

https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0 OPEN Photonic bandgap engineering using second-order ✉ Nitish Chandra 1 & Natalia M. Litchinitser1

First-order supersymmetry (SUSY) adapted from quantum physics to optics manipulates the transverse refractive index of guided-wave structures using a nodeless to obtain intended modal content. Second-order SUSY can be implemented using excited states as a seed function, even with the presence of nodes. We apply second-order SUSY to the coupled- mode equations by recasting them as the Dirac equation. This enables the engineering of non-uniform surface corrugation of waveguide gratings and coupling potential, which

1234567890():,; encapsulates the Bragg interaction between counterpropagating modes. We show that the added bound states appear as transmission inside the bandgap of the finite grating. The probability density of each state provides the longitudinal modal energy dis- tribution in the waveguide grating. The smooth modal energy distribution of the states obtained by SUSY can mitigate longitudinal spatial hole burning in high power laser operation. We demonstrate that degenerate second-order SUSY allows the insertion of two states, which can coalesce into Friedrich-Wintgen type bound states in the continuum (BIC) for one- dimensional grating. We show that the eigenfunctions of BIC states are doubly degenerate with opposite parity, and the corresponding transmission resonances have phase changes of 2π across these states. One-dimensional BIC states can find application as robust high-speed all-optical temporal integrators by lifting restrictions on the length of various sections in the phase-shifted grating.

✉ 1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA. email: [email protected]

COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2021) 4:59 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0 | www.nature.com/commsphys 1 ARTICLE COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0

