CatholicThe TIMES The Diocese of Columbus’ News Source

March 29, 2020 • FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT • Volume 69:24 Inside this issue

Bishop’s message: Our churches are closed, but the faithful remain interconnected, Bishop Robert Brennan says, Page 3

Downtown : A shrine dedicated to Blessed Margaret of Castello, a Dominican laywoman, is located at Columbus St. Patrick Church, Page 10-12

Helping ‘Friends’: Deacon Don Robers (right) of Logan St. John Church spearheads a ministry to assist people with various needs in Hocking County, Page 13

PARISHES MAKE A VIRTUAL REALITY DURING THESE EXTRAORDINARY TIMES Pages 4, 9 Catholic Times 2 March 29, 2020 Editor’s reflections by Doug Bean Forced to give up? Let’s lift up our concerns to the Lord The coronavirus pandemic many other places online and in prayer books. The beauty of having children at home is the has disrupted lives in ways that Nothing can replace the physical act of receiving ability to pray together throughout the day, study seemed unimaginable a few the body of Christ or having access to the other the Catholic faith, learn together and bond. weeks ago. Getting through , including confession, but that’s where MaryBeth Eberhard, an experienced this crisis is going to take the sacrifice comes in. The sacraments provide homeschooling mother, advises parents to prayer, patience, penance and medicine for the soul, and so everyone must strive “consider this time with your children as a gift. perseverance. to stay in a state of grace during this crisis. Chances are the relationship you have with them And, most important, plenty of making Pray for patience as we are told to practice social can be made stronger by this time together. sacrifices. distancing and self-quarantines. We all want a God always gives us reasons to praise, and I am Bishop Robert Brennan made the difficult quick fix to a complex problem. We’ve become excited to see stronger families and deeper sibling decision last week to shutter all churches at least accustomed as a society to immediate solutions, relationships brought about by this time together. through Easter to help mitigate the spread of the but sometimes we must persevere. Consider St. “These times are fluid and ever changing. serious COVID-19 virus. That means Catholics Patrick, who endured years of captivity before Take time to listen to your children. This time must sacrifice being present daily and on Sunday escaping; St. Therese of Lisieux, who suffered is historical as well. Have them journal, make at their parishes to receive the Eucharist during the through illness; or St. Monica, who waited and scrapbooks, study other historical plagues, Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. wept for her son, St. Augustine, to return to the pandemics. Curiosity will lead to further learning.” As a result, many parishioners throughout faith. Parents need to realize that they can’t replicate the diocese took advantage this past week of a Graces will come out of this ordeal. Hopefully, the school classroom. It’s important to create your growing number of online streaming and televised one of those graces might be strengthening of own environment, learn and read together, use Masses offered for viewing in lieu of physical families, who have more opportunities to pray, technology when appropriate, follow the teacher’s attendance. Read our story on Page 4 for more learn and grow closer. schedule and take time to relax. details. Because schools are shut down, homes have As Bishop Brennan has emphasized, we’re all in The Church recommends that Catholics make become the classroom for many children. That this together. Let’s lift each other up in prayer and a spiritual Communion when they’re unable to might seem intimidating to some families, but give everything to Our Lord. receive the Body of Christ. A spiritual communion Catholic home education has been around for prayer can be found on the diocesan website and many years. Local news roundup Catholic Foundation launches emergency response fund The Catholic Foundation, in will go toward helping parishes and and donor intent. glish, visit partnership with the Diocese of individuals. It is one of the nation’s oldest and For free access in Spanish, visit and Columbus, has established an emer- For more information, visit https:// largest Catholic foundations and has register at gency response fund that will provide distributed nearly $150 million since Complimentary access also is immediate and flexible assistance licemergencyresponse. If you have 1985. For additional information, available to MagnifiKid. Visit www. to parishes in the diocese that are any questions, call (614) 443-8893. visit to view and receiving financial requests from The Catholic Foundation’s mission download each weekly booklet of the parishioners because of the spread of is to inspire giving and assist donors Magnificat provides app colorful Sunday missalette for chil- the coronavirus. to provide for the long-term needs free through May dren ages six through 12. As children This fund will help with the pur- of the 23-county Diocese of Colum- The publishers of the monthly are missing formal religious instruc- chase of food for pantries sponsored bus. It fulfills its mission by seeking devotional Magnificat are offering tion and unable to attend Mass, Mag- by the diocese. donors to establish endowment funds complimentary access to its iOS and nifiKid can serve as a special guide, The fund was started with designed to support current and Android apps in addition to online accompanying them through each $250,000 from the foundation and future needs and by distributing earn- access throughout May. week as they prepare to attend Mass is accepting donations, all of which ings according to diocesan priorities To register for free access in En- or watch it at home.

