1Nes Six Rotects
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Vol. 108, No. 16 4 Sections 36 Pages 677-9011 Wednesday, April19, 1967 1~ Per Copy Bocond cJau poat•11• Jfald at M.. on, Mlchlgon, Publlahod wooldy by Tho In11ham t;ou'lt)' N••.. Inc,, p o. Boa 206, Mooon, Mlchllon 48854 tlubacrJptlnn ratoa: In MBion and Holt homo dollvory aroaa, 15' wookl~; by moll In 1n11ham and adjolnln11 oountloa, 15 por ~··•· elaowhoro, $G t Council's Committee • Chairmen Are Selected Mayor OutI 1nes Committee appointments This ordinance reassesses the . Six · were one of the main items of Mrs. John Reilly, project cost of repairs back on the chairman, asked that a mem business at the Monday night property owner, ber of the council be appoint· meetIng of the Mason city Last fall council set the council, · ed to help the Jaycee auxi policy on repairs and noti liary with the project, Vaughn • Mayor Loren Shattuck se· fied some ?5 property own· Snook volunteered to serve lected vaughn Snool(, mayor e rs that they should repair on the committee, which would pre • tem, to head the finance their walks before a certain screen applicants seeking to be and personnel committee; date or the city would do the Helping Hand block represen· Main City P repairs and bill owners for the rotects Russell Robbins, was re - ap tatlves, pointed to the pollee and dump work. committees; Howard Becker, Bids were taken for the re Examination Jr., newly elected councilman, maining sidewalk repairs and Clean Up will be chairman of the fire were rejected by the council Will Seek and recreation committees; as too high, This spring the Time Again Date Is Set Howard Roberts was reap council will start again with The city of Mason will be pointed chairman of the streets the program. gi vlng its residents a hand Industry and storm sewer committees; A public hearing date of June with spring cleaning, For Green Gary Lamphere, was renamed 5 at B p.m. was set for those . In recognition of clean John Clark Green, 25, ot to the chairmanship of the property owners who failed up week, city employes will water and sanitary sewer com· to fix their wa!l(s according Mason, returned he~ast Fri· be picking up all refuse day from California on an em mlttees and Gilson Pearsall to city specifications, placed at the curb on Mon· For Mason was named chairman of the The clerlt was authorized bezzlement charge wasal'· day and Tuesday, April24- raigned before Judge Roy pI at tin g, zoning, building to advertise for bids on a 25. w. One step at a time codes, buildings and equip· tractor for the city complete Adams In Mason justice court All trash must be In con last Saturday morning andre· --This seems to be ment committees, with rotary blade attachment, tainers and no garbage or Bids are to be submitted by leased on $2,000 bond. the policy of Ma Sidewalks and their repair a s he s will be accepted, Green, former manager ot May 1 at 8 p.m. This weekend would be a will again be a much talked The council commended the the Dancer store in Mason, Is son's new mayor about item over the coffee good time to hoe out the at· accused of ta}(lng $1,800 from Mason Jaycee auxiliary for tic, basement and garage, Loren Shattuck. 1 tables in Mason, as the coun the store safe and fleeing to their efforts In establishing so that you can take advan cil moved to enact the city California on April 9, taldll£ Shattuck outlined a Helping Hand program in tage of the city's service. sidewalk repair ordinance, Mason, his 2 young daughters with him, some of the major A divorce action is pending goals which should between Green and his wUe and he was permitted to visit be accomplished his children each Sunda}'. ·On this year at the April 9 he toolt the children and boarded a plane for LOll Monday night city Angeles, council meeting. When he did not return with Councilmen were told to the children Mrs. Green not!· direct their efforts to 6 major fled officers who traced hill areas and not to lose sight movements and found he had o! these until they were com purchased plane tickets for pleted, The 6 goals are: Los Angeles, Los Angeles po Hire a city administrator, lice were notified and detec• Complete at least 80 or 90 t1 ves there arrested Green percent of the city's Laylln as he stepped· off the plane Park construction. with the 2 children, The chil~ Adoption of adjusted water ., ~- . ,• . dren Wel'e turned over to their and sewer rates. aunt, who resides in Los An· ... , Completion. of ... the. ,F'ire... ~ ..