Rural Development Programme for /LEADER East Riding of and North Yorkshire (Ryedale District and Scarborough Borough)

LEADER Local Action Group Coast, Wolds, Wetlands & Waterways

Waterways Partnership (East Riding & North Yorkshire) Community Forum # 1

2.00pm-4.00pm Wednesday 28 September 2011 at Rugby Club, Driffield



1. Cllr Patricia Ablett (CPA), Leven Parish Council 2. Michael Butler (MB), Hull & East Riding Joint Local Access Forum (JLAF) 3. Bruce Miles (BM), former Canal Society 4. M H Plewes (MP), Landowner 5. Gordon Shields (GSH), Allied Management Group 6. Alistair Anderson (AA), Joint Vice Chair, Canal Amenity Society (PCAS) 7. Roger Bromley (RB), Inland Waterways Association 8. Hilary Anguish (HIA), Secretary, PCAS 9. Howard Anguish (HOA), Joint Vice Chair, PCAS 10. David Farnsworth (DF), Rural Policy & Partnership, Council (ERYC) 11. Angela Brown (AB), Derwent Valley Conservation Group 12. Bob Watson (BW), Independent 13. James Cokeham (JC), Waterways Partnership Coordinator, ERYC 14. Bob Huntsman (BH), Commissioner, Trust (DNT) 15. John Jefferson (JJ), Commissioner, DNT 16. Jane Thomson (JT), British Waterways 17. Phil Arnott (PA), Hull & District Angler’s Association 18. David Croft (DC), East Yorkshire Chalk Rivers Trust 19. Gordon Scaife (GSC), Leisure, Tourism & Culture Policy & Partnership, ERYC 20. Tony Fouracre (TF), Driffield Navigation Amenity Association 21. Ros Aitchison (RA), External Funding & Policy, ERYC 22. Chris Hawkesworth (CH), Canoe England

Chair: Bob Watson

Officer in attendance and note taker: James Cokeham


1. Claire Green (Transport Policy, ERYC) 2. Phillip Meadley ( Flood Action Group) 3. Kath Wilkie (Filey4wards) 4. John Brown (LEADER Coast, Wolds, Wetlands & Waterways Decision Making Board) 5. Cllr Arthur Hodgson (Elected Member, ERYC) 6. Bill Lumley ( & District Amalgamation of Anglers) 7. Cllr Symon Fraser (Elected Member, ERYC)

11-10-04 Community Forum # 1 Minutes_1.4_JC (FINAL)

1. Welcome

• BW welcomed attendees and introduced himself as Interim Chair of the Waterways Partnership Community Forum.

2. Introductions and apologies

• The apologies listed above were noted. • BW asked attendees to introduce themselves to the wider forum, briefly explaining their background, the organisation that they represent and involvement with any particular waterway(s) within the Partnership area. • CPA is Chair of Leven Parish Council and is keen to develop the as a community resource. • AA is Joint Vice Chair of PCAS and is keen to restore navigation to the full length of the , whilst carefully balancing its biodiversity and recreational value and benefits. • HOA is Joint Vice Chair of PCAS and also acts as Vice Chair of the National Association of Boat Owners, providing him with valuable exposure to waterways issues in a national context. • HIA is Secretary of PCAS and would like to see the canal opened for navigation from end to end. • TF owns a boat on the River Hull and is a member of the Driffield Navigation Amenities Association. He would like to see the Driffield Navigation fully opened for navigation. • GSC is Principal Leisure, Tourism and Culture Policy Officer at ERYC. GSC is representing the East Riding Cultural Partnership and is involved with projects on the Beck. • BM chaired the former Society. This was disbanded in 1986, but is still registered with the Charity Commission. BM is also a former Chair of Market Weighton Town Council and would like to raise interest in the Market Weighton Canal. • JT is Enterprise Manager at British Waterways North East, having recently taking over from Graham Ramsden. British Waterways manage the Pocklington Canal and the Aire & Calder Navigation, which fall within the Partnership area. • RA works within the External Funding team at ERYC, tracking external funding opportunities and carrying out funding searches. • GSH is a private business representative on the LEADER CWWW Local Action Group. GSH is a former Chair of Newport Parish Council and would like to see the Market Weighton Canal developed as a more versatile recreational resource – JC is working with GSH to set up a local interest group for the Market Weighton Canal in November. • DC is an ecologist at East Yorkshire Chalk Rivers Trust. The Trust covers both East Yorkshire and North Yorkshire, but DC has a specific interest in the and River Derwent. • CH is Planning and Facilities Manager at Canoe England, working on a national level. He has close links with British Waterways, Environment Agency and Natural England and extensive canoeing expertise and experience. • MP is a landowner on the River Hull, who is interested in waterways. • RB represents the Inland Waterways Association, whose main aim is the conservation and restoration of waterways.

