Callicrilia State Library Sacramento 9, DELLif =Ida Budget Outcome Still Is in Doubt By LOLA SHERMAN College Business Manager E. S. Thompson said yesterday that Spartan ne meeting of the Board of Control is planned in the near future. He said that it is hard to get the members together and that no meet- SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE ing is called unless there are several important matters to consider. More than $21,000 was to have been requested for the Spartan VOL. 45 SAN JOSE, , TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1957 Number 10 ' Daily at a meeting of the Board of Control today. The Spartan Daily budget was referred back to the Board by Its.' Student Council last Wednes- day aftsr it had been cut to $14,500 Red Feather STUDENTS TO SOLICIT te, the tested. ASH President Don Russians Announce I Ryan stated at that time the To Be Aided Board would meet today. I:wren:eel printing meta e re Scientific Victories By Spartans Cited by Editor Leigh Welmers and Busimets Manager Larry Kaufman Radio Moscow Part of Missile Funds collected during the Red as the reason for the increase over Feather Drive, in which SJS stu- the $16,308 sought when the bud- dents will participate tomorrow get was drawn up last spring. Tells of Firing Still in Space evening, will be distributed among Printing costs huve risen $10 a approximately 35 agencies. Local page for a four page paper rind New II-Device With Satellite Red Feather officials, however, de- proportionately more for a 'tweet' clined to provide any exact figures paper, such as $15 for a six page MOSCOW (UP)The Soviet LONDON (UP) -- Moscow! as to the amount of money which paper, according to Weimere. Union announced yesterday it has Radio announced yesterday that l will be given to each group. The editor stressed that there successfully exploded a "new" type part of the missile which launched IThe goal for the United Givers are certain occasions when mote of hydrogen warhead at a great Russia's satellite is also encircling : Plan, of which the Red Feather than four pages are necessary be- altitude. the earth in a moon-like orbit of ' Drive is a part, is $739.427. Red Cause of the Increased local ad- A brief announcement by Radio its own. Feather will take care of the door- vertising during Homecoming and Moscow last night said the test The last stage of the rocket ap- to-door soliCitation and will be Christmas. "If only four pages took place yesterday. As usual, it parently was caught in space and MISS PEGGY MAJORS under the direction of Mrs. Stanley were used, there would be no did not comment on the test or became a second satellite. . . . Resigns Pest C. Benz, wife of Dean Stanley C', editorial matter and that is not specify the location. "It is not only the satellite Benz. our policy." The announcement said: which is being watched." Moscow National organizations to be Kaufman mentioned the decrease "The test of a mighty hydrogen said, "but also the rocket that car- SJS Alumni Assn. helped by this drive are the Red In national udsertising as another warhead of new construction took ried it into the orbit. Cross, Cancer Society, Heart Assn., reason more funds are needed lie place. In the interests of safety of "This rocket is also encircling Secretary Reveals U.S.O., and the American Social said that the cancer scare last the population and participants in the earth at approximately the Hygiene Assn. year caused cigarette rtranufact- the test, the explosion took place same altitude as the satellite. Among the local agencies re- titers to advertise heavily. at a great height. The test was "But it is separated from it by Her Resignation ceiving assistance are the Student In addition to this, both men successful." (680 milest. S t tident Christian Assn., would like to see the paper in- some 1.000 kilometers Miss Peggy Major has announced Radio Moscow reported this only This distance will alter in the fu- Catholic Women's Center, Visiting crease circulation from 6000 to her resignation as executive secre- 7000 three days after it announced Rus- ture." Nurse Assn., Help for Retarded papers daily. Every student tary of the San Jose State Col- Children, Boy couts, Girl Scouts pays for the paper when he re- sia's first earth satellite had been This announcement was the lege Alumni Assn. She will begin and Family Service, ceives his student bOdy card. and launched into space. latest in Russia's stepped-up scien- working Thursday as assistant to Weimers would like everyone who No other details were given. tific and propaganda battle with More than 200 students, under the Director of Development at wants a paper to receive One. It appeared the test had been the West. Shortly before, it re- the direction of the Community the University of Santa Clara. Kaufman ernphamized that the timed to give the West new evi- Service Committee, will canvass ported it has es:ploded a "new" Miss Major, 1951 San Jose State SP( students all! solicit fur funds In the area north of the cam- paper will not have dence of Russia's claimed scien- the area north of the campus in pus Wednesdit) eening In the ( it) Serthe ( ittet'e to stop pub- hydrogen warhead on Sunday. graduate with an A.B. in journal- lication but that next tific superiority. the committee's effort to help in drive to hide the cit)-iiiilc Red Feather Drive. Among the students semester.; This came only a few days behind ism, became the association's ex- this city drive. participating in the one-night drhe a Ill be 11.11 Bell, Panhellenic business manager will run out of The official Tess announcement Moscow's achievement of launch- ecutive secretary and editor of the and Bob Foy, B.