PARISH COUNCIL DRAFT Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held at Lodsworth Village Hall On Monday 9th September 2019

Present: Councillors Emma Davies, Chris Fairclough, Justina Leitao, Caroline Neville (Chair), Paul Phillips, James Rees and Jim Summers

In attendance: County Councillor David Bradford District Councillor Francis Hobbs Mrs Helen Cruikshank, Parish Clerk

PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA Comments and Questions from members of the Public There were no members of the public present.

56/19 To note apologies for absence Apologies were received from Parish Councillors Mark Reed and Tom Richardson.

57/19 Declarations of interest The Chairman reminded members of the code of conduct. . 58/19 Minutes of the previous Parish Council Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8th July 2019 were approved and signed as a correct record.

59/19 Reports from elected representatives of WSCC and CDC County Councillor David Bradford reported that rural crime was quite an issue with a heritage tractor having recently been stolen locally. He is putting pressure on Police to initiate a rural crime team. He said that cafes who have chairs and tables outside on pavements, are now being charged £520 per annum to do so however few chairs and tables they have. There have been lost of complaints about this and a campaign is being mounted to get this charge reduced or reversed completely. He spoke of the measures being put in place to make the road safer at the Seaford College corner; hedge cutting and improved signage. There had been no news on any future cycling races/events. WSCC have been asking for views on electric cars The consultation runs until 2nd October. David Bradford reported the North CLC meetings now run 3 times a year, the next one is on 12th November at 7.30pm. County Local Committees (CLCs) are WSCC’s approach to involving local residents in decision making. They aim to bring county councillors closer to local people. Residents are encouraged to attend their local CLC meetings to find out how they can contribute to making their community better. David will not be re- standing for County Councillor in the 2020 elections however if anyone is interested then there is an event being held on 23rd October at County Hall, Horsham between 6-8pm.

District Councillor Francis Hobbs reported that District have announced a “Climate Emergency” As Chair of Visit Chichester, Francis spoke of the new bicycle pit stop project which has its first one in West Dean, it is hoped every village shop will have one, funded by the District Council with a map for visitors to use with all the cycle points on it. Hopefully this will encourage visitors to see all parts of the district. There has been lots of noise with regard to the change of planning rules at the King Edward VII development. The original developer sold off land hence why there is now so many different projects going on there and it is becoming so large. The site itself has more people living there than many of the villages surrounding it including Lodsworth!

Town visions are a way of understanding the issues and aspirations of a town and its communities and turning thoughts and ideas into actions. District has put in several £1000’s into Vision

1 encouraging collaboration and a spirit of can-do. The recent survey has had a very positive response. The idea is to make the town smarter.

Jim Summers stated Midhurst has a great high street with potential. It needs more parking spaces in North Street car park as always full. Since it was named best market town in 2010, many long established businesses have gone. Caroline Neville said rates and rents are all too high for small businesses to survive.

David Bradford and Francis Hobbs left the meeting at 8pm

60/19 Working party reports  Highways Jim Summers had met with the local Highways Officer, Steve Hodd to discuss the state of Gills Lane. It had been on the short list for resurfacing in 2015 and had had a review some six months ago. We need to keep pushing it. Essentially it is all down to economics and budgets.  Speedwatch Volunteers have been attempting to book equipment but there have been problems with people being on holiday and equipment. Martin Lester is contacting the Speedwatch trainer directly to book equipment.  Footpaths and Rights of Way James Rees reported all the clearing had been done. The extra bits which he had asked them to do, have not been done. This was no doubt due to money constraints. He added that the footpath (FP1085) which runs above Gosdensheath Farm is very overgrown and access is restricted. The Clerk to contact Cowdray Estate and ask for them to cut the brambles and vegetation back. The next Rights of Way inspection is not due until August 2020 with identified works following some months later.  Play Area Emma Davies reported that a gate had finally been added to the fence on the property’s garden which borders the play area. There were no issues to report.  Allotments Paul Phillips reported he had spent a great deal of time on the allotments with a number of problems over the past few months. The latest issue is getting access to the allotments via the track leading down from School Lane. The allotment manager has always been able to get a tractor down the track since the properties were built and it is imperative that this is continued to enable the allotments to be run efficiently. Unfortunately vehicles are unable to do this at the moment due to the overgrown hedges on the left hand side. The top and property side had recently been cut. The Clerk to write to owners and ask whether they intend to cut the track side too. Paul Phillips added that he would be mending the side rail on the steps which lead down onto The Street  Parish Repairs The Clerk to ascertain whether the fingerboard in at the junction with is in the or Lodsworth parish. Deryck Hamon has kindly offered to clean and refurbish it. Chris Fairclough has offered to help Deryck with any repairs.  Winter Plan Justina Leitao reported that she is carrying out an audit of all the salt/grit bins in the parish and will submit information as usual to WSCC Active Communities team. Chris Fairclough kindly offered to move the small green grit bin on Bexley Hill to the A272 Selham junction.  Planning The following planning applications have been discussed since the last PC meeting:

