Name as registered Transcription in Type of product Translation, for in the Peoples' Latin characters 产品类别 information Republic of China 拉丁字母音译 purposes 在中华人民共和国 拉丁字母意译(供

注册的名称 参考) 安吉白茶 Other products of Anji White Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 安溪铁观音 Anxi Tie Guan Yin Other products of Anxi Tie Guan Yin Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 保山小粒咖啡 Baoshan Xiao Li Ka Other products of Baoshan Arabica Fei Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Coffee 赣南脐橙 Gannan Qi Cheng Fruit, vegetable and Gannan Navel cereals fresh or Orange processed - Fruit 霍山黄芽 Huoshan Huang Ya Other products of Huoshan Yellow Annex I of the Bud Tea Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 郫县豆瓣 Pixian Dou Ban Fruit, vegetable and Pixian Bean Paste cereals fresh or processed - Bean paste 普洱茶 Pu’er Cha Other products of Pu'er Tea Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 山西老陈醋 Shanxi Lao Chen Cu Other products of Shanxi Aged Annex I of the Vinegar Treaty (spices etc.) - Vinegar 烟台苹果 Yantai Ping Guo Fruit, vegetable and Yantai Apple cereals fresh or processed - Fruit 坦洋工夫 Tanyang Gong Fu Other products of Tanyang Gongfu Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 白城绿豆 Baicheng Lü Dou Fruit, vegetable and Baicheng Mung cereals fresh or Bean processed - Bean 肇源大米 Zhaoyuan Da Mi Fruit, vegetable and Zhaoyuan Rice cereals fresh or processed - Rice 婺源绿茶 Wuyuan Lü Cha Other products of Wuyuan Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 福州茉莉花茶 Fuzhou Mo Li Hua Other products of Fuzhou Cha Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 房县香菇 Fangxian Xiang Gu Fruit, vegetable and Fangxian Mushroom cereals fresh or processed - Mushroom 南丰蜜桔 Nanfeng Mi Ju Fruit, vegetable and Nanfeng Sweet cereals fresh or Orange processed - Fruit 苍山大蒜 Cangshan Da Suan Fruit, vegetable and Cangshan Garlic cereals fresh or processed - Garlic 房县黑木耳 Fangxian Hei Mu Er Fruit, vegetable and Fangxian Black cereals fresh or Fungus processed - Mushroom 凤冈锌硒茶 Fenggang Xin Xi Other products of Fenggang Zinc Cha Annex I of the Selenium Tea Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 库尔勒香梨 Ku’erle Xiang Li Fruit, vegetable and Korla Pear cereals fresh or processed - Fruit 邳州大蒜 Pizhou Da Suan Fruit, vegetable and Pizhou Garlic cereals fresh or processed - Garlic 安岳柠檬 Anyue Ning Meng Fruit, vegetable and Anyue Lemon cereals fresh or processed - Fruit 正山小种1 Zhengshan Xiao Other products of Zhong Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 兴化香葱 Xinghua Xiang Cong Fruit, vegetable and Xinghua Chive cereals fresh or processed - Dehydrated chive