-C.Photo by Goetz. funds. was highly unusual. Russia seldom ing the first earth satellite into Students will be divided into alumni magazine, Spartan Review, eight discloses nuclear tests until well outer space. groups and will be members in 1953. of the various campus organi- after their completion. Usually the was not a sur- The disclosure Dick Boyd of Sacramento, as- zations. They will meet at the Circuit and Britain are first Closed Engineer Majors Form prise to scientists. sociation field director, will take Student Union at 6:30 tomorrow to reveal Soviet blasts. Theoretically, anything fired over her duties temporarily, evening, according to Tedd Wal- TV Project First news of the explosion came outside the earth's atmosphere lace, chairman of the committee. Professional from the Jape n Meterological Society and gravitational field at suffici- SJS is participating in this Board. It said in Tokyo that So- Court In Operation A student chapter of the Cali- tunity to participate In netieitlee speed would become a satel- Student , drive for the first time since it viet Russia tested another nuclear ent fornia Society of Professional Student Court will not meet to- was started, Wallace said. Follow- The State College Committee in En- designed to elevate the stature of weapon Sunday night. lite, regardless of shape or design. eineers now day but will meet next week, ac- log the drive staelents will return Instructional Telesision has con- is being formed by the entire engineering profession," announcement did not Allen Hynek and Rich- engireering Today's Drs. J. cording to Curtis Loft, chief to the Student Union for refresh- firmed its support of the develop- majors, according to Gunderson said, adding that -we kind. of "new design" Norman Gunderson, hint what ard E. McCrosky of the Smithson- justice. ments. ment of observation in public Engineering are urging all engineering students Department was involved. ian Astrophysical Laboratory in schools by teacher-training candi- head. to join both a special interest or. It did not describe the explosion ganizatiun and CSPF.." Cambridge, Mass., told newsmen dates through closed circuit tele- All engineering students are in- as a bomb but as a "device." according to Dr. Richard Faculty members who have been today that they believed Stanford's Daily Struck vision, vited to attend the first meeting The Japanese reported unusual earlier Instrumental in the formation of B. Lewis, head of the division of of this organization at 7.30 p.m. atmospheric pressure around 4 the satellite might actually in- the Student Chapter of CSPE, audio-visual service. tomorrow in Room E-105, Gunder- third-stage rocket. Down by Unnamed Flu Bug Gunderson said, Include Merrill S. a.m. EDT Sunday. clude the "I am confident that we will son said. Hugo, Thi..;.ah the over-all Stanford flu picture is decreasing, the staff have the entire project in full assistant professor of engi- of the Stanford Daily was hit during the weekend, Wally Simpson, operation at the beginning of the At the meeting members will be 'leering. E A. Dionne, and J. A. MacGlothlan, Junior Class Appoints Daily editor reported. spring semester," report s Dr. recruited, officers elected. three Of 60 staff members, 20 to 25 reporters are out of circulation, Lewis. "We expect to have ob- guest speakers presented, and re- plus three members of the business staff, three of the six night edit- servation in San Jose High School, freshments served, according to A. Prom Committee Heads ors, the head photogtispher and the production manager. Roosevelt High School, and Selma- A. Alntablian, student coordinator SJS Grad Dies of the new chapter. Junior Prom committee heads sidered a "dark horse" in the pres- Fricina Hall now houses only 15 Olinder Elementary School. By patients, though the isolation hos- that time fifteen college class- were named yesterday during the idential race since he came to Guest speakers will include Dr. As Self - Reim i 1 t Raht P retlicted pital and the rest homes are still rooms will be equipped for view- class meeting, according to Nev Ill. only R. I. taindit atomic bomb Brien- California from Chicago, u owever, 15r.-Creorge Ilouck. ing observation programs." Griffin, vice president and general Santa Clara Valley residents tist, who will speak on "Model two months ago and had no for- director of the university health Mrs. Gaither Lee Martin, super- Hot Rod Crashes chairman of the prom. can expect cloudy skies this Studies of Shock Waves From Ex- mer high school classmates to sup- mor- service, said that he does not visor of closed circuit television George McMurry, 26, a graduate Prom chairmen Include Barbara plosions"; I,. Ruth, first vice- port his election. ning and rain this afternoon, ac- think *this is the real Asian flu at SJS, is working with a campus of Gyrson, location; Carol Nanney, president of CSPE, "Mechanics of San Jose High School and San Vice president of the class is cording to the weatherman. epidemic. There are four kinds of committee to prepare experimental publication; Ellie Gabler, bids; The CSPE"; and Gunderson, "Engi- Jose State, was killed instantly Roger Rearick. Donna Olson was forecaster predicts slightly warmer flu going around now, he said, and designs for the research aspects Jerry Reith, theme and decora- neering Training at SJS" Sunday when his self-rebuit het elected secretary. we tions; and Gavae Allison. enter- today, with the high one of them is Asian. of the project. Freshman voters the rod overturned on the Half Moon tainment. elected Beth ranging between 70 and 80 de- An expected epidemic in Decem- Dr. Lewis also reported that Other guests will be M. Viele, Mobley, treasurer. grees. ber or January will be primarily budget approved last year for president of the Santa Clara Chap- Bay Airport drag strip. SENIOR CLASS Asian, Houck added, television equipment is being used ter; A. Wells, junior past-president McMurry's bride of less than Senior Class's annual Gorgeous "It looks like December and now and television equipment has of Santa Clara Chapter; J. Son - two months, the former Louise Gams contest will he held Oct. 23 SPAGHETTI January will be the real epidemic." been ordered for use in the tea- theimer, ANYONE? secretary of CSPE; F. M. Mary VI:ejak. was among the slier' to 25, Jan Bruder, contest chair- Simpson said. cher-observation experiment and Belick, treasurer of Santa Clara tators who witnessed the crash man, told class members yesterday also for the improvement of tele- !Chapter; D. A. Coddineton, pro- McMurry was beginning his second at their meeting. The contest will vision studios in the Speech and fessionaj engineer; and J. Hub- year as head of the James Lick he in conjunction with a dance Drama Department I hard, assistant professor if physics Game Films High Scheel Auto Shop. Ile had sponsored by the class after the at SJS. Just completed a time run at Trl- Texas State game on Oct. 26. The To Be Shown j Student organizations in the En-icoljety Drag strip Corp.'s first "Gams" trophy will be presented Club IL.mitider gineering Department such as the Movies of out-of-state football fall race. According to witnesses. at the dance. All campus organl/alimie :ire Institute of Radio Engineers, the ! games will be shown to faculty and the car had crossed the finish line Chuck Bolan, freshman party reminded to look In their boxer of staff members every Tuesday be- Society and Censtr uction when it suddenly started to lover% e entertainment chairman, an- in the Student I Mon for rule* tween 12:30 and 1:30 p.m. In Room Engineers, and the Production En- back and forth. It then rolled over nounced that the Dull Skulls will and regulations concerning 118 of the Engineering Building. gineering Society offer upper diet- four times and ended upright. entertain at the party which the ham.