Environmental Monitoring Report

Annual Report August 2013

BAN: Railway Sector Investment Program-Tongi Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project

Prepared by Railway for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Bangladesh Railway Ministry of Railways Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Bangladesh Railway Sector Improvement Project TONGI-BHAIRAB BAZAR DOUBLE LINE PROJECT ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN


#2 Bi-Annual Report – August 2013

Prepared by:

SMEC International Pty Ltd, Australia

In association with

- Maunsell/AECOM (Australia), No.5 Institute of China Railway - Balaji Railroad Systems (India), ACE Consultants Ltd (Bangladesh)

BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN


ADB Asian Development Bank ADF Asian Development Fund BG Broad Gauge railway track where distance between rails is 1.676 metres BOD Biological Oxygen Demand (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) BOQ Bill of Quantities BR Bangladesh Railway BRSIP Bangladesh Railway Sector Improvement Program BUET Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology BWQS Bangladesh Water Quality Standard CBI Computer Based Interlocking CO Carbon Monoxide COD Chemical Oxygen Demand CREC China Railway Group Ltd (Contractor) CSC Construction Supervision Consultant DFID Department for International Development (UK) DO Dissolved Oxygen DOE Department of Environment DORP Development Organisation of the Rural Poor (NGO) DPP Development Project Proforma/Proposal ECNEC Executive Committee of National Economic Council EMP Environmental Management Plan EMR Environmental Monitoring Report EMWS Environmental Management Implementation Works Schedule FC Faecal Coliform GCC General Conditions of Contract GM/PD General Manager/Project Director, Bangladesh Railway GOB Government of Bangladesh IA Implementing Agency IEC Impacted Environmental Components IPC Interim Payment Certificate JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency KMC Knowledge Management Consultants Ltd (NGO) MFF Multitranche Financing Facility MG Metre Gauge railway track where distance between rails is 1 metre NGO/INGO Non Governmental Organisation OCR Ordinary Capital Resources OFC Optical Fibre Cable PCC Particular Conditions of Contract PD Project Director RDPP Revised Development Project Proforma/Proposal PFR Project Financing Request PM Project Manager

PM10 Particulate Matter (≤ 10 micrometers or less) PSC Pre-stressed Concrete ROW Right of Way

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways ii #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

RDC Rural Development Council (HIV/AIDS NGO) RP Resettlement Plan SIEE Summary Initial Environmental Examination SMEC SMEC International Pty Ltd, Australia TBDLP Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project TDS Total Dissolved Solids TP Total Phosphates TSS Total Suspended Solids WHO World Health Organisation

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Abbreviations and Acronyms ii Table of Contents iv List of Tables vi

I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Report Purpose and Rationale 1 B. Sector Objective 1 C. Project Inception 2 D. Project Objective 2 E. Project Implementation 3

II. PROJECT LOCATION AND COMPONENTS 4 A. Project Location 4 B. Project Components 4

III. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND INSTITUTIONAL SET UP 6 A. Environmental Category 6 B. Environmental Clearances 6 C. Institution Setup and Responsibilities 6 D. Key Findings in SIEE Report 7

IV. PROJECT STATUS 8 A. Project Status at 31 October 2012 8 B. Environmental Management Plan 9 C. Environmental Management Implementation Works Schedule 10 D. EMP Related Activities 10

V. COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENT RELATED PROJECT COVENANTS 14 A. Compliance with National Environmental Laws 14 B. Compliance with ADB Guidelines 14 C. Compliance with the Environmental Assessment Review Framework 14 D. Compliance with Framework Financing Agreement 15

VI. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 18 A. Environmental Management Plan. 18 B. Sampling Program 18

VII. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION MEASURES IMPLEMENTED 19 A. Pre-Construction Stage. 19 B. Construction Stage. 19 C. Sampling Program Results and Analysis 19 D. Compliance Status Reporting 29


A. Key Issues Identified 32 B. Action Plan of Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring from 32 Aug 2013 to Dec 2013.

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A. Overall Progress of Implementation of Environmental Safeguards. 34 B. Problems Identified and Actions Recommended. 34


1. Project Works Schedule 2. Environmental Clearance Certificates 3. Contract Environmental Clauses 4. Environmental Management Plan 5. Environmental Management Implementation Work Schedule (EMWS) 6. Sampling Program 7. Compliance Monitoring Checklist 8. Compliance Status Assessment 9. Photographs

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List of Tables

Table 2.1 Environmental Responsibility Matrix 6 Table 4.1 Physical Progress Summary 8 Table 5.1 Compliance with National Laws 12 Table 5.2 Compliance with Environmental Considerations of FFA 13 Table 6.1 Sampling Program Summary 16 Table 7.1 Mitigation Measures Implemented 17 Table 7.2 Water Quality Test Results 19 Table 7.3 Ground Water Quality Test Results 19 Table 7.4 Air Quality Test Results 20 Table 7.5 Noise Level Results 21 Table 7.6 EMP Compliance Status 22 Table 8.1 Action Plan for Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring 23 Table 9.1 Recommendations for Environmental Safeguards Implementation 25

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Project Location Plan 4 Figure 7.1 Compliance Status against EMP Clauses 30 Figure 7.2 Compliance Status against Contract Clauses 30

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A. Report Purpose and Rationale

1. As defined in the Summary Initial Environmental Examination (SIEE)1 for the Tongi- Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project as the selected sample subproject for the Bangladesh Railway Sector Improvement Project under ADB Loan, semi-annual environmental monitoring reports (EMR) have to be prepared by the borrower in order to evaluate and assess overall project activities to ensure the effective implementation of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP).

2. The purpose of this second EMR is to document the environmental management activities and compliance with the approved EMP for the period between November 2012 and 31st August 2013. This report is prepared in accordance with the environmental monitoring program as defined in the EMP. As the second EMR, it will only cover the construction phase as the compliance with the EMP for the design, bidding, and construction preparation stages was detailed in the first report to October 2012. In line with targets aimed at reducing the negative environmental impacts of the Project and in accordance with all the relevant specifications and standards of the GOB, as well as the policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), this report will emphasize: (i) progress made in implementing the EMP, (ii) implementation of mitigation measures, (iii) Monitoring actions undertaken, as prescribed in the EMP, (iv) environmental compliance and (v) problems that have occurred and corrective actions taken

3. This report is prepared by SMEC International and Associates (SMEC) as the project implementation consultant. The monitoring plan was updated on the basis of discussion with Bangladesh Railway.

B. Sector Objective

4. The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh adopted the National Land Transport Policy (NLTP) in April 2004 following recommendations from DFID and other agencies, through which the Institutional and Operational Capacity of Bangladesh Railway are to be enhanced and improved. Financing to achieve the targets set in the NLTP was to be provided by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the World Bank and JICA and an umbrella DPP for a cost of BDT 36.01 billion was approved in September 2006.

5. Recognising that the Bangladesh Railway (BR) needed both reform and investment before it could achieve the targets set for the railway sector the GOB requested the ADB to help finance a Railway Sector Investment Program. This financial support from the ADB is being extended through a multitranche financing facility (MFF). The Government committed to implement a Roadmap and Investment Program that consists of two components viz:

 The Reform Project to improve the performance of the railway sector through organisational, institutional strengthening & policy reforms;

 The Investment Project to finance implementation of priority investments (“Investment Subprojects”) to overcome capacity bottlenecks in areas of the railway network where such investments are both economically and financially viable (e.g. the - Corridor.)

1 Asian Development Bank. 2006. SUMMARY INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EXAMINATION. Supplementary Appendix of the Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors (RRP) for Proposed Multitranche Financing Facility and Technical Assistance Grant Railway Sector Investment Program (Bangladesh)

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 1 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

6. The MFF for the Bangladesh Railway Sector Investment Program was approved by the Board of Directors of the ADB on 15 September 2006 for US$ 430 million. The scope of the MFF includes (i) a Reform component for US$ 30 million of Asian Development Fund (ADF) and (ii) an investment component of US$ 400 million of Ordinary Capital Resources (OCR).

C. Project Inception

7. An umbrella project named “Bangladesh Railway Sector Improvement Project” was approved by ECNEC on 17 September 2006 at a total cost of BDT 36,012.50 million (GOB – BDT 7,202.50 million and PA – BDT 28,810.00 million) under ADB Financing. With the approval of the umbrella DPP implementation of sub-projects named “Construction of Double Track between Tongi and Bhairab Bazaar including signalling” and “Reform of Bangladesh Railway” was commenced. Other sub-projects were to be taken in hand after fulfilment of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th PFR conditions of the ADB loan. A separate DPP for each sub-project is to be prepared on the basis of the appraisal study of the consultants engaged for the implementation of the subprojects. Bangladesh Railway under the Ministry of Railways (formerly the Railways Division, Ministry of Communications) is the Executing Agency of the program

8. The Loan Agreement for the 1st tranche of US$ 130 million was signed with ADB on 15 February 2007 for two loans viz:

- Loan No 2316-BAN; US$ 100 million (OCR) - Loan No 2317-BAN; US$ 30 million (ADF); RSIP Reform Project

Loan No 2316-BAN is financing part of the investment component and was approved as PFR-1 together with the MFF and became effective on 24 April 2007.

9. Loan 2845-BAN for $150 million was approved on 22 December 2011 and finances (i) the cost overrun in the Tongi-Bhairab Bazar double track project; (ii) rehabilitation of yards and extension of loops at different stations in the Darsana-lshurdi-Sirajganj Bazar section; (iii) upgrading of Signalling at 11 Stations between lshurdi and Darsana; and (iv) construction supervision consulting services. The loan agreement was signed on 27th August 2012 and became effective on 5th November 2012.

D. Project Objective

10. The investment component of the Bangladesh Railway Sector Improvement Program will concentrate on enhancing capacity to overcome constraints to increasing rail services in the Dhaka-Chittagong, western corridor to India and other corridors where there is a high demand for intercity passenger and freight (principally container, iron & steel, coal & petroleum products) services. In addition to capacity improvements on the Dhaka-Chittagong corridor, other components include improvement of signal systems and loop lines in the western zone, rehabilitation of bridges and procurement of rolling stock.

11. The total project length was envisioned as 500 km & comprised of 7 sub-projects viz:

(i) Construction of double line between Tongi to Bhairab Bazar; (ii) Partial Financing of construction of chord line from Dhaka to Laksam (iii) Strengthening of Jamuna Bridge for higher axle load; (iv) Line Capacity improvement between Dhaka & Tongi by introducing intermediate block signaling; (v) Upgrade signaling in 14 stations between Ishurdi & Darsana;

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(vi) Rehabilitation of yards and extension of loops at different stations between to Parbatipur; (vii) Construction of new metre guage line from to Jamtoil;

12. The construction of the double line between Tongi to Bhairab Bazar (64km) was selected as the “sample” sub-project for loan processing under the MFF as the Tongi-Bhairab Bazar section is common to the Dhaka-Chittagong, Dhaka-, Dhaka- (via Bhairab Bazar) and Dhaka-Noakhali Routes. The line capacity is already saturated and it is envisaged that commissioning of the subproject will reduce travel time by rail removing the bottleneck in the section, enhancing passenger services and reduce the risk of train accidents.

E. Project Implementation

13. An International Tender was called for Consultancy Services for the detailed design of the sample subproject and appraisal of the other subprojects. SMEC International Pty Ltd in association with Maunsell/AECOM (NZ), No. 5 Institute of China Railway, Balaji Railroad Systems Ltd (India) and ACE Consultants Ltd (Bangladesh) was the successful tenderer and a consultancy contract was signed on 06 January 2007.

14. The detailed design of the selected subproject viz “Construction of double line between Tongi and Bhairab Bazar including Signalling” (TBDLP) was completed in 2008. Based on the completed design, tender documents were prepared and re-issued to prequalified contractors in April 2010. A contract was signed for the TBDLP between Bangladesh Railway and the China Railway Group Ltd. (CREC) on 27 July 2011 for a Contract Amount of BDT 14,054,202,610 (US$ 202,670,742) of which ADB will finance 94.7%

15. After signing of the contract for the construction works SMEC was appointed the “Engineer” for the construction contract on 11 August 2011. CREC and SMEC mobilised their staff after signing of this contract and the Notice to Commence was issued to the Contractor on 02 November 2011. The total physical construction period in the Contract is 1095 calendar days (36 months) with the Contract Completion Date being 31 October 2014. The works schedule agreed as per the contract has been attached herewith as Appendix1.

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A. Project Location

16. The line from Tongi to Bhairab Bazar passes 14 railway stations and the Project area is administratively located in 3 districts: , and Kishoreganj. The rainy season in this area starts between April and July and ends between September and November. The track passes through low, flat and alluvial land and crosses several major rivers viz, Balu, Pipulia Khal, Sitalakha, Arial Khan and Old Brahmaputra and many smaller rivers, streams and canals some of which are dry during the dry season.

Figure 2.1 Project Location Plan

B. Project Components

17. The scope of the Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project (TBDLP) and the major project activities are summarised as follows:

(i) Construction of 64 km of main line and 22 km of loops and sidings involving widening of embankment and construction of new embankment for bridge approaches alongside the existing operating main line. The embankment is to be constructed to accommodate future broad gauge (BG) tracks.

(ii) More than 2 million cubic metres of new embankment will be placed along the existing alignment of which approx 20% will be taken from the ROW and the rest from approved and/or designated areas outside of the ROW (mostly via river dredging). Geotechnical Investigations undertaken identified unstable foundation

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conditions over 20 km of the length requiring specific soft ground treatment2 to be undertaken during embankment construction.

(iii) Construction of new Metre Gauge (MG) track with 90A rails for the down-line including new loops and sidings at stations involving 64 km of main line and 22 km of loops and sidings. The existing MG track will form the up-line and replacement, realigning & removal of this track (where applicable) will be carried out. Sub-Ballast and Ballast will be provided for the new MG track with 90A rails provided to accommodate heavier loadings. Pre-stressed Concrete (PSC) Sleepers to carry 90A rail will be provided with timber sleepers only where specified. Track laying equipment including 1 Ballast Tamping Machine, 1 Heavy Gang Car & 2 Motor Trolleys for MG track will be supplied by the contractor.

(iv) Construction of 40 new bridges and 31 new culverts will be undertaken. Three bridges fall under The Bangladesh Department of Environment’s (DOE’s) Red category and require full EIAs, while others are in the amber and green category and require lesser types of assessment.. The three red category bridges are:

Br #79 – Km 40+000; length 345 metres – Lakhya River Br #34 – Km 5+000; length 171 metres – Old Brahmaputra Rive Br #63 – Km 22+000; length 122 metres – Arial Khan River

(v) Construction of 10 station buildings, platforms, platform sheds, several foot overbridges and remodelling of station yards;

(vi) Modernisation of signalling systems of 12 stations involving the Supply and installation of computer based interlocking (CBI) signalling system with associated telecommunications facilities at these stations.

(vii) Relocation of overhead electricity wire crossings and underground utility crossings affecting construction works. Construction of 37 Level Crossings including Gate Goomties and Equipment Rooms for Signalling.

(ix) Construction and upgrading of access roads to the stations

18. The following activities will affect the natural environment on varying degrees:

 Transportation and stockpiling of construction materials such as embankment fill, cement, sand, aggregates, reinforcing steel, ballast, rails, sleepers, and timber;

 Bridge construction may require boring or driving of piles for foundations or temporary works, transportation of heavy precast sections, use of high capacity cranes and lifting equipment and fabrication of steel members at site

 Manufacture of sub-ballast and ballast by crushing of rock;

 Manufacture and delivery of concrete from central batching plants

 Set up and operation of construction work camps

 Clearing of station new access roads or widening existing access road alignments.

2 Soft ground treatment includes a variety of engineering methods to induce immediate settlement in embankment materials permitting the embankments to support heavy weights from passenger or freight trains and avoid long-term settlement of the track.

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A. Environmental Category

19. The project falls under ADB Category B and hence an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) is sufficient to meet the environmental requirements. An IEE report was prepared by the consultant engaged by the ADB during appraisal. However an updated Environmental Management Plan (EMP) was required during the detailed design stage to serve as guidelines for the Contractor and a means of completing compliance monitoring for the “Engineer”.

20. The recommendations of the EMP were incorporated into the detailed design and the tender documents and have then become a part of the civil works contract. The cost for the implementation of the EMP has been included in the Contract and the approved Revised Development Project Proforma/Proposal (RDPP). The updated EMP was approved by ADB in 2008 and was included in the tender documentation in 2008.

B. Environmental Clearances

21. The initial environmental clearance for the project, valid for one year, was obtained from the DOE on 01 July 2009 vide their memo no DOE/Clearance/4041/2009/223. Subsequently renewal of the environmental clearance certificate was obtained for the years 2010, 2012 (2 years) and 2013. The last environmental clearance certificate up to June 2014 was received on 01 August 2013. These certificates are provided in Appendix 2.

C. Institutional Setup and Responsibilities

22. The Executing Agency for the Project is the Bangladesh Railway represented by General Manager/Project Director TBDLP. The Contractor is the China Railway Group Ltd (CREC) represented by the Contractor’s Representative in Dhaka. The Implementation Consultant is SMEC and Associates represented by the Team Leader/Project Manager who has also been delegated as “The Engineer” under the Contract. The responsibilities of each organisation during the various Phases of the Project are shown in Table 2.1 below.

Table 2.1 Environmental Responsibility Matrix

Phase Agency Contact Responsibility Deliverables Design/ Executing Agency: General Manager/ Preparation of EMP. Preconstruction (BR) Project Director Incorporation of EMP Design Consultant: Team Leader/ clauses into bidding EMP, Bidding SMEC & Associates Project Manager documents. Documents Reporting to ADB. Construction Executing Agency: General Manager/ Monitoring of EMP Monthly, Quarterly (BR) Project Director Implementation, Reports. Semi- Implementation Team Leader/ Audit and Reporting Annual Reports to Consultant: SMEC & Project Manager to ADB. ADB. Associates Contractor: China CREC Implementation of Monthly Reports Railway Group Ltd Representative Mitigation Measures (CREC) and internal monitoring & reporting INGO: DORP DORP Team Leader Execution of RP Monthly Reports NGO: RDC RDC Team Leader Delivery of HIV/AIDS Monthly Reports Awareness Program Independent 3rd KMC Managing Monitoring of Inception Report, Bi- Party RP monitor: Director execution & Annual Report, Final Compliance of UFRP Report.

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Operation / Post Executing Agency: General Manager/ Monitoring of EMP Construction (BR) Project Director Implementation,

D. Key Findings in the SIEE report

23. The conclusion and recommendations of the updated EMP of 2008 are as follows:

“Double lining of the Tongi-Bhairab Bazar section track has only nominal impact on Impacted Environmental Components (IECs) because the proposed track passes by the side of existing track. The anticipated impacts can be further reduced if the contractor and other stakeholders adhere to good practice during the implementation stage and duly implement provisions of the EMP and environmental clauses. However, studies recommended below are mainly to generate data under ambient conditions for future monitoring whether or not the subproject really impacts the IECs.

 Ambient air pollution data at Tongi, Narsingdi and Bhairab Bazar stations and villages through which the rail track passes at busy and lean hours may be recorded in March.  Data on noise pollution at day/night time at busy stations and in densely populated villages through which the track passes may be recorded once a year during February/March.  Study on local hydrology, land use pattern, wildlife biology of project impacted area during the operation stage.  The Subproject, however, has no serious impact on IECs at any stage of its implementation.

Railway is less land intensive and more energy efficient compared to other modes of transport, hence is more environmental friendly. With introduction of high speed and more energy efficient designs of locomotives, the environmental pollution caused by the transport sector can be substantially reduced. Hence it is recommended that even if there remain any minor residual adverse environmental impacts, development of railway should be give high priority at the planning and policy level as it is by far the most environmentally friendly mode of transport”

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A. Project Status at 31 August 2013

24. The Bill of Quantities (BOQ) for the civil works is sub-divided in to 7 major activities against which works are measured and appropriate payment is made. These activities also formed the basis for the planning and scheduling of the works as represented in the Contractor’s Works Programme (Appendix 1).

25. The Contractor commenced mobilization of his staff in October and November 2011 and physical works commenced on site in December 2011 on the construction of the Engineer’s Offices and provision of temporary works for the major bridge #79 at Km 41+167.

26. Sixty-four km of embankment provides the base formation on which sub-ballast and ballast must be placed before the sleepers and tracks can be laid. Including the embankment, sub-ballast, ballast and topsoil materials, a total of more than 2,700,000 m3 of material will need to be transported and placed. Of that more than 2 million m3 of embankment will be obtained via river dredging. This wet mostly sandy material dredged using suction dredges will be sucked from the river bottoms and conveyed by temporary pipelines to the rail corridor.

27. In addition to these amounts more than 1,000 concrete piles are being placed (bored and cast in place) within rivers, streams and canals for bridge piers and another 1,300 piles will be built on shore and dry land for pier and abutments. Thirty one (31) heavy duty new railway culverts and 40 bridges are being built. Of these bridges three have spans of > 135m. At the major bridge sites high capacity temporary concrete batching plants have been established.

28. The TBDLP also has 11 existing passenger stations where new station buildings, platforms, platform sheds, foot over bridges and access and parking facilities will be constructed with 2 additional equipment buildings to be constructed at existing stations. This work will require the management of tens of thousands of cubic metres of waste building materials, that will need to be sorted, inventoried, recycled and stored.

29. To facilitate these works four offices have been constructed for the Engineer along the alignment and the Contractor has established his construction camps and storage areas for major materials to be used including sub-ballast and ballast, PSC sleepers, rail and associated connection materials, sand and aggregates for concrete manufacture, major track components and other associated equipment and materials.

30. Overall progress up to 31 August 2013 against each of the major activities in the BOQ is shown in the following Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Physical Progress Summary

Bill Activity Status % No. O General Requirements Construction of Engineers Offices & Accommodation completed at 90% Pubail, Ghorasal, Narsingdi and Bhairab Bazar. The facilities have been occupied and are in operation, but still required some fittings and equipment to be supplied. Provision of vehicles for Engineer’s Staff for site supervision 100% activities. A Earthworks Placement of 1,494,000 cubic metres of embankment fill in various 65% locations within a 55 km length of the Contract completed and works continuing.