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• DF is Rural Partnership Manager at ERYC. The Rural Partnership provides a voice for rural communities and DF would like to identify how it can support the Waterways Partnership by providing access to a wider rural community. • AB is a member of the Derwent Valley Conservation Group, which aims to protect and preserve the River Derwent’s rich habitat for people to enjoy. She is also a member of PCAS, and has a particular interest in the waterway’s history, heritage and biodiversity. • PA represents the interests of anglers, and is a member of multiple angling clubs within the Partnership area. • BH is a founding member of DNT and been involved with the waterway for a substantial period of time. He highlighted Wansford Bridge as a crucial barrier that prevents navigation on the waterway from reaching River Head. • JJ is a commissioner from DNT. • MB represents the JLAF.

3. The vision

• JC gave the group a presentation, describing the Partnership’s: o Background and development to date. o Vision, ethos, aims and objectives. o Context and purpose in relation to other local/regional partnerships. o Structure, democratic processes and constituent bodies/forums/committees. o Challenges. o Next steps. • BW asked the group if they have any questions following JC’s presentation. • CH queried the role of the Waterways Partnership, how it is different from existing partnerships, and how it will fit with existing collaborative waterway organisations such as the Rivers Trusts. BW emphasised that the Partnership is about helping local people and community groups achieve their aims, and is a structure through which organisations can work together to manage the multitude of benefits that the waterways in the Partnership area provide, and achieve mutual objectives. HOA remarked how conservation, navigation and access are not necessarily separate issues, and the Partnership provides a means to balance these potentially conflicting elements. JC highlighted that the Partnership is a means through which the organisations that CH mentioned can meet and work together. • AA outlined the important role that the Partnership can play in establishing the main concerns of multiple parties and identifying the ‘common ground’ between them, going on to emphasise that so much more can be achieved when organisations work together. • GS highlighted that the forums, and the wider Partnership, will need to achieve further funding to be sustainable at the conclusion of LEADER funding in September 2013. The Partnership’s role should be that of a facilitator, linking potentially disparate organisations, and brokering projects and actions. • BH emphasised the importance of navigation on the Partnership’s waterways and clarified that the term ‘navigation’, not ‘boating’, should be used when discussing watercraft use. BH also mentioned the 2007 flooding, and the difficulties that DNT encountered when attempting to install a bywash at Wansford. BW described how this is the kind of challenge that the Partnership seeks to address. • PA highlighted the importance of balancing navigation interests with angling and the multitude of other benefits that the Partnership’s waterways provide. • BM suggested that the Partnership could benefit from having its remit simplified.

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4. Discussion of Constitution

• RB queried if the name of the Waterways Partnership could cause confusion in light of British Waterway’s development of regional ‘Waterways Partnership’ as part of their transition to a new charitable body. JC and JT both agreed that this is a potential issue for confusion that will require careful management in the future. CH remarked that he believed the name should be changed, to ensure clarity.

Decision # 1 Action(s) Who When Ask the Partnership Executive Committee to consider JC. First meeting of Executive the name of the Waterways Partnership. Committee.

• CH asked if the aims/objectives listed in the constitution are ordered in terms of priority. JC confirmed that they are not. CH thought it would be useful to insert a note in the constitution document that makes this clear. • AA and RB both agreed that many members of the Partnership could have multiple interests – boaters are also interested in nature conservation, for instance. Balancing these interests within the Partnership, and ensuring that no single issue is given priority, will therefore be crucial. • DF highlighted how the JLAF recognises the importance of balancing different interests, and has enshrined this key function within its constitution.

Decision # 2 Action(s) Who When Propose to the Executive Committee that a note JC. First meeting of Executive confirming that the Waterways Partnership’s aims and Committee. objectives are not listed in order of priority is inserted into the constitution document. Propose to the Executive Committee that the JC. First meeting of Executive Waterways Partnership’s intention to balance multiple Committee. interests is emphasised within the Constitution.

• RA queried if, under section 5.1, amendments should be made to clarify that the Partnership is open to organisations and individuals , whether statutory, voluntary, private or community .

Decision # 3 Action(s) Who When Propose to the Executive Committee that the above JC. First meeting of Executive amendments are made to the constitution. Committee.

• DF asked if landowners are represented within the Waterways Partnership. JC confirmed that the National Farmer’s Union and the Country Land & Business Association have been invited to sit on the Technical Forum. • MP mentioned her interest in land drainage on the River Hull, and how she has been unable to speak to anyone at the Environment Agency to discuss the matter. JC confirmed that the Environment Agency sits on the Technical Forum

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• CPA queried if the Internal Drainage Boards that cover the Partnership area have been invited to join the Partnership. JC confirmed that all have been invited to join the Technical Forum, and many attended its first meeting on 20/09/11. • HOA asked JC how organisations will work together across the Technical and Community forums. JC explained how project sub groups and task/finish groups will be established to complete specifically identified projects, drawing in partners from both forums. • BW identified how these questions emphasise the need for effective contact and cross fertilisation between the Technical Forum and Community Forum.

Decision # 4 Action(s) Who When The Executive Committee to discuss effective means JC. First meeting of Executive of communication and interaction between the Committee. Technical and Community Forums.

