This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. 2009 Project Abstract For the Period Ending December 30, 2012 PROJECT TITLE: Prevention and Early Detection of Asian Earthworms and Reducing the Spread of European Earthworms PROJECT MANAGER: Cindy Hale AFFILIATION: Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota Duluth MAILING ADDRESS: 5013 Miller Trunk Hwy CITY/STATE/ZIP: Duluth MN 55811 PHONE: 218/720-4364 E-MAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE: [If applicable] FUNDING SOURCE: Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund LEGAL CITATION: APPROPRIATION AMOUNT: $150,000 Overall Project Outcome and Results We used a multi-pronged approach to quantify of the relative importance of different vectors of spread for invasive earthworms, make management and regulatory recommendations and create mechanisms for public engagement and dissemination of our project results through the Great Lakes Worm Watch website and diverse stakeholders. Internet sales of earthworms and earthworm related products posed large risks for the introduction of new earthworm species and continued spread of those already in the state. Of 38 earthworm products sampled, 87% were either contaminated with other earthworm species or provided inaccurate identification. Assessment of soil transported via ATV’s and logging equipment demonstrated that this is also a high risk vector for spread of earthworms across the landscape, suggesting that equipment hygiene, land management activities and policies should address this risk. Preliminary recommendations for organizations with regulatory oversight for invasive earthworms (i.e.