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Bill Activity Status % No. Placement of 59,000 cubic metres of sub-ballast on 27.2 km 25% completed embankment carried out and works continuing. Soft Ground Treatment required for approx 20 km in progress. 25% Topsoil and grassing of slopes on approx. 240,000 sq. metres of 60% completed embankment between Bhairab Bazar and Tongi carried out. B Track Crushing and stockpiling of ballast at Bhairab and Pubail in 67% progress. Delivery of rails, sleepers and other track materials and equipment, 75% in progress Installation of the track on site has not commenced 0 C Bridges and Culverts Construction works on all 4 major bridges in progress with 60% substructures completed for 2 (#34, #63). Construction works in progress on all 36 smaller bridges with piling 50% on 5 remaining and substructures completed on 15. Construction works completed at 10 of the 11 box culvert sites 90% Construction works completed at 19 of the 20 pipe culvert sites 95% D Stations & Buildings Construction of Station Buildings and related facilities in progress at 24% all 13 sites. Demolition of Station Buildings and related facilities has not 0% commenced E Signalling & Design of CBI signaling systems by the approved subcontractor 64% Telecommunications LSIS (Korea) is in progress in line with their agreed schedule with shipment of 7 of the 9 consignment of equipment completed. Installation of the CBI equipment on site has not commenced. 0 F Ancillary Works Relocation of overhead electric lines and underground services (e.g. 90% OFC) where these obstruct proposed new construction works has been carried out. Construction at any level crossings on site has not commenced 0

31. Overall Progress of the Project at 31 August 2013 was reported as 50.12% against a target of 53.93% indicating a lag of 3.81%. This level of progress reflects the increase in project activities following the end of the 2012 monsoon season in Oct 2012 and continuing through the 2013 monsoon season commencing in June 2013.

B. Environmental Management Plan

32. The 2006 SIEE contained an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) which in 2008 was updated and included in the bid documentation. At that time the draft EMP was reviewed and considered to be inadequate and various revisions and improvements were made, but did not find their way into the final EMP included in the bid material.

33. In 2011 the Contractor was instructed by the CSC to revise the EMP, making it compliant with 2011-12 safeguard requirements. This requirement was also included in Sub- clause 4.18 of the General Conditions of Contract (GCC) and the Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC).

34. After several revisions by CREC the EMP remained incomplete, specifically lacking clear information on monitoring and timing of mitigation actions. In August 2012, CSC prepared a final

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revision of the EMP (focusing on the construction period) and instructed CREC to implement it. This EMP is included as Appendix 4.

35. The construction contract signed by the Contractor in 2011 also contains more than 100 specific environmental and occupational health and safety clauses (see Appendix 3) which CREC must comply with. All environmental clauses were extracted (as shown in Appendix 3) from the contract documents and given to the contractor in August 2012, reminding the contractor of the environmental commitments which the contractor had signed off on.

C. Environmental Management Implementation Works Schedule (EMWS)

36. In Sub-clause O.8.6 of the Contract Specifications CREC was required to prepare an Environmental Management Implementation Work Schedule (EMWS), expanding on the EMP requirements and defining in a time-bound chart how the mitigation and monitoring measures defined in the latest EMP and the contract clauses would be implemented over the 3-year construction period.

37. This was not satisfactorily completed by the Contractor and therefore a revised EMWS was prepared for the Training and Workshop sessions delivered by the CSC in August 2012 and issued to the Contractor to ensure that the necessary activities would be executed to achieve satisfactory compliance with the EMP. This EMWS is included in Appendix 5.

D. EMP Related Activities

38. Environmental Audit by CSC – 30 Oct – 01 Nov 2012. An environmental audit of the Project was carried out that involved a field inspection of all active worksites and locations where labourers lived as well as the evaluation of all environment-related documentation required of CREC. Given the level of non-compliance and the many letters sent to CREC, immediate actions by the Supervising Consultant were proposed as follows:

“(i) This draft audit report will be submitted to CREC for their written comments to be submitted to the Supervising Consultant by 30th November 2012. CREC will be given until the end December 2012 to fully implement the monitoring program as defined in this audit report, show specific improvements in the areas of occupational health and safety matters by providing weekly written updates and submit a fully compliant October 2012 monthly report. CREC must use this audit report as a guide to the specific improvements needed. (ii) If by the 15th December 2012 a full monitoring cycle is not complete and there is no marked improvement vis-à-vis environmental compliance we will propose that further to this letter and pursuant to GCC 7.5, a final notice shall be sent to the Contractor confirming that “…workmanship is found to be defective or otherwise not in accordance with the Contract…” on the basis of the various omissions recorded in the 01 November 2012 Audit Report. (iii) Accordingly and as provided in GCC 7.6, the Contractor shall be allowed a grace period of 28 days to urgently rectify such omissions and implement the necessary environmental monitoring and mitigating measures to ensure “…the safety of the Works, whether because of an accident, unforeseeable events or otherwise.” (iv) If for whatever reason the Contractor fails to implement the necessary actions on or before the aforesaid deadline, the Employer shall be entitled to invoke the contractual right to “…employ and pay any persons to carry out the work…” and “…the Contractor shall subject to Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] pay to the Employer all costs arising from this failure.” (v) In addition the Supervising Consultant will recommend that a series of deductions be made from the various items in the BOQ where environmental activities specified in the EMP related to that works item are not carried out satisfactorily. A schedule

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of deductions is being prepared and will be submitted for approval by BR before the end of November 2012 so that deductions will become effective in December 2012 if these activities are not initiated”.

39. ADB Review Mission 13-16 Mar 20133 During the ADB Project Review Mission in Mar 2013 the implementation of the EMP was reviewed following a site visit to the Works with the following findings.

“5. …………The Mission visited the site and assessed the progress of the civil works satisfactory, although there are still room for improvement in terms of safety and environmental monitoring. The contractor expressed concerns over the possible delay due to frequent hartals (general strikes) these days. The Mission requested that mitigation measures to cope with the current unrest situation shall be sought, so that negative impact can be minimised.”

“11. Implementation of Environmental Management Plan. Through the site visit, the Mission identified that there is room for improvement in terms of the Environmental Management Plan. In particular the Mission noted that some of the important construction equipment and material on Site were not necessarily stocked and piled up in a proper manner, which may undermine the quality of works. The Mission requested BR and the Contractor for corrective actions. The Mission explained that another loan review focussing on safeguard issues will be planned later this year.”

“12. Compliance with Loan Covenants. The Mission observed that most covenants are being complied with. Details are as per Attachment 2.” Quote from 2013 ADB mission report. Further details relating to Item 12 are included in Part D of Section V of this report following.

40. ADB Review Mission 23 May 20134 The implementation of the EMP was reviewed following a site visit to the Works during May 2013 with the following findings.

Observation on Anticipated environmental Proposed Mitigation measures Action environmental issue impacts required Bridge #89 and #99 Vertical cutting of the  Possibility of landslide may  Sheet piling and filling of earth  Immediate existing railroad and lead to failure of existing cutting site with adequate sand careless removal of top railways line during rainy bags; soil from the season/ heavy rainfall and  Appropriate vegetation cover and embankment slopes may cause severe damage of trees shall be planted along the railways; side of the embankment for slop  Washing of top soil may leads protection; to sudden landslide and gully  Stabilisation of embankment erosion of the embankment; slopes by re-vegetation with grazing resistant plant species, placement of fibre mats, rock gabions, or other appropriate technologies;  Regular periodic site inspections of all earth cutting site by BR, drainage provisions and re- vegetation efforts by the contractors are required as a routine part of supervision

3 Comprising of Satoko Tanaka, Transport Specialist/Mission Leader, Bangladesh Resident Mission (BRM), Markus Roesner, Senior Transport Specialist, Transport and Communications Division, South Asia Department (SATC). 4 Comprising of Satoko Tanaka, Transport Specialist/Mission Leader, Bangladesh Resident Mission (BRM), Arif M. Faisal, Environmental Specialist (BRM), Md Shahidul Alam, Project Implementation Officer, BRM.

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activities; Stockpile of earth fill  This may block the fish pass  Stockpile of earth fill should be  As soon as dumped near drainage migration areas and could located away from drainage practical systems and water disrupt the migration routes for systems and water bodies; bodies other aquatic fauna;  Earth works should be timed to avoid fish migration/breeding periods;  Topsoil from borrow areas must be saved and should be reused in revegetating the pits. Construction materials  Fish and other aquatic life  No equipment and construction  Immediate spill/washed into rivers/ migration route may be materials shall be temporarily canals. disrupted and rivers/canals stored in riverbanks. may be silted Bridge #34, #31 Fish migration route  Fish migration and other  Big pipe with increased number of  Immediate found arrested with aquatic fauna will be disrupted pipes/temporary box culverts to construction of road due to arresting of minimum be installed to allow optimum across the water flows water flow regime water flow for migrating fish and of the river (only one other aquatic fauna. small pipe was used for flowing water) Contractors did not  Possibility of injury and  All personnel at work sites shall  As soon as provided adequate accident during construction be provided with protective gears practical safety measures to the works; like helmets, goggles, boots, etc workers (mos of the  Injured workers should receive so that injuries to personnel are workers wear ordinary proper treatment with avoided or minimised. sandals instead of compensation from the boots and without hand contractor; gloves); Injured workers did not properly compensated for treatment; Lack of proper health  Injury and health hazards risks  The work and campsites should  Adequate care facilities and no of construction workers have adequate facilities for health care first aid box for the handling any emergency situation facilities and construction workers like injury, accident, fire, first aid kit explosion, electrocution, etc; should be  A safety training program on available at occupational health and safety campsites measures is required for  Training construction workers; should be  The Contractor must regularly organised inspect, test and maintain all for workers safety equipment, scaffolds, as soon as guardrails, working platforms, practical hoists, ladders and other means of access, lifting, lighting, signing and guarding equipment; Earthworks and Filling Site Soil dumped in railway  Washing of soil during heavy  Restricting earthworks to the dry  As soon as embankment found not rainfall may clog the canals season in order to minimise practical compacted properly and rivers with sediment load erosion from fresh cuts and  Drainage blockage/ embankment slopes; congestion due to earthworks  Effective soil compaction on the and related unwanted shoulders and slopes, and turfing changes in water level and with grazing resistant native local hydrological conditions grass;

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41. ADB Meetings on 1st and 29th August 2013. During these meeting the status and the reporting of EMP compliance were discussed. The method of systematic reporting of compliance in terms of the items in the EMP and the various Contract clauses was reviewed so that the changes over a period of time could be tracked. Targets for compliance levels were also agreed and procedures and actions required to be taken by the Contractor were clarified.


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42. An Environmental Due Diligence Report5 was submitted to ADB at the commencement of the civil works contract in November 2011 along with the 2nd PFR application. The relevant sections of this report are reproduced in this section and updated to 31 August 2013 where applicable.

A. Compliance with National Environmental Laws

43. The environmental legislation of GOB emphasises reducing the negative impacts of infrastructure development projects and enhancement of the positive impacts. This conforms to the National Environmental Policy 1992 that was enacted based on the Agenda 21 of Rio Conference and subsequent enactments of the Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act (BECA) 1995 and Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Rules (BECR) 1997. The DOE documents through do not make mention about the provisions for railway tracks and railway bridges specifically. So, the conditions for roadways were followed during preparation of the EMP. The compliance with the national laws is as follows:

Table 5-1 Compliance with National Laws

Environment Compliance Relevance for BRSIP BRSIP (Tranche 1) Policy/Rule Requirement (Tranche 1) Performance Bangladesh Requires all railway BRSIP is required to The environmental clearance Environmental strengthening and secure and maintain (valid for 1 year) for the project Conservation Act new construction an EC was obtained from the DOE on (BECA) 1995 and projects to obtain 01 Jul 2009. Subsequently Bangladesh an Environmental renewal of the environmental Environmental Clearance (EC) clearance certificate was Conservation Rules obtained for the years 2010, (BECR) 1997 2012 (2 years) and 2013. Environmental clearance certificate up to Jun 2013 was received on 21 Jun 2012. A further renewal up to Jun 2014 was issued by the DOE on 01 Aug 2013.

B. Compliance with ADB Guidelines

44. According to the environmental guidelines of ADB the project falls under Category B and hence an IEE is sufficient to meet the environmental requirements. An IEE report was prepared by the consultant engaged by the ADB during appraisal. However during the detailed design stage between 2009 and 2011 an updated Environmental Management Plan (EMP) was prepared. The project is also in conformity with the latest Guideline of ADB i.e. Safeguard Policy Statement 2009.

C. Compliance with the Environmental Assessment Review Framework (EARF)

45. An EARF was prepared in 2008 for the original project which involved the implementation of 8 subprojects. Since funding for each subproject would take place at different times, the Multi-tranche Financing Facility (MFF) loan modality was applied. The EARF defines

5 Annex 5 Environmental Due Diligence Report LOAN 2316-BAN(OCR): “Construction of double line between Tongi and Bhairab Bazar including signalling” November 2011

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the steps to be followed for preparation of environmental safeguard documentation for any of the subprojects, using a step-by-step approach compliant with GOB and ADB regulations and guidelines respectively. It also provides EIA templates and other guidance as well as delineating the role and responsibilities of BR and ADB.

46. According to the requirements of the EARF, the project components selected under Project Financing Request 2 (PFR 2) are being subjected to environmental categorisation and assessment. Three project components proposed under PFR 2 are:

i) Additional financing for double tracking of the Tongi-Bhairab Bazar section; ii) Upgrading of signalling in 11 stations between Irshudi and Darsana; and iii) Rehabilitation of yards and extension of loops at 7 stations from Ishurdi to Darsana and Shirajganj Station.

In accordance with the EARF and ADB, component i), which is the continuation of the investment component under PFR 1 is a category B project and hence had an IEE report and EMP prepared. Component ii) is proposed to be a category C project and hence no further assessment was required. Component iii) is proposed to be a category B project and hence an IEE and its EMP was to be finalised.

47. The EARF also mentions the need for the Reform Project under the MFF to include institutional strengthening and capacity building within BR to address safeguard issues. Accordingly under tranche 1, the delineation of Line of Business (LOB) under BR will address needs for safeguards. Further identification of specific capacity needs and capacity strengthening activities for safeguards will take place in line with other activities under the Reform Project through the course of MFF implementation.

D. Compliance with Framework Financing Agreement (FFA)

48. Schedule 5 of FFA stipulated environmental considerations6. The project’s compliance with contractual environmental safeguards requirements are shown in the Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 Compliance with Environmental Considerations of FFA of 2006

Clause & Loan Condition Compliance by the project Para No. 1 BR shall ensure that the Investment Project, each Investment Complied. Subproject and all Investment Project facilities are developed, Initial Environmental examination conducted, implemented and maintain in accordance with all (IEE) including Environmental applicable laws and regulations, including the Borrower’s Management Plan (EMP) have Environmental Conservation Act 1995, and ADB’s Environment been prepared for the Investment Policy (2002). If there is any discrepancy between the Project (Project-1) and each Government’s laws and regulations, and ADB’s Environment Investment Subproject in Policy, then the ADB’s Policy requirements shall apply. BR shall accordance with all applicable laws ensure that all Investment Subprojects comply with and and regulations, including the incorporate all mitigation measures required by ADB’s Borrower’s Environmental Environment Policy, and the Initial Environmental Examination Conservation Act 1995, and ADB’s (IEE), including preparing an Environmental Management Plan Environment Policy (2002). The (EMP) for the Investment Project and each Investment recommendations of IEE & EMP Subproject. All civil works and consultant contracts shall contain have been incorporated in the provisions that reflect these requirements. For the follow up construction contract of Project-1 Investment Subprojects, the BR shall ensure that an IEE or and same will be done in other Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), as applicable, is Subprojects. IEE for Project-1 is prepared in accordance with the Borrower’s requirements and already approved by the DOE and

6 These clauses are the environmentally specific Loan Covenants in the Legal Agreement also referred to in the ADB Review Mission in March 2013 (see para 39, Part D, Chapter IV of this report)

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Clause & Loan Condition Compliance by the project Para No. ADB’s Environment Policy. BR shall ensure that all IEEs or EIAs, the Environmental Clearance has as applicable, are approved by the Borrower following its already been issued with a renewal approval procedures. to 2014 issued. 2 For each Investment Subproject for which an IEE has not been Complied. prepared, BR shall prepare an IEE or EIA, as applicable, which Initial Environmental examination includes an EMP specific to that Investment Subproject. Prior to (IEE) including Environmental civil works contracts being awarded for the Investment Management Plan (EMP) have Subproject, BR shall ensure that IEE or EIA, as applicable: (a) been prepared for the Investment are based on the Investment Project IEE prepared during Project (Project-1) and each Investment Project preparation and follow the Environmental Investment Subproject in Assessment and Review Procedures set forth in the IEE; (b) accordance with all applicable laws meet ADB’s Environment Policy requirements; (c ) include and regulations, including the details of local consultation carried out before and during IEE or Borrower’s Environmental EIA, as applicable, preparation; and (d) are approved by the Conservation Act 1995, and ADB’s appropriate authority of the Borrower for environmental Environment Policy (2002). Both compliance before being submitted to ADB for approval. For the IEE and EMP prepared for the Investment Subprojects confirmed by ADB as environmentally Investment Subprojects has been sensitive (i.e., Category A or B sensitive under ADB’s approved by BR, DOE and ADB. Environment Policy), the Investment Subproject proposal and the Note that the ADB’s Safeguard IEE or EIA, as applicable, shall be forwarded to ADB for review (as well as an environmental impact assessment if it is Policy Statement or SPE, 2009 is determined that there will be a significant environmental impact) now in force and will soon be and the Summary Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) or updated. shall be made available to the general public at least 120 days before each Investment Subproject is approved. 3 The Borrower and BR shall ensure that the contract documents Complied. for all civil works under the Investment Project includes specific The recommendations of IEE & measures as indicated in the IEE and Summary Initial EMP including EMP budget have Environmental Examination (SIEE) or EIA and SIEA, as been incorporated in the applicable, and in accordance with ADB’s Environment Policy to construction contract of Project-1 mitigate negative environmental impacts caused by the and same will be done in other construction and to give due consideration to prevention of Subprojects. damage to the natural environment in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of Investment Project facilities. If there are any changes in the specific locations or alignments or infrastructure or Invest Project facilities after the IEE or EIA, as applicable, is completed, for either already approved Investment Subprojects or for proposed Investment Subprojects, an additional environmental assessment shall be completed and a process similar to that used for an IEE or SIEE, as applicable, and acceptable to ADB, shall be undertaken. 4 BR shall: (a) prepare an Investment Project Environment Management Complied. Plan to monitor the contractor’s implementation of the EMPs; (b) ensure that specific provisions are included for the Complied. preparation, implementation, and monitoring of EMPs in civil works and consulting services contracts; (c ) ensure that the environmental mitigation measures in the IEE Complied. or EIA, as applicable, are adequately implemented by the Contractor is progressing with the contractors; and works and is following to some extent the requirements in the EMP for mitigation and monitoring. CSC is monitoring these activities with regular site inspections, audits and advice to the Contractor and providing timely reports to BR. (d) provide adequate budgetary allocation for this activity. Complied. 5 The Borrower and BR shall ensure that the contract documents Complied. for all civil works under the Investment Project includes specific The recommendations of IEE &

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Clause & Loan Condition Compliance by the project Para No. measures as indicated in the SIEE and IEE or EIA and SIEA, as EMP have been incorporated in the applicable, and in accordance with ADB’s Environment Policy to construction contract of Project-1 mitigate negative environmental impacts caused by the and same will be done in other construction and to give due consideration to prevention of Subprojects. Mitigation measures damage to the natural environment in the design, construction, will be taken during construction operation and maintenance of Investment Project facilities. Such work. mitigation measures may include, but not limited to, rerouting traffic, maintaining moisture content during soil handling, controlling noise and vibration during construction, pumping stagnant water and providing adequate drainage, restricting placement of construction materials and equipment, stabilizing embankment side slopes, and rehabilitating/reclaiming the temporary access road when construction work is completed. If there are any changes in the specific locations or alignments or infrastructure or Invest Project facilities after the IEE or EIA, as applicable, is completed, for either already approved Investment Subprojects or for proposed Investment Subprojects, an additional environmental assessment shall be completed and a process similar to that used for an IEE or SIEE, as applicable, and acceptable to ADB, shall be undertaken. 6 The Borrower shall cause (i) the contractors engaged under the Complied. civil works contracts to comply strictly with all environmental The implementation of EMP is impact mitigation requirements set out in the contract being carried out against documents, and (ii) the consultants engaged for construction construction contract. The supervision to monitor closely the compliance by the contractors recommendations of IEE & EMP with the environmental impact mitigation requirements. BR shall have been incorporated in the submit to ADB semi-annual reports on implementation of EMP construction contract of Project-1. as stated in the IEE or EIA, as applicable. Close monitoring is being done by BR and supervision consultants to ensure implementation of EMP during construction work. With an increase in physical progress achieved since Oct 2012 this second report is a Bi-Annual Report up to 31 Aug 2013.

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A. The Environmental Management Plan

49. The EMP contains 34 mitigation measures and 34 associated monitoring actions, presented in the project work period (preconstruction, construction and operating) they would most likely take place in. Each of the tasks is numbered such that any mitigation measure can be cross referenced to the associated monitoring requirement.

This same numbering is then extended to the EMWS as well as the monitoring checklist, permitting an easy confirmation of the entire EMP implementation procedure (see Appendix5).

50. The potential environmental impacts of the Project and the required mitigation and monitoring measures and the related general timelines are set out in the Environmental Management Plan (see Appendix 4). The detailed implementation schedule is found in the EMWS, a mandatory document of the Contractor, and provided in Appendix 5.

51. The EMP’s mitigation tasks are defined in the EMP’s mitigation table (EMiT) and describe the component of the environment affected, the impact, proposed mitigation action, where it is to take place, when and who will implement and supervise the action.

52. The environmental monitoring requirements are presented in the second part of the EMP, the EMP’s environmental monitoring table (EMoT), also in Appendix 4. This plan considers the scope of monitoring; monitoring parameters; time and frequency; the outputs required and implementing and supervising agencies. This plan also includes a number of specific impacts for which sampling of a range of parameters is required to determine the extent of the impact as a result of the various work activities.

B. Sampling Program

53. The extent of the impacts of environmental pollution related to surface water, ground water, air quality and noise can be determined in quantitative terms by sampling a range of related parameters. Based on these results the mitigation measures provided for in the EMP can be adjusted accordingly. The field sampling work was specified for the construction and operating period.

54. The sampling program is presented in Appendix 6 and is summarised in Table 6.1 below

Table 6.1 Sampling Program Summary

Impact Construction Operating Period Parameter Frequency Dur’n. Frequency During Years

1 Surface Water monthly 3 yrs 2X/yr. 1,3,5 pH, TSS, BOD5, DO, TP, Oil & grease, FC 2 Ground Water 2X/yr 3 yrs 0 Not pH, TSP, As, Fe, Mn, S, Cl, needed FC

3 Air Quality quarterly 3 yrs 2X/yr 1,3,5 TPM, SO2, NO2, CO, Dust & Soot 4 Noise & Vibration quarterly 3 yrs 3X/yr 1,3,5 dBA

55. The sampling follows the methodology provided in the Bangladesh national standard methods for monitoring pollutants. Other associated standards are national environmental quality standards and pollutant emission standards.