ϵ ϵ hotonic integrated circuits (PICs) provide a robust platform for 1 and 2 is used to classify the types of 2-SUSY. If 1,2 3–5 ϵ ≠ ϵ R for data communications , quantum technologies , and the two energies are unequal and real 1 2 2 , then the P 6,7 2 various sensing applications . Optical waveguides coupled V V ∂ W u ; u 2-SUSY transformed potential is 1 ¼ 0 À 2 z ½ln ½ ð 1 2ފŠ, to a resonator are vital components in devices such as filters, add- W u u = u ∂ u − ∂ u u 23,24 where the Wronskian ( 1, 2) 1 z 2 z 1 2 .When drop (de-)multiplexers, and distributed feedback (DFB) lasers for ϵ ϵ R the energies are equal and real 1 ¼ 2 2 R, then the partner PICs. These devices rely on engineering the geometry or V V ∂ u2= w u2 z w potential is given by 1 ¼ 0 þ z½ ϵ ð 0 À ϵd ފ,where 0 arrangement of materials within the waveguide to achieve 25 is an arbitrary constant .Ifϵ1 is complex, then for a non- intended functionalities. singular partner potential ϵ ¼ ϵà and the partner potential 8,9 10 2 1 Inverse design and machine learning are at the forefront of V V ∂ ϵ u 2=W u ; uà 26 becomes 1 ¼ 0 À z½2Imð 1Þj 1j ð 1 1ފ .Wehave the design techniques for modern photonic structures. These provided an extended analysis of 2-SUSY for potential in the methods achieve the targeted optical response by optimizing Schrödinger equation in Supplementary Note 1. It is evident parameters in the design space, but often fail to provide the that the partner of 2-SUSY is obtained by the Wronskian of the insight behind physical processes in the optimized structure. On two generating functions. Thus, the partner potential is non- the contrary, supersymmetric (SUSY) transformations, which singular when the Wronskian is nodeless rather than the originated in quantum physics and were recently adapted to generating functions. We discuss the critical differences in the photonics, offer a robust, physics-based approach to design partner potentials generated by 1-SUSY and 2-SUSY for infi- 11 photonic structures . In , SUSY allows the nite square well in the section “Results”. design of a potential and its eigenfunctions simultaneously from a Recently, the equivalence between Maxwell’s and Dirac equa- 12 known potential . The equivalence of Helmholtz and Schrö- tion has been applied to understand the electromagnetic spin and fi dinger equations has allowed the application of rst-order SUSY orbital angular momentum27, and examine the relationship (1-SUSY) in optics to design the transverse refractive index between interface states and topology28. The Dirac equation is a fi 11,13 pro le of waveguides and their modal content . Engineering set of coupled first-order differential equations, and a matrix the transverse refractive index using SUSY has enabled design of intertwining operator relates two Dirac equations. The matrix 14 15 16 digital multimode devices , mode sorter , and lasers . form of the intertwining operators form a second-order poly- The behavior of guided modes is tailored by engineering the nomial in Hamiltonian, which is a hallmark of second-order or refractive index or geometry of the waveguide in the direction of nonlinear SUSY29. Here, we show that the 2-SUSY can design the propagation. Recently, metasurfaces on top of waveguides have optical response of any system described by the coupled-mode emerged as an attractive method to manipulate guided waves and equations by rewriting them as the Dirac equation. We study tailor the coupling of guided waves to free-propagating the amplitude and phase of the transmission spectrum for the 17,18 waves . The advancement in fabrication techniques for such states added by 2-SUSY at prescribed detuning (eigenvalue) by hybrid structures has made it possible to realize complex geo- modifying the coupling parameter (potential). We use the extra 19 metries experimentally . However, an intuitive physics-based degree of freedom provided by 2-SUSY to insert two states at the approach to design such structures is currently missing. We same eigenvalue in one dimension with opposite parity. We show demonstrate that the second-order SUSY (2-SUSY) offers an that the degenerate states in waveguide gratings coalesce to form fi ef cient approach to design waveguides with engineered surface bound states in the continuum (BIC) strictly in one dimension. corrugation to obtain desired functionalities. We discuss the practical applications of gratings obtained using 2- V Commonly used 1-SUSY transforms the potential 0 of the 2 SUSY transformation. Hamiltonian H ¼À∂z þ V in its nonsingular partner potential V 0 0 1 whose spectra can differ at most in the ground state . This type of transformation is known as unbroken SUSY Results and is defined by first-order intertwining operator Key differences between 1-SUSY and 2-SUSY. We illustrate the A ∂ W z W z key differences between 1-SUSY and 2-SUSY through the ¼ z þ ð Þ, where ( ) is the superpotential. For an arbi- fi trary solution u(z) to the initial Hamiltonian at the energy value ϵ example of the in nite square well potential. In Fig. 1a, we show fi such that ½À∂2 þ V ŠuðzÞ¼ϵuðzÞ, the superpotential becomes W the 1-SUSY partner of the in nite square well potential shown in z 0 fi (z) = ∂z[u(z)]. The corresponding partner potential then becomes Fig. 1b. In Fig. 1c, we present a 2-SUSY partner of the in nite E fi V ¼ V À 2∂2½ln uŠ. It is evident that V is nonsingular in a square well where the ground state at the energy 0 and the rst 1 0 z 1 E given region if the generating function u(z) does not vanish in at the energy 1 are deleted by using unequal and this region. Thus, generating function either equal to ground real factorization energy. 2-SUSY allows manipulation of two states energy E or lower ϵ ≤ E can be used in the 1-SUSY adjacent eigenstates, and new states can be inserted at any posi- 0 0 fi transformation. In optics, each SUSY operation transforms the tion between two states. In Fig. 1d, we have deleted the rst E refractive index distribution (potential) and the propagating excited state at the energy 1 and inserted a new state at the E = modes (eigenfunctions) using a nodeless fundamental mode energy value 3.2 (a.u.). In Fig. 1e, we have deleted the ground E (ground state). Broken SUSY produces a potential isospectral to state at the energy 0 and inserted a new state at the energy value E = the initial potential, which has been utilized to produce photonic 2 (a.u.). Thus, in both cases, we have effectively moved one configurations with identical reflection and transmission state of the potential to an arbitrary position. This type of characteristics20 and complex potentials with real eigenvalue transformation is not achievable by 1-SUSY as it would produce spectrum21. Isospectrality of 1-SUSY has also been utilized to an isospectral potential. In Fig. 1f, we have presented an iso- preserve bandgaps while transforming ordered potential to spectral potential obtained by 2-SUSY when the factorization potentials analogous to Brownian motion22. energies are complex. In Supplementary Fig. 1, we have presented The main limitation of 1-SUSY is the inability to modify the the 2-SUSY partner potential for harmonic oscillator potential. excited part of the eigenspectrum for a nonsingular partner potential. 2-SUSY is implemented through second-order inter- Optical-quantum analogy. Light propagation and interaction in twining operator B, which is obtained by two generating func- the waveguide with non-uniform surface corrugation or index u u tions 1 and 2. The generating functions are solutions of the variation is described by a set of first-order coupled differential ∂2 V u z ϵ u initial Hamiltonian ½À z þ 0Š 1;2ð Þ¼ 1;2 1;2, which are not equations. The physical mechanism of wave propagation in such required to satisfy the boundary conditions. The relationship media is called DFB or Bragg reflection, which results from the

