P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n s f o r G l o b a l A c t i o n A c t i o n M o n d i a l e d e s P a r l e m e n t a i r e s A c c i ó n M u n d i a l d e P a r l a m e n t a r i o s

Parliamentarians and International Cooperation: 25th Anniversary Tribute September 16, 2003


Room SD-50, Dirksen Senate Office Building

9:00 am Welcome address by PGA Presidents - Now and Then; a PGA Retrospective ¾ Hon. Kenneth Dzirasah, MP (Ghana) ¾ Sen. Doug Roche (Canada)

10:00 am Opening address ¾ Sen. Tom Harkin (), Host of the PGA Tribute ¾ H.E. Mr. Olafur R. Grimsson, President of Iceland

10:30 am Disarmament Chair: ¾ Mr. Hideki Wakabayashi, MP (Japan)

Panelists: ¾ H.E. Mr. Pierre Schori, Ambassador of to the ; Chair, PGA United Nations Committee ¾ Ms. Thandi Modise, MP (South Africa) ¾ Ms. Margaret Alva, MP (India) ¾ Mr. Roland Wiederkehr, MP (Switzerland)

11:45 Coffee Break

12:00 pm Promoting the Rule of Law Chair: ¾ Rep. Loretta Ann P. Rosales, MP (The Philippines)

Panelists: ¾ H.E. Mrs. Carla Del Ponte, Chief Prosecutor, The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) ¾ Sen. Raynell Andreychuk (Canada) 211 East 43rd Street, Suite 1604, New York, NY 10017, USA T: +212-687-7755 F: +212-687-8409 E-mail: [email protected] ¾ Sen. Carlos García Orjuela (Colombia) ¾ Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, MP(United States) ¾ H.E. Mr. ANR Robinson, former President of Trinidad and Tobago

Capitol Hill Club 300 First Street, S.E., Third Floor

1:00-2:30 pm Luncheon hosted by Rep. Jim Leach, MP (United States)

Room HC-5, The Capitol Building

3:00 pm Population, AIDS and Environment Chair: ¾ Ms. Elissavet Papademetriou, MP (), Deputy Convenor, Sustainable Development and Population Programme

Panelists: ¾ Dr. Amin Mobarak, MP (Egypt) ¾ Rep. Donna M. Christensen, MP (United States) ¾ Mr. Kortegere Bhimiah Krishnamurthy, MP (India)

4:00 pm Peace-Making & Nation-Building Chair: ¾ Sen. Longin Pastusiak (Poland), Deputy Convenor, Peace and Democracy Programme

Panelists: ¾ Dep. Mamadou Lamine Thiam (Senegal), Convenor, Peace and Democracy Programme ¾ Rep. Donald Payne, MP (United States) ¾ Dip. Shafik Jorge Handal (El Salvador)

5:00-5:30 pm Closing Remarks Rep. Dennis Kucinich, (United States), Deputy Convenor, Sustainable Development and Population Programme; Host of the PGA Tribute

Library of Congress 101 Independence Avenue, S.E., Montpelier Room

7:30 pm Defender of Democracy Awards Dinner

Awardees: ¾ H.E. Mr. George Papandreou, Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs ¾ Dr. Chee Soon Juan, Secretary-General, Singapore Democratic Party

Revised 15/09/03 f:/d/d/a/agenda.doc