A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület

A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület

2018. II. félévi

szabványosítási terve


1. fejezet: Önálló (eredeti, magyar nyelvű) szabványok kiadásának jegyzéke

2. fejezet: Idegen nyelvű szabványok magyar nyelvű változata kiadásának jegyzéke

3. fejezet: Kötelezően bevezetendő európai szabványok jegyzéke, amelyeknek angol nyelvű változata lesz magyar nemzeti szabvány

1 A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület 2018. II. félévi szabványosítási terve

1. fejezet


ad-hoc munkacsoport

MSZ 2082 Akusztika. Beszédérthetőségi követelmények

MSZT/MB 109 Építészeti akusztika

MSZ 2080-1 Teremakusztika, követelmények és ajánlások teremakusztikai tervezéshez

MSZT/MB 123 Építőipari kivitelezési munkák

MSZ 13020 Készelemes fém munkaállványok létesítésének, használatának és bontásának követelményei

MSZT/MB 315 Daruk, emelőgépek és elemeik

MSZ 9721-2 Emelőgépek időszakos vizsgálata. 2. Híddaruk MSZ 9721-3 Emelőgépek időszakos vizsgálata. 3. Járműdaruk MSZ 9721-4 Emelőgépek időszakos vizsgálata. 4. rész: Gépi hajtású targoncák MSZ 9721-5 Emelőgépek időszakos vizsgálata. 5. Körülkerített emelőterű emelőberendezés MSZ 9721-7 Emelőgépek időszakos vizsgálata. 7. rész: Toronydaruk MSZ 9721-8 Emelőgépek időszakos vizsgálata. 8. rész: Mozgó munkaállványok MSZ 9721-9 Emelőgépek időszakos vizsgálat. 9. rész: Oldható teherfelvevők és függesztékek MSZT/MB 603 Gyümölcs-, zöldség- és hústermékek, alkoholmentes italok, cukor, keményítő, valamint ezek, a besugárzott élelmiszerek és a fűszerek vizsgálatai MSZ 11007 Étkezési só (nátirum-klorid) MSZ 20677 Pörkölt kávé vizsgálatai

MSZT/MB 621 Alkoholos italok

MSZ 14853 Borpárlat, brandy összes savtartalmának meghatározása

MSZT/MB 706 Ásványolajtermékek, kenőanyagok és rokon termékek

MSZ 459 Ásványolajok és folyékony ásványolajtermékek aszfalténtartalmának meghatározása n-heptánnal

2 A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület 2018. II. félévi szabványosítási terve 1. fejezet: Önálló (eredeti, magyar nyelvű) szabványok kiadásának jegyzéke

MSZT/MB 840 Épületek villamos berendezései

MSZ 447 Csatlakoztatás kisfeszültségű, közcélú elosztóhálózatra

MSZT/MCS 601 Növényi szaporítóanyagok

MSZ 20476:2008/1M Kisparcellás fajtaazonosító vizsgálat, módosítás

3 A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület 2018. II. félévi szabványosítási terve

2. fejezet


ad-hoc munkacsoport

MSZ EN 16775 Szakértői szolgáltatások. Szakértői szolgáltatásokra vonatkozó általános követelmények MSZ EN 60669-1 Kapcsolók háztartási és hasonló jellegű, rögzített villamos szerelésekhez. 1. rész: Általános követelmények (IEC 60669- 1:2017, módosítva)

MSZT/MB 102 Cement és mész

MSZ EN 196-6 Cementvizsgálati módszerek. 6. rész: Az őrlési finomság meghatározása MSZ EN 413-2 Kőművescement. 2. rész: Vizsgálati módszerek

MSZT/MB 107 Beton és előre gyártott beton termékek

MSZ EN 12504-2 A beton vizsgálata szerkezetekben. 2. rész: Roncsolásmentes vizsgálat. A visszapattanási érték meghatározása

MSZT/MB 108 Falazat

MSZ EN 1015-12 Falszerkezeti habarcsok vizsgálati módszerei. 12. rész: Szilárd vakolóhabarcsok tapadószilárdságának meghatározása hordozón MSZ EN 13914-1 A kültéri és beltéri vakolás tervezése, előkészítése és kivitelezése. 1. rész: Kültéri vakolás MSZ EN 13914-2 A kültéri és beltéri vakolás tervezése, előkészítése és kivitelezése. 2. rész: Beltéri vakolás

MSZT/MB 109 Építészeti akusztika

MSZ EN ISO 16283-1 Akusztika. Épületek és épületelemek hangszigetelésének helyszíni vizsgálata. 1. rész: Léghangszigetelés (ISO 16283-1:2014)

MSZT/MB 110 Építmények tűzvédelme és tűzállósági vizsgálatok

MSZ EN 1365-2 Teherhordó elemek tűzállósági vizsgálata. 2. rész: Födémek és tetők MSZ EN ISO 13943 Tűzbiztonság. Szakszótár (ISO 13943:2017)

4 A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület 2018. II. félévi szabványosítási terve 2. fejezet: Idegen nyelvű szabványok magyar nyelvű változata kiadásának jegyzéke (folytatás)

MSZT/MB 111 Átfedéses elhelyezésű tetőfedő termékek MSZ EN 490+A1 Beton tető- és idomcserepek tetőfedésre és falburkolásra. Termékelőírások MSZ EN 492+A2 Szálerősítésű cement tetőfedő lemezek és idomelemek. Termékkövetelmények és vizsgálati módszerek

MSZT/MB 113 Ásványi kő adalékanyagok

MSZ EN 1097-6 Kőanyaghalmazok mechanikai és fizikai tulajdonságainak vizsgálata. 6. rész: A testsűrűség és a vízfelvétel meghatározása

MSZT/MB 114 Kémények

MSZ EN 16475-3 Égéstermék-elvezető berendezések. Tartozékok. 3. rész: Önállóan működő huzatszabályozók, kényszervezérlésű és kombinált légpótló berendezések. Követelmények és vizsgálati módszerek MSZ EN 16475-7 Égéstermék-elvezető berendezések. Tartozékok. 7. rész: Esővédő sapkák. Követelmények és vizsgálati módszerek

MSZT/MB 119 Teherhordó szerkezetek erőtani tervezése

MSZ EN 1991-4 Eurocode 1: A tartószerkezeteket érő hatások. 1-1. rész: Általános hatások. Sűrűség, önsúly és az épületek hasznos terhei MSZ EN 1998-4 Eurocode 8: Tartószerkezetek tervezése földrengésre. 4. rész: Silók, tartályok és csővezetékek

MSZT/MB 120 Hajlékony lemezek vízszigeteléshez

MSZ EN 13859-1 Hajlékony vízszigetelő lemezek. Alátétlemezek fogalommeghatározásai és jellemzői. 1. rész: Átfedéses tetofedések alátétlemezei

MSZT/MB 132 Útépítési anyagok

MSZ EN 13108-21 Aszfaltkeverékek. Anyagelőírások. 21. rész: Üzemi gyártásellenőrzés

MSZT/MB 133 Egészségügyi berendezések

MSZ EN 14516 Háztartási célú fürdőkádak MSZ EN 14527 Háztartási célú zuhanytálcák

MSZT/MB 212 Játékok, sport,- szabadidő- és szórakoztató eszközök

MSZ EN 1176-1 Játszótéri eszközök és talajok. 1. rész: Általános biztonsági követelmények és vizsgálati módszerek

5 A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület 2018. II. félévi szabványosítási terve 2. fejezet: Idegen nyelvű szabványok magyar nyelvű változata kiadásának jegyzéke (folytatás)

MSZ EN 1176-2 Játszótéri eszközök és talajok. 2. rész: A hinták kiegészítő biztonsági követelményei és vizsgálati módszerei MSZ EN 1176-3 Játszótéri eszközök és talajok. 3. rész: A csúszdák kiegészítő biztonsági követelményei és vizsgálati módszerei MSZ EN 1176-4 Játszótéri eszközök és talajok. 4. rész: A kötélpályák kiegészítő biztonsági követelményei és vizsgálati módszerei MSZ EN 1176-6 Játszótéri eszközök és talajok. 6. rész: A billenőeszközök kiegészítő biztonsági követelményei és vizsgálati módszerei

MSZT/MB 258 Projektvezetés, program- és projektállomány-irányítás

MSZ ISO 21503 Projekt-, program-, és portfólióvezetés. Útmutató a programvezetéshez MSZ ISO 31000 Kockázatmenedzsment. Irányelvek

MSZT/MB 267 Létesítmény- és vagyongazdálkodás

MSZ EN ISO 41001 Létesítménygazdálkodás. Irányítási rendszerek. Követelmények alkalmazási útmutatóval (ISO 41001:2018) MSZ ISO 41012 Létesítménygazdálkodás. Útmutató a stratégiai forráskezelésre és az egyezmények kialakítására (ISO 41012:2017)

MSZT/MB 314 Felvonók és mozgólépcsők

MSZ EN 81-20 Felvonók szerkezetének és beépítésének biztonsági előírásai. Személy- és teherszállításra használt felvonók. 20. rész: Személy- és személy-teher felvonók