-.,eneng. These rules cos en This week's movie will be shown sem engineering majors an oppor- McMurry was the son of George Seniors are putting on for the iiiich..thIngs as the selection of on Thursday because certain meet- tunity to pursue special interests, 11. McMurry, former city editor of fresh. tne Homecoming (11111’n mid rolg- ings would interfere today, accord- Gunderson said. the San J0.4. Mercury and San stations for t tie I imorousing SOPHOMORE. CLASS ing to Glenn "Tiny" Hartranft, "CSPE will supplement these Jose News a n d later editorial parade. Nos. 9. A dance following the San Diego men's athletic director. giantism by providing upper and writer and eulemnimt on the Mer- State football game on Saturday. The Men's P.E. Departtnent is lower ditision students an oppor- citry. Oct. 19 in the Women's Gymnas- sponsoring the film presentations. ium was anonunced by Ron Robin- Bob Titchenal. SJS football coach, son, Sophomore Class vice-presi- will narrate the movies. Speeeh,Dramo Dept. To Reure Antique dent, at yesterday's meeting. Many of the "Big 10" schools The charge will be 35 cents per and Pacific Coast Conference Auto for 'Man mid Superman' Production couple or 25 cents stag, Bob schools show these MOViffi regu- Young, dance chairman, an- larly, but this will he the first By MAX SHAPIRO of the I loraeleatt departs in his trusty Maxwell post- nounced. time they have ever been shown 50-year-old retie will come Carriage Club- boasts a red body. haste. back life pekes move The appointments of Bob Foy as regularly in a California State Col. roaring and sputtering to wheels, a fold -down top and Actually, the car will not horns, Sparta Camp assistant and Pat lege. in all its original glory when "Man ; . three under its own power, even though makes its debut ! -old a nit 0 he- it is in Means as Freshman Camp Direc- Arizona State films will be and Superman" The half -century running condition. The fire College Theatre. ' longs to 3 lOral actor who laws, as well tor were announced by Karen shown Thursday. Oregon State Oct. 18 in the retired as the danger of in question is a ' is lending the car to the Speech gsphyxiating forbid Brooks. Sophomore Student Coun- game films are scheduled for Tiles- The antique the audience, Maxwell auto, which will be , and Drama Department for the cranking up the old car, set de- cil representative. day, Oct. 15. 1906 used as a key bit of scenery in run of the play. signer J. Wendell Johnson explain- FRESHMAN CLASS Shaw's famous comedy. The Maxwell will make its grand ed. A twice tied vote for female Camp Interviews The MaxweI I, as everynne appearance as a climax to Act IT Sound effects will be provided representative held tip the com- Anyone interested In applying knows. Was first immortalized At that time the pla%'s hero. Jack by an off-stage crew. Neverth plete election r e t ii r n a of the for Sparta Camp committee inter- through a thousand Jack Benny Tanner 'played by Ivan Paulsen', MS, the scene will be played for Class in Morris Dailey views must turn Freshman Tao of the chairmen for toilay's California Student Teacher, in his application gags. The on' that will to found discovers to his horror that all it's worth, and when the cur- Auditorium yesterday afternoon, hy 4 p.m. today in the Student English bent Assn. spaghetti Feed. Niel-11)n Dal) and sally Bakotich, an- on stage, however. Kornis% to be Capable young girl is tam comes down, it will be to the but the class did succeed in elect- al n pitting final plans lot the ent. feed, fr.e to Union in considerably letter shape than on marriage. members. nlIl he ats-ornpaniment of an extra-large ing the rest of Its officers. all CSTA held at the barbecue area in front of Interviews for the committee Benny's ahthmIllfle Wasting no time, Tanner gathers B'omen's Gym starting at 11 :30 a.m, and running with I bliga president the p.m. will be held on the luggage cloud of dust left by the departing Marsh Ward became Non CSTA members ma) also attend but must pay SO cents for Thursday Pre%ious Restored to mint condition, some and his chauffeur. by a large vote. Ward was con- the feed. attendance is not required. spotty touring car at member in (played by Robert Montilla) and Maxwell...... LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Mier matte." Opinion , ctaPtone 1 oil' HOLLYWQ0D - Gisele MacKenzie has found a solution for video stars who tire of the public Tuesday. October 8, 1957 1- By JIM DRENNAN limelight. "Go to Europe," she ad- vises, "People over there don't Editorial know TV stars from Adam." Just back from ri weeks in "lieu lirsiscred elder statesmen ... Rome, Venice, London and Pat-Ia. A Step in the Right Direction beany-clad stoops .. slobbery non- "School spirit" isn't. or at least the willowy songbird found all the There is little doubt the the stcy which appeared in Friday's chalance .. . creaking joints." shouldn't be, something that can privacy she wanted. one, column seven) was a controversial edition of this paper (page So it went in a recent column, a be turned off and on like an elec- "Too much, in fact." she laugh- Parry letters by the basketful to prove it. one. We have Thrust and parade of cliches, bromides, ex- tric light. Nor -is it a cure-all ed. "I got lonesome over there. forgotten, the yarn concerned the splitting of In case you have aggerations and other literary which can be injected in the stu- -In most countries television at football games. Men in one section. Women in the roofing section niceties playfully beating around dent body's bloodstream and sud- still is a novelty. American pro- in a third. All wearing white shirts. another. Couples the bush on the issue of rah-rah denly produce dramatic results. grams are rare except in England for or against this Rally Committee edict makes Whether you are at San Jose State. The real "school spirit" is a The only people who stop and stare no difference to us. Differences of opinion are what makes our ol' new In the first place, let's get It product of hard work, of are