2 COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2021) 4:59 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0 | www.nature.com/commsphys COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0 ARTICLE

First-order SUSY transformation Second-order of infinite square well

A† B

Energy (a.u.) A B

abcd ef

State removed by SUSY State inserted by 2-SUSY

Fig. 1 First- and second-order supersymmetry (SUSY) transformation of an infinite square well potential. a The partner potential of an infinite square well potential (b) is obtained by first-order SUSY (1-SUSY) transformation. The eigenfunctions for initial potential and SUSY partner are transformed into each other using operator A and Ay. The second-order SUSY (2-SUSY) transformation is performed using operators B and By. c Two adjacent eigenstates are deleted simultaneously by a single 2-SUSY transformation. d 2-SUSY allows removal of the first excited state of the infinite square well potential and insertion of a new state in the partner potential at energy E = 3.2 (a.u). e 2-SUSY partner after deleting the ground state and adding a new state at energy E = 2 (a.u). f The 2-SUSY transformation also produces isospectral partner potential similar to 1-SUSY in the broken regime.

fl Δh h cumulative re ection from each surface of the structure. The strength ( / 0 < < 1) satisfy the following coupled-mode physical interaction in a non-uniform structure is characterized equations30: by the coupling parameter varying longitudinally along the  i∂ q z waveguide. z À ð Þ uðz; δÞ uðz; δÞ ¼ δ ; ð1Þ We design a one-dimensional DFB cavity formed by weak ÀqðzÞÀi∂z vðz; δÞ vðz; δÞ corrugation of the height of the waveguide, as shown in Fig. 2a. In δ = k − k the cavity, uniform periodic perturbation results in constant where B is detuning from Bragg frequency, the coupling q interaction between counter-propagating modes, which is char- is described using coupling constant of uniform grating 0 by q z = q α z −iβ(z)31 acterized by constant coupling potential given by Fig. 2b. The parameter as ( ) 0 ( )e . The coupling constant for a π Δh n2 Àn2 coupling leads to formation of a bandgap in the transmission q w eff h uniform grating is given by 0 ¼ λ h n , where eff is the spectrum and the dispersion of the cavity as shown in Fig. 2c. The eff n eff fi n effective height of the corrugated region, w is the refractive index cavity can be modi ed to sustain discrete modes by introducing n of the waveguide, and eff is the effective index of the planar nonuniformity in the surface perturbation, see Fig. 2e. Figure 2d q z shows the dispersion of unperturbed waveguides, forming the waveguide. The coupling parameter ( ), which depends on the scattering (transmission) continuum for the localized modes. The waveguide refractive index, and variation in the height of the field intensity in the nth mode is confined in the longitudinal grating forms the potential in the eigenvalue equation and detuning from the Bragg frequency is the eigenvalue. The size of direction along the cavity. Each mode decays independently into ∣δ∣ q both waveguides 1 and 2 with the decay rate given by the sum of the bandgap for a uniform coupling potential is given by ( < 0), the two processes. The transmitted field intensity consists of the which is identical to the gap between and states superposition of the input electromagnetic energy and the field of Dirac . originating from the decay of the localized states. The transmitted The coupled-mode equation forms an eigenvalue equation of h Φ = δΦ Φ = u v T field intensity in waveguide 2 originates entirely from the decay of the form 0 , where, ( , ) is a two-component the localized states. Thus, for frequencies at which localized spinor (see Supplementary Note 2). Unitary transformation (see modes are supported, we observe a peak in the transmission Supplementary Note 3) is used to convert the eigenvalue equation spectrum. into the Dirac equation. Such transformations have been used to h show Klein tunneling of light32 and photonic realization of Dirac The average height of the waveguide is 0. The corrugated fi L fi h z h oscillator33. Equation (1) is transformed into a one-dimensional region has a nite length , and the pro le is ð Þ¼ 0 þ iπσ iπσ 1 h À 1 ΔhαðzÞ cos½2πz=Λ þ θðzފ for 0 < z < L, where Λ is the grating Dirac Hamiltonian by unitary transformation e 4 0e 4 which h = iσ ∂ + q z σ σ σ σ q period. The slow variation of the amplitude and the phase of the gives s 2 z ( ) 1, where 1, 2, 3 are Pauli matrices and z 34 ϕ grating is described by α(z) and θ(z). The perturbation in the ( ) is the scalar potential . The spinor also transforms into iπσ 1ffiffi t e 4 1 ϕ ¼ p ½u þ iv; iu þ vŠ . However, due to the properties of height of the waveguide introduces a coupling between the two 2 counter-propagating modes at the same optical frequency ω, unitary transformation, the eigenvalue spectrum, and the ω = c π n Λ fi near the Bragg frequency B 0 / 0 . The electric eld of the distribution of the modal energy given by the probability density, ω propagating modes around a Bragg frequency ( B) is given (∣u(z)∣2 + ∣v(z)∣2) remains unchanged. i ωt k z i ω t k z by Eðz; tÞ¼½uðzÞeÀ ð À B Þ þ vðzÞeÀ ð B þ B Þ þ c:c:Š, where u(z) Thus, SUSY formalism for the Dirac equation is equivalent to and v(z) are the envelopes of the two counter-propagating waves, application of SUSY in the coupled-mode equation. SUSY acts as k B is the Bragg wave number, and c.c. stands for complex an inverse design method to obtain transformed coupling conjugate. The slowly varying envelopes for a weak grating potential required for the desired transmission spectrum and

COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2021) 4:59 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0 | www.nature.com/commsphys 3 ARTICLE COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0

a b Uniform waveguide grating Coupling Potential h Envelope: (z) Potential for SUSY transformation

1 -L/2 L/2 Reflected L = N Transmitted Coupling due to Reflected Transmitted h0 Incident perturbation Cavity coupled to waveguide [n (z, )] eff Incident Waveguide 1 Waveguide 2

substrate L/2 L/2 x Longitudinal coordinate (z) Experimental implementation Theoretical deisgn z c d Guided mode in cavity Single guided mode ] [

Light line

Eigenvalue e

Discrete states uniformdefect region uniform 2q0 Continuum

h0 Height

-L/20 L/2 Wavevector [ ] Wavevector [ ] Longitudinal coordinate (z)

Fig. 2 One-dimensional cavity-waveguide system. a Schematic of a resonator coupled to a waveguide. Light is injected on the left at the input port and propagates in the z direction through the resonator to the output port. A uniform periodic perturbation with period Λ in the waveguide of height h0 couples two counter-propagating modes described by the coupling parameter q0. b In a uniform grating, the coupling is constant along the grating region with N periods leading to the length L = NΛ, and the light gets reflected near the Bragg frequency. The coupling potential that depends on the effective refractive index of the waveguide neff for a frequency ω determines the size of the bandgap in the transmission spectrum. Engineering the corrugation height Δh with SUSY designed envelope function α(z) allows the cavity to support discrete modes by changing the coupling potential. c When resonators supporting discrete states in the bandgap are connected to an unperturbed waveguide (d) with continuous dispersion, they form a scattering channel for the decay of the confined photonic states. e Surface corrugation envelope (orange) of resonators supporting three states in the bandgap obtained by 2-SUSY. The corrugation has been magnified for visualization. modal energy distribution simultaneously. As the Dirac equation coupling potential provides greater freedom for the insertion of describes a , the potential is classified as a states. Figure 3b shows the coupling potential and modal energy scalar, vector, and pseudoscalar according to the behavior under distribution for two mirrored bound states in addition to a state Lorentz transformation. We can define another unitary at zero detuning. The initial function can be modified to produce operator U ¼ p1ffiffi ð1 þ σ Þ to obtain a new Dirac Hamiltonian an asymmetric spectrum for the pseudoscalar case. In Fig. 3c, d, 2 2 y we present the grating design corresponding to the coupling hp ¼ U hsU, where the coupling parameter is pseudoscalar potentials obtained in the scalar and pseudoscalar case. If the potential. Next, we describe the differences in the spectrum for cavity is lossless, then the energy stored by the modes couples the two types of potentials. evanescently into the scattering (transmission) channel. The cavity loss for a corrugated waveguide is controlled by tuning the SUSY design of cavity. Improvements in experimental methods strength of perturbation or changing the length of the perturbed in realizing Dirac materials have led to enormous theoretical region. As field intensity distribution decays exponentially away activity regarding exact solutions of Dirac-like equations. The from the defect region, the finite length of the corrugated region bound state spectrum of the Dirac equation with scalar potential leads to coupling between confined energy to the transmission has received attention with interest in the topological phase of continuum. The leakage of energy combined with any distributed matter35. The position-dependent mass plays the role of a system loss in the cavity creates resonances with finite spectral linewidth. parameter to obtain a topologically protected edge state, which We observe a phase change of π across each state, which is a are the bound states of a scalar potential at the zero crossings36. typical characteristic of a . The SUSY method’s 2-SUSY modifies the coupling potential to support bound flexibility enables the design of frequency combs and the energy states and desired frequency in the bandgap by engineering a distribution for each cavity mode in one shot. Dirac-type single defect region. The inhomogeneity introduced by the equations have two associated Schrödinger equation. Thus, the transformation makes the effective index real at that frequency, coupled-mode-equations can be recast into the Helmholtz allowing a sustained cavity mode. In Fig. 3a, we show the equation to apply first-order SUSY37, which restricts the variety coupling parameter as scalar potential, which is transformed to of spectrum obtained. support two states in the positive and negative detuning. SUSY For a cavity with gain, the modes inserted can be used for transformation of scalar potentials produces a symmetric lasing. For a state inserted at zero detuning, the coupling obtained transmission spectrum where the positive states are mirrored in by SUSY reverses the sign at the center of the corrugated region, the negative spectrum. The pseudoscalar interpretation of the similar to a phase-shifted grating. However, the smooth change in

