1.0 CALL TO ORDER The scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees of the McHenry County Conservation District was called to order at 5:07 p. m. by President Henning on the evening of Tuesday, June 22, 2021. The meeting was available for public access in-person and through ZOOM communications platform. The meeting was recorded and posted on YouTube with an accessible link the following morning at www.MCCDistrict._org.

2.0 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by President Henning.

3.0 INTRODUCTORY ROLL CALL 3. 1 Roll Call Trustees Present: John Henning, President Dave Brandt, Vice President Bill Cook, Treasurer Carolyn Campbell, Secretary Linda Thomas, Trustee Pat Fritz, Trustee Chris Dahm, Trustee

Special Guests: Illinois Senator Wilcox, 32"d Legislative District Illinois House Representative , 63rd Legislative District Illinois House Representative , 66th Legislative District Michael Buehler, McHenry County Board Chairman

Counsel & Staff Present: Ketli Wegner, County Board Liaison Andrew Paine, Attorney Renaldo "Rey" Gayton, Jr., Trustee Appointee Elizabeth S. Kessler, Executive Director John Kremer, Director of Operations & Public Safety Andy Dylak, Director of Administration & Finance Ed Collins, Director of Land Preservation & Natural Resources Wendy Kummerer, Director of Marketing and Education StephanieMichael, IT Specialist (Remote) Gabe Powers, Natural Resources Project Coordinator Becky Lambert, Education Services Manager Amy Peters, Planning Manager Sara Denham, Wildlife Resource Center Manager Brad Woodson, Natural Resources Manager Brenna Ness, Agricultural Services Coordinator (Remote) Perry Weborg, Sites and Fleet Manager Megan Lee, Executive Administrative Assistant

06. 22. 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 10 Others Present: Kevin Ivers, President, McHenry County Conservation Foundation Board of Trustees, Trustee Emeritus Bonnie Leahy, Trustee Emeritus Martie German, Trustee, McHenry County Conservation Foundation Dave Kranz, Trustee Emeritus Pete Merkel, Trustee Emeritus Becky Gillam, District Director for Senator Donald P. DeWitte Hannah Cook, District Director for Representative Suzanne Ness Melissa Sanchez-Fischer, Republican Caucus

4.0 CONSERVATION ETHIC Treasurer Cook read the Conservation Ethic and Goal tfb aloud.

5.0 CONSERVATION STEWARDSHIP PLEDGE Vice President Brandt read the Conservation Stewardship Pledge No. 1 aloud.

6.0 ADOPT THE AGENDA A motion was made by Secretary Campbell, seconded by Vice President Brandt, to adopt the agenda. A roll call vote gave the following results: Dahm-yes, Campbell-yes, Cook-yes, Fritz-yes, Brandt-yes, Thomas-yes, and Henning-yes. Motion passed unanimously.

7.0 SPECIAL RECOGNITION PRESENTATIONS/INTRODUCTIONS 7.1 Celebrating the District's 50th Anniversary 7. 1 a Illinois Senate Certificate of Recoanition - Presented by The Honorable State Senator Crais Wilcox (32nd LeEjislative District) Senator Wilcox congratulated the District on its 50th Anniversary. He stated he grew-up out east, and when he moved to Illinois, his father took him to Boger Bog Conservation Area often. He said he grew up in the outdoors and enjoys all McHenry County has to offer. He presented a Senate Certificate of Recognition from the 102nd General Assembly in celebration of the District's 50th Anniversary. He said the General Assembly extends its congratulations and best wishes to the McHenry County Conservation District Board, employees, volunteers, and the entire McHenry County community. Becky Gillam, District Director for Senator Donald P. DeWitte was present, and she explained the Senator sends his congratulations to the District on its 50th Anniversary. She stated she is excited to be present and representing the Senator at this celebration.