Aniesican touriststhe same world go around. ideas, of careful planning. It is the characters who stare at you over We would, however, like to compliment the Rally Committee straight that nobody is trying to tthen. part of an elder state result of students who care about here." on frying something new. For many years, the only thing new at San who loan, their student government, After four years on "Your flit Jose State has been buildings. care about school activities and Parade" Gisele has moved to her of students, not stucco "-or is anyone trying to "throw This is fine, but a college is composed try to give them their best. show. lii football own half-hour variety structures. And change is as vital to students as it is to the millions ts" in the team. The At the same time, "school lortunes of the football team, good Her backer: Jack Benny, of other persons in this world of ours. It shows we are not standing spirit" should he kept in per- still, sated by the inadequacies that surround us. or bad, had nothing to do with spective. It shouldn't bee an 3-COAT AUTO ENAMEL Student spirit has long been a major topic of discussion on fh:s this column's analysis Thursday obsession that pushes more im- Only $35.00 campus. In fact, it has been run right into the ground in the local of "school spirit." Let's not wave portant things out of students' print. You're tired of reading about itand we (well, most of us) the flag, rah-rah defenders. Wori, Fast Service For Information Call are tired of writing about it. The issue is that a certain seg- Bewhiskered statesmen, arise! ment the San Jose State student 9. L. DAVIS The fact that some concrete action has been taken is a major -Is it true you retently g,i iiiir class a test id of You have nothing to lose but your body -- and probably a pretty big CY 9.2150 Aft Evening one. As they say, actions speak louder than words. unassigned and ineonnequential material?" stubble! Saturday night's initial test may have pleased or disappointed one is getting tired of con- you. depending on your particular viewpoint. We're not going to Accurate Descriptions Are stantly -being told their lack of praise or chastise you, either way. Rare "school spirit" is showing. It's L8L61 sumaA0 But, we will say that we're happy the split was made, if only on COLUMBUS, Ohio -- (UP) logical and a part is pride, she possible that sonic students are uattirj oluus Pun tiin!Ni the basis of attempted progress. Can you describe ,the person you explained. getting tired of being told. Its rather reassuring to know that the Rally Committee is not know best? A woman accustomed to think- "Naughty, naughty, you don't perfectly satisfied with the present situation. We've been sedimen- The odds are you cannot accord- ing of her husband as tall almost have 'school spirit.' No, no, louder, 'OW) pair/map slam ing to Policewoman Audrey Foley louder, LOUDER!" They may want tary too long. always describes him as four or sawn pus mueig-e-u!-Iijd 'srabincituoH of the Columbus Bureau of Missing five inches to cheer, all right--but when they taller than he is. Men UI rizsepods em Persons. are seldom correct On their %Alves' feel like it. Miss Foley said the great major- measurements. For having these belief., thew Ajuo uourom Jo} "tied s Jew os iiioo ity- of persons who report a irla- student., Oniuldn't Relatives who have felt a limp be called "sic. live or friend missing cannot give tims of a liheaSC" or be por- or a deformity an embarrassment a correct, useful description of the trayed as scoundrels who should person. usually fail to mention this im- he considered objects of the 353011 11:491111ff Cipculat, 9ile A part of this failure is psycho- portant clue. National Guard's wrath even with By LEIGH WEIMERS NEW Neaps Max ghtilman Spartan Daily Editor .1 Ohio, if "Huth' Bound (hr Flay, Howl' or I

While sitting and musing in the Coop the other (ugh) morning, I was suddenly struck by an astounding fact. Harken to me now while Full Dimensional Sound I trot up on my soap box and explain. You no doubt have read the many, many reports in newspapers, WHAT EVERY YOUNG COED magazines, books, and other news media of the dangers of cigarette SHOULD WEAR smoking. Not only in the Inner Quad, but all over. Continuance of this nasty habit, doctors theorize, will undoubtedly CLASSIC LBUMS Gather round. girls. Flip open a pack of Marlboros, lead to lung cancer or some other" light up, enjoy that fine flavor, that good filter, relax and untimely death. Possibly by beat- listen while Old Dad tells you about the latest campus ing, in the case of habitual mooc- ions. hers. The key word this year is casual. Be casual. Be slap- . Anclgyet, with all these reports. dash. Be rakish. Improvise. Invent your own ensembles you people continue to smoke. I (The Spartan Daily is riot respon- like ski pants with a peek-a-boo blouse, like pajama sible for errors or omissions in ipfor- bottom& with.= ermine stole, like a hockey sweater with Must confess, so do I.. We are not i motion 1100044 to this column ) using our heads. We are all head- a dirndl. ing for an untilmely end. Rah, Rah! (Dirndl, incidentally, is one of the truly fascinating We must resist the sneaky ad- words in the English language. The word originated on Dear Thrust and Parry: June 27, vertising of the cigarette com- 1846, when Dusty Signiors, the famous scout Just a note of praise. sincerely and Indian panies. Be on guard.. fighter, went into the Golden Nugget Saloon meant, for Jim Drennan's fine in ('heyenne, Wyoming, to see Lily Langtry. Miss Langtry Do not live modern. article on -Why the lark of RAII, did her dance in pink tights. Dusty had never seen any- Pay no heed to filter, flavor or RAII at SJS?" thing like that in his life and he was much impressed. flip-top box. As a senior who returned to this He thought a)totit her all the way home. When he got Tell yourself your taste CAN school in her sophomore year after tell the filters there. 