MSZT/MB 315 Daruk, emelőgépek és elemeik

MSZ ISO 9927-1 Daruk. Vizsgálatok. 1 rész: Általános követelmények

MSZT/MB 316 Targoncák

MSZ EN 1459-1 Terepjáró targoncák. Biztonsági követelmények és igazolásuk. 1. rész: Változtatható kinyúlású targoncák MSZ EN ISO 3691-2 Ipari targoncák. Biztonsági követelmények és igazolásuk. 2. rész: Önjáró, változtatható kinyúlású ipari targoncák (ISO 3691-2:2016)

MSZT/MB 403 Öntészet

MSZ EN 10213+A1 Nyomástartó acélöntvények

MSZT/MB 602 Olajmagvak, állati és növényi zsírok és olajok

MSZ EN ISO 21294 Olajmagvak. Kézi vagy automatikus szakaszos mintavétel (ISO 21294:2017)

6 A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület 2018. II. félévi szabványosítási terve 2. fejezet: Idegen nyelvű szabványok magyar nyelvű változata kiadásának jegyzéke (folytatás)

MSZT/MB 603 Gyümölcs-, zöldség- és hústermékek, alkoholmentes italok, cukor, keményítő, valamint ezek, a besugárzott élelmiszerek és a fűszerek vizsgálatai MSZ EN 16943 Élelmiszerek. A kalcium, réz, vas, magnézium, mangán, foszfor, kálium, nátrium, kén és cink meghatározása ICP-OES-sel

MSZT/MB 605 Tej és tejtermékek

ISO 22935-1 Milk and milk products. Sensory analysis. Part 1: General guidance for the recruitment, selection, training and monitoring of assessors

MSZT/MB 605 Tej és tejtermékek

ISO 22935-3 Milk and milk products. Sensory analysis. Part 3: Guidance on a method for evaluation of compliance with product specifications for sensory properties by scoring

MSZT/MB 609 Élelmiszer-mikrobiológia

MSZ EN ISO 11133 Élelmiszer, takarmány és víz mikrobiológiája. A táptalajok előkészítése, előállítása, tárolása és ellenőrzése MSZ EN ISO 6887-1 Az élelmiszerlánc mikrobiológiája. A vizsgálati minták, az alapszuszpenzió és a decimális hígítások elkészítése mikrobiológiai vizsgálathoz. 1. rész: Az alapszuszpenzió és a decimális hígítások elkészítésének általános szabályai (ISO 6887-1:2017) MSZ EN ISO 6887-2 Az élelmiszerlánc mikrobiológiája. A vizsgálati minták, az alapszuszpenzió és a decimális hígítások elkészítése mikrobiológiai vizsgálathoz. 2. rész: A hús és hústermékek előkészítésének specifikus szabályai (ISO 6887-2:2017) MSZ EN ISO 6887-3 Az élelmiszerlánc mikrobiológiája. A vizsgálati minták, az alapszuszpenzió és a decimális hígítások elkészítése mikrobiológiai vizsgálathoz. 3. rész: A hal és halászati termékek előkészítésének specifikus szabályai (ISO 6887-3:2017) MSZ EN ISO 6887-4 Az élelmiszerlánc mikrobiológiája. A vizsgálati minták, az alapszuszpenzió és a decimális hígítások elkészítése mikrobiológiai vizsgálathoz. 4. rész: Különféle termékek előkészítésének specifikus szabályai (ISO 6887-4:2017)

MSZT/MB 612 Érzékszervi vizsgálatok és az élvezeti élelmiszerek

MSZ EN ISO 5492:2009/A1 Érzékszervi vizsgálat. Szakszótár. 1. módosítás (ISO 5492:2008/Amd 1:2016)

MSZT/MB 635 Élelmiszer-biztonsági irányítási rendszerek

MSZ ISO 22000 Élelmiszer-biztonsági irányítási rendszerek. Az élelmiszerláncban részt vevő szervezetekre vonatkozó követelmények (ISO 22000:2018)

7 A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület 2018. II. félévi szabványosítási terve 2. fejezet: Idegen nyelvű szabványok magyar nyelvű változata kiadásának jegyzéke (folytatás)

MSZT/MB 808 Erősáramú relék

MSZ EN 61810-3 Elektromechanikus elemi relék. 3. rész: Relék mechanikailag egymáshoz reteszelt érintkezőkkel (IEC 61810-3:2015) MSZ EN 61812-1 Időrelék ipari és lakossági felhasználásra. 1. rész: Követelmények és vizsgálatok (IEC 61812-1:2011)

MSZT/MB 837 Ipari gépek biztonsága. Villamos szempontok

MSZ EN 60728-11 Gépi berendezések biztonsága. Gépek villamos szerkezetei. 1. rész: Általános előírások (IEC 60204-1:2005, módosítva) MSZ EN 60974-1 Ívhegesztő berendezések. 1. rész: Hegesztő-áramforrások (IEC 60974-1:2012)

MSZT/MB 838 Világítástechnika

MSZ EN 12464-2 Fény és világítás. Munkahelyi világítás. 2. rész: Szabadtéri munkahelyek MSZ EN 60598-1:2015/A1 Lámpatestek. 1. rész: Általános követelmények és vizsgálatok (IEC 60598-1:2014/A1:2017)

MSZT/MB 840 Épületek villamos berendezései

MSZ HD 60364-7-715 Kisfeszültségű villamos berendezések. 7-715. rész: Különleges berendezésekre vagy helyekre vonatkozó követelmények. Törpefeszültségű világítási berendezések MSZ HD 60364-7-717 Kisfeszültségű villamos berendezések. 7-717. rész: Különleges berendezésekre vagy helyekre vonatkozó követelmények. Mobil vagy szállítható egységek

MSZT/MB 843 Gyógyászati villamos készülékek

MSZ EN 60601-2-44 Gyógyászati villamos készülékek. 2-44. rész: Számítógépes rétegfelvétel-készítő röntgenberendezések alapvető biztonsági és lényeges teljesítőképességi követelményei (IEC 60601-2-44:2009) MSZ EN 60601-2-44:2009/A1 Gyógyászati villamos készülékek. 2-44. rész: Számítógépes rétegfelvétel-készítő röntgenberendezések alapvető biztonsági és lényeges teljesítőképességi követelményei (IEC 60601-2- 44:2009/A1:2012) MSZ EN 60601-2- Gyógyászati villamos készülékek. 2-44. rész: Számítógépes 44:2009/A11 rétegfelvétel-készítő röntgenberendezések (CT-k) alapvető biztonsági és lényeges teljesítőképességi követelményei MSZ EN 60601-2-44:2009/A2 Gyógyászati villamos készülékek. 2-44. rész: Komputertomográfiás röntgenberendezések alapvető biztonságra és lényeges működésre vonatkozó kiegészítő követelményei (IEC 60601-2- 44:2009/A2:2016)

8 A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület 2018. II. félévi szabványosítási terve 2. fejezet: Idegen nyelvű szabványok magyar nyelvű változata kiadásának jegyzéke (folytatás)

MSZ EN 60601-2-54 Gyógyászati villamos készülékek. 2-54. rész: Felvételkészítő és átvilágító röntgenberendezések alapvető biztonsági és lényeges teljesítőképességi követelményei (IEC 60601-2-54:2009) MSZ EN 60601-2-54/A1 Gyógyászati villamos készülékek. 2-54. rész: Felvételi és átvilágító röntgenberendezések alapvető biztonságra és lényeges működésre vonatkozó követelményei (IEC 60601-2-54:2009/A1:2015) MSZ EN 62304 Gyógyászatikészülék-szoftver. Szoftveréletciklus-folyamatok (IEC 62304:2006) MSZ EN 62304/A1 Gyógyászatikészülék-szoftver. Szoftveréletciklus-folyamatok (IEC 62304:2006/A1:2015) MSZ EN 62366-1 Orvostechnikai eszközök. 1. rész: Orvostechnikai eszközök műszaki felhasználhatóságának alkalmazása (IEC 62366-1:2015)

MSZT/MB 845 Kábelek és vezetékek

MSZ EN 60702-1:2002/A1 Legfeljebb 750 V névleges feszültségű, ásványi anyag szigetelésű vezetékek és végelzáróik. 1. rész: Vezetékek (IEC 60702- 1:2002/A1:2015) MSZ EN 60702-2:2002/A1 Legfeljebb 750 V névleges feszültségű, ásványi anyag szigetelésű vezetékek és végelzáróik. 2. rész: Végelzárók (IEC 60702- 2:2002/A1:2015)

MSZT/MB 847 Elektromágneses összeférhetőség (EMC). Kisfrekvenciás zavarjelek

MSZ EN 55032 Multimédia-készülékek elektromágneses összeférhetősége. Zavarkibocsátási követelmények (CISPR 32:2015) MSZ EN 61000-4-10 Elektromágneses összeférhetőség (EMC). 4-10. rész: Vizsgálati és mérési módszerek. Csillapodó rezgésű mágneses térrel szembeni zavartűrés vizsgálata (IEC 61000-4-10:2016) MSZ EN 61000-4-11:2004/A1 Elektromágneses összeférhetőség (EMC). 4-11. rész: Vizsgálati és mérési módszerek. A feszültségletörésekkel, a rövid idejű feszültségkimaradásokkal és a feszültségváltozásokkal szembeni zavartűrés vizsgálata (IEC 61000-4-11:2004/A1:2017) MSZ EN 61000-4-12 Elektromágneses összeférhetőség (EMC). 4-12. rész: Vizsgálati és mérési módszerek. Lecsengő hullámmal szembeni zavartűrés vizsgálata (IEC 61000-4-12:2017)

