March 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E437 without the great contributions from Greece. I love and with the shared experiences of family Ruchelman, who survived the terrible crash will continue to work in Congress to support life. that took the lives of their wives. These two Hellenic causes and our strong and important Edward Lee Ford was born on July 31, men will need the support of our community. alliance. I would like to join my colleagues in 1929 in Hemingway, South Carolina. He relo- We must give them our love and help them congratulating Greece on the anniversary of cated to Pennsylvania to attend Pine Forge deal with the seemingly insurmountable sor- its independence. Academy. Prior to graduating from Pine Forge, row they must feel. f Edward and his twin brother, Jesse, were My prayers are also with the family mem- drafted into the Army where they served as bers, relatives, and neighbors of those af- TRIBUTE TO WEST VIRGINIA medics. During his time at Pine Forge and fected by this accident. This week has re- UNIVERSITY while in Germany, Edward diligently wrote to minded us of the preciousness of each mo- Merle Elizabeth Cheatham. Merle was born on ment, and how many of the unexpected HON. NICK J. RAHALL, II January 1, 1934 in Baltimore, Maryland, and events that change our lives remain out of our OF WEST VIRGINIA like Edward, attended Pine Forge Academy. control. It reinforces the need to remain hum- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES During the early days of their romance, letter- ble in the eyes of God and to take each day writing kept their love alive. and live it as if a gift from God. This was the Tuesday, March 28, 2006 On October 23, 1955, Merle Elizabeth spirit in which each of these ten New Jersey Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, a collective Cheatham and Edward Lee Ford were wed at residents traveled with B’nai B’rith on their groan could be heard across the state of West the chapel on the grounds of Pine Forge South American cruise. They left the safety Virginia in the waning hours of Thursday, Academy. The Fords have four children; and comfort of the Ponds to explore a new March 23, 2006, as a last-second shot by the Rhonda, Terry, Dwayne, and Lisa; three part of the world. They are now on their final Texas Longhorns closed the doors on West grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. journey and safe in God’s hands. Virginia University’s impressive NCAA tour- Merle and Edward have likewise kept their Today is a day for reflection and for con- nament run. connection to Pine Forge Academy strong. templation. While we have pain and grief But while our Mountaineers might have lost Merle worked as the Registrar, Secretary to today, tomorrow we must work to find internal the game, it remains a ‘‘sweet ending’’ for our the Principal, and Typing Teacher at the Acad- peace with the events of last week. As Psalm heroes of the hard-court who, for the second emy, while Edward designed and built 23 reminds us, ‘‘surely goodness and mercy year in a row, have our state swelling with Kimbrough Hall, several of the log cabins, and shall follow me all the days of my life: I will pride. renovated North Hall into the Music Conserv- dwell in the house of the Lord forever.’’ It is It is the first time West Virginia has won two atory. Edward even served as the first presi- not easy today, and it will not be easy tomor- games in consecutive NCAAs since superstar dent of the Pine Forge National Alumni Asso- row, but we need to embrace the grace that Jerry West, whose silhouette graces the ciation. In 1995, Edward, along with his broth- exists and make the most of our lives, building NBA’s logo, led it to the title game in 1959 er Jesse, received the honor of being alumni upon the memory of those we have lost. As and a regional semifinal the next year. of the year. In addition to their dedication to Moses reminds us in Deuteronomy, ‘‘be strong Forward , one of five seniors each other and the Academy, the Fords are and of good courage. Fear not, for God will go on the team, said about the distinction, ‘‘I just pillars in their church where they serve as with you. He will not fail you. He will not for- hope we end up being one of the great and Head Deacon/Deaconess at the Walnut Street sake you.’’ most popular teams in West Virginia history Community Seventh-day Adventist Church in f like they were.’’ Pottstown, Pennsylvania. ON THE OCCASION OF THE DEDI- Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join I think it’s pretty safe to say Mr. Gansey and CATION OF THE KAVLI INSTI- me today in honoring Edward and Merle Ford the rest of the team’s departing stars will get TUTE FOR PARTICLE ASTRO- on their fifty golden years of love and dedica- their wish. PHYSICS AND COSMOLOGY AT tion to each other. I hope they will continue to It will be a long time before any of us forget THE STANFORD LINEAR ACCEL- live in the house Edward built for Merle and the hustle and heart of Gansey, the improb- ERATOR able three-point stroke of Martinsburg native that they are blessed with continued joy, Kevin Pittsnogle, the leadership and selfless health, and love. HON. ANNA G. ESHOO play of J.D. Collins, the accomplishments on f OF CALIFORNIA and off the court of Academic All-American TEN CONSTITUENTS KILLED IN AN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Joe Herber, the sweet shot of . ACCIDENT And we will always remember how all of Tuesday, March 28, 2006 these young men came together to achieve Mrs. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to more than anyone expected, and how through HON. RUSH D. HOLT congratulate Stanford University and Stanford sheer determination, teamwork and a ton of OF NEW JERSEY Linear Accelerator on the dedication of the heart they became role models not just for a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and state, but for an entire nation. Tuesday, March 28, 2006 Cosmology on March 17, 2006. The institute is We will miss these five fine men on the bas- Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with dedicated to advancing the understanding of ketball court, but will continue to follow the ac- great sadness in my heart. On Wednesday, the cosmos in its search for ‘‘dark matter’’ and complishments of these unofficial West Vir- March 22, 2006, ten of my constituents were ‘‘dark energy,’’ which compose an estimated ginia ambassadors as they are certain to go killed in an accident that has left a tight knit 96 percent of the universe. on to great things. community in New Jersey full of grief, and re- This was all made possible by Fred Kavli, a Behind them, they leave big shoes to fill, but flecting on fond memories of those who have world renowned physicist, through his extraor- they also leave their legacy, a legacy that will departed. dinary generosity and vision. be carried on by their teammates and by Today my prayers are with those our com- The following are his inspirational remarks many in the years to come. munity has lost: Marvin Bier and Shirley