13 years of absence, my viewpoint Laugh when they say it tastes is likely to he somewhat different good like a cigarette should. from that of the typical student Chuckle at "outstanding, a n d Yet, I have seen enough since they are mild." my return to know I am not alone STARLIGHT CHORALE HOIST: THE PLANETS with the Do not decipher LSNIF1'. in my sentiments. Leopold Stokowski, Conducting The Roger Wagner Chorale Hollywood Bowl Symphony Orchestra Just think how much happier There are, as Jim said, many The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra suite has here found its Together for the first time: America's most d be if you ceased smok- families This dramatic and symphony of us on campus who have supreme interpreter, in a performance that popular choral ensemble in? g. There would be no more to be concerned about, or frill -time the entire range of its sweep- orchestra in a presentation of some of the fully captures choruses. P11390 worries about finding quarters for jobs, in order to maintain our- ing sound and tonal color. PE319 world's greatest cpera those hungry. machines. No more selves in college. asking for a light. No more tobac- In addition. I have community co in pockets or purses. No clutter responsibilities, taken on before of crush-proof boxes in your I returned here. We like a good reld5p1r1Viletto wastebaskets. No more grimy ash- time as well as the next person. /)'"694 Viet/ ed lope 5 cite trays. not lost all and we certainly have POIA home his wife Feldspar was waiting to show him a new So. let its art like thinking of our enthusiasms. However. they skirt she had made for herself. "How do you like my new people. Make no tobacco growers have to he spread over a wider AND skirt, Dusty?" asked Feldspar. He looked at the large, rich at our expense. Look out for area, in many cases; and there are DANCES voluminous garment, then thought of the pink tights on our health. only so many hours In a day. 9001f RUBIO Lily Langtry. "Your skirt is darn dull," said Dusty. To prove you are of good faith, This college (hallelujahl offers , "Darn dull" was later shortened to dirndl, which is how join with me in this campaign To- a great variety of interesting ac- dirndls got their name.) day, we will all stop smoking. becomes necessary to tivities. It But I digress. We were smoking Marlboro and Okay? a choose the ones we would like. talking about Hue latest campus styles. Casual, we agree, Well ... on second thought, you and we are not always free. RUSSKAYA' is the key word. But casual need not Waft drab. Liven stop smoking today. This does not mean that we have SMETANA: CZECH POLKAS AND DANCES outfits with of The Hollywood Bowl Symphony Orchestra 1.1.11 Firkusny, Piano up your a touch glamor. Even the lowly I'll try it tomorrow. no school spirit, nor that there is Carmen Dragon, Coducter dungaree and men-shirt combilustion A charming collection of lively and poetic can be made ex- something wrong with the college, In superb High Fidelity thrilling perform. dances inspired by the citing if you'll adorn it with a simple necklace of 120 familiar melodies from the rich folk music of because we do not display this antes of Bohemia, performed with vigor and affection matehed diamonds. With Bermuda shorts, wear knee- heritage of old Russia ...composers include by a Czech-born master pianist. Tchaikovsky. Glinka, and Rimsky,Korsakov P cymbals. Be guided by the famous poet, Como Sigafoos SpaZtan 'pint.llover.vve rand some may think P $3114 Os bribe cousin Dunty invented the dirndl), who wrote: .1111.3211EZMIEUMME11.11. :his an unthinkable thought) I Sparkle, my beauty, Eetsirrid is second class matter April also get ii big hang out of my Shimmer and shine, 24. 1934, at San Jose, Calif.. under the c$eat of March 3. 11179 Mrnber Clifor. courses at college, which was. in- The itii;Aoe y7t!, Newspaper Publishers' Assoclar;oricidentally. my reason for coming The airs Published daily by the Associated Stu.j hack, rather than for the social Cling in a leaf, diwirs or San Jas, Ste. Collage. fceof activities. which I could have got Hang on a rue, Saturday and Sunday. during the ' the stimulation veer with on issue during each final elsewhere. I enjoy Crawl on your belly, priod. , of association with my fellow stu- time to &or. dents and with the various pro- (Mr. Signior*, it should be explained, was writing t roiors on this campus. about a glowworm. Insects, as everyone knows, are PIZZA GARDENS I am much too busy and happy among Mr. Sigafoos' favorite subjects for poetry. Who We Caster to Parties -I enthusiastic getting as much can ever forget his immortal Ode To a Boll Weevil? Or soak up from an institti- Finest Pizza in the Werl I can his Troubling Along with the Tumbling Tumblrbug? Or 1 that has more to offer than I Gently, 1347 McKEE ROAD his Fly Sweet Aphid? Mr. Signior* hits been in- have time to utilize. active since the invention of DDT.) Barbara Hartman ASH A3903 AVAILABLE KEYBOARD FANTASIES Blil I digreas. We were smoking a Marlboro and dis- Leonard Penner's, Plane cussing fashion. Let Its turn now to headaear. The motif DINNER SPECIAL The exceptionally gifted young arfiSt per. NOW p'-)AST forms favorite piano rinfatures by such in hats this year still be familiar American scenes. There BEEF with BROWN GRAVY to SOUP POTATOES composers as Chopin, Prokofiev, Debussy, will be models fit every headfor example. the "Em- VEGETABLE BREAD I BUTTER Shostako.rr'i. and Gershwin. PEW AT.. pire State Building" for tall, thin heads; the "Jefferson Laige Bottle of Mitli Memorial" for squatty heads: "Niagara Falls" for dry Featute of the collection is the "Statue of 95c Liberty," complete with a torch that actually burns. This is very handy for lighting your Marlboros, which (lop is terribly important 'because no matter how good Marlboro' are, they're nowhere unless you !felt them. ARCHIE'S sm elmfman 266 SOUTH FIRST STREET CYpress 5-5141 What erer vim wear, girlsand men Ion poled find flee perfect STEAK HOUIEA accessory oc Vlarlhoro. ;chose maker. InLe pleasure in bringing you this column throughout the school year. S45 S. 2nd S1. Hours 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. Open Monday and Thursday NiqhfiTil 9

