כ"ה שבט תשפ“  Thurs, Feb 20 2020

מ“ח ברכות OVERVIEW of the Daf Gemara GEM 1) The final ruling regarding who counts towards a zimun Making of a Gadol The Gemara declares that the halachah is not like the opin- As young boys, and were sitting in front of Rabbah, ions mentioned on the previous daf, but rather the halacha fol- when Rabbah asked them, “To whom do we speak when we are say- lows R’ Nachman who states that a child who understands to- ing a bracha?” the Merciful One, Rabbah – רחמנא wards whom the bracha is directed can be included in the When they said that it is to is found. Rava pointed toward the beams רחמנא zimun. asked them where

2) What food must be eaten to be part of the zimun of the roof, and Abaye walked outside and pointed to the sky. Rab- If one, two or three people eat vegetables instead of bread bah declared, “You are both destined to be great Rabbis. This is they may still be counted in the zimun. If four people ate vege- what is meant when people say that large squash plants can be detect- tables there is a disagreement whether a zimun may be formed. ed from when they are already just blossoming.” The Gemara tells the story of Yannai HaMelech and R’ The – רחמנא “ Shimon ben Shetach with the conclusion being that even one W e often find Hashem referred to as who drinks a cup of wine may lead the zimun. Merciful One”. This is rooted in our belief that everything There are those who disagree with R’ Shimon ben Shetach’s Hashem does is only for our benefit. Hashem is infinitely behavior and maintain that to lead the zimun a kazayis of bread compassionate, and He is merciful and kind in all His ways. must be eaten. The Gemara rules like this opinion. When we recite blessings before we eat, it is an expression of our belief in Hashem’s precise supervision and specific care of 3) The origin of Birkas HaMazon all aspects of the world. Our proclaiming a bracha inspires an R’ Nachman identifies the authors of the various brachos in influence of holiness upon the world, and all spiritual entities Birkas HaMazon and the event that inspired them to write those brachos. associated with this food and the processes involved in its A Baraisa identifies the correct order for the brachos of Bir- preparation are activated. Rabbah’s question “To Whom do kas HaMazon. There is a disagreement where Shabbos should we direct our blessings?” was meant to determine if the youths be mentioned in Birkas HaMazon . perceived the purpose of blessings. Rava and Abaye answered The Gemara quotes a long Baraisa that identifies the Torah correctly that our objective is to arouse Hashem’s great com- source for the different brachos of Birkas HaMazon. Amidst passion upon the world. Rabbah’s follow-up question was to the disagreement between the regarding the exact ask them if they understood where Hashem’s magnificence is source for the brachos, the Baraisa also seeks a source for mak- evident, and in what manner is it noticeable to all creatures which can – שמי טללא ing a bracha before eating, before learning Torah and upon without exception. Rava pointed to the hearing bad news. be translated as “the dew of the heavens”. Everyone benefits from it, and the sustenance of the world is granted to all crea- 4) The correct nusach for Birkas HaMazon tures alike. Abaye went outdoors, where he pointed to the A Baraisa lists the different opinions regarding the neces- luminaries of the skies. This indicated that they testify, so to sary components of Birkas HaMazon, including praise of the (Continued on page 2) say, that Hashem’s majesty is apparent upon the universe and all that is in it. Rabbah was impressed with the developed perception of

REVIEW and Remember these two young boys, and he declared that they were destined which can be) בוצין to be great rabbis. He likened them to 1. How did Rabbah know that Abaye and Rava were sophis- translated as “candles”). Even before a candle is lit, it is obvi- ticated enough to be part of a zimun? ous to all that it has the capacity to burn. The fuel and the wick are fully ready to serve their purpose, and once the fire is 2. What was the real source of R’ Shimon ben Shetach’s hon- placed, the light will shine forth. Rabbah detected that Abaye or? and Rava were full of potential, and they were soon to fill their roles of leadership for the Jewish people.  3. Who wrote the bracha of “HaTov V’Hameitiv” and why? Today’s Daf Digest is dedicated By the Okner family 4. How do we know that one should make a bracha on bad In memory of their aunt מרת שושנה בת ר' שמשון ,ע"ה ?news Mrs. Rose Gale O.B.M. ברכות מ“ח—Number 47