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A. Pre-Construction Stage

56. The implementation status of the mitigation measures to be addressed during the pre- construction stage of the project was presented in the #1 Annual Report to October 2012. These measures have all been addressed effectively and further monitoring and reporting is not required as the Contract is now into the Construction Stage.

B. Construction Stage

57. The implementation status of the mitigation measures during this reporting period are summarised in the Compliance Monitoring Check List provided in Appendix 7. The status of each measure is summarised in the last columns of the tables for comparison with the designed mitigation measures stated in the EMP. Although to date many of the mitigation measures have been implemented there are some significant deficiencies that need to be addressed7 as the number and range construction activities has increased on site.

58. One important area where deficiencies continue to exist and that needs further on-going action is the Health and Safety Issues. Further improvement of the general condition of the camps and work areas in relation to waste disposal, hygiene, medical facilities, etc is still required and general cleanliness and tidiness needs attention. Personal safety including the provision and use of the range of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the workforce is also an area that requires continual attention with frequent and regular training and awareness sessions for all staff.

59. Safety at the many work sites with the provision of signs and notices, warning flags, safety barriers and fences, shoring of excavations and general safe working practices is also an area that requires continual attention with regular maintenance and frequent replacement of many of the precautionary devices used.

60. The extent of the impacts on surface and ground water, air quality, noise and vibration from the various work activities has not been determined as the sampling program, defined for the Contractor at workshops, meetings and through personal communications has not been carried out correctly. Therefore the data that has been obtained is of limited use. There has however been a marked improvement in this area since May 2013 and further improvement to achieve full compliance has been committed to by the Contractor. These activities are discussed in detail in the following section on the Sampling Program.

C. Sampling Program Results and Analysis.

1. Surface Water (EMP 2.5.1)

a. Results of Sampling

61. Sampling is required monthly at 4 main rivers and one dredging site (10 samples/month) with a set of samples to be taken at each location upstream and downstream of the work site.

62. In the absence of applicable Bangladesh standards for aquatic life the reference standard of Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Organisms (2003) has been applied. In particular the limit of faecal coliform for aquatic harvesting where applicable has been referenced. The data presented was collected while active pile placement

7 CSC has formally notified CREC of these deficiencies by letter and during regular meetings

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in the rivers was taking place and while embankment placement and sand dredging was ongoing.

Table 7.2 Existing Water Quality Conditions for Rivers Crossed by the Project

Br#34 OLD BRAHAMAPUTRA RIVER: Km 2+458 (Avg Annual Flow – 1,270 m3/sec) – Permanent Flow pH TSS BOD DO TP -Total Oil & FC Parameter 5 Phosphorus Grease GOB Ambient ≤ 45 / NA 6 – 8 70 mg/l 0.02 ≥ 3 mg/l < 0.20 mg/l 0.0 WQ Stndrd. CFU/100ml Loc’n of Sample U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S Apr 2012 6.78 -- < MDL 0.5 ------May 2013 7.11 7.07 25.5 36 < 2.0 < 2.0 6.80 6.55 0.21 0.36 293 368 3000 7000 Jun 2013 ------Jul 2013 ------Aug 2013 6.89 6.72 18.8 16.9 < 2.0 < 2.0 6.10 6.00 0.074 0.093 36.28 35.42 130 380 Result Status OK OK OK OK Above Limit Above Limit Above Limit Project Effect None Minimal None None Minimal Minimal Major

Br#63 ARIALKHAN RIVER: Km 27+193 (Avg Annual Flow – 2,030 m3/sec) – Permanent Flow pH TSS BOD DO TP Oil & FC Parameter 5 Grease GOB Ambient ≤ 45 / NA 6 – 8 70 mg/l 0.02 ≥ 3 mg/l < 0.20 mg/l 0.0 WQ Stndrd. CFU/100ml Loc’n of Sample U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S Apr 2012 6.86 -- < MDL 0.61 ------May 2013 7.1 7.23 46 73 < 2.0 < 2.0 6.43 6.25 0.21 0.18 502 283 2500 2500 Jun 2013 ------Jul 2013 ------Aug 2013 6.88 7.07 20.5 < 10.0 < 2.0 < 2.0 5.80 5.90 0.151 0.172 347.7 160.3 160 190 Result Status OK OK OK OK Above/OK Above Limit Above Limit Project Effect None None None None Minimal Minimal None

Br#79 SITALAKHA RIVER: Km 41+167 (Avg Annual Flow - 1470 m3/sec) – Permanent Flow pH TSS BOD DO TP Oil & FC Parameter 5 Grease GOB Ambient ≤ 45 / NA 6 – 8 70 mg/l 0.02 ≥ 3 mg/l < 0.20 mg/l 0.0 WQ Stndrd. CFU/100ml Loc’n of Sample U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S Apr 2012 7.02 -- < MDL 0.53 ------May 2013 ------Jun 2013 ------Jul 2013 6.96 7.04 95.9 98.2 4.0 3.0 5.80 5.70 0.736 0.181 588.6 22.85 336,000 25000 Aug 2013 7.13 7.19 53.8 46.2 5.5 5.0 5.60 5.60 0.122 0.144 153.4 82 2000 2000 Result Status OK Above Limit Above Limit OK OK Above Limit Above Limit Project Effect None None None None None None None

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Br#89 BALU RIVER: Km 54+522 (Avg Annual Flow 400 m3/sec) – Permanent Flow pH TSS BOD DO TP Oil & FC Parameter 5 Grease GOB Ambient ≤ 45 / NA 6 – 8 70 mg/l 0.02 ≥ 3 mg/l < 0.20 mg/l 0.0 WQ Stndrd. CFU/100ml Loc’n of Sample U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S Apr 2012 7.22 -- < MDL 0.78 ------May 2013 ------Jun 2013 ------Jul 2013 7.04 7.01 73.1 69.1 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 5.90 5.90 0.345 0.421 40.85 5.714 22000 18000 Aug 2013 6.99 6.75 22.8 33.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 5.80 5.70 0.186 0.099 260 122.5 8000 10000 Result Status OK OK OK OK OK Above Limit Above Limit Project Effect None None None None Minimal None Minimal

ACTIVE DREDGING SITE: Khal River (Avg Annual Flow 400 m3/sec) – Permanent Flow pH TSS BOD DO TP Oil & FC Parameter 5 Grease GOB Ambient ≤ 45 / NA 6 – 8 70 mg/l 0.02 ≥ 3 mg/l < 0.20 mg/l 0.0 WQ Stndrd. CFU/100ml Loc’n of Sample U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S U/S D/S Jul 2013 ------Aug 2013 6.86 6.81 47.7 33.5 4.5 4.0 5.90 5.90 0.074 0.825 59.14 14.29 54000 32000 Result Status OK OK Above Limit Above Limit OK/Above Above Limit Above Limit Project Effect None None None None Minimal None None

b. Summary and Assessment

63. With the data now available it is possible to draw initial conclusions regarding the effects of the project activities on the water quality as summarised in the following table

Table 7.3 Summary of Result Status

pH TSS BOD5 DO TP Oil & Grease FC Br#34 Above May13 Well above Well above OK OK OK OK OK Aug13 limit limit Br#63 Above May13 Well above Well above OK OK OK OK OK Aug13 limit limit Br#79 Above Jul13 Above May13 Well above Well above OK Above OK OK Aug13 OK Aug13 limit limit Br#89 Above Jul13 Well above Well above OK OK OK OK OK Aug13 limit limit Dredge U/S OK, D/S Well above Well above OK OK Above Above above limit limit Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal U/S to D/S U/S to D/S variation U/S variation U/S variation U/S variation U/S variation U/S Variations not Variations not to D/S to D/S to D/S to D/S to D/S Consistent Consistent

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64. Since the samples from upstream and downstream of the worksites indicated very similar results, in some cases higher values upstream of the work sites, project impact would appear to be marginal.

65. Of considerable significance is the large variation in DO levels between the April-end of dry season and low flow period and the July-August rainy season. The data suggests that all four rivers are anoxic during part of the year, making them unfit as fish habitat, at least for part of the year. The generally high nutrient loading (TP) and BOD5 levels support these findings. Background faecal coliform levels are dangerously high making any fish caught from these waters and not cleared in clean water for 5-7 days, unfit for human consumption. Drying does not clear the bacteria. As well the high grease and oil levels in these waters impact the quality of any fish taken from the rivers, tainting the flavorand significantly decreasing their salability

66. In the case of pH, total suspended solids, biological oxygen demand, and dissolved oxygen the majority of the levels are within the acceptable limits, with upstream and downstream readings varying little suggesting no significant impact by the project. In the case of phosphates the recorded levels are just above the limit during the dry season, but below the limit in August indicating the affects of the increased river flow during the wet season. There is also little deviation up and down stream. The levels for Oil and Grease and Faecal Coliform however are well in excess of the limits both up and downstream of the worksites and show large variations suggesting large periodic industrial discharges of pollutants upstream of the sampling sites, not attributable to project activities.

67. Although there is no reliable baseline data the upstream and downstream results suggest that there is minimal impact of the project activities on the surface water quality of these water courses.

2. Ground Water (EMP 2.5.2)

a. Results of Sampling

68. Sampling is required every 6 months at new wells bored for camp water supplies and at existing tube wells within 150 metres of pile boring (5 samples/6 months). However sampling and testing of ground water quality have not been carried as specified out until recently. Starting in August 2013 two samples were tested at each of five tubewells near the major construction sites.

Table 7.4 Ground Water Quality Test Results

Br#34 CONTRACTOR’S CAMP; Km 2+458: Construction of Bridge over Old Brahamaputra River: Parameter pH TSP As Fe Mn S Cl FC GOB Drinking 0.3 – 1.06 0 Wtr Stndrd. 6.5 – 8.5 10 mg/l 0.05 mg/l 0.1 mg/l < 5 mg/l ≤600 mg/l mg/l CFU/100ml ECR’97 Jul 2013 ------Aug 2013 6.86 / 6.55 123 / 109 25 / 100 0.50 / 0.485 1.90 / 1.80 1.0 / 4.2 2.24 / 16.89 Nil / Nil Result Status OK Above limit Above limit OK Above limit OK OK OK Project Effect n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a None

Br#79 ENGINEER’S CAMP; Km 41+167: Construction of Bridge over Sitalakha River: Parameter pH TSP As Fe Mn S Cl FC GOB Drinking 0.3 – 1.06 0 Wtr Stndrd. 6.5 – 8.5 10 mg/l 0.05 mg/l 0.1 mg/l < 5 mg/l ≤600 mg/l mg/l CFU/100ml ECR’97

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 22 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Apr 2012 6.62 -- 0.001 2.32 0.087 -- 8 2 Jul 2013 ------Aug 2013 6.36 / 6.26 608 / 645 ≤ 10 0.128 / 0.098 0.50 / 0.30 0.50 / 0.20 11.78 / 29.3 Nil / Nil Result Status OK n/a OK Below limit OK n/a Below limit OK Project Effect n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a None

Br#89 CONTRACTOR’S PUBAIL CAMP; Km 54+522: Construction of Bridge over Balu River: Parameter pH TSP As Fe Mn S Cl FC GOB Drinking 0.3 – 1.06 0 Wtr Stndrd. 6.5 – 8.5 10 mg/l 0.05 mg/l 0.1 mg/l < 5 mg/l ≤600 mg/l mg/l CFU/100ml ECR’97 Jul 2013 ------Aug 2013 6.77 / 6.77 313 / 241 ≤ 10 0.144 / 0.065 0.40 / 0.30 1.1 / 0.3 0.18 / 3.75 Nil / Nil Result Status OK Above limit OK Below limit Above limit OK Below limit OK Project Effect n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a None

Br#61 WORKS SITE - PILING; Km 24+700: Construction of Bridge Parameter pH TSP As Fe Mn S Cl FC GOB Drinking 0.3 – 1.06 0 Wtr Stndrd. 6.5 – 8.5 10 mg/l 0.05 mg/l 0.1 mg/l < 5 mg/l ≤600 mg/l mg/l CFU/100ml ECR’97 Jul 2013 ------Aug 2013 6.43 / 6.45 204 / 206 ≤ 10 / 50 1.199 / 1.246 1.9 / 2.0 6.0 / 6.7 2.66 / 17.68 Nil / Nil Result Status Below limit Above limit OK/Above Above limit Above limit Above limit Below limit OK Project Effect n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a None

Br#84 WORKS SITE - PILING; Km 47+300: Construction of Bridge Parameter pH TSP As Fe Mn S Cl FC GOB Drinking 0.3 – 1.06 0 Wtr Stndrd. 6.5 – 8.5 10 mg/l 0.05 mg/l 0.1 mg/l < 5 mg/l ≤600 mg/l mg/l CFU/100ml ECR’97 Jul 2013 ------Aug 2013 6.86 / 7.06 294 / 312 ≤ 10 1.064 / 1.33 0.4 / 0.7 33.4 / 33.5 3.32 / 7.06 Nil / Nil Result Status OK Above limit OK Above limit Above limit Above limit Below limit OK Project Effect n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a None

b. Assessment

69. With the absence of baseline data it is difficult to draw any logical conclusion from the new results. CREC was alerted to this issue already in June 2012. However with the majority of parameters in excess of the GOB drinking water standards the need to provide alternative sources of drinking water is essential. This has been addressed by the use of bottled water as drinking water at project site offices and some camps with local staff using drinking water from nearby houses.

70. The Contractor has also taken note of the high arsenic levels in the water at the Br#34 camp and has prohibited all staff from using it as drinking water and is providing alternative potable water sources.

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 23 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

71. The high TSP level would also suggest that the tubewell water has been contaminated from a surface water source. Continued testing will hopefully help in defining the source of these high particulate matter levels. Often, poorly dug and sealed tubewells, result in chronic leakage of contaminated surface water back into the well. The contractor has been alerted to inspect all tubewell sites to insure that they are sealed and that no contaminated water enters the system. Secondly the contractor has been instructed to erect signs at each tubewell instructing users not to wash, brush teeth or otherwise use the water within 10m of the tubewell site-where water remains fit for human consumption.

3. Air Quality (EMP 2.5.3)

a) Results of sampling

72. Sampling is required quarterly (every 3 months) at 4 main bridge construction sites, one crushing plant site, 2 active works sites and 3 stations (10 samples/quarter). One sample within 50m of active works site and one sample at closest boundary to the community. Sampling and testing of air quality have not been regularly carried out to date as specified although the Contractor indicated in his April 2012 report that he had suitable equipment available for this testing. Limited sampling and testing was done in June 2013 with further sampling and testing to be carried out in the coming months in line with the Sampling Program.

Table 7.4 Air Quality Test Results

Br#34 Km 2+458: OLD BRAHAMAPUTRA RIVER – 195 m bridge ( 5 x 19.53m, 3 x 32.4m)

Parameter TPM SO2 NO2 CO Black Soot GOB Air Visual Quality Stndrd 150 µg/m3 365 µg/m3 100 µg/m3 40,000 µg/m3 Observation ERC-1997. Value of Sample Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg

1055 0 16 6.6 0 0 0 0 76 11.7 0 0 0 ------

1618 0 183 55.5 0 2201 125 0 137 49.0 0 1596 253 ------Jun 2013 0950 0 31 16.1 0 232 21.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------1510 0 24 10.7 0 52 2.1 0 10 0.17 0 121 26.7 ------

Hr Avg Day Avg Hr Avg Day Avg Hr Avg Day Avg Hr Avg Day Avg Hr Avg Day Avg Result Status OK OK OK OK n/a Project Effect Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal n/a

Br#63 Km 27+193: ARIALKHAN RIVER – 130 m bridge ( 5 x 19.53m, 1 x 32.4m)

Parameter TPM SO2 NO2 CO Black Soot GOB Air Visual Quality Stndrd 150 µg/m3 365 µg/m3 100 µg/m3 40,000 µg/m3 Observation ERC-1997.

Value of Sample Hr Avg Day Avg Hr Avg Day Avg Hr Avg Day Avg Hr Avg Day Avg Hr Avg Day Avg Result Status OK OK OK OK Project Effect Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal n/a

Br#79 Km 41+167: SITALAKHA RIVER – 360 m bridge ( 1 x 21.78, 1 x 14.62, 6 x 19.53, 4 x 32.4, 1 x 77 m)

Parameter TPM SO2 NO2 CO Black Soot GOB Air Visual Quality Stndrd 150 µg/m3 365 µg/m3 100 µg/m3 40,000 µg/m3 Observation ERC-1997.

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 24 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Value of Sample Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Oct 2012 104 63 42 ------0944 19 46 36.3 0 123 7.8 0 0 0 0 126 18.0 ------1440 0 24 11.0 0 39 6.0 0 0 0 0 218 72.2 ------Jun 2013 1053 1 40 23.4 0 50 7.3 0 115 13.1 0 0 0 ------1202 1 52 27.2 0 0 0 0 89 13.5 0 0 0 ------Result Status OK OK OK OK -- Project Effect Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal --

b. Assessment

73. The data presented in this table indicates that the results for the specified parameters are well below the GOB standards and where records are available are less than the baseline recordings suggesting that the project activities are having minimal impact on air quality. Given the extremely small sample size, these results should be viewed as preliminary findings. The complete survey analysis being undertaken in September 2013 should provide a much more robust dataset.

4. Noise

a) Results of Sampling 74. Sampling is required quarterly (every 3 months) at 2 major bridge construction sites (#79, #89), one crushing and one batching plant site, one ballast dumping/laying site, one dredging site and one Class B station (7 sample sets/quarter). Samples are to be taken at the nearest occupied structure to the works (A) and the next closest receptor (B), with & without a train passing, once during peak working time and once at night.

75. For the 14 month period from the first recordings in April 2012 until May 2012 sampling was carried out for four months at the sites indicated in Table 7.5. During the period there was no construction activity at any of these sites with the exception of the Pubail Station until January 2013, therefore they represent background conditions. The data shows that in relation to standards for mixed commercial, industrial and residential land-use, noise levels are already exceeded during the day and at night. However, there is also no indication whether any of the samples include train movements at these locations.

Table 7.5 Noise Level Results

Bhairab Bazar Methikanda Narsingdi Pubail School Tongi Junction Location Station Station Station Station Station Chainage (Km) 0+000 13+665 30+467 55+920 58+600 64+424 GOB Standard 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 (mixed zone) Time of Sample AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM Apr 2012 66 53 62 51 69 52 68 53 66 52 70 61 May 2012 67 55 60 54 71 51 69 51 67 55 71 60 Jun 2012 66 53 59 51 69 52 65 50 63 53 72 58 Jul 2012 63 52 60 53 67 54 63 52 62 51 73 54 Aug 2012 Sep 2012 Oct 2012 Nov 2012

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 25 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Dec 2012

Jan 2013 Feb 2013 Mar 2013 Apr 2013 May 2013 Average Result Status OK OK Above/OK OK OK Above/OK Project Effect None None None None None None Note: Blanks indicate no measurements were taken.

76. From June 2013 sampling commenced in line with the Sampling Program in the EMP at construction sites with the effects of train movements recorded at the required sites. . Readings were taken at only one site, preventing any conclusions at this time

Br#34 Br#79 BB Crusher Ballast Dredging Methikanda Pubail Location Placement Site Station Station Chainage (Km) 2+458 41+167 Time of Sample AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM GOB Noise Limit (mixed 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 zone) 51 -- A 72.2 -- Jun 2013 52 -- B -- -- Result Status OK w/o train Project Effect None

b) Assessment

77. The data presented suggests that the ambient noise levels at these locations exceed the maximum limits specified by the GOB.

78. It is also observed that the single measurement showing the effect of passing trains shows a >20 dBA rise in noise while a train is passing. This effect will be checked as further data becomes available in the coming months. It is likely that residences within 50m of the rail line will require noise attenuation measures to be identified as the future noise measurements become available.

5. Fisheries Resource.

79. Of the many smaller waterways crossed by bridges or passing under the existing railroad in culverts, there are four significant rivers, in terms of flow and width, crossed by railroad bridges. These are the Old Brahamaputra, Arial Khan and Sitalakha Rivers with the, Balu waterway being the smallest.

a) Old Brahamaputra River

80. The Old Brahamaputra River at the bridge crossing (No. 34) is well over 200m wide and has an average annual flow of 1,270m3/sec.. It is between 5 and 12 m deep and the new bridge

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 26 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

has 5 new equally spaced piers in the water, each measuring 1.75 m in width. Therefore the width of the river taken up by the new pier is approximately 9 m or 4.5% of the total width. The world literature on fish movement and obstructions in rivers indicates that a blockage of ≥30% of the river width could impact fish movement.

81. Common species of catfish (Rui, Catla, Mrigal, Ghania, Kalbasu, Kalia) and carp (Rita, Boal, Pangas, Silon, Aor, Bacha), as well as several species of snakehead fish are likely found in this tributary of the Padma River and do not migrate for the most part. They live in local territories and move into shallow wetland areas to spawn. With only about 4.5 % obstruction of the river width the impact on Bramahputra fish is far less than the chronic discharge of oily, toxic and bacterial laden wastes, killing the fish or tainting their flesh. This is the only project activity affecting the fish and is not considered a serious concern. The Old Brahamaputra actually empties into the Arial Khan just before the water reaches the Padma.

b) Arial Khan River

82. The Arial Khan River, where the rail line now crosses it (Bridge No. 63), is about 170- 180m wide and has an average annual flow of 2030m3 /sec. Four new bridge piers are in the water, each around 1.5 m in width, occupying a total distance of 6 m, equivalent to around 3.4% of the river width. The removal of 3.4 % of the width is far less than the average annual dry-wet season variations as well as the daily tidal fluctuations which can be around 0.31m reducing the river width by more than 15%. The water quality data suggest conditions similar to the Old Brahamaputra river, namely near anoxic during the dry season, due to massive organic matter and chemical loadings. The Arial Khan empties into Padma through at least six secondary natural canals or khals, providing many options to fish movement . 83. Species found in the river are likely close to the diversity found in the Old Brahamaputra, and possibly more diverse, due its very low topography and abundant wetland conditions. Seasonal wetlands are critical habitat for small food-fish species vital to the rural diets, and should be minimally impacted by the project since closely spaced culverts are being installed to insure wetland maintenance. However, the contractor is being instructed to monitor this situation very carefully, and report wetland drying or flooding.

c) Sitalakha River

84. The Sitalakha River is the largest to be crossed by the project, at 330m. It has an average annual flow of 1,470m3/sec. Ten new piers have been placed into the river, each around 1.7m in width, occupying around 17m of the river cross-section. This equals around 5.3% of the river width at the crossing site, and is of no concern regarding a potential block to fish movement.

