endorsement of Martha Coakley p.m., on the steps of City Hall in Springfield on an accomplishment for 28-year-old man, Justin NAGLY. Is there a positive message for a gay for Attorney General, Steve Grossman Friday, October 29. Please contact Dominique for Treasurer, and Suzanne Bump for Scarelli of Hampstead who produced the inde- audience? Indeed, he said. “Here is a represen- riefs Walker and Nicole Stern for more informa- pendent film, Some Holiday, on a shoestring tation of characters who — for lack of a better Auditor. Coakley sued the federal gov- tion on how you can get involved: dwalker@ budget. word — are regular guys, men who happen to b ernment last year for its discriminatory and [email protected] The film’s North Shore screening debut is set be in a relationship with each other, but are real treatment of married lesbian and gay for Thursday, Nov. 4, at Cinema Salem. Director people.” couples in Massachusetts and won. Worcester News: Scarelli is partnering with the North Shore Alli- In other words, Scarelli continued, “They are “The only way we will be successful • The AIDS Project Worcester is having their ance for Gay & Lesbian Youth, NAGLY, (www. people like me. I may not fit into a certain stereo- in advancing equal opportunities for 2nd Annual Gospel Festival on Saturday, as a benefit for the organization. He will type, but I have the same trials and tribulations,” LGBT people from cradle to grave – in October 23 from 3 to 5 p.m. Tickets are $20 be on hand for the occasion. hopes and dreams as anyone schools, in marriage and family life, at in advance, $25 at the door. Wesley United A labor of “love and pas- else. news work and in retirement – is by electing Methodist Church, 114 Main Street. For ticket sion,” Scarelli said, the hour- The young writer and movie candidates who understand the importance of or event information, contact Tricia Price at long movie is all about the director said he did not set out working for all citizens of the Commonwealth, 508-755-3773, Ext. 16 or e-mail her at tprice@ to make a gay film. Yet, it was lives of three young couples, including LGBT citizens,” said Kara Suffredi- two straight and one gay, all important to put Chris and ni, executive director of MassEquality. “Mar- of them just starting out in Sam’s relationship into the fore- tha Coakley, Steve Grossman, and Suzanne Rhode Island News: front and treat the gay couple on Bump have each distinguished themselves in life. Some Holiday chronicles • The 11th Annual Rhode Island Pride Spot- the partners’ relationships, their “equal status.” their advocacy on behalf of LGBT people and light Awards will be held on Friday, October navigation and negotiation of True enough, Scarelli add- MassEquality is proud to endorse them.” ed, “Their relationship is the 22 at the Blackstone Valley Visitor Center, career aspirations and parental • Fenway Health presents the twelfth annual responsibilities. strongest of all three because 175 Main St., Pawtucket. 2010 Spirit of Pride with five-year old Nathan at the Audre Lorde Cancer Awareness Brunch on recipients are Congressman Patrick Kennedy Here’s a very brief synop- Saturday, October 23 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The sis: College sweethearts, Grace center, Sam and Chris and the and Rosey DeNicola. Ticket prices are: $10 in boy are going to have to be con- event will be held at Fenway Health, located at advance, $15 at the door. For more informa- and Dan Allen are facing the the Ansin Building, 9th floor, 1340 Boylston unanticipated birth of their first nected somehow.” tion contact: And yet, “Sam has the option Street, Boston. The event is free, but space is child. Before getting married, limited. Please RSVP for the Brunch online. If • Openly gay Congressional candidate, Provi- Grace introduces her best friend to leave. They are not married dence Mayor David Cicilline, will be getting Photo: Louis Foisy and have been together about a you would like to volunteer, please email Erica Sam to Chris so that Sam won’t at [email protected]. the support of President Barack Obama on have to attend her wedding Justin Scarelli year,” Scarelli explained. “Sam Monday, October 25. Obama will appear at a alone. The two gay men hit if decides to stay and further their • GLAD (Gay and Lesbian Advocates and De- $500 per person reception at the Rhode Island off, but the plot line thickens when Sam learns relationship. That speaks volumes. It’s more of fenders) and the Hispanic Black Gay Coalition Convention Center and later at a $7,500 per will conduct a free workshop covering your Chris has a five-year old son. The third couple is a conscious choice.” person reception at the home of a couple on the What did Scarelli learn about himself as a rights related to HIV and employment. The Tracy and Miles, who are forced to give up their city’s East Side. Cicilline is running against person and writer? “It’s important to be authen- workshop is at Suffolk University on Octo- performing-artist life on the road when Tracy Republican John Loughlin, a state Rep. from discovers she is expectant. In time, Tracy leaves tic in life and in my writing,” he said. “In my ber 23 from 1-3 p.m. Presenters include: Ben coming out process and as a director and indi- Klein, GLAD’s AIDS Law Project Director, Little Compton. Polls show Ciiclline with a Miles and her child to pursue Broadway career sizable lead over Loughlin. dreams. But guilt sets in and she weighs return- vidual,” Scarelli continued, “I’ve come to see and Nephtali Rosado, Executive Team Leader ing home, wondering all along if it is worth it. that if you work at something in an honest way of Target Stores and Vice Chair of the Hispanic • Youth Pride, Inc., presents _Live Out Loud_ “I’ve been a writer for most of my life,” Scarel- and deal with it with respect; you’ll end up with Black Gay Coalition (HBGC). The event will on Friday, November 5 at the Providence Bilt- li said during a recent telephone interview. Intro- a new-found outlook.” take place at Suffolk University, First Floor more. Cocktails and silent auction will be at ducing a gay couple, he said, “I had never done That’s a pretty good take-away message, too, Conference Room, 120 Tremont St., Boston. 6:30. Dinner and dancing at 8 p.m. Tickets are that before,” explaining, “I had just come out, for youth coming to terms with a differing sexu- There will be time following the program to $60 in advance and $70 at the door. For more and that learning experience helped me to deal al orientation or gender identity. network and connect with local community information or to reserve tickets, call (401) with characters who are gay. I really wanted to groups. 521-5626. present them correctly.” The film’s meet and greet at Cinema Salem Please RSVP before noon on October 22 to The title of the movie, Scarelli said, springs will start at 8:30 p.m. The show starts at 9 p.m., Noreen Giga ([email protected]) Connecticut News: from the classic film Roman Holiday, starring with discussion afterwards. Tickets for the event • There will be a Wine Tasting on November 5 Audrey Hepburn, a princess who escapes her are $10 dollars and they can be purchased at Western Massachusetts News: to benefit the New Haven Pride Center, located real life and experiences a magical holiday in the Cinema Salem website (www.cinemasalem. • The MacDuffie School Gay-Straight Alli- at 14 Gilbert St., West Haven. Send a check Rome, eventually returning home and assumers com) or by calling the box office (978) 744- ance invites all of Western Massachusetts to to NHPC, P.O. Box 8914, West Haven, CT her responsibilities. 1400. Proceeds will benefit NAGLY. For more 06532 or call 203-387-2252 and leave a mes- information about the film, visit: www.surefine- attend a Springfield Anti-Bullying Candle- Some Holiday, he said, “is a lot about people light Vigil, in memoriam of the fallen victims sage. Also, emails can be sent to: nhglcc@ trying to escape their reality — a married couple • • • blog • chat personals calendar resources breaking news advertise & more ... therainbowtimes blog • chat personals calendar resources breaking news advertise & more ... • The Rainbow Times • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • 13 300 LGBT leaders and allies come together to raise over $160K for Patrick By: Chuck Colbert/TRT Reporter mingled among attendees. Massachusetts is “very competitive,” the One gubernatorial candidate has both an “I like being out and about” Gov. Patrick governor said. “We’re growing jobs faster than openly gay brother and running mate; the oth- said, “Meeting people where they live, where any other state in the nation. We are first in the er, a gay daughter. Both candidates are good they are economically and socially, and in their nation for student achievement,” for “veterans on LGBT rights. And yet, if a recent gay and own heads. Policy only matters at the point it services,” “for clean and alternative energy ini- lesbian community fundraising event is any touches people’s lives.” tiatives,” and “for health care coverage. Nine- indication of LGBT backing, Governor Deval Kara Suffredini, executive director of Mass ty-eight percent of our residents have health Patrick stands to benefit from solid gay com- Equality, introduced Patrick, ticking off a list insurance. No other state can say that.” munity support on Election Day, Nov. 2. of accomplishments for the LGBT commu- “And none of that happened by accident,” About 300 LGBT nity, including support Patrick said, adding, “One other thing didn’t community leaders for transgender rights happen by accident. You can marry any one ands allies raised more and tough anti-bul- you love in this state.” than $160,000 for the lying legislation, as Throughout spring, summer, and early fall, Photo: chuck colbert incumbent Democratic well as his advocacy every poll has shown Deval Patrick ahead of L-R: Jacques Abatto, Katherine Patrick, governor who is seek- early on against a con- his challengers, Republican Charlie Baker, In- Christina Chan, and David Goldman proud to ing a second four-year stitutional amend- dependent Tim Cahill and Green Party candi- be at LGBT community fundraiser in Boston. term. ment to ban same-sex date Jill Stein — anywhere from a