Front Page photo: Bishop Robert J. Brennan: President & Publisher VIRTUAL MASSES Doug Bean: Editor ([email protected]) IN DIOCESE Tim Puet: Reporter ([email protected]) Father Jonathan Wilson, K. Colston-Woodruff: Graphic Designer ([email protected]) pastor of Westerville St. Paul Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved. Church, elevates the host Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 at the Consecration during newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 a livestreamed video Mass published weekly 45 times per year with exception of every other week in June, July and August and the week following Christmas. Subscriptions: (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 on Thursday, March 19. CT Subscription rate: $25 per year, or call and make arrangements photo by Ken Snow with your parish. Postage Paid at Columbus OH 43218. ([email protected]) Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. March 29, 2020 Catholic Times 3 Jesus is always in our midst in spite of turmoil, bishop says The joy and hope. ence a range of feelings, from a sense a new moment of moral responsi- following is “You see, the key message is that of being confined or stir-crazy to a bility. For better or for worse, this Bishop Rob- Jesus is walking in our midst, always sense of terrible isolation and loneli- coronavirus reminds us that we are ert Bren- in our midst. We get a sense of that in ness. Many feel tremendous anxiety all interconnected. None of us lives nan’s homily the Gospel today. Put aside the mira- for financial and practical reasons. unaffected by what happens to others. at the 10:30 cle of giving sight for a moment and “It may be that we are getting on But while that reality of being inter- a.m. Mass just focus in on Jesus passing through each other’s nerves in such continu- connected spreads the virus, it also on Sunday, the town. There he is in the midst of al small quarters. We worry for our reminds us of our responsibility for March 22 at everyone and everything. health care workers stretched to ex- one another. Columbus “We get a sense of a hubbub of traordinary limits and, yes, there are “The sacrifices that are asked of us, St. activity – people gathering for the those among us who are ill, perhaps the massive changes to our lifestyle, Cathedral. Sabbath – not working, but in little seriously so. The Lord is here. the urging to remain home – those not During the group conversations -- individuals “With the man who now sees, we only protect our own personal health, coronavi- moving about from group to group, ask Jesus to help us to know him – but more importantly, they are an ex- rus crisis, the bishop’s Masses from preparing presumably for Sabbath ‘Who is he, sir, that I may believe?’ ercise in that moral responsibility that the cathedral are being broadcast prayer, or coming from it. – and then to make that great pro- each of us has to care for the well-be- at 10:30 a.m. Sunday and 12:05 “This is the context in which Jesus fession, ‘I do believe,’ bowing down ing of those around us and of all. a.m. Monday through Friday on St. encounters the man born blind. He before Jesus. Jesus, open our eyes “Speaking of that sense of intercon- Catholic Radio, AM 820 in makes his way through the crowds. and help us to see. nectedness, perhaps the sense of depri- Columbus. The bishop is praying He meets the man in his need. In “There is an eerie silence all vation and loss awakens our sense of constantly for the health and safety Jesus, the hand of God is extended, around. The world has stopped. I solidarity with those hidden from our of the people of the diocese in this giving this man sight and thus chang- remember after Hurricane Sandy hit view who suffer deprivation every day, difficult time. ing his life. Long Island, one of the pastors said, and under far more painful and danger- “Yes, Jesus walks in our midst ‘This community is strong. When ous circumstances. I think of refugees “Yesterday morning, I had the today. He is always with us and he someone experiences this kind of in the Middle East, many of them chance to take part in a virtual Con- gives us the joy of his presence. He flooding and loss, we band together brother and sister Christians who were firmation retreat offered by Damas- is with us when we gather, when we to help that person. But not the whole violently driven from their homes and cus Catholic Youth Summer Camp. celebrate, when we live the ups and town is under water. We are all in the find refuge in tent cities and camps. I was impressed. I was impressed downs of life. He feeds us through same situation.’ “This is not to minimize the very by the content and the prayer. But the Sacraments so that we might be “Well, imagine that multiplied legitimate fears and concerns that isn’t it great to see such creativity in attuned to his presence. exponentially. We are all in the same many who listen today experience. staying connected in prayer and re- “But it is so important to realize boat. Our towns have stopped. Our But rather, perhaps, emerging from flection – to go deeper in the spiritual he is with us now. He is in our midst nation has stopped. The world has this, we might be a little more atten- life, even in this time of desolation. even when we are separated through stopped. Even a week or so ago as tive to the cries and sufferings of our “I am hearing about all kinds a serious health threat. He walks this was all ramping up, the present brothers and sisters around the world. of virtual outreach, ranging from among us. God steps into our suffer- moment seemed unimaginable. I “Here in our midst, I am proud to telephone check-ins to streaming ing and extends his healing hand to never, never imagined I would be in see the work of so many in our par- to Facebook and Zoom events with each of us in our need. a position of closing down the op- ishes and Catholic Social Services to prayer and Bible study. And thanks “That need takes different forms. portunity to attend Sunday Mass and continue to meet the needs of the poor. to all of you who stay connected There is clearly the sense of loss that even restrict access to our churches. “From the back door of the cathe- through St. Gabriel Radio. Last we feel on a Sunday not being able to I am so tremendously sad about this, dral, to soup kitchens and agencies week’s Spirit Week was a great attend Mass and receive Our Lord in as are you. chance to be together in a spirit of Holy Communion. Many of us experi- “Together, we are being called to See HOMILY, Page 9 announces extraordinary ‘urbi et orbi’ blessing on March 27 Catholic News Service for their sins, recite a few prescribed will listen to the word of God, raise someone who has died. prayers and promise to go to confes- our prayer (and) adore the Blessed “To the pandemic of the virus we sion and to receive the Eucharist as ,” he said. “At the end, want to respond with the universality -- In response to soon as possible. I will give the benediction ‘urbi et of prayer, compassion and tender- the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, After reciting the Angelus prayer orbi,’ to which will be connected the ness,” he said. “Let’s stay united. said he will give an on March 22 from the library of possibility of receiving a plenary Let us make those who are alone and extraordinary blessing “urbi et orbi” the , Pope Francis indulgence.” tested feel our closeness,” as well (to the city and the world) at 1 p.m. announced his plans for the special An indulgence is an ancient prac- as doctors, nurses, other healthcare ET on Friday, March 27. blessing, which, he said, would tice of prayer and penance for the re- workers and volunteers. The formal blessing -- usually be given in an “empty” St. Peter’s mission of the temporal punishment a Pope Francis also expressed given only immediately after a new Square because all of is on person is due for sins that have been concern for “authorities who have to pope’s election and on Christmas lockdown to prevent further spread of forgiven. In Catholic teaching, a per- take strong measures for our good” and Easter -- carries with it a plena- the virus. son can draw on the merits of Jesus and the police and soldiers maintain- ry indulgence for all who follow by With the public joining him only and the to claim the indulgence ing public order and enforcing the television, internet or radio, are sorry by television, internet or radio, “we for themselves or offer it on behalf of lockdown. Catholic Times 4 March 29, 2020 Churches closed, but parishes still reach out via technology By Tim Puet Father Sizemore said his parish is Catholic Times Reporter conducting essential leadership and staff meetings through the Zoom con- There’s an unnatural stillness at ference call system. It also is using Westerville St. Flocknote to keep parishioners post- Church these days. ed on developments and YouTube The parking lots are empty. Class- videos to bring encouraging words to rooms where 771 students in kinder- parishioners during this unprecedent- garten through eighth grade usually ed period. are being educated are silent. No one It is livestreaming Eucharistic Ad- is enjoying the playground at recess oration from 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesdays as the first days of spring begin to and has set up a “buddy” system in chase the chill of winter. None of the which parishioners call homebound 71 parish groups that gather daily, residents to check on their health and weekly or monthly to learn about ask if they need medicine or groceries. the faith and to put it into action are Similar efforts are going on across meeting. the diocese as parishes use technolo- And, most significantly, the par- gy to connect with their members. ish’s pastor, Father Jonathan Wilson, Parishes that are streaming Masses is celebrating daily and Sunday Mass on their websites, YouTube or Face- in an empty church, with an unseen book include St. Paul, St. Francis congregation watching through video de Sales, St. Brendan, St. Timothy, streaming. Mount Vernon St. Vincent de Paul, Father Jonathan Wilson stands in front of the empty baptismal font at Westerville St. Paul Church. All Columbus St. Catharine of Siena, It’s the same at every other parish baptismal fonts in Ohio Catholic churches have been drained because of the church closings resulting from the in the Diocese of Columbus and coronavirus. CT photo by Ken Snow Columbus St. Patrick, Columbus most, if not all, dioceses nation- St. Timothy, Delaware St. Mary, wide because of the spread of the Mattingly Settlement St. Mary, New COVID-19 virus. The deadly patho- Albany Church of the Resurrection, gen has halted sports events and all New Philadelphia Sacred Heart, other large public gatherings, limit- Pickerington St. Elizabeth Ann Seton ed restaurants to carry-out service, and the Scioto Catholic consortium. closed thousands of businesses and St. Gabriel Catholic Radio at 820 caused governments of Ohio and sev- AM in Columbus has added Masses eral other states to issue stay-at-home celebrated by Bishop Robert Brennan orders – in general, bringing most from Columbus St. Joseph Cathedral everyday activities to a standstill in at 12:05 p.m. Monday through Friday the United States and worldwide. to its schedule, which already includ- The bishops of Ohio on March ed a live broadcast of the cathedral’s 12 suspended the obligation for the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass each week. state’s Catholics to attend Mass on The station also is broadcasting the the last three Sundays of March. Four Stations of the Cross from the cathe- days later, the bishops announced a dral at 7 p.m. Friday. St. Gabriel’s suspension of all public Masses in southern Ohio affiliate, at 88.3 FM the state through Easter Sunday, April in Portsmouth, broadcasts the 10:30 12, including the ’s a.m. Sunday Mass from Portsmouth three most significant days – the Tri- St. Mary Church. duum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday Bill Messerly, executive director and Easter. of St. Gabriel Radio, estimated that Father Sizemore, pastor of Newark St. Church, celebrates a livestreamed Mass for his more than 3,000 people listened to “There’s a deep sense of sad- parish on Sunday, March 22, at Mattingly Settlement St. Mary Church, which has been streaming Masses since ness that I’m unable to be with my late 2016. Photo courtesy St. Mary Church the bishop’s Mass this past Sunday, parishioners in person but gratitude March 22. He said that’s about five that I can be with them through social parish also is making increasing use Father David Sizemore, pastor at times the usual number of listeners. media,” Father Wilson said. of Flocknote, an email system used St. Francis de Sales, celebrated a vid- A list of several of the parishes The parish, the largest in the by a number of parishes, to keep its eo Mass at Mattingly Settlement St. hosting streaming videos of Masses, diocese with about 4,500 families, is members informed. Mary Church rather than at his own with links to parish websites, may be connecting with parishioners digitally At least three diocesan parishes – parish because St. Mary has been found at through email and Facebook by lives- Hilliard St. Brendan, Columbus St. presenting Masses online for some radio-tv-online-masses. treaming its 8:30 a.m. weekday and Timothy and Newark St. Francis de time and has equipment in place. He Steve Smeltzer of the Matting- 9 a.m. Sunday Masses. Its Stations of Sales – began streaming Masses this will continue to do this for the time ly Settlement parish, which has the Cross for Friday, March 20 were past Sunday, March 22 on one or being but hopes to begin streaming multiple platforms. from his own church soon. on Facebook. Father Wilson said the See TECHNOLOGY, Page 9 March 29, 2020 Catholic Times 5 Faith, hope and love amid the coronavirus When we are put to the test, what will be our re- dark now, but a sunny day is coming. There is hope. sponse? It is clear our world is being tested in the FAITH IN ACTION We must confront adversity with the Joy of the Gos- midst of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). pel. During this time of tribulation, isolation, and Life as we know it has been altered significantly. Jerry Freewalt suffering, Jesus continues to accompany us. What The situation is unfolding rapidly. Each day, in- is hopeful to me is learning about the simple acts of creasing numbers of infections, new restrictions of Jerry Freewalt is director of the di- solidarity Catholics are performing to bring hope to movement, dramatic swings in financial markets, ocesan Office for Social Concerns. the elderly, poor, and others living on the margins. and closings of all kinds dominate the headlines. They find ways to do this safely and creatively. Even the Catholic Bishops of Ohio labored over the For me, the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and LOVE -- “So faith, hope, love remain, these three, heartbreaking decision to suspend public Masses almsgiving have a whole new meaning in light of but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Cor. 13:13) and liturgies at least through Holy Week and Easter what is going on. I believe we all need these disci- God calls on us to have charitable hearts, even in in efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. plines, these actions, to work through the present the most challenging of circumstances. I really love What I think is so insidious about the nature of crisis. The virtues also can aid us along the way: Bishop Brennan’s term of “extreme charity” in ob- COVID-19 is it cannot be seen with the unaided the cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, temper- serving social distancing, keeping a safe distance eye. It’s not a disaster with violent visuals such as ance, and fortitude (or courage) but especially the out of love for our neighbor. It’s also encouraging a tornado, flood, earthquake, or hurricane. There theological virtues of faith, hope, and love. to witness extreme charity lived out through lead- are neither guns nor bombs, just casualties, and not FAITH – “Pray as if everything depends on God, ers in government, healthcare, parishes, charitable only casualties, collateral damage to the economy work as if everything depends on you.” This quote, ministries as well as everyday Catholics who have and our way of life. Its indiscriminate nature threat- attributed to St. Ignatius of Loyola, resonates with risen to the occasion by reaching out to protect us, ens the most vulnerable, especially the elderly. me in light of our current situation. As we draw clos- comfort the sick, and extend a helping hand, even COVID-19 attacks our everyday in-person so- er to God in prayer even through Mass via Catholic if the hand has a glove on it to keep everyone safe. cial interactions. In the age of social networking, media like St. Gabriel Radio, we receive the spiri- Perhaps you can support one of our Catholic char- we now observe “social distancing” in an effort to tual food that sustains us. We also can live out our ities or a local nonprofit through dedicated prayer, reduce the transmission of the virus. It strikes at the faith by simply picking up the phone and calling an safe volunteering, and generous financial support. heart of what it means to live in community, to be isolated family member or friend. Spending quality How will the pages of history recount how we re- a good neighbor, a caregiver, and a friend. It breeds time talking and praying together can go a long way. sponded when put to the test? Let it show we acted fear and anxiety. We are being tested. Prepared or Families can grow together using the Lenten Journey out of faith, hope, and love. For updates on how you not, here we are. can get help or give help, please visit the Diocese of for Families found on our diocesan website. What happens going forward depends on our Columbus website at actions today. Personally, I realize the great need HOPE – “But if we hope for what we do not see, to draw on the rich deposit of our Catholic faith. we wait with endurance.” (Rm. 8:25) It may be Life without the Eucharist The coronavirus continues to impact our lives without receiving Jesus in that living bread. It is the more each day. In the time between my drafting this EVERYDAY CATHOLIC one form of sustenance that gets us to eternal life column and The Catholic Times publishing, situa- in heaven. What can we do now, as we no longer tions will have changed again. There are so many Rick Jeric have access to the Eucharist? We had already tak- questions and uncertainty. We are forced to place en precautionary measures like exchanging a smile our trust in the medical community and our poli- and a nod at the sign of peace at Mass in place of a ticians. It does seem that, for once, we have been handshake. The Bishops of Ohio have cancelled all very proactive as a local community, state, and na- public Masses through Easter Sunday. It is fright- tion, rather than the usual reaction. So what are the ening if this goes on much longer. We can certainly must-haves, and what can we do without? Life, of have all postponed their seasons indefinitely. The understand and appreciate a mandate like this, as it course, is precious and the single most important Ohio High School Athletic Association has can- will save lives. We can all participate in a televised thing. We are all rightfully doing everything we can celled state tournaments. So many young athletes Mass via our technology. But nothing can replace to protect the lives of everyone, focusing first on will be denied their chance to complete a great sea- the Eucharist itself. What else can we do? Our first those who are most susceptible. We may not like son, and even compete for a championship. It is responsibility is to be sure that we continue to gath- it, but we are learning to live as students without especially sad if they are seniors. Even Japan post- er as a family and participate as fully as ever in the classrooms and using technology exclusively. Big poned the Olympics this summer. Life can certain- Mass. Maybe this gives us an opportunity to be sure events that bring millions of dollars to our local ly go on without these large, public gatherings. We there is a place in our home with at least a crucifix economy, like the Arnold Classic, have been mostly must continue to be wise and proactive. So what can and a Bible. Remember, whenever and wherever cancelled. The travel industry is already devastated. we not do without? we gather, Jesus Christ is present. Even though we And the stock market roller coaster is like nothing There are certain things we must have. Definitely may not be able to receive Him in the Eucharist, we we have ever seen. The world of high school, col- one another, our spouses and families. We must have can still receive His true presence in one another as lege and professional sports has been completely food, water, medical care and communication. God we gather, in His Word in the Gospel, and in His shaken. We had already seen soccer matches in It- bless all the people who continue to be sure that we priest as he consecrates the bread and wine. Let us aly played in empty stadiums. March Madness has have all of these. To us, as Catholic Christians, we re-commit to one another in our faith, and in the real been cancelled, which is tough to imagine. All ma- cannot do without the Eucharist. That word not only presence of Jesus Christ as we gather to pray. And, jor league sports were looking at playing games in means giving thanks, but it is everything to us. Our as always, we continue to pray for all those who are front of empty seats, but now all are on hold. They spiritual lives, and our lives in general are nothing ill with coronavirus. Catholic Times 6 March 29, 2020 Church’s stance on organ donation; Endorsing candidates IWhat is the Catholic Church’s position on groups of candidates, or take any action that could donating body parts for medical science? QUESTION & ANSWER reasonably be construed as endorsement or opposi- (Northampton, Pennsylvania) tion.” The bishops’ conference also warns parishes Q Father Kenneth Doyle that they should not “invite only selected candidates Let’s divide the answer into two parts: Catholic News Service to address your church-sponsored group.” post-mortem transplants and those from liv- While churches are prohibited from endorsing Aing donors. Gifts from a donor who has clearly Questions may be sent to Father candidates, this does not prevent them from speak- died -- either to a living recipient or to scientific re- Kenneth Doyle at askfatherdoyle@ ing out on moral issues, even if these happen to be search -- is the easier part. and 30 Columbia Circle interwoven with political topics -- issues like hu- The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “Or- Drive, Albany NY 12203. man life, care for the poor, religious freedom and gan donation after death is a noble and meritorious migration. act and is to be encouraged as an expression of gen- At times, I have seen certain religious leaders try erous solidarity” (No. 2296). The church does teach This does not seem equitable. (Hilliard, Ohio) to differentiate, claiming that in endorsing -a par that the remains, after organ donation or medical re- ticular candidate, they were simply expressing a search, should be treated with reverence and should The laws are the same for all churches. The ban personal preference and not speaking as a church be entombed or buried. on political campaign activity by charities and representative. But that, in my mind, is dangerous As to gifts from living donors -- bone marrow, say, churches has been in effect for more than half turf and could well be “reasonably construed” as in- or a lung -- this is morally permissible so long as it aA century. stitutional endorsement. is not life-threatening to the donor and does not de- It was created in 1954 when Congress approved What our letter writer mentions does in fact hap- prive the donor of an essential bodily function and an amendment proposed by Sen. Lyndon B. John- pen, and I believe that it may be due -- in part, at provided that the anticipated benefit to the recipient son that prohibited tax-exempt entities (technically least -- to the fact that Protestant and evangelical is proportionate to the harm done to the donor. 501(c)(3) organizations, which includes charities churches sometimes lack the central oversight that and churches) from engaging in any political cam- In his 1995 encyclical “The Gospel of Life,” St. guides Catholic parishes. John Paul II called organ donation an example of paign activity. (In 2000, in a case called Branch “everyday heroism,” and in 2014, Pope Francis told Ministries v. Rossotti, the U.S. Court of Appeals I also believe that a distancing from political en- the Transplantation Committee for the Council of upheld the legality of that ban.) dorsements is preferred by over 50 percent of Cath- Europe that organ donation is “a testimony of love The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops period- olics -- and that has been documented in a 2014 for our neighbor.” ically reminds churches and church leaders of the study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public implications of that ban. In a website article called Life. And, interestingly, Canon 287 of the church’s Why are Catholic churches muzzled while Prot- “Do’s and Don’ts Guidelines During Election Sea- Code of Canon Law says that clerics “are always to estant churches freely exercise political speech son,” the USCCB lists among activities to avoid: “Do foster the peace and harmony based on justice” but Qthrough endorsements, hosting candidates, etc.? not endorse or oppose candidates, political parties or “are not to have an active part in political parties.” ‘Wittenberg’ in synodal slow motion As Yale’s Carlos Eire masterfully demonstrated the participation of women in ministries … ” in Reformations: The Early Modern World, 1450- “ ... the existing positions of the Roman Church 1650, there was no one “Protestant Reformation” THE CATHOLIC DIFFERENCE ... ” Well, well. That formula at least has the merit but rather several religious movements, often George Weigel of candor, if not theological heft. But please note in disagreement with each other, that shattered what is going on here. The “Roman Church,” western Christendom in the 16th century. Still, George Weigel is the Distinguished it seems, is but one among any number of local Martin Luther’s protest at Wittenberg on October Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Churches. Which implies that the Bishop of Rome, 31, 1517, has long been taken as the starting gun its head, is but one among the bishops who form for “the Reformation,” and various Protestant Public Policy Center in Washing- the episcopal college. And that flatly contradicts denominations celebrate “Reformation Day” on ton, D.C. both Scripture (see Matthew 16:13-19) and the the Sunday closest to October 31. So “Wittenberg” authoritative tradition of the Church as expressed can serve as a synonym for other efforts to distance Germany has launched itself. in the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Consti- Christian communities from the authority of Rome The anti-Roman and anti-papal subtext to all this tution on the Church. and the papacy. has typically been disguised or flatly denied by There has been considerable commentary suggest- Which suggests that what’s afoot in German Cathol- Cardinal Reinhard Marx and other German Catho- ing that the German Church is in a de facto state of icism today is “Wittenberg” in synodal slow motion. lic bishops. But the Central Committee of German schism, a term I’ve used myself. But I’m now won- In this instance, there is no nailing of contested Catholics – the lay Politburo (to use a more accurate dering whether that’s quite right, and whether the propositions to church doors. Rather, the gears of and related title) that is co-managing the “synodal more appropriate description for what’s going on a vast, well-funded ecclesiastical bureaucracy are path” with the German bishops’ conference – re- along this German synodal path is apostasy: an ar- grinding away toward outcomes that seem baked cently let the cat out of the bag. Gobsmacked that rogant determination to break with settled Catholic into the process from its inception: a German bucketloads of German money at the 2019 Amazo- doctrine in the name of a contemporary intelligence revision (meaning abandonment) of the discipline nian synod did not produce the desired results, the superior to what Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution of clerical celibacy; some form of installed, or Zentralkomitee responded to Pope Francis’ apostolic on Divine Revelation called “Sacred Tradition and ordained, role for women in German Catholicism; exhortation on Amazonia by deploring the absence Sacred Scripture.” That, it seems to me, is what’s a German substitute for the Catholic ethic of hu- of a papal endorsement of married priests and wom- implied by the formula used in the Central Commit- man love; a German “democratization” of Church en deacons. And it did so in baldly Wittenbergian tee’s smackdown of Pope Francis. governance – in short, the dreams of the Catholic terms: “We very much regret that Pope Francis did In light of this, those who believe that the Cath- Revolution That Never Was, realized at last from not take a step forward in his (exhortation). Rather, olic Church does “paradigm shifts” might want Cologne to Berlin and from Hamburg to Munich. it strengthens the existing positions of the Roman This is the “synodal path” on which the Church in Church both in terms of access to the priesthood and See WEIGEL, Page 12 March 29, 2020 Catholic Times 7 Renewing Our Profound Longing: Spiritual Communion By Michelle Lemiesz, M.Div. (SC10). If we do not feel a loss, than woe are we. Lord in the Eucharist, and it expresses, our genuine Director, Office for Divine Worship I would like to think that God is allowing us desire to be united with him. The words are almost to use this moment in time as an opportunity. In a lament, an urgent petition. St. many ways, it is perfect that we are in the season described spiritual communion as “an ardent When I read the announcement from the Chan- of Lent, a time meant to engender reflection and desire to receive Jesus in the Holy Sacrament cery that all liturgical celebrations are being sus- conversion of heart. How often have we ever spent and a loving embrace as though we had already pended up to Easter due to the Coronavirus pan- time pondering what the Mass and the reception of received Him.” demic, my heart stood still. It was almost a surreal Holy Communion mean to us as individuals and as moment, and it seemed at that moment everything a community of faith? My Jesus, I believe that you are present was upside-down. In true charity, it is the right thing Perhaps, God is inviting us to use our “physical in the most Blessed Sacrament. to do, but that did not change the empty feeling that distance” from the Eucharist to lead us into a deep- And, I love you above all things. I suddenly felt. At that moment, the severity of the er, more profound longing for communion with It is my heart’s desire to receive you into my soul. pandemic washed over me, and I truly felt fear. For him. What if this is a watershed moment for us as Since I cannot receive you at this time me, the Ohio Bishop’s statement was a transfor- Church; an opportunity to take this climate of cha- sacramentally, please come spiritually mative moment, and I realized that it is so easy to os and uncertainty to renew our identity and faith? into my heart, and unite me wholly to you. take something for granted, especially when it has Is this a moment of grace enabling us to meditate I pray that I may never be permitted always been a part of your life…until it no longer is. upon our own proclivity toward being lukewarm to be separated from you. Now, you realize how much it truly means to you. about our faith and attitude about the Mass? Each Amen While this may seem strange, I hope every Cath- of us must answer these questions for ourselves, olic in the state of Ohio felt similar. The Vatican but we must do so with complete honesty if we The prayer of Spiritual Communion reminds II document Sacrosanctum Concilium state that really want to grow in holiness. us that the Lord continues to call us to him even the Eucharist is “the source and the summit of our In a recent address, Pope Francis spoke about when we cannot come to him in the usual ways. It life” for everything we are as Church “culminates the ancient practice of seeking spiritual commu- is a prayer of the Church that expresses the human in that one act of worship”, and from it we receive nion, when we are unable to receive sacramental soul’s ardent desire to find solace and strength God’s grace and abundant blessings for the work communion at Mass. He encouraged the faithful to from the One who has given up everything to seek we are called to do. In so many ways, the Mass rediscover this ancient prayer that has been prayed and save us. And, during times such as these, it is is the touchstone of our faith, as it expresses our by many great saints of the Church, and to use it as an oasis in the desert, a respite from everything deepest desires and draws us into “the compelling a way to engender a holy and profound longing for swirling around us. May we use this exile as a love of Christ” which culminates in the reception intimacy with the Lord. The prayer of spiritual com- means to rekindle our love of the Eucharist and our of His Precious Body and Blood in the Eucharist munion expresses our soul’s longing to receive the profound need and desire for union with the Lord. 40 Days for Life: Socially distant but closer to God By Beth Vanderkooi Vigil, an effort to document 3,706 hours of prayer, tioning to online enrichment programs and moving Executive Director, Greater Columbus Right to Life one for each baby aborted in central Ohio, by Eas- to “virtual” baby sprinkles. Bethesda Post Abortion ter. You can learn more about that and sign up for Healing has suspended in-person sessions, but your vigil hour at will be going to one-on-one virtual sessions while Each Lent, Greater Columbus Right to Life in- In addition, know that we are continuing to work expanding social media outreach, recognizing that vites the community to join our team of year-round with the central Ohio pro-life community to make trauma can be exacerbated for many people right sidewalk counselors to join us for the 40 Days sure that we continue to serve those mothers who now. Bottoms Up, which provides infant diapers for Life Campaign. We strongly believe that this need us most. Last week, a core group of pro-life and wipes and a limited number of adult prod- campaign of prayer and fasting has been one of the leaders met (virtually) to talk about how we are ucts, is now working with 40 partner agencies to primary reasons we have seen abortions in central meeting not only the spiritual, emotional and phys- distribute both diapers and wipes to those in need – Ohio fall by almost 50 percent. ical needs of pregnant women, but also how we something which has been exacerbated by current Well, this past week I did something I did not are ensuring that in these unusual times our leaders outages. They are working with their partners to ever expect to do; I sent an email to our volun- and our volunteers continue to be kept safe and ensure safe delivery. Those who are in need right teers releasing them from any external or internal sane. Those who are engaged in a pro-life vocation now are encouraged to call Jo at 740-808-6131 and obligation to pray with us on the sidewalk. These will tell you that it can be spiritually demanding she will help. Of course, our Diocesan Office for are extraordinary and unanticipated times, to be and draining. So please pray for us as a commu- Social Concerns is doing a tremendous amount of sure, and things have moved quite rapidly. In fact, nity that we can continue to face what may come. work to coordinate agencies and social services at as I was finishing this column, Gov. Mike DeWine These calls will continue, and if you lead a pro-life every level. We will continue to build out our re- shared a “Stay at Home” order that began Monday, organization and would like to join us, please let source and prayer page ( to share March 23 at 11:59 p.m. me know ([email protected]). more of what these great organizations (and more) My concern now, as it was then, is that we need None of us is backing down from helping those are doing. to listen to the advice coming from public health who are vulnerable to abortion as we enter these I want to close with the acknowledgement that and faith leaders when it comes to keeping our- uncertain times. For example, Pregnancy Decision many people feel a little lost right now. Routines, selves and the community safe. At the same time, Health Centers (PDHC) and the Women’s Care social supports, income and even Mass have been most women choosing abortion do it because of Center both continue to be open regular hours, altered or suspended. That creates a lot of voids financial reasons and a lack of support, and we do although some of their processes may shift. They in our lives. How we fill those voids in the days not want to abandon them in their hour of need. are seeing women while observing both social and weeks to come is going to be very important. While many have humbly discerned that they distancing guidelines and CDC guidelines for There is an emptying of self that can allow us to should still go to pray in person, we are asking that healthcare providers (both have nurse managers grow in faith, courage, and hope, but there is also everyone remember that it is not our work, but the and medical oversight). Both are transitioning to a very real risk that isolation and fear enter into work of God, that brings every women we encoun- online programs for parenting programs and are those voids. We talk about the spiritual conse- ter to choose life. We are, at best, missionaries of looking to continue providing material aid to wom- and witnesses to His work. With that in mind, we en. Mommies Matter is continuing to help provide are inviting each of you to join us in our Virtual emotional and community support while transi- See 40 DAYS, Page 12 Catholic Times 8 March 29, 2020 How the hymns of my youth became the rhythm of my life My relationship with Jesus has always been a God, oh why have you abandoned me?” I would constant, even from my early years. I remember sing that psalm and cry out the words. I would as a little girl dressing up as a . I’d stuff my MARYBETH EBERHARD throw a stuffed animal, flop on my bed and bang it first Holy Communion missal into my purse or MaryBeth Eberhard writes about out on my keyboard. backpack and read it in my free time. A few years marriage, life experiences of a large The ache of a first heartbreak (I was the nerd later, at the sweet age of 8, I traded that in for the family and special needs. She attends who sobbed into her stuffed animal): “I have loved hymnal. I still have that hymnal on my nightstand you with an everlasting love. I have called you, – such was its impact on my life. Sunbury St. John Neumann Church. and you are mine.” Now granted, I totally mis- St. Augustine is often quoted as saying, “Singing placed the theology of this, but I think it actually to the Lord is praying twice.” For me, it is the fo- home, I would begin with Glory and Praise to Our was healthy because it showed me how much the cus of my prayer life. Often the melody of a psalm God, and when I passed the house with the cavern- Lord loved me and how constant He is. or the words from a hymn are my first response to ous ditch in the yard, out came “Be with me Lord Flash forward 30 years. I am a joyfully married joy or need. Of my time spent in church as a youth, when I am in trouble,” as my little feet walked mother of eight children who have grown up with this is one of the greatest gifts bestowed upon me. faster. “Bless the Lord oh my soul” followed my these songs as the backbone of their childhood. Many I grew up in a tumultuous and broken family, supplication with praise. As weird as it sounds, I nights have I sat at the top of the stairs praying with spending much time at our church, which was built had songs for all the pivotal moments in my youth. them. My repertoire has changed these days. in the center of our neighborhood. I would walk When things were scary and unknown: “Shepherd Seeing the need for humility and servant hearts in there from my house. At church, meetings would me, oh God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, my children: The Servant Song – “Will you let me be happen all around me, from parish council to PSR from death into life. God is my shepherd so nothing your servant, let me be as Christ to you? Pray that I to Pre-Cana. I studied in the parish kitchen or sat I shall want. I rest in the meadows of faithfulness might have the grace to let you be my servant, too.” in a church pew and did my homework with Jesus. and love. I walk by the quiet waters of peace.” God’s steadfast love: “The king of love, my A little grown-up girl at the age of 8, I pretended Watching my friends discern college and figure out shepherd is, whose goodness fails me never. I that everything was normal at home and asked if what they were going to study: Abba Father was a nothing lack if I am his, and he is mine forever.” it would be OK if I did my schoolwork here. Our core favorite. “Abba, Abba Father, you are the potter, Bedtime: Hail Mary, Gentle Woman is a family fa- wise priest, who knew his flock, paved the way, we are the clay, the work of your hands. Mold us, mold vorite and is known in my book to have special calm- and a plate of doughnuts and a bowl with apples us and fashion us into the image of Jesus, your son.” ing graces after daddy piggyback rides with younger were usually left on the kitchen table. He will nev- Loud, dangerous or scary times at home: Psalm kids and dad jokes shared in the older boys’ rooms. An er know how huge this act of kindness was. 91 – “Be with me Lord when I am in trouble. Be eyebrow raised, a knowing smile, and the songs begin. The choir director noticed my constant hum- with me Lord, I pray.” I knew every word, and the Some might grumble as they get a little older, ming and singing and asked if I wanted to join the melody calmed my fears. but I hear them hum the Lourdes Ave as they nestle group. Wrapped in arms of love by these prayerful The death of a loved one: “I know that my re- into bed. Even my older son whose bedroom is people – who one day would all sing at my wed- deemer lives. The one who calls me home. I long now in the basement will sometimes sit on the ding – I attended weekly practices and became a to see God face to face, to see with my own eyes.” staircase with me when he comes home and finds cantor. (One member built a step stool for me so Such comfort these songs brought me. us in the middle of bedtime and hum along. I could reach the microphone!) I attended every I smile with nostalgia at youthful moments as well, These are the cadences of our family’s heart. The Mass, every prayer service, many funerals – al- when these songs poured from my heart with all the melody that drives our days. I am so grateful for the ways singing. I would walk home after practice, drama a 13- to 17-year-old girl’s heart could hold. gift of music to aid me in my prayer life as a youth sometimes in the dark, and sing at the top of my The high school betrayal of those whom I and my vocation as a mother. St Cecilia, pray for us. lungs with my heart open to the Lord. As I started thought were friends: Psalm 22 – “My God, my St Augustine, thank you. Jesus, I trust in you. Women need help putting painful abortion memories behind them I’m not very humble. As a result, I usually think abortion experience. people are talking about me. TIM WELSH The abortion experience, from a physical per- In my mind, they may be talking in a compli- spective, is distressing. Early in the legalization mentary way, but, mostly, I imagine them talking of abortion, there were no clinic regulations that about me in a more castigating way. Either way, I would ensure even the most modest of hygiene and always think they notice me and are either snicker- women were not even given any information about ing or sniping at me in their own little better-than- Tim Welsh is executive director of the the procedure. There were no accommodations for me circle. Bethesda Healing Ministry for post- treatment after an abortion. If a woman developed Of course, none of that is true. abortive women and men. bleeding, for instance, she would likely be told to After all, who notices or cares if I dribbled spa- go to the emergency room if she called the abor- ghetti sauce on my favorite shirt, or that I mispro- have a more vivid memory of bad things than tionists office. All side effects were handed off and nounced aluminum, or that my zipper’s unzipped? good. Researchers say negative emotions like fear the abortionists took no responsibility. What’s more, even though I can remember every and sadness trigger increased activity in a part Many facilities herded women through the pro- single social gaffe or interpersonal faux pas that I of the brain linked to memories. These emotion- cess in order to maximize profit and not provide have made in my entire life, there’s no reason for ally charged memories are preserved in greater quality care for the women. me to believe that anybody has as indelible a memo- detail than happy or more neutral memories. For Recalling their abortion experience, many women ry as mine. instance, remember 911? Remember where you say that they knew it was wrong at the time but felt Still, I live in fear. were? On the other hand, do you remember what that they had no other choice or felt coerced into the I fear that someone will bring up the time I threw you got for Christmas last year? abortion corner by others. Culture told them it would up all over the bathroom at school in fourth grade. To be saddled with these run-of-the-mill bad make everything OK. It would help them get their Or the time I made my mom cry when I was 16. memories and to be bridled with the angst embed- lives back on track. They were exercising their right Or when I shot out Mrs. Williams’ garage window ded in these unpleasant self-imageries is nothing as a woman. with my BB gun. God help me. compared to the wretched strife imposed upon There’s nothing new about the notion that we those suffering souls who are reconciling a past See WOMEN, Page 20 March 29, 2020 Catholic Times 9