7. 1b Illinois House Resolution No. 238 - Presented by The Honorable State Representatives Steven Reick (63rd Leeislative District) and Co7 Sponsored by State Representatives Suzanne Ness (66th Leaislative District), (64th Legislative District), Martin McLaughlin 52nd Legislative District) and Dan Uaaste (65th Legislative Djstnct} Representative Reick said he wants to congratulate the District on 50 years of doing great work for the county. He explained that he visits the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Northern Minnesota annually for vacation, and it is good to know 06. 22. 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 10 that there is something in McHenry County that can remind him of his visits to Minnesota. He stated his appreciation of where we live in McHenry County, and said this county is beautiful and the District has done a great job maintaining open spaces. He asked for Resolution No. 238 be drafted by the Illinois House of Representatives to congratulate the Board, organization, volunteers, and all the hard work staff has done in retaining the beauty of McHenry County for 50 years. He congratulated the District on a job well done. President Henning read a letter sent on behalf of Representative Daniel J. Ugaste congratulating the District on its 50th Anniversary celebration and that he was proud to co-sponsor Resolution No. 238.

7. 2 Coneratulatinsi Executive Director Elizabeth S. Kessler on Receiving the Robert Artz Lifetime Achievement Award throuah Illinois House Resolution No. 155 - Presented by The Honorable State Representative Suzanne Ness (66th Lesislative District) Representative Suzanne Ness said when she was on the McHenry County Board, she met Executive Director Kessler and was very impressed by all she has done for the County and throughout her career. She explained when she became a State Representative and saw that Executive Director Kessler was the recipient of the Illinois Park and Recreation Association Robert Artz Lifetime Achievement Award at the annual conference, she wanted to honor her for the work she has done. She explained she wrote Illinois House Resolution No. 155 honoring Executive Director Kessler, and thanked Executive Director Kessler for everything she has done and all of her efforts preserving natural open space in the county.

7. 3 Welcome New Emolovees 7. 3a Brenna Ness - Agricultural Ecoloaist Natural Resources Manager Woodson introduced Agricultural Services Specialist Brenna Ness. He explained she came from a small District in Delaware and has a tremendous amount of experience in the area of Agricultural Services. Agricultural Services Coordinator Ness introduced herself to the Board and stated she is excited to be working for the District.

President Henning introduced McHenry County Board Chairman Michael Buehler. Chairman Buehler explained he has been an avid user of all the District properties throughout the years. He said after he was sworn in as the County Chairman, one of the first meetings he had was with Executive Director Kessler and Board President Henning introducing themselves. He said the District has some of the finest maintained trail systems he has ever seen. He congratulated the District on its 50th Anniversary.

06. 22. 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 10 8.0 TRUSTEES REPORT Nothing to Report.

9.0 COUNT/ BOARD LIAISON REPORT County Board Liaison Wegener reported that in April, a resolution was passed at the County Board meeting recognizing the District's 50th anniversary. She congratulated the District on behalf of the County Board. County Board Liaison Wegener explained that a recent law passed by Governor Pritzker has delayed redistricting of the county. The new maps will need to be introduced at the County Board meeting by November and passed by December. As a result, the primary election will now be delayed until June in order to provide more time for the mandatory signatures to be acquired by candidates. County Board Liaison Wegener stated McHenry County will receive over $60 million over the next two years from the American Rescue Act in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. There will be multiple meetings to assess the best uses for the funds and noted the District's request for funding. County Board Liaison Wegener stated she and Chairman Buehlerjust came from one of two strategic plan meetings held by the County Board. It is a collaborate effort for the future vision of the county. One of the topics talked about was ecotourism and the impact the District has in that area. The Center for Governmental Studies from Northern Illinois University has been contracted to lead the County Board through the process. County Board Liaison Wegener thanked Trustee Brandt for all of his hard work serving the District for two terms of 5 years each.

10. 0 PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henning had nothing to report.

11. 0 PUBLIC COMMENTS I President Henning asked members of the public in attendance if they would like to make a comment and gave them instructions to raise their hands in the ZOOM video communications platform and that their microphone would be unmuted. No comments were received.

12. 0 BOARD BUSINESS - CONSENT AGENDA 12. 1 Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings 12. 1 a May 20, 2021 - Committee of the Whole 12. 1b May 25, 2021 - Regular Meeting 12. 1c April 15, 2021 - COWMeeting - Executive Session 12. 2 Acceptance of the Treasurer's Report 12. 2a Acceptance of the Treasurer's Report for May 31, 2021 as presented. 12. 3 Resolution #21-44, a Resolution awarding a contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, Nettle Creek Nursery, Inc. of Morris IL, for streambank stabilization of the Prairie Trail South, Crystal Creek Bridge for a cost not to exceed $60, 478. 00 (BID #0321. 09. 01 ). 12. 4 Resolution #21-45, a Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to execute a Joint Grassland Venture lease agreement on the 54*/' acre BOC-01 Parcel, located at Boone Creek Conservation Area, to Lima Grain Co., Inc. for a period of three (3) growing seasons from July 1, 2021 to October 31, 2023 (BIDfTO321. 08. 01).