4 COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2021) 4:59 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0 | www.nature.com/commsphys COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0 ARTICLE


c d

uniformdefect region uniform uniformdefect region uniform

h0 h0 Height Height

-L/20 L/2 -L/20 L/2 Longitudinal coordinate (z) Longitudinal coordinate (z) e f

g h uniformdefect region uniform uniformdefect uniform

2.5 h0 Height Height

-L/20 L/2 -L/2/20 L Longitudinal coordinate (z) Longitudinal coordinate (z)

Fig. 3 Coupling potential and field distribution obtained by SUSY transformation. a The coupling potential (shaded gray) derived by the SUSY method supports four modes at frequencies in the stopband. The modal energy distribution, which is the probability density of eigenfunction, is shown in red. The inserted states appear as transmission peaks and the corresponding phase change of π. Phase wrapping from [−π, π] leads to the sharp features at some resonant states. The finite length of the grating truncates the potential, which leads to the finite linewidth of each state. b An equivalent representation of the coupled-mode equation, where the coupling is pseudoscalar potential. It enables the design of a grating that supports states at the center of the stopband. c, d The design of grating with an envelope was obtained using SUSY transformation in a and b, respectively. The grating period has been magnified for visualization. e Pseudoscalar potentials produce grating with adiabatic taper (g), leading to a phase shift for the zero detuning state. The modal energy distribution is smooth in the defect region. f In contrast, modal energy distribution in phase-shifted grating has an abrupt change (h), which leads to longitudinal hole burning in high-power applications. the sign of the coupling contrasts the phase-shift layer, which acts which is less cumbersome to fabricate than multiple defects at as a point defect in the periodic structure that results in precise locations for traditional methods. abruptness in the intra-cavity field distribution, as shown in Fig. 3e, f. The advantage of smooth modal energy distribution is evident for high-power operation where irregular field distribu- Bound states in the continuum. The inverse method to obtain a tion in phase-shifted DFB grating leads to longitudinal spatial potential, which supports BICs from the wavefunction result in hole burning. Various approaches, such as multiple phase shifts weakly localized potentials that oscillate at infinity38. These and chirped grating periods, lower the abruptness, reducing the potentials are unrealistic for application in photonic systems as fabrication tolerances. The smooth variation of fields near the they are highly sensitive to errors introduced during fabrication39. defect region allows the devices to have easier fabrication, Friedrich and Wintgen (FW)40 proposed interference of two especially additive manufacturing techniques. Figure 3g, h resonances at the same frequency in the continuum where one illustrates the difference between a waveguide grating obtained of the resonances becomes decoupled from the continuum. using SUSY to insert state at zero detuning and phase-shifted The degeneracy of resonances has been utilized to demonstrate grating. SUSY requires one defect region for multiple states, BIC in two-dimensional photonic crystals41,42. One-dimensional

COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2021) 4:59 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0 | www.nature.com/commsphys 5 ARTICLE COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0

a b

uniformniformdefect region u

h Height 0

-L/20 L/2 Longitudinal coordinate (z)


1 BIC state Zero state 0.5


Normalized Intensity (a.u) -20-100 1020304050 Time (ps)