one to seven “The size and suc- marriage. Patrick also to as high as a 14 point spread last May. But as and LGBT backers, any number of whom cess of the LGBT fund- signed into law a bill support for Cahill slipped over time, the race view the outcome as critically important to the raiser is emblematic of repealing a 1913 Mas- has become closer. commonwealth and gay community. the depth of support that sachusetts statute that The most recent poll, an Oct. 12 survey of The race for many is “way too close, way too Governor Patrick has in prohibited marriage of 500 likely voters conducted by Suffolk Uni- close for comfort” as one backer described it. out-of-state residents if versiity/Channel 7 News, showed a seven “What’s at stake is having an advocate and the community,” said Photo: chuck colbert Elyse Cherry, an LGBT the marriage contracted point spread, with Patrick ahead at 46 percent true believer in the corner office,” said former community leader and Deval Patrick, addressing 300 supporters at in the commonwealth to Baker’s 39 percent. Freedom to Marry (FTM) co-chair Rob Henry event organizer. “He’s the “Evening of Conversation with Governor violated laws of the An earlier Sept. 30, Rasmussen Reports during the Patrick reception. “That’s what I been with us from the Deval Patrick,” and LGBT community fund- couple’s domiciled telephone survey of 750 likely Bay State vot- saw four years ago, and that’s what I see now,” beginning, never hesi- raiser, held in Boston Oct. 6. state. ers, moreover, put Patrick at 47 percent versus Henry added. In 2006, the FTM advocacy tated, never wavered.” For his part, the Baker’s 42 percent when voters who say they group was then the first LGBT organization to The event was held Wed., October 6, on the governor delivered an inspiring campaign are leaning to one candidate or another are in- endorse then candidate Deval Patrick. 33rd floor State Room at 60 State Street in stump speech, detailing a track record of cluded in polling results. Cahill trails a distant Arline Isaacson, co-chairwoman of the Mas- downtown Boston, with the Patrick campaign achievement. That includes, Patrick said, “in- third, with only six percent. sachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, a billing the reception as “an evening of conver- vestment in roads, rails, and bridge structures,” Two weeks earlier Patrick held a slim 45 to statewide lobbying group, went further. “He’s sation with Governor Deval Patrick.” investment in “broad band expansion, afford- 42 percent lead over Baker. the most pro-LGBT governor we’ve ever had. There were plenty of face-to-face conversa- able housing, and recreational facilities,” the Rasmussen’s most recent findings enabled He’s done everything we asked him to and tions as the governor spent considerable time “consolidation of 20 different state agencies,” the electronic media company that specializes then some,” she said, adding, “If our commu- listening to supporters one-on-one and thank- reform of the state’s Criminal Offender Re- in public opinion polling to reclassify the race nity does not do everything to protect this gov- ing them for contributions and backing. His cords Information (CORI); “pension and eth- from “toss-up” to “leans Democratic.” ernor, that message will be noted.” daughter Katherine Patrick also mixed and ics reform legislation.” That is indeed good news for the governor See $160K for Patrick on page 14 14 • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • The Rainbow Times • What’s the matter? Ron Perkov sets the Matter straight $160K for Patrick from page 13 Isaacson’s call to get out the gay vote reso- By: Drew Lipinsky/Special for TRT It’s important that gay men enjoy the same ben- feel more than happy. I feel settled in life be- nated quietly through the cocktail-chatter buzz, Ron Perkov has performed alongside efits as heterosexuals. cause of our nuptials. with attendees, sipping chardonnay and caber- the likes Dionne Warwick, Jennifer DL: If Prop 8 is only part of the song, what other DL: In the song, you sing that race doesn’t mat- net sauvignon and sampling hor d’oeurves. Holiday and Bernadette Peters. He also forms of discrimination are you tackling? ter. Have you ever dated across the color line? “I’d hate to see this race be affected by peo- ent starred in the Lincoln Center Production RP: The song is ultimately about the RP: My other half is Afro-Ameri- ple’s lack of energy,” said Susan Tracy, who of Mack & Mabel. Today, however, rampant bigotry and discrimination can. It never mattered to me what ran for Congress in 1998. “The stakes are very

m the five-time Billboard charting artist that continues to plague the world. It color my partner was. What mat- important,” she added, “Deval Patrick has performs more dance floors than stage doesn’t matter who you are or who tered was that he is a good, decent been great. Just think about the time we’ve doors. you love or what you wear. Remem- person, which he is. been through. The message is not that it could His self-penned songs all follow what ber that life is about learning. We DL: Have you encountered any rac- have been worse,” she explained referring to has become a winning recipe for Ron, learn from all walks of life. ism as a couple? the economic downturn. “He’s been a great with a hidden life message behind thun- DL: So you don’t really believe that RP: The world is changing in regard leader in the worst times there could be.” derous beats. It’s an influence from his nothing matters? to color, but sure the old world way Patrick and his challengers sharply differ theatre past; enthusiastically embraced RP: Not at all. Everything matters! of thinking still exists. I believe it on one important issue for LGBT voters. by some of the biggest names in dance. It matters that we accept people and will die out eventually but it will be Baker and Cahill oppose transgender civil- Tony Moran, Victor Calderone, Manny learn from them and get along. It some time. rights legislation — what opponents dub the Lehman, and David Knapp, have all re- matters that we at least try to be the DL: How has having a black presi- “bathroom bill.” The proposed legislation mixed his songs. Last year’s “Miss You” best we can be and that we appreci- Photo: luis carle dent impacted the color line? would add “gender identity” and “gender was his biggest smash to date, landing at ate our differences. Ron Perkov RP: America is wonderfully be- expression” to the state’s non-discrimination the top of Billboard and breaking into DL: Does the economy matter? coming more liberal. Electing a

entertain and hate crimes laws. An ardent proponent of UK charts. RP: Hell yes, the economy matters. For those black president proved to me that anyone can the measure, Patrick has said he will sign the This month, Perkov releases a new dance that are struggling, and we all are — anyone that be whatever they wish to be. I find it funny that bill into law. track, co-produced by his longtime collabora- says they aren’t is lying — take one day at a time whenever I tour outside of the USA, foreign fans For claiming he would veto the “bathroom tor, Mike Lorello. “It Doesn’t Matter” speaks and work hard to pay your bills. How wonderful always say the same thing about our having a bill,” said Boston attorney Vin McCarthy, a against discrimination, especially racial and would it be to have no debt? Can you imagine? non-white President: “it’s about time.” long-time gay community leader and activ- sexual discrimination that remains prevalent all DL: Are we wasting time sweating the small DL: Can we expect a full length album, Ron? ist, “Charlie Baker should be ashamed of over the world. The song urges listeners to ap- stuff? RP: Yes, a full length album is almost done. It himself.” preciate our differences and celebrate diversity. RP: We all have to be a bit more conscious in is a chill-out album, recorded live earlier this With remixes by Mike Cruz, Mickey Friedman how we handle our lives because if you don’t year at my show at New York City’s Joe’s Pub. and Twisted Dee, “It Doesn’t Matter” is sure to take care of yourself, no one else will. Mike Lorello (co-producer of “It Doesn’t Mat- follow the path paved by Perkov’s past hits. DL: You recently married your long-time ter”) and I are producing it together. The music partner. is wonderful. that track Drew Lipinsky: What was the inspiration be- RP: Yes! The ceremony took place in Boston. DL: As wonderful as last winter’s “Intimate from last night? hind “It Doesn’t Matter?” It was small with only our closest friends and Chill-Out” album? Ron Perkov: The inspiration came from real- family. RP: If you enjoyed my “Intimate Chill-Out” al- izing that too many people remain close minded DL: Was it important to publicly declare your bum, you are really going to love this one. about things that are out of the norm for them. union? TRT’s DJ Top 10 DL: Are you referring to Prop 8? RP: We are completely different men now be- For more information on this story and Ron’s RP: Sure, that’s part of what the song refers to. cause of our wedding. I can honestly say that I album visit: • The Rainbow Times • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • 15 One Big Event highlighted by “The Most Pink Martini set to stir the party up at Unique Stand-up Comic in the Country!” soft reopening of CT’s Jorgensen Center HARTFORD, CT—The Hartford Gay & Les- Woman” and tour with him nationally and inter- Storrs, CT—Ah, the martini: classic, a little Piaf and Latin kings Xavier Cugat and Tito bian Health Collective’s 8th One Big Event is nationally constantly; it’s what landed him spots sassy and comfortable in any crowd and time. Puente. Musical styles come from Afro-Cu- coming to the Hartford Hilton Hotel on Satur- on “One Night Stand Up” and “OutLaugh Com- Add pink and you’ve got a real party. ban salsa, Argentinean tango, Brazilian samba day, Nov. 13th. This gala occasion is a fundrais- edy Festival” on the Logo Network, and “Com- So Pink Martini, the retro, worldly band with and bossa nova, Italian folk, Greek rembetiko er for the agency’s many programs and services. ics Unleashed” on ABC, and a performance at more musical influences than one continent and Middle Eastern and Asian music. Their It