Waddesdon NEWS JANUARY 2018 Happy New Year!

The first snow of the winter, and the horses are having fun. COVERING THE PARISH OF – INCLUDING , WESTCOTT & OVER WINCHENDON 2 NEWSLETTER INFORMATION Editorial Team: Editor Mark Brandon Advertising Manager Caroline Winton Treasurer Norman Carr Printing: Waddesdon C of E Secondary School Colour Printing We welcome advertisements, announcements from individuals and organisations, articles and letters but we reserve the right to publish or not. Please sign your copy. The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the editorial team. Advertising: For more information contact Caroline Winton on 07767 422342 or email her at [email protected]. Prices for advertising are 1/6th page £60, 1/3rd page £100, and £250 per year for a full page . Copy: Artwork can be accepted in most digital forms, but as jpeg or Acrobat pdf is preferred. Distribution: This is done entirely by a dedicated team of volunteers to whom we are very grateful. Subscriptions: The newsletter is distributed free of charge in our villages but regretfully for postal copies we must make a small charge of £12 per annum renewable January. Contact the Editor.

All copy should be submitted to the Editor electronically at [email protected]. Or by post to 50 Sharps Close, Waddesdon HP18 0LZ. Or Any queries please phone 07973 298094. Thank you to all those who have volunteered to act as standby deliverers for the newsletter Over 1200 copies of the Newsletter are delivered to homes in Waddesdon,Westcott, Upper Winchendon and the surrounding areas. This is all done by volunteers.We now have a nucleus of people who will act as standby if anyone is unable to deliver at any time. FROM THE EDITOR 3

Any items which you may find of interest, and would like to see in the Newsletter, can be supplied either electronically or handwritten. Photos are also appreciated. I attempt to print all articles received, although space is limited. The newsletter is now available digitally. If for any reason you don’t receive the paper version, or would like a digital version, please email me at [email protected]. Deadline for February Issue: 20th January, 2018, 9pm. Mark Brandon, Editor 1st January 2018

Please Note: The Deadline for articles and adverts for the Newsletter is now the 20th of the month.This is to enable the newsletter to be delivered as early as possible for the following month. Email address: [email protected] INDEX

Local News 4 Local News 5 Waddesdon Parish Council 6 Westcott Parish Council 7 Waddesdon Manor News & Events 8 & 9 New Local Author 10 Adverts 11 to 30 Dementia Friendly? 31 Local Feature – Those Atkins girls 32 & 33 WI 34 Waddesdon Village Hall 35 Bygone Days 36 & 37 From the Minister 38 Church Notices 39 4 NEWS

THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION POPPY APPEAL 2017 – Waddesdon and District The total donated in this year amounted to £3,591.40 Donations were received, for Poppy wreaths from the Waddesdon Parish Council,Waddesdon Estate,Waddesdon Fire & Rescue Service, Waddesdon C of E School,Waddesdon Primary School, Little Oaks, Waddesdon WI, Methodist Shell Club and Church, Many Thanks to those organisations The Grand Total forwarded to the District Organiser amounts to £3,591.40 I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the local businesses who support the Appeal by having Poppy trays and collecting boxes on their counters, and special thanks and admiration for those volunteers who so readily go, in all weathers,“door to door" Waddesdon & District Horticultural Society The Society held it’s Annual General Meeting on 27th November and the following were elected or re-elected: Mr. B. Carr (President), Mr. I. Ewers (Vice-President), Mr. R. Saunders (Chairman), Mr.A. Lambourne (Vice- Chairman), Mrs. H. Lambourne (Secretary), Mrs. C. Dean (Treasurer) and committee members Mr. M. Busby, Mr. N. Carr, Mrs. E. Ewers and Mr. M. Stubbs. The meeting agreed to hold an Annual Show again in 2018 on August Bank Holiday Monday. It was noted how successful the 2017 Show had been and it was hoped that next year there would be continued support from exhibitors and visitors. Show schedules will be made available to members in the Spring of next year. The number of members remains fairly constant but it is hoped that there may be further interest from the village. Membership is only £2 for an annual subscription. One of the main benefits is that members can order Dobies seeds with a 30% discount and catalogues are now available from the Secretary. Members can also receive a 10% discount on most items at Nurseries. Further information on membership can be obtained from: Mrs. H. Lambourne, 45 Baker Street (01296 651635) NEWS 5

The end of yet another village club WADDESDON METHODIST “SHELL” CLUB Thank You 38 years ago in February 1980 Gerry and I started the “Shell” Club for boys and girls meeting most weeks in the Methodist Schoolroom.After many years of not only giving but receiving pleasure the time has come for me to stand down. I would like to thank all those who attended, their parents, and all my helpers over the years for their support. I leave with many fond memories. Thank you All – Barbara.

