This work corresponds to the MGC Discord community and it has been influenced by a paradox forum article called "a few suggestions for iberia" created by navaluiki. iberia.1123194/

It is a pity that one of the most commented suggestions of the Paradox forum didn’t have an answer from the developers.

This is not just a text explaining the ideas, it’s also the development of a mod that we are testing for this region.

We belong to a community dedicated to the EUIV, possibly the largest in the Spanish community, and we have many hours of MP and SP behind us.

What we see is that in MP the Iberian Peninsula suffers a lot and depends heavily on the Iberian wedding, leaving it practically sold if this doesn’t happen.


CASTILE: capital in Toledo. Castile is not in a great position of strength respect others such as France or England, depending excessively on events and personal unions.

For this, it would be granted 5 new provinces.

PORTUGAL: capital in Lisbon. Portugal was a very rich and extensive empire that was able many times to defend itself successfully against the Castilian or Spanish attacks. This fact is not reflected in the game at the moment, and can easily be crushed by Castile.

The idea is to provide 3 provinces to provide a more efficient defense. Being able to retreat to the coastline while the Castilians tear down the forts at the border.

And above all divide the current province of Lisbon in two, giving more distance to the border of Castile and forcing you to cross a strait or have to fight in the woods.

ARAGON: capital in Valencia. The disposition of the provinces of Calatayud and Zaragoza changes, being the second largest, representing the course of the Ebro river by Aragon.

NAVARRA: capital in Pamplona Navarra is seriously weakened by not having given any province and still being surrounded by great kingdoms, becoming a race to see who is the first to overwhelm her. By providing it with two new provinces (Tudela to the south and Baja Navarra to the north) it becomes a somewhat more independent kingdom, in fact it was not taken by the Hispanic Monarchy until 1512. And later divided into two in 1530: Baja Navarra for France and Alta Navarra for . What generated wars and claims between France and Spain for many centuries. 1461).svg

GRANADA: capital in Granada tends to be quite irrelevant, and it is only a slight stop for Castile, when it meant many headaches and was not taken until 1492, being a great milestone in the history of Spain, and seen as a great achievement in its time.

To do this we endow it with an extra province (Baza) in the mountains, with this it would no longer be possible to kill all the Nasrid troops in a single movement, it could retreat and get time for its allies to arrive. Forcing Castile to win the naval war.í_de_Granada


Taking into account the number of provinces in the British Isles, France, Italy and the HRE, we consider that the Iberian countries are in a position of weakness with respect to their neighbours and also among them. Therefore, the new provinces are:

12 in the Iberia region ● is divided into Oviedo and Gijón. ● Navarra in Pamplona and Tudela. ● Caceres in Cáceres and Plasencia. ● Badajoz in Badajoz and Mérida . ● Granada in Granada and Baza. ● León in León and Astorga. ● Cuenca in Cuenca and Guadalajara. ● Evora in Évora and Portalegre. ● Lisbon in Lisbon and Setúbal. ● Aveiro in Aveiro and Guarda. ● Azores in Sao Miguel, Terceira and Flores.

1 in the region of France: ● Labourd is divided into Labourd and Baja Navarra.


What has been achieved on the map of states is a greater reflection of the divisions that were on the peninsula. ● Extremadura with Badajoz, Cáceres, Plasencia and Mérida. ● Castilla la Vieja with Valladolid, Soria, Burgos, Palencia and Ávila. ● Castilla la Nueva with Toledo, Madrid, Cuenca, Guadalajara and La Mancha. ● León with León, Zamora, Salamanca and Astorga. ● Asturias in Oviedo, Gijón and Santander. Representing the north of the peninsula better, encompassing the Cantabrian mountain range. ● Murcia in Murcia, Albacete and Alicante. Although it seems strange much of what is now Alicante belonged to the Kingdom of Murcia, only that it was divided between the Crown of Castile and the Crown of Aragon in the Treaty of Elche in 1305. With this we want to show territorial disputes in the region between two of the great powers for the Iberian hegemony. ● Portugal goes from 2 states to 3 to be able to encompass the new provinces. ● The state of Macaronesia is divided into two one for Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Madeira, and the second state would be that of Azores with three provinces: Sao Miguel, Terceira and Flores. _Territorial_division_of_1822.PNG


● Yellow: Castilian. ● Brown: Leonese. ● Green: Portuguese. ● Blue: Galician. ● Gray: Basque. ● Red: Catalan. ● Bordeaux: Aragonese. ● White: Andalusí / Nazarí.

The province of Tudela with Aragonese culture.ón_Aragonés_-_Aragón.svg

The existence of the Andalusian culture does not make sense, the name of Andalusian / Nasrid culture corresponds better but only in the Kingdom of Granada.


