2010 Mercy Today Mission Partnership Report

Sister Mary Reilly’s vision has changed countless lives – see Sisters of Mercy of the Americas - Northeast Community story on page 3. page 1 Catherine McAuley’s Legacy Mercy Today

AS AN UPPER-MIDDLE-CLASS WOMAN living in 19th century Ireland, Catherine McAuley could have lived an ordinary existence. But when she looked around and saw hungry children, exploited women, and sick people living in poverty, she could not stand by and do nothing. In- spired by the Gospel and strengthened by her faith in God, Catherine set out to right these wrongs. Little did she know that in so doing she would found the Sisters of Mercy, a congre- gation of women religious who would not only survive, but thrive over 150 years after her death. The world has changed dramatically since Catherine’s time, but her sisters’ dedication to persons in need has never wavered. What made Catherine’s approach so extraordinary that she inspired thousands of women to follow in her footsteps? What makes her legacy relevant today? Catherine felt strongly that “the poor need help today, not next week.” This sense of urgency moved her to provide people with immediate relief, such as food and shelter. But as a problem solver, Catherine also sought long-term solutions. She understood that teaching people basic skills would enable them and their children to leave poverty behind. And since Catherine saw the face of God in each person she encountered, her works of mercy did not discriminate. Above all, she acted with love and tenderness that brought dignity to those she served. Sprung from the seeds of Catherine’s vision, hard work and abiding trust in God, the Sisters of Mercy have consistently been attuned to the signs of the times and have been at the forefront of responding to them. Sisters have nurtured, clothed, counseled and housed countless individuals. Sisters have educated and inspired generations of professionals who have in turn made major contributions in all walks of life. Sisters have worked in collaboration with others to influence policies that have helped to bring about positive systemic change. Today, the Sisters of Mercy continue to urge themselves and others to advocate for the voiceless in the world. Like Catherine, as long as there is a gap between the rich and the poor, the sisters will be there to create a bridge.

page 2 Northeast Community Leadership

Dear Friends of Mercy, It is an exciting and challenging time for the Sisters of Mercy - Northeast Community. As we look back over the past four years, we see that we have made strides in our ministries through the consolidation of our efforts. Countless individuals have been nurtured, clothed, counseled, housed and educated. We are grateful to all who have partnered with us through their prayers, services and donations. Now, the Sisters of Mercy - Northeast Community has set a goal to raise $1,000,000 during this fiscal year. If our Mercy legacy is to continue, we must look to our friends, like you, to partner with us in our ministries among people in need during this time of economic crisis, violence, poverty and threats of terrorism. We are confident that the gift-giving of individuals, corporations and foundations will help us to achieve this goal. Our works are only made possible by the generosity of donors. As we strive to care for our aging and infirm members, we resolve to carry on our various min- istries in service to people in need. In so doing, we recognize the need to strengthen our relationships with our partners who will help to safeguard our Mercy spirit and works now and into the future. Your support of Mercy today is an investment in a better world for persons who are poor, sick and uneducated, and especially for tomorrow’s children. Together, through great and small gifts, Mercy ministries throughout the Northeast will be made possible. We pray in gratitude for your partnership with us. Please keep us in your prayers and ask God to bless our Mercy ministries and render them fruitful. God bless you and all those you love.

Sisters of Mercy Northeast Community Leadership Team, 2010-2014, from left, Sisters Jacqueline Marie Kieslich, vice president; Lindora Cabral, president; Kathleen Turley, Donna E. Conroy and Patricia A. Sullivan Leadership Mercy Today

______pared her for her role as top admin- istrator. Yet she says her true qualifi- Your investment in Mercy cations lie in the field of direct today supports sisters as service. “Leadership is not just being at a desk,”she says. “We leaders of programs and must be aware of the world and its needs.” organizations that serve Sister Lindora credits her God’s people. work at various ministries as ______key to understanding the Mercy mission. As a founder of Mercy Connections in Sister Lindora will help manifest a Burlington,Vermont, she vision that was established at the established programs to help most recent Community Assembly. women in poverty and transition This vision includes reclaiming find empowerment through educa- Mercy founder Catherine McAuley’s tion and mentoring. Her most passion for justice in relation to the recent occupation was as a drug Earth and the sisters’role in the Lindora Cabral, RSM, president of the court intern who sat on the treat- church. The Community will also Sisters of Mercy - Northeast Community ment team at theVermont state be committing itself to action with courthouse. Along with that , she regard to new membership and AS THE NEWLY ELECTED taught women in the court system vocations. PRESIDENT of the Northeast how to gain new skills and choose Sister Lindora credits the role Community, Sister Lindora Cabral behaviors that will lead to self- that donors play in achieving the embodies the style of a Mercy sufficiency and employment. Mercy mission.“When individuals leader. She has experience, strength In her new role as president, make donations, they support and vision. When asked to describe Sister Lindora will direct the sisters who work to develop pro- the role of the Community’s five- operations and logistics necessary to grams that make a difference in the member leadership team, Sister oversee the Northeast Community’s lives of others.” Lindora says, “Our job is making more than 750 members. However, Your investment in Mercy today sure the Mercy mission is alive and she says, “the previous leadership supports sisters as leaders of pro- well.” team left us with a wonderful grams and organizations that serve Sister Lindora served for many structure that leaves us time for God’s people. years as president of theVermont mission and vision.” community, a position that has pre- Over the next four years,

page 2 Education Mercy Today

results and participation in leader- ship activities. Although Sister Mary is reduc- ing her leadership role at the school, her legacy will live on. Each year, the eighth grade class participates in “The Sister Mary Reilly Leadership and Justice Seminar” which has been funded in part by the Northeast Ministry Educational Assistance Fund. Tackling timely issues such as immigration and poverty, environmental justice, and Mary Reilly, RSM, poses with students at Sophia Academy the rights of children, the seminar requires the girls to approach a IN 2001, SISTER MARY REILLY some form of sexual abuse, and community concern with creativity, led a group of six religious women to many had learning disabilities and depth and thoughtfulness. open Sophia Academy, a middle had dropped out of school. Sister Your investment in Mercy today school for girls from low-income Mary thought, “We’ve got to begin and in educators such as Sister families in Providence, Rhode Island. younger.” Mary Reilly means a brighter future Today, the school is an academic and Statistics show that middle for students, like those at Sophia environmental haven for 64 girls, school is a critical time for the Academy and the other Mercy grades 5 through 8, all eager to learn development of young minds, for schools across the Northeast. and grow. “Our kids are seeds of career exploration, and goal-setting. hope,”says Sister Mary. “We nurture Sister Mary and many others took a ______them, open them up and expand “leap of faith”to establish a school Your investment in Mercy their culture.” that provides all the ingredients Sister Mary envisioned such a required for success – strong aca- educators means a brighter school as a result of working for 19 demics, art and music, community years at Dorcas Place, an adult service and mentoring – in a future for students in Mercy learning center in a low-income gender-specific setting. So far, the schools across the Northeast. area of Providence. Many of the recipe has worked. Students con- ______women who came for literacy and tinue to exceed expectations as is workforce training had suffered from evident in their outstanding test

page 3 Innovation Mercy Today

______their addiction to drugs and alcohol. Your investment in Mercy Sister Phyllis began the Honor today funds sisters and their Court program 27 years ago, when only a handful of such programs innovations that break once existed. She recognized that of- fenders will continue to commit hopeless cycles and pave the drug- and alcohol-related way for lasting positive crimes unless the underlying cause of the problem, their ad- change. diction, is addressed. With the ______court’s backing and assistance from the state of NewYork, her Judge Thomas K. Keefe, who program became a reality. works closely with Sister Phyllis, Honor Court has become a cost- says warmly, “She is persistent, effective alternative to incarceration, advocating for her clients, for the Phyllis Herbert, RSM, founder of Albany’s providing individuals in the program people who need her most.” Honor Court program with a plan that serves as an alterna- In addition to reducing tive to, or condition of, sentencing. recidivism, overcrowded prisons The program provides courts with and the costs of incarceration to SISTER PHYLLIS HERBERT identification, assessment and evalu- taxpayers, Judge Keefe says Sister walks through the busy halls of the ation of participants, as well as with Phyllis’contribution to the Albany, NewYork, courthouse and recommendations to assist judges in community has been enormous. stops to say hello to a former client. determining sentencing. “By giving her clients opportunity He explains why he’s there and Upon the judge’s approval, the for opportunity,”he says, “Sister then says,“I’m taking it more individual signs a contract to follow Phyllis’work doesn’t just benefit seriously this time. I’ve changed.” the Honor Court plan, and is then the downtrodden; it benefits the Sister Phyllis gives him an encour- referred to a treatment program city and our quality of life.” aging smile and says,“I’m glad.” and is subject to stringent monitor- Your investment in Mercy today As founder and program ing. Clients benefit from a critical funds sisters and their innovations director of greater Albany’s Honor support network that helps them that break once hopeless cycles and Court program, Sister Phyllis has secure education, job training and pave the way for lasting positive touched the lives of thousands of housing – the most important change. individuals caught in the endless ingredients clients need to change cycle of incarceration because of and rebuild their lives.

page 4 Advocacy Mercy Today

______women in Connecticut came to- gether to found the CCJ, because Your investment in Mercy they knew that they could gives voice to the voiceless make more of a difference by joining their voices. Since and demonstrates your then, the sisters have made their faces known at the solidarity with those who are legislative table on issues marginalized in our society. such as immigration, health ______care and the death penalty. While Sister Mary Alice spends a good deal of time And when it comes to getting lobbying in Washington, D.C., out the vote, the CCJ helps with and even participating in conver- voter registration and sometimes sations regarding international is- even provides transportation to the sues like the global debt, most of polls. Sister Mary Alice points out, Mary Alice Synkewecz, RSM, left, the CCJ’s work begins locally. “If you don’t vote, you can’t scream.” and Linda Pepe, CSJ The Voices for Justice Network, She is amazed by the number of one of the CCJ’s key initiatives, em- people who don’t believe that they powers ordinary people to influence have the right to vote, or that their SISTER MARY ALICE SYNKEWECZ public policy by providing issue- votes don’t make a difference. believes in bringing people together focused legislative updates, sample Advocacy work does not to challenge the root causes of in- letters and talking points, clear produce fast results, and that can be justice. She and her colleague, Sis- instructions on contacting legisla- frustrating. When asked what ter of St. Linda Pepe, both tors, and information on advocacy keeps her going, Sister Mary Alice registered lobbyists, direct the Col- training and education programs. replied simply, “It’s the right thing.” laborative Center for Justice (CCJ) in Another CCJ program, Legisla- Your investment in Mercy today Hartford, Connecticut. Through ad- tive Prayer Partners, matches sisters allows sisters such as Sister Mary vocacy, education, networking and with elected officials. Each sister Alice to give a voice to the voiceless collaboration, they strive to enhance prays for and writes letters of sup- and demonstrates your solidarity human dignity by responding to in- port to her legislator (in some cases, with those who are marginalized in justices experienced by people who a former student). Sister Mary Alice our society. are poor and alienated in society. recalled a press conference at which Ten years ago, leaders from one legislator called out, “Thanks, several religious congregations of sisters, for all of those prayers!”