An Appreciation Over the years,Waddesdon has been very fortunate in having volunteers to run the various clubs and societies that have contributed so much to village life. One such has been the Methodist “Shell” Club founded by Gerry and Barbara Warne in 1980. For 36 of those years every Wednesday was devoted to the Shell Club; they also arranged various excursions, and hosted fun evenings at their home at Briar Hill. Barbara continued following the loss of Gerry, but has now decided to retire.The whole village should be grateful to them, especially those who attended and benefited from their kindness and devotion.

GENERAL SCHOOL LIBRARY INFORMATION The library is open every Monday during term time 5.30pm-8pm with a special events calendar available on the school website www.waddesdonschool.com. You can also follow us on Twitter @WadCommunityLib and Facebook (search for Waddesdon Community Library) for updates and information. Everyone is welcome to come along, sign up and borrow books! We welcome any suggestions for new titles or future events to be held here at Waddesdon Community Library and gratefully accept any donations of books for all ages, DVDs and magazines. 6 WADDESDON PARISH COUNCIL

Parish Council News January 2018

Our condolences go to the families of David Marlow and Roy Witney who died recently. You may remember that David was the Litter Picker for a number of years and did a sterling job of keeping the village clean and tidy. Roy served as a Parish Councillor for several years. The Over 60s Christmas party was a great success with nearly 100 people enjoying a 2-course meal with drink and entertainment. Thank you to everyone who gave up their time to help make this possible. We have purchased snow plough & salt spreader attachments to be better prepared for the winter weather. Please let the Clerk know if you would like to volunteer to help with gritting our paths during the cold weather. Due to the weather, work to the car park at Anstey Close will be starting in the Spring. Dates for your diaries: Monthly Parish Council meeting 17th January 2017, 7.30pm Parish Council Surgeries Unfortunately, there will not be a surgery in January. The next one will be on Friday 2nd February 1-3pm where we will be joined by the Community Engagement Manager for HS2 Ltd. If you have any queries relating to HS2, please come along for more information. If you are unable to make this time, please email the Clerk and she will pass your queries on. Contact us: Telephone: 01296 651800, Melanie Rose, Clerk Email: [email protected] Website: www.waddesdonparishcouncil.gov.uk Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WaddesdonParishCouncilClerk/ Useful information The Parish Council makes decisions on behalf of the people in the parish and is responsible for: Playpark & recreation ground Street lights (except along A41) Football field Bus shelters, benches, rubbish & dog bins Burial ground War memorial Allotments ( Road) Defibrillator (on front of Fire Station) Please report any matters relating to the above to the Clerk - Tel: 01296 651800. Email:[email protected] To report a highways issue such as For planning matters, rubbish collection, potholes: recycling etc: Tel: 01296 585858 http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/transport/tell- http://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/ tfb. email: [email protected] Tel: 01296 395000 WESTCOTT PARISH COUNCIL 7

The last meeting was held on 28th November which is reported below. There was no meeting in December. It was noted that despite the Parish Council providing dog bins, a few irresponsible owners still do not clear up when walking their dogs. If evidence can be provided, culprits may be prosecuted. A discussion took place regarding the visit of the Christmas float to the village combined with the house to house collection for charity. It is hoped to discuss the outcome and success of this at the January meeting. Details were noted of proposed changes to the Parliamentary Boundary constituency of , but Westcott is not affected by this. A report was given from a recent meeting of the Bucks Recycling Committee and of a meeting with the Venture Park management.The main item of interest is the completion of the sound bund, the effect of which will be considered in due course. It was also noted that plans are being discussed for a possible new roundabout at the A41 junction. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 9th January 2018 at 7.30pm in the Cricket Club pavilion.

Alan Lambourne Clerk to the Council Tel: 01296-651635 email: [email protected] website: www.westcottparishcouncil.gov.uk 8 WADDESDON MANOR News & Events

Winter weekend walks Waddesdon is open weekends from Saturday 6 January. Make the most of the wonderful landscapes right on your doorstep; get out and about and enjoy exploring our extensive grounds. From January to March the gardens are full of stark beauty, with early spring flowers such as snowdrops and winter aconites. It’s a perfect time to be inspired and reconnect with nature, spend time with friends and family or cosy up with a delicious hot chocolate.

