☆indicates suitable for vegetarians 35, Pork & 豚しょうが焼き $12 Thinly sliced pork cooked with soy & ginger sauce 20, C-roll カリフォルニアロール 36, Spicy pork 豚キムチ $14  4pieces/$9.5 8pieces/$18 1, 枝豆☆ $5.5 Thinly sliced pork cooked with Kimuchi & ginger sauce Rolled sushi with prawn, seafood sticks, cucumber, avocado & frying fish rolls Salted green 37, tomato hamburger steak 2, Hiyayakko 冷奴☆  $5 21, B-roll びしゃもん特製巻き寿司 照り焼きトマトハンバーグ  $13.5 Cold with chopped shallots and ginger served with 4pieces/$9.5 8pieces/$18 Pan fried minced pork & beef steak cooked with teriyaki sauce with diced   Rolled sushi with salmon, egg, cucumber and avocado 3, Kimuchi yakko キムチ冷奴 $7 tomato Cold tofu with spicy kimuchi  22, T-roll 天巻き寿司 4pieces/$9.5 8pieces/$18 38, Tonkatsu 豚カツ $13.5 、 4, Tako Q たこきゅう $7 Rolled sushi with Tempura prawn, lettuce sushi ginger, and avocado Deep fry crumbed pork loin with tomato base sauce Boiled octopus pieces and cucumber marinated in wasabi & soy sauce 23, Sushi mori(reg) 寿司盛り合わせ(中) $22 39, Fish teriyaki 白身魚照り焼き $13  5, Tako Su たこ酢 $7 6 pieces of fish sushi & small cucumber rolls Grilled fish (basa) cooked with teriyaki sauce Boiled octopus pieces and cucumber served with vinegar sauce  Sushi mori(large) 寿司盛り合わせ(大) $30 40, Fish nanban 白身魚南蛮タルタルソース $13.5  6, Potato Salad ポテトサラダ☆ $7 9 pieces of fish sushi & sushi rolls Deep fried fish marinate with vegetable vinegar and tartar sauce Home made potato salad 41, Prawn & cuttlefish with veges

24, Temakizushi (Cone shape hand roll sushi) 海老とイカの野菜炒め $17.5 手巻き寿司 Minimum order from two sushi Stir fried prawn, cuttlefish and vegetables (vegetable only $12.5☆) 7,Tuna Natto マグロ納豆 $10.5 Sashimi tuna in piece and natto soybeans (fermented sticky soybeans) 8,Cuttlefish & Cheese Natto イカ納豆 $9.5 Cuttlefish with cheese and natto soybeans (fermented sticky soybeans)   9, Octopus Marine タコトマトマリネ $13.5 # All sushi has lettuce, cucumber and mayo inside

Sliced octopus served with tomato dressing 10, Prawn wasabi mayo ae 海老とアボカドのわさびマヨ和え $11.5 Prawn & avocado with wasabi mayo sauce 42, Vegetable tempura 野菜かき揚げ☆ $12.5 11, Wagyu beef tataki 和牛たたき $14 Lightly battered and fried thin strips of vegetables served with dipping sauce Thinly sliced and slightly grilled wagyu beef (inside rare) served with soy (Soy & ginger sauce vinegar sauce 43, Fish tempura 魚天ぷら  $15 Lightly battered and fried fish (basa) served with dipping sauce (Soy & ginger sauce) 12, Chicken & Cashew nuts salad 44, Cuttlefish tempura イカ天ぷら $16  $14.5 チキンとカシューナッツサラダ Lightly battered and fried cuttlefish served with dipping sauce Chicken karaage & cashews with green leafy salad served with oriental (Soy & ginger sauce) dressing 45, Prawn tempura 海老天ぷら $17.5 13, Soba salad そばサラダ☆ $12.5 Lightly battered and fried prawn served with dipping sauce (Soy & ginger Buckwheat noodle with green leafy salad served with light soy sauce & mayo 46, Assorted tempura ミックス天ぷら $21.5 14, Tofu Salad $12.5 豆腐サラダ☆     Lightly battered and fried Prawn, cuttlefish, fish and vegetables served with Cold tofu with green leafy salad served with salty plum paste & dried fish flake dipping sauce (Soy & ginger sauce) 25, Age takoyaki 揚げたこ焼き $8.5 15, Seaweed & Avocado salad Fried octopus balls 海草アボカドサラダ☆ $9 26, Chikuwa Isobe  $9 Seaweed & avocado with green leafy salad served with (Japanese herb) ちくわの磯辺揚げ Tempura fishcake with green seaweed dressing 27, Yaki gyoza あつあつ焼き餃子 $10 16, Salmon & Seafood salad 47, Beef katsu ビーフかつ  $28.5 Pan fried pork dumpling served with soy vinegar sauce (7 pieces) サーモン&シーフードサラダ $17 Deep fry crumbed beef fillet served with tomato base sauce. Come with rice 28, Agedashi Tofu $10 Mixed seafood with tomato dressing 揚げだし豆腐☆ and soup Fried bean curd with ginger flavor soy sauce 48, Hotate fry ホタテフライ $27 29, Cuttlefish kinusaya イカと絹さやのマヨ炒め Deep fry crumbed scallops served with tartar sauce. Come with rice and miso

