
Historical Paper in A brief history of

Frederick Heaton Millham, MD, Newton, MA

From Newton Wellesley Hospital, Newton, MA

RECENTLY,2MIDDLE-AGED COUSINS were admitted to context. My intention is to discuss the term as it is the Level I where I attend as a used in the surgical and trauma literature. In a trauma surgeon. Each had been shot twice. Their setting of hemodynamic instability, this word is wounds were similar; both suffered a single gun- frequently used to indicate a syndrome of hypoten- shot wound to the epigastrium and a second sion, , and mental status change owing, wound in the left flank. The first cousin (let us presumably, to ‘‘inadequate perfusion.’’ To- call him Joe), had a normal and pres- day we use the word shock to describe patients in sure and was oriented and composed; his skin was extremis who suffer from a variety of distinct pink and dry. The second cousin (let us call him pathophysiologic processes, such as severe cardiac Frank) was hypotensive and tachycardic; he was ap- dysfunction or overwhelming infection that share athetic and disoriented, although re- insufficient tissue perfusion as a consequence. ported that he had been agitated and combative The story of how this word came to be attached in the field just minutes before. His skin was pale to these dramatic clinical syndromes and how our and he was diaphoretic. There was 1 operating predecessors conceptualized the physiology of room immediately available and 1 that would be shock is a central theme of the past 300 years of ready in 20 minutes. Frank was given priority. At surgical history. In this paper, I review the origin of surgery, he was found to have a bullet track passing the use of the word shock, and describe the through the left lobe of the liver, the gastric an- evolution of the concept of shock from its first trum, the pancreatic neck, and the splenic . use in the surgical literature to the present. This is There were $2 L of blood in his abdomen. Joe a story with hundreds of contributors. In the was found to have a bullet track that passed interest of economy, I have marked out a path through the right lobe of the liver (nonbleeding) that considers many, although not all. I limited the and through the hepatic flexure of colon. He source material to English language literature, had <500 mL of blood in his peritoneal cavity, with 3 notable exceptions. There are other path- and a moderate amount of free peritoneal fecal ways through this topic, which feature other prin- contamination. In both cases, the flank wounds cipal players. Please consider this a history rather were superficial. Both men recovered uneventfully. than the history of this fascinating subject. The answer to the question of which patient to op- The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) devotes erate upon first seems obvious: It does not require nearly 3 pages to the definition of shock.1 The a trauma surgeon to recognize that the second word itself may derive from the French choc, which man required immediate management. Why? was originally used to describe ‘‘an encounter be- Because Frank, unlike Joe, was in ‘‘shock.’’ tween two charging hostile forces, jousters, etc.’’2 A PubMed search for papers containing the key The OED defines the medical usage of this word as: word ‘‘shock’’ yields >140,000 citations. The mean- A sudden debilitating effect produced by over- ing of the term ‘‘shock’’ varies depending upon the stimulationofnerve,intense pain,violent emotion, or the like; the condition of nervous exhaustion Accepted for publication February 19, 2010. resulting from this. Now used more precisely for a Reprint requests: Frederick Heaton Millham, MD, Newton condition whose principal characteristic is low Wellesley Hospital, Department of Surgery, 2014 Washington 1 Street, Newton, MA 02462. E-mail: [email protected]. . Surgery 2010;148:1026-37. The OED credits Abernathy with using the word 0039-6060/$ - see front matter for the first time in 1804. However, the usually Ó 2010 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved. authoritative OED is incorrect on this last point: doi:10.1016/j.surg.2010.02.014 Shock first appeared in the English language medical

1026 SURGERY Surgery Millham 1027 Volume 148, Number 5 literature in 1743 in a translation of a French treatise not possibly manufacture the volumes of blood on gunshot wounds by Henri-Francxois LeDran.3 the Galenic model required. He did this by esti- mating the volume of the heart, and extrap- THE GALENIC ERA olating from this the volume of ‘‘’’ Before 1743, there is no record of the word per hour. Thus, Harvey established that the blood shock used to describe a clinical syndrome. Cer- made a circuit, leaving and returning to the heart tainly the syndrome itself existed. William Brad- at regular intervals, and that there was a fixed, and ford Cannon credited Hippocrates with first use of presumably optimal, volume of blood circulating the term ‘‘exemia’’ to describe patients in hypovo- in the human body.10 Harvey did not make a con- lemic shock.4 Cannon’s aim was to replace the nection between the syndrome we recognize as term ‘‘shock’’ with exemia, believing the latter shock and disordered blood volume; it would more specific. My search of existing translations take 3 centuries for this to happen. However, it is of Hippocratic corpus failed to locate this word. with Harvey that our present understanding of Nonetheless, the ancient physicians must have en- shock began. countered patients in shock, even though little rec- ord of the syndrome or its treatment survives. THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT: For the first 1,600 years of the modern era, HENRI-FRANCxOIS LEDRAN medical thought was dominated by the works of Galen of Pergamon (CE 129--200).5 Galen, who The first use of the word ‘‘shock’’ to describe a gained fame as a surgeon to gladiators,6 was inti- trauma victim appears in the English translation of 7 Henri-Francxois LeDran’s 1740 text, Traite´ ou Reflex- mately familiar with hemorrhage, and thus, one 3,11 supposes, with . Despite this, ions Tire’es de la Pratique sur les Playes d’armes a` feu (A treatise, or reflections, drawn from practice on he never mentions a constellation of signs and 12 symptoms consistent with what we understand as gun-shot wounds ). A number of authorities assert shock. Ironically, whereas Galen made important that the term was a mistranslation of such words as 5,7,8 choc and secousse, the French term meaning to jar or contributions to the field of anatomy, his no- 13-20 tions that bodily functions were dependent on 4 hu- disturb. However, neither of these words ap- mors---white bile, black bile, phlegm, and blood, peared in the 1740 French text. LeDran’s meaning, each associated with a particular attribute: choleric, and the intent of the translator, can be determined melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine6---led him to by reviewing the original text and the translation the unfortunate conclusion that hemorrhage was side by side. The word shock occurs 7 times in the En- among the conditions that benefited from bloodlet- glish version: In 3 instances, it is used to translate the ting.9 Galen did not invent therapeutic venotomy, word saisissement; in another 3 instances, it is used to but his advocacy of the treatment led many to adopt translate the word commotion, and in 1 case it is in- serted for the French term, coup. Saisissement in mod- it in his name. It is sobering to contemplate the 21 number of preventable deaths occurring over the ern usage is translated as ‘‘astonishment.’’ In the 18th century, the definition may have been more span of the ‘‘Galenic Era’’ attributable to the belief 22 that is a good therapy for hemorrhage. consistent with ‘‘fright’’ or ‘‘violent emotion.’’ Many of Galen’s notions about human anatomy The passage below, followed by the English transla- and physiology were erroneous. In the Galenic tion, best demonstrates LeDran’s intent: model, blood flowed outward in both the Mais Quand meˆme un blesse´ ne froit pas ple´thorique, and , having been created in the liver and il suffit que le saississement & la commotion qui ac- vitalized by the . Not until 1543 was Galenic compagnent souvent les playes d’armes a` feu, sus- anatomy corrected, when Andreas Vesalius pub- pendent pour queques moments l’odre œconomique; lished De Humani Corporis Fabrica. However, it re- ce qui est prouve´ par les sincopes & autres accidents mained for William Harvey to make the seminal primatifs que nous avons dit arriver affez souvent. discoveries that the understanding of shock re- (p. 74) quired. In Excercitatio de Motu Cordis et Sanquinis in Animalibus (Anatomical exercises on the motion (But though the patient be not previously labor- of the heart and blood in animals, often shortened ing under a plethoric habit of the body, the shock to as ‘‘De Motu Cordis’’) published in 1628, Harvey and agitation which commonly follows gun-shot made 2 important discoveries: First, blood flowed wound will be sufficient to suspend the laws of away from the heart in the arteries and returned œconomy for a few moments: we have a proof of in the veins, meaning that the blood circulated. this from the syncopes and other symptoms we Second, Harvey determined that the liver could have said happen at least often enough.) (p. 48) 1028 Millham Surgery November 2010

LeDran described a syndrome associated with who served in the Spanish War of Independence gunshot wounds where victims are stunned and (1808--1814), expanded the concept of shock to agitated as suspending the ‘‘laws of economy’’ include both a stimulus resulting from trauma and (restless). We may infer from the choice of words a physiologic response to devastating in his such as ‘‘agitation’’ and ‘‘syncope’’ that the author Treatise on Gunshot Wounds (1827).25 He chooses the and his translator believe they were observing a word shock to describe the physics of wounding: neurologic phenomenon. This is supported by a When a thigh is destroyed by cannon-shot above section following that quoted above: or at its middle, the injury is very great, and the Le Saississemant dont le malade se sent quelquefois danger proportionate. The shock is frequently frappe´ a` l’instant du coup & la commotion, peuvent more than the constitution can bear, and the pa- avoir des suites funestes. (p. 93--4) tient dies in a few minutes without much hœmorrhage.25 (The shock with which the patient sometimes Yet, in the following passage, he also uses the finds himself, as it were, thunderstruck at the word to connote the physical impact of wounding time of the blow, together with the commotion by cannon fire, and then uses it to describe a or agitation, may be followed by very fatal conse- neurophysiologic response to wounding: quences.) (p. 62) Careful review of both the French original and if a man has the femoral artery fairly divided by a the English translation reveals that LeDran was musket-ball, he will often bleed until he faints, describing the same phenomenon we see today. but he will seldom or never die: but when this Men wounded by firearms were noted to be either takes place from a cannon-shot, the patient will agitated (commotion) or stunned (saisissement). To- often die, whether he suffer amputation or not. day, we recognize this behavior in settings other Can this be accounted for in any other way, than than gunshot wounds, but would use the word shock from the general derangement caused by the in the same way the English translator did. We can shock of the blow, and the tearing away of parts? draw 2 conclusions about the birth of the word It is the double affect on the nervous and the shock from this literature: First, usage in the English sanguiferous systems, which I called shock and version seems to be a faithful and appropriate trans- alarm and to which, in a case of this kind, lation of the original French text. Second, Both Le- many persons owe their lives, for without it Dran and the English translator considered ‘‘shock’’ they would bleed to death; with it the haemor- to be a neurologic response, which occurs as a se- rhage ceases. I do not believe, that, during the quela of gunshot wound alone. It was not construed whole course of the Peninsular war, a tourniquet as a result of the physics of gunshot wound. was applied in one case in ten where limbs were Once introduced into the English medical no- struck by cannon-shot’ and when they were ap- menclature, the word shock did not immediately plied the greater number were useless. The enter widespread usage. In fact, Samuel Cooper’s time required to get the better of this state is var- ious, and, where much blood is lost, the effect voluminous surgical dictionary, published in 1822, 25 had no entry devoted to shock.23 He does discuss the on the nervous system will be greatest. fondness of ‘‘French Surgeons’’ for describing the Twenty years later, the French surgeon Velpeau symptom of ‘‘disorganization’’ as a consequence of echoed Guthrie. In a Lancet article about manag- gunshot wounds, and ascribes to Guthrie (below) ing the wounded during the Paris Revolution of the description of ‘‘constitutional alarm or shock’’ 1848, Velpeau describes sequential physiologic de- as a symptom indicating severe injury from gunshot cline after gunshot wound where the first stage is 23 wound. In fact, it seems likely that the apocryphal characterized by the ‘‘shock’’ of wounding.26 This history so often attached to the translation of the phenomenon is particularly severe with regard to word shock from LeDran’s work arises from Guth- the nervous system: rie’s dictionary. In 1859, when Theodore Bilroth published a comprehensive review of European The first is the period of stupor; this is the result gunshot wound studies then available, he used the of the sudden shock which the nervous system, word shock only in regard to the work of LeDran.24 and, in fact, the whole organism, experiences by At least 2 surgeons writing about gunshot the reception of the wound, the patient being wounds between LeDran’s work in the 1740s and mostly in a state of great excitement at the time. the mid 19th century use the word shock to describe This period lasts generally from twenty four to a clinical syndrome. G. J. Guthrie, a British surgeon thirty-six hours.26 Surgery Millham 1029 Volume 148, Number 5

Both Guthrie and Velpeau used the word shock apparent at first sight from the excessive to describe both the physics of wounding, partic- of the countenance, the weakened or absent ularly by firearms, and the neurophysiologic re- pulse, the confused state of mind, the nausea or sponse to injury. In addition, they introduced a nausea and , and the excessive bodily new concept regarding physiologic response to prostration.27 injury; both authors described the period follow- He also recognized that shock is not solely a ing shock as ‘‘reaction,’’ a time during which the response to gunshot wound, and that it may result patient is seen to respond to clinical treatments. from a seemingly minor event: At the first moment of injury, the operation In many cases death is instantaneous owing to should be performed, so that the shock to the shock or shock and hemorrhage; in others it nervous system may if possible be continuous, occurs gradually or without reaction, at a period and opium with purgatives should be adminis- of several hours .or days. Sometimes men are tered to allay it. As soon as the reaction becomes destroyed by shock, by, apparently the most permanent, the surgeon must bring all his stores insignificant injury, owing not to want of cour- of observation and experience forth, for an erro- age but to some idiosyncrasy.27 neous decision is pregnant with danger either one way or the other with improvement.25 Professor Julian J. Chisolm, from South Caro- lina, made similar observations about the nature of [T]he second stage, which is the period of shock in his 1863 manual for the military surgeons inflammatory reaction; this will appear towards of the Confederacy.28 He, too, recognized that the second or third day, and is analogous to shock can result from any form of injury, not just 26 the period of elimination in burns. gunshot wound. He expanded the understanding For the first time, the term ‘‘reaction’’ was of the concept by drawing attention to the idea applied to a state that these physicians hoped the that shock is a neurologic syndrome: patient would attain after experiencing the shock nervous shock accompanies the most serious that follows injury. If shock means a neurophysio- wounds, it may often be met with the most trivial logic response to injury, then ‘‘reaction’’ describes . It is recognized by the sufferer becom- the physiologic recovery after shock. The surgeons ing cold, faint and pale with the surface be- of the next century expanded on this idea and dewed with cold sweat; the pulse is small and used it to inform their treatment of the wounded. flickering, there is anxiety, mental depression and at times incoherence of speech. Often this THE AGE OF IGNORANCE: THE AMERICAN shock is very transient when accompanying sim- CIVIL WAR ple wounds. A drink of water and a few encour- 28 Over 600,000 soldiers died during the Civil War aging words may be sufficient to dispel it. (1861--1865); many