06. 22. 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 10 12. 5 Authorization to prepare specifications and letting of bids for the purchase of unleaded, diesel and propane fuels for a contract period of one year, beginning September 1, 2021 (BID #0621. 07. 01 & BID #0621. 07. 02). 12. 6 Second Reading. Ordinance #21-1004, an Ordinance amending Policy 4. 10 & Appendix C Criminal Background Check; Policy 9. 16 & Appendix H Non- Discrimination & Anti-Harassment; and Form E- Fingerprint Submission Consent Form. 12. 7 Resolution #21-46, a Resolution authorizing the execution of First Amendment to a labor agreement between the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police and the McHenry County Conservation District from April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2023. 12. 8 Resolution #21 -47, a Resolution authorizing the Executive Director or her designee to execute a Side Letter of Understanding between the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police and the McHenry County Conservation District to memorialize the change to the approach to lateral hiring. 12. 9 Resolution #21-48, a Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to execute a First Amendment to the Month-to-Month Residence License Agreement for Coral Woods Residence for the term extending to March 31, 2022. 12. 10 Resolution #21-49, a Resolution ratifying the execution of a Month-to-Month Residence License Agreement for Glacial Parks Residence for the term extending to March 31, 2022. 12. 11 Resolution ttll -50, a Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to execute the agreement documents with Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) to provide both the S-130 Field Day and S-219 Ignition Operations trainings. 12. 12 Resolution #21-51, a Resolution to accept the Phase 1 Archeological Reconnaissance Survey for the Hollows Conservation Area/Pichen Farmstead as prepared by Midwest Archeological Research Services (MARS) of Crystal Lake, IL. 12. 13 First Reading: Mitigation Bank Credit Sales Policy #7. 02. 09 - Land Preservation and Natural Ecosystem Management Policies within the Comprehensive Administrative Policy and Procedure Manual. 12. 14 Resolution #21-52, a Resolution authorizing the execution of a Month-to- Month Residential License Agreement for the Thomas Woods Campground Trailer for the term of June 23, 2021 through November 1, 2021. 12. 15 Resolution #21-53, a Resolution affirming the Executive Director's execution of a contract with Constellation New Energy of Chicago, IL for Electric Service at 15 District Sites at a fixed price of $0. 05641 per kilowatt hour (BID #0321. 15. 01) by amending the term to July 1, 2021 to November 30, 2022.

A motion was made by Secretary Campbetl, seconded by Vice President Brandt, to approve Board Business-Consent Agenda Items 12. 1 through 12. 15 as presented after being read aloud. A roll call vote gave the following results: Thomas-yes, Brandt-yes, Fritz-yes, Dahm-yes, Campbell-yes, Cook-yes, and Henning-yes. Motion passed unanimously.

06. 22. 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 10 13. 0 NEW & UNFINISHED BOARD BUSINESS 13. 1 Approval of Bills Payable for the Month of May 2021 13. 1a Treasurer's Internal Audit It was requested the following items be pulled for review: D7286 Dreisilker Electric Motors, Inc. for $187. 24; R3223 Herman C Brasr for $143. 94; and P7428 Peabudy's North for $111. 44.

13. 1b Consideration to Approve the payment to Conserve FS as indicated on the Submission of Bills Pending Report for the period ending May 31, 2021.

A motion was made by Treasurer Cook, seconded by Trustee Fritz, to approve the payment of all bills payable to ConserveFS as indicated on the Submission of Bills Pending Report for the period ending May 31, 2021.A roll call vote gave the following results: Brandt-yes, Fritz-yes, Campbell- yes, Cook-yes, Thomas-yes, Dahm-yes, and Henning-abstain. Motion passed 6 to 0 with 1 abstention by President Henning.

13. 1c Consideration to Approve the payment of the balance of bills as indicated on the Submission of Bills Pending Report for the month ending May 31, 2021.

