Washtenaw Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled @ AADL Ann Arbor District Library


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The magazines listed below are available to all individuals registered for library services through the WLBPD @ AADL.

Alternatively, or in addition, you may also download digital or Web-Braille magazines from the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) website. To apply for a BARD account, go to: https://nlsbard.loc.gov.

Please check the magazine title(s) you wish to receive and return this form to:

WLBPD@AADL Attn: Circulation 343 S. Fifth Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48104


Magazines for Adult Readers ! AARP Magazine & Bulletins AAP4 ! American History AMH4 ! Analog Science Fiction & Science Fact ANA4 ! The Atlantic AMO4 ! Audubon AUD4 ! Bon Appétit EAT4 ! Consumer Reports CRP4 ! Cowboys and Indians OIC4 ! Diabetes Forecast DBF4

! Discover DIS4 ! Ebony EBN4 ! Economist ECO4 ! Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine EQM4 ! Foreign Affairs FAF4 ! Good Housekeeping GHK4 ! Health and Nutrition Newsletters HNN4 ! Horticulture HOR4 ! Michigan History MIH4 ! Missouri Conservationist MOC4 ! Magazine of the Month MOM4 ! Money MNY4 ! The Nation NAT4 ! National Geographic NGG4 ! National Geographic Traveler NGT4 ! National Review NRV4 ! The New York Times Book Review NYB4 ! O, The Oprah Magazine OPR4 ! Oklahoma Today OKT4 ! Outdoor Life OTL4 ! People PEO4 ! Playboy PBY4 ! QST QST4 ! Reader’s Digest (please call for more information) ! Rolling Stone RST4 ! Smithsonian SMT4 ! SPI4 ! Sound and Vision STR4 ! SOL4 ! Travel & Leisure TAL4 ! True West TWT4 ! The Week TWK4 ! Vital Speeches of the Day VSD4 ! Wired WIR4 ! The Writer WRT4 Music Magazines ! Contemporary Soundtrack XST4 ! The Musical Mainstream XMM4 ! Piano Technicians Journal PTJ4 ! Quarterly Music Magazine QMM4

Magazines for Children and Young Adults ! Cricket and National Geographic Kids NGW4 ! Humpty Dumpty HDM4 ! Spider: The Magazine for Children SPD4 ! Sports Illustrated for Kids SPK4 ! Odyssey ODY4 ! Seventeen SVT4 ! Young Adult Magazine of the Month YAM4 Foreign Language Magazines ! Buenhogar – Spanish BUE4 ! Das Beste aus Reader’s Digest - German BRD4 ! People en Espanol - Spanish PES4 ! Selecciones del Reader’s Digest - Spanish SRD4 ! Vanidades-Spanish VAN4 Catalog of Books Available for Request ! Talking Book Topics TBT4


Magazines for Adult Readers ! CKL1 ! ESPN ESP1 ! Harper’s HRP1 ! Health Newsletters HNW1 ! Kiplinger’s KPF1 ! Ladies’ Home Journal LHJ1 ! MSL1 ! National Geographic NGG1 ! The New York Times Book Review NYB1 ! The New York Times Large Type Weekly NYT1 ! Parenting PAR1 ! PC World PCW1 ! Playboy PBY1 ! Poetry POE1 ! Popular Communications PCM1 ! Popular Mechanics PPM1 ! Reader’s Digest REA1 ! Rolling Stone RST1 ! Science News SNW1 ! Washington Post Book World BKW1

Magazines for Children and Young Adults ! Boys’ Life BYL1 ! Muse MUE1 ! Seventeen SVT1 ! Spider: The Magazine for Children SPD1 ! Stone Soup STO1 Music Magazines ! The Musical Mainstream XMM1 ! Popular Music Lead Sheets XML1 British Magazines (delivery can be inconsistent) ! Braille Chess Magazine BCM1 ! Braille Music Magazine XBM1 ! Conundrum COU1 ! Short Stories SSR1 Sports Schedules ! American Baseball League Schedule ABL1 ! National Baseball League Schedule NBL1 ! National Basketball Association Schedule NBA1 ! National Football League Schedule NFL1 ! National Hockey League Schedule NHL1 ! Women’s National Basketball Association Schedule WBA1 Catalog of Books Available for Request ! Braille Book Review BBR1 Magazines about the National Library Service and its Network of Libraries for the Blind and Physically Handicapped ! News NEW1 ! Update UPD1


Catalog of Books Available for Request ! Braille Book Review BBR2 ! Talking Book Topics TBT2 Music Magazines ! The Musical Mainstream XMM2 Magazines about the National Library Service and its Libraries ! News NEW2 ! Update UPD2