Bier, at the dedication of the institute which bears his name. f Hans Wilhelm O. Eggers and Maria Eggers, Arthur Kovar and Frieda Kovar, Robert Rubin It is a special pleasure to be here today for the dedication of this beautiful building in HONORING EDWARD AND MERLE and Barbara Rubin, Marion Diamond, and FORD the service of science. Carrole E. Ruchelman. Each of these people First I want to remember and pay tribute embraced life and we will miss them greatly. to Leland Stanford and his wife, Jane, who HON. JIM GERLACH In the wonderful years of retirement, these laid the physical and spiritual foundation for OF PENNSYLVANIA residents of the Ponds, in Monroe Township, this great university, and who in their fore- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES New Jersey, sought out new parts of the sight provided the ample land on which this world. Last week, they were on a cruise that building stands today. Tuesday, March 28, 2006 We owe our gratitude to the many people took them to Chile, where they opted to take who have been instrumental in making the Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to a bus to explore an enticing part of that coun- Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Cos- honor Edward and Merle Ford on their 50th try. In a horrible accident, the bus rolled off an mology and the building come about, and wedding anniversary. Edward and Merle cele- embankment. give special recognition to President Hen- brated this wonderful milestone on February In addition to those killed, we must also nessy, Provost Etchemendy, and the Depart- 28, 2006 after having spent half a century in pray for Bernard Diamond and Harold ment of Energy, represented by Robin

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:32 Mar 29, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28MR8.107 E28MRPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E438 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 28, 2006 Staffin. We appreciate the capable work of when they and their colleagues developed the knowledge about the human being, nature, Roger Blandford, Jonathan Dorfan, and Ste- quantum theory of matter, and yet, their re- and the universe. ven Kahn, who are the prime engines in this search led to, among other results, an under- It is for these reasons that we must be will- effort, and we recognize Steven Chu for his standing of electronic conduction in solid ing to make investments with a long hori- contribution in starting the Institute. state materials, which led to the invention zon, and it is important that our leaders in We truly have a great building on a won- of the transistor, which made possible the government duly recognize the importance derful site, and I want to recognize the archi- development of integrated circuits, com- of our scientific standing in providing a su- tectural firm of EHHD for a beautiful and puters, the internet, and the IT world in perior standard of living. Sacrifices that we functional design. which we live today. make today will build our future of tomor- The building will be an important focal I believe there is a strong relationship be- row. point for the activity of the Kavli Institute tween the level of a nation’s science and its The benefits of basic science can be hard to for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology. It technological and industrial leadership in to- predict, but based upon the past, the future is especially important since the Institute is day’s high-tech world. will be more spectacular than we can ever a joint effort of Stanford and SLAC, and the For many years, Bell Laboratories was the imagine. new building will help to integrate the sci- strongest and best scientific research insti- And to the scientists I want to say, I envy entific effort of the two institutions, and will tution in the world. The research from Bell you out there looking back to the beginning be a common meeting ground for partici- Labs was freely publicized throughout the of time, playing among the galaxies. You pants from each as well as for visitors from world, but who was to take primary advan- guys are really good packing 100 billion gal- many other institutions. tage of it to build a high technology indus- axies with a hundred billion stars each in the The prominent location is symbolic of the try? It was the home country, the United space of a subatomic particle, but when you central role it will play in this function. But the building cannot fulfill its function States of America. It is not just a matter of tell me there are 11 dimensions, I like to re- without content, and we are especially knowing the theory, it is the foundation that mind you of Paul Dirac’s statement that said thankful to Pierre Schwob who donated the is built step by step by scientists, the engi- ‘‘physical laws should have mathematical computer center, and Pehong Chen who do- neers, the technicians, the suppliers, the sci- beauty and simplicity.’’ nated the Chair for the director of the Kavli entific infrastructure, and it is the whole un- Today we are grateful to have this beau- Institute. derlying knowledge base that transfers pure tiful facility with an outstanding team of The Kavli Foundation supports basic science into industrial benefits. I believe scientists backed up by two great institu- science because we believe in its long-range that without the Bell Labs, the U.S. would tions. I am confident that you will make new benefit to humanity. We are looking for ben- not be the strong world leader we are today discoveries and advance our understanding of efits which may lie far into the future, bene- in high technology. the cosmos. fits that may be hard to predict, but as we Similarly, the Silicon Valley would not be Let us dedicate this house of science to look at the past, the benefits of science have among the very top world technological cen- take us on a ride among the stars to answer been proven over time. The fruits of research ters without Stanford and SLAC. some of our most fundamental questions. are not always immediate and are often not It is well known and widely accepted that Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me investments in research yield enormous ben- predictable. Often the benefits are the result in paying tribute to a remarkable scientific en- of unpredictable outcomes of an exploration efits to society through improved standard that was initially motivated purely by intel- of living, better health, and stronger na- deavor, the Kavli Institute for Particle Astro- lectual curiosity. tional security. physics and Cosmology at SLAC, and to ex- Heisenberg, Schrodinger, and Dirac were I believe that basic science is the primary tend to its creator, Fred Kavli, our gratitude for not motivated by practical applications driver for human progress and increased his leadership, his vision and his generosity.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:32 Mar 29, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28MR8.112 E28MRPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS