An e23 Sourcebook for GURPS® Traveller® from Steve Jackson Games Based on the award-winning Traveller universe by MARC MILLER

Written by AMANDA DICKERSON GURPS, Warehouse 23, and the all-seeing pyramid are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Pyramid, GURPS Traveller: Psionics Institutes, e23, and the names of all Edited by LOREN WISEMAN products published by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are registered trademarks or trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license. All rights reserved. Illustrated by PAUL DALY, JESSE DEGRAFF, GURPS Traveller: Psionics Institutes is copyright © 2005 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. GLENN GRANT, DAVID LYNCH, ED NORTHCOTT, The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this material via the Internet or via any other means ALLEN NUNIS, BOB STEVLIC, and JOHN ZELEZNIK without the permission of the publisher is illegal, and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of Production Artist ❚ JUSTIN DE WITT copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.


Stock #82-0181 Version 1.1 November 22, 2005 INTRODUCTION The official Traveller setting has two their government. Psionics Institutes institutes, as well as psi-using corpora- basic approaches to psionic powers: the enables Traveller players and gamemas- tions, mercenary units, and psi-friendly Third Imperium and its allied client ters to explore both approaches in their societies, worlds, and government agen- states officially suppress them, but games, in greater detail than ever before. cies. Underground pro-psi societies secretly support psionic training insti- The book covers the institutes and types (both within and outside the Imperium) tutes and the undercover use of psions. of institutional training available in both are detailed. Using Psionics Institutes, The Zhodani Consulate and its allied the Consulate and Imperium, as well as players and game masters can add a clients embrace psi powers, and character templates and character cre- sixth sense to their campaign. promote psions to the highest levels of ation information. It gives several sample ABOUT THE CREATORS Amanda Dickerson has played Traveller for years, and GURPS Psionics for much longer than that. ABOUT THE After several articles she wrote for the Journal of the Travellers’ Aid Society were JOURNAL OF THE published, she moved on to roleplaying TRAVELLERS’ AID SOCIETY books. Her first book, Dead Sea Murder, For several years, Steve Jackson Games has published the Journal of the is a complete RPG campaign for the Travellers’ Aid Society located online at In addition to the FUDGE Terra Incognita game. More current issue, information is available from her subscribers can website at access the exten- meadowlark. sive archive of Amanda lives in Ohio with her hus- previous arti- band. Together they care for a dog (who cles. From the apparently suffers from attention deficit JTAS website disorder) and three cats (who have yet to subscribers can find an earthly use for the dog). Her life- talk with each long interest in the led to other, guest her hobbies of tarot reading, magick, speakers, and the and research. Her obsession staff in Brubek’s, with the latter finally found an outlet in the live internet this book. chat room, or Loren Wiseman has worked with using the online Traveller in all its forms since the game’s discussion creation in 1977. He is currently GURPS boards. Traveller line editor for SJ Games, and editor for the Journal of the Travellers’ Aid Society, and was recently inducted into the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design’s Hall of Fame.

ABOUT GURPS Steve Jackson Games is committed to reached by e-mail: [email protected]. many more top games – and other Steve full support of GURPS players. Our Resources include: Jackson Games releases like Illuminati, address is SJ Games, P.O. Box 18957, Pyramid ( Car Wars, Transhuman Space, and Austin, TX 78760. Please include a self- pyramid/). Our online magazine more. Pyramid subscribers also get addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) includes new GURPS rules and articles. opportunities to playtest new GURPS any time you write us! We can also be It also covers the d20 system, Ars books! Magica, BESM, Call of Cthulhu, and

