Syrian Arab Republic IDP (WoS) October-2019 IDP Movements Task Force IDP Movements Map (K: thousand)

9.2K 2.0K 0.6K

Al-Hasakeh IDP Movements by governorate 3.0K (The movements less than five 0.8K hundred is not reflected on the map) Ar- 1.1K IDPs arrived Idleb Lattakia # of IDP arrivals 1 - 1,000 Deir-ez-Zor 1,001 - 5,000 Tartous 5,001 - 10,000 10,001 - 20,000 >20,000 Subdistrict

IDP movements Rural Damascus 144,493 IDP movements 799 Communities As-Sweida IDP movements refer to the number of IDPs arrivals in communities and may include multiple/short term displacements.

October 2019 Updates In October 2019, the humanitarian community tracked a total of 144,493 IDPs movement across . The majority of this population, 57,662 individuals, were displaced to different locations in Al-Hasakeh governorate with 57,557 IDPs being displaced within Al-Hasakeh governorate while 105 individuals were displaced from Ar- to Al-Hasakeh. The second largest population movement was recorded in Idleb governorate with a total of 28,937 individuals, including 25,609 people being displaced within Idleb governorate and 3,048 IDPs from and the rest from north governorate. The third largest movement is recorded in Aleppo governorate with 27,390 people displaced. Of these, 17,075 people displaced within Aleppo governorate while 9,208 individuals moved from Idleb to Aleppo. Ar-Raqqa governorate comes fourth with 25,871 IDP arrivals in October 2019. Majority of IDP displacement in Ar-Raqqa is recorded as internal displacement with 23,199 movements.

Governorate Summary (K: thousand)

60K 58K IDPs departure from governorate (includes displacement from locations within governorate 58K and to outisde) 87% IDPs arrival to governorate Of IDP arrivals (includes displacement to locations within governorate and from outside) occurred within 35K governorate 29K 27K Displacement within governorate 26K 25K 21K 26K 23K


2K 1K709 1K 1K 3 801 385 0 470 53 289 240 95 13 970 709 3 325 0 53 00 0 0 0 0

Al-Hasakeh Idleb Ar-Raqqa Aleppo Lattakia Rural Damascus Deir-ez-Zor Tartous Hama Homs As-Sweida Damascus Dar'a

Creation Date: 25 Nov 2019 Source: Information as reported by CCCM, HNAP and OCHA Syria for Oct 2019. Feedback: [email protected] The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance.