v : I-.-*- '• \ x* >, >*_ ; v- vr ;v; * Congols 62 Pive FOR SALh. rhich he considered to the ih- Three Per Cent 1-S; SULLY important 93 to 93 i erest of that institution. We would Per Cent Navy 1-4.—Sept. 17, (Coatee. h «*• 5 3l in the -T^xandria. add, that although we believe Gold, 31, 19s, p«r Doubloons, estate, situated county 6. nerely 4s. 10 1-2. miles *r^RDNBSPAY, Notbm»bb ^earnard had accomplices* we do not be- 14s. 6d,; New Dollars, FOB TBB BENEFIT OF THISof Fairfaz. twenty-two from Bank of declared same distance from icve his statement to be true. It does In Sept, the England Alexandria and the cent. FOOB. last. of truth. It la i half dividend of 5 per THE contains about seveu hun- was held on Monday tot carry any evidence yearly Georgetown, eloetion two men who had Ired and acres. Little River Turn- the Fire Insurance Cam lot probable that any fifty of bank should Plattsburgh, Oct. 19. The are tike it half n mile from ”r proctor* he daring to break into the public respectfully in-'] passes through when the following ati that the JiLEXANDRUL' he house. The situation is cf Alexandria, an away and leave the It is understood that Col. Totten has formed, dwelling : immediately and the *«• cll0Mn blunder in the ot a third person received orders for erecting fortification* THESPIjUT 80CIE TV will landsome, remarkably healthy; possession perform11 aS.m*» in the for the vater is and abundant. The soil *ho had net been concerned rob- on the frontier—in pursuance of which benefit of the poor, on good Jacob be vluch was excellent, has for ►cry. B. Press, some military works will commenced originally q p, Thompson i Nov. 7. * tome had the of im- at the line, near Rouse’s Point, the pre- huisday Evening, years past advantage Plaister of Paris act- John Richards, West India News. sent fall. The performance will commence! proving husbandry, with and immediate effect Pioneer, A Barbadoes paper, under date of —i nrTi ..»a J with ng powerful Jerome | >n all and The < Bridgetown, Sept, 28. has the following *** The Reverend 8. H CONE, will grasses grains. fields D. Metcalf, Jin Address to the Audience. present a surface for cultivation • irticle which is incredible by us:— preach in the Baptist Meeting House, I good Lawrasoo, ind now are covered Thomas The shin Count de Palma, touched This Evening at the usual hour. After which will be presented, a Com-1 those, unfilled, with in 5 1 ed clover. The orchards are j. B. P»toa’ lereon Thursday last from the South edy acts, called very large ind thrifty ; the collection of table fruit I. Taylor, Pacific Ocean She had been one of the WHO B. A meeting of the Subscribers WANTS A GUINEA. I s choice and various. The mansion is Stewart, squadron of the republican government of John A. to the Exchange Coffee House and Read- ►pacious and well constructed ; the out- Buenos Ayres, (3* is commanded by capt. CHARACTERS. ! Smith, Room, is at the Court- pouses are all situated Hugh Brown, to whom they give the title of ing requested Torrent, Mr_ conveniently ; House, on Saturday the 9th hose for are James Keith, jut). commodore or admiral- Whilst in their afternoon, Hcartley, Mr_ farming purposes expensive, instant, at 4 o’clock, for the of ind excellent in tneir kind. Janney service he had been particularly enter- purpose Hogmore, Mr_ Thomas committee of For a of leisure this would of the Directors held and was on his return to that electiaga arrangement. Solomon gentleman a prizing Gundy, Mr_- j >e And at meeting * T. MOtfNTFORD, Jr. a delightful residence; and a protita- chosen from a long and successful cruise, Barford, Jacob Morgan was port, (or Delamere) Mr.- >le estate to an active farmer. The title •esterdar, when he received intelligence of the Por- Secretary. Jonathan November 6 Oldskirt, Mr_j s and unincum* J. »• Nickdls, Secretary, taken of Mon- indisputable, perfectly President, tuguese having possession Sir Mr.- I in the Larry M'Murragh, pered. C. Cazenove, Director, tevideo (probably in behalf of The Subscribers, under the Firm and A. Spain) of Andrew Bang, Mr._ A number of well orderly President. which of course would be followed by taught young room of Jacob Morgan. Robert# Carrydot, Mr_- i nen, with good stocks and uten- their other against the & Allen, farming operations repub- i lils of all of had he Henry, Mr__ kinds, and the crops the pre- last being the day for electing licans, so that, continued his voy- Have entered into in the Monday Partnership A boy. sent year if desired, will be at the com- he might have exposed himself to of the Bank of Potomac, the age, GROCERY, FLOUR V COMMISSION Fanny Delamere, mand