93 Perish When Tidal Waves Strike Hawaii, Pacific Coast '
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Germany Edition Weather: Details on Page 3 One Year Ago U. S. Zone—Fair, hazy in morn- Germans attempt to cut Ruhr ing . Pocket. Sixth. Arrad. reaches Berlin—Cloudy, light rain in afternoon Weser River. Reds push to Bremen—Cloudy and hazy within 15 miles of Vienna. Unofficial Paper of U.S. Armed Forces in the European Theater Volume 1, Number 356 20 pf., 2 fr., Id 93 Perish When Tidal Waves Strike Hawaii, Pacific Coast '. : . e> , ' Street Car, Debris, Coral Litter City Deaths May Total Coal Strike As Wild Sea Sweeps Hilo By DOUGLAS LOVELACE 300 at Hilo Alone HILO, Hawaii, April 2 (AP)—Hilo's seismic wave death toll might have been in the thousands had the disaster struck two or three hours SAN FRANCISCO, April 2 (AP)—Three tidal waves Stalemated later than it did. thrown up by a mighty submarine earthquake left a known Swells engulfed Hilo's waterfront business district while the city NEW YORK, April 2 (AP) was waking to life yesterday. A little later, employes and shoppers death toll of 93 today that may reach 300 in California, the —No quick settlement of the would have thronged the warehouses and stores in the ravished area. Hawaiian Islands and the Aleutians. country's three newest major The warning given by the two smaller of Hilo's three waves Hardest hit was Hilo, Hawaii, where the entire water- labor disputes was indicated saved hundreds who had time to flee from the waterfront. front was wrecked by walls of water 50 feet above normal This is how the waves struck: today, as transit strikes in The first inundated 50 feet along the waterfront, much of it park levels. Navy officers estimated that the death toll a Hilo Detroit and Akron, continued and warehouse areas. Cries of warning sounded and people boiled alone may reach 300. Sixty deaths have been confirmed to cripple public transporta- into the streets in a mad rush for higher ground. v ^ there so far. Elsewhere in the tion, and a work^ stoppage in Ten minutes later a second and larger wave struck—driving 100 Hawaiian Islands 15 known yards deeper into the city, smashing the frailer buildings, and Quake-a-gram the coal mines kept idle some strewing mud, coral, and debris through the stores. Volunteers poured deaths where recorded. 400,000 workers. into the area, routing laggards. In the Aleutians, off Alaska, one Bituminous operators and John A few minutes later the third wave, stuck—a towering, angry wave estimated at 100 ieet crashed L. Lewis, leader of the United 20-foot wall of water rushing in from the north at incredible speed. against Unimak Island, demolishing Mine Workers (AFL), planned to It smashed buildings to smithereens as it coiled and whiplashed the Scotch Cap lighthouse with the resume contract negotiations in two blocks deep into the city in a wave of destruction. *■'•'....• estimated loss of 10 jives. Washington, although spokesmen . One man was killed at Santa for both sides expressed belief that Cruz, Calif., where two big waves no progress Was made' in yester- swept the beach. day's conference. The stoppage be- Kuhn Release Greeks to Get No waves of any considerable size -eame effective Monday and im- reached the Washington coast or mediately its effects were felt in the coast of Bfitish Columbia. the steel industry. A prolonged Held Possible Populist Rule A 100-foot tidal wave struck the shutdown of mines is expected to F R A N K F U R T, April 2 (UP)— , ATHENS, April 2 (AP)-Jn the North Chilean port /of Iquique curtail seriously production in .the USFET tonight officially confirm- face of wholesale abstention, which early today destroying several boats steel and other industries.,» ed that Fritz Kuhn, former Ger- could be interpreted as Com- and causing panic among 300 per- sons of the Cavancha Peninsula. No Paul Fuller, special Federal me- man-American Bund leader now munist support, the Populist Party, (Continued on Page 8) casualties were reported and sick in Asperg Internment Camp, which polled the largest number of votes in- the elections Sunday, damage on the mainland was slight. Pope Will Broadcast probably would be freed. agreed today to form a new gov- Peninsula residents, with the aid Officials also announced that ernment at the request of Arch- of taxis moved to higher ground. Domestic Problems "other civilians" who were deport- bishop Damaskinos, the Greek The waters receded in about an hour. VATICAN CITY, April 2 (AP)— ed from the U. S. would be given regent. hearings by the Security Board to Saying no further figures would The three tidal waves hurled The Vatican Press office announced masses of water over the Hawaiian today that the Pope would make an determine whether they could be be issued tonight, the ministry of released. trie interior