Walk our five new mapped walking routes to discover highlights of the seasons in the gardens and lesser known areas of the wider estate. See our website for details or pick up a map when you arrive.You can bring your dog along for all five walks. For the sake of other visitors, we ask that dogs are kept on short leads and not brought into the formal Parterre and Aviary gardens and are kept out of the Woodland Playground.And another reminder that when walking on the estate, and especially on Silk Street, after dark, for safety, please do have a torch with you and/or wear hi-vis clothing so that you can see and be seen.

Wedding inspiration This year’s Wedding Inspiration Day is on Sunday 4 March at the Dairy. Wedding Inspiration is the must-attend wedding event for brides, grooms WADDESDON MANOR News & Events 9 and their bridal parties seeking ideas and inspiration for their big day, whether at Waddesdon, or further afield. The event is designed to be exciting, interactive, fun-filled and beautiful – don’t miss it!

Artisan market Artisan Food Market Sat 13 Jan, 10 Feb, 10 Mar, 14 Apr, 12 May, 9 June, 14 July, 11 Aug, 8 Sept, 13 Oct 2018 10am-2pm Visitor Car Park Look forward to delicious, locally-grown food and produce at our next artisan market on Saturday 13 January in the visitor car park. Offering the very best in quality, fresh, seasonal produce, all locally sourced, the market, held on the second Saturday of each month, aims to support local, small-scale, independent food producers. Come along to find vegetables, meats, fish, dairy, baked goods and much more…

Don’t forget you can keep up with everything that’s happening throughout the year with our e-newsletters. Please contact [email protected] to sign up for these. You can also follow Waddesdon Manor on Facebook and Twitter. 10 NEWS

First novel by local Author Vanessa Wiggins The Colour of Secrets 'The Colour of Secrets' is set in a fictionalised version of the Vale of and its villages - including Waddesdon - and is available to buy as a paperback or ebook from Amazon books. The novel is a poignant coming-of- age story, set largely in the more innocent world of the late 1950s, but with an undercurrent of gathering disquiet - and with a central mystery. The story follows a group of children as they grow up, and from whose point of view the lives of the adults are seen, but only half-understood.The atmosphere is nostalgic, but slowly reveals the secrets and complexities of the world around the youngsters. It's ultimately a story of loss, and redemption. Growing up in an English shires village in the late 1950s, Robbie Bradbury and his friends enjoy a carefree childhood. One summer, into their midst comes a wild and burdened child from London, who touches all their lives and yet remains an enigma. Against the quiet order of their rural upbringing, the six friends slowly uncover the complexities and tragedies that underlie the seemingly calm and ordered world they inhabit. Fifteen years later, as adults, two of the friends meet by chance and set out to track down their strange childhood playmate.

Available to buy as a paperback or ebook from Amazon books LOCAL ADVERTISING 11 Thames Valley Floor Sanding With our state of the art Lagler Trio sanding system we can offer a virtually dust free floor sanding service. With a wealth of experience in sanding and finishing we can offer a range of different stains, colours and finishes. Find us on facebook at:https://www.facebook.com/Thamesvalleyfloorsanding1 For a free no obligation quote call: 07545579037 or e-mail [email protected]

Contact Mark Taylor 07564 456641 – 01296 658007

To advertise in the WADDESDON NEWSLETTER Contact Caroline Winton on 07767 422343 or check the information on page 2

11 Luxury 24 hour car service from Waddesdon & surrounding areas Specialising in: Airport transfers, Cruise terminals & London Theatres Licensed with District Council [email protected] • Tel: 01296 329112

MARSH GIBBON FISHERY Fishing For All The Family!