page 5 Forms of Commitment Mercy Today

SPEND SOME TIME at a Sisters of Approximately 400 Mercy Associates Mercy sponsored ministry, celebra- throughout the Northeast participate tion, or day of prayer, and you will in ministry, prayer and community in witness firsthand the vibrancy of a variety of ways, including regular Mercy today. The life and energy associate gatherings, days of prayer, springs from Mercy spirituality, the retreats, Community celebrations and heart of which proclaims God’s un- liturgies, justice ministry, and theolog- conditional love for all people. It is ical reflection groups. grounded in Catherine McAuley’s Other men and women choose legacy – a commitment to a life of to become Companions in Mercy. Mercy Candidates Angela McCormick, left, service with a preferential option for They enter this distinct, non- and Amanda Carrier, who reside in Maine the poor, especially women and chil- canonical form of Mercy life by and Connecticut, respectively dren. Mercy spirituality also values a vowing to orient their lives toward the system of mutuality, within which all mercy of God and to serve those who members, including those in forma- are poor, sick and uneducated. tion, are partners and mentors. Above Mercy Volunteer Corps offers an all else, Mercy spirituality calls peo- option for women and men to enter ple to act with compassion, always into a relationship with people who mindful of each person’s dignity. are economically poor or marginal- With confidence, the Sisters of ized. Volunteers commit for a one- or Mercy reject the doom and gloom two-year period to compassionate view that religious life is in its twilight. service, a simple lifestyle in commu- Associates join with the Sisters of Mercy in Nowhere was this more evident than nity, social justice and spiritual growth. Connecticut for prayer at St. Joseph College where Angela Still others choose to become McCormick and Amanda Carrier involved in Mercy as board members were welcomed as candidates into the and co-ministers at one of the 15 Community this past August. sponsored ministries in the Northeast. Today several options exist for And visionaries across the Institute anyone who feels called to contribute continue to dialogue about alternative to the work of Mercy. For instance, forms of religious life. Mercy Associates – women and men With so many choices, the of various ages and lifestyles – share Community invites all who are the Mercy spirit and charism of interested to discern how they might 2010-2011 Mercy Volunteer Corps Catherine McAuley with the Sisters of be called to Mercy – to service, volunteers from the Northeast, from left, Mercy and with each other. celebration and prayer. Hilary Coulter, Kim Utz, Carla DeSisto

page 6 Celebration of Mercy

LISA G. CHURCHVILLE, president and general manager of WJAR, received the 2010 Governor’s Award for Service to Rhode Island. The award was presented at “A Celebration of Mercy,” a fundraising event hosted by the Sisters of Mercy on April 16, 2010. Lisa re- ceived the award for her commitment and service to the Rhode Island community through her personal and professional life. Lisa has volunteered her time with the Sisters of Mercy as a committee member and chair of past Celebration of Mercy events. She has also served on the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce and has worked on behalf of the Providence Public Library and the Rhode Island Philharmonic. She is on the board of Women & Infants’ Hospital, John Hope Settlement House, and Tides Family Services. The event raised over $60,000 to help support the Sisters of Mercy and their ministry work. Over 160 guests celebrated with Lisa and enjoyed a presentation by girls from St. Mary Academy - Bay View’s robotics program, a ministry sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy. Following the reception, guests were invited to attend a performance of A Bronx Tale at the Providence Performing Arts Center.

Committee Members

Victoria Almeida, Adler Pollock & Sheehan Rosemary B. Connors Celebration of Mercy Sponsors Jason Costa, Citizens Bank William F. Hatfield, Committee Gold Benefactor Associate Chair, Bank of America Bank of America Anonymous Moore Media Paula Pais, Sovereign Bank Mr. and Mrs. James Botvin Urban Parking Management Silver C.P. Watson Materials, Inc. - in Darlene Reza Rossi, Greater CVS/pharmacy memory of Christina Ricci Friends Providence Chamber of Watson Aresco Construction Co. Commerce Bronze Cavanagh Company Carl Weinberg & Co., CPAs, LLP Ellen M. Ruggiano, Bank of Agostini Construction, Inc. Citizens Bank Russell Morin Fine Catering America Edwards Angell Palmer & Delta Dental of Rhode Island Ryan, National Grid Dodge, LLP Hasbro, Inc. Special thanks to: IT Pros Marie Langlois Chris Gasbarro’s Fine Wine Laurie White, Greater National Grid Lefkowitz, Garfinkle, Champi, & & Spirits Providence Chamber of Rhode Island Monthly DeRienzo P.C. Just Ellen’s Catering & Event Commerce Lifespan Corporation Planning Patron Rhode Island Broadcasters McZip the Printer & Signs Adler Pollock & Sheehan Association Small Pleasures NBC 10 Salve Regina University St. Mary Academy - Bay View Washington Trust Company Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island

page 7 In Gratitude

In case we do not mention it often enough, “thank you!” It is through your support of the Sisters of Mercy – Northeast Community that we are able to ad- vocate for the voiceless in the world. As of June 30, 2010, we had 774 sisters in the Northeast Community, with 69 percent serving in active ministry. But we do not do it alone. You make our work possible. We are honored that so many of you have partnered with us to tirelessly carry the Mercy torch.

Estates and Bequests Gifts to the Sisters of Mercy - Northeast Community Grants July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 $2,314,588 Individuals


Your financial support of the Northeast Community represents one of our strongest partnerships. You are directly supporting the Community structure that frees a sister to dedicate her life to God and her ministry. Without you, we would not be able to continue to work for peace and build truly strong communities. We are profoundly grateful that you, too, carry on the mission of Mercy.

Salaries and Benefits

Development Expenses Direct Fundraising July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 Administrative Costs $351,305 Equipment and Supplies

Donor Relations

Staff Development

Please know, too, that as we seek to increase vital donor contributions in support of our work, we are making every effort to use our resources in the most efficient and effective manner possible – especially with regard to fundraising. If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact Robin Cabral, director of development, at 401-333-6333, Ext. 116 or [email protected].

page 8 July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 Mercy Gifts

The Sisters of Mercy – Northeast Mercy Patron Lifespan Corporation The Honorable Governor and Community is grateful to all $2,500 - $4,999 Ms. Ruth L. Lynch L Mrs. Donald L. Carcieri individuals, organizations, families Anonymous (2) Daniel and Louise Lyons Mrs. Geraldine Clancy and corporations who, through Adler Pollock & Sheehan P.C. Mr. Jean D. Madden, Jr. James and Carolyn Collins their generosity, made it possible Mrs. Claire Bancroft Frank J. Manzerra I Cooney Scully & Dowling I to enrich so many lives during this Patricia and Robert Hammell Reverend Richard C. Maynard Mr. George Crowley past year. Navigant Credit Union I Sampson and Ann Metz  M. Kathleen Demo I Ms. Maureen Ryan Cooper Mary Ann Mohr Marguerite M. Fallon, DMD I KEY: St. Mary Academy-Bay View Mr. R. Moran Lee and Valerie Gabbeitt ¦ = Deceased Woodlawn Catholic Regional Mrs. Margaret F. Mullin Wayne and Marie Gagnon n = Inkind donation School n New Dawn Center Bruce and Marianne Goodins I L = Mercy Associate Reverend Henry P. Nichols James R. Goodwin I I = First time donor Mercy Advocate J. Pirone I Greater Providence Chamber of  = Monthly donor $1,000 - $2,499 Pomerleau Foundation Commerce Anonymous (2) Robert J. Loughery Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Gribbin Catherine McAuley Society Marilyn Annan Father Paul Roman ¦ William and Carole Hauke $15,000+ Ms. Helen C. Arnold Salve Regina University Home Instead Senior Care #483 Anonymous Dr. Frank Aronica I  Ms. Eileen Shekosky I Dr. Paul F. Kirk G and H Rauenhorst Foundation, Mr. Paul J. Avella  Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Knights of Columbus Inc. Ms. Karen A. Bachus Ms. Maryann Smialowski IL Mr. Arthur J. Lawrence and Mrs. Eva M. Montembeault Mrs. Nancy Brothers St. Patrick Church, Jaffrey NH I  Ms. Mary Ann Danello Otto Family Trust C.P. Watson, Inc. Mr. Albert B. Staebler Dr. Richard J. Lee United States Conference of Mr. Michael T. Callnan Stewart Property Management, Ann Marie Lemire MD Catholic Bishops Camp Mercy Crest Reunion Inc. Mr. Lionel P. Levesque Committee Stuart-Griffin-Perlitz Foundation Malcom Cravens Foundation Frances Warde Society Cavanagh Company Anne and Michael Szostak Nancy and Brian Marlowe I $10,000 - $14,999 Ms. Lisa G. Churchville Ms. Claremarie Toohey Mr. Walter F. McLaughlin Bank of America Citizens Bank Christine O’Hara Tremblay Mr. Jeffrey A. Mercure Michael and Margaret Picotte I Colonial Motor Sales, Inc. Hannah C. Tyson Mr. Ernest Moniz Mr. and Mrs. William J. Washington Trust Company Moore Media I Mercy Benefactor Cossette n I Ms. Mary Anne Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Murphy  $5,000 - $9,999 Mr. Joseph Cox Carol A. Wilson Mrs. Gabrielle Murray Anonymous Delta Dental of Rhode Island Women & Infants Hospital of RI Mr. Thomas J. Myers Agostini Construction Co., Inc. William and Linda Drunsic Roger and Mary Lee Worboys Msgr. Leopold Nicknair I Mrs. Alice F. Buckley ¦ Peter and Linda Ghiorse Mrs. Virginia R. Scammell CVS/pharmacy Maureen Aher Gosselin Mercy Partner Mercedes Serna I Diocese of Providence Hasbro, Inc. $500 - $999 St. Francis DeSales Church Edwards, Angell, Palmer & Dodge Ms. Patricia Heinrich Anonymous (3) Robert and Joanellen Sweeney L.L.P. IT Pros I Harold and Janis Attridge Ms. Kathleen Swift L F.L. Putnam Securities Company Ms. Susan Jenkinson Ms. Marybeth Beretta Urban Parking Management Mrs. Mary Jane McBrady Paul and Martha Kolodzy Sister Frances Blake SSJ I Mary C. Valenti National Grid Mr. John F. La Pan Mr. Thomas P. Boffa Ms. Faith P. Waters NBC10 n Lane Press of Albany, Inc. n I Reverend Edward F. Boland Mrs. Mary Ann Wyand Rhode Island Monthly n Ms. Marie J. Langlois Martha Brooks Rosa A. Flynn Revocable Trust I Lefkowitz, Garfinkel, Champi & Julia Budney DeRienzo, P.C. Ms. Alice C. Cantwell Mr. John T. Leonard

Gift Report • page 1 Karen Bachus, Legacy Society Member Mercy Today

KAREN BACHUS BELIEVES that the Sisters of Mercy transformed her life. When you ask her about her long association with the sisters, she smiles and speaks warmly about her experi- ences. Karen once considered entering the Community. Her experiences through that process and during her formative years shaped her personal philanthropic philosophy. The Sisters of Mercy educated Karen from an early age. Following graduation, she was a campus minister and religion teacher at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro, Massachu- setts – a Mercy school at the time. Many sisters have been both mentors and close personal friends to Karen. In fact, she credits the sisters with her long professional career of helping others. Karen currently works as a child protective investigator at the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families, but started her career as a family therapist, social worker and investigator, emergency services The Mercys have made clinician, and clinical psychologist. such a huge difference “The Mercys have made such a huge difference in my life,” she says. “I would not be where in my life. I would not I am today without their influence on my life.” Karen gives because “it feels good to give back.” be where I am today The Legacy Society of the Sisters of Mercy - Northeast Community allows Karen to make without their influence a much larger gift upon her death than she would be able to do in her lifetime. That is exactly on my life. why she is a member of this very important society. “The Mercys do their darndest to bring about the kingdom of heaven on Earth through peace and justice. They are there wherever there is a need. The Mercys are the best!” Karen exclaims.