will have the expected aspects that you would the LA Comedy Festival and South Beach Com- can hold, will swing into Jorgensen on Satur- “diva next door” Forbes performs in a dozen expect: cocktails, dinner, auction edy Festival. day, Nov. 6, at 8 p.m., to celebrate the reno- languages, enhancing the band’s global and dancing. But this is one ben- So if you want to be part of a vated center’s soft reopening. The 12- outlook. Lauderdale says, “I think it’s efit that you won’t forget. We are wild ride that not only leaves au- piece “little orchestra from Portland, important to be a citizen of the world proud to present transgender fun- diences rolling in the aisles but Oregon,” will perform songs from as opposed to being a citizen of this nyman, Ian Harvie. Lauded as: shatters any assumptions they its four albums and a fifth new one, particular country. Part of that means “Quite possibly the most unique may have had about … anything “Joy to the World,” coming out on its studying other people’s languages.” stand-up comic in the country,” AND support a great cause, save Heinz label on Nov. 16. The group’s Pink Martini has performed songs by Frontiers Magazine and “the the date of Nov. 13th! One Big Jorgensen appearance is part of a 12- from its millions-selling albums with Comedian Margaret Cho can’t Event will be THE place to be. city tour heralding the cross-cultural more than 25 orchestras, including the stop raving about!” by Curve One Big Event is a wonderful handling of holiday classics on the new Boston Pops, San Francisco Symphony, Magazine. evening with cocktails, dinner, CD that will enjoy Starbucks retailing. the BBC Concert Orchestra and the Los Ian comes to One Big Event live and silent auctions and danc- This event offers a good chance for Jor- Angeles Philharmonic, and on stages at Carn- direct from the tour of his brand ing. The evening starts with cock- gensen audiences to preview the new color egie, the Hollywood Bowl and the Kennedy new standup comedy show, “Parts tails at 6:00pm and ends at mid- scheme, carpets and apple green seats while Center. Sold Separately”. He challenges night when the band plays their enjoying the updated space and a specially Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts is everything you thought you knew last song. Tickets are $125, $175 created pink martini at the new lobby bars. located at 2132 Hillside Road on the UConn about sex and gender in a hilari- and $225. Once again, ING is our The renovation has not only improved the campus in Storrs. Regular tickets are $45, $38 ous romp through his experiences Photo: Kevin Neales Biggest Sponsor at $10,000. And theater’s safety, comfort and accessibil- and $34, with some discounts available. For as a man who happened to be born Ian Harvie this year, our Really, Really Big ity but enhances its Art Deco-influenced tickets and information, call the Box Office a girl. Ian discloses ALL about Sponsors are The Hartford Cou- design. at 860.486.4226, Monday through Friday, 11 sex, politics, privilege, relationships, coming out rant and Macy’s. One Big Event is a fundraiser Pink Martini was founded in 1994 by a.m.-5 p.m., or order online at jorgensen.uco- twice and of course, and learning new bathroom for the Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collec- classically trained pianist Thomas M. Convenient free parking is available etiquette. Ian’s show will make you think, but tive, the largest organization in the state devoted Lauderdale, who was discouraged by the across the street in the North Garage. more importantly it will leave you laughing. to the LGBT and HIV/AIDS communities. The monochromatic music performed at politi- It’s this facile sense of ease and not just his funds raised from the evenings’ festivities go to- cal fundraisers for causes such as civil rights FUTURE NOTE: Don’t miss Jorgensen’s gender-bending presence that makes Ian’s hu- ward programs and services. and affordable housing. He soon added Har- official gala reopening Sat, Dec. 4, with the mor groundbreaking, and has lead him to make vard classmate China Forbes as lead singer for Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra under the history on more than one occasion. It’s the very For more information, contact OBE Coordi- the group’s blend of jazz, world music, cabaret direction of Keith Lockhart. Patrons can play quality that attracted the notorious Margaret Cho nator, Dan Millett, at (860)278-4163 x18 or at and 1940s-1950s film music. a part in the theater’s future by donating $500 to not just publicly rave about Ian’s work, but to [email protected]. For more information, go to The band’s influences range from Cole Porter to name one of the new apple green seats. See feature him in her smash show “The Sensuous our website: and Duke Ellington to French chanteuse Edith details at 16 • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • The Rainbow Times • • The Rainbow Times • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • 17 13 Homolicious Halloween Movies with Hot Guys to Die For By: Mikey Rox*/Special for TRT the locker room where he disrobes and show- Freddy’s clawed glove. He lives, but not before Swimfan Twilight: New Moon ers like he loves himself, only to be interrupted breaking a serious sweat. Poor kid. If only he Jesse Bradford was only luke- Let’s bypass the BS, OK? The by a strange shadow that, wouldn’t ya know it, had somewhere to run… warm in the hit cheerleading only redeeming quality in the the dog-tag-clad Barry decides to follow. Thank movie “Bring It On,” but at “Twilight” snoozefest is Jacob you, stupid movie rules. For the next minute and American Psycho least he had time on his side. Black (played by Taylor Laut- a half, viewers are treated to the young Adonis Some stories are better left in Because just two years later, the ner), a werewolf with a pen- weaving in and out of lockers in a tight terry- print, but the same can’t be perma-stubbled actor became a chant for running around the cloth skirt that accentuates all the right areas. said for author Bret Easton five-alarm fire of fitness as Ben Washington state backwoods And if that’s not enough to satisfy your Phillippe Ellis’ masterpiece, “American Cronin, a star swimmer with a in athletic shorts and sneakers fantasies, just wait until he gets pissy over his Psycho.” This satirical tale, sordid past in this waterlogged – and nothing else. The first missing letterman jacket. Hell hath no fury like a set in late-1980s New York 2002 thriller. As if Ben’s troubles weren’t bad installment was a complete waste of Lautner’s post-high-school hottie scorned. City, is narrated by the film’s enough – overcoming drug addiction and klep- talent (read: eight-pack abs and bulging biceps), protagonist – and serial killer tomania – along comes out-of-her-effing-mind but “New Moon” makes amends – and the now- The Amityville Horror (2005) – Patrick Bateman, played Madison, a new student with her sights set on the legal Lautner a star – by giving fans the goods As remakes go, this 2005 deftly by crazier-than-thou Christian Bale. But rehabbed athlete. But what begins as a benign re- and plenty of ’em. Already established series update of the 1979 classic while the book drags on for 416 looooong pages, lationship – Ben innocently helps Madison with a superstar Robert Pattinson must’ve been pissed doesn’t stand out as a winner the movie version runs a digestible 101 minutes, jammed locker – soon takes a tantalizing turn when about that one. Having to share the spotlight based on cinematic principles, each one more triumphant than before. The film Madison helps Ben with his jammed zipper. It’s all with an immensely better looking – and better but it does boast one qual- opens poignantly with Bateman taking a leak in downhill from there. When Ben refuses Madison’s bodied – co-star has to kill. Unless he lives by ity the original didn’t: Ryan his tighty-whiteys, performing yoga in his tight- future advances, the harlot gets all sorts of Glenn the old (if not completely manipulated) adage, Reynolds, dripping wet, up- whiteys, then showering sans tighty-whiteys. Close on his a$$, killing his friend and trying to “Once bitten, never shy.” One can hope. per body a-blazin’. Reynolds And that’s just the first 90 seconds. Fast-forward drown his girlfriend. Yeesh! High school ain’t plays patriarch George Lutz about an hour and you’ll reach what is arguably what it used to be. Still, at least Ben has enough 28 Days Later (whose real-life paranormal experiences in an the best murderous sex scene in history. After sense to save the day while showing off his best, Why Jim (Cillian Murphy) alleged haunted house on Long Island led to the Bateman picks up a hooker, orders an escort and um, assets. Good form, old chap. awakens from his coma to a controversial 1977 book on which both films are returns home, he hits play on Phil Collins’ “Sus- The rest of this list can be read at wwwtherain- desolate and destroyed Lon- based), who is a loving husband and a stepfather sudio” and record on a video camera. Flexing don is no secret – the Rage vi- to three beautiful girls. Until, that is, he becomes and winking his way to conceit-drenched climax possessed by an evil entity and chases the family in the mirror, he then cannibalizes one prostitute *Mikey Rox is an award-winning writer/journalist rus has decimated the city and and the founder of Paper Rox Scissors, a copywriter left him seemingly alone – but around the house with a shotgun. Whatev, right? and chases the other with a chainsaw, wearing They probably deserved it. What matters most is nothing more than a pair of sneakers. Run, Bate- and creative consulting company in New York City. how he lost his hospital gown He can be reached at [email protected]. remains a mystery. Director that before George goes berserk, he takes a dip man, run. Danny Boyle’s 2002 zombie- in the lake and exits soaked in liquid splendor, genre game changer opens with the injured bi- pecs and abs glistening in the moonlight, white cycle messenger locked in a room for his own pajama bottoms painted to his thighs. A beauti- safety but also very much naked. We’re talkin’ ful nightmare, indeed. full-frontal, uncut, in-your-face, flaccid phallic action. Which is