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14 THE BIG TOP NURSERY AND PRE-SCHOOL THE BIG TOP NURSERY AND PRE-SCHOOL The Big Top Nursery74C inHigh Waddesdon Street, recently Waddesdon celebrated its first birthday. The nursery is setOffering back from childcare the Highfor children Street andaged backs3 months onto to open 5 years fields. We provide full timeOpen care 51 toweeks children per fromyear, sessionsthe age ofavailable 3 months between to 4 years. 8.00 a.m Open – 516.00 weeks p.m per year,Free with FFE sessions funded available places available for full for days, 3 and mornings 4 year orolds afternoons. in our pre-school 2, 3 and 4room yer old Call now to arrange a visit to view our beautifulfree new funded nursery, with place a fantastic available outside space where children can learn and explore Tel:For 01296 further 658898 information or visit call our 01296 website 658898 www.bigtopnursery.co.uk


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The Natural Choice

All types of carpets supplied and professionally laid. Home selection & advice on qualities to suit all budgets. We can install your own carpet for you. Contacts: Ray and Mark Burnham

14 Upper St, Quainton 14 Upper St,Tel: Quainton 655208 Mark: 07747 013521 Tel: 01296Ray: 07778655408 153792 Mark: 07747 013521

15 Massage by Lauren Alexandra (Females only please) I am fully qualified in Swedish, Deep Tissue & Sports Massage and fully insured. Massage can provide numerous benefits such as easing muscular strain, improving circulation and reduces emotional and physical stress. Please give me a call as I’m happy to answer all of your questions and advise you where necessary. Professional and Reliable service at competitive prices! 07732 752 856 , Aylesbury Green & Clarke Hair Design & Beauty High Street Waddesdon 01296 658875 Ladies, Gents & Children's appts Late opening - Thursday 9pm & Friday 8pm Walk In's Welcome Wide Range of Treatments Available by our experienced in house Beautician

16 Your local Worcester, Bosch Accredited Plumbing & Heating Specialists offering up to 10 year guarantee on new Worcester Bosch boilers. 0800 433 2252 / 07540 409842 www.masonplumbing.co.uk

MANMOBILE WITH DISCO A VAN ! W. Humphries ENTERTAINMENT Village Country & Equestrian Property NATIONWIDE 74 High Street Waddesdon Bucks COLLECTION & DELIVERY HP18 0JD.Tel: 01296 658270 SERVICE Or e-mail: [email protected] STUDENT MOVES. SALES & LETTINGS - Birthdays - Weddings - Anniversaries7 DAYS A - Kids WEEK Parties 01296 427182 Visit www.whumphries.co.uk or speak to Bill on the above number for any MOBILE:Call: 07540380092 07770 237745 Or E-mail: [email protected] property advice

GEORGE KNIBB & SON The Old Dairy B&B 4 High Street, Waddesdon, Aylesbury, Bucks Decoration & Restoration HP18 0JA of Tel: 07798 640248 Historic Buildings Email: [email protected] Tel: 01296 651318 Contact: Helen Conyard


RHT KLS Reliance Horse Transport Ltd Accountancy Services DEFRA Type 2 National/International Stud work, Sales, Racing, Airports, Vets, Based in Westcott Olympic forward facing 2 and 9 stall For all of your accountancy needs horseboxes removable breast bars contact Kim Saunders MAAT Mare and foal full looseboxes 01296 651615 [email protected] 07738 946427 07718 906656 / 01296730806 [email protected] Twyford

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DIY, ASSISTED DIY AND PART HORSE LIVERY Stables in American style barn Individual grass paddocks with running water 20m x 40m floodlit outdoor arena with jumps Private hacking and nearby bridle paths Safe and secure on site tack room Hay and straw provided Based in Waddesdon, Buckinghamshire Contact 07415656569 for more details and pricing

18 North Bucks A.E.PRENTICE Tree Surgery COAL MERCHANTS SINCE All aspects of Tree 1864 Surgery: Crown Reduction, Root Removal, Hedgelaying, Cutting, Fencing, Tree and Coal, Smokeless Fuels, Logs, Kindling Hedge Planting, Woodchip Wood & Bottled Gas

Shawn Connor N.C.A, C&G, N.P.T.C. Regular Deliveries to your Area! 01296 651010 Fully Qualified & Insured PHONE 01869 346800 The Old Bakery, High Street, Waddesdon www.coal4you.co.uk

SARAH SHAW ART T. D. SAUNDERS GENERALP&A BUILDERS zPetFree portraits, Estimates abstracts, favour- CAR & VAN HIRE z Freeview, Freesat & SKY ziteAnalogue places, & Digital scenes TV Aerialsor buildings. Extensions No Job Too Small z FMCan Stereo match Aerials with home décor. hAlterationsUnlimited Mileage Free Quotations (Cars) z DAB Aerials zBirthday,Problem Solving, wedding, Extra TV anniversary Points, TV Tun- hConversionsAA Cover References Available Christmasing & Digibox gifts Installations or just a treat for hDrivewaysComprehensive PatiosInsurance Fencing yourself.C Callontac Saraht on: 01296 658853 UnitCALL 14, Fleet BARRY Marston ON Farm 5RMobile:E 2·&RQQ 07798HOO  738028  07792 879375Aylesbury, OR Bucks01296 658043 Or visitTe sarahlouiseartistl: 01296 330621 on FB [email protected]: [email protected]