gave the following shores, causing damage estimated Italian language broadcast of "do- at millions of dollars. A fourth mestic nature" Thursday. Kuhn's release, already approved returns for 1,550 of the 3,200 voting UUPftHOtTlOE. stations: wave had been predicted but ap- The Pope will address the Bar- by both the War and State depart- I HAWAIIAN IS parently it spent its force at sea. celona Eucharistic Congress by ments, is subject to findings of a Voted 510,445; Populists 269,498; radio next Sunday. Military Government review board. National Bloc 118,741; Liberals •'*' — S&s Map by Bob Clarke Scientific report on tidal wave 72,390; Zervas 22,007. HUGE WAVES seemingly starting an Page 8. The General Finds It Homey, Too Populist leaders sought to form a off the Aleutians swept south to- broadened government this after- day to Alaska and California be- Experts Say Atom noon, contacting three candidates fore fanning put to Hawaii. of the National Bloc who oppose an immediate plebiscite on return of Not Cause of Wave the king tho Greece,, it was learned. Lichfield Hearing WASHINGTON, April. 2 (AP)— Constantine Tsaldaris, Populist Atomic bomb experts last night (Royalist) Party leader, said results To Follow Inquiry laughingly dubbed • aS* fantastic, of talks with Sophocles Venizelos, questions whether atomic bomb* leader of the Venizelist Liberals, PARIS, April. 2^ (UP)—Under- secretary of War Kenneth C. Royall could cause tidal waves of pro-, Panyotis Canellopoulos, former portions of. the present Pacific premier and John Politis, also a said today that the required in- former premier, were "very en- vestigation of officers in the Lich- tragedy. couraging." field prison cruelty case would be Some scientists believe ' the sec- Venizelos told the Associated completed within 10 days after ond bomb test at Bikini Atoll, Press he and his party would not which charges would be immedi- where a bomb will be detonated participate in the new government ately filed against at least one of slightly beneath the water may if the Populists insist on holding the officers and court martial pro- develop waves as high as a 100 feet a plebiscite immediately. ceedings started. but that they will-spend their force locally. The third test, with a bomb-ex- Human Flesh Eaten in China ploded at a depth of several thou- sand feet probably will produce LISBON, April 2 (AP)—Re- sold as smuggled pork from the little wave action, scientists believe, patriates from the Portuguese Japanese zone and served in but will show vigorous boiling ac-( colony of Macao in' south China hotels and the most expensive tion at the surface. who have arrived here in the restaurants." liner Colonial, said that most of- them had eaten: human flesh—the "Particularly tasty," they said, House Authorizes Burial kidneys and livers" of Chinese though still horror-stricken by WASHINGTON, April 2 (AP)-- —Signal Corps Photo by Bob Merritt beggars. the events, "was the soup that The House unanimously passed a GEN. JOSEPH T. McNARNEY, theater commander, inspects table- They revealed how the police made a local restaurant famous bill authorizing the burial in ware in one of the Frankfurt apartments to be occupied by GI had discovered in Macao a Chin- until a human skull was found Arlington ot the unknown American families. Pvt. George Wixen, of Los Angeles, is shown with the ese gang that '-'operated during boiling in the kitchen pot." hero of World War II in the me- general in the apartment which has been put on display at 133 Hansa the night, mutilating the corpses The gang was rounded up and morial amphitheater, beside or near All€e. Pvt. Wixen, with his wife anH 5-year-old daughter, Jackie of Chinese who died of famine arrested when the police found the Unknown Soldier of World Lynn, will be the first to occupy one of the apartments. by the score. The meat was later mutilated bodies. War I. Wednesday, April 3, 194$ Page 2 THE STARS AND STRIPES THE B BAG Official Address all letters to: B Bag Editor, The Stars and Stripes APO 757. U. S. Bulletin Army. Include name and address. This official bulletin column (Names are deleted on request.) Due to space limitations, letters may be is publishe'd in conformity with cut for publication provided such letter AG 000.76 GAP-AGO HQ editing does not alter the meaning of USFET 22 Sept. 1945, subject: the original. "Official Bulletin Column in FOs Want Work The Stars and Stripes," to in- In September, the "Green Pro- sure rapid* and complete dis- ject" ended so far as the 92nd and semination of official announce- ments to all USFET personnel. 384th Bomb Gps. were concerned. Up until February, the officers' Will the following named officers, recent arrivals from the States, report and men have remained here in their present unit assignment and France with virtually no work.