MSZT/MB 849 Az elektromágneses terek és sugárzás élettani hatása

MSZ EN 50360 Vezeték nélküli kommunikációs eszközök termékszabványa az elektromágneses terek emberi expozíciója alapkorlátainak és expozíciós határértékeinek való megfelelőség bizonyítására a 300 MHz-től 6 GHz-ig terjedő frekvenciatartományban: fül közelében használt

9 A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület 2018. II. félévi szabványosítási terve 2. fejezet: Idegen nyelvű szabványok magyar nyelvű változata kiadásának jegyzéke (folytatás)

MSZ EN 50401 Termékszabvány a bázisállomások berendezéseinek a rádiófrekvenciás elektromágneses tere expozíciós határértékeinek való megfelelősége igazolására (110 MHz – 100 GHz), üzembe helyezéskor MSZ EN 50664 Termékfőcsoport-szabvány a munkavállalók által használt készülékeknek az elektromágneses terei expozíciós határértékeinek való megfelelősége igazolására (0 Hz – 300 GHz), üzembe helyezéskor vagy helyszínen MSZ EN 62110 Váltakozó áramú villamosenergia-rendszerek által keltett villamos és mágneses terek szintjei. A lakossági expozícióra vonatkozó mérési eljárások (IEC 62110:2009)

MSZT/MB 909 Szilárd biomassza eredetű és újrahasznosítható energiahordozók követelményei és azok vizsgálata MSZ EN 15234-5 Szilárd bio-tüzelőanyagok. A tüzelőanyag minőségbiztosítása. 5. rész: Tűzifa nem ipari használatra MSZ EN ISO 17225-5 Szilárd bio-tüzeloanyagok. Tüzeloanyag-eloírások és -osztályok. 5. rész: A tuzifa osztályozása (ISO 17225-5:2014)

MSZT/MCS 131 Teherhordó faszerkezetek

MSZ EN 14081-1 Faszerkezetek. Szilárdság szerint osztályozott, téglalap keresztmetszetű szerkezeti fa. 1. rész: Általános követelmények

MSZT/MCS 211 Orvostechnika

MSZ EN ISO 11135 Gyógyászati termékek sterilizálása. Etilén-oxid. Orvostechnikai eszközök sterilizálási folyamatának fejlesztési, validálási és rutin- ellenőrzési követelményei (ISO 11135:2014) MSZ EN ISO 14630 Nem aktív sebészeti implantátumok. Általános követelmények (ISO 14630:2012)

MSZT/MCS 323 Hőellátás, fűtés- és légtechnika

MSZ EN 12237 Épületek szellőztetése. Légvezetékek. Kör keresztmetszetű fémvezetékek szilárdsága és tömörsége MSZ EN 1507 Épületek szellőztetése. Fémlemezes, négyszögletes keresztmetszetű légvezetékek. Tartóssági és szivárgási követelmények

MSZT/MCS 508 Könyvtár és dokumentáció

MSZ ISO 11620 Információ és dokumentáció. Könyvtári teljesítménymutatók MSZ ISO 16439 Információ és dokumentáció. Módszerek és eljárások a könyvtárak hatásainak értékelésére MSZ ISO 2108 Információ és dokumentáció. Nemzetközi szabványos könyvazonosító szám (ISBN)

10 A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület 2018. II. félévi szabványosítási terve 2. fejezet: Idegen nyelvű szabványok magyar nyelvű változata kiadásának jegyzéke (folytatás)

MSZ ISO 27729 Információ és dokumentáció. Nemzetközi szabványos névazonosító (ISNI) MSZ ISO 2789 Nemzetközi könyvtárstatisztika MSZ ISO 3297 Információ és dokumentáció. Időszaki kiadványok nemzetközi azonosító száma (ISSN) MSZ ISO 690 Bibliográfiai hivatkozások

MSZT/MCS 725 Környezetirányítási rendszerek

MSZ ISO 14052 Environmental management. Material flow cost accounting. Guidance for practical implementation in a supply chain

MSZT/MCS 807 Feszültség alatt végzett munka szerszámai

MSZ EN 50321-1 Feszültség alatti munkavégzés. Lábbelik a villamos védelemhez. Szigetelő lábbelik és kalocsnik

MSZT/MCS 862 Vasúti villamos berendezések

MSZ EN 61851-1 Villamos jármű vezetéses töltőrendszere. 1. rész: Általános követelmények (IEC 61851-1:2010) MSZ EN 61851-23 Villamos jármű vezetékes töltőrendszere. 23. rész: Villamos jármű egyenáramú töltőállomása (IEC 61851-23:2014)

MSZT/MCS 903 Megfelelőségtanúsítás

MSZ EN 17034 A referenciaanyagok előállítóira vonatkozó általános kompetenciakövetelmények (ISO 17034:2016) MSZ EN ISO/IEC 17011 Megfelelőségértékelést végző szervezeteket akkreditáló testületekre vonatkozó követelmények (ISO/IEC 17011:2017)

11 A Magyar Szabványügyi Testület 2018. évi szabványosítási terve



CEN/TC 10 Személy- és teherfelvonók és mozgójárdák

FprEN 81-71 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Particular applications to passenger lifts and goods passenger lifts - Part 71: Vandal resistant lifts prEN 81-41 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Special lifts for the transport of persons and goods - Part 41: Vertical lifting platforms intended for use by persons with impaired mobility FprEN 81-28 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Lifts for the transport of persons and goods - Part 28: Remote alarm on passenger and goods passenger lifts prEN 81-80 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Existing lifts - Part 80: Rules for the improvement of safety of existing passenger and goods passenger lifts prEN 81-77 Safety rules for the construction and installations of lifts - Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lifts - Part 77: Lifts subject to seismic conditions prEN 13015 Maintenance for lifts and escalators - Rules for maintenance instructions

CEN/TC 12 Kőolaj-, petrolkémiai és földgázipari anyagok, felszerelések és tengeri tartószerkezetek

prEN ISO 17782 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Qualification of manufacturers of special materials (ISO/DIS 17782:2016) prEN ISO 15138 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Offshore production installations - Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (ISO/DIS 15138:2017) prEN ISO 10855-1 Offshore containers and associated lifting sets - Part 1: Offshore container - Design, manufacture and marking (ISO/DIS 10855-1:2015) prEN ISO 10855-2 Offshore containers and associated lifting sets - Part 2: Lifting sets - Design, manufacture and marking (ISO/DIS 10855-2:2015) prEN ISO 10855-3 Offshore containers and associated lifting sets - Part 3: Periodic inspection, examination and testing (ISO/DIS 10855-3:2015)

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prEN ISO 19901-6 rev Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 6: Marine operations EN ISO 13680:2010/prA1 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Corrosion-resistant alloy seamless tubes for use as casing, tubing and coupling stock - Technical delivery conditions - Amendment 1 prEN ISO 19008 Standard cost coding system for oil and gas production and processing facilities (ISO 19008:2016)

prEN ISO 19901-9 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 9: Structural integrity management (ISO/DIS 19901-9:2017)

CEN/TC 15 Belvízi hajók

FprEN 1306 Inland navigation vessels - Connections for the discharge of waste water FprEN 1305 Inland navigation vessels - Connections for the discharge of oily mixture

CEN/TC 19 Gáz- és folyékony halmazállapotú üzemanyagok, kenőanyagok és rokon termékek kőolajból, szintetikus vagy biológiai eredetű anyagokból

EN 17057:2018 Automotive fuels and fat and oil derivates - Determination of saturated monoglycerides content in Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) - Method by GC-FID EN 13016-1:2018 Liquid petroleum products - Vapour pressure - Part 1: Determination of air saturated vapour pressure (ASVP) and calculated dry vapour pressure equivalent (DVPE) FprEN 13016-3 Liquid petroleum products - Vapour pressure - Part 3: Determination of vapour pressure and calculated dry vapour pressure equivalent (DVPE) (Triple Expansion Method) FprEN ISO 5165 Petroleum products - Determination of the ignition quality of diesel fuels - Cetane engine method (ISO/FDIS 5165:2017) prEN 589 Automotive fuels - LPG - Requirements and test methods prEN 15293 Automotive fuels - Automotive ethanol (E85) fuel - Requirements and test methods FprEN ISO 20623 Petroleum and related products - Determination of the extreme-pressure and anti-wear properties of lubricants - Four-ball method (European conditions) (ISO/FDIS 20623:2017) prEN ISO 4264 Petroleum products - Calculation of cetane index of middle-distillate fuels by the four variable equation (ISO/DIS 4264:2017) prCEN ISO/TR 19441 Petroleum products - Density vs. temperature relationships of current fuels, biofuels and biofuel components