Alltime Driving Institute S. D. FOWLER Your Local Driving School Electrical Contractor Based in Westcott Call Sue on 01296 651969 EMail: [email protected] Fully Qualified and Experienced All types of electrical work undertaken Or visit the website www.Alltime-Driving.co.uk Please ring Steve on 01296 487057 or 07885 590986

19 R. W. Baughan Pest Control

Sable House, 25 Raven Crescent, Westcott, Bucks HP18 0PA Tel: 01296 651550 Mobile: 07773 489062



HaveYou can you try tried bowls Bowls? at any time by contacting Quality Carpentry our Club Captain David Oxley on 01296 There is always a748144. welcome for all age groups at our attractive club Internal and External premisesYou will always in Silk be Street. made welcome by our From Kitchens and Doors Themembers Club has who qualified contrary to coaches popular belief To Roofs and Floors consist of many under 30s. Give us a try! and tuition is free. We do have official coaches but why not come along and have a go first. Free Estimates For further information please (01296) 730276 It's free and a lovely way to spend a summer phoneevening either followed Brian by Watts a drink (01296) at the bar. 738060Website: or www.waddesdonbowlsclub.co.uk David Oxley (01296)

20 Contact

5RE 2·&RQQHOO   Tel: 01296 330621

Green Dragon Eco Centre Hair by Kim ¶)$5072 )25.· Cookery Courses City & Guilds Qualified mobile Chef Tables hairdresser & Barber Restaurant Nights Salon in Lower Street Quainton using our own & local produce Free Parking with our new award winning Evening Appointments Head Chef Stephen Bulmer Call , nr Waddesdon www.greendragonecofarm.co.uk 07718 340026 01296 670444

21 D SLATER CARPENTRY AND HOME IMPROVEMENTS Do you want that job you've been meaning to do completed? Floor laying, loft boarding, flat pack/ furniture assembly, door locks/handles fitting, partitioning, general DIY and anything in between! Please contact Daryl on 07538 514339 or [email protected] and I'll get back to you.

%LUG¶V :RUGV &RS\ZULWLQJ WRIGHTWRIGHT STORAGE STORAGE Need something writing? We can do SERVICES WKDW 2U SHUKDSV \RX¶YH ZULWWHQ VRPH SERVICES WKLQJ EXW LW MXVW GRHVQ¶W VRXQG ULJKW" :H edit and proofread too. Storage now available From website content to CVs, blog posts in Waddesdon. to presentations, we can help you. For further information ‡ (GLWLQJ 3URRIUHDGLQJ ‡ 2IIOLQH &RS\ZULWLQJ Contact ‡ 6(2 :HEVLWH &RQWHQW Call us: 01296 532 042 Tel: 01296 658003 Email: [email protected] Visit: www.birdswords.co.uk Mob 07977 472125

We are new in the Village! G. M. BECKET HEWITT'S Bricklayer Barber Shop now open 74, High Street, Waddesdon HP18 0JD 35 years experience [email protected] For all your brickwork needs 01296 651110 No job too small! Why not pop in for a cut or shave. 10% off with presenting this ad! 01296 651497

22 Baker Street ACE REPAIRS · All Gutter/Roof problems solved Engravings Individually designed engravings for · Gutter/Roof Cleaning Dog Walking cups, tankards, shields, I.D. tags · Conservatory Cleaning and small industrial plates. · UPVC Fascias/GutteringCat Sitting Trophies supplied. Pop-in Visits · Soakaways Maintained/ GLASS ENGRAVING A SPECIALITY FullyNew Insured Soakaways and Police checked ·Telephone Storm Repairs 01296 651423 or Proprietor: Mike Evans Free Quotations07871156785 / Fair Prices The Bungalow, Baker Street Website : www.debzpetz.co.uk Waddesdon, Bucks CALL MARTIN 01296 483221 Tel: 01296 658129 email : [email protected] 333810

LAWN MOWER REPAIRS Service & Repairs to all makes of MOBILE HAIR STYLIST lawnmowers, strimmers & other garden machinery Free Quotations on request Jackie Powell free local collection To make an appt please call: Call 01296 658483 Stuart on 01296Call 651211 or or Stuart07545 on 01296 255591 658431 or 07545 255591 07773 876264

Ride on Time Waddesdon

Every Friday 10am-11.30am Waddesdon Village Hall

Also available for party hire & events

mob: 07786 159552 www.rideontimehire.com 23 SECURE DRY STORAGE REQUIRED • Waddesdon area • 40 x 40ft approximately • Will be fully insured • Contact John 07860 449735

24 Botany Garden Services • Full garden make-over? • Spring or autumn tidy up? • Regular mowing or maintenance? • Fencing, gates, garden buildings? Contact Stewart for a free quotation: 01296 651910 [email protected] Est. 2002

Start to Run in 2018 Go from couch to 5k and get fit for the new year 8 week beginners running course in Waddesdon starting Thursday 11 January 2018 For more details email [email protected] Lead by Running Happy, UK Athletics


Mondays 6:45pm, Tuesdays 9:30am, Thursdays 7:30pm and Saturdays 9am Dance based aerobics and strength training, suitable for all ages and abilities. Waddesdon Village Hall, Baker Street, HP18 0LQ www.jazzercise.net/uk/waddesdon, [email protected], 07739186231

HOMEWARE High Street, Waddesdon 01296 651279 Monday ± Saturday 5.45am ± 7pm Sunday 6.15am ± 12.30pm Newspapers, Off Licence, Lottery, Confectionery & Food POST OFFICE Monday ± Friday 9am ± 5.30pm Saturday 9am ± 1pm

26 QUAINTON GARAGE (Est. 1946) Approved MOT Testing Station All cars, modern or classic [including 4x4] repaired Servicing to manufacturer's schedules or customer's requirements Diagnostics, Brakes, Suspension, Steering, Tyres, Exhausts, Batteries Lower Street, Quainton. Tel: 01296 655286

Fowler Electrical Ltd

Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Electricians NICEIC Approved Contractor No Job Too Small Free Quotes

Office 01296 655504 or Mobile 07526 705075

27 AYLESBURY WINDOW COMPANY Shop where the Trade shops

Trade prices for the supply of

Windows : Doors : Conservatories : Glass roofs : Facia and Guttering products.

A & B rated windows made to measure available in 7 Days. Full Fitting service.

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High technical specification Double Glazed units for all types of installations including Solar Control and Self Cleaning. Single glass and Mirrors cut to size.

Showroom at 9a Bessemer Crescent Aylesbury HP19 8TF

For a Free, no obligation quotation or advice on products and services please do not hesitate to contact either Martin or Colin on 01296 710044 or fax 710074

FENSA Your One Stop Window Shop

Registered Company address 9a Bessemer Crescent Aylesbury Bucks HP19 8TF [email protected] Directors M K Smith S E Smith B P Young D J Young

28 Tel: 01296 651227

29 30 31 32 NEWS

Those Atkins Girls I live in Hitchin and receive Waddesdon News. It’s sent to me by my Uncle Graham who lives in Dorking.When I’ve read it I send it to my cousin Annette in Chichester. She then sends it to Australia to a friend who is former resident of Waddesdon . So why do we get it? The reason is that Graham,Annette and I are related to Jack and Win Atkins who used to live in Quainton Road. Graham is their son and Annette and I are cousins our mums being Freda and Nellie sisters of Graham. The photo shows the Atkins women and some of their offspring. It was taken in the garden in Quainton Road in the late 1970s.From the left are Emily Atkins, Nancy Bird nee Atkins, Katy BirdNancy’s daughter, Win Atkins, my Gran and mother to the Atkins girls, Freda Maltby nee Atkins – my mum -, Maggie Maltby, Freda’s daughter in law, me Helen nee Maltby, Nellie Booth nee Atkins.The children are mine,Alistair and Claire. Sadly Win, her husband Jack and the sisters and their husbands have all gone to glory. My mum was last. It was as if she continued to look after them all as she had when they were children and couldn’t go before them. Graham is the last of that generation and hail and hearty! Gran – Win Atkins – was a Sharp and visiting now I see that the family house at the bottom of Frederick Street is named Sharp House. I’ve a photo of my grandparents wedding party in the grounds and it shows the houses opposite behind everyone.The photo is in the garden which has now been sold off and another house has been built there. I used to play in the garden when visiting Gran’s sister Gertrude Sharp. But that’s another story. I spent a lot of time in Waddesdon staying with my Gran and Gram and have very fond memories of the village. Gram was Sunday School Superintendent at the Methodist Church and so I would go too. I used to go on family picnics or just walks across the fields to the steps. These straddled the fence to the railway line that runs to Quainton. NEWS 33