Fig. 4 Bound states in the continuum. a Coupling potential obtained by degenerate SUSY for two degenerate states shown in black and blue. Both states decay into the same channel, two states at the same frequency can interfere, leading to Friedrich–Wintgen BIC. For a finite grating, the transmission amplitude for BIC states is one, and the phase shift across the state sweeps 2π. In the ideal case for an infinite grating, the phase does not change. b The structure of grating for coupling potential supporting degenerate states. The increase in height is still within the weak grating limit. The grating period has been magnified for visualization. c Comparison of the temporal response of zero detuning state and the BIC state. The ideal temporal integrator has a unit step impulse response. However, the leakage of energy reduces the temporal bandwidth and imposes a strict restriction on the different sections of the grating. As the localization of fields in the BIC state occurs due to interference, the BIC integrators do not have length restrictions. structure lacks degeneracy for any potential, which does not allow the potential. Thus, the transmission peak corresponding to the traditional methods to create FW BICs. So far, BICs in one- BIC has a finite width, allowing the coupling of the light in these dimensional photonic structures are obtained at the second Bragg states. In the ideal case, without the grating apodization, the bandgap using guided-mode resonant gratings43 or by mixing lifetime of the BIC state will be infinite and zero phase difference two polarizations with an anisotropic layer in the defect layer in across the state. photonic crystals44. In practice, BIC states in photonic structures appear extremely Here, we show the inverse method based on SUSY enables the narrow resonances which have found applications for lossless construction of potentials with two eigenvalues separated by an propagating PICs47 and laser design48. BICs in strictly one- infinitesimal parameter ϵ. The analytical nature of the formalism dimensional structures have a promising application as photonic prevents any numerical error that might occur in the analysis of temporal integrators49. According to signal processing theory, a these eigenvalues using a computational intensive inverse temporal integrator is implemented using a linear filtering device method. As this parameter is set to zero, the eigenvalues coalesce, with a unit step temporal impulse response. In electronics, a creating degenerate resonances in the scattering spectrum of the capacitor is used for temporal integration. The electric charge optical structure. Similar method is used to create potential with accumulates at the capacitor, and the integrated signal is degenerate eigenvalues in Schrödinger equation on half-axis45 proportional to the voltage measured. In practice, the voltage at and full axis46. However, these potentials are oscillatory and have the capacitor decays exponentially. This property is used to singularity on the full axis, creating hurdles for realizing the design an optical temporal integrator using phase-shifted photonic system. grating49. However, the length of both sections of phase-shifted Similarly, degenerate SUSY is applied to the coupled-mode grating must be equal, which restricts the central frequency of the equation, which creates overlapping resonances. Under the integrator to the zero detuning. As the BIC state is a result of δ δ + ϵ fi degenerate limit, SUSY adds two states at 1 and 1 , where interference, the con nement of light does not depend on the ϵ → 0. The coupling potential is obtained using Taylor expan- location of the defect but the asymptotic behavior. Figure 4c δ + ϵ sions of second seed spinor at 1 to avoid indeterminate compares the temporal response of the integrator formed by zero solution as shown in the section “Methods”. For a waveguide, detunings and the BIC state. The BIC integrator provides a longer finite-length corrugation connected to input–output waveguides integration time window, which leads to higher processing enables interference of the resonances coupled to the same speed50 for an all-optical temporal integrator. continuum. The interference of two degenerate states as shown in fi Fig. 4a produces a BIC, where the transmission coef cient is real, Discussion and the phase change across the state is zero. Figure 4a shows the SUSY transformation to design of quasi-isospectral refractive coupling potential obtained after degenerate SUSY transforma- index landscape allows for global phase matching critical to wave tion in coupled-mode equations. The amplitude of the transmis- devices. First-order SUSY is limited to the manipulation of fi sion coef cient at the BIC frequency is unity, and the the ground state of the potential. Second-order SUSY enables the π corresponding phase change is 2 . Effectively the phase does design of the excited part of the spectrum and arbitrary control of not change across the BIC state in the DFB grating cavity. The insertion of new states. The extra degree of freedom provided by fi nite length grating shown in Fig. 4b leads to the apodization of second-order SUSY can pave the path for a new class of SUSY

6 COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2021) 4:59 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0 | www.nature.com/commsphys COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00560-0 ARTICLE designed optical structures. We have applied second-order SUSY substitution B = AG, to coupled-mode equations by rewriting them into Dirac-form to ∂zq À iσ ∂zG þ Gq À q G þðiσ G À iGσ ÞG ¼ 0: ð3Þ design non-uniform corrugation based on the desired spectral 0 2 0 0 2 2 Similar to Schrödinger case, Riccati equation is linearized upon substituting matrix response. Waveguide-resonator systems underpin PICs that − G = −∂zUU 1, and we get an equation in U, provide a robust platform for fast optical information processing. Àiσ ∂z U þ q U ¼ ΛU: ð4Þ The grating-based device is engineered by extra degrees of 2 0 freedom provided by slowly varying nonuniform gratings, where This equation is similar to the Dirac equation where the eigenpair is a spinor and a number. However, in this case the eigenpair U and Λ are matrices. The solution of the local period or depth of modulation varies longitudinally. We Φ Φ Eq. (4) is obtained by choosing U is composed of two spinors ( 1, 2) which are have investigated the amplitude and phase characteristics of the δ δ solution of the Dirac equation corresponding to eigenvalues, 1 and 2, respectively, h Φ = δ Φ transmission spectrum for various cavity engineered from its 0 1,2 1,2 1,2. coupling parameter. The SUSY method provides an elegant In principle, the eigenstates must be formal solutions regardless of boundary and normalization conditions. single-step procedure to simultaneously derive the structure of   ϕ ϕ δ the grating and the modal energy distribution as compared to the Φ ; Φ 11 12 ; Λ 1 0 : U ¼ð 1 2Þ¼ ϕ ϕ and ¼ δ ð5Þ synthesis of waveguide grating from the coupling parameter using 21 22 0 2 51 the layer peeling method . We observe that the bound states of The Darboux transformation is then defined with matrix A is identity as L ¼ fi À1 the coupling potential appear as the resonant state for a nite 1∂z À UU and the eigenfunction is transformed to ψ ¼ LΦ. photonic cavity. The phase of transmission resonances changes by π over the small frequency range. The lifetime can be tuned by Repeated transformations. In order to illustrate the steps required to repeat the − engineering the strength of the waveguide for optical filters. SUSY transformation, the eigenfunction is rewritten as ψ = U[∂z(U 1Φ)]. We can substitute the Second-order SUSY allows manipulation of excited states and  WðΦ; Φ Þ insertion of a new state at an arbitrary position between two À 1 U 1Φ ¼ 2 ; ð Þ WðΦ ; Φ Þ WðΦ ; ΦÞ 6 adjacent energy levels. This transformation cannot be achieved by 1 2 1 first-order SUSY as the insertion of new states lead to isospectral W Φ Φ = Φ Φ − Φ Φ where ( 1, 2) 11 22 12 21 is the Wronskian. Using the identities of potentials. This property of the second-order SUSY method can matrix algebra, we can obtain the transformed eigenfunction 2 3 be utilized to add overlapping resonances in the grating. We t ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ observe that the transmission coefficient in the finite cavity is real, 1 6 11 21 1 11 21 1 7 ψ ¼ 4 ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ 5 : ð7Þ π WðΦ ; Φ Þ 21 22 2 21 22 2 and the phase changes abruptly by 2 across the BIC state, which 1 2 ∂ ϕ ∂ ϕ ∂ ϕ ∂ ϕ ∂ ϕ ∂ ϕ contrasts the infinite case where the phase does not change. The z 11 z 21 z 1 z 21 z 22 z 2 q = q + σ − σ Similarly, the potential is derived by 1 0 D1 2 2D1, where high transmission over a narrow spectrum allows the realization 2 3 ∂ ϕ ∂ ϕ ϕ ϕ of all-optical temporal integrator. z 11 z 21 11 21 6 7 Coupled-mode equations have been generalized to include 6 ϕ ϕ ∂ ϕ ∂ ϕ 7 ¼ 1 6 21 22 z 11 z 12 7: ð Þ 52 D1 WðΦ ; Φ Þ 4 ∂ ϕ ∂ ϕ ϕ ϕ 5 8 higher-order effects, which become essential in deeper gratings . 