TECHNOLOGY, continued from Page 4 been streaming its Masses online since 2016, report- ed about 29,000 combined views of its Saturday afternoon Mass on Facebook, You- Tube and the parish website, compared with about 5,000 for a regular week. A view means watch- ing at least a few seconds of a video offering. Aaron Christy of Seton Parish said his parish lives- treamed all four of its weekend Masses at their regular times – 5 The parking lot at Westerville St. Paul Church is empty because the church, school and surrounding buildings are p.m. Saturday and closed as a result of the coronavirus. CT photo by Ken Snow 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday. The four the bishops ordered the closing of the about 2,000 people watching for at had a combined churches was how much people want least 15 minutes and, through shar- 5,600 live views. to be a part of their parishes,” Father ing, reached many others who saw This figure does not Wilson said from the Westerville St. it advertised on their Facebook page include additional Paul rectory. “I received an over- and interacted with it, even briefly. views that may whelming number of positive com- Others are likely to have watched the have occurred after A laptop computer is ready to show a televised Mass from Mattingly Settlement St. ments from people who appreciated Mass later. the livestreaming Mary Church. The small Muskingum County church streams Masses on its website, our efforts to keep them connected “It is a work of evangelization. We ended. Facebook and YouTube. with the parish spiritually and digital- are more visible than ever in reach- Christy said the Photo courtesy St. Mary Church ly. I’d encourage every parish to seek ing more people,” he said. “This is average view time watched most often through their out ways to digitally communicate something ironic and interesting. was about 15 minutes, with email smartphones, followed by desktop with members.” Our digital presence has increased responses coming from people all computers, according to numbers he He said that there were about 5,600 dramatically. Temporarily closing our over the nation and even one from compiled from the streaming sites. live views of the Sunday, March 22 churches is an opportunity to reach London, England. He said viewers “The biggest thing I learned since Mass from St. Paul Church, with more people than ever.”