We now take friends to Waddesdon Manor where I used to play in the surrounding grounds, having started at the cricket field or rec and then going onwards. I have a memory of being aged about 9 riding a friend’s bike at the triangle as it was known, by the cricket field. I was speeding towards some railings when I discovered the brakes didn’t work! Needless to say I crashed into them. So plenty of fond memories. Maybe some of your readers may remember my family. I do hope they are good ones! Helen Richardson, Hitchin [email protected] 07880 682681 34 NEWS

The unexpected snowy weather forced a change of plan to our December meeting as we felt conditions were rather treacherous for getting to our usual venue at the Bowls’ Club. We were very grateful to Jenny, our President, for hosting our Christmas party where the mince pies were scrumptious, the mulled wine flowed freely and the carol- singing and handbell ringing were second to none. In January we’ll be burning off the Christmas calories with a taster tap- dancing session which promises to be fun. Make it your New Year’s resolution to join us! February will be a creative writing session led by a local author. Save the dates for our 2018 fundraising activities; back by overwhelming demand is our Murder Mystery on Saturday 21 April and our ever popular bingo evening will be held on Saturday 17 November. We have a varied programme to suit all ages and tastes. We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month at Waddesdon Bowls Club unless otherwise advertised.With the dark winter nights continuing, come and join us in our cozy venue to meet new friends! Meetings are free to members and we ask for a recommended donation of around £5 plus materials, where applicable, for non-members. For further details contact the Secretary, Kathryn Aldersea on 07739 300229. email: [email protected] or find us on our Facebook page – Waddesdon WI. 35 36 Bygone Days

This article was originally hand written in 1978.We are grateful to Alison Welsh who has kindly typed it for the Newsletter. Waddesdon’s Great Storm We all know that no matter from which direction you approach Waddesdon, whether by road from Quainton,Aylesbury or Westcott or by field from or Upper Winchendon you will have to climb from the level of the Aylesbury Vale up the hill into the village. No problems with storm water then? On 20th May, 1924, something happened in Waddesdon which most people would have thought to be impossible. It resulted in among other things a builder getting an uncomfortable surprise, a schoolmaster having a manure heap transported through his house, children having to be collected from school and animals dying. It was a conversational subject that lasted for many a year . . . it rained, a lot. On Sunday May 18th, 1924 a swift thunderstorm occurred in the late afternoon and another the next evening.The atmosphere remained oppressive and it was obvious that more thunder would follow. Tuesday began similarly to Sunday and Monday and by mid-afternoon the thunder clouds had gathered. Huge spots of rain began to fall to an accompaniment of heavy thunder and lightning, (in some places hailstones as large as marbles fell to a depth of several inches according to The ). In a few seconds the heavens opened and the most concentrated storm in recent local history had commenced. It lasted less than an hour but various locations in the Aylesbury area recorded more than two inches of rainfall. There have always been flooding trouble-spots in the village, (along the course of the ancient brook flowing from Lodge Hill to Warmstone), but the floods have subsided before real damage has been caused. A baker delivering bread in Frederick Street found that his horse refusing to face the storm, turned so that he was looking down the hill.A motorcyclist rounding the corner at the bottom abandoned his motorbike and sidecar and rushed to shelter in the passageway between the terraced cottages – whilst he watched, the flood water rose until the combination disappeared from view.A youth walking from Waddesdon Manor down to the Bothy whilst delivering bread was unable to find shelter on the way and arrived with misshapen soggy lumps in his basket. Everywhere the drains and ditches were unable to cope, the volume of water in the sewers lifting manhole Bygone Days 37 covers and the pond near the British School in Baker Street rapidly spread over the road. Meanwhile there was someone working in the village who was oblivious to events outside . . . Grace’s Bakehouse at the entrance to Quainton Road was one of five in the village having coal-fired, side flue ovens,They were constructed with a stone floor and heated by a fire situated down one side of the oven.When the flue was opened the draught caused the hot air and flames to pass over the stones thus raising their temperature to that necessary for the baking of bread. Periodically the oven floor had to be relaid as the heat caused the stones to loosen and become uneven.This was a most unpleasant job due to heat retained in the stones, and the very cramped working space. Combined with that, the sound deadening effect of the oven walls isolated the builder from the world outside. On that afternoon, Eli Cripps, a Waddesdon builder was busily re-setting the floor of Grace’s oven, he knew nothing of the tremendous storm outside, nor the the drain which connected the bake-house to Goss’s brook down the Green, was backing up.When he finally wriggled backwards out of the oven and dropped to the bake-house floor the last thing he expected was water nearly to his waist! Meanwhile in Baker Street at the British School (later renamed The Council School and now private housing), the flood water had risen to the height of the brick wall supporting the perimeter railings.This “lake” now flowed through the orchard and farmyard of Mr Arthur Goss, (now Chestnut Close) and across Baker Street at Elm Dene and Ivy Dene Cottages, some of the torrent passing through the cottages.A manure heap formerly stacked at the farmyard was washed away and deposited along the route. Further on from The Baker’s Arms towards Warmstone, the flooding was more severe.The water rose sufficient to extinguish cooking fires in the grates of many of the cottages, whilst in the backyard gardens there were several instances of drowned poultry where caged birds had been unable to escape the rising water. For those living in the pathway of the flood, it may have been something of a minor disaster, but for the school-children it was a day to remember with pleasure. On no other occasion has it been necessary for the village policeman (Sgt Snelling in this case), to commandeer horse drawn vans and carts, to collect them at the end of the day. Norman Carr 1st January 2018 38 FROM THE MINISTER