kinda sweet if you think about The Lost Boys it. Because not only did the (probably male) Before Edward Cullen, there nurse save him from having his face bitten off was Michael Emerson (Jason by the Infected, but it’s highly likely that he Patric) – big brother, brooding went down on him (liberties must be taken for loner and newly turned vam- the sake of interpretation) before the world as he pire. He’s sexy, for sure – be- knew it ended – and then cleaned up the mess. cause Hollywood demands Now that’s good bedside manner. it of its night stalkers (here’s winking at you, young Keifer The Covenant Sutherland) – but that’s not Before he was wannabe Up- why the world made “The Lost Boys” the quint- per East Side lothario Nate essential teen fang flick. For that, you can thank Archibald on “Gossip Girl,” late heartthrob Corey Haim and that other Co- Chace Crawford played Tyler rey who rode his coattails. Infinitely cuter than Simms, a Son of Ipswich, one Feldman, Haim won over fawning girls (and fey of five bloodlines whose first- fanboys alike) with his vulnerable, adorable turn born male of each generation as Sam, Michael’s little bro. If his fate wasn’t inherits “the Power,” in the sealed as the object of adolescent affection be- “The Covenant.” What that fore, it was when he splish-splashed in a bubble power entails exactly is unknown, except that bath while memorably belting out Clarence it gives Tyler (who is only a supporting charac- “Frogman” Henry’s trademark song, “Ain’t Got ter in the film) the ability to do neato tricks like No Home.” Except he did – locked away in our jump from dark-and-misty elevations and land dreams. unscathed. Yawn. But what “The Covenant” lacks in supernatural spectacle it more than A Nightmare on makes up for in smokin’ hot half-nakedness. Elm Street (2010) Take the poolside scene for instance, when Ty- Wes Craven’s original “Night- ler’s also-gifted brethren stroll in shirtless from mare” boasted a couple of hot the locker room wearing only trunk-cut suits and guys, namely Tim Burton owning the hell out of effortless swagger. Out of muse Johnny Depp, who’s the water, kiddies – it’s time for adult swim. wearing a half-shirt (is there anything sexier than a dude I Know What You Did sporting a bare midriff?) and Last Summer unbuttoned stonewashed It’s a crime against the gratu- jeans when he gets pulled through his bed then itous horror genre that Ryan splattered all over the ceiling. Enough to whet Phillippe’s Barry didn’t es- an appetite, for sure – but that’s about all the cape the Fisherman’s hook in man-skin you’ll get in the 1984 classic. My how “I Know What You Did Last times have changed. Because in the 2010 reboot, Summer” – or that the Fish- Craven employs some of young Hollywood’s erman couldn’t have ripped freshest faces – and he makes ’em work hard for Barry’s pants off before gut- their money. Thomas Dekker and Kellan Lutz ting him like a trout – but at least there’s the provide a nice balance of beauty and brawn – gym scene. After an intense eight-second work- though not much else – while “Veronica Mars” out (because people born perfect require less alum Kyle Gallner plays his part sleepy, scared exercise than the rest of us), Barry proceeds to and in skintight swimwear as he tries to escape 18 • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • The Rainbow Times • Deep Inside Hollywood: Can Anderson Cooper become the new Oprah? By: Romeo San Vicente*/Special for TRT is will he officially same one that served as inspiration Mississippi Hate Prom is coming to TV come out to help for Training Day, and it has a script You may remember earlier this year when promote it? Will he form L.A. Confidential’s James Ell- Mississippi high school student Constance just live the openly- roy and Moverman. Moverman is McMillen sued for the right to take her girl- not-talking-about- also responsible for the Oscar-nomi- friend to her prom. You may also remember sexual-orientation nated The Messenger and is currently that not only was she subjected to intense bul- life he’s perfected in- working on an adaptation of the Wil- lying but that her school canceled the prom stead? And will any liam S. Burroughs novel Queer. So rather than allow her to come as she was, then of that matter when this is no TV movie. It’ll star Steve turned around and set up two proms, one for he’s got NeNe from Buscemi, Woody Harrelson, Ben the “normals” and one for McMillen and the Real Housewives of Foster and Ice Cube. But what the special ed kids. You couldn’t really ask for a Atlanta on his couch lesbians are going to like is that it more dramatic and insane scenario, so it was Romeo San Vicente and they’re gush- also stars Sigourney Weaver, Robin only a matter of time before the TV movie ing about how much Wright, Anne Heche and Cynthia about the subject went into production. And they love each other? Stay tuned. Nixon, two of whom are formerly or that TV movie will be produced by cool Hol- currently in same-sex relationships lywood power-gays Craig Zadan and Neil Sara Rue Learns The Rules and all of whom have more than a Meron. No title, no cast, no nothing just yet. Anyone out there watching the CBS sitcom few lesbian fans. Actually, the fact But it’s happening. And when it finally airs, Rules of Engagement? – Anyone? Well, it may that there are even going to be four the creepy, anti-gay people can just sit around not be must-see viewing for a lot of the lesbian women starring in a dude movie like wondering why they didn’t get more flattering and gay TV audiences out there, but someone this is news that should make anyone screen time. is certainly tuning in. They’re halfway to a happy. hundred episodes at this point, which means Anderson Cooper wants to be the new Oprah the inclusion of a new gay character is noth- *Romeo San Vicente was always The version of silver fox Anderson Cooper ing to sniff about. And that’s what’s about to on Team Heche. He can be reached you see on Anderson Cooper 360 is the all- happen. Sara Rue, former star of Less Than care of this publication or at DeepIn- news, all-the-time guy. But watch him interact Perfect and Popular, will join the cast as a les- [email protected]. Anderson Cooper with Kathy Griffin or talk Real Housewives bian surrogate mother. Does that mean she’ll with Ellen and you’ll see a fluffier side of the be carrying a fertilized egg for stars Patrick CNN anchor. It’s clearly a side of himself he Warburton or David Spade? Or someone else? wants to indulge on the air. And why not get Who knows. Romeo just learned that this show paid to do it? In other words, somebody wants even existed, OK. your mouse is in our house to fill Oprah’s empty chair. That’s why in fall 2011 you’ll get even more Cooper than you Rampart full of lesbian crushes ever thought you wanted. He’s going to host The new film Rampart, currently in pre- read us online: his own, as-yet-unnamed daytime talk show production from director Oren Moverman, that will focus on social issues but also celeb- has a serious pedigree. It’s about the LAPD’s rities and other soft topics. Now, the real news notorious Rampart division in the 1990s, the President Obama and Governor Patrick rally to “Get Out the Vote” • Boston, MA • The Rainbow Times • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • 19 La comunidad GLBTT de la Tercera Edad Queeries: Facebook dating, dressing Por: Francisco Cartagena Méndez*/ existen hogares de envejecientes pensados para for success, STDs and telling your ex Especial para TRT GLBTT, salvo algunos pocos en países como La vejez se caracteriza por el padeci- España y Berlín, que han tomado la iniciativa y By: Steven Petrow*/Special for TRT yourself without distraction. Once you land the miento de comorbilidades (diversas han puesto en marcha asilos orientados a homo- job, you can be freer in how you dress. You’re enfermedades al mismo tiempo) pero sexuales. Recientemente otros lugares como es- I’m not stalking him, but… not selling out to adopt a more mainstream existen padecimientos de los cuales casi tos se están estableciendo en algunos estados de Q: I connected with this really nice guy on look for the interviews; this is just another step

ision nunca se habla, como los que sufren la nación Norteamericana pero estos son pocos Facebook and have been perusing his profile to get you in the door. los ancianos y ancianas GLBTT, (Gay, y pequeños. ever since. We’re actually going to meet for In my experience, most people try to pick up v Lésbica, Bisexual, Transgénero y Tran- La edad también influye a una mayor inciden- coffee—as our first date. So am I allowed to a company’s dress code once they start work. sexual), a quienes a la mayoría les ase- cia de efectos adversos relacionados a fárma- “know” as much as I do about him? I don’t But if you don’t think you can do that—or want cha la soledad y la pérdida de derechos cos, descenso progresivo en la visión, audición want to creep him out. to dress butch all the time—then go ahead and patrimoniales y constitucionales. y en las funciones mentales, cambios que en la A: Unless your new friend has signed up for an do it for the interview. If the company can’t Ello se ve evidenciado en la inacción comunidad anciana GLBTT pueden impactar app that reveals who’s been reading his page, take it then, you’re wasting your time consid- por parte de los gobiernos dramáticamente al padecer discri- ignorance is bliss. But your instincts are good: ering this particular employer. a reconocer los derechos men, rechazos, o ser forzado/as a People don’t always like the idea of new friends la soledad, a su vez todo este uni- or beaus knowing all about them. In fact, when Too chicken to tell ex about my STD latin latin constitucionales de la po- blación GLBTT al matri- verso de discrimen, homofobia, the two of you get together, try to pretend you Q: I need to tell my ex that I contracted a vene- monio, tomar decisiones médicas transfobia y la no protección de don’t know what you do. Don’t bring up out real disease and that I may have passed it on to sobre sus parejas, ley de herencia, ley les hace regresar al armario. of the blue his entire work history (yes, that’s her, but I can’t bear the idea of talking to her. así como a leyes anti discrimina- No