1 2 z 21 z 22 11 21 We have demonstrated the method by using shallow corrugation ϕ ϕ ∂ ϕ ∂ ϕ 21 22 z 21 z 22 on the grating surface, but the formalism used to obtain the n q = q + σ − Thus, multiple ( ) SUSY transformation produces the potential 1 0 Dn 2 fi σ W Φ Φ ⋯ Φ pro le is very generic. Hence the method described can be 2Dn, where the four determinants are constructed from ( 11, 21, , n1)by adapted for designing a strongly interacting photonic crystal. replacing the 2nth line with the nth derivatives of the first element of the spinors Additionally, coupled first-order differential equations describe and (2n − 1)th line with the nth derivatives of the second element of the spinors. the evolution of the modal amplitudes of two states, which evolve either in time or with propagation distance53. Thus, the SUSY Second-order SUSY in Dirac equation. Dirac-type Hamiltonian is by definition a first-order differential equation and the intertwinning operator and its adjoint form method described can be used to obtain the new design for a large y y a second-order matrix differential operator LL and L L. Upon substitution of number of photonic systems. SUSY procedure of BIC can be L Ly repeated to design any number of states with degenerate eigen- the form of operator and , it is shown that LyL ¼ðh À ϵ Þðh À ϵ Þ; ð Þ values to create resonance with exceptionally low spectral line- 0 1 0 2 9 + width. The (1 1) Dirac equation also appears in the y LL ¼ðh À ϵ Þðh À ϵ Þ: ð10Þ Ablowitz–Kaup–Newell–Segur (AKNS) hierarchy for the Lax 1 1 1 2 eigenvalue equation of the nonlinear evolution equations54. The Thus, the superalgebra is given by 4 × 4 matrix Hamiltonian and supercharges, respectively, formalism of degenerate Darboux transformation can be also   h 0 0 L 00 used to create FW BICs in one dimension is also used to study the H ¼ 0 ; Q ¼ ; and Qy : ð11Þ 55 h Ly generation of higher-order rogue waves . 0 1 00 0 Superalgebra takes quadratic form that differs from the usual SUSY for Schrödinger † Methods equation. The superhamiltonian and supercharges commute [H, Q] = [H, Q ] = 0. Theoretical background. One-dimensional (1 + 1) Dirac equation with a generic fQ; Qyg¼ðH À ϵ ÞðH À ϵ Þ; fQ; Qg¼fQy; Qyg¼0: ð12Þ V fi E Φ 1 2 (2 × 2) matrix potential ( 0) with well-de ned eigenvalues ( ) and spinors ( ) for particle of mass (m) Thus, the SUSY formalism is associated with the Dirac equation of the second order or nonlinear form. Âà iσ ∂ þðm þ SðzÞÞσ þ PðzÞσ Φ ¼ EΦ; ð Þ 2 z 1 3 2 Supersymmetry in coupled-mode equations. The coupled-mode equation where S(z) is the Lorentz scalar potential, and P(z) is the pseudoscalar potential. In rewritten as Dirac equation hs becomes V q  coupled-mode equations the potential 0 is replaced by coupling potential 0.We À∂ þ qðzÞ fi ðLÞ h = −iσ ∂ 0 z de ne an intertwining operator relating two Dirac Hamiltonians ( 0 2 z hsΦ ¼ Φ ¼ δΦ ð13Þ + q z h = −iσ ∂ + q z Lh ¼ h L À∂z þ qðzÞ 0 0( )) and ( 1 2 z 1( )), such that 0 1 . In the simplest form, the L ¼ ∂ þ q intertwining operator can be be assumed to of form A z B, where A and B Upon comparison, the coupling parameter for a uniform corrugation 0 acts as the are two (2 × 2) z-dependent matrices. Upon substitution, in the intertwining mass for the Dirac particle and in the absence of the scalar potential. Thus, the α z q z = q + S z q relation, we obtain three relationships. First is a restriction on the matrix elements deforming envelope ( ) is derived as the scalar potential ss ( ) 0(1 ( )/ 0). δ = δ A, where only two elements can be arbitrarily chosen, and others need to be For eigenvalues (detuning with the bandgap) 1,2 ± , the eigenspinors for free σ − σ = = q − q t derived using A 2 2A 0. Second, a difference of matrix potentials D 1 0 Φ ¼ð ðγzÞ; ðγz þ pÞÞ Φ = −σ Φ − Diracq Hamiltonianffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi are 1 cosh cosh 2 and 2 3 1 with = (Aq − q A + iBσ − iσ B − iσ ∂zA)A 1, where A is an invertible matrix. The pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0 0 2 2 2 γ ¼ q2 À δ2 p ¼ : ð ðq À γÞ=ðq þ γÞÞ third equation is used to determine the matrix B. We obtain the matrix form of 0 and 0 5ln 0 0 . Using these spinors the SUSY Riccati equation similar to Schrödinger case shown in Supplementary Note 1 upon transformation is applied to obtain the desired number of states in the bandgap and

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