HOMILY, continued from Page 2 such as the Guadalupe Center and St. “I know many try to approach the on your love for God. Tell God how come next, we remember he is in our Stephen’s to the individual parish and Sacrament of Reconciliation in these much you love Him. Think of the midst as shepherd, guide and friend. St. Vincent de Paul outreaches, to The days of Lent. Obviously, we have had infinite love God has for you and ex- ‘”The Lord is my shepherd, I Catholic Foundation and individuals to cancel many penance services and press your sorrow at having offending shall not want. In verdant pastures who are adding to their financial sup- restrict access to the Church. Taking the Lord who loves you so much. he gives me repose; he leads me; he port of this work even more generous- seriously the mandate ‘Stay at home’ “Mean it from the bottom of your refreshes my soul. … Even though I ly, the mission of the Church’s care for will impede access to the sacrament. heart. Offer an act of contrition and walk in the dark valley, I fear no evil, the poor continues and even intensifies. I refer you to the Catechism of the resolve as best as you can – one, for you at my side with your rod and “We find ourselves adapting to dif- Catholic Church, number 1452: ‘To sin no more,’ and two, and then your staff that give me courage,’ ferent practices exercising care for the ‘”When it arises from a love by resolve ‘I will go to confession as “And he is stronger than our great- health and safety of all, but the com- which God is loved above all else, soon as it is possible.’ Then trust in est fears. This gives us hope and mitment is as strong as ever. Thanks contrition is called ‘perfect’ (contrition the mercy of God. makes us instruments of hope to the to all of you for that. You are heroic. of charity). Such contrition remits ve- “I promise, we will be there to world. The letter to the Hebrews re- Indeed, Jesus is walking among us. nial sins; it also obtains forgiveness of meet you along the way when this is minds us, ‘You were once darkness, “Please continue to stay connected mortal sins if it includes the firm reso- behind us. but now you are light in the Lord. in prayer and encouragement through lution to have recourse to sacramental “So, experiencing that sense of loss Live as children of light.’ your parish and through the diocese. confession as soon as possible.’ and sadness as we pray our spiritual “Isn’t that interesting – ‘You ARE Watch the websites; listen to St. Gabri- “Perhaps today, even now, (or at the communion today, and with a genuine light.’ Let’s be light in the Lord for el Radio. The Holy Father has given us end of Mass), you might take some longing for our return from this spiritu- one another.” guidance for Holy Week and regarding moments of quiet. Examine your al exile, we turn to the Lord. Even in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. conscience. Then focus, really focus our deepest concerns about what may Catholic Times 10 March 29, 2020 In anxious times, Blessed Margaret offers inspiration By Doug Bean Dominican laywoman. tain. “But it seems they’ll be able to Catholic Times Editor Two Dominicans in Rome in use a historical miracle that already charge of promoting her cause are has been documented that would be making a push to the Congregation necessary for her,” Father Alcott said. Unknown to many Catholics in the for the Causes of Saints. “I know of (more recent) reported diocese, a statue carved out of wood “She’s been a ‘blessed’ for a very miracles, but it’s always really diffi- sits tucked away in the back corner long time,” said Father Stephen Al- cult to document one to the satisfac- of a church in downtown Columbus. cott, OP, pastor at St. Patrick Church, tion of the Holy See in Rome.” The small shrine is dedicated to a where devotion to Blessed Margaret Many cures since her death are at- holy woman whose feast day seldom began in the 1930s and then a shrine tributed to her intercession, but those shows up on a church calendar. The was established in the late 1950s. strict verification standards inhibit lack of attention befits her humble “They’ve been waiting for a miracle, their cures’ inclusion in the cause for life. and I think they have an historical sainthood. But in these difficult and stress- miracle that they can use.” In recent times, Father Alcott re- ful times, this amazing individual Father Alcott recently contributed a counted that a man in the Philippines might provide inspiration to help the report to the postulators of her cause with a knee injury was inexplicably faithful navigate uncharted waters in in Rome to summarize devotion to healed. A little girl in Kentucky with a world that’s paralyzed by a pan- A shrine dedicated to Blessed Margaret of Castello her in the United States. meningitis was thought to be dying, demic. at Columbus St. Patrick Church includes a of her To take the final step for Bless- and her father was called home from ed Margaret to become a , the Europe to see her for a final time, but Her name is Blessed Margaret of heart. CT photo by Ken Snow Castello. And the shrine can be found Church must have an approved she was completely healed with no at St. Patrick Church, which is under miracle that is considered to be truly residual effects. Both the man and the care of the Dominican . and eventually abaondoned by her wondrous, incapable of a natural the girl’s families prayed for Blessed April 12, Easter Sunday, will be the parents, was beatified more than 400 explanation, solely and verifiably en- Margaret’s intercession. 700th anniversary of her death. Her years ago in 1609. That begs the trusted to the saint’s intercession, and As the world copes with the feast day is celebrated one day later, question: Why hasn’’t she been made accurately documented with appro- coronavirus, praying for Blessed on April 13. a saint? priate medical records and multiple Margaret’s intercession could serve Blessed Margaret, the daughter of After all these years, there finally attestations. a wealthy Italian family who was could be some movement in the case As far as a timeline for when she for sainthood of this frail but holy born a hunchback, blind and lame might be canonized, nothing is cer- See BLESSED MARGARET, Page 12 Imploring Blessed Margaret of Castello’s intercession with nine-day novena First Day bear your own afflictions. Obtain for me understanding of everyone de- O Blessed Margaret of Castello, in the grace and courage that I so urgently spite whatever pain or discomfort embracing your life just as it was, you need so as to be able to bear my infirmi- may come my way. Obtain for gave us an example of resignation to the ties and endure my afflictions in union me also the special favor which will of God. In so accepting God’s will, with our suffering Savior. Obtain for me I now ask through your interces- you knew that you would grow in virtue, also the special favor which I now ask sion with God. glorify God, save your own soul and through your intercession with God. Let us pray: help the souls of your neighbors. Obtain Let us pray: O God, by whose will the for me the grace to recognize the will of O God, by whose will the blessed blessed , Margaret, was God in all that may happen to me in my virgin, Margaret, was blind from birth, blind from birth, that the eyes of life and so resign myself to it. Obtain for that the eyes of her mind being inward- her mind being inwardly enlight- me also the special favor which I now ly enlightened she might think without ened she might think without ask through your intercession with God. ceasing on You alone; be the light of ceasing on You alone; be the Let us pray: our eyes, that we may be able to flee the light of our eyes, that we may be O God, by whose will the blessed shadows of this world, and reach the able to flee the shadows of this virgin, Margaret, was blind from birth, home of never ending light. We ask this world, and reach the home of that the eyes of her mind being inward- through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. never ending light. We ask this ly enlightened she might think without Jesus, Mary, Joseph, glorify your ser- through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. ceasing on You alone; be the light of vant blessed Margaret, by granting the Jesus, Mary, Joseph, glorify our eyes, that we may be able to flee the favor we so ardently desire. This we ask your servant blessed Margaret, shadows of this world, and reach the in humble submission to God’s will, for by granting the favor we so A nine-day novena to Blessed Margaret of Castello begins April 5. home of never ending light. We ask this His honor and glory and the salvation of ardently desire. This we ask in Courtesy St. Patrick Church through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. souls. humble submission to God’s will, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, glorify your ser- Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and for His honor and glory and the vant blessed Margaret, by granting the Glory be to the Father. salvation of souls. will give me the help to carry whatever favor we so ardently desire. This we ask Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and cross comes into my life. Obtain for me in humble submission to God’s will, for Third Day Glory be to the Father. also the special favor which I now ask His honor and glory and the salvation of O Blessed Margaret of Castello, your through your intercession with God. souls. love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Fourth Day Let us pray: Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and was intense and enduring. It was here in O Blessed Margaret of Castello, you O God, by whose will the blessed Glory be to the Father. intimacy with the Divine Presence that unceasingly turned to God in prayer with virgin, Margaret, was blind from birth, you found the spiritual strength to accept confidence and trust in His fatherly love. that the eyes of her mind being inward- Second Day sufferings, to be cheerful, patient, and It was only through continual prayer ly enlightened she might think without O Blessed Margaret of Castello, in kindly towards others. Obtain for me the that you were enabled to accept your ceasing on You alone; be the light of reflecting so deeply upon the sufferings grace that I may draw from this same misfortunes, to be serene, patient and at and death of our Crucified Lord, you source, as from an inexhaustible font, peace. Obtain for me the grace to per- learned courage and gained the grace to the strength whereby I may be kind and severe in my prayer, confident that God See NOVENA, Page 11 March 29, 2020 Catholic Times 11

NOVENA, continued from Page 10 our eyes, that we may be able to flee the Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and you became sensitive to the sufferings of shadows of this world, and reach the Glory be to the Father after each day’s others. Your heart reached out to every- home of never ending light. We ask this prayer. one in trouble: the sick, the hungry, the through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. dying, prisoners. Obtain for me the grace Jesus, Mary, Joseph, glorify your ser- Seventh Day to recognize Jesus in everyone with vant blessed Margaret, by granting the O Blessed Margaret of Castello, you whom I come into contact, especially in favor we so ardently desire. This we ask could have so easily became discouraged the poor, the wretched, the unwanted! in humble submission to God’s will, for and bitter; but, instead, you fixed your Obtain for me also the special favor His honor and glory and the salvation eyes on the suffering Christ and there which I now ask through your interces- of souls. you learned from Him the redemptive sion with God. Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and value of suffering: how to offer your Let us pray: Glory be to the Father. pains and aches, in reparation for sin O God, by whose will the blessed virgin, and for the salvation of souls. Obtain for Margaret, was blind from birth, that the Devices to help hearing-impaired individuals are Fifth Day me the grace to learn how to endure my eyes of her mind being inwardly enlight- available at Columbus St. Patrick Church. Photo O Blessed Margaret of Castello, in sufferings with patience. Obtain for me ened she might think without ceasing on imitation of the Child Jesus, who was also the special favor which I now ask You alone; be the light of our eyes, that courtesy St. Patrick Church subject to Mary and Joseph, you obeyed through your intercession with God. we may be able to flee the shadows of this your father and mother, overlooking Let us pray: world, and reach the home of never ending their unnatural harshness. Obtain for me O God, by whose will the blessed light. We ask this through Christ, Our St. Patrick Church’s that same attitude of obedience toward virgin, Margaret, was blind from birth, Lord. Amen. all those who have legitimate authority that the eyes of her mind being inward- Jesus, Mary, Joseph, glorify your ser- sound system helps over me, most especially toward the ly enlightened she might think without vant blessed Margaret, by granting the hearing impairedx Holy Roman Catholic Church. Obtain ceasing on You alone; be the light of favor we so ardently desire. This we ask for me also the special favor which I our eyes, that we may be able to flee the in humble submission to God’s will, for By Doug Bean now ask through your intercession with shadows of this world, and reach the His honor and glory and the salvation Catholic Times Editor God. home of never ending light. We ask this of souls. Let us pray: through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and O God, by whose will the blessed virgin, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, glorify your ser- Glory be to the Father. Blessed Margaret of Castello was Margaret, was blind from birth, that the vant blessed Margaret, by granting the born with many physical disabilities, eyes of her mind being inwardly enlight- favor we so ardently desire. This we ask PRAYER and so it seems fitting that Columbus ened she might think without ceasing on in humble submission to God’s will, for O my God, I thank you for having St. Patrick Church, whichwhere has a You alone; be the light of our eyes, that His honor and glory and the salvation given Blessed Margaret of Castello to shrine devoted to her, provides spe- we may be able to flee the shadows of this of souls. the world as an example of the degree cial accommodations for hearing-im- world, and reach the home of never ending Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and of holiness that can be attained by paired members of the congregation. light. We ask this through Christ, Our Glory be to the Father. anyone who truly loves you, regardless What’’s known as a hearing loop Lord. Amen. of physical abnormalities. In today’s was installed in 2017 as part of a Jesus, Mary, Joseph, glorify your ser- Eighth Day perverted culture, Margaret would have, new sound system in the 167-year- vant blessed Margaret, by granting the O Blessed Margaret of Castello, how most likely, never been born; death favor we so ardently desire. This we ask it must have hurt when your parents through abortion being preferable to old church to aid those who use in humble submission to God’s will, for abandoned you! Yet you learned from life, especially life in an ugly, distorted, hearing devices. Signage near the His honor and glory and the salvation this that all earthly love and affection, twisted body. But your ways are not the parish doors indicates the availability of souls. even for those who are closest, must be world’s ways…and so it was your will of the service. Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and sanctified. And so, despite everything, that Margaret would be born into the “People who have used it, includ- Glory be to the Father. you continued to love your parents, but world with just such a malformed body. ing some with cochlear implants, now you loved them in God. Obtain for It is your way that uses our weakness to have said it has made a world of dif- Sixth Day me the grace that I might see all my hu- give testimony to your power. Margaret ference,” said Father Stephen Alcott, Oh Blessed Margaret of Castello, man loves and affections in their proper was born blind, so as to see you more OP, pastor at St. Patrick Church. your miseries taught you better than perspective…in God and for God. Ob- clearly; a cripple, so as to lean on you “One woman said that, for the first any teacher the weakness and frailty of tain for me also the special favor which I completely; dwarfed in physical posture, time, not only could she hear the human nature. Obtain for me the grace now ask through your intercession with so as to become a giant in the spiritual to recognize my human limitations and God. order; hunched-backed, so as to more Mass, she could hear the wine being to acknowledge my utter dependence Let us pray: perfectly resemble the twisted, crucified poured into the chalice.” upon God. Acquire for me that abandon- O God, by whose will the blessed body of your Son. Margaret’s whole Anyone with a telecoil hearing aid ment which leaves me completely at the virgin, Margaret, was blind from birth, life was an enactment of the words can use the t-coil setting to connect mercy of God to do with me whatsoever that the eyes of her mind being inward- expressed by Paul: So I shall be happy to to the sound system without utilizing He wills. Obtain for me also the special ly enlightened she might think without make my weaknesses my special boast an external device. favor which I now ask through your ceasing on You alone; be the light of so that the power of Christ may stay “Hearing aids have a lot of different intercession with God. our eyes, that we may be able to flee the over me and that is why I am content settings, and sometimes an audiolo- Let us pray: shadows of this world, and reach the with my weaknesses, and with insults, gist has to set it to the telecoil as one O God, by whose will the blessed home of never ending light. We ask this hardships, persecutions and the agonies of the main options,” Father Alcott virgin, Margaret, was blind from birth, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. I go through for Christ’s sake. For it is said. that the eyes of her mind being inward- Jesus, Mary, Joseph, glorify your ser- when I am weak that I am strong. (2 Cor. ly enlightened she might think without vant blessed Margaret, by granting the 12:10). The parish also offers external ceasing on You alone; be the light of favor we so ardently desire. This we ask I beseech you, O God, to grant, hearing devices “about the size our eyes, that we may be able to flee the in humble submission to God’s will, for through the intercession of Blessed of a deck of cards” that can be shadows of this world, and reach the His honor and glory and the salvation Margaret of Castello, that all the handi- worn around the neck. “You can home of never ending light. We ask this of souls. capped…and who among us is not?…all just plug a set of headphones through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and the rejected, all the UNWANTED of this or earbuds into that, and any Jesus, Mary, Joseph, glorify your ser- Glory be to the Father after each day’s world may make their weaknesses their one-eighth-inch audio plug will vant blessed Margaret, by granting the prayer. own special boast so that your power work,” Father Alcott explained. favor we so ardently desire. This we ask may stay over them now and forever. in humble submission to God’s will, for Ninth Day Amen. Blessed Margaret of Castello, His honor and glory and the salvation O Blessed Margaret of Castello, pray for us! of souls. through your suffering and misfortune, (3 Our Fathers and 3 Hail Marys) See HEARING, Page 12 Catholic Times 12 March 29, 2020