Mercy Supporter Robert and Ellen Dugan Ms. Teresa L. Lowe and Mr. Peter Mrs. George F. Parent $250 - $499 Perlie R. Durgin Nardelli I Park Row Associates Anonymous (5) Reverend Michael A. Farano I James and Elizabeth Martin I Mr. Frank Peters Aresco Construction Reverend Leonard R. Foisy Thomas and Carol McDade Ms. Carol A. Poirier Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aronica Esq. Friends of Mercy Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. McDonagh Dr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Quinn Ellen and William Baker L Gardener’s Supply Company n Paul and Sara McFarland Reverend Robert Regan SJ Therese Anne Beauregard Ms. Marjorie A. Gauthier Mr. John E. McGinty Mrs. Sandra J. Ryan Ms. Donna Benoit and Ms. Joan Gelch I Ms. Patricia Mc Glynn Ms. Anne E. Schmidt Mr. Robert J. McConnell I Global Impact Ms. Jane A. McLaughlin Ms. Deborah Sensecqua I Barbara A. Bierig I James and Nancy Gosselin McZip The Printer, Inc. n Ann M. Sloan L Drew and Laura Jo Brunson Mr. J. Michael Griffin Mr. Richard F. Medlar Ms. Mary Ann Souza James and Mary Burke Ms. Mary L. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. James C. Mercure Margaret L. Splaine Carl Weinberg & Co., LLP Ms. Dana Gurney Mr. Leo J. Montagna St. John Regional I William and Trudy Carroll L Dr. Daniel S. Harrop Mrs. Judith C. Mooney Albert and Marianne Stackpole Robert Case and Osla Howe, Riley & Howe CPA Morin’s, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sullivan de Figueiredo Case Thomas and Kathy Hunt Mrs. Louise L. Murdock Ms. Jill Tobak CEXEC, Inc. David and Julie Kelsey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Myers E. Vandenburgh Circles of Mercy I Linda B. Kingsley I Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nerney John and Marcella Welch  Richard and Sheila Congdon Ms. Claire Kubasik Joyce and William O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Wolfe Ms. Rosemary B. Connors Mr. William C. Kurtz Ms. Margaret M. O’Connell Robert and Rebecca Wylie Mr. and Mrs. William Croll Mrs. Anita E. Lang Ms. Joan C. O’Donnell L Donna C. Cupelo I Ms. Frances M. LaSalle Mr. Francis X. O’Donnell and Ms. Meredith A. Curren Miss Eleanore Lawlor L Ms. Nancy Hayes Eleanor W. Dahar I Reverend William J. Ledoux Mr. Alonzo K. Osgood

Gift Report • page 2 Mercy Friend Mr. A. Lewis Burridge Ms. Anne M. Coffey Darwin and Claire Davidson $100 - $249 Ms. Robin L. Cabral Ann and John Collins I Mrs. Kathleen M. Davidson Anonymous (12) Marguerite T. Cackley I Mr. John Collins, Jr. Marion V. Davis and Patricia and John Ahearn Mr. Robert G. Cain and Mrs. Jill The Colliton Family Mildred L. Kahler Victor N. Allienello Sikora-Cain Walter and Carol Conklin Catherine-Ann Day Joe and Carol Alosa Mr. William Cain Mrs. Gertrude Connolly Mr. Linus Deasy IL Iris A. Alvarez-Hecht I Mary Alice Caldes Marianne Cook I Louise and Lawrence DeFalco I Ms. Betty Anderson and Mr. John Mr. Stephen Camann Ms. Gerry Corry IL Edward and Ann Delaware L Anderson Cape Elizabeth Rescue I Raymond and Olga Cote Anne M. Delehanty IL Ms. Irene Angiletta IL Patricia and Earl Carrel Robert J. Cote Kathleen Anderson Delfay I Ms. Jacqueline M. Antonioni Helen and John Carswell I Reverend George Couturier Ms. Ruth E. Della Santa Timothy Arbuckle L Ms. Helene Cartwright I Ralph Cox Dr. Trudy Dickneider I Mrs. Rosella Aronica Mr. and Mrs. William R. Casey Mr. Thomas Cox, Jr. Mrs. Mary DiMatteo Associates In Periodontics, PLC I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cassavoy Mr. Edward J. Creamer James Dinneen I David C. Averill I Marjorie and Robert Catanzaro Ms. Edwina Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Roland A. Dion Bill Collins Reverend Robert F. Caul Dr. and Mrs. William Crowley Ms. Ellen Dolan Ms. Claire M. Barbuti Alison E. Charles I Idalande and Patrick Cyr Ms. Joan Donahue IL Catherine Barry Ms. Linda Chiasson L Mr. Leo Czajkowski I Mr. Michael F. Donahue, Jr. Mrs. Geraldine Bateman Ms. Charleen B. Christy Ms. Mary E. Dame Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Donahue Mr. Peter J. Beck Chi-Ling and Frances Chung Ms. Prudence M. Dame Miss Frances T. Dooley Rev. Msgr. Raymond F. Begin Ms. Carolyn Cicciu Ms. Sadonna K. Danehey Mrs. Carmel D’orio Izzo I Gary and Paula Benoit William and Tanya Cimonetti Ralph S. Daniels I Joseph and Laura Dotolo Mr. and Mrs. Wilton J. Benoit Victor and Patricia Cipollari George and Nancy Dannecker Ms. Helen Dougherty Margaret S. Berens I Ms. Kathleen M. Clairmont Darlington Auto Body, Inc. Timothy and Elizabeth Dowhan Ms. Carolyn D. Bergeron Clown Ministry Associates Anthony and Ruth Dasilva Jody and Victor Dowling Ms. Laura Berni Bishop Brady Knights of Academy of Our Lady of Mercy, Lauralton Hall, Milford, Connecticut, a sponsored ministry – from Columbus-Barre Council #399 left, students Caroline Holguin, Amanda Rodrigues and Rebecca Rego participate in the Arbor Day Ms. Joan M. Blair tradition. Since 1908, each graduating class has planted a tree on campus. Ms. Marcia Bliss James Bohan I Most Reverend Ernest B. Boland, O.P., D.D. Robert and Alda Bolton Paul and Marjorie Bonneville Ms. Carolyn M. Boros Bruce and Michelle Bouchard I Ms. Marilyn Boucher Butler Mrs. Viola V. Bove Ms. Mary Boyer Dr. Clifton J. Boyle and Mrs. Darlene M. Boyle Anita L. Bradshaw Ph.D. Reverend Kevin J. Brassil Edward and Mary Bray Mrs. Alice L. Brennan Governor Joseph Brennan and Mrs. Connie L. Brennan Briggs Wealth Management LLC I Ann Broderick Ms. Marita Broderick Ms. Virginia Brody I Mr. Joseph T. Brophy I Virdette L. Brumm I Mr. Ann C. Brynn Ms. Anne P. Burns

Gift Report • page 3 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Downey Ms. Mary B. Foster James B. Greene I Carolina Iaconi Moretti and Mrs. Nancy H. Drago Michel and Catherine Francoeur Ms. Rita Griswold IL Vincent Moretti Elaine J. Driscoll L Mr. Robert W. Fraser Ronald and Eileen Guiry L Mr. Robert Ignagni Mrs. Pauline DuBois Kathleen Freeburg IL Ms. Patricia C. Gunning Mr. and Mrs. Steven Issa Ms. Joan E. Duda Ms. Virginia D. Fries Mr. Stephen J. Haddad Ms. Edith Jaccarino Pauline Gagnon Duda Ms. Susan C. Fuss James and Nancy Hagerty Gail and Bruce Jacobs I Donald Dumais, D.D.S. Everett and Shirley Gage Charles and Doris Hakey Elizabeth and Donald Jalbert Reverend Arthur J. Dupont I Joseph Gagliano I Wesley I. Hale I Stephen and Louise Janas David and Patricia Durfee Mr. Luke Gagne Jean and John Halligan Debbie and Barry Jensen I Paul and Deborah Dwyer Joyce M. Galante I Mr. Thomas Hammond Janette M. Jorgensen Rev. Msgr. Michael W. Dziob Daniel and Theresa Gallagher Ms. Erin Hanna IL  Mr. Bruce W. Judd Barbara R. Edwards I John Gallagher I John and K.C. Harrison Mr. Alan C. Kazarian Ms. Mary Ellen Emmons Dr. Jeanne M. Gardner Ms. Marilyn T. Hart L Mrs. Margaret S. Keenan Miss Elizabeth M. Enes Mr. Leo F. Garrahan Ms. Shirley Hartley Mark and Lisa Kelley Michael and Antoinette Dr. Robert Geffken Pamela A. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kelly Esposito I Mrs. Annette F. Genaway I Ms. Elizabeth C. Haskell Mr. Paul E. Kenison Catherine and James Fandel Donald and Shirley Geoffroy James and Helen Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kiah Ms. Mary M. Fanous Beth Gero I Ms. Patricia M. Healy Mr. Robert E. Kiah, Jr. I Dr. Walter J. Farrell Mary A. Giberson Mr. James T. Heatherton Allen and Anne Kieslich Mrs. Mary C. Fayette I Mr. John J. Gilgun I Joan and Richard Hehir I John and Alexandra Kirby David J. Feeney I John and Stephanie Gill Kimberly Heininger I Carolyn and Henry Knight I Reverend John J. Feeney Francis and Beatrice Gillespie Michael and Jean Herward L Mr. William T. Kosturko Ms. Doris Fischer Donald and Tharon Giombetti Robert Hill and Gary Brown Jeannie M. Kovacs I Daniel and Noelle Fitzgerald I Mrs. Mary T. Gleason Colleen and William Hilton Mr. Edward Koza Paul and Camille Fitzgerald Elizabeth M. Gleasure Philip H. Hoff Ms. Eileen T. Kramer I Rosalyn V. Flaherty I Thomas and Mary Godar Judy and Dan Hogan Dr. and Mrs. Laurence O. Mr. David T. Flanagan Ms. Rose Godard Mark and Eleanor Hollins Fitzpatrick Jane and John Flannery Ms. Patricia Godfrey Arthur and Christina Holmes Ms. Janice Labas IL Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Foley Ms. Claire M. Goguen Dr. and Mrs. Morris Horning I Florence and Philip Ladouceur I Ms. Margaret Folse IL Mrs. Constance F. Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hovey Loretta and Ronald LaFleur John J. Ford I Mr. Charles J. Graber Barbara Howland Peters Mr. Gary A. Lambert Diana Sybil Foster Ms. Rita Gray Ms. Kathleen E. Hunt Ms. Margaret M. Langevin IL

Proud of their hard work in studying the 50 states, first-grade students begin their annual Sing America program with the pledge of allegiance at Mercymount Country Day School in Cumberland, Rhode Island, a sponsored ministry.