• GSH clarified that the constitution has already been consulted upon widely, and will continue to develop as a ‘living’ document. This process should be driven by the Executive Committee. • CH remarked that the constitution should also contain a set of dissolution clauses, outlining conditions that, if met in a ‘worst case scenario’, would see the Partnership disbanded.

Decision # 5 Action(s) Who When Propose the inclusion of a set of dissolution clauses JC. First meeting of Executive within the constitution to the Executive Committee. Committee.

• The constitution was moved, with the condition that the above items are discussed by the Partnership Executive Committee.

5. Current projects

• JC outlined the projects that the Partnership have recently been involved with, including potential community amenity schemes in Sutton-upon-Derwent and , and the development of a Feasibility Study on the Pocklington Canal. This will balance nature conservation, navigation and recreational access and create a broadly supported action plan for future development. • DC described how the Gypsey Race virtually dries up in the summer and would like to develop secondary flows to serve the waterway. This would assist the sea trout that migrate up the Gypsey Race and would also benefit the regeneration schemes currently being planned for . Access is also important – people like to see the trout. DC highlighted the value of the Partnership for access to technical support and expertise. • CH mentioned the Water Framework Directive, and the potential ramifications that this could have for the waterways within the Partnership area. PA highlighted the phosphates that are entering the Pocklington Canal via the Melbourne arm and severely undermining its water quality. JC is attending a meeting to discuss the Water Framework Directive on 04/10/11 and will feedback from this at the next meeting of the Community Forum on 26/10/11.

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Decision # 6 Action(s) Who When Feed back from Water Framework Directive Meeting JC. 26/10/11. on 04/10/11.

• BW highlighted the transfer of British Waterways to the New Waterways Charity, and the potential transfer of the Environment Agency navigations to the new body in the future, emphasising that it will be important for the Waterways Partnership to keep abreast of developments.

6. Future opportunities for partnership working.

• BM would like to see more interest in the wildlife of the Market Weighton Canal. Its surrounding landscape is important for this – trees were previously removed to make the waterway easier to dredge, making it very remote and undermining its biodiversity value. BW mentioned that PLACE could provide useful advice here, and asked that they are approached and invited to join the Waterways Partnership. JC asked the group if there were any further suggestions for organisations/individuals that should be invited to join the Partnership. The Partnership database (not containing ‘phone numbers or email addresses) should be sent to members of the Forum to enable them to comment on and suggest potential additional members as appropriate.

Decision # 7 Action(s) Who When Attendee list and wider database of Technical and JC. With minutes of meeting. Community Forum members to be circulated. Forum members to inform JC of any All. Before (via email) or at next gaps/organisations that should be contacted re) meeting of Community Forum representation within forum. on 26/10/11. Specified organisations to be contacted and final list of JC. By 31/10/11. forum members to be created.

• CPA would like to see the Leven Canal developed as a better community resource. BH mentioned that he has recently held discussions with Draper’s, the Leven Canal’s owners, regarding navigation on the waterway. This included a survey, in which it was concluded that the waterway could be potentially re-opened for navigation. AB thought that navigation may have been previously banned however.

Decision # 8 Action(s) Who When Meeting to be setup to discuss options and JC/CPA By 07/10/11. opportunities for developing the Leven Canal.

• RA highlighted the positive outlook for projects applying for Heritage Lottery Funding at present. The Community Forum will be useful as an arena in which to discuss bids and avoid replication. JT agreed that the Forum will be very beneficial for rationalising and sharing potential funding streams.

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• GSC explained how letters of support have been useful in the Cultural Partnership. This involves the Partnership writing letters expressing their support for member’s individual funding bids, endorsing their project. This has been very productive, and could also be beneficial for the Waterways Partnership. The forums are also very useful for putting organisations in touch with one another. • BW informed members that would like to develop a project, that they should contact JC, who will make the appropriate links across the Partnership to form a sub-group, to discuss and take forward the project. • BW asked JC if he has come across any problems or issues that he has found to be inextricable since beginning in post in April 2011. JC replied that he has not seen any that can not at least be improved through positive partnership working.

7. Expressions of Interest for election to Executive Committee.

• JC asked that all members that would like to express an interest in joining the Partnership Executive Committee submit their Expression of Interest forms to him by Friday 7 th October.

Decision # 7 Action(s) Who When Members interested in joining Executive Committee All. By 07/10/11 to return Expression of Interest forms to JC.

8. Any other business

• JC publicised the forthcoming Waterways Partnership Annual Conference on 17 th November 2011 at College (10.00am-4.00pm). All members of the Partnership should have received invitations to this event. If any have not, they were asked to contact JC. • AA highlighted the importance of finding future funding for the Partnership. BW identified RA and the external funding team at ERYC as crucial support in achieving this. • CH outlined that if further LEADER funding could be sourced, it should be pursued.

9. Date/location of next meeting

• Wednesday 26 October, 2-4pm at Driffield Rugby Club. • JC pointed out that it is important to have another meeting relatively soon in order to finalise elections to the Executive Committee, tweaks to the constitution and the establishment of the Forum. Following this, meetings will occur 2-4 times per year, as decided by the Community Forum membership.

Tel: 01482 391752 Email: [email protected] Visit:

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