The Iberian Peninsula stands out for its complicated geography, demonstrating many times in history how complicated it has been to conquer in its entirety.

It has a large number of mountainous areas: , Pyrenees, Cantabrian Mountains, Central System and Iberian System. And we wanted to represent him with mountain ranges that have no steps. In addition to adding more provinces with hills, mountains and mountains representing the real situation much more faithfully.

We want to highlight the size of the mouth of the Tagus River, including a strait between Lisbon and Setúbal. da.png

We also want to highlight a little more the number of castles of the peninsula since the eight centuries that the reconquest lasts populated all of it. Highlighting the north and the border between Castile and Granada.ña


We wanted to reflect more faithfully the rivers of the Iberian Peninsula.áficas_de_la_península_ibérica_or ds_por_superficie


Regarding this point we want to highlight several things: ● The power of Granada as a commercial force, becoming quite noticeable in the western Mediterranean. For this we give a Trade Center. ● We abolished that of by considering that it makes no sense, since Lana Merina's trade is sufficiently reflected with Burgos. With one of the two is enough and we have decided the second. ● We move the one from León to Murcia, representing the port of Cartagena. ● We add an Estuary in Vigo. ● The only ones that would be in 1444 level 2 are: Lisbon, Seville, Granada and Valencia

For the next update we will pass the state of Murcia to the Node of Valencia, meanwhile it will continue in that of Seville.


Points to mark: ● We propose to add one more province of Coal in León. ● In Setúbal we add Sal, to improve the defensiveness of Portugal in case you want to build a fort in it and to faithfully show your most outstanding commercial asset.úbal ● The province of Baza we add Sal, with the same previous motive but for Granada. ● And the province of Granada happens to have Silk, since it was a very prominent asset of the Kingdom of Granada and later marketed by the Kingdom of Castile.

DEVELOPMENT (part one)

The idea was to maintain the initial development of the Iberian Peninsula and avoid unbalancing the game.

Points to mark: ● In the provinces that have split in two, their development has also been divided among them, with the exception of exceptions discussed below. ● 1 tax has been taken from Pamplona and 1 from production and 1 from Vizcaya soldiers to give them to Tudela. ● The new province of Baza has been created by removing development from Granada and Malaga. (1/1/1) ● For the development points of Setúbal they have been removed from Beira no de Lisboa. ● The development of Madrid has been greatly reduced, passing east to other provinces such as Burgos, Valladolid, Palencia and León. With this we show the greatest growth in Castilla la Vieja and the fact that Madrid had virtually no development in 1444.

Area and Population in the Iberian Peninsula in 1492: - Crown of Castile 355,000 km 4,200,000 inhabitants - Crown of Aragon 110,000 km 850,000 inhabitants - Kingdom of Portugal 88,000 km 1,000,000 inhabitants - Kingdom of Navarra 30,000 km 300,000 inhabitants - Kingdom of Granada 11,700 km 120,000 https // / wiki / Evolution_of_the_population_spanish_in_the_precensal_epoca

DEVELOPMENT (part two)

After dividing development, in this second phase we wanted to balance development between different countries.

GRANADA increases its development by 1. (Total 31) We have not wanted to give it more, since it has been very beneficial by giving it a level 2 trade center and giving it silk in the capital.

NAVARRA increases its development by 8. (Total 15) As we mentioned earlier, the way to make it impossible to overwhelm Navarra diplomatically was to raise it considerably.

PORTUGAL increases its development by 9. (Total 140) With this we endow you with greater economic power, so you don't start losing money. Getting 9 more points of development within the peninsula, losing 3 in the Atlantic islands, until Flores colonizes. (1-1-1)

CASTILE increases its development by 5. (Total 275) Dedicated to the state of Extremadura that looked extremely poor.

ENGLAND decreases its development by 3. When the province of Labourd is divided, and this new pass to Navarra.

GUANCHES increases its development by 1. (Total 6) In Tenerife they acquire 1 more point of manpower.

Adding a total of +21 development for the entire region.


Macaronesia will be divided into two states: ● Azores (Iberia Region) ○ Sao Miguel (Portugal) ○ Terceira (Portugal) ○ Flowers (uninhabited - without indigenous people) ● Canary Islands and Madeira (Maghreb Region) ○ Madeira (Portugal) ○ Tenerife (Guanches) ○ Gran Canaria (Castile)


A rather rare thing arises when you play EU4, Portugal almost always colonizes before Tenerife the island of Tenerife (Western Canary Islands) unless you spend many points in chanting provinces of Morocco.

And really the Canary Islands was a conquest, so we have the idea of creating a nation in them; ● Country: Guanche. ● Culture: Guanche. ● Cultural Group: Maghreb. ● Religion: Animist. ● Capital: Tenerife.

He would have the right to win over Gran Canaria.