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FprCEN/TR 17225 Fuels and biofuels - Assessment on oxidation stability determination methods for distillate fuels and blends thereof with fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) FprCEN/TR 15993 Automotive fuels - Ethanol (E85) automotive fuel - Background to the parameters required and their respective limits and determination

CEN/TC 23 Szállítható gázpalackok

prEN ISO 13769 Gas cylinders - Stamp marking (ISO/DIS 13769:2016) prEN ISO 18119 Gas cylinders - Seamless steel and seamless aluminium- alloy gas cylinders and tubes - Periodic inspection and testing (ISO/DIS 18119:2016) prEN ISO 11117 Gas cylinders - Valve protection caps and valve guards - Design, construction and tests prCEN/TR 14473 rev Transportable gas cylinders - Porous materials for acetylene cylinders EN ISO 11118:2015/prA1 Gas cylinders - Non-refillable metallic gas cylinders - Specification and test methods (ISO 11118:2015/DAM 1:2017)

CEN/TC 33 Ajtók, ablakok, redőnyök, szerelvények és függönyfalszerkezetek

FprEN 12519 Windows and pedestrian doors - Terminology FprEN 12216 Shutters, external blinds, internal blinds - Terminology, glossary and definitions prEN 17020-1 Extended application of test results on durability of self- closing for fire resistance and/or smoke control doorsets and openable windows - Part 1: Durability of self-closing of hinged and pivoted steel doorsets prEN 17020-3 Extended application of test results on durability of self- closing for fire resistance and/or smoke control doorsets and openable windows – Part 3: Durability of self- closing of steel sliding doorsets prEN 17020-4 Extended application of test results on durability of self- closing for doorsets and openable windows - Part 4: Durability of self-closing of fire resistance hinged and pivoted metal framed glazed doorsets and openable windows prEN 17020-2 Extended application of test results on durability of self- closing for fire resistance and/or smoke control doorsets and openable windows - Part 2: Durability of self-closing of steel rolling shutters FprEN 13126-6 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 6: Variable geometry stay hinges (with or without a friction stay) EN 1906:2012/prA1:2017 Building hardware - Lever handles and knob furniture - Requirements and test methods 17

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prEN 1125 Build hardware - Panic exit devices operated by a horizontal bar, for use on escape routes - Requirements and test methods prEN 179 Building hardware - Emergency exit devices operated by a lever handle or push pad, for use on escape routes - Requirements and test methods prEN 16759 Bonded Glazing for doors, windows and curtain walling - Verification of mechanical performance of bonding on aluminium and steel surfaces

CEN/TC 44 Kereskedelmi és ipari hűtőgépek és hűtőrendszerek, teljesítmény és energiafogyasztás

prEN 16855-2 Walk-in cold rooms - Definition, thermal insulation performance and test methods - Part 2: Customized cold rooms EN 17032:2018 Blast chillers and freezers cabinets for professional use - Classification, requirements and test conditions

CEN/TC 51 Cement és építési mész

prEN 196-6 Methods of testing cement - Part 6: Determination of fineness

CEN/TC 52 Gyermekjátékszerek biztonsága

EN 71-8:2017 Safety of toys - Part 8: Activity toys for domestic use EN 71-1:2014/FprA1 Safety of toys - Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties EN 71-1:2014/FprA2 Safety of toys - Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties EN 71-1:2014/FprA3 Safety of toys - Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties

CEN/TC 53 Ideiglenes alkalmazású munkaeszközök

EN 13374:2013/prA1 Temporary edge protection systems - Product specification - Test methods prEN 53190:2017 Temporary works equipment - Execution - Requirements for manufacturing prEN 1004 Mobile access and working towers made of prefabricated elements - Materials, dimensions, design loads, safety and performance requirements

CEN/TC 54 Nem fűtött nyomástartó edények

EN 13445-3:2014/prA6 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 3: Design EN 13445-3:2014/prA4 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 3: Design EN 13445-3:2014/prA7 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 3: Design EN 13445-4:2014/prA2 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 4: Fabrication EN 13445-2:2014/prA4:2016 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 2: Materials EN 13445-1:2014/FprA2 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 1: General 18

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EN 13445-3:2014/prA13:2017 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 3: Design

CEN/TC 55 Fogászat

prEN ISO 18618 Dentistry - Interoperability of CAD/CAM systems (ISO/DIS 18618:2016) EN ISO 20126:2012/prA1 Dentistry - Manual toothbrushes - General requirements and test methods - Amendment 1 (ISO 20126:2012/DAmd 1:2016) FprEN ISO 19448 Dentistry - Analysis of Fluoride Concentration in Aqueous Solutions by use of Fluoride-Ion Selective Electrode (ISO/FDIS 19448:2017) FprEN ISO 19023 Dentistry - Orthodontic anchor screws (ISO/FDIS 19023:2017) FprEN ISO 7492 Dentistry - Dental explorer (ISO/FDIS 7492:2017) prEN ISO 7488 Mixing machines for dental amalgam (ISO/DIS 7488:2017) FprEN ISO 13897 Dentistry - Dental amalgam reusable mixing-capsules (ISO/FDIS 13897:2017) prEN ISO 10477 Dentistry - Polymer-based crown and veneering materials (ISO/DIS 10477:2017) prEN ISO 10139-1 Dentistry - Soft lining materials for removable dentures - Part 1: Materials for short-term use (ISO/DIS 10139- 1:2017) prEN ISO 20569 Dentistry - Trephine burs (ISO/DIS 20569:2017) prEN ISO 20570 Dentistry - Oral surgical scalpel handle (ISO/DIS 20570:2017) prEN ISO 10637 Dentistry - Central suction source equipment (ISO/DIS 10637:2017) EN ISO 9687:2015/prA1 Dentistry - Graphical symbols for dental equipment - Amendment 1 (ISO 9687:2015/DAmd 1:2017) prEN ISO 6872 rev Dentistry - Ceramic materials FprEN ISO 21533 Dentistry - Reprocessable cartridge syringes for intraligamentary injections (ISO/FDIS 21533:2017) prEN ISO 28399 rev Dentistry - Products for external tooth bleaching prEN ISO 28319 Dentistry - Laser welding (ISO/DIS 28319:2017) prEN ISO 7494-1 Dentistry - Stationary dental units and dental patient chairs - Part 1: General requirements and test methods (ISO/DIS 7494-1:2017) prEN ISO 10650 Dentistry - Powered polymerization activators (ISO/DIS 10650:2017) prEN ISO 5832-2 Implants for surgery - Metallic materials - Part 2: Unalloyed titanium (ISO/DIS 5832-2:2017) prEN ISO 28158 Dentistry - Integrated dental floss and handles (ISO/DIS 28158:2017) prEN ISO 20608 Dentistry - Powder jet handpieces and powders (ISO/DIS 20608:2017) prEN ISO 7405 Dentistry - Evaluation of biocompatibility of medical devices used in dentistry (ISO/DIS 7405:2017) 19

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CEN/TC 57 Központi fűtési kazánok

prEN 15332 Heating boilers - Energy assessment of hot water storage systems prEN 303-6 Heating boilers - Part 6: Heating boilers with forced draught burners - Specific requirements for the domestic hot water operation and energy performance of water heaters and combination boilers with atomizing oil burners of nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW

CEN/TC 67 Kerámia burkolólapok

FprEN ISO 10545-3 Ceramic tiles - Part 3: Determination of water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent relative density and bulk density (ISO/FDIS 10545-3:2017)

CEN/TC 69 Ipari csőszerelvények

prEN ISO 4126-2 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure - Part 2: Bursting disc safety devices (ISO/DIS 4126-2:2017) prEN 17070 Industrial valves - Minimum performance requirements FprEN 736-1:2017 Valves - Terminology - Part 1: Definition of types of valves prEN ISO 4126-3 rev Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure - Part 3: Safety valves and bursting disc safety devices in combination EN 12516-1:2014/FprA1 Industrial valves - Shell design strength - Part 1: Tabulation method for steel valve shells EN 12516-4:2014/FprA1 Industrial valves - Shell design strength - Part 4: Calculation method for valve shells manufactured in metallic materials other than steel EN 16668:2016/FprA1 Industrial valves - Requirements and testing for metallic valves as pressure accessories

CEN/TC 72 Tűzérzékelő és tűzjelző rendszerek

EN 54-3:2014/FprA1 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 3: Fire alarm devices - Sounders EN 54-27:2015/prA1:2016 Fire detection and fire alarms systems - Part 27: Duct smoke detectors EN 54-22:2015/prA1 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 22: Resettable line-type heat detectors

CEN/TC 74 Fémkarimák és kötéseik

EN 1092-1:2018 Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Part 1: Steel flanges 20

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CEN/TC 79 Légzésvédők

prEN 14594 Respiratory protective devices - Continuous flow compressed air line breathing devices - Requirements, testing and marking prEN 14593-1 Respiratory protective devices - Compressed air line breathing apparatus with demand valve - Part 1: Devices with a full face mask- Requirements, testing and marking FprEN 144-1 Respiratory protective devices - Gas cylinder valves - Part 1: Inlet connections FprEN 144-2 Respiratory protective devices - Gas cylinder valves - Part 2: Outlet connections prEN 12941 Respiratory protective devices - Powered filtering devices incorporating a loose fitting respiratory interface - Requirements, testing, marking prEN 12942 Respiratory protective devices - Powered filtering devices incorporating full face masks, half masks or quarter masks - Requirements, testing, marking