Gift Report • page 4 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Lanni I Bradley C. McCurtain I Ms. Josephine Oeschger IL S.T.O.P. Sisters of Mercy Mrs. Joan M. Lanzone Ms. Bernice McCusker L Ms. Mary-Frances O’Hare Ms. Catherine A. Sadlier Mrs. Gracia Largay I Peggy and Ralph McElvain I Mrs. Antonette Oliver L Theresa Shine Salafia Larkin Realty I Mr. Donald McEnaney Martha A. Olsley Mr. Richard Sanneman Norma-Jean and R. David Fred and Barbara McGovern Dr. Liz O’Rourke Mr. John S. Santa Larrivee I Margaret McGowan and Ms. Judy Palmisano L Gail and Salvatore Savastano I Mr. Kenneth C. Larson Charles Veeley Ms. Linda E. Pankey Ms. Joanne Scheibly L Ms. Roberta A. Lattig Ms. Rita McKenna-McGrail Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mike and Cynthia Schmitz Ms. Mary Lauzon and Mary McGuire Paquette I Karin Schumann I Tim Lavery and Donna Lambert Ms. Rose McHale Mr. Arthur S. Paré Bette Jo Scott Ms. Dorothy D. Lavieri I Mr. William R. McHale Ms. Jeannine Paris and Mr. Mary Ellen Seaver-Reid John Marshall Lee I James and Monica McIntyre Sebastian Scialabba Ms. Beverly Sesko IL Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lefoley Mr. David J. McKenna, Jr. I Sue Ann and Wilfred Parmentier Ms. Rita M. Shangraw Ms. Theresa M. Lemaire Reverend Eugene J. McKenna Ms. Mary E. Parris Ms. Leona G. Shea L Ms. Patricia Lencki Marylen McKenna I Mrs. Dominic Pasquarelli Mrs. Mary Shea Fletcher Mrs. Ophelia Lepore Ms. Sheila A. McKenna Ms. Deborah M. Patterson L Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Sheehan Ms. Gloria M. LeVasseur Ms. Barbara McLaughlin Dr. Jennifer Peet Claire A. Shurtleff Ms. Jeannine T. Levesque Robert and Carol McLaughlin Ms. Norma Pelletier IL Mary Sliney and Michaela Tkacz L Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Levitre Mr. Eugene J. McMahon Ivan and Rose Pels Ms. Robin N. Smith Dorothy M. Liming I Joan C. McMahon Paul and Dorothea Penar Ms. Barbara Snelling Ms. Lea M. Listzwan Peter M. McManus I Larry and Dorothy Perkins Larry and Mary Spellacy Elaine B. Little Ms. Constance McMurray Mrs. Jane A. Perrin and Dr. Mrs. Rolande St. Pierre Mr. and Mrs. Charles Livendale Dorothy McNamara Robert Perrin I Carolyn Dionne Stanley Tim and Jane Lovelette Arthur T. McNeill I Ms. Catherine Peters Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stevenson Reverend Cornelius B. Lynch Nelson and Dottie Megna Mrs. Evelyn Petrie Stewart Associates Architects LLC James and Lori Lynch Frank and Jeanne Merola I Robert and Juliana Phillips Mr. James Stirk Ms. Marietta E. Lynch Arthur and Beverly Michaud Mr. Daniel T. Pires Ms. Hazel Stowell Ms. Patricia Lynch IL Rose Marie Miller I Christopher and Ellen Pirone I Mr. Paul A. Struzziero Donald and Betty Lyons Shirley and Kevin Montague Mr. Vito Piscitello Edward and Kathryn Sullivan I Ms. Susan Lyons Catherine Korzun Moore and Anna and Mark Plante I Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Sullivan Thomas and Mary Sue Lyons John Moore Peter and Jean Platt I Rose Marie Surman I Robert and Jean MacBride John and Barbara Moran William J. Pringle I Ms. Ann M. Swanson Marie Boardman Maccini Elizabeth Morancy Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Prinn, III Mary D. Sweeney I Jack and Pat MacDonald Theresa Morris and Colin Martin Ms. Jane P. Prinn Ms. Trish Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald Ms. Dorothy Morton L Pro-Serve Properties d/b/a Dr. Leonard A. and Mrs. Thalia Mark and Therese MacDonald I Sharon and Michael Muir I Bow Mini Storage Swinyer Magna Standard Manufacturing I Miss Arlene A. Mullen Milly and Michael Proulx Harlan and Joan Sylvester Ms. Maureen E. Maguire I Ms. Mary Ellen Mullin and Ms. Anne M. Purdy T.E.T. Mfg. Co., Inc. I Miss Frances T. Mailhot Dr. Frederick Lough Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Quesnel Mr. and Mrs. Leo Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Maloney Ms. Jean Mullins Ms. Debra Radigan Mr. Richard D. Tero I Ms. E. Marie Manganello Mr. John J. Mulroney and Ms. Susan and Carl Rafala L Reverend Raymond L. Tetrault Ms. Ellen W. Manning Leslie J. Allaire Ms. Mary P. Rasmussen I Lisa and Peter Theoharidis Mrs. Rosemary K. Manning Ms. Clare T. Murphy Nancy Renshaw I Mr. Rich Thibeault Ms. Theresa S. Manning Ms. Rita M. Murphy Ms. J. Laurie Riesinger I Dr. Sally J. Thibodeau Ms. Mary Mannion IL Ms. Annemarie Mushinsky Carol McDonough Riley David and Joan Thirsk Dr. Jacqueline F. Mara Ms. Nancy J. Murray Ms. Virginia A. Ringey Francoise and Bill Thompson L James and Barbara Marihugh I Ms. Paulette Naber Ms. Marguerite L. Rizzo Ms. Mary Pat Thompson Ms. M. Cecelia Mayhew Paul J. Nangle Esq. I Mrs. Joan Robair Mr. Donald Thornley Reverend Donald McAllister L Janice Napert Thomas Rockett and Sarah Ms. Evelyn C. Tonelli Richard and Margaret McArdle I Mrs. Claire Neilson I Hough Rockett Paul D. Tonko Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. McCarthy Ms. Joanne Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rogalski Mr. Jose M. Torrealba John and Loretta McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Oakes Terry Roper Mary and Paul Tucker Robert and Mary McCarthy Mr. Dana J. O’Brien and Ms. Meghan Rose Mr. and Mrs. John Tuozzolo Ms. Mary T.J. McCartney Mrs. Helen Fox-O’Brien Ms. Eileen M. Rounds University of Scranton John and Sara McConnell Mr. Daniel O’Brien Ms. Grace J. Roznowski L Dale and Peg Urban Mary J. McConnell I Aine O’Connor Harry and Sharon Rush Anthony R. Valenti Mrs. Marguerite McCormick Ms. M. Grail O’Connor Mr. Donald E. Ryan Mary and Paul Vanderwarker Louise and Steve McCosh Marie Collins O’Connor Ms. Margaret Ryan Weisker Vincentian Institute Class of 1954

Gift Report • page 5 John and Marcella Welch Mercy Today

JOHN AND MARCELLA WELCH have been faithful donors to the Sisters of Mercy for over 15 years. “We support the Sisters of Mercy because we know the money goes to support the sisters and the work they do. We want to keep Mercy alive and to give back to those who gave so much of themselves to us and so many others.” John and Marcella have a long-standing connection to the Mercys. John grew up in a neighborhood where at least 15 families had a daughter who became a Sister of Mercy, in- cluding his sister Ann. “The sisters really helped you when you were a kid,” he says fondly. “Everyone paid attention because the sisters were well respected.” Passionate about geography, John became a teacher then served as a principal for 20 We support the Sisters years. Eventually a sister reached out to John to ask him to give up his administrative role to of Mercy because we teach geography at St. Mary Academy - Bay View in Riverside, Rhode Island, where he and know the money goes to Ann had gone to school as children. He eagerly accepted and was happily reunited with support the sisters and some of his childhood teachers. “They lived in the convent on the property and most were the work they do. We working in volunteer roles by then,” he explained. want to keep Mercy A 1954 graduate of St. High School in Riverside, Rhode Island, a school alive and to give back to founded by Mercys, Marcella values the care, concern and support she received from her those who gave so much teachers. Marcella eventually repaid the kindness she received from the Mercys by volunteer- of themselves to us and ing at McAuley House and Genesis Center, two Mercy-founded ministries. so many others. “We’ve been very fortunate,” she said. “We’re not rich, but we’ve had a good life. One of my favorite quotes is, ‘from those who have been given much, much is required.’”

Ms. Ann Marie Viola Mrs. Anne E. Abear Mr. Angelo Ambrosini Mr. Richard Barcomb Reverend Francis X. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Aberg Ann B. Smith Ms. Cindy Barlow Reverend Clyde J. Walsh Mrs. Doris Abrams I Cynde L. Anderson I Rose and Frank Barney I Walsh Pharmacy of Rock Street Nancy Accettullo I Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel T. Andrade Ms. Constance Barrett Eric V. Warnquist Elizabeth P. I Mr. and Mrs. Gianpiero Anelli Mr. Robert M. Barrett Joann K. Watson Gary and Blanche Adamski Ms. Kay Y. Antaya I Mr. John G. Barry Mrs. Mary Watson Ms. Lisa Agren I Mr. Michael B. Argaman I Geraldine R. Bartholomew I Ms. Mary Lee Weaver L Florence R. Agresti Carol and Carl Armbruster Rita C. Bartholomew I John and Janice Welch Ms. Elizabeth F. Aguiar Judy and Gregory Audette I Ms. Sheila Bass Miss Kathryn M. White Ms. Eleanor M. Ahern Anita M. Auger I Barbara J. Bassett I Richard and Linda Williamson Ms. Charlotte Alaimo Reverend Raymond D. Auger Mary S. Bassett Ruth and James Winston Ms. Judith A. Alakoski Austin Service & Sales Anthony and Geraldine Bastia I Anne E. Wood, M.D. Susan and Edward Alamed I Ms. Sandra Axton Ms. Barbara J. Bastow and Ms. Mary C. Wood Alba House Ms. Karen B. Ayers Ms. Margaret G. McHale I Mr. Joseph Wroblewski Patricia M. Albanese I Ms. Anne Bacigalupo Driscoll Ms. Rita Batchelder Mr. Richard Zazycki L Geraldine and Ronald Albert I Mrs. Helen Bacon I Ms. Kathleen A. Bauman Ms. Francine Zelladonis L Ms. Theresa F. Alden Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bagley, Jr. Ms. Jessica Beale IL Bob and Marilyn Zwiener Ms. Helen M. Alex Ms. Rosaline Bagley Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Bean Ms. Christy Anne Alger I Ms. Sandra P. Baker Ms. Patricia F. Beauchamp Mercy Donor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Allen Ms. Stephanie M. Baker Sandy and Roma Beaudin under $100 Judith and Paul Allen I Ruth C. Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Norman Beaulieu I Anonymous (45) Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Almeida Kathleen and Henry Banville I Monica L. Bedard I ABA-PGT, Inc. I Maggie and Dennis Altman I John and Eleanor Baraniak Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Bedard Ms. Janice P. Abbiati Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Amato Mrs. Carolyn Barclay Frances Bell

Gift Report • page 6 Thomas Bellmore I Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bourbeau Mary C. Buckley I Ms. Elizabeth Carpenter Cronin Ms. Catherine Benoit J. Andre and Elizabeth Bourdon Suzann Buckley Margaret and James Carroll I Ms. Martha Benoit Barbara Bourgett I Raymond and Dorothy Budzynski Carters of New Bedford Mr. Joseph R. Beretta Janice V. Bourgette Ms. Ellen M. Buegling Ms. Corinne Cartwright Mr. Norman R. Beretta James Bourque and Monika Mrs. Elizabeth M. Bunker I Jeanne R. Carufel I Ms. Elsie Bergamini Moroz-Bourque I Susan and Frank Buonincontro Ms. Elizabeth Cary I Ms. Angeline S. Bernhardt Mrs. Regina M. Boyce L Ms. Carol Burgess Thomas and Margaret Case Carl and Anne Berni Jack and Irene Boyea Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Burke L Mary E. Casey I Mrs. Edna G. Bernier Ms. Ellen J. Boyne Mary Burns, CP I Catholic Charities Diocese of Mr. Frank Bianchi Janet C. Boynton I Ms. Moya Burns Albany Jeffrey and Priscilla Billingham I Ms. Bernadette Bradley IL Jennifer Burrowes I Mr. William Chabot Mrs. Barbara L. Binegar Ms. Lyn G. Brakeman IL Gary and Susan Burt Ethel M. Chafton L Ms. Judith M. Bissonnette Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brault Ms. Barbara Busby Ms. Rebecca Chandler Mr. F. Steele Blackall, III Ms. Patricia Bray Virginia Bush Ms. Jane Chapitis Ms. Denise A. Blanchard Robert and Florine Breault Mary Buxton IL Mr. George Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Blanchette Susan and Barry Bredice I John and Brenda Buzzell Mrs. Sally Chappell Jane and Charles Blasi I Mary W. Brennan The C and W Manufacturing Lucy J. Charette I Ms. Jean M. Blatchford Pamela and David Brennan I Company I Ms. M. Bridget Chase Mr. Allston P. Bleau Ms. Joan Bresnahan Cynthia S. Cafasso I James and Audrey Chekares Ralph A. Block Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brinkman Ms. Mary C. Cahalane Florence Chimento Reverend William P. Blottman Mary and William Brizzell I Barbara J. Calderone I Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chisholm Ms. Elizabeth Blouin Marcel and Constance Brochu Ms. Mary Callahan IL Ms. Claire Chomentowski Mary and David Blume Mary Ann and Ronald Francis and Jane Campbell Ms. Regina Christensen IL Ms. Maryann Bonetti Brockway I Roberta Campbell, SSJ Church of Patrick I Paul and Blanche Bonnette Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown I Alice M. Campo I Elizabeth Ciaramitaro and Joyce and Wilfred Bonville Mrs. Joanne F. Brown Mrs. Patricia A. Campot Robert Ivey Ms. Maryann Boord IL Mr. Thomas S. Brown Ms. Brenda Canney IL Mr. and Mrs. David Ciasulli Mr. Gordon J. Booth Gerard and Susan Brunelle Mrs. Katherine Cannon Mrs. Margaret Citarella Dr. and Mrs. Bosco Mrs. Sylvia Brunelle Josephine Capelluti Deborah Caropreso Ciullo Ms. Jean A. Bott L Ms. Patricia J. Bruno L Mrs. Paula Carcia Mr. and Mrs. David Claire I Ms. Mary L. Bouchard L Mrs. Howard Brush Mr. Anthony J. Carcieri Mr. Robert G. Clerc Gerard and Jane Boucher Janice and Kenneth Bucci I Ms. Judith E. Carmody I Ms. Barbara Clifford-LaPorta Maureen L. Boudreau Jane Buckley I Mr. André B. Caron Kenneth and Maura Clough Ms. Sandra L. Bouldry Laura and Paul Buckley I Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Caron David and Katie Cloxton

New Dawn Earth Center, the Northeast Community’s ecology project in Cumberland, Rhode Island – adults gather Earth’s energy on a spring equinox hike with Holy Cross Sister Denise Turcotte, coordinator, far right

