Press Release Galerie m at Paris Photo

November 13-16, 2014 Grand Palais | Booth A42

Galerie m Bochum is pleased to announce its participation in Paris Photo 2014 with an installation of works by:


Please visit our special website presenting selected works:

Galerie m Bochum is pleased to show the new series by Thomas FLORSCHUETZ “Enclosure (GC)”, 2013/2014, for the first time at Paris Photo. More than 80 years ago, took part in a competition for the design of a club house for the newly founded Krefeld Golf Club. In 2013, Mies’ design was finally built at the initially planned site on the outskirts of Krefeld, , according to the original plans as a walkable architecture model at a scale of 1:1. In the meantime this building has been already dismantled again. Thomas Florschuetz has taken this remarkable architecture as a basis for his artistic work to develop a fragmentary view of it, which offers exceptional ways of perception.

In addition we will present new photographs from the former Hotel Bogota in , where Aino KANNISTO has worked in 2012 and 2013. Due to its changeful history and the particular rooms, the building appealed to Aino Kannisto in such a special way that she returned there several times.

From 2010 to 2013 Lucinda DEVLIN explored in her “Lake Pictures” manifold manifestations of the seascape in its infinite variety of color and light. Two surfaces thus meet that strikingly alter their appearance depending on the time of day and night, the season, and the prevailing weather conditions. Galerie m shows the recent variations of this perspective.

The vintage prints of the series New York by Dirk REINARTZ have been made from photographs the artist took on two private trips to New York in 1974. Dirk Reinartz’ keen feel for the rhythm and architecture of Manhattan, his humorous and yet incisive focus on the people of the city, his understanding for both, the comic and tragic aspects of city life, create a multifaceted, fascinating view of New York in the early 1970s.

For Life magazine Evelyn HOFER produced „Just Married“, a series of disarming photos of newly-married couples, taken in New York on a random day in 1974. „I was interested in seeing who ended up here. Usually I found that, as far as looks are concerned, they were all well matched. It fits." (Evelyn Hofer)

On prolonged forays through gardens and fields, Simone NIEWEG develops intimate knowledge of her motifs. She returns again and again to certain spots in order to find just the right conditions for her shot. In the last few years the artist has been specially interested in forest landscapes and trees. Galerie m Bochum will bring along new photographs from this group of works.

Laura LETINSKY builds the works of her series „Ill Form and Void Full“ with elements extracted and reconfigured from different sources. An amalgam of two and three dimensional objects placed within fields of nuanced tonal shifts that indicate and frustrate spatial reading, these photographs further interrogate the genre of still-life. Radius Books will publish a book on this series in autumn 2014.

The presentation at Paris Photo is completed by Claus GOEDICKE’s series „Some Things“.The concentration on an isolated everyday object gives the viewer a startling close-up view of things. We are suddenly brought eye-to-eye with our understanding of these ordinary things, our relationship to them, with memories and associations. Thus depicted, the items prompt us a desire to investigate their material presence, their symbolic character and their history for us personally.

Press Enquiries Contact: Katja Tallner [email protected]

Please join Galerie m Bochum on Facebook (@galeriembochum).