IL. Burdette Tuesday, October 8, 1957 SPARTAN DAILT-8 Gridders Drill Polipists Crush Befuddles Uppercuts Broncos, 19-3 For Tough Ducks By R.ANDIE E. POE Sports Editor Prayerfully, the Spartan foot- did e,erything right against the Yanks, 1-0 In 37 ()pener ball team hustled di rough a Bruins. Feldman stated. MILWAUKEE --(UP) The sweat suit drill yesterday, What is the,e to say except that the San Jose State -Arizona Coach Charlie Walker's San J pre- l's,.,. defense Was the Spar- battling Milwaukee Bras es came paring to meet the State thing was a stinkerool State varsity water polo tear). third Goliath tans most prominent sore spot up with a run in the sixth Inning on the SJS schedule, You and I and almost every other realist knew what would hap- opened its 1957 season in fine Oregon Un- Saturday and must be rectified yesterday to take a 1-0 win over iversity. pen before the fire occurred. Two Sun Devil first stringers, who asked fashion last night in the Spartan If the Ducks are to be halted. the Ness York Yankees in the The contest will that we conceal their identity, told us after the mismatch that the Pool with an overpowering 19-3 be played Sat- Oregon quarterback Torn Crab- fifth game of the World Series. urday at Eugene (1:30 p.m.). Spartans were pitifully inept after the first quarter. Most observers victory over t h e University of Lew Burdette, the Braves' right After receiving a 44-6 lashing do not need their opinions. It was evident even in Milpitas. Santa Clara Broncos. handed pitching ace, and Whitey Saturday from Arizona State of The Spartan student body rendered racy, petulant support until Ford, the Yankees' starsouthpaw, The varsity returns to action Tempe, the locals are not in the hope was no more. It would appear as if it is now time to lay the were locked in a scoreless duel for Wednesday afternoon at 4.35 in best of health. blame on the back of the guilty. five innings as 45,811 fans jammed the home pool, meeting the CM- as' Stengel, 1 mi..' criuird Bruised in the Sun Devil fray and possibly cheered if into County Stadium for this fifth Coach Bob Titchenal would be excused, versity of California. Fresh teams skipper, oan not Ii ipps yester- were guards Stan Keith and Herb game. he blew his stack over the inhumane schedule he is being forced to of both schools clash at 3:30 as a dav as his doh lords a 1-0 heat- the ing f the Slilisaukee Braves. San Jose State students will But in the sixth, with two men ratify. This week he attempts part of the double bill. almost impossible task of prepar- llordelie oan a beurrat in the have a special section at Sat- out. Ford ran into trouble. pinches. spacing ses en Yank hits ing his beardless team for Oregon a The Frosh meet Washington urday's game in Eugene, Ore. Eddie Mathews, whose 10th inn- IA nil Stengel oa in no mood to who UC- High School this afternoon at 3:30 Tickets may be picked up at ing home run yesterday got the University, cuffed little (limiers the contest u hen the "'- 21-0, last Saturday. in the latter's pool. loci.. photo unit taken. Hayward Field, Eugene, and are Braves even in the Series, singled LA, priced at $1.50. and raced to third as Hank Aaron TITCH'S HANDS TIED Pete Ueberoth paced the Spar dropped a Texas League single It is no secret in football that tan's to victory over the Broncos, lloyer, tackle Janko's Bill Atkins (ankle), JACK MORRIS into short right. Big Joe Adcock horses are a requisite for success scoring four goals. Dale Anderson center Ron Earl * (knee), end Dan . Duck FE then singled to right to score Titchenal's hands are tied. He can- tallied three goals. while Roger Colchica (knee), halfback Harvel McCandless, K. C. Cooper. and wofbrau tree hit six passes In succession Mathews, and put the Braves in not bid for top-water talent. He Pollard (bruised hip), and gdard Britt Finley added two each. Largest Sandwiches in Town against the Bruins before front. cannot offer aid commensurate Cold, Crisp Salads Jim Stewart (concussion). he finally threw one astray. The Braves, all even with the with that received by most of his Scoring one goal were Rich Don- N.Y. Stook 114-wa.1 . . S1.12 FELDMAN'S REPORT Titchenal was not downcast de- Yankees after their come-from-be- Opponents. Still, he must face ner, Dave Freidenrich, Harvey Club Stash (10-4w.) . . . 1.31 Chicago 1.50 Spartan line coach Marty Feld- spite the one-sided defeat. "Our hind extra inning victory yester- them. Corbin. Russ Murphy, Ron De- laney, and Bill Augenstein. Spar. gibs 1.15 man, who watched the Ducks cuff kids are learning how to play these day, were playing without t he Nothing demoralizes and cor- Steak Salad. (boloral beans) .75 UCLA 21-0 last week, brought good teams," he said, "but I ad- services of their ace second base- rupts a young team so completely Friday Special ',a Lobster 3.40 back bad news yesterday. "They mit it's a tough way to learn." man, Red Schoendienst. as do beatings of 46-7 (Stanford) "Bociroom" Availeble ATRONIZE YOUR For P, .m+. Parties PASS DEFENSE WEAK Schoendienst pulled a muscle in and 44-6 (ASCi. Lost confidence LP_ Market St., CT The Spartan coach w a s dis- his right groin trying to stop a Is difficult to restore. ADVERTISERS 11 N. 3-1615 pleased with the SJS passing and ground ball hit by Enos Slaughter Only a minor miracle can bring was, of course, not smiling when in the second inning. the Spartans home a winner he discussed his pass defense. A brilliant catch by left fielder against Oregon. Are we anticipat- UCLA ran just 37 scrimmage Wes Covington featured t h e ing divine intervention? BOB TITCHENAL plays against the tough Oregon early innings of the final series STATISTICS TELL SAD TALE line, which does not bid well for game in Milwaukee. with the The Sun Devils' bloody mastery over SJS is exposed by the clubs all esen at two games HAWAII-1958 the Spartans. statistics: NWRE PASSING apiece. They reeled off 79 plays from scrimmage to the Spartan..' UNIVERSITY SUMMER SESSION "There's a chance we may do and piled up a lopsided 27-8 edge In first dounw. Gouging out SIXTH AT NY Residence Wilcox Hall Of Waikiki Apartments SPECIAL more passing this week," Titche- The sixth. ,a n d if necessary, 300 yards to 62 edge in rushing yardage, ASC outpassed the locals nal opined. seventh games, are scheduled for 303 to 210. 20% OFF Against the Devils, SJS attempt- Yankee Stadium on Wednesday In total net yards gained rushing and passing. Dan Devine's LURLINE AND MATSONIA ed 21 passes and completed just and Thursday with today off for charges had a 603-210 margin. They drew more penalties (10) than TO STUDENTS ONLY 7 for 210 net yards. ASC hit 14 of travel. the Spartans (8'). SPACE PLENTIFUL NOW EN ROUTE AND RETURN Tape RecordersAll Makes 25 pitches for 303 yards. Covington raced to the left field Arizona State began 11 marches and hit paydirt on eight occa- 10’ DownPay as You Play Oregon has two outstanding run- fence to make a leaping catch of sions. This is a .727 batting average and shows how easy it must Offer Good This Week Only ners in Jim Shanley and Jack Gil McDougald's bid for a home have been for the Cactus Kids. Bring this ad to Morris, Slippery Shanley rolled up run in the fourth inning. RON EARL DELIVERS GOODS 101 yards against the Until injured, Center Ronnie Earl snas a den iae defender HOWARDTOURSwe Bruins to In the first, Hank Bauer, hitting become the second leading ball In h i s 12th consecutive Series for SJS. His performance in the early moments, when the Spartans Consult: drives, was of superman stature. carrier in Duck history. Morris is game, led off with a single and halted two potential ASC scoring MRS. WM. LaFOLLEI 1 E a powerful fullback who scored was sacrificed to second by Tony He made the initial contact on at least five first quarter tackles, Kappa Alpha Tht Housemother the wrap-up TD last Saturday. Kubek. But Gil McDougald lined batted down passes, and blocked with a vengeance. 