Gift Report • page 7 Coastal Advertising Ms. Patricia Curran IL Ms. Maureen Downey Eric and Judith Fioravanti I Ms. Linda M. Coburn Kathleen Gooch Currie Mrs. Barbara J. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Fisher I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cochran Shirley Currier I Ms. Margaret C. Doyle Ms. Ruth A. Fitzgerald Mrs. Yolanda M. Cocozza Ms. Joyce E. Curry Richard J. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald Ms. Geraldine Coen Ms. Nancy A. Czepiel Reverend Cornelius J. Fitzgerald Family Trust I Allen and Carolyn Coker The D. Ellsworth Group LLC I Draves-Arpaia I Miss Jane A. Fitzpatrick Mr. Joseph Colapietro John and M. Dolores Daigle Ms. Mary Drechsler I Mr. Robert E. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Rellon G. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Daley Ms. Barbara Driggers Anne and Joseph Flaherty I Mrs. Harriette Coleman Jane Daley Mendicino Drill Masters Eldorado Tool, Inc. I John and Maureen Flaherty Dorothy and Edward Collins Ronald and Kathryn Daly Ms. Melba Driscoll Ms. Nancy G. Flaherty L Ms. Gloria Collins Mrs. Claire Dame Edward and Gloria Dubail Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flahive Jane and James Collins I Dr. Mary A. Dame Ms. Mary F. Duca Ms. Patricia Flahive IL Miss Ellen M. Colliton ¦ Ms. Patricia Danehey-LaLime I Robert and Mary Beth Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Reverend Albert B. Colpitts Ms. Shirley A. Daniels Dumouchel Flanagan, Jr. Ms. Susan Colwell L Mrs. Beverly Darling Dolores and Donald Dunn Jerry and Judy Flanagan Lise and Stephen Comeau Mrs. Marjorie M. Davis Mr. David J. Dunne, Jr. Ms. Moira Flanagan Maurice A. Comeau Ms. Michelle S. Davis Mrs. Mary Dunne Dorothy and Thomas Flatley I Concentra Health Services, Inc. I Mr. Oren W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Dutil Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Flavin Ms. Mary-Loretta Conklin Ms. Carol Dawson IL Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dyer Ms. Eleanor B. Flynn Austin and Ruth Conley David and Judith DeCourcy Ms. Loretta Dyson IL Lt. Col. Walter Hewitt and Ms. Darlene Conlogue Mary K. McDonough Dellasanta Linda and Dziengielewski L Mrs. Veronica Flynn Hewitt M. K. Connolly I Angela T. Delorme I Mrs. Anna Echter Ms. Barbara Fogg Reverend Fred Conoscenti I Sharon DeLuca Ms. Paula Efkarpidis Ms. Kathy Foley-Dodge L Ms. Anita Coppa Mrs. and Mr. Rosalie M. DeMarco Mary E. Ekowicki I John and Marie Folloni Mr. Francis H. Corden Mr. Joseph F. Derrane John and Joanna Ellis-Monaghan Richard Foote and Zsuzsanna Shirley Corley I Mr. Donald R. Desilets Ms. Angela Enfanto Foote Sharon Corrigan I Reverend George A. Desjardins Paul and Mary English I Ms. Ruth E. Ford Ms. Doris F. Costa Ms. Beatrice Despres Ms. Sheila Enroth Fraser Mr. Richard Forde Gilbert and Maureen Costa Leo and Loretta Despres Andrew and Mary Erickson Mrs. Colleen M. Forlani I Ms. Eileen T. Costello Ms. Francoise Desrochers Ms. Marian Estes George and Helena Fortier Ms. Joan E. Costello I Tom and Nancy DeStefano Rosalie Fahey Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fortier Mrs. Mary E. Costigan Joseph and Jeannette Devall Richard and Mary Falcone Ms. Andrea Fortier Stitzel Mr. Ramond Cota CPA Reverend Terrance Devino, SJ Mr. LeRoy Fall Charlotte Foster IL Jacqueline and Lawrence Cote I Michael Devost I Mrs. Jane A. Farley Miss Cheryl A. Foster John and Monica Coughlin I Gilberto and Lorraine A. Diaz Patricia and Thomas Farrell I Ms. Ruth Foxman Ms. Martha D. Coughlin I Elizabeth A. DiCaprio I Ms. Eileen M. Farrelly Mr. John Fragala Patricia Coughlin I Dr. Frank W. DiChiara, The Farrenkopf Family Lisa Frampton I Mr. William Coughlin O.D.,F.A.A.O. Mr. James C. Farrington Jacqueline J. Francis I Roland and Veronica Couillard Mr. Paul DiDonato I Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fasulo Mr. and Mrs. David R. Fraser Bernard and Jean Couture Ms. Angela Diener IL Mrs. Josephine Fasulo Colby Freeman I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Couture Margaret D. Dillon I Edward and Dorothy Fausel Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freeman Nina and James Cowell I Capt. John Dinan, Jr. Brenda M. Fay I Mrs. Olive Frese Ms. Janice R. Cox L Mrs. C. Dineen-Thomas I Mr. Louis Fay Mr. Raymond Fricano IL Martha and Paul Cox Mr. James Dion Mary and Steven Fechner I Ms. Nancy Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Crammond Ms. Angie DiPietro IL Dorothy Feeney I T. Gail Fromaget I Mr. Henry W. Criscuolo Mrs. Anne DiStabile and Mr. Vincent Feeney Patricia G. Frost I Ms. Anne C. Crist Mrs. Paula DiStabile Higbie Elizabeth and Thomas Feery Barbara and Michael Frueh Ms. Mary I. Cronin Ms. Millicent L. Dixon Mary P. Feidner Ms. Sandra A. Fugere David and Maryann Crossley Mr. Frederick Dobson Ms. Mary Femia IL Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Furlani Mrs. Suzanne B. Crowley Gene F. Doherty I Lisa Ferentino I Ms. Agnes Gagnon IL Mrs. Diane M. Cryan Kathy and George Donahue I Darlene F. Ferland Ph.D L Robert and Patricia Gai and Dr. Robert E. Cryan I Elizabeth Reilly Donnelly Rose Ferland I Ms. Patricia A. Gallagher Reverend Kathleen M. Cullen Ms. Patricia Donnelly Ferreri Miss Margaret M. Fernandes Mrs. Mary M. Gallant Ms. Ann M. Cumming Ms. Elizabeth Donohue I Roy and Premela Fernando Lucy A. Galluzzo I Elaine and Ronald Cummings Timothy and Patricia Donovan Ms. Diana Ferrante Mr. John Gambuto Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cunningham James and Kay Doolan Ms. Carol M. Ferrer I Gap Kids I Ms. Rita E. Cunningham Ms. Phyllis Dowd Ms. Mary C. Finn Ms. Mary S. Gardetto Miss Jean M. Curley Nora and Thomas Downes Miss Margaret E. Finnigan Mavis M. Gauruder I

Gift Report • page 8 Mercy Legacy Society

These donors have Ms. Karen A. Bachus Ms. Therese Leblanc named the Sisters of Catherine Barry Ms. Phyllis V. Lee Mercy – Northeast Therese Anne Beauregard Rev. Msgr. Colin A. MacDonald ¦ Community in their Mrs. Alice F. Buckley ¦ Ms. R. Joan Markiewicz estate plans. Their Ms. Robin L. Cabral Ms. Mary C. Murphy plan to support the Mrs. Mary J. Clarke Ms. Rita M. Murphy Mercy mission leaves Mr. John D. Collins Mrs. Victoria Natalizia a legacy for genera- Ms. Elizabeth C. Ekborg Mrs. Antonette Oliver tions to come. Mrs. Mary L. Fitzpatrick ¦ Ms. Anna Otto Rotondo Mr. Leo F. Garrahan Ms. Anne M. Purdy Elizabeth M. Gleasure Rem Schoen Mr. J. Michael Griffin Mr. Jay Sylva and Mrs. Mary Rizzo Sylva Mr. and Mrs. John K. Harwood Hannah C. Tyson Ms. Catherine A. Herbert Ms. Susan Jenkinson ¦ = deceased Ms. Rejeanne Keeley

Mrs. Lucille A. Gauthier Ms. Mary Elizabeth Gleason Susan J. Grenier I Priscilla Harmon I Ms. Patricia Gavula Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro J. Glomba Peter and Ann Gribbin I Mrs. Judith M. Hart Mrs. Katherine A. Geary Mrs. Concetta N. Golden I Ms. Natalie D. Grindle L Ms. Irma Hartigan Yvette and Alan Gebell I Ms. Katherine E. Golden Ms. Liane Grodewald IL Ms. Sheila A. Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Gebhart Lt. Col. Barbara Goncalo Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grzesik Mr. and Mrs. John K. Harwood Thomas and Marie Geno Stephen and Gloria Good Ms. B. Guerin Ms. Marion Hattin Kempke Robert and Kathleen Gentile Mr. and Mrs. James Goodrum Ms. Catherine A. Gushue Helen and Robert Hawkinson Myra George Ms. Alice Gordan Claudia J. Hackett I Ms. Annette Hayden IL Gerald and Doris Germano I Jean and Bruce Gordon Anna Hafey I Paula and Ralph Hayden Beatrice R. Gerrish I Mr. and Mrs. Arnold H. Gould Mrs. Maryeileen Haley Marmete Hayes Mrs. Teresa C. Getchell and Nancy N. Gould I Hallam Associates Ms. Irene Head IL Mr. John Coyne Miss Frances I. Graben Chuck and C. Joy Hallee Ms. Donna Lee Heald Ms. Anna Gibbons Sylvia and Gerald Grady Ms. Dorothy K. Halloran L Patricia and Donald Healy Ms. Carol Gibbons Ms. Frances W. Grahn Mrs. Barbara W. Halpin Richard and Marjorie Healy Ann Gibeault SSJ I Ms. Mary Granara Mrs. Carol Halpin Ms. Helene Hebert IL Ms. Gloria Gibson Lynne and Roger Grandmaison I Mr. Glenn E. Hamilton Mrs. Angela G. Heffter I Antonetta A. Gibson I Ms. Linda C. Grant Colleen M. Hammell Patricia and Warren Heinze I Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Gilberto Norma Grape I Mary E. Handley I Ms. Mary E. Heisick Ms. Arline M. Gill Ms. M. Yvonne Gratton Sondra Handy I Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Helldorfer Mr. Robert Gillcrist Ms. Hilda Gray L Ms. Joan I. Hanley Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hemond Mr. and Mrs. John Gilligan Mrs. Winnifred Greaney Ms. Cecilia Hansborough I Mr. and Mrs. John Henchy I Ms. Claire Girardini IL Ms. Antonette N. Greco Ms. Louise Hanson George and Edith Henderson Ms. Theresa Gizzi I Ms. Charlene S. Greene Ms. Shirley J. Harlow Ms. Marjorie Hennessey Mr. and Mrs. Martin Glannon Mrs. Claire T. Greene Frances M. Harmon I Mary C. Henninger I

