Telephone: 01455 285655 Broughton Astley Parish Council

VAT Registration No. 705 5707 41 Fax: 01455 283120 Council Office, Station Road

Broughton Astley LE9 6PT

Parish Manager and Clerk to the Council: Debbie Barber


The meeting of BROUGHTON ASTLEY PARISH COUNCIL will be held in the Alan Talbott Room, Village Hall, Station Road Broughton Astley at 7.30pm on Thursday 19 August 2021 for the transaction of the following business. Your attendance is requested.

DATED: 12 August 2021 DEBBIE BARBER Parish Manager


1. Attendance and apologies.

2. Request for dispensations and Declaration of Members’ Interests on any matters to be placed before the Council.

3. To pass a resolution in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to the meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and press for any discussion concerning the Personnel Sub Committee minutes (Item 20) which of a confidential nature pertaining to employees.

4. To consider support for a Volunteer Tree Warden.

5. To consider the report on Lakeside, Church Close

6. To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 23 June 2021.

7. To consider progress in completing Parish Council resolutions.

8. Chair’s Time – to inform Members of items of current interest.

9. Public Forum

10. Reports from outside bodies representatives

11. County and District Councillors Reports

12. To approve the schedule of payments for the period ending 30 June and 31 July 2021.

13. To consider the financial statements for the period to the end of June and July 2021.

14. To review the s106 statement as of 31 July 2021.

15. To review the Grant Application status as of 31 July 2021.

16. To review the outstanding tasks following the annual RoSPA Inspection at Road recreation ground.

17. To receive the minutes from the Planning meetings held on Tuesday 29 June, Monday 5 July, and 2 August 2021.

18. To receive the minutes from the Administration and Finance Committee meeting held on Thursday 1 July 2021.

19. To receive the minutes from the Neighbourhood Plan Delivery and Monitoring Group meeting held on Thursday 8 July 2021.

20. To receive the minutes from the Personnel-Sub Committee from 17 June, 6 July, and 29 July 2021.

21. To give retrospective approval for legal advice spend.

22. To approve registration to Community Speed Watch Scheme.

23. To consider a report on the village one-way system.

24. Members Motion – 02/21 Cllr David Glenis

With increasing and improving biodiversity high on the agenda at both central and local Government, the Parish Council has made initial steps in supporting this by identifying four separate areas of grass verges within the Parish to remain unmown. They are being allowed to grow to increase the number of pollinators and improve biodiversity.

To further support this, I would like to propose that a working party is formed to investigate the potential of developing a lake on the Leisure Centre site between the extended carpark area and Cosby Road junction. This would be with a view to facilitating:

• School children using the area for nature studies • Used as a central feature for a recreation area for picnics etc • The lake attracting may forms of wildlife • Be a central focal point in the village • Additional biodiversity and possible reduction in flooding Exploration would be required into the overall size and location of the lake, its depth, safety features, advice and approval from County Council’s water management, suitable plants, and shrubs, seek advice from the Flood Risk Assessment consultant, costs, funding, maintenance, budget requirements for the long term etc. There may also be a requirement to put the proposal out for consultation and seek planning permission.

Therefore, I would like to ask Members for their support and approval to form a working party to investigate the possibilities of creating a lake on the Leisure Centre Site and to bring back a detailed report to council for consideration.

25. Members Motion – 03/21 Councillor Mark Graves

Quite some time ago the Parish Council voted to send in a report to Leicestershire County Council Highways requesting that further investigations be carried out into the reasons why repeated flooding occurs on Frolesworth Road. The report contained pictures of serious flooding and some first-hand accounts of how many times this had occurred over many decades.

The Parish Council voted unanimously to support the resolution.

Quite some time has passed and there does not appear to have been a proper alleviation to date. Initial investigations have resulted in a larger than normal tree root blocking part of the drains, which seemed to require a more specialist cutting tool to attempt to remove.

There may also be a "ticket" for further work to be carried out at dates in the future.

The Parish Office received an update on 4 January 2021, a summary of which is: " informing Members that LCC had contacted us to say that large tree roots had been discovered in drains and passed to Severn Trent to deal with. No further communication on this since."

As I proposed the initial resolution to Parish Council, I expressed a desire that the Parish Office obtain a more recent update. I had also been asked by a lot of residents for an update on the progress. I was subsequently informed on 18 May that I must submit a Parish Council resolution to request the parish office commit the time, to obtain a further update.

I was informed by the Parish Office on 18 May that any additional work will require a full council decision and for this to be addressed, will need to be put on the agenda for discussion and resolutions.

I would therefore propose that: Broughton Astley Parish Council request monthly update information from Leicestershire County Council Highways for their progress on investigating and alleviating the repeated flooding on Frolesworth Road.

26. Members Motion – 03/21 Cllr Grafton-Reed

That the Parish Council write to the Head of Planning to formally complain that Council officers appear to be disregarding the Broughton Astley Neighbourhood Plan when considering planning applications in the parish. Specifically, Broughton Astley Parish Council wish to know what weight Harborough District Council is giving to the Neighbourhood Plan and comments from the Parish Council’s Planning Committee when considering any planning application.

NB: The meeting will adjourn at Item 9 on the agenda and will re-convene within half an hour or earlier, to allow members of the public to raise matters of concern. Whilst the public have no statutory rights to speak at a Parish Council Meeting, they may normally do so under this item with consent from the Chair.