CEN/TC 85 Szemvédő készülékek

EN 14458:2018 Personal eye-equipment - High performance visors intended only for use with protective helmets

CEN/TC 88 Hőszigetelő anyagok és termékek

prEN 17140 Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIP) - Specification FprEN 14064-1 Thermal insulation products for buildings - In-situ formed loose-fill mineral wool (MW) products - Part 1: Specification for the loose-fill products before installation FprEN 16977 Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made calcium silicate (CS) products - Specification prEN 17101 Thermal insulation products for buildings - PU adhesive foam for External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) EN 13467:2018 Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial installations - Determination of dimensions, squareness and linearity of preformed pipe insulation prEN 14063-1 Thermal insulation products for buildings - In-situ formed expanded clay lightweight aggregate products - Part 1: Specification for the loose-fill products before installation FprEN 16809-1 EN 16809-1 - Thermal insulation products for buildings - In-situ formed products from loose-fill expanded polystyrene (EPS) beads and bonded expanded polystyrene beads - Part 1: Specification for the bonded and loose filled products before installation


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CEN/TC 89 Épületek és épületszerkezetek hőtechnikai viselkedése

FprEN ISO 7345 Thermal performance of buildings and building components - Physical quantities and definitions (ISO/FDIS 7345:2017)

CEN/TC 102 Sterilizálóberendezések egészségügyi célra

prEN ISO 18472 Sterilization of health care products - Biological and chemical indicators - Test equipment (ISO/DIS 18472:2016) prEN ISO 11140-6 Sterilization of health care products – Chemical indicators – Part 6: Class 2 indicators and process challenge devices for use in performance testing for small steam sterilizers (remark: publication as EN ISO 11140-6 (VA), replacement of EN 867-5:2001) prEN ISO 15883-5 Washer disinfectors - Part 5: Performance requirements and test method criteria for demonstrating cleaning efficacy prEN ISO 15883-1 rev Washer-disinfectors - Part 1: General requirements, terms and definitions and tests

CEN/TC 104 Beton és más betontermékek

prEN 13791 Assessment of in-situ compressive strength in structures and precast concrete components prEN 934-6 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 6: Sampling, assessment and verification of the constancy of performance FprEN 12390-14 Testing hardened concrete - Part 14: Semi-adiabatic method for the determination of heat released by concrete during its hardening process FprEN 12390-15 Testing hardened concrete - Part 15: Adiabatic method for the determination of heat released by concrete during its hardening process prEN 12390-10 Testing hardened concrete - Part 10: Determination of the carbonation resistance of concrete at atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide

CEN/TC 107 Előregyártott csőrendszerek távfűtéshez és távhűtéshez

prEN 13941-1 District heating pipes - Design and installation of thermal insulated bonded single and twin pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Part 1: Design prEN 13941-2 District heating pipes - Design and installation of thermal insulated bonded single and twin pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Part 2: Installation


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CEN/TC 109 Gáztüzelésű központi fűtésű kazánok

FprEN 13203-6 Gas-fired domestic appliances producing hot water - Part 6: Assessment of energy consumption of adsorption and absorption heat pumps

CEN/TC 113 Hőszivattyúk és légkondicionáló berendezések

FprEN 14511-4 Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps for space heating and cooling and process chillers, with electrically driven compressors - Part 4: Requirements FprEN 14511-2 Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps for space heating and cooling and process chillers, with electrically driven compressors - Part 2: Test conditions FprEN 14511-3 Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps for space heating and cooling and process chillers, with electrically driven compressors - Part 3: Test methods FprEN 14511-1 Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps for space heating and cooling and process chillers, with electrically driven compressors - Part 1: Terms and definitions prEN 12102-2 Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages, heat pumps and dehumidifiers with electrically driven compressors - Determination of the sound power level - Part 2: Heat pump water heaters prEN 14825 Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps, with electrically driven compressors, for space heating and cooling - Testing and rating at part load conditions and calculation of seasonal performance

CEN/TC 119 Cserélhető kocsiszerelvények vegyes áruszállításhoz

prEN 17247 Intermodal loading units - 45 foot pallet wide

CEN/TC 121 Hegesztés és rokoneljárásai

prEN ISO 15612 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Qualification by adoption of a standard welding procedure (ISO/DIS 15612:2016) FprEN ISO 13918 Welding - Studs and ceramic ferrules for arc stud welding (ISO/FDIS 13918:2017) FprEN ISO 3821 Gas welding equipment - Rubber hoses for welding, cutting and allied processes (ISO/FDIS 3821:2017) FprEN ISO 17633 Welding consumables - Tubular cored electrodes and rods for gas shielded and non-gas shielded metal arc welding of stainless and heat-resisting steels - Classification (ISO/FDIS 17633:2017) prEN ISO 14731 Welding coordination - Tasks and responsibilities (ISO/DIS 14731:2016) 23

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prEN ISO 15614-3 rev Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure test - Part 3: Fusion welding of non-alloyed and low-alloyed cast irons FprEN ISO 14114 Gas welding equipment - Acetylene manifold systems for welding, cutting and allied processes - General requirements (ISO/FDIS 14114:2017) prEN ISO 9692-2 rev Welding and allied processes - Joint preparation - Part 2: Submerged arc welding of steels prEN ISO 5173 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Bend tests (ISO/DIS 5173:2017) FprEN ISO 11666 Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing - Acceptance levels (ISO/FDIS 11666:2017) prEN ISO 25239-1 rev Friction stir welding - Aluminium - Part 1: Vocabulary prEN ISO 25239-2 rev Friction stir welding - Aluminium - Part 2: Design of weld joints prEN ISO 25239-3 rev Friction stir welding - Aluminium - Part 3: Qualification of welding operators prEN ISO 25239-4 rev Friction stir welding - Aluminium - Part 4: Specification and qualification of welding procedures prEN ISO 25239-5 rev Friction stir welding - Aluminium - Part 5: Quality and inspection requirements prEN ISO 17677-1 Resistance welding - Vocabulary - Part 1: Spot, projection and seam welding (ISO/DIS 17677-1:2017) prEN ISO 10042 Welding - Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its alloys - Quality levels for imperfections (ISO/DIS 10042:2017) prEN 1011-3 Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 3: Arc welding of stainless steels prEN 560 Gas welding equipment - Hose connections for equipment for welding, cutting and allied processes FprEN ISO 15653 Metallic materials - Method of test for the determination of quasistatic fracture toughness of welds (ISO/FDIS 15653:2017) prEN ISO 3690 Welding and allied processes - Determination of hydrogen content in arc weld metal (ISO/DIS 3690:2017) prEN ISO 18275 Welding consumables - Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of high-strength steels - Classification (ISO/DIS 18275:2017) prEN ISO 24373 Welding consumables - Solid wires and rods for fusion welding of copper and copper alloys - Classification (ISO/DIS 24373:2017) prEN ISO 26304 Welding consumables - Solid wire electrodes, tubular cored electrodes and electrode-flux combinations for submerged arc welding of high strength steels - Classification (ISO/DIS 26304:2017) prEN ISO 2553 Welding and allied processes - Symbolic representation on drawings - Welded joints (ISO/DIS 2553:2017) prEN ISO 18592 Resistance welding - Destructive testing of welds - Method for the fatigue testing of multi-spot-welded specimens (ISO/DIS 18592:2017) 24

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prEN ISO 8249 Welding - Determination of Ferrite Number (FN) in austenitic and duplex ferritic-austenitic Cr-Ni stainless steel weld metals (ISO/DIS 8249:2017) prEN ISO 21904-3 Health and safety in welding and allied processes - Equipment for capture and separation of welding fume - Part 3: Determination of the capture efficiency of on-torch welding fume extraction devices

CEN/TC 122 Ergonómia

FprEN ISO 9241-11 Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 11: Usability: Definitions and concepts (ISO/FDIS 9241- 11:2017) prEN ISO 24505 Ergonomics - Accessible design - Method for creating colour combinations taking account of age-related changes in human colour vision (ISO 24505:2016)

CEN/TC 123 Lézer és lézerberendezés

prEN ISO 11553-1 Safety of machinery - Laser processing machines - Part 1: General safety requirements (ISO/DIS 11553-1:2016) prEN ISO 11553-2 Safety of machinery - Laser processing machines - Part 2: Safety requirements for hand-held laser processing devices (ISO/DIS 11553-2:2016) prEN ISO 11990 Lasers and laser-related equipment - Determination of laser resistance of tracheal tube shaft and tracheal cuffs (ISO/DIS 11990:2017) prEN ISO 11551 rev Optics and optical instruments - Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test method for absorptance of optical laser components prEN ISO 21254-1 rev Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for laser-induced damage threshold - Part 1: Definitions and general principles prEN ISO 21254-2 rev Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for laser-induced damage threshold - Part 2: Threshold determination prEN ISO 21254-3 rev Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for laser-induced damage threshold - Part 3: Assurance of laser power (energy) handling capabilities