85. For at least 20 km upstream from where the Balu River emptiesinto the Sitalakha, the water quality is that of an industrial discharge canal (Md. Akramul Alam, A.B.M. Badruzzaman and M. Ashraf Ali. 20128). There are several different types of industries like textiles and dyeing, paper and pulp, jute, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, all discharging untreated wastes into the river. There are also moderate to big urban developments along the entire stretch of the river, all without sewage treatment facilities.

86. The river where the rail line passes over it is not fit for fish life. At the downstream end where it and the Balu river join is a virtual open sewer, with a massive pollution load from the Balu joining the Sitalakha effectively blocking any fish movement upstream.

8AkramulAlam et al. 2012. Spatiotemporal Assessment of Water Quality of the Sitalakhya River, Bangladesh. International Journal of Engineering and Technology:2 ( 6) pg 953-962

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 27 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

87. An indication ofit level of contamination is that even during the rainy season with high water flows the DO levels remain less than 6 mg/L and drops to 0.53mg/l during the dry season. BOD5 levels which for moderately polluted waters are around 2mg/L are two to three times that at the river crossing which is quite far upstream from the major industrial discharges.

88. To conclude, and given the scale of existing contamination and habitat loss in this river, there is literally no chance that the bridge crossing work , which has been undertaken according to the EMP mitigative measures, could impact the fish and fisheries. The first priority should be the reduction of untreated industrial and sewage waste into the river.

d) Balu River

89. The Balu River, is 60m wide at the point where the bridge has been placed. Since there are no piers in the water and no activity on the water this work has no fish and fisheries implications.

e) General Assessment

90. There is no doubt that fish populations, their habitat and water quality in general are all seriously threatened by industrial chemical and sewage discharges, the dewatering of essential wetlands home to many of the small food fish essential in rural Bangladesh diets, and unregulated fishing. Well over 100 of Bangladesh’s wetland and river fishes are vulnerable, some threatened with extinction, all due to land use changes and chemical pollution.

91. Construction of a second rail line within an existing corridor has virtually no impact when compared with the ongoing degradation of rivers and wetlands through various types of uncontrolled pollution.

93. During the field surveys, both the Arial Khan and Sitalakha Rivers were seen running purple, green and black from upstream industrial discharges. Regardless, water quality will continue to be monitored and fish surveys will be conducted to establish the species present and the quality of the catch.

6. Wildlife

94. The impact of the second set of tracks within the rail ROW is not expected to displace wildlife given that the area disturbed is largely plantation and second growth trees and scrub.

95. Bird species such as terns, kingfishers, kites and sandpipers have been observed along the corridor at the river crossings, but none other than sparrows, swallows, raven and mynahs along the tracks. Occasionally varies species of common kite found along wetland areas were observed. The Brahmaputra and Arial Khan wetland along the rail line have additional aquatic birds, most common being the cattle egret and coot. None of these habitats will significantly be impacted by the work, since only very small narrow stretch within the RoW will be used to establish the new embankment.

96. Within the RoW and the areas where embankment is to be placed is all either paddy, pasture or water ditches paralleling the tracks. Some of these ditches may be home to common amphibians and reptiles, non-endangered by this project. During the many field inspection and during the more than 1.5 years of work, no wild mammals have been reported or seen either dead or alive in the project corridor.

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 28 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

7. Overall Assessment of Sampling Program

97. Prior to April 2013 the Contractor was not complying with any of the sampling requirements. Since that time the Contractor has increased sampling activities significantly with further improvements committed to for the forthcoming months and some indication of the project affects can be inferred. CREC has been regularly reminded of the issues with the sampling program and for each monthly report submission and has received feedback concerning data collection.

98. For all the sampled parameters the results suggest that in many cases the ambient levels for water, air and noise are already near or in excess of the national and international standards. Future more credible and precise sampling will help identify if the project is having any measureable impacts on the environment.

D. Compliance Status Reporting

99. Overall compliance status with key actions defined in the EMP, as indicated in the Compliance Monitoring Check List in Appendix 7 is summarised in Table 7.6

Table 7.6 EMP Compliance Status

S/N Item No. Description Status at 31.10.12 Status at 30.06.13 Status at 31.08.13 Compliance Category FC PC NC FC PC NC FC PC NC 1.0 Design & Preconstruction 1 1.1 Design within ROW 1 1 1 2 1.2 Transport of Materials 1 1 1 3 1.3 Env Clauses in Contract 1 1 1 4 1.4 EMP Documentation 1 1 1 5 1.5 Design with Env Conditions 1 1 1 6 1.6 Adequate Station Design 1 1 1 2.1 Natural Environment 7 2.1.1 Hydrology & Flood Pattern 1 1 1 8 2.1.2 Drainage Congestion 1 1 1 9 2.1.3 Erosion & Silt Deposition 1 1 1 10 2.1.4 Landscape 1 1 1 11 2.1.5 The EMIWS 1 1 1 2.2 Ecological Environment 12 2.2.1 Tree Felling 1 1 1 13 2.2.2 Fisheries, Fish habitat, etc 1 1 1 14 2.2.3 Wildlife 1 1 1 2.3 Environmental Pollution 15 2.3.1 Surface Water 1 1 1 16 2.3.2 Ground Water 1 1 1 17 2.3.3 Air Pollution 1 1 1 18 2.3.4 Noise and Vibration 1 1 1 19 2.3.5 Soil Contamination 1 1 1 2.4 Health and Safety 20 2.4.1 Loss of Navigation Route 1 1 1 21 2.4.2 Work Force Camp Conditions 1 1 1 22 2.4.3 Waste Management 1 1 1 23 2.4.4 Health & Safety 1 1 1 24 2.4.5 Vector-borne diseases 1 1 1 25 2.4.6 Rail Traffic Disruption 1 1 1 26 2.4.7 Env Compl Report 1 1 1 27 2.4.8 Waste Materials 1 1 1 Score 12 8 7 12 12 3 19 8 0

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 29 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

S/N Item No. Description Status at 31.10.12 Status at 30.06.13 Status at 31.08.13 Compliance Category FC PC NC FC PC NC FC PC NC Percent Compliance 44% 30% 26% 44% 44% 12% 70% 30% 0%

100. The majority of the Items indicated as non-compliant have been given this classification as there are no records available for assessment. With the improvement in the sampling activities to be carried out in the forthcoming months in line with the sampling program it is likely that the fully compliant status could be well in excess of the 70% shown in Table 7.6 for August 2013. . The Contractor has been advised that partial compliance in key areas such as waste management and discharge of pollutants in not acceptable and that immediate action is needed.

Fig 7.1 Compliance Status against EMP Clauses

80 70 70


50 44 44 40 30 30 Fully Compliant 30 26 Partially Compliant 20 12 Non Compliant

Percentage of Compliance of Clauses 10 0 0 31st October, 2012 30th June, 2013 31st August, 2013 YEAR

101. Figure 7.1 showing the Contractor’s progress in meeting environmental commitments, indicates steady progress and the elimination of fully non-compliant items as of August 31st, 2013.

102. A more detailed assessment of compliance status has also been carried out using the list of applicable construction contract environmental clauses shown in Appendix 3. The results of this assessment are included in Appendix 8 and have been summarised in Figure 7.2.

Fig 7.2 Compliance Status against Contract Clauses


Clauses complied with Marginal Compliance Non-responsive 50 52

40 Non-compliant Clauses not yet applicable 35 30 30

No. Of Clauses 22 24 23 19 20 22 21 20 19 14 17 17 16 16 15 10 10 8 6

0 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 YEAR

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 30 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

103. The chart shows a decline in compliance during 2012, as construction activities increased triggering mitigative measures that the Contractor did not act on. The intensive actions by the CSC and assistance given the Contractor is now paying off, as the compliance status has risen steadily with no applicable clauses remaining non-compliant on August 31st, 2013.

104. The number of clauses where the contractor remains marginally compliant is too high and further reminders have delivered. CSC is optimistic that significant improvements will be recorded for the next reporting period, particularly as the Contractor retained a Bangladesh environmental specialist in May 2013 to carry out the environmental safeguard mitigation and monitoring program.

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 31 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN


A. Key Issues Identified

105. Based on the results of monitoring and inspection as presented, there are no significant environmental issues raised during the reporting period. However there are a number of areas where more action needs to be taken by the Contractor to ensure full compliance with the EMP as many more activities will commence on site.

B. Action Plan of Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring in between August 2013 and December 2013.

106. It is expected that further substantial increase in construction activities will occur from September 2013 when many of the work sites will become accessible after the wet season. The focus of environmental monitoring will be on the following aspects: (a) better implementation of environmental management plan and mitigation measures to minimize the negative environmental impact of the work under construction; (b) Continue to improve water, air and noise quality sampling and analysis of the project by adhering to specific instructions provided by the CSC. Pay close attention to the causes of non-compliance and remediation measures to secure safe water supply, air quality and acoustic environment; (c) Ensure soil erosion protection of the embankment and the bridge sites; and (d) Strengthen the implementation of the Health and Safety aspects of the EMP for the entire workforce.CSC intends to strictly enforce these requirements and with the help of BR be able to demonstrate a substantial improvement by the Contractor over the remaining months of 2013.

107. Of these the Health and Safety issues will need continued and on-going attention with all of the site activities including track laying and signaling works in progress where the safety of works adjacent to the operating line will be paramount, both for worker’s safety and for the safe operations of the train services. The action plan is defined in Table 8.1, and will be expanded by the contractor.

108. The CSC considers the earlier submissions by the Contractor to be substandard and as a result an environmentally acceptable assessment of impacts has been difficult. However the CSC is encouraged by the renewed commitment of the Contractor and his staff who are working closely with the CSC to make significant improvements.

8.1 Action Plan for Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring

Environmental Action Required Timeframe Implemented Supervision Parameter by by 2.1.4 Cleaning up of various work areas along the Nov 2012 to CREC CSC Landscape and site as embankment and bridge works completion in future visual proceed to enable channel and slope Nov 2014 intrusion protection works and grassing, etc to be installed and become stabilised and minimise visual intrusion 2.2.1 Ensure trees felled are correctly recorded to Nov 2012 to CREC CSC Tree Felling enable compensation if required to be made. completion in Initiate planting of trees along lower slope Nov 2014 where completed to ensure sufficient time for their establishment. 2.2.2 Initiate consultation with relevant government Nov 2012 to CREC CSC/BR Fisheries, Fish agencies to obtain details relating to fisheries completion in habitat and in the major rivers. Nov 2014 water courses Make appropriate arrangements for restoration of borrow pits for use as fish ponds wherever possible and where

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 32 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Environmental Action Required Timeframe Implemented Supervision Parameter by by requested by local communities. 2.2.3 Initiate consultation with relevant government Nov 2012 to CREC CSC/BR Wildlife agencies to obtain relevant details of wildlife completion in in areas affected. Nov 2014 2.3.1 Execute sampling in line with sampling Surface Water program specified at the August 2012 2.3.2 workshop which CREC agreed to implement Ground Water and BR instructed CREC to undertaken; then present results with analysis indicating 2.3.3 Nov 2012 to impacts (if any) and mitigation measures completion in CREC CSC Air Pollution needed (if any). Nov 2014 2.3.4 Sampling should be carried out in the Noise presence of CSC staff with details of 2.3.5 locations provided on plans and on the Soil ground and at the times appropriate to Contamination ensure meaningful data can be obtained. 2.4.2 Ensure adequate waste bins are provided at Nov 2012 to Workforce camps with regular disposal to suitable completion in Camp locations. Initiate regular collections and Nov 2014 Conditions disposal of garbage from around camp sites and ensure the areas remain hygienic. Provide potable water supply at all times (e.g. arsenic found in camp tubewell) 2.4.3 Ensure all solid wastes at works sites and Nov 2012 to Construction yards are contained and then correctly completion in Waste disposed of and that oils, grease, etc from Nov 2014 Management servicing activities is properly collected, contained and recycled. 2.4.4 Maintain effective operation and cleaning of Nov 2012 to Personal sleeping, cooking, washing and toilet completion in Health and facilities in camps. Ensure water supplied is Nov 2014 Safety potable and conduct tests for verification. Ensure First Aid Equipment and Medical Facilities are readily available at all times. Initiate further training and awareness sessions on the use of PPE for staff and take steps to ensure these are used correctly at all times on site. 2.4.5 Initiate treatment of abandoned borrow pits Nov 2012 to CREC CSC Vector Borne and clean up areas where water is ponding completion in Diseases to reduce risks for breeding of mosquitos. Nov 2014 Record of regular inspections provided.

109. The safeguards section of the internal Monthly Reporting by the Contractor has been enhanced with evidence provided of the various actions taken in the form of checklists, reports, test results and photographs in line with the detailed Table of Contents for that section that was presented to CREC at the August 2012 workshop. Further enhancement will be required as further related activities committed by the Contractor are executed.

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 33 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN


A. Overall Progress of Implementation of Environmental Safeguard Measures

110. Based on the monitoring by the CSC of the environmental activities on the TBDLP it is found that the contractor, CREC has begun to undertake many of the environmental mitigation measures specified in the EMP although there are many areas where further action and improvement need to be provided. The conclusions of the environmental monitoring are summarised as follows.

111. The potential adverse impact of the finished works on the major watercourses and overall drainage of the area have been minimized by ensuring the design and construction of the new embankment and structures generally match the embankment and structures of the existing track alignment. The potential adverse impact of dust from the transport of large quantities of embankment materials has been minimized by use of dredged sand delivered by pipelines to the worksites with borrow generally obtained with the ROW locally to avoid large haul distances9.

112. Further improvement is still needed to execute the monitoring of water and air quality, noise levels and soil contamination fully in line with the Sampling Program so that the impacts on these of the construction activities can be quantified and thereafter minimized wherever possible.

113. Further emphasis is also required on the Health and Safety issues related to the various camp sites and work sites with more training and awareness sessions needed regarding the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the workforce. The Operational Safety aspects of working adjacent to the existing open line must also be highlighted with training and awareness sessions being held on a regular basis against an agreed program with improved presentation and delivery by specialised personnel.

B. Problems Identified and Actions Recommended.

114. Based on the site surveys and monitoring of the execution of the Environmental Safeguards program the relevant recommendations are included below.

9.1 Recommendations

Recommendation Timeframe Implemented Supervision by by a) The Contractor must ensure that the sampling of the critical By Aug 2013 CREC CSC parameters for water quality, noise and air quality is carried to completion out fully in line with the Sampling Program so that in Nov 2014 meaningful results can be obtained enabling further mitigation measures to be determined and initiated if required. b) The on-site construction supervision and management of Commencing CREC CSC the Contractor should be strengthened so that actions in Sep 2013 taken to improve health and safety issues are maintained to completion and not lost over time. It will be necessary to increase the in Nov 2014 training and awareness in the health and safety issues for the construction workers with regular and repeated sessions presented & delivered by specialised personnel. c) The overall management of camps and worksite must be By Sep 2013 CREC CSC further improved in line with the best practices on to completion occupational health and safety so that these areas of the in Nov 2014

9 Regular site inspection involving all aspects of the ongoing construction are conducted by the site engineers and works inspectors, with reports on file.

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Recommendation Timeframe Implemented Supervision by by site can be made fully compliant. d) The staffing provided to address the environmental From Aug CREC CSC safeguards program should be enhanced to ensure that all 2013 to the requirements of the program can be correctly actioned completion in and reports can be provided in a timely manner recognising Nov 2014 the importance of these matters to all stakeholders. e) Prior to initiating a survey such as noise measurements the From August CREC CSC contractor needs to establish the output required, namely 2013 to Nov. quantitatively credible values, Therefore noise 2014 measurement frequency needs to revisited and a larger number of samples collectect

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1. Project Works Schedule

2. Environmental Clearance Certificates

3. Contract Environmental Clauses

4. Environmental Management Plan (Construction Period Only)

5. Environmental Management Implementation Work Schedule (EMWS)

6. Sampling Programme

7. Compliance Monitoring Checklist

8. Compliance Status Assessment

9. Photographs

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Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 39 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN


Ser Clause, Subject Details No. S/C No. Vol 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS / SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1 4.8a Safety Procedures (a) The contractor shall comply with all safety regulations ( also 0.9.1- 6.6,6.14,6.15, 6.17, 6.18: and 0.9.2) 2 4.8b (b) take care of safety of all persons entitled to be on the site 3 4.8c (c) Use reasonable effort to keep the worksite clear of unnecessary obstructions so as to avoid dangers to these persons. 4 4.8d (d) Provide fencing, lighting, guarding and watching of the works. 5 4.10a The Contractor (a) The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor for his information, prior to the Base Date, all relevant data in the Employer’s possession on sub-surface and hydrological conditions at the Site, including environmental aspects. 6 4.10b (b) The Employer shall similarly make available to the Contractor all such data which come into the Employer’s possession after the Base Date. The Contractor shall be responsible for interpreting all such data. 7 4.18 GCC Protection of the 1. The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the 4.18 SC Environment environment (both on and off the Site) and to limit damage and nuisance to people and property resulting from pollution, noise and other results of his operations. 8 2. The Contractor shall ensure that emissions, surface discharges and effluent from the Contractor’s activities shall not exceed the values stated in the Specification or prescribed by applicable Laws. 9 3. The Contractor shall comply with the environmental Laws of the Country and the requirements of the Specification to ensure environmental disturbance or damage is minimised and any damage is rectified promptly. 10 4. The Contractor shall also comply with all reasonable requests of the national and local authorities responsible for enforcing environmental controls. 11 5. The Contractor shall confine his work within the limits of the Site as much as possible and avoid undue interference with existing lands adjacent to the Site. 12 6. Within 30 days of the Commencement Date the Contractor shall submit a detailed Environmental Management Plan [ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WORK SCHEDULE (EMWS)] for the Engineer’s approval showing how the contractor intends to comply with env. laws, regs. and other specific environmental requirements prescribed by the contractor ( e.g. dredge waste testing)… etc.. Vol 2 SPECIFICATIONS – SUBSECTION O; GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13 O.8.1 Provision of an The Contractor shall prepare an Environmental Management EMWS Implementation Work Schedule (EMWS) which will demonstrate the manner in which the Contractor will implement, manage and control environmental mitigation measures as required under the Contract. Guidelines provided by the Department of Environment in this respect have been included in the Supplementary Information Section. O.8.2 Protection of Fish Habitat and Water Courses 14 O.8.2a knowledge of, compliance The Contractor shall carry out his operations and shall comply with all with relevant national national regulations such that construction work does not adversely standards and procedures affect the environment of fish producing - rivers, lakes and other bodies of water within the scope of this Contract. 15 O.8.2b establish and maintain Specifically, the Contractor shall familiarize himself with the fish and communication with wildlife habitat in the project area and shall maintain a close liaison authority responsible for with the Engineer and other authorities in regard to water quality and fish and fish habitat the protection of fish habitat and water courses, and in particular,

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Ser Clause, Subject Details No. S/C No. management shall comply with the following provisions: O.8.2.1 Work in Streams, Rivers and Natural Water Courses 16 O.8.2.1a work in wetted area of Construction activities within the wetted perimeter of any river, water body stream, canal, lake or body of water shall be kept to an absolute minimum. Machinery and equipment shall not be operated within the wetted perimeter of any river, stream, canal, or other body of water without the specific approval of the Engineer. 17 O.8.2.1b siltation and pollution of The work shall be undertaken in a manner which will minimize the natural water bodies siltation of any stream, lake or any other body of water, and no debris, slash, wood chips, organic debris, petroleum, diesel fuel, oil, grease, ashes, or other deleterious substances to aquatic life shall be allowed to enter any stream, river, lake, or other body of water. 18 O.8.2.1c drainage pattern Natural drainage patterns shall be maintained and/or controlled maintenance throughout the construction operations to minimize silt release into the streams. 19 O.8.3d Temporary Access road Temporary access roads, haul roads shall be constructed so that they and stream/water are stable and do not erode to cause erosion problems. Crossings of crossings streams or channels that contain water during the rainy season shall be properly culverted using select backfill material. 20 O.8.2.1e Stream diversion timing The Contractor shall schedule stream diversions so that once started, the complete diversion can be executed, including any protective or fish mitigating works that are required and meeting the National regulatory requirements. The intakes of all pumps or diversions withdrawing water from a fish-bearing stream shall be screened in accordance with fisheries regulations and the Contractor shall comply fully with these regulations before commencing any water withdrawal operation 21 O.8.2.1f Vehicles crossing streams The crossing of streams by vehicles and earth moving equipment shall require the approval of the Engineer. Such crossings for haul purposes shall be avoided if other reasonable alternatives are available, such as the preparation of a “dry” crossing. O.8.2.2 Disposal of Construction Debris / Unsuitable Material 22 O.8.2.2a Disposal of debris Clearing debris shall be disposed of by burning or as specified in EMP or as directed by the Engineer. 23 O.8.2.2b Disposal of debris No clearing debris shall be left lying on the surface of the ground or buried in any agricultural land. 24 O.8.2.2c Topsoil Management Superficial or organic material removed during the excavation shall be stockpiled for subsequent use, of surplus to the Contract requirement, shall be disposed of in designated disposal areas. 25 O.8.2.2d Storage of topsoil and The stockpiling and/or disposal of material as aforesaid shall be such siltation prevention that the material is not placed in any area where natural drainage or storm water could pond and become stagnant, or where it could erode the material and cause silting of the adjacent area or of any natural or man-made water course. 26 O.8.2.2e Garbage Man-made construction debris shall be disposed of by burning to the maximum extent possible, with the remaining constituents being disposed of by burial in suitable disposal areas. The location and nature of such disposal shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. 27 O.8.2.2f Rehabilitation of Disposal All disposal areas shall be finally graded to a uniform and level Areas condition and left such that they create a minimum impact on the surrounding area. O.8.2.3 Construction of Embankments and Structures 28 O.8.2.3a No material shall be intentionally deposited in any stream, river or

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Ser Clause, Subject Details No. S/C No. other body of water, except as specifically authorized by the Engineer. Should any such material be inadvertently placed or dropped in any stream, river or other body of water, it shall be immediately removed. 29 O.8.2.3b Trimming of slopes shall be carried out progressively by the Contractor as construction proceeds in order to allow stabilization by re-vegetation as early as possible. All disturbed stream and channel banks and beds shall be restored to the original configuration and stabilized through re-vegetation. O.8.2.4 Servicing and Operating Equipment 30 O.8.2.4a Servicing machines near streams or other bodies of water shall be carried out by the Contractor in such a manner as to avoid pollution with gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, grease, or other disposable materials. 31 O.8.2.4b Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Contractor shall ensure that all hydraulic systems, fuel systems and lubricating systems are in good condition to avoid leakage of petroleum products. 32 O.8.2.4c Fuel spills will not be condoned and care shall be taken to avoid overfilling machines. 33 O.8.2.4d The Contractor shall have the proper equipment to transport fuel so that spillage will not occur. The automatic shut-off nozzles shall be installed on all dispensing units. 34 O.8.2.4e The Contractor shall have oil spill abatement equipment on the Site at all times. The type of equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer, and the equipment shall be maintained in good working condition. 35 O.8.2.4f Disposal of used oil, lubricants, tyres, etc. shall be in accordance with the EMP or as directed by the Engineer. 36 O.8.2.5 Control of Petroleum All petroleum products shall be stored in a special location where any Products spillage can be safely maintained without contamination of the surrounding area. Storage of petroleum products shall not be permitted in the vicinity of streams, rivers or other bodies of water. 37 O.8.3 Sewage Disposal Sewage and waste water disposal from camps, offices and all construction work areas shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the National Regulations and/or other agencies having jurisdiction. 38 O.8.4 Control of Dust In order to protect the environment, the general public and the workers on the Site from the harmful effect of dust, the Contractor shall satisfy the requirements of the National Regulations or other agencies having jurisdiction. This shall include but not necessarily be limited to the supply and use of sufficient water trucks equipped with spray bars to work controlling the dust, particularly during the dry season. 39 O.8.5 Site Clean Up and The Contractor’s attention is drawn to his obligations under the Demobilisation provisions of the Clause 4.23 of the General Conditions of the Contract. 40 O.8.5a The Contractor shall throughout the period of construction of the Works maintain the whole of the area of his operations in a clean and tidy and safe condition by arranging his materials and equipment in an orderly manner. 41 O.8.5b All rubbish, waste material, debris and the like shall be systematically cleared off the working areas as it accumulates and removed directly off the Site for disposal by burning or placement in designated disposal areas. 42 O.8.5c The Contractor shall immediately upon completion of any work and following the approval of the Engineer fill up all holes and trenches which may have been made or dug; level any mounds made; and clear away all rubbish which may have been occasioned or made in the execution of the Works.