SDNP/19/02356/LDE Location: Gentils House Lickfold Road Lodsworth GU28 9EY Proposal: Use of part of garage as a single dwelling house

SDNP/19/03305/HOUS and SDNP/19/03306/LIS Location: The Old Vicarage Vicarage Lane Lodsworth GU28 9DF


Proposal: Erection of single storey side extension. Alterations and additions to fenestration including demolition of front porch. Various internal alterations

SDNP/19/03241/HOUS Location: The Old School School Lane Lodsworth GU28 9DH Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory. Erection of two storey rear/side extension with alterations and additions to fenestration

SDNP/19/03431/HOUS and SDNP/19/03432/LIS Location: Leggatt Hill Farmhouse River Lane River Lodsworth Petworth West Sussex Proposal: Amendments to proposals for alterations, extension and basement previously approved under SDNP/18/01062/LIS

There was one outstanding planning application discussed tonight for which there was no objection as follows:

SDNP/19/03916/LIS Location: Ewers 1 Church Lane Lodsworth GU28 9DD Proposal: Removal of existing flue liner and stone capping in the existing chimney. Installation of wood burning stove and replacement flue liner and stone capping.

Since the last meeting, Council/South Downs National Park has made the following decisions:

SDNP/19/02576/TCA Location: Church Cottage Church Lane Lodsworth Petworth West Sussex GU28 9DD Proposal: Notification of intention to fell 4 no. Lawson Cypress trees, 3 no. Norway Spruce trees and 1 no. Monterrey Cypress tree. Decision: Raise no objection

SDNP/19/03180/DCOND and SDNP/19/03181/DCOND Location: Old Post Office The Street Lodsworth GU28 9BZ Proposal: Discharge of conditions 3, 4, 5 and 6 from SDNP/19/00760/HOUS and SDNP/19/00761/LIS. Decision: Approved

SDNP/19/03551/PRE Location: Brickyard Cottage Surrey Road Lodsworth Petworth West Sussex GU28 9DR Proposal: Proposed demolition of existing rear dormer windows and construction of a new single and partially two storey side extension, internal alterations with two near rear dormer windows, a covered access link to an existing outbuilding and a new outdoor pool with pavilion Advice provided

61/19 Freedom of Information request The Clerk has put the Parish Council’s Freedom of Information Scheme document onto the website. All information is freely available from the website and the Clerk.

62/19 Financial Matters  The Councils current financial position of £21,308 was noted.  The Bank Reconciliation as at 3rd September 2019 was noted.  The schedule of accounts submitted for payment were approved as follows; WSCC (Clerk’s August Salary @ £450), Business Stream (Allotment Water @ £17) and Greenbank Furniture (Allotment Exps @ £100) – this replaces cheque no 440


63/19 Reports back from meetings attended by Councillors There had been no external meetings since the last meeting in July.

64/19 Clerks report including any correspondence The Clerk informed the Parish Council of the following meeting:  SDNP workshop on Wednesday 23rd October 6.30-9.30pm at SDNP offices in Midhurst. Justina Leitao and Jim Summers to attend.

Clerk had received several pieces of correspondence as follows:

 A letter from a parishioner regarding visitors’ difficulty in locating the village hall at the annual flower show and the fete due to the lack of signs at the top of Gills Lane. A member of the fete committee said usually temporary signage is put up on fete day but had unfortunately been missed this year.  A letter from a parishioner with praise for the recently erected bus shelters in . Suggesting if another bus shelter was built in Lodsworth that these should be borne in mind as an option.  A letter from a member of Parish Council regarding affordable housing in the area. He would like to come along and give a presentation on the subject together with the view to seeing if there is any scope for combining resources and setting up a Community Land Trust. Several Councillors thought this was a good idea. Clerk to invite him along to the next meeting together with the START (, Trotton and Together) Community Land Trust team.  A letter from a parishioner with concerns whether the recreation ground is sufficiently protected following the recent traveller encampment at The Grange car park in Midhurst. Councillor Neville will speak to Piers Taylor at CDC for his advice and Councillor Rees would relay the concerns to the Village Hall Management Committee for their thoughts as lease holders of the land.

Justina Leitao thanked Cowdray Estate for erecting a no parking sign at the bottom of Vicarage Lane. There had however been a problem with people parking towards the bottom of Church Lane over a manhole which the Water board were trying to get access to (this is in fact Water board land). Further added to this was some problems with overhanging branches from neighbouring properties. Caroline Neville said she would look into this and speak to the owners of the properties concerned.

65/19 Items to be included on the next agenda Please let the Clerk know of any other items by Monday 4th November

66/19 Date of next Parish Council meeting – Monday 11th November 2019 at 7.30pm

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9pm