•.... geles and had been not!lled of Pollee building reconstruc- the matter. tion on Jefferson street, Chief Tim Stolz of the Ma· Completion of the N. Oke· son pollee and Wells Moses, mos street project, which In· under-sheriff of the Ingham cludes storm sewers, curb county sheriff's department and gutters and reconstruc went to Los Angeles and re tion of the street, turned Green to Mason. careful consideration of Judge Adams set a tentative various ways to bring Indus date for Green's examination trial development to Mason, in justice court for 10 a.m. In outlining his goals for the Monday, April 24, council, Shattuck said: "I an· tlcipate a very busy year and have confidence that the coun Petitions cll will all work together to complete a number of proj ects that have been in the For Board mill for a long time, IT'S FIREWOOD NOW--A Iorge pine tree to the west of Jim Frew's "Once we tie up the loose ends, the city can progress to Available home, 725 E. Ash street, Meson, fell victim to Monday night's big wind new projects." Petitions are available from and rein storm. The tree fell across the entire house domoging the roof of a What remains to be done the Mason superintendent of screened in porch . on the 6 projects of the mayor? s c h o o Is office for persons According to Shattuck the THE HAND POSTER--Meson's Jaycee ouxil iary has begun a com- seeking election to the Mason city has appropriated some , . h d Board of Education. $15,000 in this year's budget gaign to get designated homes in each c1ty block to d1splay o on poster. There are 2 positions that to pay an admlnstrator•s sal· This tells children where to go for help in on emergency. The program was will be filled _at the June 12 A. R. North Is Mason's ary, so far the city has ac . M election. Petlt10ns must have cepted 10 applications for the approved Monday by the city council. Show1ng one of the posters to oyor 25 signatures and be returned job; several of them lndi· Loren Shattuck ore Mrs·. Michael Trudeau, ouxi Iiory president, (left) and ~~ ~!/fferlntendent's office catlng previous expet1ence 1st Elected Commander and excellent qualifications, Mrs. John Reilly, Helping Hand chairmen. Those' board members Arvide R. North of Mason the Mayor said. ter of Leslie Council, He is ers consisting of Russell H. whose 4 year terms expire was elected Monday evening also a Past Grand Master of (Continued on pa9e A-2) are Robert Ware and Charles to theofflceofEmminentCom· Kikstadt of Battle Creek, Wll· the Grand Council of Michigan, liam H. Harmon of Cheboygan, Brown, A petition for Ware mander of Jackson Command North will be Installed In Max L. Clark and Franklin H. 2 Vacancies The Helping Hand has already been submitted ery No, 9, Knights Templar. office next Monday evening In Shaw of Jackson and Harold G. and officials Indicated a pe He Is the first Mason man to the Jackson Masonic Temple Copp of Lansing, All of these .... ..... tition was expected for Brown, hold that office In Jackson, by a team of Past Command- To Be Filled Signatures must be those and as far as can be deter· (Continued on pa9e A·2) M mon Jaycee Auxiliary Launches Plan of qualified electors who live mined, the first one to serve Two vacancies on the Ing within the school district, ham Intermediate school board To Assist Children in Need of Aid will be filled June 5 when rep Thieves Prowl resentatives of each of the What would your child do city council, Mason pollee and on which a dark blue hand has school districts In the county If he was threatened or mo New Bicycle the Mason churches, been placed. Parents will be will gather at the intermediate lested on the way home from receiving letters explaining board offices here and make school? Residents displaying the the pro'ect and asking for Permits Now the selections from a list The Mason Jaycee Auxil signs at their homes will all Through School; of candidates, their co-operation. lar)l have the answer to this have been investigated relative The vacancies to be fllled problem and others that clill to the character of the home Mrs, John Rellly, "Help For Sale are those of George Hl.rsh dren may face. The Auxiliary and the importance of having ing Hands" project chairman, man of Lansing and Donald is sponsoring, "He I pIng someone home during school asks that after parents re The Mason police depart Take Nothing Crakes ot Leslie whose terms Hands'', a nation-wide proj hours. They will be instruct ceive their letter, they ex ment is Issuing the 1967 bi· will expire.