CEN/TC 124 Faszerkezetek

prEN 14374 Timber structures - Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) - Requirements prEN 14081-2 Timber structures - Strength graded structural timber with rectangular cross section - Part 2: Machine grading; additional requirements for type testing prEN ISO 8970 Timber structures - Testing of joints made with mechanical fasteners - Requirements for wood density 25

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CEN/TC 126 Épületek és épületelemek akusztikai jellemzői

EN 16205:2013/FprA1 Laboratory measurement of walking noise on floors FprEN ISO 3822-3 Acoustics - Laboratory tests on noise emission from appliances and equipment used in water supply installations - Part 3: Mounting and operating conditions for in-line valves and appliances (ISO/FDIS 3822-3:2017)

CEN/TC 127 Építmények tűzvédelme

EN 1364-2:2018 Fire resistance for tests for non-loadbearing elements - Part 2: Ceilings FprEN 15254-7 Extended application of results from fire resistance tests - Non-loadbearing ceilings - Part 7: Metal sandwich panel construction FprEN 15254-5 Extended application of results from fire resistance tests - Non-loadbearing walls - Part 5: Metal sandwich panel construction prEN ISO 1182 rev Reaction to fire tests for products - Non-combustibility test prEN ISO 1716 Reaction to fire tests for products - Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value) (ISO/DIS 1716:2017) prEN 1366-13 Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 13: Chimneys prEN 15254-4 Extended application of results from fire resistance tests - Non-loadbearing walls - Part 4: Glazed constructions prEN 15269-1 Extended application of test results for fire resistance and/or smoke control for door, shutter and openable window assemblies, including their elements of building hardware - Part 1: General requirements FprEN 15269-11 Extended application of test results for fire resistance and/or smoke control for door, shutter and openable window assemblies, including their elements of building hardware - Part 11: Fire resistance for operable fabric curtains EN 1634-1:2014+A1:2018 Fire resistance and smoke control tests for door and shutter assemblies, openable windows and elements of building hardware - Part 1: Fire resistance test for door and shutter assemblies and openable windows

CEN/TC 128 Átfedéses elhelyezésű tetőfedő termékek és falburkoló termékek

FprEN 14782 Self-supporting metal sheet for roofing, external cladding and internal lining - Product specification and requirements EN 492:2012+A1:2016/prA2 Fibre-cement slates and fittings - Product specification and test methods EN 12467:2012+A1:2016/prA2 Fibre-cement flat sheets - Product specification and test methods 26

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prEN 508-2 Roofing and cladding products from metal sheet - Specification for self-supporting products of steel, aluminium or stainless steel sheet - Part 2: Aluminium

CEN/TC 129 Építési üveg

FprEN 1279-6 Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 6: Factory production control and periodic tests FprEN 1279-3 Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 3: Long term test method and requirements for gas leakage rate and for gas concentration tolerances FprEN 1279-4 Glass in Building - Insulating Glass Units - Part 4: Methods of test for the physical attributes of edge seal components and inserts FprEN 1279-5 Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 5: Evaluation of conformity FprEN 1279-1 Glass in Building - Insulating glass units - Part 1: Generalities, system description, rules for substitution, tolerances and visual quality FprEN 1279-2 Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 2: Long term test method and requirements for moisture penetration FprEN 17074 Glass in building - Environmental product declaration - Product category rules for flat glass products prEN 16613 Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Determination of interlayer mechanical properties EN 12150-1:2015/prA1 Glass in building - Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass - Part 1: Definition and description

CEN/TC 132 Alumínium és alumíniumötvözetek

prEN 15088 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Structural products for construction works - Technical conditions for inspection and delivery FprEN ISO 2931 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of admittance (ISO/FDIS 2931:2017) prEN ISO 7599 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Method for specifying decorative and protective anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium (ISO/FDIS 7599:2017)

CEN/TC 133 Réz és rézötvözetek

FprEN 12861 Copper and copper alloys - Scrap FprEN 15024-2 Copper and copper alloys - Determination of zinc content - Part 2: Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method (FAAS)


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CEN/TC 134 Rugalmas, textil és laminált padlóburkoló anyagok

EN 14041:2018 Resilient, textile, laminate and modular multilayer floor coverings - Essential characteristics prEN 1081 Resilient floor coverings - Determination of the electrical resistance EN 1307:2014+A1:2016+A2 Textile floor coverings - Classification

CEN/TC 135 Acélszerkezetek és alumíniumszerkezetek kivitelezése

FprEN 1090-2 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 2: Technical requirements for steel structures prEN 1090-3 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 3: Technical requirements for aluminium structures

CEN/TC 136 Sport, játszótér és egyéb szabadidős létesítmények és eszközök

EN 1651:2018 Paragliding equipment - Harnesses - Safety requirements and strength tests prEN 14974 Skateparks - Safety requirements and test methods prEN 1176-5 Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 5: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for carousels EN 1177:2018 Impact attenuating playground surfacing - Methods of test for determination of impact attenuation EN 16579:2018 Playing field equipment - Portable and fixed goals - Functional and safety requirements and test methods prEN 17109 Ropes courses - Individual safety system - Safety requirements and test methods FprEN 13451-10 Swimming pool equipment - Part 10: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for diving platforms, diving springboards and associated equipment prEN 13451-11 Swimming pool equipment - Part 11: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for moveable pool floors and moveable bulkheads prEN 913 Gymnastic equipment - General safety requirements and test methods FprCEN/TR 17207 Playground and recreational areas - requirements for quality of inspections and competence of inspectors EN 12277:2015/prA1 Mountaineering equipment - Harnesses - Safety requirements and test methods EN 748:2013+A1:2018 Playing field equipment - Football goals - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


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CEN/TC 137 A munkahelyi kémiai és biológiai veszélyeztetettség felmérése

prEN 17058 Workplace exposure - Assessment of inhalation exposure to nano-objects and their agglomerates and aggregates FprEN 689 Workplace exposure - Measurement of exposure by inhalation to chemical agents - Strategy for testing compliance with occupational exposure limit values

CEN/TC 138 Roncsolásmentes vizsgálat

prEN ISO 20485 Non-destructive testing - Leak testing - Tracer gas method (ISO/FDIS 20485:2017) FprEN ISO 20486 Non-destructive testing - Leak testing - Calibration of reference leaks for gases (ISO/FDIS 20486:2017) prEN 17119 Non-destructive testing - Thermographic testing - Active thermography prEN ISO 11699-2 Non-destructive testing - Industrial radiographic films - Part 2: Control of film processing by means of reference values (ISO/DIS 11699-2:2017) prEN ISO 19232-5 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 5: Determination of the image unsharpness and basic spatial resolution value using duplex wire-type image quality indicators (ISO/DIS 19232-5:2017)

CEN/TC 139 Festékek és lakkok

FprEN ISO 12944-5 Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 5: Protective paint systems (ISO/FDIS 12944-5:2017) FprEN ISO 6270-1 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity - Part 1: Condensation (single-sided exposure) (ISO/FDIS 6270-1:2017) prEN ISO 6270-2 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity - Part 2: Condensation (in-cabinet exposure with heated water reservoir) (ISO/FDIS 6270-2:2017) FprEN ISO 12944-6 Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 6: Laboratory performance test methods (ISO/FDIS 12944-6:2017) FprEN 927-6 Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood - Part 6: Exposure of wood coatings to artificial weathering using fluorescent UV lamps and water EN 15773:2018 Industrial application of powder organic coatings to hot dip galvanized or sherardized steel articles [duplex systems] - Specifications, recommendations and guidelines FprEN ISO 12944-9 Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 9: Protective paint systems and laboratory performance test methods for offshore and related structures (ISO/FDIS 12944-9:2017) 29

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prEN ISO 4619 Driers for paints and varnishes (ISO/DIS 4619:2017) prEN ISO 6504-1 Paints and varnishes - Determination of hiding power - Part 1: Kubelka-Munk method for white and light- coloured paints (ISO/DIS 6504-1:2017) prEN ISO 6504-3 rev Paints and varnishes - Determination of hiding power - Part 3: Determination of contrast ratio of light-coloured paints at a fixed spreading rate prEN ISO 10927 Plastics - Determination of the molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymer species by matrix- assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) (ISO/DIS 10927:2017)

CEN/TC 140 Orvosi in vitro diagnosztikai készülékek

prEN ISO 15195 rev Laboratory medicine - Requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories using reference measurement procedures prEN ISO 20186-1 Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations - Specifications for pre-examination processes for venous whole blood - Part 1: Isolated cellular RNA (ISO/DIS 20186-1:2016) prEN ISO 20186-2 Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations - Specifications for pre-examination processes for venous whole blood - Part 2: Isolated genomic DNA (ISO/DIS 20186-2:2016) prEN ISO 20166-2 Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations - Specifications for pre-examinations processes for formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue - Part 2: Isolated proteins (ISO/DIS 20166-2:2016) prEN ISO 20166-3 Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations - Specifications for pre-examination processes for formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue - Part 3: Isolated DNA (ISO/DIS 20166-3:2016) prEN ISO 20166-1 Molecular in-vitro diagnostic examinations - Specifications for preexamination processes for formalin- fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue - Part 1: Isolated RNA (ISO/DIS 20166-1:2016) prEN ISO 20184-1 Molecular in-vitro diagnostic examinations - Specifications for pre-examination processes for frozen tissue - Part 1: Isolated RNA (ISO/DIS 20184-1:2016) prEN ISO 20184-2 Molecular in-vitro diagnostic examinations - Specifications for pre-examination processes for frozen tissue - Part 2: Isolated proteins (ISO/DIS 20184-2:2016) prEN ISO 20776-1 rev Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems - Susceptibility testing of infectious agents and evaluation of performance of antimicrobial susceptibility test devices - Part 1: Reference method for testing the in vitro activity of antimicrobial agents against rapidly growing aerobic bacteria involved in infectious diseases


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prEN ISO 17511 rev In vitro diagnostic medical devices - requirements for establishing metrological traceability of values assigned to calibrators, trueness control materials and human samples

CEN/TC 142 Famegmunkáló gépek. Biztonság

FprEN ISO 19085-8 Woodworking machines - Safety - Part 8: Belt sanding and calibrating machines for straight workpieces (ISO/FDIS 19085-8:2017) prEN ISO 19085-13 Woodworking machines - Safety - Part 13: Multi-blade rip sawing machines with manual loading and/or unloading (ISO/DIS 19085-13:2017) prEN ISO 19085-12 Woodworking machines - Safety - Part 12: Tenoning/profiling machines (ISO/DIS 19085-12:2017)

CEN/TC 143 Szerszámgépek. Biztonság

FprEN ISO 16092-1 Machine tools safety - Presses - Part 1: General safety requirements (ISO/FDIS 16092-1:2017) FprEN ISO 16092-3 Machine tools safety - Presses - Part 3: Safety requirements for hydraulic presses (ISO/FDIS 16092- 3:2017) prEN ISO 16092-2 Machine tools safety - Presses - Part 2: Safety requirements for mechanical presses prEN ISO 16092-4 Machine tools - Safety for presses - Part 4: Pneumatic presses

CEN/TC 144 Traktorok, mezőgazdasági és erdészeti gépek

prEN 12965 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Power take-off (PTO) drive shafts and their guards - Safety FprEN ISO 18497 Agricultural machinery and tractors - Safety of highly automated agricultural machines (ISO/FDIS 18497:2017) prEN ISO 16119-5 Agricultural and forestry machinery - Environmental requirements for sprayers - Part 5: Aerial spray systems (ISO/DIS 16119-5:2016) FprEN 13684 Garden equipment - Pedestrian controlled lawn aerators and scarifiers - Safety prEN ISO 28139 Equipment for crop protection - Knapsack combustion engine-driven air-blast sprayers - Safety and environmental requirements and test methods (ISO/DIS 28139:2017) FprEN 13525 Forestry machinery - Wood chippers - Safety prEN ISO 19932-3 Equipment for crop protection - Knapsack sprayers - Part 3: Inspection of knapsack sprayers in use (ISO/DIS 19932- 3:2017) prEN 17067 Forestry machinery - Safety requirements on radio remote controls 31

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FprEN 12733 Agricultural and forestry machinery - Pedestrian controlled motor mowers - Safety EN ISO 4254-11:2010/prA1 Agricultural machinery - Safety - Part 11: Pick-up balers prEN ISO 16122-5 Agricultural and forestry machines - Inspection of sprayers in use - Part 5: Aerial spray systems - Environmental protection EN ISO 5395-1:2013/FprA1 Garden equipment - Safety requirements for combustion- engine-powered lawnmowers - Part 1: Terminology and common tests - Amendment 1: Annex G (Vibration test code - Hand-arm vibration and Whole-body vibration) (ISO 5395-1:2013/FDAmd 1:2017) prEN ISO 4254-17 Agricultural machinery - Safety - Part 17: Harvesting equipment for potatos, sugar beets and fodder beets prEN ISO 19932-1 Equipment for crop protection - Knapsack sprayers - Part 1: Safety and environmental requirements (ISO/DIS 19932-1:2017) prEN ISO 19932-2 Equipment for crop protection - Knapsack sprayers - Part 2: Test methods (ISO/DIS 19932-2:2017) prEN ISO 4254-6 Agricultural machinery - Safety - Part 6: Sprayers and liquid fertilizer distributors (ISO/DIS 4254-6:2017) prEN 16517 Agricultural and forestry machinery - Mobile yarders for timber logging - Safety prEN ISO 25119-1 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design and development (ISO/DIS 25119- 1:2017) prEN ISO 25119-2 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 2:Concept phase (ISO/DIS 25119-2:2017) prEN ISO 25119-4 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 4: Production, operation, modification and supporting processes (ISO/DIS 25119-4:2017) prEN ISO 25119-3 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 3: Series development, hardware and software (ISO/DIS 25119- 3:2017)

CEN/TC 145 Gumi- és műanyagipari gépek

FprEN 12012-1 Plastics and rubber machines - Size reduction machines - Part 1: Safety requirements for blade granulators and shredders prEN ISO 20430 Plastics and rubber machines - Injection moulding machines - Safety requirements (ISO/DIS 20430:2017) FprEN 1114-3 Plastics and rubber machines - Extruders and extrusion lines - Part 3: Safety requirements for haul-offs prEN 12012-4 Plastics and rubber machines - Size reduction machines - Part 4: Safety requirements for agglomerators 32

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CEN/TC 147 Daruk. Biztonság

prEN 17076 Anti-collision devices and systems for tower crane - Safety characteristics and requirements EN 13001-3-6:2018 Cranes - General design - Part 3-6: Limit states and proof of competence of machinery - Hydraulic cylinders prEN 14492-2 Cranes - Power driven winches and hoists - Part 2: Power driven hoists EN 13135:2013+A1 Cranes - Safety - Design - Requirements for equipment EN 13001-3-1:2012+A2:2018 Cranes - General Design - Part 3-1: Limit States and proof competence of steel structure

CEN/TC 150 Ipari targoncák. Biztonság

prEN 1459-5 Rough-terrain trucks - Safety requirements and verification - Part 5: Attachments and attachment interface EN ISO 3691-1:2015/prA2 Industrial trucks - Safety requirements and verification - Part 1: Self-propelled industrial trucks, other than driverless trucks, variable-reach trucks and burden-carrier trucks - Amendment 2

CEN/TC 151 Építőberendezések és építőanyag-ipari gépek. Biztonság

prEN 17106-4-1 Road operation machinery - Safety - Part 4-1: Road service area maintenance machines - Requirements for grass and brush cutting machines prEN 17106-3-2 Road operation machinery - Safety - Part 3-2: Winter service machines - Specific requirements for spreading machines prEN 17106-3-1 Road operation machinery - Safety - Part 3-1: Winter service machines - Requirements for snow clearing machines with rotating tools and snow ploughs prEN 17106-1 Road operation machinery - Safety - Part 1: General requirements prEN 17106-2 Road operation machinery - Safety - Part 2: Requirements for road surface cleaning machines prEN 474-1 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 1: General requirements prEN 474-2 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 2: Requirements for tractor-dozers prEN 474-6 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 6: Requirements for dumpers prEN 474-4 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 4: Requirements for backhoe loaders prEN 474-10 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 10: Requirements for trenchers prEN 474-3 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 3: Requirements for loaders


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prEN 474-7 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 7: Requirements for scrapers prEN 474-8 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 8: Requirements for graders prEN 474-9 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 9: Requirements for pipelayers prEN 474-12 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 12: Requirements for cable excavators prEN 474-11 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 11: Requirements for earth- and landfill compactors prEN 474-5 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 5: Requirements for hydraulic excavators prEN 474-13 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 13: Requirements for rollers prEN ISO 5010 Earth-moving machinery - Rubber-tyred machines - Steering requirements (ISO 5010:1992 modified) prEN ISO 7096 rev Earth-moving machinery - Laboratory evaluation of operator seat vibration prEN ISO 19014-1 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 1: Methodology to determine safety-related parts of the control system and performance requirements (ISO/DIS 19014-1:2017) FprEN ISO 19014-3 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 3: Environmental performance and test requirements of electronic and electrical components used in safety -related parts of the control system (ISO/FDIS 19014-3:2017) EN 474-1:2006+A5:2018 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 1: General requirements

CEN/TC 152 Vidámparkok és szórakoztató parkok gépei és szerkezetei. Biztonság

FprEN 13814-2 Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices - Part 2: Operation, maintenance and use FprEN 13814-1 Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices - Part 1: Design and manufacture FprEN 13814-3 Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices - Part 3: Requirements for inspection during design, manufacture, operation and use

CEN/TC 153 Élelmiszer- és takarmányfeldolgozó gépek

prEN 1974 Food processing machinery - Slicing machines - Safety and hygiene requirements prEN 13379 Pasta processing plant - Spreader, stripping and cutting machine, stick return conveyor - Safety and hygiene requirements


