COVID 19 in

Most influential politicians ● After winning the elections, leader and nationalist League chief proposed little-known lawyer Giuseppe Conte,54, as PRIME MINISTER of a nascent populist coalition government. ● He partially managed to face Covid19 emergency

● He tried to take on the pandemic announcing both total and partial lockdowns since March 2020 SPOILER ALERT: He will be obliged to ● He cooperated with Health Minister Roberto resign and let his position to Mario Speranza and School Minister Draghi

● Roberto Speranza is an Italian politician, Health Minister in office with both Conte and Draghi government.

● Together with Conte he has planned the system of the zones: according to several criteria like the number of infected people each region could be a Red, Orange or Yellow zone.

● He is working in order to vaccinate the whole italian population after old and sick people

● Patrizio Bianchi is an Italian , university professor and essayist

● He belongs to the previous Education Minister’s task force

● Since 13 February 2021 minister of education in the new Draghi government

● Right now he's taking care of hotly-debated points like state exam and Dad (didactic at distance)

● He is probably going to organize an oral exam without any written test

● He was first Director of the Treasury and then Director of the European Central . He is now Italy's new Prime Minister. ● In 2012 he was nominated man of the year by English ” e ””, as he managed to face the European sovereign debt crisis. ● In 2018, according to“Forbes” he was considered the 18th most influential and powerful man of the world ● On 31 October 2019, with the traditional handover rite to his successor , he officially ended his term as President of the ECB. ● According to his brilliant career more and more people think he will manage to defend Italian economy and health