2PSIONICS INSTITUTES New supplements and adventures. GURPSnet. This e-mail list hosts Wherever a page reference includes a GURPS continues to grow, and we’ll be much of the online discussion of GT, it refers to a page in GURPS happy to let you know what’s new. For a GURPS. To join, point your web brows- Traveller; e.g., p. GT54 refers to page 54 current catalog, send us a er to of GURPS Traveller. P refers to legal-sized SASE, or just visit listinfo/gurpsnet-l/. Psionics, B to the Basic Set, T:AI to Traveller: Alien Races 1, T:FT to e23. Our e-publishing division offers PAGE Traveller: Far Trader, T:GF to Traveller: GURPS adventures, play aids, and sup- Ground Forces, T:RF to Traveller: Rim port not available anywhere else! Just REFERENCES of Fire, T:SM to Traveller: Star Mercs head over to GURPS Compendium I lists all the and T:ST to Traveller: Starports. title abbreviations for GURPS titles. RESOURCES The foundation for every GURPS A Thousand Words For Stranger, The Stars My Destination Aka Traveller campaigns builds on the infor- Julie E. Czerneda. Tiger! Tiger!, . mation in GURPS Basic Set, GURPS Mind Game, Christine Feehan. Additionally, these series are recom- Compendium I, and GURPS Traveller. Shadow Game, Christine Feehan. mended: The following are recommended: Mind of My Mind, Octavia E. The Pegasus Series, Anne McCaffrey. GURPS Traveller: Alien Races 1 Butler. The Rowan Series, Anne McCaffrey. includes information on the psionically Kinsman’s Oath, Susan Krinard. The Darkover Series, Marion gifted Zhodani race and the initial Forge of the Titans, Steve White. Zimmer Bradley. detailed look at psionics in the Traveller TNT: Telzey and Trigger, James H. The Commonwealth series, Alan Dean universe. GURPS Psionics is the com- Schmitz. Foster. plete resource for creating and playing Gates of Hell, Susan Sizemore. And several novels of the Babylon 5 psionic characters. series. Additional useful resources: GURPS Traveller: Rim of Fire discusses the Imperium’s psionics institutes and the psionically empowered society on the Red Zone planet Heironymus. Depending on the type of campaign, GURPS Traveller: Star Mercs, GURPS Traveller: Starports, GURPS Traveller: Ground Forces, or GURPS Traveller: Far Trader may be useful. For inspiration from fiction, there are many psi-themed SF novels to choose from. This brief list is a good starting point:

INTRODUCTION ...... 2 Digging Through Religious Institutes ...... 19 the Underground ...... 6 Specialized ABOUT THE CREATORS ...... 2 About the Journal of the Red Zones ...... 7 Psionics Institutes ...... 21 Travellers’ Aid Society ...... 2 SECONDARY SOURCES ...... 8 ParaPsionics and Religion ...... 8 3. PSIONICS WITHIN ABOUT GURPS ...... 2 Page References ...... 3 Media Sources ...... 8 THE IMPERIUM ...... 22 Law Enforcement ...... 8 RESOURCES ...... 3 PUBLIC SERVICE ...... 22 Politicians ...... 9 Law Enforcement ...... 22 Scientific Community ...... 9 1. FINDING A Military ...... 25 ALTERNATIVES TO PSIONICS INSTITUTE ...... 4 Political ...... 27 JOINING AN INSTITUTE ...... 9 Scout Service ...... 28 PRIMARY SOURCES ...... 4 PRIVATE SERVICE ...... 30 It Runs in the Family ...... 4 2. PSIONICS INSTITUTES . . . . . 10 Colonial ...... 30 Outside Looking In ...... 5 OVERT INSTITUTES ...... 11 Zhodani Institutes ...... 5 Commercial ...... 32 Institutes in the Industrial ...... 34 They Find You ...... 5 Zhodani Consulate ...... 11 Join the Military, Medical ...... 35 Red Zone Institutes ...... 13 Mercenary ...... 36 Learn Psionics ...... 6 COVERT INSTITUTES ...... 15 Mercenary Recruiters ...... 6 Imperial Institutes ...... 15 4. CHARACTER TEMPLATES . . 40 Underground Institutes ...... 16


Finding a psionics institute depends leaders were imprisoned. Whole families These worlds are socially isolated (by on who you are, where you are, and faced persecution and many fled to more choice or by tech level) from the what year it is. Children of the psionical- sympathetic worlds outside the Imperial community. In these cases, the ly gifted Zhodani noble and indentant Imperium or to the Zhodani Consulate. Imperium often interdicts these systems, classes (see p. GT 78-80) begin psionics The psions that remained in the declaring them Red Zones. training soon after they learn to speak Imperium went underground, changing The underground psionic community and receive a comprehensive psionics their names, their occupations, and liv- within the Imperium established many curriculum in their schools. Although ing double lives. In the nearly 300 years secret psionics institutes shortly after the average Zhodani citizens (called proles) since, the use of psionics has remained end of the Suppressions. Citizens of the may possess latent psionic abilities, they ostensibly illegal and psionics institutes Imperium hear rumors of such facilities do not receive training. Upward mobili- officially banned. However, the from time to time, but very few know ty is possible for prole children who Imperium secretly established two psion- where they are. Just as psions in the demonstrate considerable psionic apti- ics institutes of its own, disguising them Imperium are searching for a place to tude during standard testing. These for- as military installations, and continues learn and belong, the psionics institutes tunate few are adopted into an indentant the covert use of psions. are searching for their next crop of stu- family, and with that comes all the rights Worlds outside the Imperium and the dents. The first of many challenges for a and responsibilities of that class. Consulate vary from oppression to psion in the Imperium is to locate a Even within the Imperium prior to acceptance of psis, and everything in psionics institute, a quest on which only the Psionic Suppressions (800 to 826), between. the most persistent succeed (see p. finding an institute for psionics was no A few isolated worlds within the GT:AR1 137). Those who fail must devel- more challenging than locating any mun- Imperium developed cultures tolerant – op their talents in some other way – or dane college. During the Suppressions, or even supportive – of psionic abilities, not at all. institutes lost their charters and their despite the official ban on psionics. PRIMARY SOURCES The first step is to find someone who the matter of finding a psionics institute community as kites. Kites created the first knows where a psionics institute is locat- to attend is vastly simplified. post-Suppressions psionics institutes and ed. Primary sources have direct knowl- Traditionally, youngsters attend the they remain one of the central influences edge either of an institute’s location or alma mater of their gifted relative. Like- regarding curriculum, protocols, and how to contact its representatives. minded institutes pool resources so their policies. One or two kites generally domi- students and graduates are aware of nate the board of directors of any given IT RUNS IN THE some of the other programs. Children of institute. It is common for most of the psionic families in the Imperium are faculty of an institute to be related by FAMILY sheltered from the hostilities faced by blood or marriage to the controlling kites. Scientists believe there may be a most psions. They are encouraged from a In less blessed families, a relative who genetic factor determining who has psi young age to discover and develop their is secretly psionic watches the younger potential. The existence of families with unique capabilities, and trained in hiding generation for signs of psionic talents. several generations of psions is evidence their talents from their persecutors. That relative will approach such a child that this is true. For those lucky enough The most powerful and prestigious at the right moment to guide them to be born into one of these bloodlines, families are known in the psionics toward one of the institutes.


For creating and playing psionics roleplaying this testing is provided in spread his character points across sever- characters, GURPS Psionics is the GURPS Traveller: Alien Races 1. al skills. Some psionic powers only offer definitive roleplaying resource. GURPS Individuals with at least one psionic a few skills, such as teleportation, which Traveller: Alien Races 1 includes an power at level 1 or greater can ask to enables the psion to concentrate on overview of psionics institutes and the attend the institute. them to reach a high level of power and nature of psionics in the Traveller game Institutes charge an additional skill. With the many skills available to universe. This chapter builds on the Cr100,000 for the required four month telepaths, the psionics institute could foundation of those texts. training period. This price includes provide training in several areas to give Psionic characters created for the room and board. Students unable to pay the psion a solid base on which to build Traveller universe must follow certain for the training may arrange to work off with later experiences. guidelines, which include accepting dis- the debt by performing certain “favors” To roleplay psionics institute train- advantages in exchange for the advantage for the institute. ing, the personality of the institute of psi (see p. GT84-85). Briefly, all psions Psi powers can be improved as long comes into play. Some institutes (partic- begin with Social Stigma. To acquire as a character already has at least one ularly mercenary, military, and some psionic powers and skills a character point. Psionic skills can be acquired and underground institutes) will focus their must take a 10-point Unusual improved like any other skill, through training primarily on combat applica- Background disadvantage. By increasing experience or study (see p. B82). tions. Others will allow the psion more that to a 15-point Unusual Background, Students at the institutes train 14 hours freedom of choice. Instructors discuss the psion can gain access to a psionics a day. At that rate a character point is the student’s power and skill options so institute. All other psions must embark earned every two weeks. By the end of the training can be tailored to his per- on a quest to locate one. Without psionics four months the newly train psion has sonal goals. For the player and game institute training, characters can only earned eight character points for master, this means dedicating a solid purchase latent powers limited to +1 – improving psionic powers or skills. two weeks of game time during training and they are unreliable at that. Additional Additional training with a qualified on a single skill for each point that it will psionic advantages, disadvantages, limi- instructor adds one character point per be increased. tations, enhancements, and quirks are 200 training hours. They can also be In addition to skills training, other covered in detail in GURPS Psionics. earned through self study at a rate of 400 dynamics can come into play during the Once an institute has been located, a hours per point. Later, if the psion used four month training period. Student potential student must pay for the test- his powers on an intensive daily basis, rivalries, Imperial raids, underground ing that will determine what powers (if he can gain an additional two and a half faction wars, gauntlets, psionics games, any) he possesses. This testing is con- character points in that power or skill and training missions are just a few of ducted over a period of two weeks and annually (see p. P8). the challenges adventurers may costs Cr5,000 (which may be refunded if While attending the institute, a psion encounter during their stay at an insti- the results are inconclusive). Details for can focus on one or two specific skills or tute. Every institute has its own person- ality, and that gives its students a differ- ent experience. The following sections explore more deeply the differences between various types of psionics insti- tutes and what their students can expect. The names and other details of all of the sample institutes contained here may be revised and adapted to suit an individual campaign. Many locations have been only been generally sketched in, to make it easier for a game master to fit them in where desired.