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Ser Clause, Subject Details No. S/C No. 43 O.8.5d Laying down Topsoil The Contractor shall spread any usable soil materials such as topsoil over the area that it was originally removed and the condition of the land to be returned as near as possible to its original condition, except in areas of borrow, the final elevation of the borrow shall remain and it will not be necessary to return to the original elevation of the ground in borrow areas. However, the slopes of borrow areas shall be made stable, and the surfaces of these slopes shall be trimmed uniformly. O.8.6 Environmental Management Implementation Work Schedule 44 O.8.6a Preparation of the EMWS Using the EMP provided in Section 6B Part II Volume 4 and details in Sub-sections O.8.2 through O.9.3 of Part II Vol.2 of the Bid Documents, the Contractor will prepare an EMWS. The EMWS must contain a set of time-bounded actions, specifying specific measures to be taken, (including their location, frequency, and by whom) to avoid or mitigate negative effects and actions to monitor compliance. The EMWS should focus on waste management, showing how all waste from the project construction activities including but not limited to sewage, petroleum products, asphalt, concrete, unsuitable material etc., will be managed and disposed of, as well as earthworks management, erosion control and re-vegetation, surface water runoff, noise, vibration and dust control. The Contractor will employ an experienced and qualified environment professional to prepare the EMWS and report on the implementation of the mitigation and monitoring measures as prescribed in the EMP and defined in the EMWS. 45 O.8.6b The Contractor shall, within 30 days of the Commencement Date, submit a draft EMWS to the Engineer for his review and approval, following which the Contractor will implement the EMWS. 46 O.8.6c The Contractor will be required to submit a monthly EMP compliance report as per approved EMWS. O.9 Health and Safety 47 O.9.1 Health The contractor shall, comply with the following subclauses: 48 SC 6.7a The contractor shall at all times take necessary precautions to maintain the health and safety of the contractor's personnel---insuring that medical staff, first aid, sick bay and ambulance services are available at all times in site--at any location where contractor personnel operate. 49 SC 6.7b Contractor must appoint and support as required an accident prevention officer at the site 50 SC 6.7c conduct health information, education and consultation (IEC) at least every 2 months--for all people involved in the work including outside truckers etc. 51 SC 6.7d STD HIV/AIDS awareness program. 52 SC 6.14 Supply of Water Adequate supply of drinking and other waters for all workers 53 SC 6.15 Measures against insect Undertake regular pest and insect control--complying with all local and pest nuisance health authority regulations/requirements (including such items as mosquito nets). 54 SC 6.18 Festival and Religious Respect country festivals, days of rest and religious customs. Customs 55 O.9.2 Safety The contractor shall provide all protective clothing and equipment for work to be done to and ensure its proper use--including training in its use. Vol 2 SPECIFICATIONS – SUBSECTION A; EARTHWORKS A.3 Clearing, Grubbing and Stripping 56 A.3.1 Clearing Cut material, slash and debris resulting from clearing operations shall be disposed of by burning unless otherwise specified or directed by

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Ser Clause, Subject Details No. S/C No. the Engineer. Un-merchantable timber stumps, and other such material shall not be disposed of by pushing outside the clearing limits. 57 A.3.3 Stripping The Contractor shall also strip all topsoil and organic material from the borrow areas. The stripping of the borrow areas shall be carried out such that the area of stripped surface ahead of the active borrow area is kept to a minimum. The material resulting from the stripping of the borrow areas shall be stockpiled for subsequent re-use if necessary. Otherwise it shall be disposed of in suitable disposal areas approved by the Engineer. A.4 Excavation 58 A.4.1 Excavation – General the Contractor shall not excavate beyond the lines and grades shown on the Drawings. When an excavation for the permanent works has been carried out to the specified elevation, the Engineer will inspect the excavation and may instruct the Contractor to remove any unstable or unsuitable material from the floor of the excavation and replace it with competent backfill material. A.4.3 Use of Excavated Materials 59 a) The material derived from excavations shall, with the approval of the Engineer 60 b) The Contractor shall make every effort to utilize the excavated material in the permanent works. 61 c) used directly as fill material in the permanent works 62 d) stockpiled for subsequent use as fill material 63 e) disposed of in suitable disposal areas 64 A.4.4 Railway Excavation The excavation to sub-grade shall be closely followed by the (Type 1) placement of the Sub-ballast material so as to prevent a prolonged exposure of the excavation to the elements. A.5 Construction of Railway Embankment A.5.3 Sources of Embankment Material 65 a) The material within the alignment right of way provided by the Employer will be made available to the Contractor free of charge… but including the following conditions: 66 b) No borrow pit or part thereof shall be formed outside the designated right-of-way, nor shall the nearest edge of any borrow pit be closer than 5 m to the toe of the embankment. 67 c) No borrow pit shall be formed within a distance of 6 m from any dwelling, mosque, roadway, graveyard or structure remaining on or adjacent to the Site. 68 d) no borrow pit shall exceed 3 m in depth unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, and the borrow pits shall be formed to smooth profiles with stable side slopes not exceeding 1 vertically to 2 horizontally. 69 e) The Contractor shall construct any and all haul roads required for the transport and placement of embankment, and shall maintain in good order and/or repair any existing access roads used in the hauling of material. The construction of haul roads shall be carried out in accordance with local and National laws and/or regulations, and unless otherwise directed or approved, the haul roads shall be removed when no longer required and the area restored to its former condition or better. 70 A.5.3.3 Geotextile Use and geotextile fabric shall be placed on designated locations of soft Installation foundation conditions, such as in areas where sand piles are installed and in areas that stage construction procedures are used in the construction of the embankment. These areas are either shown on the Drawings or will be designated by the Engineer during construction.

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Ser Clause, Subject Details No. S/C No. A.5.5 Construction of Railway Embankment 71 a) At least 30 (thirty) days prior to the commencement of any embankment construction, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval, complete details of the intended method or methods of constructing the railway embankment including: 72 b) the proposed sources or embankment fill (including the results of any material testing) 73 c) a list of the equipment to be used for hauling, placing and compacting the material 74 d) the location and nature or any temporary haul roads 75 e) the proposed utilization of existing roads, 76 f) the schedule of placing activity and the location and nature of simultaneous placing operations 77 g) Time interval between of embankment placement after foundation stabilization ( days) 78 A.8 Topsoiling and the Contractor shall place the topsoil on the slope and then shall seed Seeding of the area by sowing it with approved seeds and fertilizing as Embankment Slopes necessary. 79 The topsoil shall be placed to a minimum thickness of 100 mm as measured normal to the surface. 80 Reseeding and watering of damaged or previously unsuccessful seeding. A.9 Bank and Erosion Protection 81 a) Erosion protection shall be applied to embankment exposed to flowing water and on other areas that may be subjected to erosion by water as indicated on the Drawings and as required by the Engineer. 82 b) The erosion protection system shall comprise a geotextile fabric to be overlain with a pavement of thick cement concrete block—etc. Vol 2 SPECIFICATIONS – SUBSECTION B; TRACK B.6 Ballast 83 B.6.6 Handling, Stockpiling Ballast stacks less than or equal to 2m high and Transporting B.7 / B.14 PSC Sleepers 84 B.7.4.1 prepared at a contractor site--need details on location, water requirements, pollution abatement, haul roads,

B.8 Wooden Sleepers 85 B.8.3 Wooden Sleepers shall be durable material not requiring any preservatives, e.g. Indian Sal (Shorea Robusta) B19 Track Construction 86 B19.6 Temporary Track Must be laid within the BR RoW only--show evidence of this Works Vol 2 SPECIFICATIONS – SUBSECTION C; BRIDGES AND CULVERTS

C.2.5 Protection of Streams and Watercourses C.2.9 Clean up of Bridges and Structure Sites C.3 Bored Cast-in-Place Piles C.3.2.4 Drilling Fluids handling and clean up (Bentonite) (e)-disposal of excavated materials

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Ser Clause, Subject Details No. S/C No. (f)-borehole pumping not permitted C.3.3.1 (2) fluid level in bore level at least 2m above outside water--to prevent intrusion of outside casing water! C.3.3.5 (e)-disposal of nothing into rivers or natural water bodies--only approved dumping excavated materials areas C.3.3.7 Placement of Concrete (c ) placing under water no- leakage and no contact with outside for piles water-- C.8.3.4 Coffer Dams (H): Work area confined to within coffer dam and no other work in natural stream bed, unless approved by contractor. C.8.3.5 Pumping and Bailing on No contaminated water into natural water courses--as per EMP foundation Vol 2 SPECIFICATIONS – SUBSECTION D; STATIONS AND BUILDINGS D.P1.2 Dismantling Removing, sorting reusing of materials and stabilizing adjacent structures D.P1.3 Excavation Excavation plan as well as safety measures required D.P1.31 Station Approach According to EMP Roads D.P1.15 Painting Works Paint type and method specified Haz material management as per EMP D.P1.15c (c) Bitumen handling According to EMP and storage D.P2.2, Toilet, Sewage and Specific design to handle station and passenger load must be D.P2.16 waste treatment estimated--Tanks for 100 and 200 users to be sized--re-estimate of facilities station through-put required.

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Project Period and Who will Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/Duration Who will Implement Supervise Parameters 2.0 Construction Period 2.1 Natural Environment 2.1.1 Construction of The bridges and culverts are to be Near and around Weekly during CREC SMEC & Hydrology and flood embankment, culverts and designed and built properly in line with water bodies construction period at BR pattern bridges would create existing bridges. adjacent to all drilling sites minimal impact on alignment hydrology except at bridges sites. 2.1.2 Earthwork activities during To deal carefully at bridge design and Throughout Inspect weekly to CREC SMEC & Drainage congestion construction of planning stages based on hydrological alignment ensure that drainage BR embankment may not data. Ensure all earthworks and bridges earthworks is properly induce drainage are constructed according to design and maintained at congestion except at specifications to minimize the drainage earthworks culvert and bridge sites. congestion hazard. 2.1.3 The erosion risk at bridge Regular watering, grass turfing and At outlets of cross Inspect weekly to CREC SMEC & Erosion and silt sites and embankment planting Vetiver/Napier grasses in rows drainage structure insure that drainage BR deposition slopes is either nil or along the track slopes and bridge with erosion is properly minimal. However, gully approaches will reduce the soil erosion potential maintained at erosion along the exposed risk. Construction material containing fine earthworks track slope during rainy particles e.g. limestone etc. will be stored season may damage in an enclosure away from water bodies to adjacent field crops during ensure that sediment laden water does the construction stage. 2.1.4 Earth carrying activities A Landscape Specialist/Architect can help Twice part way CREC SMEC & Landscape: future and at places, requiring ameliorating the landscape beauty. through construction BR visual intrusion access road will affect the of bridges and sites landscape beauty. Throughout the requiring temporary railway alignment access roads-- 2.1.5 Successful contractor does BR or Engineer will not agree to first The Environmental not prepare a workplan interim payment (mobilization) until the Management defining details on when EMWS is submitted to the Engineer. Within 1 month of the Implementation Work mitigation and monitoring CREC with help from SMEC and NA successful contractor Schedule (EMWS) actions are to take place, SMEC BR mobilizing in relation to the work and then the EMP requirements are not

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implemented properly.

Project Period and Who will Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/Duration Who will Implement Supervise Parameters 2.0 Construction Period 2.2 Ecological Environment 2.2.1 The project involves Due compensation be paid for felled trees At all project sites, Throughout the CREC & SMEC & Tree felling* felling of 99,751 trees and planting trees at new sites as per the particularly new rail construction period Possibly retaining BR including 7,004 large, MOEF and BR rules. Large trees should be embankments, as work is completed local planting team 11,798 medium, 9,604 planted on berms and in lower slopes. rebuilt stations and small and 71,345 saplings at temporary from the BR track and subgrade storage from the homesteads. areas

2.2.2 Bridge construction The bridge building sites across the four All the large bridges Once a month during Fisheries, Fish habitat activities might hinder fish rivers need to be carefully monitored as and smaller ones the construction and water courses movement temporarily these are migratory waters supporting measurable flows period affecting the capture important local fisheries. Blockages and exist fisheries. Filling of the pollution must not take place. Beels and CREC SMEC & wetlands due to haors must not be drained or filled. The BR embankment construction borrow pits /ponds dug for fill materials might affect aquaculture collection may be used for aquaculture or and captive fisheries for fish stocking to compensate the loss. over 10.0 hectare. 2.2.3 The terrestrial wildlife Environmental safeguards specialist to Along the project Throughout the CREC SMEC & Wildlife species might be record any wildlife sightings and ensure corridor of impact construction period; BR disturbed due to noise that removal of natural tree areas and at least and vibration at vegetation is kept to within the RoW. construction sites and tree felling to cause dislocation of habitats. No report was available regarding the presence of threatened or endangered wildlife species at project site.

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Project Period and Who will Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/Duration Who will Implement Supervise Parameters 2.0 Construction Period 2.3 Environmental Pollution 2.3.1 The surface water at Wastes, effluents and other contaminant Inspection at all Regularly throughout CREC SMEC & Surface water (General sample project site materials at camp/work sites to be stored, work camps and the construction BR Conditions Clause 0. polluted due to faecal, handled, transported and disposed in major construction period- 8.2.1) organic and other planned manners. sites such as contamination. Disposed Garbage, concrete refuses, slurry mud bridges and wastes and effluents from used as lubricant during pile driving and earthworks. the construction sites may the effluents not to be disposed directly Sampling at all cause further degradation into natural waters, but via settling basins bridges-upstream of surface water. to extract some of the TSS. and downstream .

2.3.2 The only potential for Workforce camps will be located away Throughout the If new wells are dug CREC-in consultation SMEC & Ground water impacts to this water from water resources. All practical alignment, and toilet facilities with MOEF BR source would be the measures such as provision of septic especially where built near wells result of seepage of tanks, garbage bags, and other sanitation the pile drilling to wastes from workers’ facilities will be implemented at the 30m depth is camps through the soil construction camps to prevent the conducted, and profile. wastewater and solid wastes from entering where any new well and groundwater recharge areas. wells were dug.

2.3.3 The air pollution level is Regular watering and grass turfing at the Each work site— One sampling station CREC SMEC & Air pollution highest during the months exposed sites needed to control dust certainly 4 large BR November-February. blowing. Monitor of the air pollution levels bridges, rock Hence, the ambient air at different construction sites needed. crushing and pollution by SO2, NO2 and Clean up along any haul road addressing aggregate plants TPM at busy stations spilled cargo and dusty conditions. and major station requires testing. Dust and Restrict idling of all construction equipment reconstruction sites other emissions from the to 3 minutes after which shutdown is construction sites might mandatory. be the cause of air pollution during the construction stage. 2.3.4 Work sites will be noisy Keep noise pollution at ≤ 60 dB Sensitive sites Throughout the CREC SMEC & Noise and vibration due to vibration during (Bangladesh standard) levels at mosque, within 20m of rail construction period BR pile driving, operation of school, populated area and other sensitive RoW in the vicinity power generator, rock sites. Contractor to use only well of the sensitive crushing/ ballasting plants maintained functioning equipment. receptors.

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 50 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Project Period and Who will Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/Duration Who will Implement Supervise Parameters 2.0 Construction Period and movement of construction vehicles. 2.3.5 Contamination of soils at The chemicals, cement, petroleum At all work camps Bi-monthly during the CREC SMEC & Soil contamination camp and work sites due derivatives and bituminous materials to be and construction construction period BR to accidental spillage of handled, operate and stored cautiously. sites noxious chemical, petroleum derivatives and bituminous material may happen.

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Project Period and Who will Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/Duration Who will Implement Supervise Parameters 2.0 Construction Period 2.4 Health and Safety 2.4.1 Temporary disruptions Movements of the navigational traffic will All bridge Specific inspection CREC SMEC & Loss of navigation route and navigation danger be maintained through alternative construction sites monthly BR caused at bridge sites. arrangement, including proper channel markings and lighting. 2.4.2 Contamination of work Complete work camp health and safety All construction Complete monthly Non-compliant camp area and vicinity check. camp areas and submit to workforce Camp with various wastes All workers living in camps must be engineer CREC SMEC & conditions improperly handled and supplied with a cot, standard bed BR disposed of. Inadequate mattress, and mosquito net. provision for safe and hygienic disposal of all waste, and prevention of spillages, leakage of polluting materials. 2.4.3 Construction camp Contain all solid wastes at designated All construction Complete monthly Waste Management wastes are often poorly location within construction sites. Service camp areas and submit to managed and can lead to machinery and vehicles strictly at engineer CREC SMEC & chronic pollution of designated maintenance workshops where BR surface and groundwater. waste oils and lubricants can be collected and recycled. 2.4.4 Personal and Undertake check and cleaning at all sites Health and safety occupational health and areas where clean conditions should issues and diseases exist. All work sites and CREC SMEC & contamination are Provision of potable water, sanitary toilet particularly at BR common in labour camps facility and hygienic accommodation for Construction camps At least 2X/week that might even spread in workers at camp sites. In addition, ensure the adjacent villages provision of PSEs and First-Aid facility for during the construction them. stage. This would include Ensure that these facilities are cleaned inadequate and and disinfected regularly. unsanitary toilet facilities, lack of potable water and sanitary washing areas. 2.4.5 Construction work creates Inspect for stagnant water and puddles All work areas and Complete as part of Vector-borne diseases areas for water to form every 3-days, including stored construction camps regular construction stagnant puddles, ideal materials such as tires and old oil drums-- site inspection and CREC SMEC & breeding areas for empty to prevent water ponding. inform residents of BR

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Project Period and Who will Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/Duration Who will Implement Supervise Parameters 2.0 Construction Period malaria and dengue need to empty all mosquitoes, including small ponded areas. puddles but also old Complete 3-4 days equipment storage and after every rain waste tire dumps. 2.4.6 The project activities like Construct fences separating the Station, platform Conduct inspections Rail traffic disruption the construction of construction sites at rail stations from areas and track- as part of regular station, platform and public access, and manage train work in the project inspections or at least CREC SMEC & platform shed may movements collaborating with BR dispatch corridor every 2 months BR temporarily disrupt the rail staff. traffic, affecting peoples’ timetables and public safety. 2.5 Contractor fails to prepare Prepare a completion report and deliver to NA Complete within the CREC SMEC & Environmental a summary report defining the Engineer. last 4 months of the BR Completion Reporting the mitigation and project monitoring actions completed and what needs to be continued during the Operating period. The result is a failed or weakened environmental safeguards program. 2.6 Waste materials 8 stations will need to be Define a demolition plan and waste One such Prior to start of CREC SMEC/BR demolished and materials management checklist. checklist/plan for all demolition of any reconstructed. The stations, then station materials will need to be applied to each sorted reused and recycled and any hazardous materials disposed of. Dust and noise from such operations will be significant.

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Project Period and Who will Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/Duration Who will Implement Supervise Parameters 3. OPERATING PERIOD 3.1 Failure to adopt measures Assign environmental expertise to obtain, Where defined in As specified in the BR/Consultant BR The Construction and continue mitigation examine and take necessary actions the Report report and at least for Period Environmental actions defined in the defined in the Construction Period years 1,3 and 5 Completion Report Construction Period Environmental Completion report. Environmental Completion report.

3.2 Degradation of local air Maintain locomotives according to factory NA Air Quality monitoring BR/Consultant BR Air Quality quality due to increased train specifications and accelerate is to continue for traffic. decommissioning of > 20 year old years 1, 3 and 5 of locomotives. the operating period semi annually—and if issue arise actions should be taken 3.3 Noise monitoring has Install noise attenuation features at the To be determined , Year 1 of operations BR/Consultant BR Noise identified a number of sensitive sites—e.g. use berms and noise based on plus Years 3 and 5 sensitive sites were noise is barriers-also examine operating period Construction period for analysis of already exceeding accepted monitoring to establish extent of the noise measurements, but operating period levels and as such creating problem generally around noise. more discomfort for local schools close-by people. residences and hospitals 3.4 Inadequate safety at level Increase on Vehicle- train and human and Identify known Take actions based BR/Consultant Safety crossings and stations livestock train accident. hotspots and on rail accident data leading to more and more improve signage for years 1-5 of frequent accidents. and crossing operations. structures/signalling 3.5 Inspection of sites to be Undertaken a Complete construction area The entire length Within the first BR/Consultant BR Construction Period decommissioned by inspection. of the line quarter of operations Decommissioning contractor, are: and before final  borrow sites payment made to  work camps contractor.  fuels storage areas  waste dump sites,  construct access roads but not undertaken, leading to chronic environmental problems due to a lack of

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 54 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Project Period and Who will Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/Duration Who will Implement Supervise Parameters 3. OPERATING PERIOD proper clean-up.

