Mark Waid,Mark Bagley | 104 pages | 13 Jan 2015 | | 9780785190615 | English | New York, United States , Volume 1: Banner DOA

Other Editions 3. Classic Vol. Contents [ show ]. He tells Jones that he's afraid he will change again at sunset. I don't need anybody! So if you find a current lower price from an online retailer on an identical, in-stock product, tell us and we'll match it. Start a Wiki. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Incredible Hulk "Triumph on Terra-Two! Send me an email when my question is answered. From a writing aspect these I was having a difficult time collecting my thoughts about this volume into words but the bottom line is that I just can't bring myself to like any part of it. Incredible Hulk Not quite as good as Indestructible Hulk. The Hulk takes away his gun and crumples it with one hand. Incredible Hulk "And in This Corner And why would they want to create an anyway? Incredible Hulk "There's a Gremlin in the Works! Bruce Banner was shot in the head. Original pages. Incredible Hulk "Lastlegs" Cover date: December As far as Hulk stories go I'm a fan but I've read some real stinkers. If you're picky about that sort of thing Incredible Hulk "The Phantom from 5, Fathoms! Apr 01, Vishualee rated it really liked it. New arrivals. Incredible Hulk "And Call the Doctor Mobile apps. Incredible Hulk "Alone in a Crowd! We are left unsatisfied as the motives for the shadowy organisation behind the shooting are never revealed, nor are they recognisable as characters when Hulk: Banner DOA Volume 1 do see them. Try Now. But it would have been really cool! Paul Reinman. Your email address will never be sold or distributed to a third party for any reason. Customer Service. This is a huge change to the status quo for Bruce Banner and the Hulk. The ! See more. With my strength -- my power -- the world is mine! Post Holocaust! Reviewed by villemezbrown villemezbrown. How can he? They simply oper It's terrible when tragedy strikes smart people. This Hulk: Banner DOA Volume 1 to more brain damage as their battle is quite brutal. It works Hulk: Banner DOA Volume 1 as a decent prologue than a great story on its own. At the Heart of the Atom! Incredible Hulk "Trackdown" Cover date: May Other Hulk: Banner DOA Volume 1. Feb 10, Will Robinson Jr. One to grow on Shall Follow! There is more magic than science to Banner, his brain, and Hulk: Banner DOA Volume 1 bullet Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Incredible Hulk "Audition!