(Insight...continued from page 1) in the second brachah, the reign of Dovid HALACHAH Highlight HaMelech in the third brachah, as well as Torah and bris mila Including a child in a Minyan in the second brachah.  ולית הלכתא ככל הני שמעתתא, אלא כי הא דאמר רב נחמן קטן cated. One of the dream queries 10 is about our issue: can two היודע למי מברכין מזמנין עליו הקטנים עם :The Halacha is not in accordance with all of these teachings, but children be included in a minyan? The response the children with the adults, may“ – הגדולים יוסף ה' עליכם rather the Halacha is like that which Rav Nachman taught: A child who knows to whom his blessings are directed can be included in the Hashem add upon you.” The response appears to permit the Zimun. inclusion of the children in the minyan. This source is refer- enced by the famous Maharsham 11 as a basis for including a 1 T osafos quotes the opinion of Rabeinu Tam who learns child holding a Torah scroll in a minyan when a state of diffi- that the statement that “the law is not in accordance with all culty exists. However, he remarks that they should not append the previous rulings” does not apply to the ruling of Rebbi Ye- many recitations of the Kadish at the conclusion of services. It hoshua ben Levi who holds that a child may be made an acces- should be noted that one of the 12 actually cites the sory to Minyan. In a fuller version of Rabeinu Tam’s com- 2 dream query, but still concludes that a child may not be in- ments we find that he based this view upon the verse which cluded in a minyan. Some later authorities 13 disagree with the  .and I will be sanctified in the Maharsham“ – ונקדשתי בתוך בני ישראל states .1 ד"ה ולית הלכתא midst of the Jewish people.” Rabeinu Tam explained that from .2 עי' אור זרוע ח"א (סי' קצו) ובתוס' רבינו יהודה שירליון (מז ע"ב this source it appears that since children are also included in ד"ה דאריב"ל, עמ' תקכ). the Sons of Israel they may be part of a minyan, as long as .3 וכן ראה בשבלי הלקט (סי' ט, דף ה' ע"א) there are nine adults. Tosafos however adds that Rabeinu Tam .4 רמב"ם (פ"ח מהל' תפלה ה"ד) וכן בארחות חיים (הלכות תפלה סי' himself did not rely upon this reasoning, and he would not עג) בשם כמה כמה קדמונים, ושרבינו שמשון נידה על מי שצירף קטן include a child in a minyan 3. Tosafos adds that there are those לעשרה. וכן בהגהות מיימוניות (פ"ה מהל' ברכות אות ו') בשם .who include a child in a minyan if he is holding a Chumash קדמונים רבים. ועוד טובא. Rabeinu Tam viewed this position as fatuous. Many .5 "ה בעל המאור (ברכות פ"ז). וכן כתב הראבי"ה (סי' קכח, עמ' 114 ) 4 שבשעת הדחק נעשה כההוא דאין מדקדקין בקטן. ועוד. Rishonim opine that a child may not be included in a minyan .6 הרא"ה כאן שאפשר לצרף אפילו שלשה קטנים לתפלה. וכן ראה under any conditions. However, Some Rishonim 5 do rule that ארחות חיים (הלכות תפלה סי' עג). a child may be included a minyan, and some 6 even permitted .7 שו"ע או"ח סי' נה ס"ד .including a few children in a minyan .8 הגהת הרמ"א שם. In application, the Shulchan Aruch 7 rules that a child may .9 עי' משנ"ב שם ס"ק כד. not be included in a quorum. However, the Rema 8 notes that .10 סי' נג the custom is to be lenient in a state of duress, and to include .11 שו"ת מהרש"ם ח"ג (סי' קסב). וכן בדעת תורה (או"ח סי' נה ס"ד). [.a child in the minyan. [However, see Mishnah Berura there 9 ע"ש. is a volume of שו"ת מן השמים :An interesting addition .12 שבלי הלקט (סי' ט', דף ה' ע"ב) dream queries, in which Halachic questions were posed, and .13 עי' במקור חיים לבעל החות יאיר (סי' נה אות ד') שהביא דברי תשובות מן השמים, וכתב שעל זה נאמר לא בשמים היא. ע"ש. וכן from Heaven”. The “ ,מן השמים responses were received ראב בשו"ת תורת יקותיאל (חאו"ח ס"ס לא). ועי' בשו"ת יביע אומר responses typically take the form of a quote or paraphrase of a ח"ד (חאו"ח סי' ט' אות ה') ובספרו הליכות עולם ח"א (פר' ויחי אות -verse or Talmudic statement, which generally is readily expli ה', עמ' פז). ע"ש. ועוד.  however, ruled that this custom is base- ask the Rav if it was worthwhile to have STORIES off the Daf less, because there is no need to have the the child carry a chumash. He would child carry a chumash. always reassure them, though, that the Minors for Minyanim The sefer Pninei Harav relates that opinion of Rabeinu Tam calls this an there were several times when the min- unnecessary maneuver. The Beis HaLevi ולית הלכתא ככל הני שמעתתא וכו' yan was deficient, and the Beis HaLevi would then conclude, “It is better that cites an opinion often relied upon the opinion of the child hold a siddur in his hand and (תד"ה ולית ) T osafos which states that a minor can be counted Rabbeinu Tam to include a minor in the daven properly, rather than to hold a towards a minyan, as long as he carries count for a minyan. Invariably, when chumash and gain nothing of value from with him a chumash. Rabeinu Tam, this would happen, those present would just holding it.” 

Daf Digest is published by the Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed, under the leadership of HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein, shlit”a HaRav Pinchas Eichenstein, Nasi; HoRav Zalmen L. Eichenstein, Rosh Kollel; Rabbi Tzvi Bider, Executive Director, edited by Rabbi Ben-Zion Rand. Daf Yomi Digest has been made possible through the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ruben.