hay nada más hermoso que creepy) and avoid comments like “So, I saw Is it rude to just email her about this? torias laboral por identidad sexual una pareja de anciano(as) con- you and Mike broke up on Facebook...” But A: One way or another, your ex needs to have o de género. viviendo juntos (as) hasta que la if you both love Lady Gaga or volunteer at this information and you have an obligation El discurso ya gastado y pro- muerte les separe, respetándose the local LGBT center, it’s fine – and actually to get it to her. It’s about being honest and nunciado por los dirigentes políti- y amándose con ahínco, en la very helpful – to talk about what you have in respectful. While the medium you use is less cos en la mayoría de los “países enfermedad y en los misteriosos common to break the ice important, receiving such democráticos” es uno contradic- caminos de la vida. Pero muy feo and discover what else you Online relationships news in a brief email mes- torio al expresar que el discrimen resultaría que un gobierno o una may share. sage could be pretty shock- ya no existe. Pero ciertamente una ideología moralista y contradic- Online relationships are are just like offline ing. If you make the effort pareja de lesbianas que haya con- toria, les separe y condene a la just like offline ones. to actually talk with your Peeling back the layers of ex, you’re showing a modi- vivido por décadas, no tendrían Photo: wilfred labiosa soledad en los últimos años de sus ones. Peeling back the derecho a la toma de decisiones vidas. someone’s life and per- cum of respect for her feel- La vejez es difícil Ya expresé que los ancianos sonality should happen layers of someone’s ings and saying that you’re médicas en caso de hospital- especialmente para los ización de una de éstas, mucho poseen cambios fisiológicos que in a gradual way, as you taking the matter seriously. menos a herencias (aun habiendo ancianos GLBTT, ya que son causantes de enfermedades, build up trust. And hear- life and personality This route also gives her levantado un hogar juntas), entre las leyes no les protegen. así mismo la homofobia y el dis- ing someone describe his should happen in a a chance to ask questions, otros derechos que desaparecen al crimen hacen que nuestros ancia- life in his own words is a some of which you may be no existir leyes que les cobijen. nos GLBTT padezcan de depresión, tristeza y great way to get to know gradual way, as you able to answer on the spot. Mucho se habla de la tercera edad y de los soledades, que empeoran el panorama. someone. It’s entirely pos- Nevertheless, if your ani- derechos que esta población tiene, pero siem- Los gobiernos tienen la cura a muchos de estos sible that your new friend build up trust. mus toward your ex is too pre se excluye a las personas GLBTT que han padecimientos, empleen el mejor fármaco que would rather tell you him- strong to pick up the phone, dado lo mejor de sí como ciudadanos de bien. un anciano o una anciana GLBTT pueda necesi- self about his beloved pets and what he wore then go ahead and email her. Ask her to let Sólo porque no comparten la misma identidad tar, la justicia, el respeto a su dignidad humana for Halloween last year. you know that she received your news—you sexual o de género que la sociedad ha querido y a su identidad sexual o de género, así como el wouldn’t want information like this to wind up imponer como la correcta. Por ejemplo, los cen- permitir que se sientan apoyados y amados so- Dressing for success or myself in a junk folder. bre todas las cosas, haciéndoles valer sus dere- Q: Usually when I’m applying for a job I Another idea, although perhaps more appro- tros y programas de gobierno para envejecientes set aside the real me—the butch dyke, if you son establecidos solamente tomando en consid- chos. Desde Puerto Rico para el mundo GLBTT priate for those who’ve had a casual sexual exigimos justicia para nuestros ancianos, sin will—and dress up a little feminine (different hook-up, is to send one of the ecards available eración a los heterosexuales, con la premisa de hair, different suit, everything). As I get older, que, “no existen ancianos ‘gays’”. Así mismo no through, an Internet service for sex See Tercera Edad on page 20 this makes me feel less and less comfortable, partners and tricks. This site will deliver mes- as though I’m not being the real me. How do sages like “I got diagnosed with an STD and you suggest I dress for interviews? you might have been exposed. Get checked To Cook is To Love: A Foodies Journal A: That’s a tough question. Ideally, it’s essen- out.” You can either sign your ecard or send By: John Verlinden/TRT Cuisine Columnist been shown to protect us from certain cancers, tial not to disguise yourself or to appear other it anonymously. Rainbow Dish diabetes and heart disease, but each different than who you are. Still, there’s something to be Okay, now you have no excuse. I love our rain- color group provides unique nutrients that said for having your “interview suit” – and do- bow flag – the nourish our bodies in distinct ways. The natu- ing some extra grooming – especially because *Steven Petrow is a past president of the rich diversity it ral pigments that give our fruits and vegetables we all know how others’ prejudices can work National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Associa- symbolizes and their color contain antioxidants, flavonoids against us. tion and writes for the Huffington Post and The those stunning and other phytonutrients (fancy names for re- Think of it this way: The idea is to take appear- Advocate. He’s also the author of “The Essen- hues! It’s autumn ally healthy stuff). These distinctive nutrients ances completely out of the equation so that tial Book of Gay Manners & Etiquette.” Learn in New England; contain special anti-aging properties and cell you can explain your qualifications and sell more at thousands come protection functions, and they work together to from all over to promote overall health. marvel at the vi- For example, REDS like tomatoes, beets and Photo: rachel power brant palette of strawberries protect against urinary tract infec- John Verlinden trees, bushes and tions and benefit our joints. YELLOWS – car- reach a dedicated readership grasses. Color is rots, squash, cantaloupes, etc., on the other awesome! We all have our favorites hand, boost our immune system and protect and informed community ... and we use them to make a statement vision. GREENS – collards, broccoli, green about who we are – to jazz up our grapes, help to lower blood pressure and cho- ucho gusto! ucho wardrobes and to create just the right lesterol, strengthen bones and improve diges- mood in our homes. tion. WHITES – potatoes, onions and garlic, let them know your m But hey, don’t stop there! While bananas, promote our body’s anti-inflammato- ¡ we’re at it, let’s add some color to our ry and anti-bacterial activity. BLUES – Egg- dinner plates. It’s easy to do and it can sig- plant, blueberries, plums, enhance our blood wares and where’s ... nificantly improve our health. For years we’ve and improve memory. been told that eating five servings of fruits and And, if that’s not enough reasons, just think vegetables every day is important. But new about the beautiful presentation all those gor- research now suggests that it’s just as impor- geous colors will make at your next dinner par- to advertise with the rainbow times tant to eat a variety of them. The more colors ty. Have questions? Need a recipe? Want to on our plate, the broader range of nutrients we suggest a topic? Contact me at john@mucho- contact us today at: consume giving us the best benefits, so eat a or visit: [email protected][email protected] rainbow. Until next time – ¡Mucho Gusto!, ¡Muchas Consuming fruits and vegetables has long Gracias! y ¡Buen Provecho! Western MA: 413.282.8881 • Boston & RI: 617.444.9618 20 • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • The Rainbow Times • LGBT-friendly State Representative seeks re-election Tercera Edad from page 19 importar su identidad o expresión de género. By: Joe Siegel/TRT Reporter happening in other places I’ve been over the involved,” Handy said. Sabemos que sí se puede y que algún día se years. I feel like at least I can find people that Handy has been a co-sponsor of same-sex PROVIDENCE, RI—State Represen- logren más comunidades donde la comunidad tative Arthur Handy (D-Cranston) has have similar values to me.” marriage legislation and notes that support for Handy is employed by a company called marriage equality has continued to grow. GLBTT de tercera edad pueda vivir cómoda- been a staunch supporter of LGBT mente en sus últimos años de vida. rights in the eight years Left Brain, a web and data- “When I (campaign), I get people who ask base company that special- me about the issue now and ask me about it in he has been a member To read this article in English, please visit: of the Rhode Island izes in work for non profits a positive way,” said Handy. “I have nobody and small businesses. Prior this time around who says ‘I’m opposed to www.therainbowtimesmasscom/latinvisionoct21. news General Assembly. Handy, 43, was to that, Handy had been in- (gay marriage), do you oppose it?’ And they

d elected in 2002 and volved primarily in the non didn’t know I was a sponsor.” Escrito por: Francisco Cartagena Méndez has served on the profit sector. With the departure of anti-gay Governor conocido como El Jimagua, escritor y activ- House Committee on From 2000-2001, Handy Don Carcieri (R), a major opponent of same- ista social boricua. Para comentarios al au- Health, Education, and worked for the environ- sex marriage, and the likelihood of having a tor: [email protected] o en su blog: http:// Welfare and serves as mental group Clean Water pro-gay Governor who supports it, Handy is Traducido al inglés the Chairperson of the Action and also with pro- optimistic that a marriage bill will be passed por Wilfred W. Labiosa. House Committee on gressive group Ocean State by the General Assembly and signed into law. Environment and Nat- Action. He volunteered for ural Resources. a few political campaigns On November 2, along the way and in the e islan e Handy faces a re-elec- process caught the politi- cal bug.

d tion challenge from Republican rival Rich- Handy remembered be- ard Nordlund. In a year ing unhappy with the per- where Incumbents are Photo: Courtesy of Art handy formance of his State Rep. especially vulnerable Arthur Handy at the time. due to voter anger, “I guess that’s part of what rho Handy remains vigilant. drove me (to run), it was a little bit ‘I can be “I’m taking my election seriously,” Han- better than him,’” Handy said. dy said. “I don’t want to take anything for Handy takes pride in being able to build a granted.” coalition of legislators in the General Assem- Handy grew up in Richmond, Virginia and bly to form a progressive caucus. He is also came to the Ocean State in 1990 to attend the proud of the success he has had in getting en- University of Rhode Island. The state’s small vironmental legislation passed. size is something he appreciates, noting the Handy believes when political incumbents close bonds he has formed with people. have opponents, it’s healthy for democracy. “(Long before I was elected) I could go He encourages others to be a part of the politi- to the supermarket and I’d run into people,” cal process. Handy recalled. “I could go wherever and I’d “I think it’s important for people to run for run into people I knew. I don’t remember that office. I think it’s important for people to be top 10 best seller videos Courtesy: Lesbian Top 10 1. The Real L Word - Complete First Season 2. The Four-Faced Liar 3. My Normal 4. Mädchen in Uniform 5. The Kids Are All Right 6. Loving Annabelle 7. Hannah Free 8. We Have to Stop Now - Season 1 9. And Then Came Lola 10. 8: The Mormon Proposition

Gay Top 10 1. Plan B 2. Pornography: A Thriller 3. 8: The Mormon Proposition 4. Boy 5. David’s Birthday 6. Shut Up and Kiss Me 7. Is It Just Me? 8. Howl 9. Were the World Mine 10. Glee Season 1 - Vol. 2: Road to Regionals • The Rainbow Times • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • 21 GLAAD and Facebook cooperate AIDS Action Committee announces hiring in removal of anti-gay comments of new Vice President of Development BOSTON, MA—AIDS Action Committee and 2008 he served as the National Director of Facebook’s new measures aimed at prompter response of Massachusetts recently announced that LGBT Outreach for Hillary Clinton for Presi- New York, NY—The Gay & Lesbian gender youth.” Mark Walsh will join the agency as its next dent and managed the campaign’s fundraising Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), GLAAD called on members to continue to Vice President of Development. Walsh is a events. the nation’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and monitor and use Facebook reporting methods co-founder of Rafanelli Events and served “This is an amazing opportunity to raise transgender (LGBT) media advocacy for this and other pages as well as to post mes- in 2008 as the National funds for services and and anti-defamation organization, to- sages of support to the event page. Director of LGBT Out- programs that change day announced that Facebook has put “Educating people about the lasting and dam- reach for Hillary Clinton people’s lives,” said new measures in place to respond more aging impacts of ignorant and hateful comments for President and in 2009 Walsh, who served on quickly to hateful comments posted to a is a responsibility shared by parents, educa- served on the Presidential the AIDS Action Board memorial page dedicated to those lost to tors, organizations like GLAAD, and services Inaugural Committee. of Directors from 1993 anti-gay bullying. For like Facebook,” said Facebook “Mark is a talented through 1998. “I met my more information please spokesperson Andrew Noyes. professional with an ex- partner Bryan in 1988 visit “We take our Statement of Rights tensive background in when, like so many oth- On October 6, GLAAD and Responsibilities very seri- special event planning ers, we coped with the was alerted to a string of ously and react quickly to reports and fundraising,” said epidemic by volunteer- hateful comments post- of inappropriate content and be- Rebecca Haag, president ing for the AIDS Walk. ed to a Facebook event havior. The goal of these policies and CEO of AIDS Ac- It is unconscionable that page which memorial- is to strike a very delicate balance tion. “Like many of us 30 years later, the same izes young people who between giving people the free- who lived through the groups hit hardest by have lost their lives to dom to express their opinions and worst of the AIDS epi- AIDS are the same ones anti-gay bullying. The page also asks viewpoints–even those that may be controversial demic, he is passionate with the highest rates of that its supporters wear purple on Octo- to some–and maintaining a safe and trusted en- about ending the trans- HIV infection. I’m hon- ber 20 in honor of those “who commit- vironment. We have policies that prohibit hate- mission of HIV and can ored to be with an orga- ted suicide in recent weeks/months due ful content and we have built a robust reporting convey that urgency to nization that’s respected to homophobic abuse.” That page now infrastructure and an expansive team to review others. He knows that we nationally for its role has over half a million supporters. reports and remove content quickly. In addition can’t do our work without in shaping HIV/AIDS Over 1,800 emails were sent to to responding to reports, we have automated a strong base of financial policy, and does work GLAAD calling for Facebook to monitor systems that use a number of factors to flag con- support.” Photo: AIDS Action Committee that’s critical to ending the content or remove the page altogeth- tent that might violate our policies, so we can Since 1998, Walsh Mark Walsh, newly named AIDS Action the transmission of HIV er. Because the event page is currently review and take it down as quickly as possible has directed numerous Committee of Massachusetts, Vice in Massachusetts.” organizational news organizational functioning as a community memorial and before it’s reported.” fundraising campaigns President of Development Walsh, who was with an outpouring of support for the families of Facebook intends to work closely with and events for LGBT and named to Out Magazine’s those teens as well as youth who might be fac- GLAAD and other LGBT organizations on fu- women’s causes, and Democratic Party candi- “Out 100” list of influential LGBT people in ing similar anti-gay bullying, GLAAD’s digital ture initiatives. dates. He managed the planning and budgeting 2008, holds a law degree from Boston Uni- team continued to work with Facebook and call for 75 host committee events during the 2004 versity and started his career as an associate at for a solution. About GLAAD: The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Democratic National Convention in Boston; Davis, Malm and D’Agostine before becom- “This violent, hateful speech has no place in Against Defamation (GLAAD) amplifies the the inaugural ball for Gov. Deval Patrick in ing a policy analyst for the city of Boston and a our media–whether it in print, on the airwaves voice of the LGBT community by empowering 2006; and the Bipartisan Dinners honoring Congressional district director for former U.S. or online,” said GLAAD President Jarrett Bar- real people to share their stories, holding the Vice President Joe Biden, Senator John Mc- Rep. Marty Meehan. In 1994, he and his part- rios. “Facebook has taken an important first step media accountable for the words and images Cain, and General Colin Powell for the Presi- ner Bryan Rafanelli founded Rafanelli Events, in making social media a place where anti-gay they present, and helping grassroots organiza- dential Inaugural Committee in 2009. In 2007 a premier event planning and design agency. violence is not allowed. Our community needs tions communicate effectively. By ensuring that to continue to be vigilant and report instances of the stories of LGBT people are heard through hateful comments and images across the site to the media, GLAAD promotes understanding, in- Facebook moderators as well as post messages creases acceptance, and advances equality. For GMDVP hosts annual Halloween event of support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans- more information, please visit to shed light on domestic abuse during HRC statement on Justice Department’s stay Domestic Violence Awareness Month request of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” injunction BOSTON, MA—October is Domestic Vio- anti-gay bullying, to the recent case of assault, lence Awareness Month. The Gay Men’s Do- battery and sodomy against 3 individuals in WASHINGTON, DC—The Department of Ask, Don’t Tell’ repeal after the election. The mestic Violence Project (GMDVP) is doing its Brooklyn, NY by criminal gang. GMDVP Justice has asked the Ninth Circuit Court of interests of the administration, the military, part by hosting their Annual Halloween Faces works with the community to help prevent and Appeals to grant an emergency and most importantly the Ameri- of Hope Masquerade Charity Gala to help raise reduce the impact of traumatic experiences in- stay of federal district court judge can people are best served by do- awareness of this serious public health issue flicted against individuals. Virginia Phillips’s decision to halt ing the hard work of enacting a affecting the GLBT community. GMDVP pro- While 1 in 4 gay men are directly affected by all discharges under the “Don’t Ask, durable legislative repeal of this vides crisis intervention, support and resources domestic violence, there are only five GLBT- Don’t Tell” law. Human Rights discriminatory law.” to victims and survivors specific beds for victims in Campaign President Joe Solmonese of domestic abuse. Funds Massachusetts, compared issued the following statement: The Human Rights Campaign raised from the Halloween to several hundred beds for “It is certainly disappointing and is America’s largest civil rights Event will allow them to heterosexual female vic- frustrating that the administration organization working to achieve provide much needed ser- tims. Last year, GMDVP has sought a stay. There is one lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans- vices to help victims obtain turned away 83 victims simple way to put the endless legal gender equality. By inspiring and safety. seeking shelter because wrangling behind us and do what the President engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end Assisting over 400 indi- they were at capacity in and the American people want to strengthen discrimination against LGBT citizens and re- viduals per year, GMDVP gay men’s domestic violence project their 3-bedroom safe home. our military: the administration and Congress alize a nation that achieves fundamental fair- is a national pioneer in ex- The Halloween Event will need to finish the legislative work on ‘Don’t ness and equality for all. panding services to all vic- help increase GMDVP’s tims of domestic abuse, regardless of sexual financial capacity to serve more victims. orientation, gender identity or gender expres- Without support from the community many sion. GMDVP was also the first organization gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender victims to document the prevalence of domestic abuse are faced with the unfortunate choice of return- in gay male relationships and show that it oc- ing to their abusers or becoming homeless. we’ve reached 5k. curs at the same rate as it does in heterosexual relationships, 1 in 4. Unfortunately, it’s still The GMDVP 11th Annual Halloween Faces very much a hidden issue and GLBT victims of Hope Masquerade is on Saturday, October meet us now on our fan page! are often denied services. 30th at the House of Blues Foundation Room, Recently, there have been serious cases of Boston. Tickets are $75.00. For more informa- abuse against the GLBT community, from the tion about GMDVP please visit www.GMDVP. search the rainbow times to join us! dramatic increase in teen suicides because of org or call 617-354-6056. 22 • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • The Rainbow Times • Religious leaders and followers must take a stand against hate By: Deja Nicole Greenlaw*/TRT Columnist soul that teenagers wonderful signs! the situation. This would be the right thing to fter the horrible rash of teen are taking their lives! Let’s take a look at what religion really is. Re- do. gay suicides lately it’s time for Teenagers! They ligion is really a bunch of rules and controls that If religious leaders discount everything that Aeveryone to step up and ad- haven’t really even a relative few try to impose on others. They do I have said, then I ask them to please think of dress this issue. The number-one group begun to live yet. this to keep “peace” and order and to give the the children. Please think of the little child who that really needs to step up is religion. This is awful! We general public a “moral code” to live by. They knows that he or she is not quite like most ev-

inion Most religions have been demonizing must do something to tie in God and then they flavor it with stories and eryone else, and reach out to that child. All of LGBT people for too many years. Most correct this situation. examples of how we should all live. They try to us LGBT folk know about that little child who p of us have been respectfully holding If religion changes be our “moral” leaders. Many people love rules is different. That little child was all of us when our tongues because we know just how its tune about demon- and they go right along with we were little and confused many folks love their religion. Well, I izing LGBT folk, that this notion. Many more are and full of shame and full say no more! Religion and their unjust will be a tremendous afraid to rock the boat, so To be gay or lez or bi or of guilt and didn’t feel good teaching of LGBT folk is totally mean, Deja Nicole Greenlaw start! they appear to agree with trans, etc., is a natural about ourselves because of cruel and uncalled for and they should Religion must get the rules and controls. Then the anti-LGBT pressures of immediately stop teaching these things! off of its high horse and begin dealing with there are those of us who occurrence and not an the “moral” code offered by Too many of us are in the closet because truth. Religious leaders must admit that people are different and we loudly religion. Then add a little of this ridiculous foolishness. Those of are people no matter who they are. To be gay or object and we stand up and aberration and certainly not bullying and authorities that us who are out constantly have to be put- lez or bi or trans, etc., is a natural occurrence and shout that we will not take an abomination! We are all refuse to take the poor little ting up with this crap. Religion needs to not an aberration and certainly not an abomina- this BS anymore! child’s side, instead stick- trans o trans finally get some conscience and do the tion! We are all born into who we are and there I do understand the need born into who we are and ing to what is considered right thing ... stand up and denounce their cur- is no way that anyone can change who they for some rules and controls there is no way that anyone “right” and “normal,” and rent demonizing ways of LGBT folk! are. The ones who say they changed are gut- to keep peace and order, you have a very unjust situ- Countless LGBT people are bullied every day less liars who are too afraid to admit that they but I draw the line when it can change who they are. ation. How do you think and have been for too long and religion silently haven’t “changed.” Why are they afraid? They comes to attacking basic that little child feels? Please affirms this behavior. This is bull! We are people are because of the mob mentality of religion. If human rights. Yes, you can have your rules and put yourself in that little child’s place. We don’t too! We deserve respect just like everyone else. they speak up and admit that they really didn’t controls and your moral code but don’t you dare have to. We have all lived that little child’s life You don’t have to agree with us or be our friend change then they will be demonized once again demonize those who are different! and have seen things from that little child’s eyes. but you should respect us! by religion. Religion has to finally step up and correct We know what the right thing to do is. I hope The Middle Eastern religions that condemn There are growing numbers of “ex ex gays,” the errors of its ways. Religion must stop these that everyone can see what the right thing to do gays and lesbians to death must cease this lu- (gays who said that they changed but then said shameful and disgusting thoughts that LGBT is. If you belong to a religion please ask your nacy! How the hell can you say that you believe that they really didn’t) who have been and are folk are “evil” and not worthy of God’s love and leaders to take a good hard look at their current in God and then condemn others and seek to de- still speaking up now. They are trying to spread support. The religious leaders of the world must anti-LGBT stance and to do what is right. stroy them? That makes no sense at all! It’s hate the word about the reality that you can’t change stand up and own up to the errors of their ways Religion, stand up and be our true moral lead- and ignorance walking hand-in-hand! who you are. There are also growing numbers and set things right. ers and stop demonizing LGBT folk! How can people not have feelings for those of religions that are accepting LGBT folk and The Pope has been starting to admit guilt who have taken their own lives because others refusing to demonize the LGBTs. There are around the priest molestations and starting to *Deja Nicole Greenlaw is a local transwoman do not approve of who they are? The pressures also more and more religious followers who make amends for that terrible sin. Now the Pope who has 3 grown children and works at a local can be great to “conform” and too much to bear are not OK with the demonizing of LGBTs and must step up and acknowledge that the anti- Fortune 500 company. She can be contacted at as people are committing suicide! It tears at my are staunch supporters of LGBT folk. These are LGBT teachings are unjust, and he must rectify [email protected]. Time to take that dress out of the closet and go have some fun! By: Lorelei Erisis*/TRT Columnist alone and afraid in my room, made me feel won- If your friend is (full-disclosure time), Psychologist, Dr. Shelley Hey Lorelei, derful! I was lucky to have friends who were looking to find other Janiczek Woodson, is quite active in the com- I’m wondering if you can help me out. I have pretty open-minded and accepting of whatever cross-dressing friends munity and works with a number of transfolks as a straight male friend who has been cross-dress- “idiosyncrasies” I might have. to meet with and kick well as having yours truly at her front desk! ing for a while now. He’s accepted that he’s part This was well pre-internet though. And previ- up her heels Out on I would be remiss also, speaking of full disclo- of the “queer” community and that he likes to ous to “Ask A TransWoman!” I had very few the town with, he sure, not to mention all the fine fetish folks who cross-dress to respect and honor an overt femi- places to turn to for information, instruction or could look up “The work and play with cross-dressers all the time! nine side he feels he possesses. Is there any in- even peer support. I haunted the back sections Sisters Family,” run Many of the folks who come to see my girlfriend formation, support groups, organizations, etc., of magazine stands and once received a stack by Ashley Amber Widow Centauri, a well-known Sex Educator, that I can send him to or connect him with? He of “Transformation/Forced Feminization” type Bottoms. Ashley is Entertainer and Professional Dominatrix, are could really use the support. Thanks a lot! magazines from a friend whose gender-bent a sweet, very pretty cross-dressers who simply want a place to get —Valley Ally roommate had recently moved out and left them person, and she works all dressed up with a sexy woman and just be behind (Thanks Lynelle!!!) These porn-zines Lorelei Erisis hard to make “Sisters themselves or live out their fantasies for a few Well Valley Ally, you’ve come to the right were my primary source for a lot of what I was Family” an accepting hours. That’s not to say that all cross-dressers tranny! Your friend is exceptionally lucky in able to find out, especially the back pages, which and safe place. are fetishists. Some are, some aren’t. It’s com- many ways, there is really quite a lot of sup- advertised all kinds of things from breast forms, Locally, you could hook up with my column plicated, just like life. port for cross-dresses available, and some really to herbal hormone “feminizing supplements”. neighbor Deja’s group, “UniTy of The Pioneer If I had the whole paper, I could keep listing wonderful resources right here in Massachu- Please don’t think by this that cross-dressing Valley,” which meets every 2nd Thursday of the resources like CD friendly salons and wig shops setts. And he clearly has at least one good and is only a staging area on the way to full blown month in Springfield, MA. I can personally rec- and much more! But this should get your friend supportive friend, which is crucially important. transsexual, (or sketch comic!). Though for ommend these folks as being a wonderful, ac- started. Best of luck to her and if she ever sees My own journey to where I am now included many of us it is, for many others it is a perfectly cepting and warm group of transfolks and though