171 S. ii)). St CY 3-1142 The Ducks opened the season out and Yogi Berra grounded out. "This was the first game I can remember," Earl related later, with a narrow win over Idaho then In the second, Slaughter led off "where a team had three double-teams working at once. First they'd dropped a 6-2 t stop them. They Sales - Service. Rentals game to Pitt in the with that single resulting in hit inside, then outside, then they d pass. We couldn ONLY '25 DEPOSIT last 22 seconds. but he was had too many weapons." Schoendienst's injury, COMPLEIHY 1111040A8LE Al ANY JIVE out trying to steal second as Harry We have an alternative: Let us either 111 get more Ron Eat I-. Simpson struck out, or 121 -stop playing a contradictory sehedule. 94’1’4S/100 (514TE' Fraternities To Start A Campus -to -Career Case History EL RANCHO DRIVE-IN SPARTAN DRIVE-IN Debbie Reynolds Football Thursday "Band of Angels" "Tammy and the Bachelor" Clark Gable Jr y Lewis (This is the fifth in a series concerning ler, halfback from San Leandro intramural fraternity football.) High, and Garry Hughes, letter- "Gun Duel in Durango" "The Delicate Delinquent" man halfback from Everitt, Wash.. wh George Montgomery Aud .e Murphy By CONRAD MUELLER "Guns of Fort Petticoat" High School, plus quarterback This is the week. To he fact- Porter Lewis. varsity letterman ual, It will be Thursday that from Roosevelt High School in MAYFAIR ir COMM tr. the San Jose State fraternities Hawaii. Jerry 1r., 7-3060 team includes Al CV. square 444 -44s-determine the fra- The reserve "The Delicate Delinquent" Russell. Tom Liles. Harvey Deis- "THE LIGHT TOUCH" ternity, and then campus champ- Clark Gbla Yvonne DeCarlo ner, Jim Athey. Lee Junta, Bob cc starred in ion. Funny ...Touching ...Warm George, Ted Terzakis, and Pete "land of Angels" Phi Sigma Kappa, a mignher of limey Marshall. and natural ceiniedy--N.Y,. the fraternity league, feels that The 184 South 11th St. Club, it has a good chance of walking Return Showing! known as Sigma Alpha off with top honors. formally STUDIO DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Epsilon, has turned in its list of line- THEATER Ph; Sigma Kappa's starting players, and A good one at that. up has been chosen and is !isled as According to the I.F.C.. SAE's "Flying follows: ends. Don Breitenbucher, members weren't good boys last all -league selection from Manteca year and have been put en pro- Leathernecks" High and ex-frosh footballer at bation. Therefore SAE must put John Wayno Stanley Kramer's SJS, and Dave Towle, letterman its team in the independent lea- "THE PRIDE from Fullerton. gue. oho Linemen: Bob Halahan. letter- AND THE PASSION" Members arc as follows: Joe Rock Hudson Cary Grant man guard from Santa Ana Valdez, Southern Calif. all C.I.F. and Mac Raney, s amity lineman in Frank Sinatra In 1949 in high school and all - Bill Tycr discusses leatures of a training program for operators uith Miss Edith Sanders. from Manteca. "Sea Devils" Sophia Loren metropolitan conference back Backfield: halfbacks Dick Buth- for Long Beach J.C. in 1054. Jerry Skinner a n d Tharrell Ming. Skinner is an all -league high school guard from El Cerrito's "There's always something different" 1954 squad and Ming is an all. San Joaquin Valley tackle from Bakersfield High's 1954 squad and "In my job, there's always something "I came in under the Staff Assistant returnee from last year's frater- different coming alonga new problem, Program for college graduates. I spent nity team. a new challenge. When I got out of col- twqerai weeks in each of the company's Don Ruff. all -Greek from past lege 1 wanted to make sure I didn't settle fire departments. Then I went back for year with four years experience down to a job of boredom. There's never six months of intensive training in our while playing for Willow Glen been a chance of that at Bell." Trail', Department. High. and Bill Bauer. voted out- training. I was promoted. One standing defensive player in his That's Charles W. (Bill I Tyer talking. "After senior year for Burlingame High Bill graduated from Texas Christian I nil. of my first jobs was setting up and super. Bauer returns from last year versify in l953 with a B.S. in Commerce. sising a customer service iinprosement He stylish. Returnee Clem McCarthy, at) - Ile went right to work with Southwestern program. Mann Conntv guard while play- Bell in Fort Worth. "In January. P)56. I was again pro). be comfortable. foothull ing on Tiimaipals's 1919 moted. Ms present joh iv assistant to the team. and Sid Thompson, re- How did he make his choke? Here's District Traffic Superintendent. My re. be thrifty in the-i) turnee and Bakersfield lii c h what he save: "From what I'd seen it was aponsibifities include instruct ion if PIM School pla)er vk it h tour years an interesting business with tremendous public relations, easy -ea re. high school experience. room for expansion. And a big feature operators emplosee and Bob Johnson. all -city guard from with me was the opportunity to choose and scheduling operators to handk calls 185,000 Fine rottrin slack), Balboa High in SF in 1932. and my location. I wanted to work in the to and from telephones. Don Miller, returnee from last Fort Worth area. "Nothere’s no chance for boredom!" 193 lo 6.93 year with one year's experience playing for Santa Rossi J.C.

Pete Crandall, Mike Christy. and Bill Tyer ia typical of the many young men who are Bud Travi. Crandall, a returnee. finding their careers in the Bell System. Other inter. played three years for Willow Telephone Compam,, Al your favotile store Glen High: Christy, three-time all eating careers exist in the Bell league from Cathederal; and Trawl. Del! Tell/Thome Laboratories. Western Electric and CELL veteran two-year from San Fran- Sandia I orporation. Your placement officer has more TELEPHOP1111 cisco's Sacred Heart football team information about these romp:ink*. SVISTEMI and one year with the U.S. Coast Guard team. TrtIVi. played on last ' year's team.