17, Salmon sashimi サーモン刺身 $17.5 $14.5 soup Slice of fresh raw salmon Stir fried cuttlefish & snow pea in lettuce leave 49, Salmon shoyu サーモン醤油バター焼き $28.5 18, Tuna sashimi $19 まぐろ刺身 30, Prawn kinusaya エビと絹さやのマヨ炒め $15.5 Salmon fillet cooked with soy sauce and butter & served with tartar sauce. Slice of fresh raw tuna Come with rice and . Stir fried prawn & snow pea in lettuce leave 19, Mixed sashimi (Tuna & Salmon) 50, Beef Teriyaki  $31 ミックス刺身 31, Nasu dengaku 茄子田楽☆ $12.5 牛フィレ照り焼き Beef eye fillet cooked with teriyaki sauce. Come with rice and miso soup Mixed slice of fresh raw tuna, salmon & others $22 Deep fried and grilled Eggplant with sweet miso paste 51, Chicken Teriyaki  $28 32, Chicken teriyaki 照り焼きチキン $11.5 チキン照り焼き Grilled Chicken with teriyaki sauce. Come with rice and miso soup Grilled chicken with teriyaki sauce 52, Tempura Udon or Soba / $21.5 33, Chicken karaage 鶏の唐揚げ $11.5 天ぷらうどん そば Prawn & vegetable tempura and thick udon noodle or soba (buckwheat) Deep fried chicken pieces (prepared with soy sauce) noodle soup 34, Chicken katsu チキンカツ $11.5 53, Niku Udon 肉うどん  $21 Deep fried crumbed chicken breast serve with special tomato sauce Thinly sliced beef with shallots in thick udon noodle soup

54, Yaki Udon 焼きうどん $28.5 Stir fried udon noodle with pork, prawn & cuttlefish. 55, Ten don 天丼  $23.5 Bowl of rice topped with assorted tempura. Come with miso soup 56, Veggie ten don 野菜かき揚げ丼☆ $18.5 Bowl of rice topped with vegetable tempura. Come with miso soup 57, Salmon and tuna don 鮭まぐろ丼 $29.5 Bowl of rice topped with sashimi salmon & tuna. Come with miso 58, Salmon and ikura don 鮭いくら丼 $29.5 Bowl of rice topped with sashimi salmon & salmon roe. Come with miso

 Teppanyaki – hot plate barbeque where the chef prepared and cook your meals All below included stir fried vegetables, rice and miso soup Including rice, salad & little side dish

Choose one of the followings 500 BOUNDARY STREET 1, Chicken Teriyaki $13 SPRING HILL QLD 4000 2, Chicken Karaage $13 Open: 6:00pm to 9:30pm last order 3, Chicken Katsu $13 Monday to Saturday 4, Pork & ginger $13 Closed Sunday & Public holidays 59, Beef eye fillet steak - フィレステーキ $35 5, Gyoza $13 (Lunch menu is also available) 60, Chicken breast – 鶏胸肉 $28 61, Prawn - 海老  $29 6, Agedashi Tofu ! $12 www.bishamonjapanese.com 62, Cuttlefish - イカ $27 7, Fish Teriyaki $15.5  63, Scallops - 帆立 $29 8, Spicy Pork $15.5 64, Salmon in a foil - サーモン $27 65, Fish – 白身魚   $27 66, Tofu Steak- 豆腐ステーキ☆ $22 67, Eggplant & Vegetables in a foil なすと野菜のホイル焼き☆ $22 68, Thinly sliced wagyu beef & mashroom 薄切り和牛とマッシュルーム $33

 69, Steam rice - ごはん  $3 70, Miso soup - 味噌汁  $3.5 71, Assorted pickles - 漬物 !  $6

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