February 4, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E105 fishing with his boys and father, traveling the amendment by a two-thirds vote. Now the vot- the Korean Peninsula into South and North world with his wife and close friends, and ers of will have the final say during a Korea separated millions of Koreans from their making a mess in his barn. statewide election in 2022, where I am con- family members. Through the years, there Captain Sagel is survived by his wife, Pam, fident Kansans will choose life. have been some agreed upon reunions be- and his two sons Spenser and Austin. I appre- I will always unapologetically defend the tween South and North Koreans. For Korean ciate his lifetime of service to our community. sanctity of all human life, especially the most Americans, however, there is no pathway for f vulnerable among us—the unborn. I promised such reunions, as they have not been per- that I would be a fearless pro-life advocate mitted to participate in these inter-Korean fam- 2021 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA throughout my public service, and I will keep ily reunions. Many of these Americans are in my word to those who elected me to serve in their 70s through 90s, and time is of the es- HON. JOE WILSON Congress. After being sworn into office on sence to be reunited with their families. I have OF January 3rd, I immediately joined the Con- had the honor to meet some of these divided IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gressional Pro-Life Caucus as my first con- Korean American family members, and it Thursday, February 4, 2021 gressional caucus and cosponsored several breaks my heart that their chance of a reunion key pieces legislation which would defund with their loved ones grows less likely each Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam Planned Parenthood, prohibit any abortion day. Speaker, on Monday I had the opportunity to after 20 weeks, and prohibit the use of federal As a member of the State and Foreign Op- announce my 2021 Legislative Agenda by tax dollars for abortion. erations Subcommittee on the House Appro- hosting with my wife Roxane, press con- Despite all of this, we are already beginning priations Committee, I am proud to have se- ferences across the Second District of South to see the drastic consequences of the 2020 cured provisions in the Fiscal Year 2020 and Carolina in West Columbia, Aiken, North Au- presidential election for the pro-life community. 2021 accompanying reports that support the gusta, Barnwell, with presentations in Orange- President Joe Biden is wasting no time to ad- reunification of Korean Americans and their burg and Lexington. My legislative priorities for vance his radical pro-abortion agenda. The families in North Korea. this year begin with defeating the pandemic by Biden administration announced that they in- The unresolved status of the war continues working with the Governor Henry McMaster to tend to revoke the Mexico City Policy, which to impact multiple generations of Korean improve testing and ensure fast access to a bans taxpayer funding to foreign Americans, particularly women, in myriad safe vaccine. This year’s agenda also focuses organizations that provide abortions. President ways. All these years later, many survivors of on creating jobs and economic growth by pro- Biden and his Democrat counterparts will the war are still haunted by their trauma. And tecting ‘Right to Work’ laws in South Carolina shamefully send Americans’ hard-earned younger generations who are responsible for and advocating for current and future missions money to other countries with the intention of their caregiving often internalize this unre- at the Savannah River Site. funding abortions—this is deeply wrong and solved grief. This year more than ever before it is impor- sends a horrible message about our values to This is why I am proud to reintroduce the tant to promote conservative, limited govern- the rest of the world. Divided Families Reunification Act with Con- ment solutions. The 2021 agenda includes Unfortunately, it does not end there. Presi- gressman , which requires the supporting a Balanced Budget Amendment to dent Biden also proudly campaigned on end- Secretary of State or a designee to consult the Constitution and supporting our police. I ing the Hyde Amendment, a bipartisan, pro-life with officials in South Korea on potential op- will also continue to promote peace through public policy that has been in place for more portunities to reunite Korean American families strength and ensure the security of our coun- than four decades that restricts federal funding with family members in North Korea. This bill try, strengthen alliances for information and for abortions. If you didn’t know, President will also require the Special Envoy on North medical resource sharing, and support military Biden had previously opposed taxpayer-fund- Korean Human Rights to submit a report on families. ed abortion for nearly 50 years, until he de- the opportunities for video reunions between In conclusion, God Bless Our Troops and cided to run for president and abandon his Korean Americans and family members in we will never forget September 11th in the conviction on the issue. I pray that President North Korea. Global War on Terrorism. Biden will appeal to his better angels and re- I encourage all my colleagues to cosponsor f turn to a commonsense support of the Hyde this bipartisan bill, which unanimously passed ROE V. WADE Amendment, especially if he truly wants to the House of Representatives during the 116th unite our country. Forcing American taxpayers Congress. SPEECH OF to subsidize unrestricted, unlimited abortions f will only further our divisions and isolate our HON. JAKE LaTURNER fellow Americans. HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF KANSAS We must reaffirm our commitment to de- OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fending the most vulnerable lives among us— Wednesday, February 3, 2021 the unborn. Pro-life Americans, especially pro- HON. life Kansans, will not rest until innocent human OF Mr. LATURNER. Madam Speaker, this past life is protected from the abortion industry. Life IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 22 marked the 48th anniversary of will win. the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. f Thursday, February 4, 2021 Now more than ever, America