me in the street, tell her to say hi!! a longish stint where I tried on “cross dresser” wonderful identity all its own! they’re not exclusively cross-dressers, they are Slainte! as an identity. I came through many of the ex- In fact one of my gender-bent peers from “back completely embracing of all trans-identities. periences and struggles that a straight, male in the day,” who was a lot more Punk Rock than Nationally, The International Foundation for *Lorelei Erisis, former Miss Trans New cross-dresser like your friend has probably ex- I am, known affectionately as “K---- The Cross- Gender Education (IFGE) has an excellent, eas- England, can be contacted at: loreleierisis@ perienced or will soon enough. dressing Snowboarder” still proudly identifies as ily searchable list of resources, covering every- I remember sneaking into my Mom’s room to a cross-dresser and seems quite content with this thing from hair removal clinics try on her clothes; all the while carefully listening identity. He’s a pretty snappy dresser too! And and family support, to political for the sound of a car pulling into the driveway, good deal more reasonable about his female action groups (like MTPC!) and or someone coming to the door. I never actually fashion sense than I am actually… therapists. got “caught in the act,” but I had some awfully Jumping forward to now, to the world of And speaking of therapists, close calls! I became quite a quick-change artist, Google and “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” your friend let your friend know that there’s which surprisingly served me quite well when I has many, many more options for support and more than just support groups for started doing live sketch comedy!! Going from information. Locally there’s the Tiffany Club resources around here. A good full Abe Lincoln costume to “Slacker Terrorist” of New England, which sponsors several sup- therapist can be an excellent idea, in just under 60 seconds was a breeze after years port groups and events. The biggest being the even for those who are totally of furtive, closeted cross-dressing! inclusively transgender oriented conference, comfortable with their identities. For me, the absolute breakthrough was when “First Event,” which features a full weekend of And many excellent ones are I was able to start going out in public cross- workshops, speakers and community fun. And right here in Western Massachu- dressed. Being around other people instead of they’ve been around since 1977! setts! My own day-job employer • The Rainbow Times • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • 23 The OutField: New book addresses God, gays and games By: Dan Woog* “Anti-gay sentiment is where sports, culture ring to the religious right and sports. “Teasing realize that if the Christian right focuses too ay, lesbian, bi, and politics intersect,” Krattenmaker says. out precise causes and effects is a difficult ex- much on that issue, they’ll be left in the dust. trans, straight “The opposition to gay rights is part of the ercise.” But it’s an exercise that must be un- That’s encouraging.” G– it doesn’t Christian right rhetoric. And sports as a whole dertaken, he says. And Krattenmaker is quick to trot out a matter. If you’re an can be homophobic too.” “So many Christian professional athletes Christian right hero: Reggie White. American and you Though Krattenmaker devotes only a few have said ignorant, harmful things,” Krat- The 12-time All-Pro earned the nickname watch big-time sports, of his 210 pages to specifically anti-gay ex- tenmaker notes. (Star pitcher John Smoltz “The Minister of Defense” as much for his you can’t avoid seeing amples, the ones he chooses are chilling. once likened gay marriage to marrying farm work as an evangelic minister as for his hard- religion too. For example, Ron Brown – an assistant foot- animals.) hitting play on the defensive line. He appeared A football player ball coach at the University of Nebraska, and “It’s gotten to the point where being Chris- in newspaper ads urging gays and lesbians to scores a key touch- former statewide director of operations for the tian almost means being anti- “cease” their homosexuality, down, and then points Fellowship of Christian Athletes – wrote a col- gay,” Krattenmaker continues. and called being gay a sin. his finger to God in the umn for the FCA magazine. The football coach “That’s not compassionate or But, Krattenmaker says, “few Dan Woog sky. A winning pitcher focused on women’s sports, decrying the influ- smart. And it is harmful to both people understand the enormity thanks the Lord for the ence of lesbianism (he called it “the elephant in Christians and gays.” of what happened after his ca- win. Basketball teams sponsor special “Faith the room that needs to be addressed”). Brown Sports and religion are two reer.” White said he was “pros- Nights” for their fans. declared that Christians in sports had an obli- of America’s most tradition- tituted” by religious people. Yet What in God’s name is going on? gation to fight homosexuality. ally conservative institutions. because of the “enormity of his Tom Krattenmaker – a Portland, Ore. jour- Or take Campus Crusade. The parent orga- However, Krattenmaker says, heroism in the Christian/sports nalist and member of USA Today’s board of nization of Athletes in Action says that “indul- “Lately the religious right has pantheon,” Krattenmaker says, contributors who writes frequently on religion gence in any lifestyle or pastime that is ille- begun shifting its focus nation- there has been little acknowl- in public life – figured he’d find out. The result: gal or scripturally questionable or forbidden” wide away from social issues, edgment of that renunciation Onward Christian Athletes: Turning Ballparks – let’s say, oh, homosexuality – “may result in to causes like environmentalism of some previous statements. into Pulpits and Players into Preachers. termination” of its employees or associates. and AIDS.” Yet religious sports White died in 2004 of cardiac The book – published earlier this year – is Then there’s Tony Dungy. The Indianapolis figures remain behind the curve. arrhythmia, age 43. an incisive, example-filled look at the often- Colts’ Super Bowl-winning coach stood front “The form of Christianity we “I’m encouraged,” Kratten- overlooked, seldom-examined ways in which and center during Indiana’s political struggle see in sports is very skewed,” maker concludes. “Change is over gay rights. says Krattenmaker. “It’s an in- inexorable. It’s happening at a sports and faith converge. Krattenmaker be- Tom Krattenmaker lieves that “spontaneous” displays of faith are In a speech accepting an award from the complete Christianity. When deep level. American culture is actually part of a well-organized effort – or- Indiana Family Institute, Dungy said, “We’re fully expressed, Christianity is across the changing in a positive way. And sports will be chestrated by “a network of evangelical chap- trying to promote the family, family values, board. It’s not confined to one form of the po- dragged along.” lains and sports ministry organizations” – to the Lord’s way. Just like I’m trying to win on litical spectrum.” unite the powerful institutions of religion and the football field the Lord’s way. I’m on the Still, Krattenmaker warns, one should not Dan Woog is a journalist, educator, soccer athletics. Lord’s side when I’m on the field, and on the paint the entire religious-right-in-sports move- coach, gay activist, and author of the “Jocks” Of course, wherever religion pokes its nose, Lord’s side when I’m off the field.” ment with one brush. series of books on gay male athletes. Visit his it smells homosexuality. Inevitably, athletics Good lord. Athletes in Action, he says, has recently website at He can be and Christianity converge to create a tangled “It’s a complicated tangle of relationships become “leery” of being viewed as anti-gay. reached care of this publication or at Out- homo hornet’s nest. and influences,” Krattenmaker admits, refer- “They know the culture is changing. They [email protected]. Book Marks: Reviews of Hot off the Presses and The Cross of Redemption: Uncollected Writings By: Richard Labonte*/Special for TRT dall Kenan. Pantheon, 336 pages, $26.95 Hot off the Presses, by Elliott Mackle. Lethe hardcover. Press, 302 pages, $18 paper. There was a time when writers had real in- A high-profile young, black lad on the down- tellectual presence, not just TV talk show mo- low, a world-class Olympic gymnast commit- ments and anointment by Oprah Winfrey. This ted to his closet, an evangelical momentous collection of essays, book reviews, black mayor deep into Afri- speeches, letters and journal- can-American AIDS denial, a ism – and one short story – is crusading queer journalist cop- a fierce and felicitous reminder ing with the hang-ups of the of how towering a literary fig- wealthy straight couple who ure James Baldwin was. None inherited the gay Atlanta news- of the 54 pieces appear in two paper their dead son founded: other collections, The Price of Mackle’s meaty novel packs in the Ticket and the Library of a lot of provocative plot. Cen- America’s Collected Essays; tral to the story is crusading it’s a testament to how prolific editor Henry Thompson, who the author of Giovanni’s Room has shied away from commit- was that Kenan pulled together ment since the AIDS-related such a powerful, and readable, death of his lover, until a bath- book. Homosexuality is all but house hookup with a Games- ignored, except for scattered, bound muscle god develops scathing mentions of black romantic overtones, even radicals like Eldridge Cleaver though the athlete lives with a who disdained gays. Nonethe- fiancée. Though it’s set around less, Baldwin’s sense of out- the time of the 1996 Olympics sider-ness permeates the col- – which Mackle covered for lection. There is seldom a dull the Atlanta Journal-Constitution – the story’s thought or a slapdash sentence several potent themes remain relevant. Ho- in what editor Kenan describes as a “grab bag” mophobia in both the black and the jock com- of a book, and one of the more journalistic munities is addressed; so too is the sometimes pieces, “The Fight: Patterson vs. Liston” is vexing question of how the queer press ought as muscular and majestic as the boxers whose to cover the queer community’s own foibles 1962 fight it chronicles. and failings. Mackle tackles these topics with a delicious mix of wisdom and wit – and with *Richard Labonte has been reading, edit- titillating dashes of sex and romance. ing, selling, and writing about queer literature since the mid-‘70s. He can be reached in care The Cross of Redemption: Uncollected of this publication or at BookMarks@qsyndi- Writings, by James Baldwin, edited by Ran- 24 • Oct. 21, 2010 - Nov. 3, 2010 • The Rainbow Times •