3.6 Garbage is thrown and Establish strict fines for garbage throwing Provide ample bins Each year, with BR/Consultant BR Waste Management sewage discharged onto the and provide abundant bins on trains and at stations and on pump-out facilities at tracks from trains signs. Initiate a program of retrofitting trains. two locations along trains with sewage collection tanks to be the line discharged at stations outfitted with proper On at least ¼ of draining equipment. toilets on trains travelling the line – such that in 4 years all toilets will have storage tanks. 3.7 New or upgraded stations Designs should have included properly At all stations Annually during years BR/Consultant BR Station Operations will attract more passengers sized facilities for sewage and waste 1,3,5 and if needed and as such more waste to management. This needs to be checked an upgrade should be manage. No sewage or against the actual versus estimated undertaken waste management will station through-put. quickly lead to highly polluted conditions in around the stations.

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 55 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

APPENDIX 4. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING TABLE (EMoT) Project Period and Details of When/ Output to be Who Who Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/ Provided Implements Supervises Parameters to be Undertaken Duration 2. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 2. 1 Natural Environment 2.1.1 Construction of The bridges and culverts are to Site inspection Construction and Include as part of Hydrology and flood embankment, culverts be designed and built properly operation stage/ inspection report or pattern and bridges would create in line with existing bridges. Monthly checklist SMEC & CREC minimal impact on inspection/ Long BR hydrology except at term bridges sites. 2.1.2 Earthwork activities during To deal carefully at bridge Inspect the Construction and Include as part of Drainage congestion construction of design and planning stages culvert/bridges just operation stage/ inspection report or embankment may not based on hydrological data. after heavy rainfall Monthly checklist

induce drainage Ensure all earthworks and during monsoon and inspection/ Long CREC SMEC & congestion except at bridges are constructed find the causes of term BR culvert and bridge sites. according to design and drainage congestion specifications to minimize the if any. drainage congestion hazard. 2.1.3 The erosion risk at bridge Regular watering, grass turfing Site inspection/ Construction and Include as part of Erosion and silt sites and embankment and planting Vetiver/Napier erosion at culvert and operation stage/ inspection report or deposition slopes is either nil or grasses in rows along the track bridges sites prevent Monthly checklist minimal. However, gully slopes and bridge approaches runoff into the rivers inspection/ Long erosion along the will reduce the soil erosion risk. term SMEC & exposed track slope Construction material CREC BR during rainy season may containing fine particles e.g. damage adjacent field limestone etc. will be stored in crops during the an enclosure away from water construction stage. bodies to ensure that sediment laden water does. 2.1.4 Earth carrying activities A Landscape Inspection/ Construction and Include as part of Landscape: future and at places, requiring Specialist/Architect can help consultation with operation stage/ inspection report or SMEC & CREC visual intrusion access road will affect the ameliorating the landscape adjacent households Mthly inspection / checklist BR landscape beauty. beauty. and railway authority. Long term 2.1.5 Successful contractor BR or Engineer will not agree EMWS SMEC & The Environmental does not prepare a BR to first interim payment Comply contractor Once, shortly Management workplan defining details (mobilization) until the EMWS provide EMWS, and after contractor CREC Implementation Work on when mitigation and is submitted to the Engineer. assist as needed. mobilization Schedule (EMWS) monitoring actions are to take place, in relation to

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the work and then the EMP requirements are not implemented properly

Project Period and Details of When/ Output to be Who Who Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/ Provided Implements Supervises Parameters to be Undertaken Duration 2. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 2.2 Ecological Environment 2.2.1 The project involves Due compensation be paid for At all project sites, During Include as part of Tree felling* felling of 99,751 trees felled trees and planting trees particularly new rail construction inspection report or including 7,004 large, at new sites as per the MOEF embankments, rebuilt /weekly/ short checklist 11,798 medium, 9,604 and BR rules. Large trees stations and at term SMEC & CREC small and 71,345 saplings should be planted on berms temporary subgrade BR from the BR track and and in lower slopes. storage areas. from the homesteads.

2.2.2 Bridge construction The bridge building sites across Inspect all rivers where During Include as part of Fisheries, Fish habitat activities might hinder fish the four rivers need to be locals have indicated fish construction inspection report or and water courses movement temporarily carefully monitored as these and fish and make /monthly/ long checklist affecting the capture are migratory waters supporting observations in potential term impact(s) fisheries. Filling of the important local fisheries. wetlands due to Blockages and pollution must embankment construction not take place. Beels and haors SMEC & CREC might affect aquaculture must not be drained or filled. BR and captive fisheries for The borrow pits /ponds dug for over 10.0 hectare. fill materials collection may be used for aquaculture or fish stocking to compensate the loss.

2.2.3 The terrestrial wildlife Environmental safeguards Site inspection During Include as part of Wildlife species might be specialist to record any wildlife construction inspection report or disturbed due to noise sightings and ensure that /monthly/ short checklist and vibration at removal of natural tree areas term construction sites and tree and vegetation is kept to within SMEC & felling to cause dislocation the RoW. CREC BR of habitats. No report was available regarding the presence of threatened or endangered wildlife species at project site.

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 57 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Project Period and Details of When/ Output to be Who Who Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/ Provided Implements Supervises Parameters to be Undertaken Duration 2. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 2.3 Environmental Pollution 2.3.1 The surface water at Wastes, effluents and other Inspection at all work Regularly Completed data Surface water (General sample project site contaminant materials at camps and major throughout the table and short Conditions Clause polluted due to faecal, camp/work sites to be stored, construction sites construction analysis 8.2.1) organic and other handled, transported and such as bridges and period- contamination. Disposed disposed in planned manners. earthworks. wastes and effluents from Garbage, concrete refuses, Sampling at all the construction sites may slurry mud used as lubricant bridges-upstream and cause further degradation during pile driving and the downstream. CREC of surface water. effluents not to be disposed WQ sampling at all SMEC & directly into natural waters, but major bridges 2 BR via settling basins to extract stations US/DS of some of the TSS. work, two samples, 2X/month TSS, TP, BOD5, Oil and Grease.

2.3.2 The only potential for Workforce camps will be Throughout the If new wells are Completed data Ground water impacts to this water located away from water alignment, especially dug and toilet table and short source would be the result resources. All practical where the pile drilling facilities built near analysis of seepage of wastes measures such as provision of to 30m depth is wells from workers’ camps septic tanks, garbage bags, conducted, and through the soil profile. and other sanitation facilities where any new wells will be implemented at the were dug. . At new CREC construction camps to prevent well sites test for TP, SMEC & the wastewater and solid Arsenic, Oil and BR wastes from entering well and Grease and Ecoli, groundwater recharge areas. when use begins and 6 months later, replicate sample.

2.3.3 The air pollution level is Regular watering and grass Throughout the At 3 construction Completed data Air pollution highest during the months turfing at the exposed sites construction period: sites table and short November-February. needed to control dust blowing. During dry season analysis CREC Hence, the ambient air Monitor of the air pollution check for dust and SMEC & pollution by SO2, NO2 and levels at different construction undertake air quality BR TPM at busy stations sites needed testing for SO2, NO2

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 58 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Project Period and Details of When/ Output to be Who Who Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/ Provided Implements Supervises Parameters to be Undertaken Duration 2. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 2.3 Environmental Pollution requires testing. Dust and Clean up along any haul road and TPM at major other emissions from the addressing spilled cargo and bridge & station construction sites might dusty conditions. construction sites. be the cause of air Restrict idling of all pollution during the construction equipment to 3 construction stage. minutes after which shutdown is mandatory.

2.3.4 Work sites will be noisy Keep noise pollution at ≤ 60 dB Sample Sensitive During Completed data Noise and vibration due to vibration during (Bangladesh standard) levels sites within 20m of construction table and short pile driving, operation of at mosque, school, populated rail RoW in the period at analysis power generator, rock area and other sensitive sites. vicinity of the sensitive

crushing/ ballasting plants Contractor to use only well sensitive receptors. receptors; at least

and movement of maintained functioning Take noise readings 6 along the line,

construction vehicles. equipment. at sensitive receptors 2X/day once CREC

2X/day during full during full work SMEC & work activities, and second in BR 2X/month morning prior to work activities, 2X/month

2.3.5 Contamination of soils at The chemicals, cement, Use of Compliance Weekly Include as part of Soil contamination camp and work sites due petroleum derivatives and checklist inspection inspection report or to accidental spillage of bituminous materials to be checklist checklist SMEC & noxious chemical, handled, operate and stored required—based CREC BR petroleum derivatives and cautiously. on Contract bituminous material may Clauses happen.

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 59 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Project Period and Details of When/ Output to be Who Who Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/ Provided Implements Supervises Parameters to be Undertaken Duration 2. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 2.4 Health and Safety 2.4.1 Temporary disruptions Movements of the navigational Visual inspection to Monthly Include as part of Loss of navigation route and navigation danger traffic will be maintained confirm that inspection report or caused at bridge sites. through alternative alternative navigation checklist SMEC & CREC arrangement, including proper channels are properly BR channel markings and lighting. marked and maintained 2.4.2 Contamination of work Complete work camp health Inspect All Monthly Include as part of Non-compliant camp area and vicinity and safety check. construction camp inspection report or workforce Camp with various wastes All workers living in camps areas as part of checklist conditions improperly handled and must be supplied with a cot, regular inspection disposed of. Inadequate standard bed mattress, and SMEC & provision for safe and mosquito net. CREC BR hygienic disposal of all waste, and prevention of spillages, leakage of polluting materials.

2.4.3 Construction camp Contain all solid wastes at Undertake good At all times Weekly compliance Waste Management wastes are often poorly designated location within housekeeping checklist managed and can lead construction sites. Service practices regularly to chronic pollution of machinery and vehicles strictly and in a timely SMEC & CREC surface and at designated maintenance manner BR groundwater. workshops where waste oils and lubricants can be collected and recycled. 2.4.4 Personal and Undertake check and cleaning Undertake check and at least twice a Weekly compliance Health and safety occupational health at all sites and areas where cleaning at all sites week and provide checklist issues and diseases clean conditions should exist. and areas where record contamination are Provision of safe water, clean conditions common in labour camps sanitary toilet facility and should exist. that might even spread in hygienic accommodation for SMEC & the adjacent villages workers at camp sites. In CREC BR during the construction addition, ensure provision of stage. This would include PSEs and First-Aid facility for inadequate and them. Ensure that these unsanitary toilet facilities, facilities are cleaned and lack of potable water and disinfected at least 2X/week. sanitary washing areas.

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 60 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Project Period and Details of When/ Output to be Who Who Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/ Provided Implements Supervises Parameters to be Undertaken Duration 2. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 2.4.5 Construction work Inspect for stagnant water and Complete check for Every 3-4 days Reporting regarding Vector-borne diseases creates areas for water puddles every 3-days, ponding water at after a rain. this check—every to form stagnant including stored construction each work site and week SMEC & puddles, ideal breeding materials such as tires and old camp BR areas for malaria and oil drums--empty to prevent CREC dengue mosquitoes, water ponding. including puddles but also old equipment storage and waste tire dumps. 2.4.6 The project activities like Construct protection fences Station, platform Conduct Include in project CREC SMEC & Rail traffic disruption the construction of separating the construction areas and track-work inspections as inspection report BR station, platform and sites at rail stations from in the project corridor part of regular platform shed may public access, and to manage inspections or at temporarily disrupt the train movements in close least every 2 rail traffic, affecting collaboration with BR dispatch months peoples’ timetables and staff. public safety. 2.5 Contractor fails to Prepare a completion report Confirm that such a One at end of Confirmation note BR or BR Environmental prepare a summary and deliver to the Engineer. report has been construction in inspection Consultant Completion Reporting report defining the written and is to be period or within 1 reporting mitigation and monitoring handed to the line month of start of documentation actions completed and operator for operation what needs to be continuation. continued during the Operating period. The result is a failed or weakened environmental safeguards program. 2.6 8 stations will need to be Define a demolition plan and Conduct monitoring Prior to start of Checklist report BR or BR Waste materials demolished and waste materials management check is station demolition of any showing proper Consultant reconstructed. The checklist. demolition operation station demolition waste materials will need to be and complete management and sorted reused and monitoring checklist control of haz. recycled and any materials hazardous materials disposed of. Dust and noise from such operations will be significant.

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Project Period and Details of When/ Who Output to be Who Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/ Supervise Provided Implements Parameters to be Undertaken Duration s 3.0 OPERATING PERIOD 3.1 Failure to adopt Assign environmental Interview BR staff One time at start Written statement BR or BR The Construction Period measures and continue expertise to obtain, examine and determine if of years 1,3 and 5 in annual operating Consultant Environmental mitigation actions and take necessary actions Completion report of operating period report to BR Completion Report defined in the defined in the Construction used and correct if period HQ Construction Period Period Environmental needed Environmental Completion report. Completion report. 3.2 Degradation of local air Maintain locomotives Undertake air quality Sample 2X/year Annual air quality BR or BR Air Quality quality due to increased according to factory monitoring at 4 of for years 1,3, and table and analysis Consultant train traffic. specifications and accelerate stations sampled 5 two samples decommissioning of > 20 year during the per station or 16 old locomotives. construction period samples per year and sample SO2, NO2 and TPM 3.3 Noise monitoring has Install noise attenuation Noise measurements 2 times per year Annual noise BR or BR Noise identified a number of features at the sensitive to be continued at for operating measurement Consultant sensitive sites were sites—e.g. use berms and noise sensitive sites years 1, 3 and 5. tables, highlighting noise is already noise barriers-also examine as defined during exceedances. exceeding accepted operating period monitoring to pre-construction and levels and as such establish extent of the noise construction creating more discomfort problem. measurements— for local people. 2X/year at 8 sites along 3.4 Inadequate safety at Increase on Vehicle- train and Examine records of 1/year Prepare an annual BR or BR Safety level crossings and human and livestock train train- vehicle, animal chart showing Consultant stations leading to more accident. or human incidences accidents and more frequent at major level accidents. crossings and at stations. 3.5 Inspection of sites to be Undertaken a Complete Prepare a checklist Once at start of Checklist report as BR or BR Construction Period decommissioned by construction area inspection. and elaborate on operating period part of annual Consultant Decommissioning contractorfor: decommissioning and again at start operating reporting  borrow sites undertaken of Yr 2 to check if by BR  work camps all actions taken  fuels storage areas  waste dump sites,  construct access roads but not undertaken,

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Project Period and Details of When/ Who Output to be Who Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/ Supervise Provided Implements Parameters to be Undertaken Duration s 3.0 OPERATING PERIOD leading to chronic environmental. problems due to a lack of proper clean-up 3.6 Garbage is thrown and Establish strict fines for Count bins and Take annual BR or BR Waste Management sewage discharged onto garbage throwing and provide extent of inventory Consultant the tracks from trains abundant bins on trains and maintenance signs. Initiate a program of Record no of trains retrofitting trains with sewage with Sewage tanks collection tanks to be discharged at stations outfitted with proper draining equipment. 3.7 New or upgraded Designs should have included Check in use and Annually Annual photo- BR or BR Station Operations stations will attract more properly sized facilities for management of record report per Consultant passengers and as such sewage and waste waste facilities at for stations more waste to manage. management. This needs to stations-Make a 4-6 No sewage or waste be checked against the actual photographic record management will quickly versus estimated station lead to highly polluted through-put. conditions in around the stations.

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Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 64 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN


Project Period and Details of Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location MONTH: 2012-2013 Monitoring Action Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD To Be Undertaken N D J F M A M J J A S O 2.1 Natural Environment 2.1.1 Construction of The bridges and culverts are Near and around water Site inspection Hydrology and flood embankment, culverts and to be designed and built bodies adjacent to pattern bridges would create properly in line with existing alignment Monthly Inspection minimal impact on bridges. hydrology except at bridges sites.

2.1.2 Earthwork activities during To deal carefully at bridge Throughout alignment Inspect the Drainage congestion construction of design and planning stages earthworks culvert/bridges just embankment may not based on hydrological data. after heavy rainfall induce drainage Ensure all earthworks and during monsoon congestion except at bridges are constructed and find the causes Monthly Inspection & culvert and bridge sites. according to design and of drainage Checklist—As part of specifications to minimize the congestion if any. 2.2.2 drainage congestion hazard.

2.1.3 The erosion risk at bridge Regular watering, grass At outlets of cross Site inspection/ Erosion and silt sites and embankment turfing and planting drainage structure with erosion at culvert deposition slopes is either nil or Vetiver/Napier grasses in erosion potential and bridges sites minimal. However, gully rows along the track slopes prevent runoff into erosion along the exposed and bridge approaches will the rivers track slope during rainy reduce the soil erosion risk. Monthly Inspection season may damage Construction material Checklist and adjacent field crops during containing fine particles photo-record the construction stage. e.g. limestone etc. will be stored in an enclosure away from water bodies to ensure that sediment laden water does. 2.1.4 Earth carrying activities A Landscape Throughout the railway Inspection/ Landscape: future and at places, requiring Specialist/Architect can help alignment consultation with Inspect each section of earthworks is being visual intrusion access road will affect the ameliorating the landscape adjacent completed-and note discussion with local landscape beauty. beauty. households and residents railway authority. 2.1.5 Successful contractor NA BR or Engineer will not agree Comply contractor The Environmental does not prepare a EMWS to be updated annually or as to first interim payment provide EMWS, and Management workplan defining details required by Contractor’s work program. (mobilization) until the EMWS assist as needed. Implementation Work on when mitigation and

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Project Period and Details of Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location MONTH: 2012-2013 Monitoring Action Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD To Be Undertaken N D J F M A M J J A S O Schedule (EMWS) monitoring actions are to is submitted to the Engineer. take place, in relation to the work and then the EMP requirements are not implemented properly 2.2 Ecological Environment 2.2.1 The project involves Due compensation be paid for At all project sites, Site inspection and Tree felling* felling of 99,751 trees felled trees and planting trees particularly new rail sketch map including 7,004 large, at new sites as per the MOEF embankments, rebuilt Tree replanting shown on Project 11,798 medium, 9,604 and BR rules. Large trees stations and at Linear Diagram. small and 71,345 saplings should be planted on berms temporary subgrade from the BR track and and in lower slopes. storage areas from the homesteads.

2.2.2 Bridge construction The bridge building sites All the large bridges and Inspect all rivers Fisheries, Fish habitat activities might hinder fish across the four rivers need to smaller ones where locals have and water courses movement temporarily be carefully monitored as measurable flows exist indicated fish and affecting the capture these are migratory waters fish and make fisheries. Filling of the supporting important local observations in wetlands due to fisheries. Blockages and potential impact(s) embankment construction pollution must not take place. might affect aquaculture Beels and haors must not be As part of 2.1.2 and captive fisheries for drained or filled. The borrow over 10.0 hectare. pits /ponds dug for fill materials collection may be used for aquaculture or fish stocking to compensate the loss.

2.2.3 The terrestrial wildlife Environmental safeguards Along the project Record incidentaly Wildlife species might be specialist to record any wildlife corridor of impact sightings of willife disturbed due to noise sightings and ensure that and vibration at removal of natural tree areas construction sites and tree and vegetation is kept to felling to cause dislocation within the RoW Wildlife sightings to be marked on Project of habitats. No report was Linear Diagram, including date. available regarding the presence of threatened or endangered wildlife species at project site.

2.3 Environmental Pollution

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Project Period and Details of Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location MONTH: 2012-2013 Monitoring Action Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD To Be Undertaken N D J F M A M J J A S O 2.3.1 The surface water at Wastes, effluents and other Inspection at all work Inspection at all Surface water (General sample project site contaminant materials at camps and major work camps and Conditions Clause 0. polluted due to faecal, camp/work sites to be stored, construction sites such major construction 8.2.1) organic and other handled, transported and as bridges and sites such as contamination. Disposed disposed in planned manners. earthworks. Sampling bridges and wastes and effluents from Garbage, concrete refuses, at all bridges-upstream earthworks. the construction sites may slurry mud used as lubricant and downstream Sampling at all cause further degradation during pile driving and the bridges-upstream of surface water. effluents not to be disposed and downstream. directly into natural waters, WQ sampling at all Monthly samples to be taken and but via settling basins to major bridges 2 records documented in data table extract some of the TSS. stations US/DS of templates work, two samples, monthly TSS, TP, BOD5, Oil and Grease.

2.3.2 The only potential for Workforce camps will be Throughout the Throughout the Ground water impacts to this water located away from water alignment, especially alignment, source would be the result resources. All practical where the pile drilling to especially where the of seepage of wastes from measures such as provision of 30m depth is pile drilling to 30m workers’ camps through septic tanks, garbage bags, conducted, and where depth is conducted, the soil profile. and other sanitation facilities any new wells were and where any new will be implemented at the dug. wells were dug. . At construction camps to prevent new well sites test the wastewater and solid for TP, Arsenic, Oil Semi-annual samples to be taken and wastes from entering well and and Grease and records documented in data table groundwater recharge areas. Ecoli, when use templates begins and 6 months later, replicate sample.

2.3.3 The air pollution level is Regular watering and grass Each work site— Throughout the Air pollution highest during the months turfing at the exposed sites certainly 4 large construction period November-February. needed to control dust bridges, rock crushing 4X per yr.: During Hence, the ambient air blowing. Monitor of the air and aggregate plants dry season check pollution by SO2, NO2 and pollution levels at different and major station for dust and TPM at busy stations construction sites needed. reconstruction sites undertake air quality Sampling during 4X during dry season, at requires testing. Dust and Clean up along any haul road testing for SO2, NO2 other emissions from the addressing spilled cargo and and TPM at major all stations as defined in Appendix 6 construction sites might dusty conditions. bridge & station be the cause of air Restrict idling of all construction sites. pollution during the construction equipment to 3 construction stage. minutes after which shutdown

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Project Period and Details of Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location MONTH: 2012-2013 Monitoring Action Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD To Be Undertaken N D J F M A M J J A S O is mandatory.