六安瓜片 Lu'an Guapian Other products of Lu'an Melon-seed- Annex I of the shaped Tea Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 宜宾芽菜 Yibin Ya Cai Fruit, vegetable and Yibin Bean Sprout cereals fresh or processed - Bean sprout (Pickled vegetables) 静宁苹果 Jingning Ping Guo Fruit, vegetable and Jingning Apple cereals fresh or processed - Fruit 安丘大姜 Anqiu Da Jiang Other products of Anqiu Ginger Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Ginger 建宁通心白莲 Jianning Tong Xin Fruit, vegetable and Jianning White Lotus Bai Lian cereals fresh or Nut processed - Lotus nut 松溪绿茶 Songxi Lü Cha Other products of Songxi Green Tea Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 罗平小黄姜 Luoping Xiao Huang Other products of Luoping Yellow Jiang Annex I of the Ginger Treaty (spices etc.) - Ginger 苍溪红心猕猴桃 Cangxi Hong Xin Mi Fruit, vegetable and Cangxi Red Kiwi Hou Tao cereals fresh or Fruit processed - Fruit 庆元香菇 Qingyuan Xiang Gu Fruit, vegetable and Qingyuan Mushroom cereals fresh or processed - Mushroom 长寿沙田柚 Changshou Sha Tian Fruit, vegetable and Changshou Shantian You cereals fresh or Pomelo processed - Fruit 凤凰单丛 Fenghuang Dan Other products of Fenghuang Single Cong Annex I of the Cluster Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 涪城麦冬 Fucheng Mai Dong Fruit, vegetable and Fucheng cereals fresh or Ophiopogon processed - Tuber japonicus 狗牯脑 Gou Gu Nao Other products of Gougunao Tea Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 武夷山大红袍 Wuyishan Da Hong Other products of Mount Wuyi Da Pao Annex I of the Hong Pao Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 晋州鸭梨 Jinzhou Ya Li Fruit, vegetable and Jinzhou Pear cereals fresh or processed - Fruit 吐鲁番葡萄干 Turpan Pu Tao Gan Fruit, vegetable and Turpan Raisin cereals fresh or processed - Raisin 安化黑茶 Anhua Hei Cha Other products of Anhua Dark Tea Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 嵊泗贻贝 Shengsi Yi Bei Fresh fish, molluscs, Shengsi Mussel and crustaceans and products and products derived therefrom - Mussels 辽中玫瑰 Liaozhong Mei Gui Flowers and other Liaozhong Rose ornamental plants - Flowers 横县茉莉花茶 Hengxian Mo Li Hua Other products of Hengxian Jasmine Cha Annex I of the Tea Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 蒲江雀舌 Pujiang Que She Other products of Pujiang Que She Tea Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 峨眉山茶 Emeishan Cha Other products of Mount Emei Tea Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 朵贝茶 Duobei Cha Other products of Duobei Tea Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 五常大米 Wuchang Da Mi Fruit, vegetable and Wuchang Rice cereals fresh or processed - Rice 福鼎白茶 Fuding Bai Cha Other products of Fuding Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 吴川月饼 Wuchuan Yue Bing Bread, pastry, cakes, Wuchuan Mooncake confectionery, biscuits and other baker's wares - Pastry 兴隆咖啡 Xinglong Ka Fei Other products of Xinglong Coffee Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Coffee 绍兴酒 Shaoxing Jiu Alcoholic rice drink Shaoxing Rice Wine 贺兰山东麓葡萄酒 Helanshan Dong Lu Wine Wine in Helan Pu Tao Jiu Mountain East Region 桓仁冰酒 Huanren Bing Jiu Wine Huanren Icewine 烟台葡萄酒 Yantai Pu Tao Jiu Wine Yantai Wine 惠水黑糯米酒 Huishui Hei Nuo Mi Alcoholic rice drink Huishui Black Jiu Glutinous Rice Wine 西峡香菇 Xixia Xiang Gu Fruit, vegetable and Xixia Mushroom cereals fresh or processed - Mushroom 红崖子花生 Hongyazi Hua Sheng Fruit, vegetable and Hongyazi Peanut cereals fresh or processed - Peanut 武夷岩茶 Wuyi Yan Cha Other products of Wuyi Rock Tea Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 英德红茶 Yingde Hong Cha Other products of Yingde Black Tea Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 剑南春酒 Jian Nan Chun Spirit drink Jian Nan Chun Jiu/Jian Nan Chun Liquor Chiew 高炉家酒(高炉酒 Gao Lu Jia Jiu /Gao Spirit drink Gao Lu Jia ) Lu Jiu Liquor/Gao Lu Liquor 扳倒井酒 Ban Dao Jing Jiu Spirit drink Ban Dao Jing Liquor 沙城葡萄酒 Shacheng Pu Tao Jiu Wine Shacheng Wine

茅台酒(贵州茅台 Moutai Jiu( Spirit drink Moutai 酒) Liquor/Kweichow Kweichow Moutai Moutai Liquor Jiu)/Moutai Chiew