BLESSED MARGARET, continued from Page 10 as a spiritual remedy for feelings of and the unwanted and abandoned. birth. Office during evening Vespers. anxiety and for those who are ill. The rise of the pro-life movement “They prayed for God’s will for A yearly novena begins April 5 “She’s a great saint for people who in the 1970s created renewed interest the baby to be healed and, if not, so and ends April 13, her feast day. The have disabilities,” Father Alcott said. in Blessed Margaret as a champion they’d be able to accept it. The child Guild receives 200 or more requests “She was blind, she was a dwarf, she for children in the womb. Sever- was born alive but passed away that for prayers during the novena. had a severely curved spine, one leg al short documentaries and books same day, but I think it gave them the “She’s got some real fans,” Father was longer than the other. chronicle her extraordinary life. grace to accept that.” Alcott said. “But she got through it and was “She’s a great saint for people who St. Patrick also is the home base for The parish keeps her spirit alive very cheerful. She couldn’t under- are handicapped and, of course, the the Blessed Margaret Guild, which through various local ministries, stand why people would pity her.”” unborn,” Father Alcott said. “She has more than 1,200 members who including Little Margaret’s Charity, In spite of constant pain from her was kept hidden for much of her are part of a mailing list. which raises funds through a fifth numerous afflictions, Blessed Marga- childhood by her parents, and many The Guild serves many purposes, Sunday second collection for parish- ret lived a life of prayer and service people’s disabilities are kind of hid- including the promotion of her can- ioners in need and several pro-life and saw suffering as a priviledge den and out of the public light. And onization, raising money for pro- and charitable organizations in the for Jesus. She attended Mass daily so, I think she’d be a great saint for grams to benefit the poor and under- diocese. and prayed to Jesus, Mary and St. all those reasons and also for people privileged, social justice, respect for The parish’s Confraternity of Dominic. The Dominican also visited living in anticipation.” life, and carrying out the principles Christian Doctrine program supports prisoners, helped the sick and com- The church in Italy where her and ideals of Blesssed Margaret in Blessed Margaret’s Children, provid- forted the dying. remains are on display is a pilgrim- her work as a Dominican laywoman. ing for a teacher to give one-on-one She died at age 33 in Italy, where age site, as is the shrine at St. Pat- On Wednesdays at St. Patrick instruction to students who are de- her incorrupt body lies today in the rick, which was renovated in 2003 Church after the 11:45 a.m. Mass, velopmentally disabled or with other Church of St. Domenico at Citta- di- during the parish’s sesquicentennial novena and prayers to disabilities. Castello after it was exhumed during to include her , a reconditioned Blessed Margaret are recited and a “That’s an effort to incorporate an excavation in 1558. During her tapestry depicting events in her relic of her heart about a quarter-inch children who have needs like Marga- funeral procession after her death, a life and a cross made from charred in diameter is venerated. After ven- ret did,” Father Alcott said. young girl was reported to be miracu- ceiling beams from the church’s fire eration, the relic is returned to the For more information on the lously cured of an ailment. of 1935. shrine in the back of the church for Blessed Margaret Guild or to request Today, Blessed Margaret is known One family came to St. Patrick to public viewing and prayer. the novena, visit www.littlemargaret. as an inspiration for the pro-life pray to Blessed Margaret for their un- In addition, Guild members are re- org. The website includes informa- movement, those who suffer with eye born child who had a serious genetic membered in a special Mass celebrat- tion about her life, books and CDs, and muscle diseases, anyone inclined defect that normally meant the baby ed each month by the Dominican fri- medals, prayers, statues and more in toward discouragement and self-pity, would survive only a few hours after ars, who also pray for the intentions an online store. of the Guild as part of their Divine WEIGEL, continued from Page 6 to reconsider. For what’s happening around the world, German Catholic along the German synodal path is a leaders, ordained and lay, seem deter- true paradigm shift: a shift toward mined to create a nominally Catholic the notion of the Catholic Church as form of liberal Protestantism through a federation of local Churches, each a slow-motion “Wittenberg.” But of which legitimately espouses its perhaps this sad business is not all own doctrine, moral teaching, and that surprising. Almost 20 years ago, pastoral practice. That, however, is not Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger told me Catholicism. It is Anglicanism. And that “organized Catholicism in Ger- anyone who knows anything about many is a task force for old ideas.” At world Christian demographics knows the time, we both understood him to that local-option Anglicanism hasn’t mean the tried-and-failed ideas of the turned out very well. 1970s. It now looks, however, as if It is astonishing that, confronted by those “old ideas” have a 16th-century unmistakable empirical evidence that pedigree. liberal Protestantism has collapsed 40 DAYS, continued from Page 7 quences of pride a lot, but fear and I recently saw someone remark, A sign at Columbus St. Patrick Church indicates that the sound system accommodates parishioners with hearing isolation are also very real weap- “I was not planning on giving up so devices. Photo courtesy St. Patrick Church ons in spiritual warfare, because much for Lent this year.” To that, they convince us that we are alone, Amen. Me either. It is my prayer HEARING, continued from Page 11 unloved, and unable to live the lives that from this we will each find an God has called us to live. So now, opportunity to get back to the basics There are other options that use St. Patrick’s Women’s Club paid I implore you to really think about and really yearn for a closer relation- Bbluetooth connections and a smart- for most of the sound system, and a how you are filling these voids - ship to God. I am a convert, and I phone. grant from The Catholic Foundation what you consume (especially in sometimes remember how awesome The church’s sound system extends was used for the hearing loop. terms of media) and what you put (in the true sense of the word) it was to St. Thomas Aquinas Hall in the “We don’t even have to do any- out there (especially in social me- to go up for that very first Eucharist. adjacent parish center, where parents thing when we flip on the sound dia). Always keep in mind the Hope Perhaps we can each recapture that can still listen to Mass while attend- system,” Father Alcott said. “We’’re of the Gospel and God’s promise that reverence and love by using this time ing to small children. The system very happy with it, and it wasn’t that He will not abandon us in our hours of social distancing to grow closer to also facilitates live-streaming of expensive. “We’ve not had any trou- of greatest need. God. Masses and events at St. Patrick. ble with it maintenance-wise.” March 29, 2020 Catholic Times 13 We Are Friends helps Hocking County residents with life’s struggles By Tim Puet rals to appropriate agencies as they Catholic Times Reporter attempt to recover from addiction. Those agencies include the Hock- ing Hills Inspire Shelter, Hopewell Deacon Don Robers of Logan Health Centers, Integrated Services St. John Church has spent much for Behavioral Health, and Goodwill of his life providing help for the Industries, as well as the parish’s St. needy and for people trying to free Vincent de Paul Society. themselves from drug addiction in We Are Friends has transformed the Hocking County. About a year and parish’s carport into a garage to store half ago, he brought representatives furniture and items for the people it from professional organizations, law serves. “We’ve probably filled and enforcement and the courts together emptied that garage a dozen times,” to coordinate their efforts on behalf said Deacon Robers, who has been of the struggling. a deacon for 15 years and also is “(County Municipal) Judge (Fred) chaplain at the Pickaway Correctional said most of these people need Institution. “Logan is a small town a friend,” Deacon Robers said. “I said where everyone knows each other, so ‘OK, we are friends.’” And just like it didn’t take long for all the organiza- that, the organization had a name. tions in town to find out about us and Marian Gall, parish secretary at St. begin sending us people. John Church, said that in the last 18 “A local furniture store has been of months or so, We Are Friends has great help by allowing us to purchase helped about 75 people in several new mattresses, box springs and bed Pictured with a trailer ready to be loaded with household goods for people served by the We Are Friends organi- ways. These include giving them in- frames,” he said. “This has been a zation of Logan St. John Church are (from left): Fred Vaughan, Dan Robers and Deacon Don Robers. formation about community resources, tremendous asset and our largest and Photo courtesy St. John Church helping them go to grocery stores and basically our only expense to date. medical appointments, and providing “Our first idea was to try to provide community’s response to addiction.” various necessities. Large items also new or replacement furniture. a drug treatment facility for the area, One of the success stories of We may be taken to the Logan commu- “One of the people we’ve assisted but we soon realized it was beyond Are Friends is Kristen Arnett, who nity thrift store, which will sell them most recently is a military veteran our abilities and that the old Hocking is going through recovery, had been and give a percentage of the sale with back issues who is living in Correctional Facility in Nelsonville living in a homeless shelter with her price back to We Are Friends. an old trailer and had been sleeping is being converted for this purpose,” two children, and now lives in an Most of the money raised for We on an Army cot,” Deacon Robers Deacon Robers said. “We still help apartment provided by the drug court Are Friends has come from individ- said. “We got him a new bed and those recovering from addiction, but and furnished by We Are Friends. ual donations. The organization also set of bed furnishings, and he says we evolved into providing furniture “From furniture to toothbrushes was awarded a $2,500 grant by The he hasn’t slept so well in 30 years. for the homeless and the needy.” and toothpaste – everything that I Catholic Foundation and has applied Another of our cases from the last Besides providing furniture, We would need to live, they supplied for for a grant from the South Central month or two involved a woman who Are Friends gives several books me and my children,” she said. We Power Co . Donations may be made left an abusive situation with her to people suffering from addiction Are Friends also encouraged Arnett to to We Are Friends by writing a check children and found a place to live. and their families. These include speak to service clubs and other local to the organization and mailing it to We stocked the house and gave the pocket-size prayer books, donated support groups about her recovery. St. John Church, Attention: Marian, family Christmas presents.” by Judge Wallace, as well as larger Through those organizations, she has 351 N. Market St., Logan OH 43138. Deacon Robers said the first people books titled Addictive Thinking and made many connections that give her Deacon Robers said the organization helped by the program were two Saving Jake: When Addiction Hits emotional support. She believes that also has established a donor advised women recovering from drug addic- Home. without We Are Friends, it would have fund with The Catholic Foundation. tion. “One of them had several set- The pocket-size prayer book has 32 been much harder to remain drug-free. Checks payable to the foundation backs, but now is getting treatment,” pages, is titled Prayers and Reflec- “I would have felt more alone,” for the fund should include “We Are the deacon said. “The second had lost tions and is available from Guest she said. “Now I have people behind Friends” in the memo line and sent custody of her child, but has stayed House, 1601 Joslyn Road, Lake me who are helping me get out of the to The Catholic Foundation, 257 E. clean and regained custody. One of Orion MI 48360. Guest house treats hole I dug myself into. If they hadn’t Broad St., Columbus OH 43215. our members found a house for the Catholic men and women religious helped me, I would not have seen “Getting We Are Friends started two of them, bought it and is resell- with alcohol or drug problems. a lot of light in life and a lot of the is is the most satisfying thing I’ve ing it to the woman at an affordable “Don has helped me distribute light in the people in life.” ever done,” Deacon Robers said. “I price.” 300 to 500 of these books,” said the Deacon Robers said We Are didn’t realize how huge the need was Deacon Robers said We Are judge, who also is a member of St. Friends always is in need of dona- in our community for this type of Friends has a core membership of John Church. “I would like other tions of furniture and household organization. One of our strengths as about 15 people, including Judge churches here and parishes else- items, which volunteers will pick a small town is the way we know and Moses and county Common Pleas where in the diocese to look at them up. Clothing and large Items the are concerned about one another, and Judge John Wallace. Both judges because I feel they can be extreme- group can’t handle may be donated because we are caring people, We have drug courts and have sent sever- ly helpful. I do whatever I can to to Goodwill on behalf of We Are Are Friends has been able to live up al people to the organization for help support Don’s ministry because he Friends, and the organization will re- to its name.” with immediate needs and for refer- has been very effective in leading the ceive a voucher it can use to purchase Catholic Times 14 March 29, 2020

Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year A THE WEEKDAY BIBLE READINGS MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Daniel 13:1-9, Daniel 3:14-20,91-92,95 20:10-13 The Good God is the only God 15-17,19-30,33-62 Daniel 3:52-56 (Ps) Psalm 18:2-7 37:12–14 Psalm 23:1-6 John 8:31-42 John 10:31-42 Ps. 130:1–2, 3–4, 5–6, John 8:1-11 7–8 Father Timothy Hayes THURSDAY SATURDAY Romans 8:8–11 TUESDAY Genesis 17:3-9 Ezekiel 37:21-28 John 11:1–45 Numbers 21:4-9 Psalm 105:4-9 Jeremiah 31:10-13 (Ps) Psalm 102:2-3,16-21 John 8:51-59 John 11:45-56 John 8:21-30 “O My People!” Father Timothy M. Hayes is pastor A loving mother or of Columbus St. Timothy Church. DIOCESAN WEEKLY RADIO AND TELEVISION father can use some MASS SCHEDULE: WEEK OF MARCH 29, 2020 expressions that tell you Good, seeing suffering and death as something is up. “O My People!” is SUNDAY MASS a.m. on EWTN (Spectrum Channel Logan, Millersburg, Murray City, real, but not as ultimate experiences. 10:30 a.m. Mass from Columbus 385, Insight Channel 382, or WOW Washington C.H.; Channel 125, something akin to your name being They are given a new meaning by St. Joseph Cathedral on St. Gabriel Channel 378). (Encores at noon, 7 Marion, Newark, Newcomerstown spoken in just that tone. You know Jesus Christ. The Only-Begotten Radio (AM 820), Columbus, and at p.m., and midnight). and New Philadelphia; Channel 207, what I am talking about. When I Son of God took on the whole of Mass from the Archdiocese of Zanesville). heard my name called, “Timothy our human experience, living our Milwaukee at 6:30 a.m. on ION TV !” I knew I was in for it. 10:30 a.m. Mass from Portsmouth (AT&T U-verse Channel 195, Dish 8 p.m., St. Gabriel Radio (AM earthly life, and then carrying our St. Mary Church on St. Gabriel Radio Network Channel 250, or DirecTV 820), Columbus, and at www. God, in exasperation, cries out: “O human nature beyond earthly life (FM 88.3), Portsmouth. Channel 305). My people, I will open your graves and into eternity. His suffering and death have you rise from them, and bring you carry us into the realm of mystery. Mass with the Passionist Fathers at Mass from Massillon St. Mary Church Videos of Masses are available at back to the land of Israel. Then you In faith, we grasp this. Hope leads 7:30 a.m. on WWHO-TV (the CW), at 10:30 a.m. on WILB radio (AM any time on the internet at these shall know that I am the LORD, when Channel 53, Columbus and 10:30 1060, FM 94.5 and 89.5), Canton, parish websites: Mattingly Settlement us to a realization that it will answer a.m. on WHIZ-TV, Channel 18, heard in Tuscarawas, Holmes, and St. Mary (www.stannstmary,org); I open your graves and have you rise our longing for health and life. Love Zanesville. Mass from St. Francis Coshocton counties. Columbus St. Patrick (www. from them, O My people!” shows us the way to embrace it and de Sales Seminary, Milwaukee, at; Delaware St. He continues, telling how and why cling to it beyond the struggles. 10 a.m. on WWHO-TV. Check local DAILY MASS Mary (www.delawarestmary,org); and He will do what He has said. How is The Christian response to the cable system for cable channel 8 a.m., Our Lady of the Angels Sunbury St. John Neumann (www. simple: “I will put my spirit in you listing. Monastery in Birmingham, Ala. dilemma is not at all an explanation (Encores at noon, 7 p.m. and that you may live, and I will settle that satisfies our desire for an answer. Mass from Our Lady of the Angels midnight). See EWTN above; and We pray Week I, Seasonal Proper, you upon your land.” We are forced to admit that we are Monastery, Birmingham, Ala., at 8 on I-Lifetv (Channel 113 , Ada, . Why has two prongs: “Thus you in the face of an insoluble mystery. shall know that I am the LORD” and Suffering and death are real. The “I have promised, and I will do it, Good God is the only God, and He says the LORD.” The desire of God’s too is real – even more real than the heart is for us to hear His word, to suffering and death. believe and to experience His power If you have ever been present to to give us our own heart’s deepest someone who is gravely ill or someone desire. “O My People!” He cries out who has died, you know that this is to us. He will put His Spirit into us a human limit. But you also begin and bring us to life. He has promised to recognize that it is a special time to raise us up. And He will do it! of grace. In weakness, we discover In raising Lazarus, Jesus reveals strength. At the moment of death, we that He IS life. Not only does Jesus see the fulfillment of a lifetime of faith. have divine power, but He exercises Hail Mary, full of grace … Holy Mary, that power for us in an intimacy that ... pray for us now and at the hour of is utterly unexpected. He goes to our death. Amen. Lazarus because He loves him. “The I recall with awe the first time I one you love is sick.” Deeply moved was present at the very moment of by the sorrow of his friends Martha death. The man looked at me, looked and Mary, “Jesus wept.” This great right through me, then, breathed his miracle enlivens faith in His disciples. last. His wife and I experienced that When people doubt the existence privileged moment together. I also of God – at least of the Good God we prayed that moment with my paternal profess to believe in – suffering and grandfather, along with my Dad death are the primary example of the and other family members. Once, a evil that tells against God’s existence. family was reading children’s letters We see this even now in the midst to God out loud; their father died to of the Coronavirus pandemic; many the sound of human laughter. Death without faith, and some with a makes sense of a full life, opening distorted faith, speak harshly of God the way to eternity. Death becomes during this time of crisis. The God of Christ’s means to share with us the Life will see us through. Joy of His life in God. Christians testify that God is All- March 22, 2020 MarchCatholic 29, Times 2020 16 Catholic Times 13 CatholicMarch Times 8, 2020 15 Franciscan University of Steubenville Pray for our dead offersService discernment agencies mentorship meet program need spurred by virus shutdowns allen, Carolyn s. (longstreth), 81, Kinser, Mary a. (Kilbarger), 91, March 6 ByFranciscan Tim Puet UniversityPray of Steuben- formationThefor center program still isour transportingand will receive dead Columbus’ west side and the St. conference call. “The effects of March 7 St. Mark Church, Lancaster Catholic Times Reporter Church of the Resurrection, New Albany ville is launching a new initiative to seniorindividual citizens feedback with critical on written medical tasks Francis Center in Portsmouth have people losing their jobs and not KirCHner, James g. “shag,” 90, March 7 BhelpETl Ementory, Army youngCol. (r et.)men Walter and P.,women 98, needsGRASSI,and through and Robert making long-distance, J., 86,food Feb. deliveries. 20 one-on-one madeMuRP htheY, Jamesadjustments W. 73, Feb.needed 27 to serve havingSANFIll anyIPO, money elizabeth to pay(langley), rent or 86, baron, george b., 96, March 8 St. Anthony Church, Columbus Feb.discerning 21 consecrated religious life. CaseScommunication.t. Paul management Church, Westerville Each is taking participant place also manySt. Mary more Church, people. Lancaster utilitiesFeb. 27 are only beginning to be felt. St. Mary Church, Marion St.Representatives TheAgatha initiative, Church, Columbusknown of several as Vocationsdiocesan remotely.will be paired The withcenter another continues discerner to The agency in the past week set up IS t.expect Mary Church, economic Groveport needs and the need laird, Kathleen a. (Walston), 62, March 9 socialOutreach, services will agenciesbe led by are students reporting and tohprovideAR acceptlOR, spiritual Rachelreferrals (Miller),support to meet Feb. for basic one9 anoth- aN eremoteWell. infrastructurePaul J., 82, Feb. to 28 allow staff for some of our services to greatly braMlisH, eva F. (stevens), 85, March 9 St. Mary Church, Marion er and foster a sense of community. St. Paul Church, Westerville dramaticCwilluSACK, offer increasesJosephine online in (Bolognone),formation requests for assistance, 97, needsOur Mother and ofis Smakingorrows Chapel, utility Columbusand rent membersSt. Brigid of to Kildare work Church, from home. Dublin She increase.SChMAlZ, It Rita, will 95, strain Feb. our 23 resources laMMers, William K., 84, March 10 assistanceFeb.through 22 workshops as a result and of assignedthe disruption tasks, Roderick emphasized the impor- Our Lady of Victory Church, Columbus to men and women who are considering paymentstance of discerners for people having who need direct such con - said all of its programs for seniors and those of many other agencies, for broWn, sheryl l. (rawson), 71, March 11 St. Mary Church, Groveport causedHoly Family by theChurch, coronavirus. Columbus help.hARTMAN, Grace K. (Goodburn), 86, andPAC efamilies, Margaret were (D’Alesio), functioning. 105, Feb. Its 28 we’re all on shoestring budgets.” St. Agatha Church, Columbus life as a member of a religious commu- Feb.tact 22with religious. St. Joseph Church, Dover SeKINGeR, Theodore, 81, Feb. 27 McCartHy, eileen t. (Hynes), 99, March 8 nity.Marilyn It is designed Mehaffie, to help president them grow in Mehaffie“Religious lifesaid isn’tthat likeas moremarriage people or transportation program for seniors “We’re holding our breath at this Cassidy, Carol a. (trucinski), 78, March 7 St. Mary Church, Lancaster andDeNSMOR chief executivee, harriett (Weiner), officer 94, of Feb. St. 20 St. Agatha Church, Columbus St. Leo Church, Columbus Churchtheir spiritual of the Atonement, lives and Crooksvillecome to a great- loseeven their the jobsdiocesan at least priesthood. temporarily Many andPeR lqualifiedICK, Robert military J., 88, Feb.veterans 18 point,” said Lisa Keita, director of St. Mary Church, Marion Stephen’s Community House in February 23, 2020 McCONAHAY, Dominic M., 43, March 8 er understanding of religious life. becausehpeopleIllIARD, don’t of Thomas the grow massive M. up “Mike,” seeing business 71, that Feb. voca 29- inSt. LickingLadislas Church,County N hasewark been theTORTORA, Joint Organization Walter G., 97, for Feb. Inner-City 26 Catholic Times 19 CaVener, giovannina t. “Jean” (Mesi), St. Mary, Mother of God Church, Columbus Columbus’Dule“DiscernmentY, Rose Linden “Ann” can (neighborhood, h beines), a difficult78, Feb. 23 and closingsStiont. B rigidactively ofresulting Kildare lived Church, fromout,” the RoderickDublin pandemic said. streamlined, limiting itself to trips for Needs.St. Michael “We Church, haven’t Worthington seen an increase 95, March 5 saidSconfusingt. B ernadetteMonday journey, Church, in a especiallyconference Lancaster if youcall don’t and“In the order state’s for “stay-at-home” people to discern order, reli - necessaryPIShITell I,services Joseph, such92, Feb. as dialysis23 in requests for help, but we know St. Matthias Church, Columbus Motter, Mary a. (Fox), 87, March 9 amonghave anyone several to guide agency you leaders through that the pro- sheMICgious helis anticipatinglife,S, Jill they M. (Watson),need cash to flow know46, Feb. issues what 20 it andSt. John chemotherapy. the Baptist Church, Columbus they’reWhITTe MORgoinge ,to Virginia rise because h., 97, Feb. so many 25 St. Mary Church, Lancaster cess,” said Cassidy Roderick, founder and is, and the best way to help them un- Cullers, alice (Wallenmaier), 85, theGAll numberAGheR, of Regina families F (Murphy), requesting 89, forSt. B therigid center. of Kildare She Church, plans Dublinto apply to Marilyn McKenzie, director of the placesSt. Mary where Church, people Groveport work are being 24 fromdirector its of food Vocations and nutrition Outreach. “The Thederstand Catholic that Foundationis through relationshipsfor help St.RIC FrancishARDS, CenterJoseph ine., Portsmouth, 85, Feb. 26 shut down.” March 10 sanderell, Carol a., 75, March 8 Church so badly needs religious vocations with those already in religious life.” St. Vincent de Paul Church, Mount Vernon Our Mother of Sorrows Chapel, Columbus centerSt. Bernadette has increased Church, Lancaster46 percent in fromMOll itsICA, new loreta emergency (Beniusial), response 65, Feb. 23 toldSt. Mary The Church, Catholic Lancaster TimesPray in a separate WI forKeitalSON, also George is director W., our 76, Feb.of the 16 dead theand, past to foster week. them, The we pantry have isto openbe able to Content from the Franciscan Univer- gibboney, Joseph d., 91, March 6 stanton, georgia a., 94, March 8 provide discerning young adults with the fund.Ssityt. Andrew Catechetical Church, InstituteColumbus will be used. interview that the center’s pantry, McArthurChurch of the center. Atonement, She saidCrooksville its food GIllIlAN, James e., 85, Feb. 25 BRIAleTESY, David, William M., R75,., 89,Feb. Feb. 25 8 GERLACH, Susan M. (Mantle), 71, Feb. 11 KARABINOS, Theresa M. (Sayer), 88, MILLER, William M., 72, Feb. 12 St. Catharine Church, Columbus Our Lady of Peace Church, Columbus noontangible to resources3 p.m. Monday, they need.” Wednesday OnlineFather formation David Schalk, workshops pastor ofwill be Spreviouslyt. Paul Church, open Westerville twice a month, now Sdistributiont. Leo Church, program, Columbus which had Feb. 11 Christ the King Church, Columbus andHolyWorkshops FridaySpirit Church, and will 3 Columbus toinclude 6 p.m. talks Tuesday by pre - Columbushosted on theChrist the King Church, isSt. open Francis three de S hoursales Church, a day, N fourewark days been visiting several communities, St. Agatha Church, Columbus gilson, Constance J., 88, March 11 VIVONA, Joan T. (DaRin), 73, March 7 and Thursday and is now open to St. Matthew Church, Gahanna St. Church, Dublin senters from four different religious - or saidonline the learning pantry atmanagement the Bishop system.Griffin Ba USweek.H, A Shenn (Vogel), said it 67,distributed Feb. 12 388 HhasAYES been, Judy halted, A. ( Lwithee), distribution72, Feb. 8 SHEPHERD, Rebecca L. (Shillington), allders Franklin on topics County such asresidents. theology It of reli- ResourceApplications Center are adjacent being acceptedto the for Sboxest. James of foodthe Less to 100 Church, families Columbus during Ournow Lady taking of Perpetualplace at theHelp center Church, from LANG, Olivia J. 74, Feb. 13 69, Feb. 4 HARRISON, Elizabeth A. (Hatfield), 83, WeaVer, elizabeth a. (Hupp), 87, March 14 previouslygious life, monastic was limited practices, to people Williamobstacles to D.churchthe Diehl free served six-month 10 percent program. to Applicants20 the four days it was open lastCLASSI week. Grove10:30FIE Citya.m.D to 1:30 p.m. Monday St. Catharine Church, Columbus Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, March 12 St. Pius X Church, Reynoldsburg livingdiscernment, in eight listening ZIP codes. to the Holy Spirit, percentmust be moreat least people 15 years than old usual and activeon - CThat’sARTER about, Stanley equal F., to 81, the Feb. amount 15 it and Thursday. Home delivery will Grove City Our Lady of Peace Church, Columbus Funeral Mass for William D. Diehl, and the RCIA program and serving overcomingShe said St. spiritual Stephen’s discouragement, child-care Wednesdayly discerning and consecrated Friday, March religious 18 life. Snormallyt. Mary Church, distributes Groveport in a month. IcontinueACOVETT forA, Jeannettethose unable (Capocciana), to get to the LEGG, Jeanette A. (Boyer), 99, Jan. 11 87,personal who vocationdied Thursday, and the LectioFeb. 27,Divina was. as Toa learnlector, more extraordinary or apply, visitminister voca- 96, Feb. 9 Church, Colum- SULLIVAN, Danny A., 66, Feb. 5 celebratedcenter is closed Wednesday, as a result March of 4.a stateBurial ofand the 20. Eucharist “Half of thoseand altar folks server. were He AshleySt. RiegelChristopher of the St.Church Francis center.KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FISH FRY orderDiscerners shutting will down be all accompanied large child- by DAVIS, William E., 82, Feb. 11 Our Mother of Sorrows Chapel, Columbus bus St. Patrick Church, Columbus Norma J. McGovern was at St. Joseph Cemetery, Columbus. alsonew wasclients,” a member he said. of He Marian didn’t Coun - SCentert. AnthonyL inENTEN McArthur, Church, PASTA Columbus which DINNER is not Loren Brown, president and CEO carea professed facilities. religious Its staff throughoutmembers are the St. - Powell He was a graduate of Columbus cilhave 3864 totals of thefor Saturday,Knights of March Columbus, 21. connected1420 Grandview to Avenuethe center / Trinity of School the sameCafeteria JofUR TheGENS CatholicMIER, EFoundation,unice (Hughes), said 87, LEWIS, George R., 68, Feb. 8 WADE, Betty J. (Lemmon), 85, Feb. 9 Funeral Mass for Norma J. McGov- the Childhood League, and the Plea- working remotely and checking on FRIDAYS, FEBRUARY 28-APRIL 3 Holy Rosary High School, OhioST. JUDEState NOVENASaturday was just added as a third GnameAULDFridays inIN Portsmouth,, Tom– February J., 76, toldFeb. 28-April the10 Times 3 Feb.its new 9 emergency response fund, St. Brigid of Kildare Church, Dublin St. Leonard Church, Heath ern, 84, who died Wednesday, March sure Guild of Nationwide Children’s families. St. Stephen’s after-school the American Bar Association and the 4:30-7:30 PM University and the Capital University Columbusopen day for Maennerchor. the pantry. Sshet. Colman has not of seen5PM Cloyne much to Church, 7PM of an Washing increase- Swhicht. John began Church, with Logan $250,000 from the 11, was celebrated Wednesday, March Hospital. programsMay the Sacred in Columbus Heart of Jesus City be Schools adored, glorified, Rachel loved and Lustig, preserved president throughout and the world, tonin requests Court House for help but anticipates All you can eat meal includes Baked & Fried Fish, MILLER, Michael, 68, Feb. 13 18 at Dublin St. Brigid of Kildare She was preceded in death by her law school and a veteran of the U.S. He was preceded in death by his $8 for adults / $5 for kids / $30 per family foundation, has grown to $550,000 havenow beenand forever. halted Sacred because Heart all of Jesus,schools pray forchief us; St. executive Jude, worker officer of miracles, of prayCatholic for us; thatMeatless will change. sauce provided The center by local serves area inPizza, about Baked a week. Potato, FrenchHe said Fries, that Mac at& Cheese, the St. Patrick Church, Columbus Church. parents, Forrest and Jessie (Rieket) Army, and was a retired attorney for parents, Harry and Virginia, and a son, Green Beans, Cole Slaw, Rolls, Soft Drinks areSt. closed. Jude, helper The of LifeCare the hopeless, Alliance pray for us. Say Socialthis prayer Services, 9 times a said day, forpantries 9 days, atand the your Vinton County,restaurants one of Ohio’s request of Bishop Robert Brennan, She was a graduate of Grandview Edler. Survivors include her husband, theprayer law will firm be answered. of Kagay, It has Albert, never beenDiehl, known William. to fail. Publication Survivors must include be promised. his wife Thank of Adults: $11, Seniors: $10, Children: $6, dining center at the site also is closed. Our Lady of Guadalupe Center on poorestjohn areas.March n. schilling 6“Life – TAT here Ristorante for many inc. the fund will focus on helping food Heights High School and attended Kevin; sons, Kevin (Michelle) and Acklinyou Jesus & Groeber.and St. Jude. 64 years, Margaret “Peggy” (Devine); Since 1894 sheridanCarryout: $10 Sister Annunciata Muth, OSU is an everydayMarch 13 –struggle Z cucina already,di Spirito pantries and enabling pastors to Ohio State University, and was a kin- Andrew; daughter, Molly (Bill) Dol- He was selected by the Catholic two sons, Tom (Monika) and Jerry • Air conditioning FuneralCASH, CHECK OR VENMO Home ONLY Funeral Mass for Sister Annuncia- from Creighton University in Omaha, dergarten teacher in Columbus dioce- by; sister, Dawn (Melvin) Nakamura; and the virus outbreak is one more have cash on hand for ta Muth, OSU, 93, who died Sunday, Nebraska, in 1960. Men’s LuncheonCompliments Club of as diocesan (Janis); three daughters, Anny, Peggy • heating san schools for several years. She was four grandsons; two granddaughters; challenge,”• Roofing she said. individuals and families in need. Feb. 9, was celebrated on Thursday, She ministered primarily in edu- a member of Delta Gamma sorority, and two great-grandsons. Catholic Man of the Year for 1982. He (David) Hemmer and Mary (Jim) De- “OurO biggestUR LADY concern OF VICTORY at Catholic “We740-653-4633 don’t think every parish or was a member of St. Catherine Church itz; a sister, Sister Mary Diehl, OSF; • sheet Metal Work Feb. 13 at the Motherhouse of the Ur- cation, spending 59 years serving at Social ServicesCATHOLIC is that CHURCH we have not pastor will be requesting money, for 59 years, volunteeringDEE with bingo PRINTING, and 17 grandchildren. INC. 222 S.ST. C PIUSolum XB FISHuS ST FRYreeT suline Sisters of Louisville, Kentucky. Westerville St. Paul School, where seen 1488the1559 full Bliss Roxbury impact st. Road, • 614.252.4915of Marble the virus Cliff but welan wantCa STto haveer, oa HImeaningfulo 43130 Burial was at St. Michael Cemetery, she taught from 1976 to 1984, and at 4999 Transamerica Drive on people,”www.johnnschillinginc Lustig said the amountwww.sheridanfuneralhome.net1051 for S. Waggoner them,” Road,he said. Reynoldsburg “We 4999 Transamerica Drive (Parish Life Center) (New parish center) Louisville. 