And Castile could quickly get a territorial claim on Tenerife and conquer it, although Portugal could get ahead.

Madeira's development seems disproportionate, being this a 4-4-1 we think it would better reflect the situation that was 2-2-1.

Canary Islands and Madeira ● Madeira (development 2-2-1) ● Tenerife (development 2-2-2) ● Gran Canaria (development 3-3-1)


The Azores Islands were uninhabited when the Portuguese arrived. (Although a recent study suggests that they could be inhabited 150 years before) We propose to divide them into 3 provinces, the province of Las Flores (the westernmost) being uninhabited and pending colonization by Portugal.

Azores ● Sao Miguel (development 2-2-1) ● Terceira (development 1-1-1) ● Flowers (development 1-1-1)

: // habitadas-150-anos-antes-de-llegada-de-los-portugueses.html


The Jews in the Iberian Peninsula (Sephardic) were important in the history of it and never appear in the EUIV. So, we give you a statement, which is a fusion of the Dhimmi and the Jains.

Now the Catholic kingdoms may have the opportunity to be able to benefit from all the advantages that they can offer you over time maintaining a good relationship with them, or expel them getting very large benefits in a timely manner but losing the estate.

At any time when the stability is at -2 or lower, you can always perform “The expulsion of the Jews” by granting you: - +3 stability. - -1 in taxes from all provinces controlled by the Jews. - 10% Tax revenue - A large number of ducats according to the development of each country. - +50 diplomatic relations with all Catholic countries. - +100 of diplomatic relations with the Papacy. - +50 papal influence. - + 2% desire for reform for Catholicism.

With this we want to reflect the benefits "in the short term" that it meant to Castile and Portugal, as was the fact of satisfying the masses, the church and was well seen internationally by the other powers.

This estate will only be available for Castile, Portugal, Navarra, Aragon and Naples as they were the last to expel them.

Although we believe it could be available for Poland and Lithuania.

In case, if expelled from Castile, it would cause an event in all Muslim countries that have at least one coastal province in the with two possibilities: - Accept your entry: +20 loyalty and +10 influence from the Dhimmi. - Deny entry: -20 loyalty and -10 influence from the Dhimmi.

In case of being expelled from Portugal, an event would come out to Holland: - Accept the entry: The Jews become a new estate and -20 loyalty of the other estates and -2 stability. - Deny entry: +20 loyalty in all levels and +1 stability.

The bonuses would be the following: - Impose New Religious Taxes: - + Money. - -15 Loyalty. - Recruit Minister: - Minister level 2, Jewish, + 10% commercial efficiency. - +10 Influence. - Reduce Rates: - + 15% Autonomy in controlled provinces. - +25 Loyalty. - + 10 Influence. - Request a loan: - + 10 Influence. - A low interest loan is obtained. - Investigate Corruption: - +10 Influence. - -2 corruption. - Build a Synagogue: - A Jewish province earns +1 in fees. - -10% development in the province. - +15 Influence.

We have changed the table slightly to reflect that the greater influence of the Jews this generated a greater intolerance of the population of the country against them, which is enhanced if they are unfair.

Due to the next update for 2020, we have decided not to include them. After the launch of the DLC we will make a proposal of how we believe its implementation should be.

OTHER TOPICS They will not be included in the mod in its version 1.0, they are only suggestions.

1. ASTURIAS Asturias as an Independent Kingdom seems quite absurd its possibility. There was never a will or feeling of independence from it, on the dates that the game includes.

Our approach would be that in order for Asturias to be formed, Castile should be pushed north by "another Muslim invasion."

It could be stated in another way, Asturias is formable if; ● It is Castile or Spain. ● Pose the entire state of Asturias. (Oviedo, Gijón and Cantabria) ● It has some or no territory in the states of Galicia, León, Castilla La Vieja and Navarra. ● It has no more territories in the rest of the Iberian Peninsula. ● Al-Andalus exists.

2. RELIGIOUS ORDERS We leave the religious orders exclusively for the territories of America.

3. COLONIAL CULTURES The idea is that from 1720 they can leave their own cultures in the colonies in America; ● The idea is that this can happen after 1720, only if the colony's desire for freedom is above 70%. A higher percentage would go faster. ● Regardless of who colonizes a colonial region, it can acquire a new culture. For example; ○ If Castile colonizes Mexico, the outgoing culture would be Mexican. (But corresponding to the Iberian Culture) ○ If it were France, it would also be Mexican. (But it would correspond to French Culture) ● Each province with this new culture would grant 0.5% more desire for freedom. ● Its expansion mechanics would be like religious centers, always starting with the capital of the colony. ● Our idea would be to provide a colonial culture to all colonial regions without exception.

A greeting. AdrianBRD, Kassimer, Arthur Van Matterhorn and Bertus of the MGC community