Gift Report • page 9 Mrs. Ann Marie Herard Mrs. Mary Hunt Ms. Mary P. Joyce I Clare and Mark Landers Eileen Casey Herling Mr. George P. Huntoon Ms. Michaela Joyce Ms. Rita D. Landry Rabbi and Mrs. Nathan Hershfield Mr. and Mrs. Orbert C. Hutchins Maureen Julianelle I Ms. Barbara T. Lane Ms. Lorraine Hession L Arden J. Hynd I Ms. Barbara A. Jung I Charles A. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Irving G. Reverend James P. Hynes Ms. Mary Louise Kavanagh Joan and Thomas Lane Hetherton I Barbara A. Iafolla I Veronica Kavanaugh I Mrs. Lane Ms. Ann E. Hett Ms. Carol Insogna IL Mr. Cornelius J. Keane Mrs. Catherine Langellotti L Ms. Donna M. Hevern Mary and James Interrante I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keany Mr. Paul T. Langevin Mary and Richard Hilton I Ms. Lisa Irish IL Ms. Maureen R. Kearnan Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Langone Gene and Anna Hingston Shirley A. Irish I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kearney Ms. Renee M. LaPierre Nancy M. Hoey IL Helen R. Isenman I Mr. James Keating Ms. Loretta A. LaPine Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Hoffman Ms. Doris M. Iwanski Ms. Eileen Keefe Pasquale Lapomarda, Jr. I Matt and Marcela Hogan J.H. Cohn LLP I Ms. Julie S. Keeler L Edward and Nancy Larow L Roger and Linda Hohenberger Reverend Donald W. Jacques Ms. Rejeanne Keeley Mr. Frank Laurito Gerald and Joan Holleran Mr. and Mrs. Julius F. Jakobiec I Ms. Kathleen Keenan Carol Lavoie IL Kathy and Michael Holmes I David A. Janeczek I Dr. and Mrs. Jay E. Keller Mr. Peter Lawlor David and Margaret Holohan Joni Jarret and Charles Sell Mary Ellen and Edward Kelley I Ms. Suzanne M. Lawlor Stephanie L. Hoogasian I Leigh A. Jary I Ms. Ginay Kelley Desrosiers I Ellen Lawrence I Meg Hooper IL Ms. Jean L. Jasman Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kelly Kathleen and Bruce Lawson L David and Mary Anne Hoover I Ms. Lillian A. Jennings I Mary F. Kelly Ms. JoAnne Leanza Hopkins Book Shop Catherine and William Jerszyk I Robert and Sharon Kelly John H. Lebel I Heidi and Timothy Hopper I Charlotte Johannesen I Ms. Roberta Kelly Ms. Mary LeBlanc John and Maureen Horan Frances and Cletus Johanning I Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Tom LeBlanc Ms. Patricia Horan Ms. Edna D. Johnson Ray and Joan Kelton Ms. Renee LeBrun Paul and Marilyn Houghton Ms. Gladys Johnson IL James D. Kempf I Ms. Marilyn G. Leggett Charles and Carolyn Houlihan Katherine and Kenneth Johnson David and Elizabeth Kenahan Maureen Leneker O’Gorman Mr. and Mrs. George Hovnanian Ms. Rita K. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kennally Mary Ann Leone I Edna Howard Tina M. Johnson I Ms. Maureen F. Kiley Mr. Frank A. Leonhartt Thomas and Lynn Howard Edward and Simone Jones I Mr. Joseph Kilmartin Mr. Ernest A. Lesage Mary Ann Hubert L Ms. Evelyn F. Jones Margaret A. Kilrain Ms. Ann K. Lessard Mr. Edward G. Hudson Ms. Jacqueline A. Jones Mrs. Dorothy A. Kimball Mr. Ernest J. Letendre Joan E. Hudson I Ms. Emily M. Jordan I Mr. Donald J. King Mr. and Mrs. Don Letourneau, Jr. Thomas and Mary Hughes Ms. Karen A. Joyce Mr. John G. King Ms. Ruth Lewis IL Mary and William Kinville Ms. Wanda Lewis Ms. Allison Kipp Patricia and Peter L. Lewis Theresa Ste. Marie, RSM, right, in Burlington, Vermont, in her Jennifer Healey Kirby Caverzasi ministry of visiting the sick Dorothea E. Kiro I Ms. Cheryl A. Libby Ms. Anna J. Kish I Patricia and Stephen Linde I Mrs. Gina R. Klinker Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Lisa, Sr. Ms. Catherine E. Kneeland L Ms. Dorothie Littlefield William and Marjorie Knowles Mary Prindiville Lizie Walter and Patricia Kosik Edward and Sandra Longe Ms. Carol Krause IL Dr. and Mrs. William A. Longo Ms. Celia Krinjak IL Mrs. Rose Lorenz Ms. Sharon M. Kugler Miss Marion L. Loughlin Ms. Donna Kunkel Ms. Claudia Lovell Mr. Mikael Kurdoghlian Ms. Maryellen E. Lowe Ms. Bertha V. Kuzma Ms. Janet E. Lucco Ms. Janine Kyburz IL Ms. Grace Lucier Evelyn Labelle Ms. Karen Luongo Mr. and Mrs. A. Jack LaBonte Ann M. Lynch IL Mrs. Mary Lou LaBrecque I Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lynch Marguerite and Leo LaFrance Dorothy M. MacDonald I Simone and Maurice Lagace John and Joan MacInnes Kathryn Lagasse I Joan and Martin Macisso I Ms. Mary Ann Lally Ellen B. MacLellan I Lambert Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. John Madden Dr. S. Henry Lampert Nanette and James Maden

Gift Report • page 10 Mrs. Mary L. Maggi Art McDermott, Jr. I Reverend William Modlin Ms. Kathleen M. Maguire I Kelly and Paul McDonald I Mrs. Sheila A. Moesch Ms. Susan Maguire and Ms. Lorraine and Christopher Carolyn L. Mok I Kathleen Winter I McDonough Ms. Judy Molstre In Memoriam Ms. Elizabeth Mahoney IL Mrs. Meg McElroy Donna and George Monaghan I We recognize the passing Steven and Charleen Malek Monica McElroy I Ms. Dorothy M. Monahan Ruth and Hugh Mallet I Mrs. Suzanne McEnerney Kathleen M. Monahan of the following Sisters Mr. Donald Malloy Aleandro I Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Mongovan of Mercy between Janice Malone I Mr. Peter McGarry Ms. Paulette K. Monteau I July 2009 - June 2010 Ruth E. Maloney L Ms. Mary McGinley Ms. Mary Ann Monti Barbara S. Maltby Ann and Robert McGovern Ms. Denise M. Montminy Ms. Janine M. Manning Mr. Donald J. McGovern Mrs. Mary L. Montminy-Danna Mary Margaret Barnea, RSM William and Shirley Manson I Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McGowan Brian and Lisa Moody Mary Grace Barton, RSM Ms. Margaret Mantak IL Ms. Ellen G. McGratty Richard and Patricia Moquin Ms. Jeannette Marceau Ms. Rita McGuiness IL Ann and Jose Morales I Lois M. Carr, RSM Daniel and Helen Marcou Maureen T. O’Brien McKay Reverend John P. Moran Peter and Maira Marik Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. McKenna, Jr. Ms. Margaret-Ann Moran Patricia L. Collins, RSM Marina At Marble Island I Ms. Jane McKenna IL Mary Jane Moran L Lorraine Cote, RSM Theresa M. Marino I Ms. Natalie L. McKenna Richard and Ellen Moran Ms. Jean Markey-Duncan and Ms. Mary E. McKenney Mr. Glenn B. More Regina M. Coughlin, RSM Mr. Robert Duncan Kathleen M. McKeon I Mr. Michael Morgan Ms. Mary Markle-McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McKeon I Mrs. Kathleen M. Morin Charlotte Marie Downey, RSM Nancy Marrier Judith P. McKnight IL Ms. Grace E. Morrissey Marion Feeney, RSM Rita C. Marrow I Ms. Gail McMorrow Donahue Ms. Eileen F. Motivala I Mrs. Catherine F. Martin Estelle D. McNamara Ms. Elsie Motta Ruth Follett, RSM Mr. Charles V. Martin Mr. W. Michael McNamara Dale T. Mount I Mr. John P. Martin Mr. Thomas N. McQuade Mr. Dave Mount Mary Goodwin, RSM Ms. Mary A. Martin Rebecca McQueen I Ms. Vicki Moutsoulas Virginia Griffin, RSM Vasco and Elizabeth Martins Lillian M. McTigue Ms. Sandra M. Moyer James and Jean Martish Kathleen C. Mee I Deborah A. Muir I Teresa Hayes, RSM Mrs. Barbara B. Martucci L Peter and Sandra Meggison Mr. John Mullen Karen Martylewski Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Melucci Mr. John S. Mullen Claire Marie Hesketh, RSM MaryJoanne B. Watson Ms. Joan B. Melvin Marie C. Muller I Maureen Joyce, RSM Maria and Rocco Marzilli I Cecile and Andre Menard Mrs. Margaret A. Mulroy Rocco and Joanne Marzilli I Mercy High Class of 1974 Mrs. Catherine Munroe M. Paulette Kwiatkowski, RSM Ms. Rita P. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Albert Merlini Reverend Arthur J. Murphy I Joseph and Nancy Matais Mrs. Cheryle L. Mesolella Ms. Catherine Murphy Marianne LeBel, RSM Raymond A. Mathieu I Mrs. Paula M. Messac L Ms. Elizabeth Murphy Mary Gabriel MacDonald, RSM Ms. Claire A. May L Ms. Marie Metoyer I Ms. Frances L. Murphy Ms. Anna Mayo Lise and Larry Meyette I Ms. Mary Anne Murphy M. Jane Manzerra, RSM Mrs. Marianne McAllister and Ms. Barbara Micare IL Jeri Murray Mr. Stephen P. McAllister Ms. Noreen Michaud I Ms. Lynn A. Murray Carol Mary Morrison, RSM Michael and Ann McAndrew I Margaret and Gerald Miele I Ms. Marjorie Murrow Ann Marie Noonan, RSM Mr. James H. McAreavey Dominic and Mildred Migliero Ms. Patricia Musano Mr. Timothy McAuliffe Mr. and Mrs. William R. Miles, Sr. Ms. Kathryn Myrick M. Joanna O'Brien, RSM Ms. Dorothea I. McAvay I Mr. and Mrs. Edmund W. Miller Peter and Nancy Myshrall Joseph and Carol McCabe I Joyce and James Miller I Joseph and Ann Nappi Helen M. Poland, RSM Matthew and Anna McCabe Judy Miller I Mrs. Eileen T. Naughton Mary Kathleen Stewart, RSM George and Shirley McCallan Mrs. Nancy N. Miller I Robert and Dorothy Nellis Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCallan Mr. Thomas P. Mimnaugh Jan Neumuth I Florence ClaireTrahan, RSM Ms. Margaretmary McCann and Ms. Andrea Minelli IL Mrs. Sheila Neverett Ms. Dorothy McCann Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ms. Joyce Neves Mrs. Mary B. McCarthy Minervino, Jr. I New Beginnings Will we all meet in Mr. Glenn A. McCartney Thomas and Dolores Mr. Stephen E. Newton Heaven? O what a joy Ms. Josephine McClellan L Minervino I Ms. Julia Nicholas Dr. and Mrs. Raymond V. Marilyn and Stephen Minnich Debby Nichols even to think of it! McConnell Mrs. Carol Mintell L Elaine D. Nichols I Mrs. Martha M. McCormack Thomas and Cathy Missett Ms. Suzanne Nolan IL – Catherine McAuley, first Sister of Mercy

Gift Report • page 11 Mr. George F. Noonan Judith T. O’Donnell I Ms. Janet H. Ouellette Margaret and David Peddle I Michael and Michele Noonan Margaret and Peter O’Donnell Rita-Ann Owen I Marie Pelletier The Northern Fairfield County Yolande C. O’Donnell Ms. Ruth A. Pagano I Ms. Patricia Pelletier IL Association of Realtors, Inc. I Ms. Faith C. O’Keefe Michael and Cindy Pagliaro Raymond and Mary Pelletier Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Novachek Mr. Joseph O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. John Palermo Mr. Roger J. Peloquin Mary Ann C. Nowosielski Ms. Margaret O’Keefe Deirdre S. Palmer I Christopher and Jane Penney I Ms. Mildred B. Nugent John and Cecelia O’Leary Mr. Robert Pannozzo Jeanette and Francis Penney Mr. I Joseph and Ann O’Leary Mrs. Lianne Paolino Miss Francesca Perazzi Martha and Antonio Catherine O’Neil I Ms. Anita Papa IL Patricia and Joseph Percy Obando IL Ms. Lydia O’Neil Ms. Marilyn E. Parker Valerie and Robert Peterson Susan and Michael Oblinger Ms. Elizabeth A. O’Neill Elsie Parsons I Marion E. Petlick I Ms. Catherine D. O’Brien L Kathleen and John O’Neill Ms. Lorraine Parsons Ms. Sue Petruzzi IL Mr. and Mrs. John O’Connell Ms. Martha E. O’Neill Anthony and Rose Mary Mr. Rick Peyser, III Ms. Marie O’Connell Ms. Maureen O’Reilly Pascarella I Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Philbin Juliana O’Connor I Ms. Valerie O’Reilly Diane and John Pawlusiak I Margaret S. Phinney I Mrs. Kathleen O’Connor-Miller Evelyn and Clifford Orman L Pax Christi Burlington I Peter and Angelina Picerno and Mr. Keith Miller Mr. and Mrs. Leland Osgood Lynn and James Payette I Ruth and Franz Pichler Mary Kay O’Connor I Mr. Milo O’Slater I Olive V. Payette I Francis P. Pickert I Ms. Irene O’Day IL Ms. Joyce O’Sullivan Mary Ann and John Pearsall I Santina and Anthony Pietrosanto Mrs. Adoree O’Donnell Carol Ann Quinn O’Toole Birney and Barbara Pease Mr. Brian Pijanowski

Science classes at Mercymount Country Day School, a sponsored ministry, study renewable energy and options for a “greener” environment. Sixth graders explain their solar-powered toy car to classmates and Principal Martha Mulligan, RSM.

