Systems eMedia Strategy Frank Stapelfeldt

Berlin, 07.10.2013

1 | arvato Systems | eMedia Strategy | 7 October 2013 is one of the world wide leading media and services conglomerate

Facts & Figures

. 15.3 bn € turnover* . Over 100.000 employees in more than 50 countries . More than 1.000 legal entities

The No. 1 European The world's largest Europe's biggest Leading European broadcaster book- group magazine publisher BPO provider

*FY 2011

2 | arvato Systems | eMedia Strategy | 7 October 2013 Within in Bertelsmann arvato is the international logistics and services provider

Facts & Figures

. 5.4 bn € turnover* . Over 68.000 employees in 36 countries . More than 68.000 employees . Present in 35 countries

*FY 2011

3 | arvato Systems | eMedia Strategy | 7 October 2013 arvato Systems South-East-Asia with well established local presence

arvato systems SEA offices

• offices founded in 2005/2006

• offices in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand

• ~135 employees in South- Kuala Lumpur East Asia Bangkok • German speaking arvato offshore management on

site (KL/SG) Singapore

• English, Bahasa and Chinese speaking Consultants

5 | arvato Systems | eMedia Strategy | 7 October 2013 arvato Systems is a one stop service provider specialized for publishers

Consulting SAP solutions . Management . Advertising mkt. . Logistics . Processes . Subscription . Finance . Development . Marketing . CRM . Structure . Retail . BW . WebServices . Applications . Merchandising

Packages Services . arvato Retail Package . Application Management Service . arvato Media Package . Cloud Computing . SaaS . eCommerce . IT Outsourcing

6 | arvato Systems | eMedia Strategy | 7 October 2013 Leading European publishers trust arvato Systems’ Media Full-Service-offering

Customer Mediahouse Projects / Services Year Application Management for Convergent Online Afiliate Marketing Transition Invoicing, Contract Accounting (FI/CA)

Publisher (D) Application Management for IS-M/SD Since 2012

Retail IS M/AM (advertising management), MAM/C Since 2010

IS-M/SD (subscrition management), CRM, Since 2006 Newspapers(D), magazines (CH) BI (newspaper reporting), AMS (application Since 2010 management service)

International, national, regional M/SD (subscribing management, migration, newspapers (CH, Lux, DK) and Since 2008 application management) freesheets M/SD (subscribing management), SD, MM, IS Newspaper and magazines (D) Since 2008 M/AM (advertising management)

National newspapers und IS-M/AM, IS-M/SD, IS-M/PS, CRM, BI Since 2008 magazines

7 | arvato Systems | eMedia Strategy | 7 October 2013 Fifteen years ago different media types were considered stand alone

8 | arvato Systems | eMedia Strategy | 7 October 2013 ... the media types are converging

10 | arvato Systems | eMedia Strategy | 7 October 2013 Currently, all media types are moving to cloud solutions with multiple device access

11 | arvato Systems | eMedia Strategy | 7 October 2013 Roadmap for eMedia Strategy of arvato Systems

Convergent Media Platform

. eCommerce . Paywall . Commerce Solution Customer Solutions . Streaming Mediaspectrum . Publishing hybris

digital AdManagement Media Commerce Solution . Publishing SAP . . Paywall . eCommerce . SAP IS-Media Landscape . SAP CRM


2011 2013 2015

12 | arvato Systems | eMedia Strategy | 7 October 2013 Visit us and our Partners Booth 1.2.520 Hall 1.2

Contact: [email protected]

Thank you

13 | arvato Systems | eMedia Strategy | 7 October 2013