of the purchaser. Directors capture, and therefore, as he could no were chosen; BUSINESS, Mrs. Application may be made to the sub- duly be of service to the cause he had vVhich Glastonbury. fallowing gentlemen longer they will make it fbofr endeavor icriber, on the next the G. Ladd, / he his course for the*e Amy, living premises, John espoused, shaped to conduct with satisfaction to their cus- office at Pleasant in Fair- » post Valley, m _» seas, and has proceeded to the leeward, tomers and EtfD OF THE FLAY K. 1. employers. fax. perhaps to obtain supplies or dispose of Robert*, John Recitation—“ The Paint a Francis fro* Let. John the vessel in some neutral island. Roberts, King,” Light romantic Far pbineas Janney, David H. Allen. burlesque. immediate Sub, Patriotic Two hundred one fourth ft; ft Mark, Boston, November 1. November 6 dlwlaw4w Song—« Perry's Victory." SHEEP, Samuel with bred, the rest mixed all in LATEST FROM ENGLAND. transparent scenery, Merinos, per* Hugh Smith, Cargo of the Schooner Maria. |Song—“ My Deary." feet health and fine order. Bartleman, By the shija Cordelia, capt. King,which The hi October 8 2awtf William at Song—66 "lit House." arrived yesterday from ( owes, London Auction |C7* The Editors of the National In- Jacob Hodman, to the To Which will be added, a papers morning of Sept. 20, were On the 7th will bs sold popular telligencer are to insert the a- Thursday instant, farce in 2 requested James Keith, jun. received. on arts, called, bove twice a week till the Imparling and Exporting Com- forbid, and send yg' y A letter from Cairo, 20, their account to this office. C. P. Thompson, July says, pany’s wharf^tlie enlire cargo of the RAISING THE WIND. that a Jew Leader has raked his standard schooner Daniel M’Clean, Maria, captain Marbury, Plain way, Mr_ near and has 200,000 from the viy,. f or Deneale* Babylon, already Kavanna, Fain wood, Mr._ Sale, George Israelites associated with him ; that ma- 50,000 lbs. of bfst in bar* substantially built 8c Musselhien and green coffee, Diddkr, Mr._ npHAT efeganf- ny desert join them; and reU and JL finished three Brick Du el- on Sam, Mr_ ly story The were, that he has a fair of com- hags, following gentlemen prospect being 56 boxes white Havana ling Hohm on Water-street, formerly Directors of the Co- successful in all liis views. sugars Richard, Mr._ Monday last, chosen pletely 63 ditto brown ditto the residence of the late Dr. Kennedy; this town. It has been calculated that there are Waiter, Mr_ with which will be eitner lumbian Insurance Company of 27 hluls. good retailing molasses, sold, conjoint- 15,000,000 Jews in Servant to Mr_ or the Europe. Terms liberal and made known at Plainway, ly separately, adjoining vacant Wm. Hodgson, The the English letters From Park, Sept. sale. Messenger. Mr._ Lot, 25 feet front and 120 feet deep.— Robert mention that a of the late The terms of sale will Young, 16, majority Sale to commence at 12 o’clock. Prggy, be very accommo- chamber of deputies, have circulated a Miss L. Durable. to the James Sanderson, & dating purchaser. protest against its dissolution, and labor Mallory Watts, If thii3 property be not sold Joseph Maodeville, (JjD Doors to be opened at half prviously to counteract the tiews of the king. Auctioneers. to the 15th of May next, it will then be Nov past five, and the curtain to rise at! Thomas Vowel!, They say he 1*3 badly advised, and fatal- Georgetown, 6 dfa •or Rent and in/wedt- bait past six o’clock. possession given John G. Ladd, ly mistakes the sentiments of persons a- Mandeville and Larmour ntely thereafter. bout him, for those of tho nation. Fre- *** Tickets to be had at Robert be made to George Coleman, Have Received Applicalion tnay desertions are said to have taken Gray’s Book-Store—at the John quent Theatre, J. L. M:Kenna Jackson, the Vendean 20 hogsheads Orleans and St. Croix and at the office of the Gazette. place among corps. april 24 tlSt&Sswff Daniel and Lallemand are now said Sugars flox Out Somers, Dollar—Pit ■ Savary Seventy Five .. Crease. to be in Hungary. 