A motion was made by Treasurer Cook, seconded by Trustee Thomas, to approve the payment of the balance of bills as indicated on the Submission of Bills reports for the month ending May 31, 2021. A roll call vote gave the following results: Campbell-yes, Thomas-yes, Brandt-yes, Cook-yes, Dahm-yes, Fritz-yes, and Henning-yes. Motion passed unanimously.

14. 0 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 14. 1 Legislative Update Executive Director Kessler reported that it was a busy time in Springfield and that she appreciated the Senator and Representatives attending this evening's meeting. She stated if anyone would like a tour of sites it can be arranged. Executive Director Kessler stated staff has been working with the Illinois Association of Conservation of Forest Preserves Districts with our legislative agendas and identifying what pieces of legislation need support. Executive Director Kessler explained the District's 50th Anniversary Celebration will be taking place on Saturday, August 14 from 10:00 a. m. to 2:00 p. m., and it will take place at Fel-Pro RRR in Cary. She would like State Senators, Representatives, and County Board members to attend. There will be remarks at 12 noon. Executive Director Kessler explained that she had spoken with President Henning about changing the September Committee of the Whole meeting to Tuesday, September 14, 2021 and the Regular Board meeting to Thursday, September 16, 2021. The reason for the change is that the National Recreational Park Association (NRPA) is holding their annual conference the following week. The meeting is hybrid, and it is something she has attended and encourages Board and staff to attend if possible.

06. 22. 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 10 The Board agreed to the proposed changes in the meeting dates for September.

15. 0 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS B REPORTS 15. 1 Trustee Reports on Conferences & Meetings Attended Nothing to report.

15. 1 a Fox River Ecosystem Partnership (FREP) Secretary Campbell said this month there was a tour of the Crystal Creek watershed, and it was very interesting. Next month will be the annual picnic on July 28, 2021. If anyone is interested in attending, please let her know.

15. 1b Kishwaukee River Ecosystem Partnership (KREP) Nothing to report.

15. 1 c Chicago Wilderness Executive Director Kessler said that Chicago Wilderness has an upcoming 2-hour webinar on a "Network Mindset" with their consultant Institute of Conservation Leadership who is assisting them with their Green Vision. Executive Director explained that what makes Chicago Wilderness unique is that it is a four-state regional alliance with partners from federal, state, county, local government, corporations, and nonprofits. Each organization has to chip in and do their part which makes it work. She encouraged everyone to sign up if they are available to attend the webinar.

15. 1d McHenry County Farm Bureau Trustee Fritz explained that the McHenry County Farm Bureau had enough members present to have a quorum. The Bureau talked about the solar farm being built in southern Marengo. Trustee Fritz stated the County Highway Department was present at the meeting to discuss living snow fences. This occurs when a farmer leaves six rows of standing corn along the roads at the end of the year, and they are encouraging more farmers to participate in the program. Trustee Fritz stated a gentleman was at the meeting and discussed the use of broadband. County Board Liaison Wegener asked about the living snow fences and if the farmers were compensated for the rows left up. Trustee Fritz said farmers will be compensated $1, 000 per acre. She said she is supportive of the program and would be happy to work with the Farm Bureau on encouraging farmers to participate.

15. 1e IACFPD/IAPD/NRPA Executive Director Kessler said a spring Zoom meeting wilt be held in August, and she will send information out on that item once she receives it. She then explained the National Recreation and Park Association has its annual conference on September 21-23, 2021, and to let her know if anyone would like to attend and she will make the necessary arrangements. There is a virtual option to attend the conference as well.

06. 22. 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 10 15. 1f McHenrv County Conservation Foundation (MCCF) Trustee Thomas reported the Foundation had its biggest turnout yet for the Pedal, Paddle, Saddle event which raised over $10,000.

15. 1g McHenry County Council of Governments (MCCG) Secretary Campbell said the McHenry County Council of Governments golf outing is coming up this Thursday. There is an option to just attend the lunch portion, so if anyone wants attend let her know. Executive Director Kessler stated that McHenry County Council of Governments, McHenry County, the District and municipalities were very involved with the Coordinated Investment Study which recently received the National Association of County Officials Achievement Award which aims to increase efficiencies and lower costs by sharing services.