must continue Mr. LONG. Madam Speaker, I rise today to to unapologetically stand for the sanctity of all DIVIDED FAMILIES include in the RECORD an article honoring REUNIFICATION ACT human life. As the representative of Kansas’ Sheldon Adelson, who was a truly great Amer- Second Congressional District, my constitu- ican. The following article, by Matt Brooks the ents can be assured that I will always protect HON. Executive Director of the Republican Jewish pro-life values at home and in . I OF Coalition, published in Newsweek on January promised that I would be a fearless pro-life ad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 15, 2021, honors his incredible life and legacy. vocate throughout my public service, and I will Thursday, February 4, 2021 Horatio Alger wrote rags-to-riches stories keep my word to those who elected me. in the 1800s about poor boys who became In Kansas, I am proud to put my full support Ms. MENG. Madam Speaker, I rise today to wealthy through pluck, luck and good deeds. behind the ‘‘Value Them Both Amendment’’ announce the reintroduction of my Divided Sheldon Adelson did him one better, actually that recently passed the Kansas Legislature. Families Reunification Act, and to raise the living a rags-to-riches story rooted in hard Currently, there is a legal basis for an unre- voices of families who have been separated work, vision, courage—and good deeds. With stricted, unlimited abortion access in Kansas for decades both across the DMZ and across Sheldon’s passing, we have lost not only a due to the Hodes & Nauser v. Schmidt deci- the Pacific Ocean. remarkably successful business leader and an sion handed down by our liberal Kansas Su- Over seventy years ago, millions of Koreans extraordinary philanthropist, but someone I was privileged to call a dear mentor and preme Court. The Value Them Both Amend- were plunged into a harrowing war that friend. ment will allow for commonsense regulation brought misery, death, and destruction to their It is well known that Sheldon came from on the abortion industry that protects babies lives. Since then, the war has been frozen by humble beginnings, as the child of immi- and mothers. Thankfully, both the Kansas an armistice agreement—signed on July 27, grants living in Boston’s Dorchester neigh- House and Senate passed the constitutional 1953—that persists to today. The division of borhood. More than 80 years later, he still

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:16 Feb 05, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04FE8.009 E04FEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS E106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 4, 2021 viewed the world through the eyes of a poor I have a very vivid memory of the first the Republican Senate Majority Leader’s desk kid from Dorchester. As one of the richest time I met Sheldon. I traveled to while hundreds of thousands of our fellow men in America, he could afford the finest to tell him about the Republican Jewish Coa- Americans succumbed to the virus and mil- wines and any luxury foods he desired. But lition (RJC) and try to get him involved in lions of others lost their livelihoods and busi- those who knew him knew that the best time the organization. We had a wide-ranging con- to meet with Sheldon was on Friday over versation and, at one point, he asked me nesses, and everyone faced an uncertain fu- lunch in his office, because that was his fa- what I thought about something he’d said. I ture. vorite day, when his staff would bring him said I disagreed with him. You could have It would send a powerful signal to the Amer- hot dogs and sliders for lunch and he was heard a pin drop in that room. Sheldon ican people if our colleagues across the aisle sure to be in a good mood. He never lost his cocked his head and asked, ‘‘Why?’’ I an- would join us in this effort because nothing enjoyment for those kinds of simple things. swered him honestly, sure that I had lost all would better show them that their elected rep- More than that, Sheldon never lost touch chance of getting him interested in the RJC, resentatives can set partisanship aside and with people. Most of those who achieve his but he replied, ‘‘Yeah, I think you might be put America first. level of success spend a lot of money on staff right.’’ After that, Sheldon was very in- to serve as buffers between them and other And that bipartisan achievement would por- volved in the RJC and gave generously not tend success for similar initiatives in the area people. Sheldon didn’t do that. At Repub- only his money, but more importantly, his lican Jewish Coalition events, people would of infrastructure, energy, national and home- time and good counsel. Much of the RJC’s in- land security, and criminal justice and immi- be lined up 20- or 30-deep to say hello and novation and impact over the last few years take pictures with him. He obliged them, were made possible by his vision and leader- gration reform, all of which I am ready and even in the middle of eating his dinner. He ship. willing to reach across the aisle to find com- gave out his cell phone number freely and Sheldon was an American patriot, a dedi- mon ground. enjoyed being with people, talking to them cated defender of and a living example So, if our Republican colleagues are ame- and listening to them. of the American dream. His passing truly nable to reaching an agreement on a legisla- Sheldon was a serial entrepreneur who cre- leaves an empty place where a vibrant, cou- ated dozens of companies over the years. He tive response that is commensurate to the was often called a visionary leader, which is rageous and caring man once stood. He will challenge facing Americans, nothing in the true, but he had more than just vision. Hard be sorely missed. legislation before us will preclude that from work and courageous confidence (or out- f happening. rageous confidence, to your detractors) are But have no doubt, if they refuse to be part CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON required to achieve great things. Sheldon of the solution, the unified and bicameral THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR had a vision of Las Vegas as more than just Democratic congressional majority, in coordi- a gambling town. He knew that bringing in 2021 nation with the new Democratic Administra- trade shows and business conventions and of- tion, will take the lead and act boldly to ad- fering grand resorts with the finest amen- SPEECH OF ities and big, beautiful rooms would make dress and overcome the present crisis. Las Vegas a top destination for millions of HON. I would urge my Republican colleagues to people. When he began building The Vene- OF heed the words of Republican Governor Jim tian, he was mocked and called a fool. But he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Justice of West who said colorfully never lost confidence in his vision of what Wednesday, February 3, 2021 just a few days ago, ‘‘At this point in time in Las Vegas could be, and today everyone is this nation, we need to go big. We need to copying his integrated resort model. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, as a sen- quit counting the egg-sucking legs on the The same was true in Asia, where Sheldon ior member of the Committees on the Judici- cows and count the cows and just move. And saw glittering potential in Macau, then a ary, on Homeland Security, on the Budget, seedy, prostitution-ridden city. He turned it move forward and move right now.’’ into Asia’s own Las Vegas, on land reclaimed and as the Member of Congress for a con- The same sentiment was expressed more from the sea. People called him crazy, but gressional district that has experienced the eloquently by Abraham Lincoln in 1862 when once again he had the courage of his convic- worst of COVID–19 as a public health emer- he memorably wrote: tions and he was proven right. His confidence gency and economic catastrophe, I rise in The dogmas of the quiet past are inad- in his own vision and his willingness to take strong support of H. Con. Res. 11, 447, which equate to the stormy present. The occasion risks to bring that vision to fruition were reorders budgetary priorities to provide $1.9 is piled high with difficulty, and we must the keys to his success. trillion to allow Congress to take immediate rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so That success made it possible for him and and decisive action to crush the virus and vac- we must think anew and act anew. We must his beloved wife, Dr. Miriam Adelson, to en- disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save gage in substantial and meaningful philan- cinate our people, build the economy back our country. better, reopen schools, and provide needed thropy—in the Jewish community and be- Mr. Speaker, the bipartisan action we took yond. The Adelsons have been the largest support and assistance to state and local gov- last December was a step in the right direction funders of Taglit-Birthright Israel and sup- ernments that have been asked to do too ported Yad Vashem, United Hatzalah and but only a long-delayed down payment; we much with too little for far too long. cannot afford any more delays, especially Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, among Mr. Speaker, by an overwhelming margin since Republican stalling already caused a other organizations in Israel. They built a (79 percent), the public wants and is demand- $65 million campus in Las Vegas for the Mil- painful lapse in critical unemployment assist- ton I. Schwartz Hebrew Academy and ing that we act to provide more economic re- ance last year, and additional unemployment Adelson School, which serves students from lief to address the damage caused by the assistance is set to expire on March 14, 2021. preschool through high school. In addition, coronavirus pandemic. That is why this resolution, which creates a their Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of Repub- failsafe alternative so that the American Res- Medical Research Foundation funds collabo- licans and Republican-leaning independents rative, cutting-edge medical research. Dr. cue Plan can be debated, voted on, and believe an additional relief package is nec- passed, is absolutely crucial and the right Miriam Adelson has contributed enormously essary, while more than nine in ten (92 per- to drug addiction research and therapy, and thing to do and to do right now. the Adelsons built two major drug abuse cent) Democrats and Democratic leaners say The American Rescue Plan proposed by treatment and research centers, in Las more coronavirus aid will be needed. President Biden takes a multiprong approach Vegas and in Israel. Even the most conservative Republicans to tackling the public health and economic cri- The Adelsons have also extended tremen- favor more relief by a 56 percent–44 percent ses stemming from the COVID–19 pandemic. dous kindness to friends and others in need. margin. No one is better prepared or more experi- Sheldon showed the same compassion to his Nearly nine in ten of all adults (88 percent) enced to lead the American rescue that Presi- employees that he showed to everyone else. in lower-income households say an additional When COVID–19 hit, he refused to lay off his dent Biden, who as Vice-President oversaw employees, and he continued to provide them package is necessary, while 81 percent of Re- the implementation of the Recovery Act, which with full pay and benefits throughout the publicans in lower-income households (81 per- saved millions of jobs and rescued our econ- pandemic. cent) say additional aid is needed now. omy from the Great Recession the Obama Ad- Sheldon did what he thought was right, in Let me make clear at the outset Mr. Speak- ministration and the nation inherited from a business and in every other part of his life. If er, that nothing in this resolution precludes the previous Republican administration. you wanted to argue with him, you had bet- reaching of a bipartisan and bicameral agree- And let us not forget that President Obama ter know your stuff. Sheldon never got a col- ment to pass and fund the President’s Amer- lege degree, but he was one of the smartest also placed his confidence in his vice-presi- people I’ve ever known. He hated yes-men ica Rescue Plan, which in nearly all material dent to oversee the rescue of the automotive and respected people who were not intimi- respects mirrors the Heroes Act passed by the industry, which he did so well that the Amer- dated by him or his wealth—people who House Democratic majority on May 15, 2020, ican car industry fully recovered its status as would give him honest and sound counsel. nearly nine months ago, only to languish on the world leader.

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