Gift Report • page 12 Joan P. Pilz I Ms. Eleanor B. Rock Ms. Elizabeth Shea Dr. and Mrs. J. Ward Stackpole Diana and Albert Pinard I Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Roland, Jr. John and Joan Shea Ms. Janice C. Starr Raymond and Julia Pires Joseph Romano I Joseph and Carol Shea Ms. Irene H. Starzeck I Ms. Anna A. Pirraglia Mrs. Marion Romano Mrs. Patricia C. Shea Maryann T. Steinmetz Susan and Bob Pitiger Susan and Michael Ronchi I Sheila Shea I Ms. Dorothy Stengel L Robert and Debra Poissant I Mr. Carl Roof Ms. Ann Sheahan Mrs. Frances Stephan Ms. Dorothy M. Poliquin Mrs. Mary Ann Rosenzweig I Ms. Karen Sheehan Lord Ms. Marianne Stephan Ms. Linda M. Polselli Ms. Joan Rostron I Ms. Joyce Sheehey Ms. Vivian R. Stephenson Mary Ann and Robert Poore I Joseph and Geraldine Roszkowski Ms. Johanna Sheehey-Jones Ms. Nora W. Stetson Clara and John Popolizio I Nancy W. Rouisse Margaret and Patrick Sheehy I Lucille and Ronald Stock I Ms. Lorraine Porod Mrs. Pauline Roukey Lolita P. Sheperd I Mrs. Barbara Stockton Mr. and Mrs. Dale M. Porter Roland and Lorraine Routhier Ms. Sheila Anne Sheridan Ms. Janet M. Stone Mr. Dean C. Porter The Rowan Family L Jane Ann and George Sherwood Mrs. Mary M. Stone I Portsmouth High School Class Mrs. Elaine Rubino L Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shine Ms. Sheila C. Stone I of 1955 I Mrs. Carol J. Rubman and Ms. Beverly Shorey Ms. Joan D. Stoneking I Doris O. Poster I Dr. Jeffrey W. Rubman I Timothy J. Shurtleff Anita and Stephen Stranieri I PowerPay, LLC I Ruggieri Brothers, Inc. Mrs. Lynne F. Silkman Suzanne and Joe Strob L Ms. Helen I. Powers Ms. Jacqueline L. Russell Mr. Manuel S. Silva John M. Sturzenberger, MD. Ruth J. Powers I Everett and Carol Rutan Mr. George Sinnott Suffield Firemen’s Association I Ms. Margaret Pray Ms. Mary A. Ryan Paula and Wayne Sirois I Ms. Anna R. Sullivan Ms. Michele Pregent Mr. William B. Sadlier Ms. Therese M. Sirois Donald and Helen Charette Robert and Verna Prentice Mrs. Monica J. Sahn Ms. Janice E. Six I Sullivan Ms. Trudy Price Mr. John Salhany Ms. Nancy Sjostedt IL Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Sullivan Ms. Janet E. Proctor Ms. Regina Salice Marjorie A. Skahill L Ms. Mary L. Sullivan and Ms. Susan Proulx Ms. Valerie Salice Reverend James Skehan SJ Ms. Margaret Sullivan Richard and Jacqueline Mrs. Anne Salvadore Mr. and Mrs. Dick Skinner Mary Roche Sullivan Provencher Ms. Margaret Samways Rosemary and Stephen Slake I Ms. Rita Sullivan IL Dr. Ralph S. Provost Ms. Donna San Antonio William J. Sleasman I Susan A. Supernaw I Jack and Frances Pruett Margaret and Benjamin Sano Ms. Mary Ellen Slesinski IL Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Surprenant Patricia A. Pryor Nolan I Kathleen and Clifford Ms. Eleanor J. Small Ms. Susan Sutter Paige Mrs. Ruth Putney Santamore I Ms. Marlene A. Smiley Ms. Kathleen Swanton Mary Ryan Pynenburg Ms. Mary Lou Santin Allyn and Jeanne Smith Elizabeth P. Sweeney I Ms. Vera B. Rabe L Marjorie H. Sargent I Doris A. Smith I Sean and Teresa Sweeney I Mr. Donald Rathgeb Theodora and Carlo Savino Ms. Jeannine Smith L Marie Sweet Ms. Kathryn Ravida John and Sandra Scammell Ms. Joanne Dufresne Smith Margaret and Paul Sylvester I Ready Funeral Service, Inc. Ms. Barbara P. Schafer Ken and Rita Smith Deborah and William Synnott Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Reardon Ms. Thea M. Schierle I Ms. Mary Smith IL Ms. Joan E. Tacke Aucoin, Ed.D. Mr. James F. Reardon Ms. Elizabeth Schneider Ms. Mary Ellen Smith Victor and Louise Tafro Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Record Rem Schoen Ms. Mary Jane Smith Ms. Bonnie Tangalos Ms. Margaret Redfield Ms. Kathleen Schongar L Ms. Paula A. Smith Ms. Theresa J. Taylor Ann E. Redpath I John and Mary Schreindorfer Ms. Sheila Smith, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Teague James Reid I Sophia and Peter Scontras I Ms. Theresa F. Smith Maureen Murphy Tessier Ms. Mary A. Rennard Ms. Katherine V. Scott Ms. Bonnie Smoren Ms. Aline Tetreault Mrs. Rita B. Buckley Ms. Mary Seay IL Robert and Rosemarie Mary Agnes Thawley I Elaine C. Rial Maria and Brian Segal Jeanne and Francis Souza Ms. Rochelle B. Therrien Mary D. Rice I Mary and Frank Sena I Judith M. Souza I David and Frances Thomas Kathleen and Charles Richards I Reverend Richard E. Senghas Brian and Lorri Sperry Dan and Kathy Thompson Mrs. Margaret M. Richardson Jean and Frank Senna Helen M. Spina I Mrs. Mary I. Thomson Smith Howard and Catherine Ricketson Ms. Donna Sercareccio I Ms. Deborah A. Spinner I Richard P. Thyrring Mrs. Sheila Ridge Ms. Jeanette Serignese IL Neal and Kimberly Spinney Ms. Joan E. Tobin Ms. Marilyn F. Riley L Mrs. Kathleen M. Serkey I Mrs. Maureen Sprague Ms. Sandra L. Tobin Ms. Marilyn M. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Carlton J. Servas I Ms. Gina T. St. Clair Ms. Nancy E. Tolak Mr. Victor M. Rimkus Ms. Lucy A. Sesto Ernest and Joanne St. George Mr. Ludovico Tomasso Mr. Eugene Risi Marietta F. Sewall I Reverend George St. John Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Toner Mr. Ralph J. Rivers, Jr. Ross and Virginia Seymour St. Mary’s Catholic School I Gina and Daniel Toniatti Miss Grace Rizzo Ms. Barbara Schaffer-Bengston IL St. Patrick’s Church Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Towse David and Mary Ann Roberge Mrs. Leah B. Sharkey St. Vincent DePaul Place, Reverend Philip M. Tracy Ms. Catherine B. Roberts Ms. Mary Ellen Sharrer IL Middletown, Inc. I Bruno and Marjorie Trahan

Gift Report • page 13 Margaret D. Travers Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vinet Ms. Joann White Mr. Don Worthington Robert and Mary Jane Travers Ms. Marie Voigtlander John and Nancy White Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Wright Ms. Jean Tressy L Sandra L. Wakefield Olive White Robert and Nancy Wright Dr. Catherine A. Trombly Latham Ann Marie Walker Teresa M. White Ms. Georgina Wuchter Dr. and Mrs. Ben P. Trottier JoAnn Walker Mrs. Mildred M. Whittingham L Mrs. Adela Yarbro Collins Elizabeth and Philip Tubbs Cathy and Roy Wall Jean Wider Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Yauch Lorraine S. Tubbs Ms. Mary J. Walsh Ms. Joan E. Wiggin Dr. and Mrs. John Zagroba Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turgeon Reverend James P. Walsh Alice A. Wilcox Ms. Yvette Zampieri Jean Turner Ms. Margaret Ward Marilyn and Robert Willett Adele and Vincent Zarcone Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Tuxbury Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ward Ms. Anne R. Willett Myers Barbara and Michael Zavisky Mr. George E. Tyler Mrs. Barbara A. Warner Catherine and Robert Williams Rita and A. James Zeller Ms. and Ms. Sally Unis Mr. Earl J. Washburn Mr. Frank Williams Ms. Patricia H. Zellner Virginia Urban Ms. Marlene L. Watson Linda and James Williams Ms. Leona A. Zienowicz Miss Elise Vaccarest Richard and Mary Watson Ms. Rita M. Williams Ms. Rita Zoller Carmela and Robert Valentini Ms. Pamela L. Webster Ms. Mary Ellen Williamson L Mr. and Mrs. Aurelio Zottola Ms. Gizi Vallanti Mrs. Shirley J. Weisbruch Mrs. Margot Willis-Doyle and Margaret R. Valliere Mr. and Mrs. James Welch Mr. Peter T. Doyle Ms. Jacquelyn Van Gelder Dr. James and Cyrene Wells Blanche and Charles Wilson Mr. Paul Vankevich Claudia and Joseph Wells Claire M. Winnewiser Mrs. Virginia C. Varone Fawcett Mr. and Mrs. Bob West Anna and Frank With L George and Suzanne Veilleux Ms. Mary L. West Mary and Pierre Wolff Jean M. and Mary E. Vermette Barbara and Norman Westgate Ms. Jean M. Woodcock Diane and Thomas Vierengel Mr. William F. Whalon, Jr. Donna M. Woods Ms. Carol Villaggio L Ms. Nancy Whitcomb Charles and Janice Worcester

“Look what we found” – the after school program for children at the New Dawn Earth Center, the Northeast Community’s ecology project in Cumberland, Rhode Island, provides students with “hands-on” experience.