14 schools in Kentucky, Indiana and to have an FISH FRY DINNERS expect more contributions in the next Columbus,Columbus, Ohio Ohio 43228 43228 Fridays, 3/6, 3/20, 4/3, 5-7:30 pm She was a Louisville native who en- Nebraska. obituary printed in PRAYER TO THE VIRGIN seniorFRIDAYS, health 2/28-4/3, care 4:30-7 by angels PM 30 days and hope to get to at least $1 tered the Ursuline order in 1945. She She is survived by a sister, Doro- Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, blessed Mother of the Son ofGod, Fresh• OceanOur caring Perch (fried), home Baked companions Potatoes, French help million.”Baked or fried fish, shrimp, fries, cheese pizza, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in necessity. Oh, star of the sea,777-8700 help me and show me herein, you are my heaven and seniors live at home apple sauce, hush puppies, coleslaw, beverage. graduated from Sacred Heart Acad- thea Redmon, and several nieces and earth. I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to secure me in this necessity. There are none who can Fries or RiceSalad or Slaw, Beverages, Brown also said the foundation the Catholic times, emy and Ursuline College in Louis- nephews. withstand your powers. Oh, show me herein you are my Mother. Oh, Mary conceived without sin, pray for us, who • HygieneDessert assistance included is expeditingOptional its responsive dessert table. grant have recourse to thee. (repeat three times) oh, Holy theMary, i placeMurnane this cause in your Family hand. (repeat three times) Holy • Meals, Housework ville and earned a master’s degree send it to: tpuet@ processGEORGE for$11 this J. adults, IGELyear. $9 Thisseniors, & CO., will INC.make Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads that I can obtain my goals. You gave me the divine gift to forgive • $10Up Adults, to 24 $5 hour Kids -care Carryouts available $6 children 8 and younger. and forget all evil against me, and in all instances in my life, you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank • Top references more2040 thanALUM CREEK$1 million DRIVE .in COLUMBUS, unrestricted OHIO columbuscatholic. Beautifully you for allSpecializing things as you confirm in once Catholic again that I never Church want to be separatedSunday from bulletins you in eternal glory. and Thank you 614.445.8421$35 maximum . for families. for your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer three consecutive days, after three days, the • Affordable rates and restricted grants$11 carryout that normally request will be granted. PS 614-538-1234 wouldSITE DEVELOPMENT be issued .in EARTHWORK September . UTILITIES Sister Carol Diederich, OSF org 614-276-1439 Serving Columbus Diocese and others since 1974 visiting angels CONCRETE . STABILIZATION . EARTH RETENTION Funeral Mass for Sister Carol Die- arts degree from St. Louis University. 614-392-2820 availableROLLER COMPACTED immediately. CONCRETE . ASPHALT PAVING derich, OSF, 95, who died Monday, She entered the order of the Fran- landscaping Jan. 27, was celebrated Saturday, Feb. ciscan Sisters of Christian Charity in landscaping landscaping previous issues 1 at the chapel of the Holy Family 1938 and professed her vows in 1942. john n. schilling inc. john n. schillingoakland inc. nursery of the catholic oakland nursery Since 1894 sheridan Since 1894 sheridan in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. She taught at Zanesville Bishop oakland nursery voted best in the u.s. voted best in the u.s. • Air conditioning voted best in the u.s.Funeral Home • Air conditioning Funeraltimes Home at Burial was at the convent cemetery. Rosecrans High School from 1967 to • heating • plumbingheating now is the best time to www.colum- She was born Lois Diederich on 1980 and was its principal from 1972 • plumbing now is the best time to GEORGE J. IGEL & CO., INC. • plumbing now is the best time to GEORGE J. IGEL & CO., INC. plan and design your plan and design your plan and design your • heating buscatholic. • heating 2040 ALUM CREEK DRIVE . COLUMBUS, OHIO • • heatingRoofing 2040 ALUM CREEK DRIVE . COLUMBUS, OHIO • Roofing landscape, patios, pools, March 29, 1924 in Lindsay, Nebraska to 1980. landscape, patios, pools, landscape, patios, pools, 740-653-4633 • cooling 740-653-4633 • cooling 614.445.8421 . • • coolingsheet Metal Work 614.445.8421 . • sheet Metal Work walk-ways, retaining walls, org/catho- to the late Anthony and Sophia (Grei- She also taught or was principal at walk-ways, retaining walls, walk-ways, retaining walls,222 S. ColumBuS STreeT and sprinkler systems. lic-times-archive and sprinkler systems. SITE DEVELOPMENT . EARTHWORK . UTILITIES and sprinkler systems. SITE DEVELOPMENT . EARTHWORK . UTILITIES 614-299-7700 222 S. ColumBuS STreeT sen) Diederich. schools in Wisconsin, Michigan and 614-299-7700 CONCRETE . STABILIZATION . EARTH RETENTION 614-299-77001488 Bliss st. • 614.252.4915 1488 Bliss st. • 614.252.4915 lanCONCRETECaST . STABILIZATIONer, oHIo . EARTH43130 RETENTION 614-268-3834 lanCaSTer, oHIo 43130 She earned a bachelor of arts degree Nebraska and was a faculty member 614-268-3834 ROLLER COMPACTED CONCRETE . ASPHALT PAVING www.sheridanfuneralhome.netROLLER COMPACTED CONCRETE . ASPHALT PAVING in mathematics from Holy Family and dean of Holy Family College. Compliments of College in Manitowoc and a master of She is survived by two sisters. DEE PRINTING, INC. ODU to host preview day on March 21 49994999 Transamerica Transamerica Drive Drive Ohio Dominican University will available majors, discuss financial aid Columbus,Columbus, Ohio Ohio 43228 43228 host a preview day from 9 a.m. to options, enjoy a complimentary meal, noon Saturday, March 21 in the Bish- learn about student clubs and honors 777-8700 op Griffin Student Center, 1215 Sun- programs, meet with professors and bury Road, Columbus. talk with ODU students. the Murnane Family Interested high school students and Students unable to attend the event their families can register for the free Preview Day are invited to sched- Specializing in Catholic Church Sunday bulletins and event by visiting ule an individual visit to campus at PreviewDay. or by calling Serving Columbus Diocese and others since 1974 During the day, students will be the university’s undergraduate admis- able to take a campus tour, explore sions office at (614) 251-4500. Catholic Times 16 March 29, 2020 Deacon Jerry J. Butts PRAY FOR OUR DEAD Funeral Mass for Deacon Jerry He entered the newly formed per- CURRAN, Thomas A., 80, March 8 J. Butts, 76, who died Wednesday, manent diaconate program of the Di- St. Brendan Church, Hilliard PASKIEVITCH, Joseph R., 83, March 16 St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, Pickerington March 18, was celebrated Friday, ocese of Columbus in 1978 and was DONAUGH, Walter G., 93, March 14 March 20 at Columbus Corpus Chris- ordained a deacon on Oct. 12, 1980 St. Stephen Church, Columbus , Patricia (Spencer), 89, March 14 ti Church. Burial in Columbus St. Jo- Immaculate Conception Church, Columbus was at St. Joseph seph Cathedral by DOTY, Anita, 91, March 16 St. Joseph, Circleville SCHEESER, Robert H., 86, March 20 Cemetery, Colum- Auxiliary Bishop St. Anthony Church, Columbus bus. George Fulcher. He HAYES, Nicholas, 61, March 18 He was born in served as a deacon Our Mother of Sorrows Chapel, Columbus WINTERS, Dorothy E. (Ford), 104, March 19 Columbus on June at Corpus Christi Immaculate Conception Church, Columbus 24, 1943 and was Church from the JONES, Kathleen A. (Weldon), 72, March 18 St. Andrew Church, Columbus one of six children time of his ordi- of the late Earl and nation until 2017, Josephine (Eyer- periodically help- Roger “Lee” Ayotte man) Butts. ing at Columbus He attended Co- St. Ladislas Church Because of the coronavirus outbreak, board of trustees of the former Dioce- lumbus St. Leo until the two be- a celebration of life service will take san Child Guidance Center and the St. School and Co- came a parish clus- place later at Sunbury St. John Neu- John Neumann Parish Council. Bish- lumbus Aquinas ter under one pas- mann Church for Roger “Lee” Ayotte, op James Griffin presented him with a High School, graduated in 1962 from tor. Following retirement, he assisted 85, who died Friday, March 13. diocesan service award. Columbus South High School and occasionally at Gahanna St. Matthew He was born on Dec. 1, 1934 in Al- He served as PTA president for Co- served in the U.S. Army from 1962- Church until becoming ill. pena, Michigan, to the late Ovid and lumbus Eastmoor elementary, middle 1965. He was certified as an electri- He is survived by his wife of 56 Harriet Ayotte, was a 1953 graduate of and high schools from 1965- 1981 and cal technician by Bell and Howell in years, Rose (Tople); sons, Jerry Alpena Catholic Central High School was a member of the Columbus Public 1972 and worked as a printer with the and Richard; daughters, Cathy ad and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts Schools parent advisory committee. Xerox Educational Center until his Sandy; 11 grandchildren; and two degree in 1957 from the University of He served for many years as athlet- retirement. great-grandchildren. Notre Dame, where he played on the ic director of Columbus St. Catharine basketball team for three years. School, coaching its Catholic Youth He served in the U.S. Army for Organization boys basketball team to Sandra K. Morris three years after college, then taught five city championships. In the sum- at Ascension Academy in Alexandria, mers, he coached in the A private funeral Mass for Sandra a Lazarus department store. She also Virginia, before moving his family to He also was a member of the Notre K. Morris, 75, of Lancaster, who died was a member of the Quota Club. Columbus, where he spent 38 years in Dame Monogram Club and was elect- Friday, March 20, will be celebrat- She was preceded in death by her the insurance industry. He retired as ed to the Alpena Sports Hall of Fame ed for the family because of the re- parents; infant daughter, Angie; and president of Insurance Intermediaries, in 1988. strictions related to the coronavirus. brothers, Larry, Edward and Danny. a wholly owned subsidiary of Nation- Survivors include his wife, Betty Burial will be in St. Mary Cemetery, Survivors include her husband, Fred- wide, in 1999. (Ickes); son, Richard; daughters, Vic- Lancaster. erick; sons, Father Matthew Morris, He led the campaign to build a new ki, Kelly (Bob) Phelan and Elizabeth She was born on Jan. 10, 1945 in parochial vicar of Dublin St. Brigid school at Columbus St. Vincent Fam- “Chip” (Paul) Pozderac; six grandchil- Lancaster to John and Lula (Reed) of Kildare Church, and Christopher; ily Center and was a member of the dren; and three great-grandchildren. Smith and was a member of Lancaster daughter, Melanie (Michael Jordan) St. Bernadette Church, teaching Sun- Morris; brother, Michael; and sister, day school for many years. After her Connie Stover. Retired Cincinnati archbishop dies children were grown, she worked at Catholic News Service of his time,” Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of Cincinnati, his successor, Notice to readers Retired Archbishop Daniel E. Pi- said in a statement. “They elected him larczyk of Cincinnati, an educator not only president of what was then Because the coronavirus epidemic in the newspaper without reader assis- and author whose work focused on the National Conference of Catholic has closed all Catholic churches, The tance. explaining the Catholic faith to wider Bishops but also chair of every signif- Catholic Times asks readers to send Information needed includes the audiences, died March 22 at age 85. icant committee of the bishops’ con- death notices of deceased Catholics to deceased person’s first and last name; A native of Dayton, Archbishop Pi- ference. Tim Puet at tpuet@columbuscatholic. maiden name, if married; age; date larczyk had been in declining health “His accomplishments on the lo- org, who compiles the newspaper’s of death; and parish of affiliation. If in recent years. He led the Cincinna- cal level in his tenure as archbishop weekly obituary listings. the deceased has been a patient in an ti Archdiocese for 27 years until his of Cincinnati were equally outstand- The Times obtains many of its death assisted-living facility for some time, retirement on Dec. 21, 2009, the day ing. He unselfishly devoted is entire notices for Catholics, especially those list the parish the person formerly at- after the 50th anniversary of his ordi- priesthood to this archdiocese.” in the Columbus area, from the daily tended. nation as a priest. Archbishop Pilarczyk wrote several obituaries in The Columbus Dispatch. For deceased persons who now live Prior to his appointment as arch- popular books as well as pamphlets Most of those obituaries list the site outside of the Diocese of Columbus, bishop in 1982, he was auxiliary bish- and articles explaining the Catholic of a deceased person’s funeral Mass, but previously were residents of the op of Cincinnati for eight years, also faith. but generally do not list the parish the diocese, list the parish in the diocese serving as director of educational ser- Nearing retirement, he launched person attended. formerly attended by that person, vices for the archdiocese. Grateful Believers, an initiative to Since no funeral Masses will be plus the other information requested “Among his brother bishops, Arch- raise awareness of God’s blessings taking place in churches until at least above, bishop Pilarczyk was recognized as in daily life and increase stewardship mid-April, that means the deaths of Thank you for your consideration. one of the outstanding churchmen within the church. many Catholics will go unrecognized March 29, 2020 Catholic Times 17 DeSales’ Watson named first-team All-Ohio By Doug Bean Watson helped lead the Stallions to Catholic Times Editor a 19-6 record and their first district title since 2016. Their regional semi- final game against New Philadelphia For the first time since 2010, and in Athens was postponed on March 12 only the fifth time in school history, because of the coronavirus outbreak. a Columbus St. Francis DeSales boys A few weeks earlier, Watson basketball player was named first- became just the seventh player in De- team all-state. Sales history to surpass 1,000 career Desmond Watson, a 6-foot-5 junior points, reaching the milestone in a 66 forward, was selected as one of five -53 win at Worthington Kilbourne. players for the first team by the Ohio Watson averaged 23.0 points, 7.1 Prep Sportswriters Association after rebounds and 4.2 assists per game as earlier being named the Division II a junior while shooting 54.6 percent Central District Player of the Year. from the field and 33.9 percent on “I had just finished a workout and 3-pointers. went over to check my phone, and my “He put in tremendous work in the coached texted me that I made all- offseason with us,” Murphy said. “He state. Oh, man, I was just so happy,” was really dedicated in the weight Watson said. room and in the gym. “He’s really changed from being DeSales junior Desmond Watson (with ball), named first-team all-state in Division II, reached a milestone this “It was definitely a goal of mine. season when he surpassed 1,000 career points. My freshman and sophomore year a guy playing around the basket to I was just out there playing, but this playing everywhere on the floor. He Photo courtesy Shane Flanigan/ThisWeek Newspapers year I got really, really serious. I played all five positions for us this year. That’s a credit to his worth ethic. at both guard positions and at forward. Watson, whose uncle is former Ohio started making all these goals, and Watson is projected as a wing player State University standout Dennis throughout the year I started accom- ... He was a really difficult matchup for our opponents this year.” at the next level. Hopson, has college offers from Ohio plishing these goals.” “I put up 500 shots a day during the University, Cleveland State and Stet- The last first-team all-state player A starter since his freshman season, Watson credits his offseason work summer,” Watson said. “When you son universities and the University of from DeSales was Nick Kellogg in get to the next level, you’ve got to be Tennessee-Martin. He also has made 2010. in the gym and the weight room for elevating his game to another level as able to shoot. unofficial visits to Ohio State and “It was well deserved,” DeSales “Every coach I’ve talked to say West Virginia University. coach Pat Murphy said of Watson’s a junior. “This offseason I don’t think I they really love my game. The main Zanesville Bishop Rosecrans’ selection. “We played a lot of good thing they said is, they like my alpha Weston Nern, a 5-11 senior who competition this year, and he was the missed one day in the gym,” Watson said. “I really expanded my game.” dog role that I show, but they love the averaged 15.4 points per game, made best player in Division II in our area perimeter (game) and when I can get second team All-Ohio in Division IV. hands down.” Watson moved out to the perimeter this season and showcased his talents to the hoop.” High school athletes experience bittersweet March By Doug Bean regional semifinal before getting word something they’ll always remember. of the Ohio High School Athletic Catholic Times Editor that the postseason was suspended. A lot of great final moments, if that is Association, tried to sound hopeful at DeSales had won a district boys the case.” a March 19 news conference, but at Thousands of high school stu- basketball title for the first time since The district championship was the press time a decision was forthcoming dent-athletes were stuck in limbo over 2016 and was preparing to leave for eighth in school history. DeSales had on whether sports would resume this whether the winter sports seasons Athens on Thursday, March 12 for a not won a regional title since 2009, its year. would be completed and spring sports regional semifinal that evening to be last appearance in the state final four. “I want to emphasize the fact that would begin. played in front of a limited number of “We just we were trying to get there, this is emotional for everyone,” he The coronavirus outbreak led to the family members and essential person- and the guys were really excited about said. “ ... Everyone watching this closure of all schools in Ohio by Gov. nel at Ohio University’s Convocation that,” Murphy said. “We definitely we understands how rapidly moving and Mike DeWine and the postponement Center when coach Pat Murphy re- played a really tough schedule, and we fluid this whole situation has been. ... of the girls state basketball, boys ceived an email at 1 p.m. that after- talked about the tournament. It’s just, Athletics will come back, and now hockey and wrestling state tourna- noon announcing the postponement. you know, kind of the last part of that more than ever, we need to be unified ments in mid-March. Postseason “The first meeting (with the team) story is going to be unwritten. Things to get them back.” competition in boys basketball had was really devastating,” DeSales go that way sometimes.” No matter what happens, Watson reached the regional round when the coach Pat Murphy said. “But after we DeSales players and junior Des- said, the DeSales players know what Ohio High School Athletic Associa- had some time to reflect on it, the next mond Watson, named first-team they accomplished on the court. tion suspended all competition. day, we just talked to (the players) all-state in Division II and the team’s “We put in so much work as a team Wrestlers from Columbus Bishop again, and it just seemed like everyone leading scorer at 23.0 points per game, during the offseason that people really Hartley, Columbus Bishop Ready and grew up in those 24 hours, from coach couldn’t help but feel disappointed, didn’t see, and we could just tell that Newark Catholic had qualified for the to player, because school had been especially the seniors at the end of the chemistry was there,” Watson said. state tournament, and the boys basket- cancelled at that point. their high school basketball careers. “I felt like we shocked the world –-- ball team from Columbus St. Francis “So we said, ‘Make your last game “We felt like we would be playing everybody but ourselves. I don’t think DeSales had advanced to a Division II No. 1.’ That’s a special thing. Cutting in the (state final),” Watson said. anybody expected us to go this far or down the nets in the district final is Jerry Snodgrass, commissioner do this well.” Catholic Times 18 March 29, 2020 Woodford steps down as Watterson girls basketball coach By Doug Bean guidance counselor for Hilliard City Woodford’s decision. Paige was a Not only did Woodford appreciate Catholic Times Editor Schools. senior point guard who played for her the dedication of his players and par- “This decision wasn’t easy,” father the past four years. ents at Watterson during his coaching After 19 seasons as Columbus Woodford said. “The players on the Woodford’s replacement will inher- tenure, but also “the administration Bishop Watterson girls basketball team are amazing people, and their it a team that returns a strong nucleus at Watterson has been equally as sup- coach, Tom Woodford is stepping parents are special. All of them cheer of underclassmen, including Kilyn portive,” he said. “Their support over away. for each other and want what is best McGuff, a junior guard who was the past 19 years is something I will Woodford, 51, announced his for the team. It has been a treat to be named first-team All-Central District never forget. It truly has been a great decision to resign on March 17. He a part of their lives.” this season. place to coach.” will continue in his current as a The Eagles ended the 2019-20 sea- son with a 23-3 record, won the Cen- tral Catholic League championship with a 6-0 record, cracked the top 10 St. Anthony students receive Reconciliation in the state rankings, and finished as Division I district runners-up for the third time in the past four years after losing to Pickerington Central in a district final. Woodford leaves the coaching ranks with 417 victories in 25 overall seasons at Watterson and London High School. He collected his 400th victory during his final season in a Dec. 9 game against Hilliard David- son. The daily grind of being a coach Tom Woodford won 417 games in 25 years as a girls and a desire to watch one of his basketball coach at London and Bishop Watterson. daughters, Paige, play in college next Photo courtesy Bishop Watterson High School. year at Mercyhurst University led to Students adjust to closing