(Kweichow Moutai


五粮液 Wu Liang Ye Spirit drink Wuliangye 盘锦大米 Panjin Da Mi Fruit, vegetable and Panjin Rice cereals fresh or processed - Rice 吉县苹果 Jixian Ping Guo Fruit, vegetable and Jixian Apple cereals fresh or processed - Fruit 鄂托克阿尔巴斯山 Etuoke Aerbasi Shan Fresh Meat (and Otog Arbas Goat 羊肉 Yang Rou offal) - Goat meat Meat 扎兰屯黑木耳 Zhalantun Hei Mu Er Fruit, vegetable and Zhalantun Black cereals fresh or Fungus processed - Mushroom 岫岩滑子蘑 Xiuyan Hua Zi Mo Fruit, vegetable and Xiuyan Mushroom- cereals fresh or slide processed - Mushroom 东港大黄蚬 Donggang Da Huang Fresh fish, molluscs, Donggang Surf Clam Xian and crustaceans and products and products derived therefrom - Clam 东宁黑木耳 Dongning Hei Mu Er Fruit, vegetable and Dongning Black cereals fresh or Fungus processed - Mushroom 南京盐水鸭 Nanjing Yan Shui Ya Meat product Nanjing Salted Duck (cooked, salted, smoked) - Duck meat 千岛银珍 Qiandao Yin Zhen Other products of Qiandao Rare Tea Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 泰顺三杯香茶 Taishun San Bei Other products of Taishun three cups of Xiang Cha Annex I of the incense Tea Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 金华两头乌猪 Jinhua Liang Tou Fresh Meat (and Jinhua Pig Wu Zhu offal) - Pig meat 罗源秀珍菇 Luoyuan Xiu Zhen Fruit, vegetable and Luoyuan Pleurotus Gu cereals fresh or Geesteranus processed - Mushroom 桐江鲈鱼 Tongjiang Lu Yu Fresh fish, molluscs, Tongjiang Bass and crustaceans and products and products derived therefrom - Fish 乐安竹笋 Le'an Zhu Sun Fruit, vegetable and Le'an Bamboo cereals fresh or Shoots processed - Vegetable 莒南花生 Junan Hua Sheng Fruit, vegetable and Junan Peanut cereals fresh or processed - Peanut 文登苹果 Wendeng Ping Guo Fruit, vegetable and Wendeng Apple cereals fresh or processed - Fruit 安丘大葱 Anqiu Da Cong Fruit, vegetable and Anqiu Chinese cereals fresh or Onion processed - Vegetable 香花辣椒 Xianghua La Jiao Fruit, vegetable and Xianghua Pepper cereals fresh or processed - Vegetable 麻城福白菊 Macheng Fu Bai Ju Other products of Macheng Annex I of the Chrysanthemum Tea Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 潜江龙虾 Qianjiang Long Xia Fresh fish, molluscs, Qianjiang Crayfish and crustaceans and products and products derived therefrom - Crayfish 宜都宜红茶 Yidu Yi Hong Cha Other products of Yidu Black Tea Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 大埔蜜柚 Dapu Mi You Fruit, vegetable and Tai Po Honey cereals fresh or Pomelo processed - Fruit 桂平西山茶 Guiping Xi Shan Cha Other products of Guiping Xishan Tea Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 百色芒果 Baise Mang Guo Fruit, vegetable and Baise Mango cereals fresh or processed - Fruit 巫溪洋芋 Wuxi Yang Yu Fruit, vegetable and Wuxi Potato cereals fresh or processed - Vegetable 四川泡菜 Sichuan Pao Cai Fruit, vegetable and Sichuan Style cereals fresh or Pickles processed - Pickles 纳溪特早茶 Naxi Te Zao Cha Other products of Naxi Early-Spring Annex I of the Tea Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea 普洱咖啡 Pu’er Ka Fei Other products of Pu'er Coffee Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Coffee 横山大明绿豆 Hengshan Da Ming Fruit, vegetable and Hengshan Daming Lü Dou cereals fresh or Mung Bean processed - Bean 眉县猕猴桃 Meixian Mi Hou Tao Fruit, vegetable and Meixian Kiwifruit cereals fresh or processed - Fruit 天祝白牦牛 Tianzhu Bai Mao Fresh Meat (and Tianzhu White Yak Niu offal) - Yak meat 柴达木枸杞 Chaidamu Gou Qi Fruit, vegetable and Chaidamu Goji cereals fresh or Berry processed – Goji berry 宁夏大米 Ningxia Da Mi Fruit, vegetable and Ningxia Rice cereals fresh or processed - Rice 精河枸杞 Jinghe Gou Qi Fruit, vegetable and Jinghe Goji Berry cereals fresh or processed - Goji berry