Gift Report • page 14 Bequests were received from Gifts were made in memory of: Jay Howroyd Dorothea Read the following generous donors Major Michael T. Ahern Charles Hughes Elizabeth Kelly Reccow who included the Sisters of Joan Anderson Father John Hughes Dr. Paul Riccardi Mercy - Northeast Community in their wills: Margaret and Tasker Bascom Marcia Hughes Fr. Paul Roman Estate of Bouchard Bernard J. Belcastro Mary Hayes Ingalls Carmela Rovello Estate of Bernard and June Best Charles Blakely William M. Isbill Frances Russell, RSM Estate of Marguerite C. Conway Mary Bourke Maureen Joyce, RSM Eugene Sadlier Estate of Evelyn Evely Lillian Brandano Marilyn A. Judd M. Angelina San Giorgio, RSM Estate of Louis T. Foley Mabel Branswell Mary Kane Kathleen Serkey, RSM Estate of John Hughes William Brooks James Keeley Michel Sherry, RSM Estate of Dorothy M. Kennedy Edward F. Bryson Eleanor Kelley John Shurtleff Estate of Mary Larkin Alice Buckley Edward Kelly and Carmen Merullo Margaret Sinabaldi Estate of Sarah A. Muller Bertha A. Carignan Daniel Kiah Bernadine Smith, RSM Estate of M. P. Murphy Lois Carr, RSM Roseline King, RSM Gertrude Mary Smith, RSM Estate of Donald J. O’Leary John Marie Carrigan, RSM David Krause Margaret Smith Estate of Doris T. O’Neil Joan Casey, RSM John Kubek Florita Souza, RSM Estate of George Pappy Lillian Ceresi Paulette Kwiatkowski, RSM Raoul St. Cyr Estate of Sally E. Scott Pauline Chabot, RSM M. Margaret Lamontagne, RSM Eileen Stanhope Estate of Agnes Sullivan Peter Chaisson Mary Larkin Virginia Stanton, RSM Veronica Clifford Charles LaRocca Barry Sweeney Anne Collignon, SSA Philip Lavoie Ann Tierney Gifts were made in honor of: Patricia Collins, RSM Marianne Lebel, RSM John and Clare Toohey Carol F. Beaudoin, RSM Ellen "Billie" Colliton Robert Leonard Florence C. Trahan, RSM The Cappello Family Mary Michael Connelly, RSM William B. Lewis Gertrude Truselle Winifred Carey, RSM Irene A. Cote George Littlefield Claudette Veilleux Madelene Colaneri, RSM Lorraine Cote, RSM Arthur Lynch Natalie Williams Christine Crowley, RSM Regina Coughlin, RSM Mary Gabriel MacDonald, RSM Paul L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James Epperson Michael T. Crosby Mary Jane Madden Helen Wydola Charlotte Ann Fortier, RSM Mary Curtis, RSM Sr. Mary Magdala Mary Lamarine M. Aline Cyr, RSM James V. Maguire Perpetua Lester, RSM Evelyn Davidson, RSM Jackie Perry Maher Every effort has been made Walter McGovern Shirley Debarthe Mary J. Maher to ensure the accuracy and Ann McKenna, RSM John DiAgtha Mary Jane Manzerra, RSM completeness of our donor Betty McSweeney Matthews Eileen Donohue Victor Marcucci and member lists. We Karen Donovan Martha Markey Rita M. Melcher, RSM and apologize for any errors or Marion Duquette, RSM Maria Donata Marsele, RSM Marilyn Melcher omissions and hope you will Julia Errigo James McCooey Gerald Miele inform our Development Irene Nerney, RSM Gertrude Provost Evans John L. McDaniel Department of any correc- Leon Pennell, RSM Daniel Falasca Mary McDermott tions. We are grateful for The Pursell Family Marion Feeney, RSM Sr. Mary Mercy your feedback. Madeline Rita, RSM Severine Foisy Carmine Merullo Margaret Smith Colleen Sweeny Foster Clementine Miller Joanne Tetreault, RSM Mary Frost Carol Mary Morrison, RSM Sisters of Mercy – Helen Weil Doris Gibbas Kathleen Murphy, RSM Northeast Community Paul Gizzi Philip Nickson Development Department Frederick Gleason Ann Noonan, RSM 15 Highland View Road Mary Goodwin, RSM Anne O’Wril Cumberland, RI 02864-1124 Iris Gould Marita Rose Patzke, RSM Sr. Grace Martha Pellegrino Ph: 401-333-6333 Bradley Griffin Edward Perry Fx: 401-333-6450 Virginia Griffin, RSM John F. Pigott Agnes Haskins, RSM Jennie Pini Teresa Hayes, RSM Emily Pirone [email protected] Elena Hersey Eleanor Pirozzi www.mercyne.org Joyce Hiler Anna Puleo Renee Hosey, RSM Rita Qualey Jill Howard Katherine Ramsey

Gift Report • page 15 Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Sisters of Mercy Support

We are grateful to the Rachel Cushman, RSM Angela King, RSM Kathleen Pritty, RSM Judith Dolloff, RSM Gladys Kinville, RSM Mary Quinn, RSM following Sisters of Catherine Donovan, RSM Suzanne Lachapelle, RSM Rosanne Quirk, RSM Mercy in the Northeast Florence Dorey, RSM Eva Lallo, RSM Patricia Randall, RSM Community for their Elizabeth Doyle, RSM Perpetua Lester, RSM Ruth Ravey, RSM Ann Duhaime, RSM Mary Lister, RSM Mary Reilly, RSM contributions: Rachael M. Dumont, RSM Jean Little, RSM Maria Ricci, RSM David Mary Duncan, RSM Edna Lynch, RSM Sylvia Rice, RSM Margaret Ahern, RSM Marilyn Fanning, RSM Frances Lynch, RSM Assunta Riley, RSM Nancy Audette, RSM Patricia Farley, RSM Elaine Mackey, RSM Barbara Riley, RSM Claudia Barbre, RSM Mary Fasulo, RSM Maryann Malasics, RSM Rose Marie Rocha, RSM Mary Barnea, RSM Cecelia Ferland, RSM Grace M. Mannion, RSM Patricia J. Rooney, RSM M. Patricia Barnes, RSM Eleanor Finn, RSM Patricia Mannion, RSM Helen Ruane, RSM Joanne Bibeau, RSM Mary E. Flatley, RSM Bernadetta Marcotte, RSM Diane Russo, RSM Edwardine Black, RSM Louise D. Foisy, RSM Alberic Martin, RSM Janice Ryan, RSM Lucille Bonvouloir, RSM M. Eugene Fortado, RSM Ellen Martin, RSM Elizabeth Scadova, RSM Denise Bourgeois, RSM Camillus Frechette, RSM Mary Albertus Mathis, RSM Joyce Scott, RSM Anne-Marie Bourque, RSM Terence Gallagher, RSM Helen McCue, RSM Pauline Semkow, RSM Margaret Brault, RSM Rosellen Gallogly, RSM Elizabeth McDaniel, RSM M. Antoinetta Sinibaldi, RSM Michel Brennan, RSM Carmela Garofalo, RSM Amata McDermott, RSM Sisters of Mercy Regina Brennan, RSM M. Granfield, RSM Maureen McElroy, RSM Dympna Smith, RSM Patricia Brewer, RSM Gloria Graves, RSM Jane McGarrahan, RSM Kathleen Smith, RSM Elizabeth Bryson, RSM Trinitas Greco, RSM Geraldyn McGreevy, RSM M. Columba Staples, RSM Rosemary Burnham, RSM Anna Griffin,, RSM Barbara McLean, RSM Ellen Sullivan, RSM Lois Burroughs, RSM Mary F. Griffin, RSM Barbara A. Molloy, RSM Marguerite Sullivan, RSM Neri Burrows, RSM Andre Guay, RSM Mary Monaghan, RSM Patricia A. Sullivan, RSM Miriam T. Callnan, RSM Marie Lorraine Halpin, RSM Mercia Moran, RSM Joeline Teixeira, RSM Janet Campbell, RSM Patricia Harrington, RSM Jacqueline Moreau, RSM Carolanne Theroux, RSM Mary Jane Card, RSM Sheila Harrington, RSM Mary Morey, RSM Kathleen Thornton, RSM Marian Carrigan, RSM Lourdette Harrold, RSM Margaret Murphy, RSM Anne Vaccarest, RSM Lolita Charleston, RSM Lois Harten, RSM Mary Murphy, RSM Marie Venturo, RSM Amelia Charpentier, RSM Mona Hecker, RSM M. Jude Murray, RSM M. Agnes Wall, RSM Georgette Chasse, RSM Mary Higgins, RSM Priscilla Murray, RSM Maureen Wallace, RSM Dorothy A. Choyce, RSM Amy Hoey, RSM Barbara Nelson, RSM Catherine M. Walsh, RSM Anne Marie Coleman, RSM Ruth Hokinson, RSM Irene Nerney, RSM Margaret M. Walsh, RSM Patricia Colla, RSM Carol L. Hopkins, RSM M. Thomas Norris, RSM Ann Welch, RSM Catherine Colliton, RSM Francis Clare Huard, RSM Rosemarie O'Brien, RSM Barbara Willett, RSM Justine Colliton, RSM Hope Hughes, RSM Carlene O'Donnell, RSM Joan Winn, RSM Ruth Conlogue, RSM Maureen Joyce, RSM Patricia Oliver, RSM Marjorie Connolly, RSM Frances Juracka, RSM Ann O'Neil, RSM Mary Joan Cook, RSM Judith Kapp, RSM Marie O'Neill, RSM Patricia Cook, RSM Christine Kavanagh, RSM Patricia Otillio, RSM Christina Costigan, RSM Mabel Kelly, RSM Mary George O'Toole, RSM Olive Coupe, RSM Annemarie Kiah, RSM Josette Parisi, RSM Mary Cronin, RSM M. Olivia Kidney, RSM Mary Pendergast, RSM Cedric Crossley, RSM Agnes Kiely, RSM Claudine Picard, RSM Christine Crowley, RSM Rita Kiernan, RSM Eugena Poulin, RSM

Gift Report • page 16 Ways of Giving to Mercy

We are most grateful for your guide you to determine if a gift of bered us in their will or other estate generosity to the Sisters of Mercy - stock is the right option for you. If plans. Northeast Community. We ask you you choose to transfer stock to the to continue to support our good Sisters of Mercy - Northeast Com- Creative Giving works in a way that is convenient munity, please have your advisor let Start your online searches and pur- and meaningful to you. us know of your intended gift. chases by visiting GoodSearch.com Matching Gifts and GoodShop.com first. Direct Support Double or even triple the value of When you designate Sisters of Personal Check or Credit Card your gift! Check with your or your Mercy - Northeast Community as your We gladly accept contributions made spouse’s human resources depart- charity of choice, Yahoo-powered by check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, ment to see if they match employees’ GoodSearch.com will donate about and American Express. You may send charitable contributions and whether a penny to the Community each your gift through the mail using the retirees are eligible for this benefit. If time you search the internet using enclosed envelope, mail it to the ad- so, they’ll provide you with the their site. dress below, or visit us online at necessary forms. When you use GoodShop.com, a www.mercyne.org where your gift percentage of each purchase you Memorial and Tribute Gifts will be processed via a secure server. make will be directed to us. Honor a special person with a lasting GoodShop.com merchants include gift made in his or her name. We will Recurring Gifts Amazon, Best Buy, Toys”R”Us, Sta- send a special note to notify hon- While many donors choose to make ples, Expedia and more than 1,300 orees’ families or friends of your one-time gifts, others find that set- other well-known retailers. ting up a recurring giving plan better thoughtful gift. suits their needs and their desire to For questions, comments, or to provide a reliable and low-cost Planned Gifts make a gift please contact us at: source of income for the Sisters of Remember Us in Your Will Sisters of Mercy – Mercy - Northeast Community. Provide a lasting legacy for the Northeast Community Recurring contributions can be Northeast Community by including Development Office scheduled monthly, quarterly, semi- us in your estate plans. We will work 15 Highland View Road annually or annually, and may con- with you and your financial advisor Cumberland, RI 02864-1124 tinue indefinitely or until a specified to create a bequest intention that 401-333-6333 pledge amount has been fulfilled. supports the work we do, in the spirit [email protected] Gifts of Securities in which you intend. We look for- Donations of appreciated securities ward to welcoming you as a member may offer you significant tax advan- of our Legacy Society, our special tages. Your financial advisor will group of friends who have remem- The Northeast Community is proud to support the following sponsored ministries:

Education Academy of Our Lady of Mercy, Milford, CT Catherine McAuley High School, Portland, ME Mater Christi School, Burlington, VT Mercy Connections, Burlington, VT Mercymount Country Day School, Cumberland, RI Mount Saint Mary Academy, Manchester, NH St. Mary Academy – Bay View, Riverside, RI Health Care McAuley Living Services, Albany, NY Mount St. Rita Health Centre, Cumberland, RI Warde Health Center, Windham, NH Housing Mercy Housing and Shelter, Hartford, CT Social Service Circles of Mercy, Rensselaer, NY McAuley Ministries, Providence, RI Spirituality Institute for Spiritual Development, Burlington, VT Mercy Center at Madison, Madison, CT

Please visit www.mercyne.org for more information about the programs offered Anastasia Smith, RSM, left, with one of her citizenship students, Maria by our sponsored ministries. Ayang, of Manchester, New Hampshire, formerly of Sudan. Maria was separated from her family when she was five years old, and Northeast Community Administration never saw them again. Maria told her compelling story of survival to sisters and residents of the Warde Health Center the day before she Leadership Team, 2010 – 2014 became a United States citizen. Lindora Cabral, RSM, President Jacqueline Marie Kieslich, RSM, Vice President Donna E. Conroy, RSM Patricia A. Sullivan, RSM Kathleen Turley, RSM

Gerry P. Sullivan, Chief Operating Officer

Robin L. Cabral, Director of Development Kim Cardin, Manager of Information Technology Jill Gemma, Director of Finance John Hiatt, Jr., Manager of Facilities Chloe Van Aken, Director of Communications Deborah Wallace, Director of Human Resources