Columbus St Anthony School second-grade students received the Sacrament of Reconcilia- tion just before the restrictions imposed by the spread of the coronavirus were imposed. Father Raymond Larussa is shown hearing the confession of a student. Photo courtesy St. Anthony School

Columbus Immaculate Conception School students Will Lewis (left) and his brother Zach get back into their normal routine by listening to principal Colleen Kent doing morning announcements while the school is closed because of the coronavirus. Photo courtesy Immaculate Conception School March 29, 2020 Catholic Times 19 Claver auxiliary serves community

St. Court 298 of the Knights of Ladies Auxiliary has donated a lay- Members of St. Cyprian Court 298 of the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary make ette including baby clothes and care items for mothers in need to the Christ Child Society more than 200 sandwiches for the Community Kitchen at Columbus Holy Rosary-St. John every year for more than a decade. Lori Caldwell of the society is pictured with auxiliary Church once every three months. Pictured at the most recent Sandwich Day are (from left) members (from left) Colleen Cannell, Janice Davis, Yvonne Torres and Lanell Wade. Carolyn Borden, Lynn Chavers, Yvonne Torres and Kathy DuPart. Cuban food at St. Agatha Biographies come to life

Columbus St. Agatha School seventh-grade students had a tasty lesson during a Spanish class as they ate Cuban chicken and rice, avocado and tomato salad with olive oil, and Worthington St. Michael School fifth-grade students presented their class biographies bread. Desert was guava and cream cheese. Pictured are students JP Norton and Ava dressed as their subjects. Anne Frank, Henry Ford, , Milton Hershey and Kennedy. many more made an appearance. Photo courtesy St. Agatha School Photo courtesy St. Michael School


Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in necessity. Oh, star of the sea, help me and show me herein, you are my Heaven and Earth. I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to secure me in this necessity. There are none who can withstand your powers. Oh, show me herein you are my Mother. Oh, Mary conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to thee. (Repeat three times) Oh, Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hand. (Repeat three times) Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads that I can obtain my goals. You gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me, and in all instances in my life, you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as you confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer three consecutive days, after three days, the request will be granted. This prayer must be published after the favor has been granted. LS Catholic Times 20 March 29, 2020

More than a guide to prayer PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC By Sarah Reinhard O St. Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster father of Our Lord and Savior Je- Pray Fully: Simple Steps for Be- sus Christ, we turn to you in our time of need, knowing fully that you are a source of consolation, coming a Woman of Prayer comfort and solace. Comforter of the Afflicted and Hope of the Sick, help those throughout the Michele Faehnle & Emily Jaminet world who have the coronavirus. Bring them strength, perseverance and healing. Patron of the 2020, Ave Maria Press Dying, deliver the souls of those who are dying of the coronavirus into the merciful arms of your Son, Jesus Christ. Joseph most courageous, help those on the front lines of this pandemic with $15.95 health of mind and body and assist them with their challenges and strife. And finally, in times of fear and anxiety, take us under your loving protection and aid us from on high. Amen. A lot of books cross my desk, and among those books which are both Catholic and for women, there are WOMEN, continued from Page 8 quite a few that focus on prayer. We Catholic women are a prayerful Instead, for some women, the en the past and bring it to the fore. lot, aren’t we? abortion experience initiated a life of That’s when they’ll need you and me Or, at least, that’s what the publish- denial and regret, and inaugurated a (and programs like Bethesda Healing ers must think. life of fear that someone would find Ministry) to help them maneuver I don’t think they’re wrong. out. Someone would know their dirty through the maze of healing to arrive But I do think it takes a special sort little secret. at the door of redemption. of book to actually, you know, work. So they hide. Yes, we all remember the bad For one thing, how hard can prayer Some find refuge in drugs or things that we’ve done in the past. be? Sit in your seat and DO IT. alcohol. Others find comfort in a Our past is our past. Easy for me to say, right? I’m a sanctuary of activity, busying them- But the woman who has an abor- type-A person and nearly perfect. Just Life Lessons in Divine Mercy, The selves with frenzied preoccupations tion experience in her past is tortured ask my kids. Friendship Project and Divine Mercy like hobbies, or work, or volunteer- with a very different type of remem- According to a survey quoted in for Moms. Each chapter includes an ing. Some may retreat to a shelter of brance that is more profound and the introduction, Michele Faehnle — introduction that will probably make obsessive perfection, taking normal more devastating than that which oc- co-founder of the wonderful Colum- you nod along, tips and practical undertakings to an extreme. curs from a few minor indiscretions. bus Catholic Women’s Conference so advice for applying prayer to the Their façade of seclusion protects It’s now part of her story and part many of us attend and love — reports situation, an introduction to a type of them from anyone ever knowing their of the story that God wrote for her. that “only 51 percent of Catholic prayer, a short introduction to a saint, past. They embrace their secrecy with The memory won’t ever go away, but women surveyed pray daily.” She quotes and insight from the saint, and such vigor that it evolves into denial, the pain from it can. continues, “Yes, it can be difficult to a prayer prompt. convincing even themselves that it Her past is her past, her now is carve out time with God, and to learn Sprinkled throughout, in ways never happened. her now, and her future is hopeful if to pray. On the other hand, prayer that are natural and feel almost like But denial works until it doesn’t. we all recognize and facilitate her cannot be something we leave on a friend interrupting to say, “Hey. Something or someone may awak- healing. the back burner and only pull out in Let’s talk RIGHT NOW THIS times of need. Prayer is the lifeblood VERY MINUTE!” are discussion of our faith, a two-way conversation paragraphs. Unlike the three-to-five with God that alternately comforts, questions you find at the end of every. strengthens, and inspires.” single. book. for. women. these days, What follows are seven chapters these feel like they’re actually discus- that have some of the best-done jour- sions. Like people are listening. Like naling prompts and discussion ideas someone cares about the answers. I’ve ever seen in a book of this sort. Mind you, I was reading ALONE. I’m not a journaler, to be honest, and BY MYSELF. I usually roll my eyes when there are I picked this book up with no small discussion questions. What Faehnle amount of skepticism and walked and Jaminet have done here, though, away completely enchanted. At last, is amazingly approachable and pro- a book that will not just tell me the voking. what and how, but whose authors The book alternates between the walk with me and serve as compan- two voices of Faehnle and Jaminet, ions on the journey to heaven. I not two local authors whose previous only highly recommend it, I invite books include My Friend Faustina: you to pray along.

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