more were wounded. Those Both Gross and Chisolm further defined shock in caring for the injured did not learn much new terms of ‘‘nervous depression.’’27,28 The therapies about the physiology of shock, nor did they make they recommended were intended to stimulate the much effort to study it. What they did learn was patient to a state of ‘‘reaction.’’Both men prescribed that the phenomenon of shock could be a re- stimulants such as , ammonia, hartshorn sponse to more than just a gunshot wound. (ammonium carbonate), and turpentine. They LeDran, Guthrie, and Velpeau were limited by also recommended remedies such as sinapisms their conviction that shock could only be a conse- (mustard plasters), ‘‘frictions,’’ and cataplasms quence of gunshot wound, but the surgeons of the (poultices of hot clay). Finally, both agreed on the Civil War recognized shock in casualties caused by importance of wrapping the patient in blankets. Be- different mechanisms, and realized that it could be traying the persistence of Galenic thought, Chisolm a physiologic response to injury in general. also recommended that the combat surgeon treat Dr Samuel Gross of Jefferson Medical College, a casualties suffering from internal hemorrhage by major figure in American surgery, published a performing urgent venotomy to bleed the patient manual for military surgeons in 1861.27 Early in and ‘‘save him from immediate death.’’28 this work he noted the ease of diagnosing shock The standard for clinical management of shock and focused on the neurologic findings: in the field during the Civil War was perhaps best It is not necessary to describe minutely the exemplified by the treatment of Confederate Gen- symptoms of shock, as the nature of the case is eral Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson, as reported by 1030 Millham Surgery November 2010 his surgeon, Hunter Holmes Maguire.29 Educated system and demonstrated its effect on the cardio- in Philadelphia, Maguire was one of the most re- vascular system, did not comment specifically on spected surgeons on either side of the war.30 Jack- shock. However, his careful experimental method, son had been wounded in the left axillary artery, including the first accurate measurement of blood among other places, and was clearly suffering pressure in the laboratory, gave currency to the from hypovolemic shock. Maguire’s treatment in- concept that the central nervous system, via the au- cluded early and frequent pre-operative adminis- tonomic outflow, was responsible for adjustment tration of alcohol and coffee, both intended as and maintenance of the and sys- stimulants. He also wrapped Jackson in blankets temic perfusion.37 and allowed 2 hours for ‘‘reaction’’ to occur. After In 1866, the surgeon Thomas Buzzard formu- this period of , he amputated the gen- lated a classification system for ‘‘shock to the eral’s left arm. Interestingly, Maguire did not use nervous system’’ based on his experience caring the word shock to describe the general’s condition for victims of railway accidents and ‘‘other vio- in any of the 3 accounts he published of Jackson’s lence.’’38 He proposed a continuum of pathology death.29,31,32 ranging from the most severe, in which death is In the hundreds of pages of Medical and Surgical rapid, to a chronic condition suggestive of posttrau- History of the War of the Rebellion, there is surprisingly matic disorder, with the assumed neurologic little use of the word shock.33,34 One short section basis of shock remaining the unifying principle. entitled ‘‘The Mysteries of Shock’’ states that Thirteen years later, Mansell-Moullin devoted autopsy reports on combat casualties exhibit an entire book to the subject. On the Pathology of ‘‘a remarkable absence of any comments on the ob- Shock expanded on the idea that shock was primar- scure subject of shock.’’33 Apparently, the word ily a nervous phenomenon.39 (By this time, the ‘‘shock’’ was not in common use by physicians sphygmomanometer had been invented, thus al- working on the front in 1865; a decade later it lowing for the addition of to the list could still be labeled an ‘‘obscure subject.’’ of the signs of shock.) According to Mansell- It was the publication of Edwin Morris’s A Prac- Moullin, the hypotension associated with shock is tical Treatise on Shock in 1868 that seems to have led ‘‘primarily due to the power of inhibition which to the common use of the term shock to describe a is one of the inherent properties of the nerve cen- clinical syndrome.35 Morris, a physician at the Un- ters.’’39 He was particularly suspicious of the ion Infirmary, London (now known as the Green- splanchnic nerves, and identified splanchnic vaso- wich District Hospital) reviewed everything that dilation as a major cause of shock. This theory had been written to date about the use of the was supported by the work of the German physiol- word shock starting with Guthrie’s Treatise. Morris ogist, Goltz, who demonstrated that frogs sus- further develops the theme of shock as neurologic pended by the nose and struck on the mesentery syndrome: developed shock, presumably due to a mesenteric nervous reflex.40 The and , the very center of this In addition to crediting mesenteric nervous nervous power, is the medium through which elements, Mansell-Moullin believed that the fore- the animal system receives powerful impressions, brain was a factor in the production of shock. produced by mental or physical causes: and to ‘‘Excessive emotion’’39 could modulate the physio- understand shock and its consequences, it is logic response to injury as well. Another 19th-cen- absolutely necessary that we should have a thor- tury surgeon and medical educator, Ireland’s ough knowledge of the physical properties and Edward Mapother (1835--1908), added an ethnic functions of the nerves themselves.35 twist to this theory by suggesting that those of His work seems to have had a wide readership, Saxon heritage had superior ‘‘power to endure and is cited by leading clinicians who use the term shock’’ than the Germans, the French and, in par- shock as a matter of course.20 ticular, the ‘‘more nervous’’ Celts.41 Underlying Mapother’s theory was the belief, born more of lit- THE BEGINNINGS OF UNDERSTANDING: erature review than experimentation, that ‘‘Shock THE LATE 19TH CENTURY paralyzed the dilator nerves’’ leading to ‘‘contrac- The concept of shock as a ‘‘nervous’’ condition tion of the arterioles.’’41 This view was to find a gained more currency after the Civil War. This may number of adherents in the 20 years preceding be due in part to the influence of the work of the the First World War (WWI). great French physiologist, Claude Bernard.36 Ber- Mapother’s theory of shock as a function of nard, who characterized the autonomic nervous pathologic was subsequently Surgery Millham 1031 Volume 148, Number 5 amplified by Malcomb,42 who believed spasm of based on the work of Yale University physiologist the superficial arterioles was the central pathology Yandell Henderson.* He observed that animals suf- in shock. Interestingly, Malcomb advocated both fering from hemorrhage had lower than normal infusion, a new therapy at that time, and partial pressures of carbon dioxide in their older remedies such as ‘‘application of rubifactants blood.52 Yandell Henderson knew that hypocarbia such as mustard’’ and rubbing the lips of patients resulted from tachypnea, and surmised that patho- in shock. Like most investigators of the time, Mal- logic was an important factor in comb did not draw his theories from experimental shock.52-55 He called this the ‘‘acapneic theory.’’ work; instead, he relied on clinical observations. Henry Janeway and Ephraim Ewing, at Bellevue Hospital in New York, suggested that there might THE AGE OF REASON, 1890--1925 have been a relationship between hypocarbia Before WWI, 2 theories of shock emerged that, (acapnia) and splanchnic . After ex- unlike the ‘‘vasoconstrictor theory,’’ were derived tensive experimentation with dogs, they came to from work in the laboratory. Dr George Crile, the believe that hypocarbia associated with shock cre- well-known American surgeon, reporting on exper- ated a pathologic accumulation of blood in the iments in dogs, found that vasoconstriction oc- veins of the mesentery, resulting in ‘‘missing curred after both hemorrhage and burn trauma.43 blood.’’56 This work attempted to combine the He concluded that vasomotor changes resulting splanchnic vasodilation envisioned by Crile and from nervous stimulation played an important the hypocarbia measured by Henderson into a role in the pathophysiology of shock through a pro- common thread: Reflexive hyperventilation after cess he termed ‘‘anoci-association.’’44 This theory, severe injury resulted in hypocarbia which then which subsequently grew into an effort to describe promoted splanchnic vasodilation. Blood pooling a diverse spectrum of pathology,45 posited that in the splanchnic vessels was effectively removed shock is due to excessive activity in visceral efferent from circulation, resulting in progressive shock. nerves, which creates a state of visceral vasodilation Other proponents of the ‘‘missing blood’’ hypoth- that results in hypotension. Crile’s theory was de- esis, most notably Carl Wiggers, doubted hypocar- rived from laboratory work demonstrating that ma- bia was a fundamental cause of shock,51 and nipulation of visceral and sensory motor nerves looked for other reasons for blood to seem to be could produce shock-like states in a variety of ani- missing from the in shock. mal models.46-48 Crile believed that sensory afferent WWI provided an opportunity to investigate stimulation and expectation of noxious stimuli by shock in a rigorous and scientific fashion. A num- the higher centers of the brain were the key factors ber of investigators traveled to the Western Front, in shock. Adequate sedation and were then returned to the laboratory to test hypotheses essential to avoiding shock.45 regarding the physiology of shock generated on Although most did not subscribe to the theory the battlefield. William T. Porter, based on his of anoci-association, some arrived at the theory experience with casualties, particularly those with that an early phase of arteriolar vasoconstriction in long bone injuries, believed that fat embolism was shock was eventually superseded by ‘‘depressor the cause of traumatic shock.57 He subsequently impulses’’ resulting in arteriolar vasodilation, fol- conducted experiments in which he injected olive lowed by dilation of the portal and Ôother internalÕ oil, cotton seed oil, cod liver oil, and cream into veins in which blood volume then fatally pooled.49 the jugular veins of various small mammals.58 This theory of nervous vasomotor collapse seems The animals in these experiments developed he- to have had relatively wide acceptance in the pe- modynamic collapse, an observation that sup- riod before WWI.50 The notion that the profound ported, and, in his mind, validated, his ‘‘fat hypotension of shock was due to ‘‘missing blood’’ embolism theory’’ of shock. pooled in the splanchnic vascular bed was to drive E. M. Cowell, of the British Special Investigations much of the thinking on shock in the first half of Committee of the Medical Research Committee, the 20th century.51 introduced the concept of ‘‘wound shock’’ based A second experimental model of shock ap- on his experience on the battlefields of France.59 peared in the first decade of the 20th century Cowell believed that it was the wound itself that was the primary stimulus leading to the physiology *One should not confuse this Henderson with Harvard of shock; he assumed that the etiologic agents were University’s Lawrence J. Henderson who, in 1908, described the famous blood buffering properties of the bicarbonate/ as yet unidentified toxins liberated from wounded carbonic acid system universally known as the Henderson- tissue. Cowell further divided shock into 2 separate Hasselbach equation. phenomena: Primary shock, where a casualty is 1032 Millham Surgery November 2010 found to be hemodynamically unstable on arrival Cannon rejected the Galenic notion that bleeding at the aid station, and secondary shock, where a ca- is an effective treatment of shock. Ironically, his sualty with previously normal vital signs deterio- 1923 opus on traumatic shock concluded with the rates after reaching medical attention. The recommendation for a novel 3-blanket wrap as notion that shock was primarily a neurologic con- the most efficacious treatment of traumatic shock.4 dition persisted: Cowell states, ‘‘the conditions of In this regard, he had not progressed much be- excitement, cold, thirst, fatigue and possibly loss yond the resuscitation techniques offered by Ma- of sleep become important pre-wound factors in guire in the Civil War. Nonetheless, Cannon was the initiation of wound shock.’’59 the first to recognize that reduction in blood vol- When the Americans joined the war effort in ume plays a role in the production of traumatic 1918, the British and American forces established a shock.61 joint commission to study battlefield shock led by By the end of WWI, what was now called ‘‘wound William Bayliss of University College, London, and shock’’ in England and ‘‘traumatic shock’’ in the Walter Cannon of the Massachusetts General Hos- United States, was considered a 2-stage phenome- pital.14 Both men wrote book-length treatises on non: Primary shock, which occurred immediately the subject of shock, which nicely summarized after wounding, was largely a neurologic phenom- the variety of contemporary theories and the evi- enon; secondary shock developed later due to dence for or against each based on observation toxins elaborated by the wound itself.68 Hypoten- of combat casualties; both argued against the sion and decreased tissue perfusion seen in sec- ‘‘acapneic theory’’ of shock. ondary shock were believed to result from Cannon measured ‘‘alkali reserve’’ in experi- pooling of blood in certain beds, result- mental dogs and cats, and grasped, as Yandell ing in the phenomenon of ‘‘missing blood.’’ For Henderson had not, that the hypocarbia and the next 25 years, researchers would search for tachypnea seen in shock were evidence of the both the missing blood and the causative toxins. presence of the bicarbonate buffer system.4,60 He This research ultimately yielded concepts now con- rejected most of the existing theories in favor of sidered fundamental to the understanding and a modified version of the ‘‘missing blood’’ theory. treatment of shock. He tried to rename hypovolemic shock using the Hippocratic term exemia, because he believed that THE MODERN ERA: BLALOCK’S EPIPHANY there was pooling of blood within the body in re- Although better known for his groundbreaking sponse to shock, which resulted in a marked reduc- work in , Alfred Blalock is also tion in circulating blood volume.4,60 Cannon responsible for the present heuristic approach to supported this theory with evidence of a discrep- the subject of shock. In 1927, Blalock presented a ancy between the red blood cell counts in capillary theory of shock as a disorder of blood volume.69 specimens and those in venous blood specimens in Beginning with ‘‘10 common causes’’ of clinical combat casualties.4 Capillary specimens were shock, he developed laboratory models to aid his found to have higher counts, indicating hemocon- search for a unifying principle. Searching for ei- centration and pooling in the capillary space.61 ther toxins or lost blood, he tried to induce shock Intravenous saline infusion had been used as in experimental animals in a standardized model early as 1831 for the treatment of using crushing injuries to the extremity.70 In this owing to cholera.62 It was first used to manage work, Blalock repeated 1 of Cannon’s experiments shock by Jennings in 1882,63 followed by Robson supporting the missing blood theory. Where Can- in England and Matas in New Orleans in the non had compared the weights of the experimen- 1890s.64,65 Nonetheless, it was not until WWI that tal and control limbs amputated through the was widely used for treatment proximal thigh, Blalock precisely divided the pelvis of shock. and lumbar spine. Blalock found the added weight Both Cannon and Bayliss reported on the effi- of the crushed limb accounted for all observed hy- cacy of a number of intravenous solutions includ- povolemia. He concluded there was no missing ing synthetic solutions based on gum blood or fluid at all. acacia4 and gum arabic.66 Cannon’s famous warn- In additional experiments, Blalock systemati- ing against early aggressive fluid resuscitation---‘‘If cally excluded central nervous system injury as a the pressure is raised before the surgeon is ready cause of shock.71 Not satisfied, he concluded that a to check any bleeding that may take place, blood number of pathologic states could be explained that is sorely needed may be lost’’67---remained a with a simple model founded on an assessment caveat largely ignored until the past decade. of the state of the blood volume. What emerged Surgery Millham 1033 Volume 148, Number 5 was a classification system, first published in 1934, dogs, bled to a state of severe prolonged hypoten- that grouped different pathologies together under sion, died despite infusion of the same volume of the central theme of disordered blood volume.72 blood that had been lost.79 This model was subse- Like Cannon before him, Blalock sought to re- quently expanded by Wiggers’ son Harold.80-82 place the word ‘‘shock’’ with a better term: He fa- In 1949, a doctoral candidate at Columbia Uni- vored ‘‘acute circulatory failure.’’ Like Cannon, versity named Monica Reynolds substituted large he was unsuccessful in renaming the syndrome, volumes of isotonic crystalloid solution for blood in but unlike Cannon, Blalock established a durable a dog hemorrhage model.83 Reynolds found that conceptual framework that linked hypovolemia animals who received 2 cc of saline for every cc of with other etiologies for shock. shed blood could be resuscitated from profound Blalock’s original framework identified 5 dis- shock with crystalloid alone. It remained for G. tinct physiologic settings for shock: (1) hemato- Tom Shires, using a Wiggers’ preparation 15 years genic shock (hypovolemic); (2) ; later, to determine that adding large volumes of lac- (3) vasogenic shock (including both anaphylactic tated Ringer’s solution to the shed blood resuscita- and ); (4) ; and tion dramatically improved the survival of dogs (5) ‘‘unclassified conditions.’’ He soon discarded bled to profound shock---from 0% to 80%.84 Shires unclassified conditions, leaving the 4-part classifi- finally seemed to determine the location of the cation of shock that is now standard fare for every ‘‘missing blood’’ that researchers had been search- medical student.73 Alfred Blalock would write at ing for since the turn of the century. Fluid loss in least 44 papers the topic of shock between 1927 excess of that shed seemed to be disappearing, and 1942,74 shedding more light on this subject not into the extravascular space, as had been sup- than anyone before or since. posed, but into the intracellular space. Shires Perhaps Blalock’s greatest contribution to the reached the surprising conclusion that both the ex- subject, however, was to consider the various phys- tracellular and intravascular space contracted in iologies responsible for shock under a simple hemorrhagic shock. This finding was subsequently construct: Shock results from ‘‘a decrease in the explained by sophisticated work in a primate model ratio of the blood volume in circulation to the where measurements of cell membrane potential capacity of the vascular tree.’’75 This characteriza- changes during a ‘‘Wiggers’ experiment’’ suggested tion, focusing on the ‘‘effective blood volume,’’75 that there was a net gain in intracellular water ow- allows the 4 physiologies to be understood to- ing to changes in pump.85 John Dillon, gether using a simple yet profound ratio. also working with a dog model, confirmed the supe- Blalock’s categorization of shock was not univer- riority of resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock sally accepted until recently. The alternate rubric of with a partial replacement of shed blood combined primary and secondary shock, first advanced by with large volumes of lactated Ringer’s solution, al- Porter, persisted in surgical thought well into the though this work contradicted Shires’ in that there 1960s.76 Blalock’s work refuting the missing blood was no evidence of intracellular accumulation of so- theory did not find a large number of adherents. dium in this very carefully controlled series of ex- In fact, in his surgical text on the topic of shock a periments.86 Shires’ assertion that disordered decade later, Blalock himself seemed uncertain transmembrane sodium transport was at the root on this topic, presenting many of the theories of of the perplexing physiology of hypovolemic shock shock listed by Cannon, with supporting or refuting remained in standard textbooks of surgery into the data, but making no definitive statement regarding 1990s. the root physiology of hypovolemic shock.75 Work on shock after a burn injury was progress- ing concurrent with this hypovolemic shock re- POSTMODERNISM: CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY search. In 1944, Cope and Moore87 published a OF SHOCK 1945--1965 compelling series of experiments in dogs demon- Those searching for the whereabouts of the strating increased capillary permeability at the ‘‘missing blood’’ included Carl Wiggers. Born in site of full-thickness skin burns but, interestingly, 1883, Wiggers devoted his life to the study of cardi- not from distant tissues.87 Subsequent work, done ovascular physiology and shock.77 His first paper on largely on survivors of the Coconut Grove Night- the topic of hemorrhagic shock was published in club fire in 1942, confirmed that in humans ‘‘a re- 191478; in 1945 he published a groundbreaking lentless expansion of the interstitial fluid volume paper on the fluid dynamics of hypovolemic takes place’’ after a burn, and that this expansion shock. Using a model subsequently known as the was directly proportional to the area burned.88 ‘‘Wiggers’ Preparation,’’ he demonstrated that Interestingly, Cope warned against ‘‘overzealous 1034 Millham Surgery November 2010 therapy,’’ which may ‘‘exaggerate the extracellular manipulation of DNA transcription.99 Recent work space expansion.’’88 by Navy researchers suggests that in the most se- By the early 1970s, it was widely understood that vere form of hypovolemic shock, hemodynamic successful resuscitation of burn patients required collapse may be worsened by the Bezold-Jarisch re- very large volumes of crystalloid.89 Furthermore, it flex, a central nervous system reflex.100 Further, ge- was understood that this volume requirement re- netic polymorphisms in the autonomic nervous sulted from the huge parasitic expansion of the ex- system have recently been shown to affect mortality tracellular space.90 Support for liberal crystalloid in trauma patients.101 No one has yet found these resuscitation in burns reached its apogee with the genetic traits overrepresented in any particular publication of the so-called Parkland formula in ethnic group, including the ‘‘Celts,’’ but one 1974 and persists to the present day.91,92 During must wonder nonetheless whether Mapother and the latter half of the 20th century, there was a be- his contemporaries were as far wrong as they lief that laboratory burn models could serve as an once seemed to be. excellent model for trauma resuscitation. The Perhaps the most lasting lesson to be learned work cited, which suggests that both types of injury from the study of the history of shock is the (burns and trauma) resulted in obligate expansion difficulty in arriving at a single definition. Cannon of the extracellular space, has been used to rein- himself proposed abandoning the word in favor of force the idea that trauma patients are also best exemia, a term he could define precisely as a state re- managed with large volumes of crystalloid. sulting from loss of blood.4 Blalock’s thinking about definitions for shock evolved over more than a de- REACHING THE NEW MILLENNIUM: cade from a state of ‘‘diminished blood volume’’69 1990--PRESENT to a more modern notion of ‘‘inadequate tissue per- Informed by research demonstrating that infu- fusion.’’72 Yet to Blalock we owe our modern typol- sion of large volumes of crystalloid solution im- ogy of shock, which turns out to be an excellent proved survival of experimental animals subjected conceptual framework, although it does not help to large blood loss, and perhaps influenced by the us to define this syndrome any more clearly. high-volume resuscitation now known to be effec- After the World War II, Edward Churchill, trying tive in burn care, clinicians adopted aggressive to reconcile the differences in definition of shock as volume resuscitation strategies. Injured patients used by American and British medical officers, received volumes of resuscitation fluid in ratios of theorized that differences between the 2 allies arose $3:1 to estimated blood loss. By the early 1990s, from distinctions in frames of reference rather than some researchers had begun to wonder if early differences in understanding.102 The British focus fluid resuscitation actually improved outcomes in on symptoms led to a typology quite different from hypovolemic patients.93 Indeed, in 1994, Bickell et that of the more physiologically oriented Ameri- al94 demonstrated that delay in resuscitation of hy- cans. In the end, though, combat casualties died potensive trauma patients suffering from penetrat- in the same way for the same reasons regardless ing wounds results in superior survival. This finding country of origin. With regard to ‘‘shock,’’Churchill seemed to confirm Cannon’s 1924 observation that advised, ‘‘It is misleading when invested with a con- delayed and even limited resuscitation increases notation of specificity that does not exist in real- survival rates in patients with hypovolemic shock.95 ity.’’102 Sadly, in the 60 years since these words that Data from the laboratory confirm that crystalloid illuminate the pathophysiology of this syndrome, resuscitation is harmful at a cellular level.96,97 Re- were published, little progress has been made in de- cent experience in the care of combat casualties fining it. It might be that the more poetic definitions has resulted in the concept of ‘‘damage control re- of prior eras are, in fact, better at capturing the sense suscitation’’ where restoration of circulating blood of ‘‘shock’’than are phrases that parse notions of tis- volume is often delayed until definitive control of sue perfusion. bleeding is possible.98 This approach focuses Samuel Gross implied as much in his 1882 equally on restoration of red cell mass and coagula- warning about the insidiousness of shock: ‘‘[A] tion factors and eschews crystalloid infusion. more careful examination soon serves to show that Research on the physiologic mechanism of the deep mischief is lurking in the system; that the shock syndrome has led to insights too numerous machinery of life has been rudely unhinged.’’103 to list here. However, a few recent reports deserve However imprecise, this definition hints at the sys- mention. Work at the molecular level has illumi- tematic derangement, now understood as multiple nated the role of histone acetylation in shock, organ system failure, that ‘‘lurks’’ within the shock suggesting novel resuscitation strategies involving patient. In 1895, John Collins Warren described a Surgery Millham 1035 Volume 148, Number 5 multiply injured patient who was ‘‘staring at the and continue to evolve, but the clinical syndrome surgeon with an expression of complete indiffer- itself has not changed. Patients whose behavior ence as to his condition.’’104 Strikingly, Warren de- ‘‘suspends the laws of economy’’ can be found in scribed shock as ‘‘this momentary pause in the act the resuscitation areas of any center. of death.’’104 Evocative descriptions such as these Because concise physiologic definition of this syn- provide us with as much practical insight into the drome has proven so elusive, historical descrip- phenomenon of shock as any scientific model. tions can be surprisingly useful and informative. In conclusion, several weeks after the 2 cousins were shot, a young man was brought to the The author would like to thank research librarian emergency department after having been struck Ross Sharp for his assistance with this work. by a motor vehicle. He was grossly intoxicated, and had a dramatic open fracture of his forearm. REFERENCES Nursing notes describe him as ‘‘belligerent.’’ It 1. Shock. 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