News from the

Well we have been in , Northern for a month and a half now. The weather has been a mixture of cold and windy days about -50, blizzards when the roads around town have been closed and days when it has got warm enough to snow. Yes, believe it or not, the temperature here has to rise for it to snow.

Our house is shaped like a barn and is cosy inside with a beautiful view of the bay, which is of course frozen at the minute. We are close to the shore and can see all the airplanes landing at the airport from our window. We had the new airbus here doing winter weather testing two weeks ago.

I thought I would include a map so that you can follow Darren on his travels and pray for the people in each place. The Diocese of the Arctic includes three territories in Canada – North West Territories, and (northern ). The map above is of Nunavut where we live in Iqaluit and where Darren has travelled this month to Resolute, Grise Fiord and Arctic Bay.

What has Darren been up to?

The first week Bishop David was here and so he and Darren had a week of intense meetings to look at the work of the Diocese of the Arctic as well as to plan their travel over the next few months. I think they are both very aware that it is only in God’s strength and His plan that they will lead the diocese forward. Darren had one more week in the community before embarking on his first trip. He has been travelling for the last two weeks flying to Resolute (closest community to the North Pole), Grise Fiord and Arctic Bay where he has been meeting people, taking many services, a confirmation and Bishop Andrew’s mum’s funeral. He returns home tomorrow.

The history of the people who live in Resolute is that they were originally living in Northern Quebec and the Canadian government put them on a ship which sailed north. They were left close to the North Pole to fend for themselves. The idea was that the government wanted to claim the land as Canadian. However they did not realise that back in their home area the Inuit people knew all the hunting grounds whereas the Inuit people nearly starved after being left in this new area. You might be interested to learn more about this story on the internet.

During March Darren will travel to

Pangnirtung 1 – 3rd March

Baker Lake 4-7th March

Rankin Inlet 8 – 10th March

Hall Beach 14 – 15th March

Igloolik 16 – 18th March

Kimmirut 29 – 31st March

What has Karen been up to?

Karen has been helping in the Soup Kitchen which is run by a Church Army Captain for those on the poverty line. There are about 80-100 men, women and children who are given soup and sandwiches each day. She also spoke at the women’s biblestudy and has been enjoying getting to know people. Please pray that she would know where God wants to use her as there are so many needs and opportunities to serve. She has been applying for jobs and has been offered a position which she starts tomorrow so that is an answer to prayer.

Karen was very generously bought a plane ticket by two Inuit friends, to fly to Pangnirtung where we used to live. She spent the last week there renewing friendships and encouraging people. She spent time at the school, the health centre and visiting with those who had lost loved ones as two elders died while she was there. She listened to people as they shared the difficult times they have been going through recently. There have been 8 deaths, 2 of them suicides, in the community over the past couple of months. It was really good to see everyone again and she got a chance to go and see the men fishing for halibut out on the ice about one hour from the community by snowmobile.

Please continue to pray for our protection as Darren has been struggling with a very sore hip and I fainted due to dehydration and ended up having to go to hospital with a deep cut on my nose which has now healed. Please also give thanks for the many answers to prayer which we have know so far and feel we are being held firmly in God’s hand. We know that this is because of the many faithful prayer warriors who are praying for us. We could not be here without you!

Please pray for:

• Protection in the spiritual battle

• Wisdom for Darren as he deals with difficult situations and decisions both within the Diocese and in the Church of Canada

• Safety for Darren as he travels and Karen while he is away

• Special blessing as we build relationships and for divine friendships

• For strength and courage as we step out for the Lord

Our Contact Details

Postal Address: PO Box 879 Iqaluit Nunavut XOA ORO

Phone No: 001 867 975 2112 (if phoning from the UK)

Email: [email protected]

Skype name: karen.mccartney3 darren.mccartney4

Facebook: Karen McCartney

If you are on Facebook please connect with us as we have been posting new photos.