2.3.4 Work sites will be noisy Keep noise pollution at ≤ Sensitive sites within Sample Sensitive Noise and vibration due to vibration during pile 60 dB (Bangladesh 20m of rail RoW in the sites within 20m of driving, operation of standard) levels at vicinity of the sensitive rail RoW in the power generator, rock mosque, school, populated receptors. vicinity of the Identify sensitive sites and conduct crushing/ ballasting plants sensitive receptors. area and other sensitive Noise measurements when work is and movement of Take noise readings ongoing—according to Appendix 6 construction vehicles. sites. Contractor to use at sensitive only well maintained receptors 2X/day functioning equipment. during full work activities, quarterly 2.3.5 Contamination of soils at The chemicals, cement, At all work camps and Use of Compliance Soil contamination camp and work sites due petroleum derivatives and construction sites checklist to accidental spillage of bituminous materials to be As part of monthly inspection report on noxious chemical, handled, operate and stored local spills of fuel, bitumen , etc. at petroleum derivatives and cautiously. work camps and maintenance yards bituminous material may happen. 2.4 Health and Safety 2.4.1 Temporary disruptions Movements of the All bridge construction Visual inspection to Loss of navigation and navigation danger navigational traffic will be sites confirm that At each navigable water bridge, inspect route caused at bridge sites. maintained through alternative alternative arrangement, including proper navigation channels monthly to be sure that waterway is not channel markings and lighting. are properly marked obstructed by construction debris and maintained 2.4.2 Contamination of work Complete work camp health All construction camp Inspect All Non-compliant camp area and vicinity and safety check. areas construction camp workforce Camp with various wastes All workers living in camps areas as part of conditions improperly handled and must be supplied with a cot, regular inspection disposed of. Inadequate standard bed mattress, and Monthly Inspection provision for safe and mosquito net. hygienic disposal of all waste, and prevention of spillages, leakage of polluting materials.

2.4.3 Construction camp wastes Contain all solid wastes at All construction camp Undertake good Waste Management are often poorly managed designated location within areas housekeeping and can lead to chronic construction sites. Service practices regularly pollution of surface and machinery and vehicles and in a timely Monthly Inspection groundwater. strictly at designated manner

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Project Period and Details of Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location MONTH: 2012-2013 Monitoring Action Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD To Be Undertaken N D J F M A M J J A S O maintenance workshops where waste oils and lubricants can be collected and recycled.

2.4.4 Personal and Undertake check and cleaning Undertake check Health and safety occupational health issues at all sites and areas where and cleaning at all and diseases clean conditions should exist. All work sites and sites and areas contamination are Provision of safe water, particularly at where clean common in labour camps sanitary toilet facility and Construction camps conditions should that might even spread in hygienic accommodation for exist. Monthly Inspection the adjacent villages workers at camp sites. In during the construction addition, ensure provision of stage. This would include PSEs and First-Aid facility for inadequate and them. unsanitary toilet facilities, Ensure that these facilities lack of potable water and are cleaned and disinfected sanitary washing areas. at least 2X/week 2.4.5 Construction work creates Inspect for stagnant water and All work areas and Complete check for Vector-borne diseases areas for water to form puddles every 3-days, camps ponding water at stagnant puddles, ideal including stored construction each work site and breeding areas for malaria materials such as tires and old camp and dengue mosquitoes, oil drums--empty to prevent including puddles but also water ponding. Weekly Inspection old equipment storage and waste tire dumps.

2.4.6 The project activities like Construct fences separating Station, platform areas Station, platform Rail traffic disruption the construction of station, the construction sites at rail and track-work in the areas and track- platform and platform stations from public access, project corridor work in the project Daily inspection to be sure all shed may temporarily and manage train movements corridor operations are safe and control fences disrupt the rail traffic, collaborating with BR dispatch are in place. Include comments in affecting peoples’ staff. monthly report. timetables and public safety. 2.5 Contractor fails to prepare Prepare a completion report NA Confirm that such a Environmental a summary report defining and deliver to the Engineer. report has been Completion Reporting the mitigation and written and is to be monitoring actions handed to the line Complete report completed and what operator for needs to be continued continuation. within 3mnths of end during the Operating of construction period period. The result is a failed or weakened

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Project Period and Details of Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location MONTH: 2012-2013 Monitoring Action Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD To Be Undertaken N D J F M A M J J A S O environmental safeguards program. 2.6 Waste materials- 8 stations will need to be Define a demolition plan and One such checklist/plan Conduct monitoring demolished and waste materials management for all stations, then check is station reconstructed. The checklist. applied to each demolition operation materials will need to be and complete Works started, but demolition of old sorted reused and monitoring checklist stations to be carried out after new recycled and any stations completed & operational hazardous materials disposed of. Dust and noise from such operations will be significant.

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2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 2.5 Environmental Pollution 2.5.1 Surface Water Sampling Requirements No. Sites 5 Four Major Bridges #34, #63, #79, #89 One active river dredging site. 2 stations per site 1 upstream & 1 downstream of site Depth of Samples Each 1.5 m below surface Frequency Monthly 2nd week of each month.

No. Replicates 1 If month to month variability is high a second sample will be taken.

Total No. Samples 10 per month

Parameters: pH Acidity TSS Total Suspended Solids (mg/l)

BOD5 Biological Oxygen Demand DO Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) TP Orthophosphate (mg/l) Oil & Grease FC Faecal Coliform

Sample Reporting Format

Loc’n. No. Name of Perm Avg. Fish pH TSS BOD5 DO TP Oil & FC River or or Annual Species Grease water Intmt. Flow Name body Flow m3/sec Date of Sample Br #34 1 2 Br #63 3 4 Br #79 5 6 Br #89 7 8 Dredge 9 10

GOB Ambient WQ Stndrd.

Note: Location of stations to be identified and marked on sketch plan/map where possible to ensure repeatability of subsequent sampling.

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2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 2.5 Environmental Pollution 2.5.2 Ground Water Sampling Requirements No. Sites 5 At 2 existing tube wells within 150m of bile boring. At new wells bored for camps at Br #34, #79, #89. 1 station per site During well operation and pile boring in progress or completed.

Frequency 2X/yr. Test at start of usage and retest again every 6 months.

No. Replicates none If month to month variability is high a second sample will be taken.

Total No. Samples 10 each 6 months

Parameters: pH Acidity TSP Total Suspended Particulates As Arsenic Fe Iron Mn Manganese S Sulphur Cl Chlorides FC Faecal Coliform

Sample Reporting Format

Loc’n. No. Site Description pH TSP As Fe Mn S Cl FC Date of Sample Br #34 1 2 Br #79 3 4 Br #89 5 6 Piling 7 8 Piling 9 10

GOB Ambient WQ Stndrd

Note: Location of stations to be identified and marked on sketch plan/map where possible to ensure repeatability of subsequent sampling.

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2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 2.5 Environmental Pollution 2.5.3 Air Pollution Sampling Requirements No. Sites 10 Four Major Bridges #34, #63, #79, #89 One Crusher Plant, 2 active work sites and 3 new stations. 2 stations per site Each station within 50m of active construction works. Where bridges are close to communities, one station should be at the closest boundary to the community.

Frequency Quarterly, 2 per day 1 day per month, AM and PM

No. Replicates 1 If month to month variability is high a second sample will be taken.

Total No. Samples 40 per month

Parameters: TPM (mg/m3) 3 SO2 Sulphur Dioxide (mg/m ) 3 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide (mg/m ) CO Carbon Monoxide (mg/m3) Black Soot Visual Observation

Sample Reporting Format

Site Name and ID Date of TPM SO2 NO2 CO Black Location No. Sample Soot Daily Hourly Daily Hourly Daily Hourly Daily Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Br #34 1 2 Br #63 3 4 Br #79 5 6 Br #89 7 8 Crusher 9 10 Site 1 11 12 Site 2 13 14 Station 1 15 16 Station 2 17 18 Station 3 19 20 GOB Air Quality Standard ERC-1997

Note: Location of stations to be identified and marked on sketch plan/map where possible to ensure repeatability of subsequent sampling.

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2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 2.5 Environmental Pollution 2.5.4 Noise Sampling Requirements No. Sites 7 Two Major Bridges #79, #89, one crushing & one batching plant, 1 ballast dumping machine, one active river dredging site & on B class station. 4 stations per site Nearest occupied structure to works – with & without train passing. Next closest receptor or 25m from construction activity whichever is longer

Frequency quarterly 1 reading before or after work, 1 reading during peak working time. Readings to be 1 minute each each and for at least 1 hour at each site, or a minimum of 60 readings from which average and maximum values can be calculated

No. Replicates 1 If month to month variability is high a second sample will be taken.

Total No. Samples 56 every 3 months

Parameters: dBA Decibels

Sample Reporting Format

Loc’n. Activity Date of Loc Closest Closest Next Closest Next Closest taking Sample No. Sensitive Sensitive Sensitive Sensitive place Receptor – No Receptor – Receptor – No Receptor –Train train passing Train passing train passing passing AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM Br #79 1 (distance) Br #89 2 (distance) Crusher 3 (distance) Batch Plant 4 (distance) Ballast Mach. 5 (distance) Dredge 6 (distance) B -Station 7 (distance) GOB Ambient Noise Standrd

Note: 1. Location of stations to be identified and marked on sketch plan/map where possible to ensure repeatability of subsequent sampling. 2. Distance from work activity to sampling location to be indicated for each set of readings.

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APPENDIX 7 COMPLETED EMP COMPLIANCE MONITORING CHECK LIST FOR CONSTRUCTION PERIOD NOV 2012-AUG 2013 Implementation Outputs/ Implementation/ Stages/ Details of Monitoring What work was Project Impact Mitigation Measures Evidence Compliance Environmental Action Undertaken undertaken/ and where provided Status Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 2.1 Natural Environment 2.1.1 Construction of embankment, The bridges and culverts are to Regular site inspection of Embankment No records Embankment Hydrology and culverts and bridges would be designed and built properly works in progress. construction proceeding provided by proceeding as flood pattern create minimal impact on in line with existing bridges. Review and approval of & dredging ongoing. Contractor. CSC planned. Bridge hydrology except at bridges sites. shop drawings for Shop drawings for Site Inspection works to proceed bridges and culverts bridges approved with Reports after wet season same waterway openings COMPLIES 2.1.2 Earthwork activities during To deal carefully at bridge Regular site inspections Embankments works No records Embankment Drainage construction of embankment may design and planning stages of embankment after ongoing, but remain well provided by proceeding as congestion not induce drainage congestion based on hydrological data. heavy rainfall and at end clear of all sites for Contractor. CSC planned. Bridge except at culvert and bridge Ensure all earthworks and of monsoon season. bridges and their Site Inspection works to proceed sites. bridges are constructed associated channels. Reports, Letters. after wet season according to design and These works will proceed COMPLIES specifications to minimize the during dry season. Some drainage congestion hazard. erosion areas rectified. 2.1.3 The erosion risk at bridge sites Regular watering, grass turfing Regular site inspections Planting of grass and No records Grassing of Erosion and silt and embankment slopes is either and planting Vetiver/Napier of embankment and slope re-vegetation provided by slopes deposition nil or minimal. However, gully grasses in rows along the track bridge sites after heavy proceeding where Contractor. CSC proceeding on erosion along the exposed track slopes and bridge approaches rainfall to identify those embankment completed Site Inspection completed slope during rainy season may will reduce the soil erosion risk. areas of erosion that with good success. Reports, Letters, embankment as damage adjacent field crops Construction material need to be addressed. These works will need RFIs. specified. during the construction stage. containing fine particles e.g. continued management COMPLIES limestone etc. will be stored in until well established. an enclosure away from water bodies to ensure that sediment laden water does. 2.1.4 Earth carrying activities and at A Landscape Regular site inspections Use of dredges & No records Sand delivery Landscape: places, requiring access road will Specialist/Architect can help of all activities including pipelines for sand provided by continuing. Action future visual affect the landscape beauty. ameliorating the landscape dredging of sand for fill. delivery minimizes Contractor. CSC needed to clean intrusion beauty. haulage by trucks. Site Inspection work sites PART Cleanup of borrow pits & Reports, Letters. COMPLIES work sites needed.

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Implementation Outputs/ Implementation/ Stages/ Details of Monitoring What work was Project Impact Mitigation Measures Evidence Compliance Environmental Action Undertaken undertaken/ and where provided Status Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 2.1.5 Successful contractor does not BR or Engineer will not agree to EMWS requirements and EMWS for next 12 EMWS updated in COMPLIES The prepare a workplan defining first interim payment preparation discussed months prepared and latest Monthly Environmental details on when mitigation and (mobilization) until the EMWS is with CREC included in previous reports submitted Management monitoring actions are to take submitted to the Engineer. Environmental Staff to monitoring report #1. by Contractor. Implementation place, in relation to the work and enable updated EMWS to Work Schedule then the EMP requirements are be prepared. (EMWS) not implemented properly

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Implementation Outputs/ Implementation/ Stages/ Details of Monitoring What work was Project Impact Mitigation Measures Evidence Compliance Environmental Action Undertaken undertaken/ and where provided Status Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 2. 2 Ecological Environment 2.2.1 The project involves felling of Due compensation be paid for Site inspections at Inventory of live trees Complete record COMPLIES Tree felling* 99,751 trees including 7,004 felled trees and planting trees stations and and cutting as required in of trees removed large, 11,798 medium, 9,604 at new sites as per the MOEF embankment edges contract. Trees removed provided by small and 71,345 saplings from and BR rules. Large trees See Resettlement Plan in BR land as per CREC the BR track and from the should be planted on berms for payment details. . agreement and homesteads. and in lower slopes. specifications

2.2.2 Bridge construction activities The bridge building sites across Inspect all rivers where Inspection & data Records of Bridge works Fisheries, Fish might hinder fish movement the four rivers need to be locals have indicated fish collection & consultation meetings & proceeding habitat and temporarily affecting the capture carefully monitored as these and fish and make with relevant government discussions without blocking water courses fisheries. Filling of the wetlands are migratory waters supporting observations in potential agencies carried out. No provided by channels due to embankment construction important local fisheries. impact(s) information available to CREC PART might affect aquaculture and Blockages and pollution must assess impact. COMPLIES captive fisheries for over 10.0 not take place. Beels and haors hectare. must not be drained or filled. The borrow pits /ponds dug for fill materials collection may be used for aquaculture or fish stocking to compensate the loss. 2.2.3 The terrestrial wildlife species Environmental safeguards Site inspection to Inspection & data No records No information Wildlife might be disturbed due to noise specialist to record any wildlife observe if migrated wild collection & consultation provided by available to and vibration at construction sites sightings and ensure that life species have returned with relevant government CREC. assess impact. and tree felling to cause removal of natural tree areas after completion of the agencies carried out. No PART dislocation of habitats. No report and vegetation is kept to within works. information available to COMPLIES was available regarding the the RoW. assess impact. presence of threatened or endangered wildlife species at project site.

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Implementation Outputs/ Implementation/ Stages/ Details of Monitoring What work was Project Impact Mitigation Measures Evidence Compliance Environmental Action Undertaken undertaken/ and where provided Status Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 2. 3 Environmental Pollution 2.3.1 The surface water at sample Wastes, effluents and other Inspections at all camps Regular sampling of Monthly records Sampling & Surface water project site polluted due to contaminant materials at sites and major water at rivers as per of water sample Testing in (GCC 8.2.1) faecal, organic and other camp/work sites to be stored, construction sites such sampling program now results included in progress and contamination. Disposed wastes handled, transported and as bridge and being done by CREC. Contractor’s continuing. and effluents from the disposed in planned manners. embankment on regular Impact assessment or recent monthly COMPLIES construction sites may cause Garbage, concrete refuses, basis. WQ sampling at mitigation actions can be reports. further degradation of surface slurry mud used as lubricant all major bridges 2 determined. water. during pile driving and the stations US/DS of work, effluents not to be disposed two samples, 2X/month directly into natural waters, but TSS, TP, BOD5, Oil and via settling basins to extract Grease. some of the TSS. See Sampling Program for detailed requirements.

2.3.2 The only potential for impacts to Workforce camps will be Inspections throughout Regular sampling of Monthly records Sampling & Ground water this water source would be the located away from water the alignment and at ground water or water of water sample Testing in result of seepage of wastes from resources. All practical bridge sites. At new well from newly established results included in progress and workers’ camps through the soil measures such as provision of sites test for TP, Arsenic, tube-wells being done by Contractor’s continuing. profile. septic tanks, garbage bags , Oil and Grease and Ecoli, CREC. recent monthly COMPLIES and other sanitation facilities when use begins and 6 Impact assessment or reports. Advice on will be implemented at the months later, replicate mitigation actions can be drinking water construction camps to prevent sample. determined. quality provided the wastewater and solid See Sampling Program to camp sites. wastes from entering well and for detailed requirements. groundwater recharge areas

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 80 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Implementation Outputs/ Implementation/ Stages/ Details of Monitoring What work was Project Impact Mitigation Measures Evidence Compliance Environmental Action Undertaken undertaken/ and where provided Status Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 2.3.3 The air pollution level is highest Regular watering and grass Inspections throughout Regular sampling of air Sampling & Air pollution during the months November- turfing at the exposed sites the alignment. During dry quality commenced by Testing in February. Hence, the ambient air needed to control dust blowing. season check for dust CREC. progress and pollution by SO2, NO2 and TPM Monitor of the air pollution and undertake air quality Impact assessment or continuing at busy stations requires testing. levels at different construction testing for SO2, NO2 and mitigation actions can COMPLIES Dust and other emissions from sites needed TPM at major bridge & now be determined. the construction sites might be Clean up along any haul road station construction sites. the cause of air pollution during addressing spilled cargo and See Sampling Program the construction stage. dusty conditions. for details Restrict idling of all construction equipment to 3 minutes after which shutdown is mandatory.

2.3.4 Work sites will be noisy due to Keep noise pollution at ≤ 60 dB Inspections throughout Regular sampling of Monthly records Sampling in Noise and vibration during pile driving, (Bangladesh standard) levels the alignment. See noise levels now being of levels included progress and vibration operation of power generator, at mosque, school, populated Sampling Program for done by CREC in Contractor’s continuing rock crushing/ ballasting plants area and other sensitive sites. details. recent monthly COMPLIES and movement of construction Contractor to use only well reports. vehicles. maintained functioning equipment.. 2.3.5 Contamination of soils at camp The chemicals, cement, Inspections throughout Regular inspection of Details of Regular Soil and work sites due to accidental petroleum derivatives and the alignment. See soils carried out by activities and inspections & contamination spillage of noxious chemical, bituminous materials to be Sampling Program for CREC. status provided in training in petroleum derivatives and handled, operate and stored details. Storage conditions CREC monthly progress. bituminous material may happen. cautiously. improved and training in report. COMPLIES handling carried out by CREC

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Implementation Outputs/ Implementation/ Stages/ Details of Monitoring What work was Project Impact Mitigation Measures Evidence Compliance Environmental Action Undertaken undertaken/ and where provided Status Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 2. 4 Health and Safety 2.4.1 Loss of Temporary disruptions and Inspect bridges and Direct observations found CREC COMPLIES Movements of the navigational navigation route navigation danger caused at insure navigation routes that all four navigable SMEC & BR traffic will be maintained bridge sites rivers ( Old Brahmaputra through alternative Arial Khan, Shitalakkha, arrangement, including proper Balu) are never blocked channel markings and lighting. due to construction 2.4.2 Contamination of work camp Complete work camp health Site inspections by CSC. Many occupational health CREC monthly Camps Non-compliant area and vicinity with various and safety check. & safety conditions only reports do not operational, but Workforce Camp wastes improperly handled and All workers living in camps partly addressed. Few provide accurate need Conditions disposed of. Inadequate must be supplied with a cot, waste bins are provided information. No improvement provision for safe and hygienic standard bed mattress, and and a lot of garbage is credible actions PART disposal of all waste, and mosquito net. found around the camps. taken. COMPLIES prevention of spillages, leakage of polluting materials. 2.4.3 Construction camp wastes are Contain all solid wastes at Site inspections by CSC No systematic or CREC monthly Workshops and Waste often poorly managed and can designated location within consistent waste reports do not construction Management lead to chronic pollution of construction sites. Service management procedures provide accurate yards operational surface and groundwater. machinery and vehicles strictly being applied. information. No but need at designated maintenance credible actions improvement. workshops where waste oils taken. PART and lubricants can be collected COMPLIES and recycled.

2.4.4 Personal and occupational health Undertake check and cleaning Site inspections by CSC Water supplies at camps CREC monthly Workforce Health and issues and diseases at all sites and areas where and sites not tested. reports do not continue on site Safety contamination are common in clean conditions should exist. Some work sites have no provide accurate but conditions labour camps that might even Provision of safe water, toilets or useable medical information. No need spread in the adjacent villages sanitary toilet facility and kits. Many sites have no credible actions improvement during the construction stage. hygienic accommodation for fencing and marking of taken PART This would include inadequate workers at camp sites. In dangerous areas. PPE is COMPLIES and unsanitary toilet facilities, addition, ensure provision of supplied but its use is not lack of potable water and PSEs and First-Aid facility for consistent and not sanitary washing areas. them. Ensure that these enforced. facilities are cleaned and disinfected at least 2X/week

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Implementation Outputs/ Implementation/ Stages/ Details of Monitoring What work was Project Impact Mitigation Measures Evidence Compliance Environmental Action Undertaken undertaken/ and where provided Status Parameters 2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 2.4.5 Construction work creates areas Inspect for stagnant water and Site Inspections by CSC Abandoned borrow pits CREC monthly Operations Vector-borne for water to form stagnant puddles every 3-days, have standing water & reports do not continue on site, diseases puddles, ideal breeding areas for including stored construction water is ponding along provide accurate but need malaria and dengue mosquitoes, materials such as tires and old edges of embankment. information. improvement including puddles but also old oil drums--empty to prevent Limited action only taken Limited actions PART equipment storage and waste tire water ponding at camps & yards. taken COMPLIES dumps:

2.4.6 The project activities like the Construct fences separating Site Inspections by CSC Station yard construction Works in Rail traffic construction of station, platform the construction sites at rail has commenced. progress on site. disruption and platform shed may stations from public access, Fencing provided around Rail traffic not temporarily disrupt the rail traffic, and manage train movements works areas. affected. affecting peoples’ timetables and collaborating with BR dispatch COMPLIES public safety. staff.

2.4.7 Contractor fails to prepare a Prepare a completion report NA Complete within the last CREC TO BE Environmental summary report defining the and deliver to the Engineer 4 months of the project COMPLETED AT Completion mitigation and monitoring actions END OF Reporting completed and what needs to be PROJECT continued during the Operating SMEC & BR period. The result is a failed or weakened environmental safeguards program.

2.4.8 Waste 8 stations will need to be Define a demolition plan and One such checklist/plan Demolition of station CREC materials demolished and reconstructed. waste materials management for all stations, then buildings to start after The materials will need to be checklist applied to each new stations constructed sorted reused and recycled and and operational. any hazardous materials disposed of. Dust and noise from such operations will be significant

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 83 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN



Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 84 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN


Ser Clause, Subject Details Status of Compliance No. S/C No. 1- Complied With; 2- Marginal Compliance; 3-Non Responsive; 4-Non Compliant; 5-Not Yet Applicable 1 2 3 4 5 Vol 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS / SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1 4.8a Safety Procedures (a) The contractor shall comply with all safety regulations ( also 0.9.1-6.6,6.14,6.15, 6.17, 6.18: X and 0.9.2) 2 4.8b (b) take care of safety of all persons entitled to be on the site X 3 4.8c (c) Use reasonable effort to keep the worksite clear of unnecessary obstructions so as to avoid X dangers to these persons. 4 4.8d (d) Provide fencing, lighting, guarding and watching of the works. X 5 4.10a The Contractor (a) The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor for his information, prior to the Base Date, all relevant data in the Employer’s possession on sub-surface and hydrological X conditions at the Site, including environmental aspects. 6 4.10b (b) The Employer shall similarly make available to the Contractor all such data which come into the Employer’s possession after the Base Date. The X Contractor shall be responsible for interpreting all such data. 7 4.18 GCC Protection of the 1. The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to 4.18 SC Environment protect the environment (both on and off the Site) and to limit damage and nuisance to people and X property resulting from pollution, noise and other results of his operations. 8 2. The Contractor shall ensure that emissions, surface discharges and effluent from the Contractor’s activities shall not exceed the values X stated in the Specification or prescribed by applicable Laws. 9 3. The Contractor shall comply with the environmental Laws of the Country and the requirements of the Specification to ensure X environmental disturbance or damage is minimised and any damage is rectified promptly. 10 4. The Contractor shall also comply with all reasonable requests of the national and local authorities responsible for enforcing environmental X controls. 11 5. The Contractor shall confine his work within the limits of the Site as much as possible and avoid undue interference with existing lands adjacent to X the Site. 12 6. Within 30 days of the Commencement Date the Contractor shall submit a detailed Environmental Management Plan [ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WORK SCHEDULE (EMWS)] for the Engineer’s approval showing how the X contractor intends to comply with env. laws, regs. and other specific environmental requirements prescribed by the contractor ( e.g. dredge waste testing)… etc.. Vol 2 SPECIFICATIONS – SUBSECTION O; GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13 O.8.1 Provision of an The Contractor shall prepare an Environmental EMWS Management Implementation Work Schedule (EMWS) which will demonstrate the manner in X which the Contractor will implement, manage and control environmental mitigation measures as

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 85 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Ser Clause, Subject Details Status of Compliance No. S/C No. 1- Complied With; 2- Marginal Compliance; 3-Non Responsive; 4-Non Compliant; 5-Not Yet Applicable 1 2 3 4 5 required under the Contract. Guidelines provided by the Department of Environment in this respect have been included in the Supplementary Information Section. O.8.2 Protection of Fish Habitat and Water Courses 14 O.8.2a knowledge of, The Contractor shall carry out his operations and compliance with shall comply with all national regulations such that relevant national construction work does not adversely affect the standards and environment of fish producing - rivers, lakes and X procedures other bodies of water within the scope of this Contract. 15 O.8.2b establish and maintain Specifically, the Contractor shall familiarize himself communication with with the fish and wildlife habitat in the project area authority responsible and shall maintain a close liaison with the for fish and fish habitat Engineer and other authorities in regard to water X management quality and the protection of fish habitat and water courses, and in particular, shall comply with the following provisions: O.8.2.1 Work in Streams, Rivers and Natural Water Courses 16 O.8.2.1a work in wetted area of Construction activities within the wetted perimeter water body of any river, stream, canal, lake or body of water shall be kept to an absolute minimum. Machinery and equipment shall not be operated within the X wetted perimeter of any river, stream, canal, or other body of water without the specific approval of the Engineer. 17 O.8.2.1b siltation and pollution of The work shall be undertaken in a manner which natural water bodies will minimize the siltation of any stream, lake or any other body of water, and no debris, slash, wood chips, organic debris, petroleum, diesel fuel, oil, X grease, ashes, or other deleterious substances to aquatic life shall be allowed to enter any stream, river, lake, or other body of water. 18 O.8.2.1c drainage pattern Natural drainage patterns shall be maintained maintenance and/or controlled throughout the construction X operations to minimize silt release into the streams. 19 O.8.3d Temporary Access Temporary access roads, haul roads shall be road and stream/water constructed so that they are stable and do not crossings erode to cause erosion problems. Crossings of streams or channels that contain water during the X rainy season shall be properly culverted using select backfill material. 20 O.8.2.1e Stream diversion timing The Contractor shall schedule stream diversions so that once started, the complete diversion can be executed, including any protective or fish mitigating works that are required and meeting the National regulatory requirements. The intakes of all pumps or diversions withdrawing water from a fish-bearing X stream shall be screened in accordance with fisheries regulations and the Contractor shall comply fully with these regulations before commencing any water withdrawal operation 21 O.8.2.1f Vehicles crossing The crossing of streams by vehicles and earth streams moving equipment shall require the approval of the Engineer. Such crossings for haul purposes shall be avoided if other reasonable alternatives are X available, such as the preparation of a “dry” crossing. O.8.2.2 Disposal of Construction Debris / Unsuitable Material

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 86 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Ser Clause, Subject Details Status of Compliance No. S/C No. 1- Complied With; 2- Marginal Compliance; 3-Non Responsive; 4-Non Compliant; 5-Not Yet Applicable 1 2 3 4 5 22 O.8.2.2a Disposal of debris Clearing debris shall be disposed of by burning or as specified in EMP or as directed by the Engineer. X 23 O.8.2.2b Disposal of debris No clearing debris shall be left lying on the surface of the ground or buried in any agricultural land. X 24 O.8.2.2c Topsoil Management Superficial or organic material removed during the excavation shall be stockpiled for subsequent use, of surplus to the Contract requirement, shall be X disposed of in designated disposal areas. 25 O.8.2.2d Storage of topsoil and The stockpiling and/or disposal of material as siltation prevention aforesaid shall be such that the material is not placed in any area where natural drainage or storm water could pond and become stagnant, or X where it could erode the material and cause silting of the adjacent area or of any natural or man-made water course. 26 O.8.2.2e Garbage Man-made construction debris shall be disposed of by burning to the maximum extent possible, with the remaining constituents being disposed of by burial in suitable disposal areas. The location and X nature of such disposal shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. 27 O.8.2.2f Rehabilitation of All disposal areas shall be finally graded to a Disposal Areas uniform and level condition and left such that they X create a minimum impact on the surrounding area. O.8.2.3 Construction of Embankments and Structures 28 O.8.2.3a No material shall be intentionally deposited in any stream, river or other body of water, except as specifically authorized by the Engineer. Should any such material be inadvertently placed or X dropped in any stream, river or other body of water, it shall be immediately removed. 29 O.8.2.3b Trimming of slopes shall be carried out progressively by the Contractor as construction proceeds in order to allow stabilization by re- vegetation as early as possible. All disturbed X stream and channel banks and beds shall be restored to the original configuration and stabilized through re-vegetation. O.8.2.4 Servicing and Operating Equipment 30 O.8.2.4a Servicing machines near streams or other bodies of water shall be carried out by the Contractor in such a manner as to avoid pollution with gasoline, X diesel fuel, oil, grease, or other disposable materials. 31 O.8.2.4b Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Contractor shall ensure that all hydraulic systems, fuel systems and lubricating systems are in good X condition to avoid leakage of petroleum products. 32 O.8.2.4c Fuel spills will not be condoned and care shall be taken to avoid overfilling machines. X 33 O.8.2.4d The Contractor shall have the proper equipment to transport fuel so that spillage will not occur. The automatic shut-off nozzles shall be installed on all X dispensing units. 34 O.8.2.4e The Contractor shall have oil spill abatement equipment on the Site at all times. The type of equipment shall be subject to the approval of the X Engineer, and the equipment shall be maintained in good working condition. 35 O.8.2.4f Disposal of used oil, lubricants, tyres, etc. shall be in accordance with the EMP or as directed by the X

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 87 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Ser Clause, Subject Details Status of Compliance No. S/C No. 1- Complied With; 2- Marginal Compliance; 3-Non Responsive; 4-Non Compliant; 5-Not Yet Applicable 1 2 3 4 5 Engineer. 36 O.8.2.5 Control of Petroleum All petroleum products shall be stored in a special Products location where any spillage can be safely maintained without contamination of the surrounding area. Storage of petroleum products X shall not be permitted in the vicinity of streams, rivers or other bodies of water. 37 O.8.3 Sewage Disposal Sewage and waste water disposal from camps, offices and all construction work areas shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of X the National Regulations and/or other agencies having jurisdiction. 38 O.8.4 Control of Dust In order to protect the environment, the general public and the workers on the Site from the harmful effect of dust, the Contractor shall satisfy the requirements of the National Regulations or other agencies having jurisdiction. This shall include but X not necessarily be limited to the supply and use of sufficient water trucks equipped with spray bars to work controlling the dust, particularly during the dry season. 39 O.8.5 Site Clean Up and The Contractor’s attention is drawn to his Demobilisation obligations under the provisions of the Clause 4.23 X of the General Conditions of the Contract. 40 O.8.5a The Contractor shall throughout the period of construction of the Works maintain the whole of the area of his operations in a clean and tidy and safe X condition by arranging his materials and equipment in an orderly manner. 41 O.8.5b All rubbish, waste material, debris and the like shall be systematically cleared off the working areas as it accumulates and removed directly off the Site for X disposal by burning or placement in designated disposal areas. 42 O.8.5c The Contractor shall immediately upon completion of any work and following the approval of the Engineer fill up all holes and trenches which may have been made or dug; level any mounds made; X and clear away all rubbish which may have been occasioned or made in the execution of the Works. 43 O.8.5d Laying down Topsoil The Contractor shall spread any usable soil materials such as topsoil over the area that it was originally removed and the condition of the land to be returned as near as possible to its original condition, except in areas of borrow, the final elevation of the borrow shall remain and it will not X be necessary to return to the original elevation of the ground in borrow areas. However, the slopes of borrow areas shall be made stable, and the surfaces of these slopes shall be trimmed uniformly. O.8.6 Environmental Management Implementation Work Schedule 44 O.8.6a Preparation of the Using the EMP provided in Section 6B Part II EMWS Volume 4 and details in Sub-sections O.8.2 through O.9.3 of Part II Vol.2 of the Bid [CSC had to prepare Documents, the Contractor will prepare an EMWS. as Contractor was The EMWS must contain a set of time-bounded initially non-responsive] actions, specifying specific measures to be taken, X (including their location, frequency, and by whom) to avoid or mitigate negative effects and actions to monitor compliance. The EMWS should focus on waste management, showing how all waste from the project construction activities including but not

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 88 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Ser Clause, Subject Details Status of Compliance No. S/C No. 1- Complied With; 2- Marginal Compliance; 3-Non Responsive; 4-Non Compliant; 5-Not Yet Applicable 1 2 3 4 5 limited to sewage, petroleum products, asphalt, concrete, unsuitable material etc., will be managed and disposed of, as well as earthworks management, erosion control and re-vegetation, surface water runoff, noise, vibration and dust control. The Contractor will employ an experienced and qualified environment professional to prepare the EMWS and report on the implementation of the mitigation and monitoring measures as prescribed in the EMP and defined in the EMWS. 45 O.8.6b The Contractor shall, within 30 days of the Commencement Date, submit a draft EMWS to the Engineer for his review and approval, following X which the Contractor will implement the EMWS. 46 O.8.6c The Contractor will be required to submit a monthly EMP compliance report as per approved EMWS. O.9 Health and Safety 47 O.9.1 Health The contractor shall, comply with the following subclauses: 48 SC 6.7a The contractor shall at all times take necessary precautions to maintain the health and safety of the contractor's personnel---insuring that medical staff, first aid, sick bay and ambulance services are X available at all times in site--at any location where contractor personnel operate. 49 SC 6.7b Contractor must appoint and support as required an accident prevention officer at the site X 50 SC 6.7c conduct health information, education and consultation (IEC) at least every 2 months--for all people involved in the work including outside X truckers etc. 51 SC 6.7d STD HIV/AIDS awareness program. X 52 SC 6.14 Supply of Water Adequate supply of drinking and other waters for all workers X 53 SC 6.15 Measures against Undertake regular pest and insect control-- insect and pest complying with all local health authority nuisance regulations/requirements (including such items as X mosquito nets). 54 SC 6.18 Festival and Religious Respect country festivals, days of rest and Customs religious customs. X 55 O.9.2 Safety The contractor shall provide all protective clothing and equipment for work to be done to and ensure X its proper use--including training in its use. Vol 2 SPECIFICATIONS – SUBSECTION A; EARTHWORKS A.3 Clearing, Grubbing and Stripping 56 A.3.1 Clearing Cut material, slash and debris resulting from clearing operations shall be disposed of by burning unless otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer. Un-merchantable timber stumps, and X other such material shall not be disposed of by pushing outside the clearing limits. 57 A.3.3 Stripping The Contractor shall also strip all topsoil and organic material from the borrow areas. The stripping of the borrow areas shall be carried out such that the area of stripped surface ahead of the active borrow area is kept to a minimum. The X material resulting from the stripping of the borrow areas shall be stockpiled for subsequent re-use if necessary. Otherwise it shall be disposed of in suitable disposal areas approved by the Engineer. A.4 Excavation

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 89 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Ser Clause, Subject Details Status of Compliance No. S/C No. 1- Complied With; 2- Marginal Compliance; 3-Non Responsive; 4-Non Compliant; 5-Not Yet Applicable 1 2 3 4 5 58 A.4.1 Excavation – General the Contractor shall not excavate beyond the lines and grades shown on the Drawings. When an excavation for the permanent works has been carried out to the specified elevation, the Engineer will inspect the excavation and may instruct the X Contractor to remove any unstable or unsuitable material from the floor of the excavation and replace it with competent backfill material. A.4.3 Use of Excavated Materials 59 a) The material derived from excavations shall, with the approval of the Engineer X 60 b) The Contractor shall make every effort to utilize the excavated material in the permanent works. X 61 c) used directly as fill material in the permanent works X 62 d) stockpiled for subsequent use as fill material X 63 e) disposed of in suitable disposal areas X 64 A.4.4 Railway Excavation The excavation to sub-grade shall be closely (Type 1) followed by the placement of the Sub-ballast material so as to prevent a prolonged exposure of X the excavation to the elements. A.5 Construction of Railway Embankment A.5.3 Sources of Embankment Material 65 a) The material within the alignment right of way provided by the Employer will be made available to the Contractor free of charge… but including the X following conditions: 66 b) No borrow pit or part thereof shall be formed outside the designated right-of-way, nor shall the nearest edge of any borrow pit be closer than 5 m X to the toe of the embankment. 67 c) No borrow pit shall be formed within a distance of 6 m from any dwelling, mosque, roadway, graveyard X or structure remaining on or adjacent to the Site. 68 d) no borrow pit shall exceed 3 m in depth unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, and the borrow pits shall be formed to smooth profiles with X stable side slopes not exceeding 1 vertically to 2 horizontally. 69 e) The Contractor shall construct any and all haul roads required for the transport and placement of [Almost no haul roads embankment, and shall maintain in good order required as most and/or repair any existing access roads used in the embankment material hauling of material. The construction of haul roads from river dredging with shall be carried out in accordance with local and X conveyance in National laws and/or regulations, and unless pipelines] otherwise directed or approved, the haul roads shall be removed when no longer required and the area restored to its former condition or better. 70 A.5.3.3 Geotextile Use and geotextile fabric shall be placed on designated Installation locations of soft foundation conditions, such as in areas where sand piles are installed and in areas that stage construction procedures are used in the X construction of the embankment. These areas are either shown on the Drawings or will be designated by the Engineer during construction. A.5.5 Construction of Railway Embankment 71 a) At least 30 (thirty) days prior to the commencement of any embankment construction, the Contractor X

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Ser Clause, Subject Details Status of Compliance No. S/C No. 1- Complied With; 2- Marginal Compliance; 3-Non Responsive; 4-Non Compliant; 5-Not Yet Applicable 1 2 3 4 5 shall submit to the Engineer for his approval, complete details of the intended method or methods of constructing the railway embankment including: 72 b) the proposed sources or embankment fill (including the results of any material testing) X 73 c) a list of the equipment to be used for hauling, placing and compacting the material X 74 d) the location and nature or any temporary haul roads 75 e) the proposed utilization of existing roads, X 76 f) the schedule of placing activity and the location and nature of simultaneous placing operations X 77 g) Time interval between of embankment placement after foundation stabilization ( days) X 78 A.8 Topsoiling and the Contractor shall place the topsoil on the slope Seeding of and then shall seed the area by sowing it with X Embankment Slopes approved seeds and fertilizing as necessary. 79 The topsoil shall be placed to a minimum thickness of 100 mm as measured normal to the surface. X 80 Reseeding and watering of damaged or previously unsuccessful seeding. X A.9 Bank and Erosion Protection 81 a) Erosion protection shall be applied to embankment exposed to flowing water and on other areas that may be subjected to erosion by water as indicated X on the Drawings and as required by the Engineer. 82 b) The erosion protection system shall comprise a geotextile fabric to be overlain with a pavement of X thick cement concrete block—etc. Vol 2 SPECIFICATIONS – SUBSECTION B; TRACK B.6 Ballast 83 B.6.6 Handling, Stockpiling Ballast stacks less than or equal to 2m high and Transporting X B.7 / B.14 PSC Sleepers 84 B.7.4.1 prepared at a contractor site--need details on location, water requirements, pollution abatement, X haul roads,

B.8 Wooden Sleepers 85 B.8.3 Wooden Sleepers shall be durable material not requiring any preservatives, e.g. Indian Sal (Shorea X Robusta) B19 Track Construction 86 B19.6 Temporary Track Must be laid within the BR RoW only--show Works evidence of this X Vol 2 SPECIFICATIONS – SUBSECTION C; BRIDGES AND CULVERTS

87 C.2.5 Protection of Streams Prevent drainage of contaminated materials and Watercourses X 88 C.2.9 Clean up of Bridges Good Housekeeping and Structure Sites X 89 C.3 Bored Cast-in-Place Piles X 90 C.3.2.4 Drilling Fluids handling and clean up (Bentonite) X 91 (e)-disposal of excavated materials X

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Ser Clause, Subject Details Status of Compliance No. S/C No. 1- Complied With; 2- Marginal Compliance; 3-Non Responsive; 4-Non Compliant; 5-Not Yet Applicable 1 2 3 4 5 92 (f)-borehole pumping not permitted X 93 C.3.3.1 (2) fluid level in bore level at least 2m above outside water--to prevent casing intrusion of outside water! X 94 C.3.3.5 (e)-disposal of nothing into rivers or natural water bodies--only excavated materials approved dumping areas X 95 C.3.3.7 Placement of Concrete (c ) placing under water no- leakage and no for piles contact with outside water-- X 96 C.8.3.4 Coffer Dams (H): Work area confined to within coffer dam and no other work in natural stream bed, unless X approved by contractor. 97 C.8.3.5 Pumping and Bailing No contaminated water into natural water courses-- on foundation as per EMP X Vol 2 SPECIFICATIONS – SUBSECTION D; STATIONS AND BUILDINGS 98 D.P1.2 Dismantling Removing, sorting reusing of materials and stabilizing adjacent structures X 99 D.P1.3 Excavation Excavation plan as well as safety measures required X 100 D.P1.31 Station Approach According to EMP Roads X 101 D.P1.15 Painting Works Paint type and method specified Haz material management as per EMP X 102 D.P1.15c (c) Bitumen handling According to EMP and storage X 103 D.P2.2, Toilet, Sewage and Specific design to handle station and passenger D.P2.16 waste treatment load must be estimated--Tanks for 100 and 200 facilities users to be sized--re-estimate of station through- X put required.

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Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 93 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Photo 1. Abutment works at Br#34 completed so earthworks can proceed without affecting main river channel flow. [2.1.1]

Photo 2. Substructure of Br#40 completed before wet season rains so drainage at channels will not become congested. [2.1.2]

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Photo 3. Trimming of Slopes with topsoil and planting of grass for slope protection at Km 41+875 [2.1.3].

Photo 4. Sand filling in progress from pipeline with dredged sand at Km 30+150 to reduce haulage by truck and limit affects on landscape [2.1.4]

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Photo 5. Fishing activity at bridge # 34, Old Brahmaputra River adjacent to temporary Jetty for construction of the new bridge showing there is enough spaces for fish migration if required. [2.2.2]

Photo 6: Samples were given to ICDDR,B and BUET Chemical Engineering Department Lab for testing.

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Photo 7. Surface water collection from bridge # 79.Sample collection conducted according to engineer’s specification. Date: 21-8-2013 [2.3.1]

Photo 8: Field Record Sheets and check lists for individual samples of Surface Water taken from the main rivers with details and specific locations of each site to ensure repeatability.

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 97 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Photo 9. Ground water collection from a tube-well within 150m radius of pile boring at bridge # 61. Date: 25-8-2013. [2.3.2]

Photo 10: Ground water collection at contractor’s camp of bridge # 34.Sample collection conducted according to engineer’s specification. Date: 25-8-2013. [2.3.2]

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 98 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Photo 11. Sampling of Air Quality (AAQ_39) at Ballast Crushing Plant, Bhairab dated 13/09/2013 at 12:06 PM. [2.3.3]

Photo12: Sampling of Air Quality (AAQ_04) at the closest community settlement of Tongi Rail Station dated 05/09/2013 at 4:30 PM. [2.3.3]

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 99 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Photo13. Sampling of Noise (NM_22) at the Closest Sensitive Receptor with Train Interference in Methikanda Rail Station dated 12/09/2013 at 11:27AM. [2.3.4]

Photo 14. After clearing the contaminated upper layer of soil, dry sand is spraying to prevent further soil contamination. At bridge # 79 camp. Date: 26-8-2013 [2.3.4]

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Photo 15. Oil handling at Engineer’s site office at Pubail. No oil spillage observed [2.3.4]

Photo 16 Stacking of various construction materials in Contractor’s yard for construction of Bridge #34 [2.4.2]

Bangladesh Railways Environmental Monitoring Report Ministry of Railways 101 #2 Bi-Annual Report - August 2013 BRSIP:Tongi-Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project – Implementation Consulting Services ADB Loan No 2316-BAN, 2845-BAN

Photo 17. PPE; helmet, gloves, boot, raincoat etc. Workers are provided with PPE, but site inspection indicates some workers not using PPE. To address this issue “occupational safety training” is being conducted [2.4.4]

Photo 18. Posters were distributed as a part of Safety campaign [2.4.4]

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Photo 19. Safety Instruction Leaflet and Awareness Poster distributed among workers. Date: 26-8- 2013 [2.4.4]

Photo 20. A campaign regarding “occupational safety” has conducted march,2013. This event organized by CREC and TOMA [2.4.4]

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Photo 21. Construction of Platform at Daulatkandi Station with works clear of operating lines to avoid disruption to rail traffic and schedules. [2.4.6]

Photo 22. Construction of new Srinidhi Station in progress with old station operational adjacent to works site. Demolition and disposal of waste from old station to be carried out after new station becomes operational [2.4.8]

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