25 ditto Pennsylvania Rye Whiskev Cenis, Children Anthony 50 halfprice, son of boxes mould and Candles Orphans’ Court, And ai a of the Eugene Beaufiarneis, Napoleon’s dipt meeting Directors, yes Iu00 Alexandiia November first wife, is building a palace at Munich bushels Liverpool blown Salt County, Term, Wm, was re-elected Lands. terday, Hodgson which will cost above a million and a 5 Pimento Fauquier 1816. bags ^5"^HE subscriber offers for ?a!e the President, Wm. and of Ordered, that the executors of Wilson, Secretary, half francs. They will rent the Store a* Estate whereon he iJenja- adjoining, JL. resides in the uiin Brown.' do insert B. to va- Tho Mina ^resent deceased, the Da*gerfie!d, a Director fill the Spanish Genera^ *japoz?y occupied by C, & Co of about 8 miles below Brouangh •mirty Frquier, usual advertisement three times a week has in the Paris of Possession be had the 21st instant. cancy occasioned by the election of Pre- published papers Sept, may the court-house, on Cedar-Run, between for two in the that he still in that city that it November 6 weeks, Alexandria news- sident. regains ; the roads leading to and be the Gen. Fredericksburgh papers.—A copy.—-Teste, may piv*um?it pretended Occoquan, SO milts distant from either said to have arrived ;n the LT. S. is •d, Moore, JR. W. Min*, For 6. C •dace, and '40 to Alexandria the tom- Charleston, by w to that the Presidential Election. no other than Lt. Col. Mina, his nephew* The from give notice, sub- Ship Sterling, Pelog pike, Ruckland. The tract is com- of An election was held the who never was a and if he lias u- scriber*, Alexandiia in the yesterday in gen, master; will be puted at county, of Remington, district of Columbia, have obtained from City Philadelphia, and in all the coun- surped that title, (E. y. M.) is warranted for ties of this for the to itmnediacely dispatched Ihrce thousand three hundred the Orphans9 Court of said countv letters State, choice of Elec- iti believing his only object is mislead the above Port. For freight on the estate of tors of a President and a’Vice 1 he b9 be hr»s dene and testamentary president Americans, already er passage, excellent accommo- Acres, Benjamin ef the U. States.—The having seventy Brown, deceased: all following state- the inhabitants of London, by $ and is divided into three farms, with persons having dations, apply claims said are ment shows the number of votes sums against decedent, hereby given in from them of "money, which the- JOHN G. LADD CO. Woodland and # Meadows, conveniently warned to exhibit the same the Wards of the for each of the two were to the sub- City supposed they giving to E. y, M distributed for each. There is a a fir* scribers, on or before the first that he is ignorant of the .of Lt d,*y of project For Valuable Mill or Col. M, but if his should New York, Seat, May next, they may by law be ex- * objects prove tVi cbtnn nn tlia ticket, Caucus ticket -v.- WkV.VW VMV l^UUU I cluded from all benefit to said Independent to the infer©*! of he shall Tho Schooner Lady Tomkim*. •’J/'/*' estate— of |contrary Spain, Fhe stream is and waters the and those indebted there to are City Philadelphia, 2ip9 11${J !disavow him fcS a ineuibr mii v. Daniel inant, master.-For abundant, letjuired Fast 84 or as whole tract, an extent of to make immediate Southwark, S>;5 Grain is now admitted free of at freight passage apply above. presenting payment. duty fiii'pn imiloi nnr Kin/lc -I_ "West Southwark, 184 St im ---- illio All VI U| | Xante.-, consequence of the failure or For sale, on board said Schooner, Four or fire hundred Acres of UJ 99 44 November, 1816. Moytmensing, poernett ef the ha*vest in Italy. JCOO bushels Liverpool blown Salt. Passyunt, 26 53 Ix>w Grounds Anna Lord Ex mouth is to return to uvri*)ur» u 1! Brown, Executrix, England, of first land is well John S. and net proceed against Tunis and Tri- quality.—The high Brown, Executor T»‘a!s 26|9 }4(fcj poli* f Raisins, Oranges, &c. divided info regular fields, some ©f them Of Benjamin Brown, deceased. Present of the 7 ^ very productive, and is to the November 1 eo£w majorifv 1~4°-OJ^ »«e Prime Minister nflhe Dev of Al- adapted THE SUBSCRIBER use of Plaister. Few tracts can independent ticket, J giers, to whom was entrusted the de- possess of greater advantages either for extensive fence the entrance of the port, is ac- Wid ies fo inform his friend* Sc the pub- Advertisement. 464f> grazing or grain culture. cuse;! ot net using the batteries w hich he lic in general, that he has just receiv- Thursday the I4lh day of Novem* 'i he purchaser or of the commanded, by which the cneinv ad- ed, in addition to his former stock- purchasers ONher next, at Montpelier, near Pis* JP- land, can be accommodated with the will be L*n a credit which will be on that punday aver^ct guilty jL sweet the hundred or the sown day rour Oranges by Wheat—the stock of made indict Mwjnf:,-. the of The of Austria is to Cattle,, lay known, a Tract of Land in exception Emperor marry retail, fresh Lemojis and Limes by the and and with the Sheep Hogs; i Charles near to *ur^ Uo^s Jt>r aiesa gum than Plimess ChaiioHe ol Bavaria a^ed 25. box or |Morses, County, Matawomaw jrJl