Anti-psi prejudice is widespread with- clever psions to exploit. This unfair Understanding this, some Psionic in the Imperium, a side-effect of the advantage is one reason that psionics Underground communities self-police in Psionic Suppressions. While the use of became illegal in the first place. Illegal or order to reduce the number of law psionics is illegal within the Imperium, to not, psions continue to secretly use their enforcement raids and to rehabilitate simply be psionic is not. What this means abilities to get ahead in their chosen pro- the image of psionics in general. The in practice is that psions must exercise fessions. To minimize the chances of Psionic Underground is present to some extreme caution in using their talents. getting caught, they gravitate toward sit- degree on most high population planets. Untrained psions have little control when uations where they work alone or with a It is in the Underground where rogue they (intentionally or unintentionally) use small and trusted group of comrades. psions can make contact with psionics their gifts. These latents sometimes utilize Self-employment is another option. institute scouts, purchase psionic drugs their low level of ability in their daily lives The moment an individual uses his and equipment, find leads on employ- without realizing it. powers he becomes a criminal. In the ment opportunities which require psion- Once trained, even those who didn’t Imperium (where prejudice still runs ic skill, and of course enjoy a social envi- intend to use their powers except in an rampant) even being suspected of pos- ronment where psionics is acceptable – emergency give in to temptation. After sessing psionic abilities is reason enough all activities which are considered illegal all, why should a teleporter spend an for dismissal from employment, eviction in the Imperium. hour commuting to and from work from living quarters, and justification Through a quirk of genetics, destiny when he can avoid the hassle with a for social abuse. Many psions have given or just luck, the one tie that binds the blink of an eye? Why should a telepath up any pretense at legality and plunged people who make up the Underground is wonder if the attractive woman across with both feet into a life of crime. that they all happen to be psionic. the bar is interested when he can sneak Beyond using psionics, some choose to Coming from all walks of life, these folks a “peek” and find out for sure? Such engage in other illegal activities. With a have discovered ways to use their abili- harmless indulgences can lead to greater few precautions, psions can even com- ties to their advantage – even in more offenses, and end in disaster. mit murder and get away with it – which mundane fields. Since the Suppressions, Psions across the Imperium pursue is another reason psionics has become psionics has once again filtered back employment based on their interests and so feared. The criminal acts of a few can into mainstream society. This chapter skills just like ordinary citizens. Almost spark widespread crackdowns. examines some of the ways psionics every field presents opportunities for secretly plays a role in the Imperium. PUBLIC SERVICE Despite its own ban on psionics, the Outside of this secret but sanctioned departments are charged with dealing Imperium covertly employs psions in use of psionics, other psions falsely with the “psionic problem,” which several branches of public service. present themselves as normal citizens includes establishing and enforcing Psionics provides advantages too valu- in order to qualify for government jobs. laws on the subject. able to disregard simply on principle. The number of Imperial employees The Imperium trains psions for military with psionic capabilities is on par with LAW service and these retirees often continue the estimated ratio of psions in the gen- to serve the government in non-military eral population. Not only do the various ENFORCEMENT functions. branches of public service have psions The Imperium secretly hires psions to in their ranks, but many of these work in law enforcement, primarily for