4 4SP 4,RT (X DAILY Tuesday. October 8. 1:" HOU IT MIGHT LOOK French Society Fulbright Scholarship English Prof Announces Schedules Open Meeting Tonight Applications Still Open New Elizabethan Book Thit.i. sir four strong candidates earned a college degree or its Students interested in Iota Delta have filled out preliminary appli- equivalent before the beginning Dr. LuEmily Pearson, professor of English literature, has an- l'hi. French honor society, are in- cations for the Fulbright Scholar- date of the grant. nounced the publication of her book, The Elizabethans at Home." vited to an open house meeting at ship. according Awarded by She gave a copy to the Library and it will be placed on the shelves 7:30 tonight in the Student Union, to Jerome S. Fink, the United States soon. according to Dr. A. B. Gregory, assistant to the dean of students government, the scholarship cov- Dr. Pearson said she has been working on the book for the past faculty ads iser. and Fulbright adviser. ers the cost of transportation, tui- 20 years, mostly during the summer vacation. She toured England Qualifications for Aplications are available in Room tion, books and maintenance for last year gathering material for the membership book. 118, Fink said, adding that they one academic year of graduate - 'The book's purse is to pro- Include a semester's residence at must be submitted before Thurs- study abroad side background for students of SJS and a three point El) grade point day. Appointments for interviews Shakespeare," she said. "In order average in French. Student Christian with Fink for senior students in- DRESS Os fully understand the tragedy in This semester's officers will be terested in the Fulbright Scholar- Shakespeare's plays. one must un- YOUR introduced, after which Dr. Greg- ship can be made by request. nter To Sponsor derstand the background of the PART ory will give a short talk explain- The candidates and their pre- people not just the rich, but the for dress ing the activities and background liminary applications will be re- Iledneday common people too," she said. for OH Series of the group. Refreshments will be viewed by a Fulbright screening for every day served, and a movie The Student Christian Center. The book deals with the homes depicting life committee, made up of faculty $9.95 to $19.95 42 S. 5th St., is Si:hamming two , and gardens of the Elizabethans of in France will be shown. members, before the final applica- ent s is he held ;it the center all classes, their ways of living. New officers are Ted Johnson, tions are approved. Fink said. ery Wednesday. according to the education, marriage. social &Obi- president; Robert Davis, vice- A number of additional inquiries Res . V_ Donald Emma Presbyter- ' ties, death and mores and folk- president; Rod Norton, secretary; have been made, but only three ian college pastor. ways of the 16th century Eliza- and Leonard Sumney, treasurer. of the preliminary forms have The first event will be a "Meet bethans. been returned, Fink said. French is spoken almost exclu- the Professor Series" on Wednes- In order to be eligible for the Dr. Pearson has been at San sively at the biweekly meetings, days at 12 30 p.m. award, a student must be a United Jose State since 1936. She has Dr. Gregory said, adding that the The Freshman Fellowship will States citizen, possess a working written several books and many presentation of a French play in he held Wednesday evenings at 7. knowledge of the language of the essays. French is usually included in The topic for tomorrow will be country of application, and have IDP's semester activities. "My Place on Campus." Guest Her latest book is published by speaker will be Dr. Elizabeth the Press. It Hit Shows Played START WITH Greenleaf, associate dean of ac- This is an artist's drawing of ception is one of the man-made Is on sale in downtown bookstores tivities. the Russian satellite. The eon- moon floating in space above CSO To Hold Today's recorded concert in the wr the southwestern sett of the Library will consist of suites from The Rev. Emmel sta t e d that United States.INS Wirephoto. CITY CLUB these events are open to all. Night Meeting Richard Rodgers' "Oklahoma" and "Carousel." played by Morton c't meet-Imp Christian Science Organization Gould add his orchestra, CSTA Feed will hold a reception for new stu- 4 tu:t dents tonight at 8:30 in Room 125 have of the Music Building, following a WORID-of FUN! Held Today LARK'S HOT DOGS Travel the regular testimonial meeting in with SITA California Student Teachers As- the announcements College Chapel, according to (Formerly Marl.%) Unbelievable low Cost sociation will hold a spaghetti feed 'Dorothy Hutchings, publicity today, according to Jim Rauen, All organizations, mass CSTA, spaghetti feed, today, chairman. WE HAVE meeting president. LEuropt of presidents and social chairmen, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., in front of GO bwet The feed, free to all CSTA The evening's program will in- HOT DOGS h**. $585 tonight, 7:30 p.m., Student Union. Women's Gym. members, will take place at the clude a guest speaker, Mrs. Grace CSTA. executive board meeting, HAMBURGERS AK'S, State Meet Committee, barbecue area in front of the Epps, and a students' seminar. Mat, meeting, tonight, 9 p.m., Room 49. 43-65 Dom $998 today, 1:30 p.m., AVVS Women's Gym, from 11:30 a.m. to There also will be a "hymn sing," CHILI Lounge. International Relations Club, MG, loo,r .ocloo .1 p.m. Those who wish to attend games and refreshments. jilt. college rr.d.I FRIES Christian Science Organisation, meeting. tonight. 7:30 p.m., CB164. and are not CSTA members will FRENCH Also Nor -post trips to Maxie* All new and returning students reception for new students. to- Iota Delta Phi, meeting, tonight. be charged 50 cents. The 5145 as. South Arwood. 5699 as. educa- and faculty are invited to attend THICK, DELICIOUS SHAKES Hooroii Study Tour MIS up west night. 8:30 p.m., Room 125, Music 7:30 p.m.. Student Union. tion faculty are invited as guests .A.P.r trod tlot World 5139$ .p. this reception and the regular of CSTA. In Booths or to Take Out MINI: Ash Your Trorol Ago,. Kappa Phi, meeting, tonight. 7 Tuesday evening meetings in the Chairmen for the 25th II 111A 323 Gassy St., S.F. Christian science Organization, p.m.. Social Hall, First Methodist event are College Chapel. ter g IMO meeting. tonight, 7:30 p.m., Col- Church. Marilyn Daly, Claire Straus and 15451, ...' EX 2-7370 Lark's Hof Dogs 181 E. Santa Clara lege Chapel. Phi Epsilon Kappa, meeting, to- Sally Bakotich. Dr. Ruth McKenzie of the - -- night, 7 p.m,, Room 201, Men's Speech and Drama Department is Stan Vaughn, Prop. Gym. faculty adviser for the group. Social Affairs Committee, deco- Pistol Team Il(Is Rushing . ation meeting, today, 3:30 p.m.. spartan Dugout. Practice Match Next Week? Spartan Oriocel, meeting, today. Police majors and other inter- ' 1,1 pm., CB 161. Car feel ested persons are invited to the sluggish Let us soartan Shields, meeting, to- practice sessions and match shoot- night, 7 p.m., S242. ing starting today, according to style your hair Melvin H. Miller, associate profes- sor of police. for this and other Faculty, Staff The intercollegiate pistol team special To Get X-Rays will shoot today, Thursday, and occasions. Friday at the National Guard Ar- Members of the SJS faculty and mory, 2nd and St. James streets. administrative staff will be able Miller asks that any student in- to get chest x-rays today and to- terested in participating contact TONY pilS morrow in the mobile x-ray unit him in B 96. behind the business wing. Dr. - Thomas J. Gray, director of the Trwiefb College Health Service% announced. Satellite Plotted . Co Salon of Style The mobile unit Is sponsored by Lit the State Department of Public WASHINGTON (UP) U.S. Health, scientists, working around the 257 S. First Street CY 7-3640 clock, have plotted the course of SPARTANETTE BEAUTY CENTER the Russian satellite so accurately FOR CAMPUS CUTS Phi Upsilon Pi that big telescopes will be able to 4;1610 Phi Upsilon Pi, men's chemistry bring it under observation, it was fraternity, will hold an organiza- announced Monday. tional dinner Friday at 7 p.m. in A spokesman for the U.S. satel- the Red Coach Inn. Purpose of lite p r oje c t said the artificial BACK-TO-SCHOOLSPESIAL the meeting is to discuss plans for moons' orbit is now "fairly accu- activities during the se- rately fixed" and can be predicted Your own, coming mester. up to a week in the future. personalized stationery just 50c -s._- when you buy an 5.

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