. . . and a partridge in pear tree Beside me, as I write my piece for the January Newsletter, sit a pile of Christmas cards waiting to be hung up. On top of the pile is one illustrating what used to be a well known carol,The Twelve Days of Christmas, featuring a menagerie of birds - 7 swans a swimming, 6 geese a laying, 4 calling birds, 3 French hens, 2 turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. A comic sketch imagines how exasperated the recipient of such a generous but rather inconvenient gift must have felt.What would you do with 23 assorted birds? The carol is thought to have a hidden meaning possibly being used during the years of Catholic suppression to teach the foundations of the Christian faith. Reading the results of a poll investigating what children believe about Christmas made me wonder if the story of God coming to make his home on Earth amongst us will soon become as mysterious as the carol. Some say that this would be no bad thing, that it would be best if religion were expunged from society.All attempts to do this by force have resulted in failure. There have been calls for religious programming to be removed from radio and TV, especially as it caters for such a small proportion of the population, however religious broadcasting is to be increased. R.E is now considered an essential part of the curriculum in schools preparing students for life in a multicultural society. When all is said and done human beings are innately religious creatures. This year we are offering a chance to explore the Christian faith and inviting anyone who would like to know why the Christmas story is not simply the stuff of nativity plays but part of a bigger story that has been changing lives for two millennia to “taste see”. If you would like to be part of the exploratory group, or at least know more, please phone for a chat (655069). May 2018 be a year of opportunity and hope for you. Blessings Mary PARISH CHURCH SERVICES 39

Every Friday 9 am Morning Prayer, Waddesdon January Sunday 7th 9.30 am Cafe Church, Westcott 11 am Together All Age Worship, Waddesdon Sunday 14th 8 am BCP Holy Communion, Waddesdon 9.30 am Morning Worship, Winchendon 11 am Morning Worship, Waddesdon Sunday 21st 11 am Family Communion, Waddesdon Sunday 28th 9.30 am Holy Communion, Winchendon 11 am Holy Communion, Waddesdon February Sunday 4th 9.30 am Cafe Church, Westcott 11 am Together All Age Worship, Waddesdon From the Registers (Waddesdon unless noted): Funeral: Frank Hepper, December 14th An English Civil War Reward Poster

A reproduction of a proclamation printed in 1651 for the arrest of Charls Stuart, the future Charles II, after the battle of Worcester. Issued by Oliver Cromwell and Parliament, this print is produced in the manner of the time using metal type. Composed by hand, and printed with handmade paper by non-mechanical means on an Albion Press. This poster was handset in Old English and Garamond typefaces, and printed on an Albion press. This is a limited edition first impression, which makes an ideal present for anyone interested in English history Print supplied to 10 x 13 inches Text area is 6 x 9.5 inches Visit us to place your order at www.blackletterprint.com

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