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Oxen-Super Expander E.Pdf tq x H O) (5 (ú (s P* X _v) {.J o tq - a.)f-r A.', a\l CA + USERMANUAL TABLE OF CONÎENÎS Section Description Page 1.0 GeneralIniormation 2 1.1 SuperExpander E Installation 2 'l .2 CheckOut 3 2.0 Gene.al Ope.aling lnformation 3 2.1 80 ColumnOperation 3 2.2 EscapeRoutines 3 2.3 Call Routines 4 2.4 ControlCodes 3.o AddingÀIemory 5 4.0 Advanced ProgrammingInformaiion 5 4.1 Aux lvlemoryOperation 5 4.2 DisplaySwitches 5 4.3 Aux l\4emorySwitching 6 4.4 Bèyond128K I 5_U UtìllÍes uvervtew I 5.1 RAMCheck I 5.2 PToDOSRAM Disk Emulator I 5.3 Appleworks1.0 thru 2.1 Patches I 5.4 Installafionof PLUSWORKS-DT '1 0 5.5 PLUSWORKS-DTOperation 11 5.6 PLUSWORKS-DTPatch problem... 11 5.7 Appleworks3.0 & 4.0 PatchPrograms 12 5.8 GEOPUBLISHPatch Program 12 Page 1 1.0 General lnformation The Super ExpanderE fits the auxiliaryslot of the U.S. and Europeanlle computers,and increases total memoryto 1088K. Your new Super ExpanderE will replaceany 64K/80 Column card (known as Extended80 ColumnCard), in the auxiliaryslot. The Apple lle computerwill see and use your new Super ExpanderE wilh all the same featuresas thè 64K180Column card. Featuréssuch as softswìtch seleclable40180 columns and doub{ehigh res graphÌcsare ail built into the Super ExpanderE. As with any auxiliarymemory board, software is requiredfor the Apple lle to see and use the exlra memofybeyond 64K. lhe AppleworksExpansion software by has been incìudedwith the Super Fxpander E, to allow desklop expansìonof Appfeworks. AIso includedon the Utililiesdiskette is a PToDOSRAI/ disk Emulatorprogram io make the Super ExpanderE act as a high speed solid-statedisk drive, loading& savingprogram over 20 time faster than any conventionaldisk dr ve. This user manual wilJprovide detailed ìnformation for installationand operationof your new Super ExpandefE. Programmingìnformation for the advancedprogrammer is also included. 1.1 Super Expandèr E Installation Insiallationof the Super ExpanderE is a relativelysìmple procedure. We recommendyou read over this entie section firsi- When you are famìliarwith the completeinstructions, go over a second time and install the board in your compute.. A FEWWORDS ABOUT STAIIC ELECTBICITYI Static electricityìs storèd basic energythat anyonecan buiìd up by walkinqacross carpeted areas. This stalic chargecan cause damageto your cornputer.Before installing any new board or peripheralinside your compuler,once you have taken the lid off the computer,discharge static eleclricitycharges by touchingthe power supply. (The power supply is the lafge metal box at the ìnsideleft of ihe computer) The followingis a step by siep procedurefor installingyour new Super ExpanderE. 1 , TURNOFF THE POWER TO YOURCOMPUTER SYSTEI\,{III 2. Removethe housinglid io allow accessto the ìnsideperipheral slols. 3. Dischargeany static electficityby louchÌngthe power supply. Note: Al the rear of lhe lle computeryou will see I peripheralslots. There are seven slois togetherand one slot slot forwardand to the left of the other slots. This sìol is called the AuxiliarySlot. This Auxiliarysloi is differenithan the olher 7 slots in lhat Ít has 60 pins. Thè otheaseven slots are smaller and only have 50 pins. You may or may not have a board alreadyin this auxlliaryslot for B0 columns,o.64K180 columns.lf you do not have a board in the auxillaryslot, go to step 5. il[il[[[[ <-KEYEÙARD** P./S [flilruilililflflflilfl[[ f-- ou*,.,0*, Eink *1 Éink *3 t slrrT Eenk s? Ernk *4 ***" ffiflflflffiilil[flflilffi[ ÍfiH n-o-rrTutl I.IÈTHEBBI]ARD - AU'TILIIRYÈLi]T il:lln_i ììEREAE -} KEÎBÙ*RDEI'ID Hr{e: EuroFeBnlle modelhÀe ,qtxjìiÈr! sllrt more to the righi. Page2 1.1 Super Éxpander E Installation (cont) 4. lf thereis a boardin the AuxiliarySlot femoveit by genuybut firrnly,usÌng a see-sawaction, pullingthe boardup andout. 5. Installthe Super ExpanderE with the notchedend pointingtoward 6. Re-insialllld to the computerhousing. 7. Besto'epower ro ihe compu(ergyslerr. Installaiion conplete. 2.0 General Operating Informalion YourSUPER Expander E is 100%compatible with Apple's Exlended 80 Columnboard. This means any softwarethat may use 128Kand /or 80 columnsin the Apple lle, will see the Super ExpanderE as the sameooaro. Beyond 128K,special drivers are requiredto use the memory.This is due to limitationsof the Apple lle, not addedmemory boards- Special drivers are iikethe PLUSWORKS-DTprogram included with youf Super ExpanderE package.Thìs RAI\,4expansion sofiwafe wili reconfigurecopies of your Apple- Worksdiskettes to see and use the memoryof the SuperExpander E up lo 1.0 [4è9.,pìus any one bank switchedmemory board up to 756K.The PLUSWORKS-DTwìl| work for Appleworks1.0 ihru 2.1. New patchesfor Appleworkshigher ihan veÍsion2.1 and GEOSare includedon your SuperExpander E utility diskette.To use any ol lhese patches,boot your copy of the Uliliiy diskette.seleci the proper patch from ihe main menu, and follow the easy jnstfuctionson the screen. In addition,the UlilitiesDiskette PToDOS RANIDISK Emulator will speed up the loadingand saving oi all your prograrnsunder ProDOS,and the DSR COPY programwlll use the Super Expanderfor a single pass faster copyingutìlity- Some programsthat make use of a large memoryboard in the Applè lle, do so througha PToDOSRANIDISK Emulator. 2.1 80 Column ODeration As with all 80 columnboards, and extendedmernory 80 columnboards, using 80 columnswith the Super ExpanderE has a few differenceswiih BASIC programmingover 40 columns. You can not use the commandFLASH in 80 columns-It producesinverse characters with characters In betweenihe words. lf you have a 40 columnprogfam that uses FLASH,change this commandto NOFl\/ALoT INVEFìSE. The commandINVERSE will work the same in 80 columnsas il does in 40 columns.Bolh upperand lower case letters can be displayedin inverse. Using the HIAB commandwill only work thfu HTAB 40, beyondthat, the curser will revert bìackto 40 columns.To placethe cursoron a line beyond40 columns,use POKE36,X or POKE 1043,X(X is the horizontalposition). Jlst as any lle 80 columnboard, you can invokethe 80 coiumnswilh: PR#3<RETURN>. CONTROL_ RÉSETwill returnyou to 40 columns. 2.2 EscaDe Roulines Oncethe PR#3command has been nitiated the followinglist of ESC sequencescan be used. ESCA - N4ovethe cursorone space rìght and turn escapeoff. ESCB - Movethe curserone spaceleft and turn escapeoff. ESCC N/ovethe curserone spaceup and turn escapeoff. ESCD - lvlovethe curserone spacedown and lurn escapeoff. ESCE - Clearthe line from the curserposition- ESCF ' Cìearthe screenfrom the curserposjtion. ÉSCI Movethe curserone spaceLrp and leaveescape on. ESCJ ' N4ovethe curserone spacelett and ieave escapeon. Page 3 2.2 Éseapè Routines (cont) ESCK - N4ovelhe curserone spaceright and leaveescape on. ESCM - Movethe curserone spacedown and leaveescape on. ESCR - furn on the UPPEBCASE ONLY mode. ESCT - Turnofi the UPPER-CASEONLY mode. ESC4 - Switchfrom 80 columnsto 40 columns. ESCS - switchfrom 40 columnsto 80 columns- ESC: - lvlovethe curserone spaceup and leaveescape on. ESC-CONTROL-Qwill also turn off the 80 columnmode_ Note: You will noticein the 80 column modewhen ìhe ESC key is pressed,thé cursorturns to an Inverse + cnaracler. 2.3 Call Routines ln both 40 & 80 column modes,certain call routinescan be used to performvarious tunctions: CALL-657 - Allow commasand colons in a siring input. CALL-678 - PaLlsefor the RETURNkey. CALL-741 - Pause and wait for a keystroke- CALL-868 - Cìearthe line from the cursefposition. CALL-922 - l\,4ovethe cursor one line down. CALL-926 - Linè feed & CarriageReturn. CALL-936 - Homethe cursor and clear the screen. CALL'958 - Clear lhe screen from the cursor position. CALI.998 - Vlovelne curse one Ine up. CALL-1008 - I\loveihe curserone spaceto the left. CALL-1036 - l\,{ovethe curser one spaceto the right. 2.4 Control Codes The followingconlrol characters can be used in the 80 column mode: ControlH - I\rovecurser one spaceto the feft. ControlJ - N/lovecurser one spacedown. ControlK - Clear screen fÍom the cursor posÌtion- Control L - Homethe curso. and clear the screen. Control lvl Sameas pressingthe RETURNkey. ConLrolN - Setdrsplay lo NOFNIAI. cont'o'o - Setdisplay to 'NVERSE. ControlO - Sei dispJayto 40 columns. ControlR Set displayto 80 columns. ControlS - Pause listing oi a program. ControlU - Set displaylo 40 columnsand home cursor- ControlV - Scroll down one line. ControlW - Scrollup one line. ControlY - Homethe cursor. ConlrolZ - Clear line lrom the cursor to the right. Page4 3.0 Adding Memory lf you alreadyhave a 1-0 MEG versionof the SLrperExpander E, you will not need to readthjs section Section1.1 under installationshow the figure ol the Super ExpanderE. In particuìarlhe RAI\,4area is dividedinto four sections1,2,3,4. Each sectionís a set of I chips callèd a bank or row of memory. The Super ExpanderE uses 256Kx1(CAS/RAS) memory chips for for expansìon(Manuf. Designation 41256)-Any speed100ns thru 180nscan be used.In the Appleenvironment it takesI chipsto make one bank of memory.This why eaclrsection on lhe SuperExpander E has I RAIVchips or socketsfor I RAM chips in each iow or bank.DO NOT USE 64K RANIchips (4164)on the Super ExpanderE. The design is set tor 256K RAI\4chlps onÌy. One rule applieswhen addingmemory to the SuperExpander E. Eachbank by nurnbermusl be filled beforeadding memory to the next bank.That is to say bank 2 must be íilled beloreadding memory to bank 3- Likewjse,bank 2 and bank 3 mLrstbe filied beíoreadding memory to bank 4. lf you inslall more mernoryin the Super ExpanderE, makesurè you inslall ali lhe BAI\I chips in the corÍecÌdirection, and insureall pins of ihe RANIchips are in lhe sockets.Once you have addedthe RA[], you can use the ITEMORY.CHECKprogram on the Utilitiesdìskelte to verify the memory. 4.0 Advanced Programming Info.mation lf you are a BASICprogrammer, or are littleskilled ìn programming,this sectionìs not lor you.This sectionis not intendedto teach methodsof programming.It has been includedfor advancedprogrammers. Sincethe 6502 can only address64K of memoryai one time, to programbeyond the 64K will requiresa bank switchingtechnique.
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