15. 1h McHenrv County Green Drinks Secretary Campbell reported Green Drinks is going back to hybrid meetings. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 7 at Duke's Ale House, and it will be on the McHenry County Connects Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. If anyone wants to participate in the meeting, registration is required.

15. 11 Active Communities Working Group - McHenry County Council of Mayors Director of Operations and Public Safety Kremer said the group did meet last week. The District has worked with the Cycling Without Age group to allow them to park some equipment in a Distnct facility. Last fall the group did a small test pilot and provided 25 rides to seniors. This summer, the demand has increased greatly, and they have provided 125 rides of the past month. They are not able to keep up with demand. Every senior center in the county is calling for a date for them to do the program with their residents. They will need more bikes and pilots in order to keep up with demand. Overall, the program is going very well.

15. 1j Visit McHenry County Executive Director Kessler reported there was a Sweet 16 Party at Scorched Earth last Wednesday. Several members of the business community. District/County staff, and County Board members were there and were able to connect. Executive Director highlighted that the District worked collaboratively with the Village of Algonquin to connect the Prairie Trail through their new downtown and the path to Scorched Earth. It shows a great collaborative partnership and providing ecotourism in the community.

15. 1k Other Outreach Contacts President Henning explained that the District Police Department entered into and were finalists for the Destination Zero awards by the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum for 2021 and showcased the award and congratulated Chief King and the District's Police Department for this honor. Executive Director Kessler said the program focuses on the health and safety of officers as well as mental health, physical fitness, and work 06. 22. 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 8 of 10 and life balance. This is a very prestigious award and it is the first time the District has applied.

16.0 RECOGNITION OF OUTGOING BOARD MEMBERS 16. 1 Dave Brandt - 2010 to 2015 and 2016 to 2021 President Henning presented a plaque to Vice President Brandt for his service being a Trustee on the Board for two terms totaling 10 years. He explained there is no greater advocate for the District than David Brandt. He loves the District and often volunteers for District events. The Board thanked him for his dedication throughout the years. Executive Director Kessler said Vice President Brandt has served two terms with 20 different trustees. During the annual voyage to Washington DC, he helped push to get dedicated funding for Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), and after many years, that funding come through. She reviewed all of Vice President Brandt's accomplishments throughout the years including: acquiring and protecting 1, 866 acres of protected land, converting the Lost Valley Visitor Center to a US LEEDGold building, the Nippersink Canoe Base Improvements, Community Research Forest, Brookdale Multi-Use Trail, Conservation Congress, and numerous advocacy and public policy trips to Springfield and Washington D. C. Vice President Brandt said that it has been an honor getting to know the staff and being able to be a representative of the District. He then thanked President Henning for excellent chairmanship. He said it has been an honor to work with the current Board. He can't speak highly enough of the staff of the District. He thanked everyone. Secretary Campbell thanked Brandt for his dedication throughout the years. She explained Vice President Brandt is a people person and is good at breaking ice and getting to know everyone he meets. He also seems to know people wherever he goes. He treats everyone as if they are his best friends. He's an amazing guy and will be missed. Trustee Emeritus' in attendance all congratulated Vice President Brandt on his service and wished him luck in his future. Anne Basten thanked Vice President Brandt for his volunteer service and for being an advocate for and representing staff within the community.

17.0 PUBLIC COMMENTS II President Henning asked members of the public in attendance if they would like to make a comment and gave them instructions to raise their hands in the ZOOM video communications platform and that their microphone would be unmuted. No members of the public gave an indication that they wanted to make a comment. President of the McHenry County Conservation Foundation Board of Trustees and Trustee Emeritus Ivers said the Foundation looks forward to collaborating with the District, and they appreciative of the accessibility and transparency the District has been providing over the course of COVID.

18. 0 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Vice President Brandt, seconded by Trustee Thomas, to adjourn the meeting. A roll call vote gave the following results: Cook-yes Dahm-yes, Thomas-yes, Brandt-yes, Fritz-yes, Campbetl-yes, and Henning-yes. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:05 p. m. on June 22, 2021.

06. 22. 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 9 of 10 Respectfully submitted,

r^rz-<-^ij ^2^_^<^errx^i 7-^-^-oSj Secretary Date

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