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CEN/TC 154 Adalékanyagok

prEN 13383-2 Armourstone, Part 2: Test methods

CEN/TC 155 Műanyag csővezeték- és csatornarendszerek

FprEN 16903 Plastics piping systems - Environmental product declarations - Product Category Rules complementary to EN 15804, for buried plastics piping systems FprEN 16904 Plastics piping systems - Environmental product declarations - Product Category rules complementary to EN 15804, for plastic piping systems inside buildings EN 1852-1:2018 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polypropylene (PP) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system FprEN 13476-3 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 3: Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and profiled external surface and the system, Type B FprEN 13476-2 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and external surface and the system, Type A FprEN 13476-1 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 1:General requirements and performance characteristics FprEN ISO 11297-4 Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground drainage and sewerage networks under pressure - Part 4: Lining with cured-in-place pipes (ISO/FDIS 11297- 4:2017) FprEN ISO 11296-4 Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks - Part 4: Lining with cured-in-place pipes (ISO/FDIS 11296- 4:2017) prEN ISO 13259 Thermoplastics piping systems for underground non- pressure applications - Test method for leaktightness of elastomeric sealing ring type joints (ISO/DIS 13259:2017) prEN ISO 21225-1 Plastics piping systems for the trenchless replacement of underground pipeline networks - Part 1: Replacement on the line by pipe bursting and pipe extraction (ISO/DIS 21225-1:2017)


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prEN ISO 21225-2 Plastics piping systems for the trenchless replacement of underground pipeline networks - Part 2: Replacement off the line by horizontal directional drilling and impact moling (ISO/DIS 21225-2:2017) EN 1329-1:2014+A1 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the systems

CEN/TC 156 Épületek szellőzése

prEN 15650 Ventilation for buildings - Fire dampers prEN 14134 Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing and installation checks of residential ventilation systems prEN 13053 Ventilation for buildings - Air handling units - Rating and performance for units, components and sections prEN ISO 12759-3 Fans - Efficiency classification for fans - Part 3: Fans without drives at maximum operating speed (ISO/DIS 12759-3:2016)

CEN/TC 159 Hallásvédelem

prEN 13819-3 Hearing protectors - Testing - Part 3: Supplementary acoustic test method

CEN/TC 160 Magasból való leesés elleni védelem, beleértve a mentőöveket is

FprEN 358 Personal protective equipment for work positioning and prevention of falls from a height - Belts and lanyards for work positioning or restraint prEN 363 Personal fall protection equipment - Personal fall protection systems

CEN/TC 162 Védőruházat, beleértve a kéz- és karvédelmet és a mentőmellényeket

prEN ISO 17491-2 rev Protective clothing - Test methods for clothing providing protection against chemicals - Part 2: Determination of resistance to inward leakage of aerosols and gases (inward leakage test) prEN ISO 11393-1 Protective clothing for users of hand-held chain-saws - Part 1: Test rig for testing resistance to cutting by a chain- saw (ISO/DIS 11393-1:2016) prEN ISO 11393-2 Protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws - Part 2: Performance requirements and test methods for leg protectors (ISO/DIS 11393-2:2016) prEN ISO 11393-3 Protective clothing for users of hand-held chain-saws - Part 3: Test methods for footwear (ISO/DIS 11393- 3:2016)


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prEN 1149-5 Protective clothing - Electrostatic properties - Part 5: Material performance and design requirements FprEN ISO 18640-1 Protective clothing for firefighters - Physiological impact - Part 1: Measurement of coupled heat and moisture transfer with the sweating Torso (ISO/FDIS 18640-1:2017) FprEN ISO 18640-2 Protective clothing for fire-fighters - Physiological impact - Part 2: Determination of physiological heat load caused by protective clothing worn by firefighters (ISO/FDIS 18640-2:2017) EN 13158:2018 Protective clothing - Protective jackets, body and shoulder protectors for equestrian use, for horse riders and those working with horses, and for horse drivers - Requirements and test methods prEN ISO 13982-1 rev Protective clothing for use against solid particulates - Part 1: Performance requirements for chemical protective clothing providing protection to the full body against airborne solid particulates (type 5 clothing) FprEN ISO 15384 Protective clothing for firefighters - Laboratory test methods and performance requirements for wildland firefighting clothing (ISO/FDIS 15384:2017) prEN ISO 11393-4 Protective clothing for users of hand-held chain-saws - Part 4: Test methods and performance requirements for protective gloves (ISO/DIS 11393-4:2016) prEN ISO 11393-5 Protective clothing for users of hand-held chain-saws - Part 5: Test methods and performance requirements for protective gaiters (ISO/DIS 11393-5:2016) prEN ISO 11393-6 Protective clothing for users of hand-held chain-saws - Part 6: Test methods and performance requirements for upper body protectors (ISO/DIS 11393-6:2016) prEN 943-2 Protective clothing against dangerous solid, liquid and gaseous chemicals, including liquid and solid aerosols - Part 2: Performance requirements for Type 1 (gas-tight) chemical protective suits for emergency teams (ET) prEN 17092-1 Protective garments for motorcycle riders - Part 1: Test methods prEN 17092-2 Protective garments for motorcycle riders - Part 2: Heavy- duty protective garments - Requirements prEN 17092-3 Protective garments for motorcycle riders - Part 3: Medium-duty protective garments - Requirements prEN 17092-4 Protective garments for motorcycle riders - Part 4: Light- duty protective garments - Requirements prEN 17092-5 Protective garments for motorcycle riders - Part 5: Light- duty abrasion protection garments - Requirements prEN 17092-6 Protective garments for motorcycle riders - Part 6: Impact protectors ensemble garments - Requirements


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CEN/TC 163 Egészségügyi berendezések

FprCEN/TR 17221 Guidance on the application of CE marking and preparation of Declaration of Performance for sanitary appliances

CEN/TC 164 Vízellátás

FprEN 13077 Devices to prevent pollution by backflow of potable water - Air gap with non-circular overflow (unrestricted) - Family A - Type B EN 17034:2017 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium chloride anhydrous, aluminium chloride basic, dialuminium chloride pentahydroxide and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate

CEN/TC 165 Szennyvízelvezetés

FprEN 16932-1 Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Pumping systems - Part 1: General requirements FprEN 16932-2 Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Pumping systems - Part 2: Positive pressure systems FprEN 16932-3 Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Pumping systems - Part 3: Vacuum systems

CEN/TC 166 Kémények

prEN 16475-1 Chimneys - Accessories - Part 1: Chimney silencers - Requirements and test methods prEN 1443 Chimneys - General requirements prEN 13216-1 Chimneys - Test methods for system chimneys - Part 1: General test methods prEN 1457-1 Chimney - Clay/ceramic flue liners - Part 1: Flue liners operating under dry conditions - Requirements and test methods prEN 1457-2 Chimneys - Clay/ceramic flue liners - Part 2: Flue liners operating under wet conditions - Requirements and test methods

CEN/TC 169 Alkalmazott világítástechnika

prEN 17037 Daylight of buildings FprEN 12665 Light and lighting - Basic terms and criteria for specifying lighting requirements prEN 13032-5 Light and lighting - Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires - Part 5: Presentation of data for luminaires used for road lighting prEN 12193 Light and lighting - Sports lighting


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CEN/TC 170 Szemészeti optika

prEN ISO 13666 Ophthalmic optics - Spectacle lenses - Vocabulary (ISO/DIS 13666:2017) FprEN ISO 8596 Ophthalmic optics - Visual acuity testing - Standard and clinical optotypes and their presentation (ISO/FDIS 8596:2017) prEN ISO 11979-7 Ophthalmic implants - Intraocular lenses - Part 7: Clinical investigations of intraocular lenses for the correction of aphakia (ISO/DIS 11979-7:2017) prEN ISO 11979-10 Ophthalmic implants - Intraocular lenses - Part 10: Clinical investigations of intraocular lenses for correction of ametropia in phakic eyes (ISO/DIS 11979-10:2017) prEN ISO 15253 rev Ophthalmic optics and instruments - Devices for enhancing low vision FprEN ISO 11981 Ophthalmic optics - Contact lenses and contact lens care products -Determination of physical compatibility of contact lens care products with contact lenses (ISO/FDIS 11981:2017) prEN ISO 10685-1 rev Ophthalmic optics - Spectacle frames and sunglasses electronic catalogue and identification - Part 1: Product identification and electronic catalogue product hierarchy prEN ISO 10685-3 rev Ophthalmic optics - Spectacle frames and sunglasses electronic catalogue and identification - Part 3: Technical information FprEN ISO 11986 Ophthalmic optics - Contact lenses and contact lens care products - Determination of preservative uptake and release (ISO/FDIS 11986:2017)

CEN/TC 172 Papír, karton és cellulóz

prEN 17085 Paper and board - Sampling procedures for paper and board for recycling prEN 646 Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of colour fastness of dyed paper and board prEN 648 Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of the fastness of fluorescent whitened paper and board prEN 1104 Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of the transfer of antimicrobial constituents

CEN/TC 175 Hengeres faanyagok és fűrészáru

EN 1309-3:2018 Round and sawn timber - Methods of measurements - Part 3: Features and biological degradations


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EN 17009:2018 Flooring of lignified materials other than wood - Characteristics, assessment and verification of constancy of performance and marking

FprEN 13756 Wood flooring and parquet - Terminology

CEN/TC 180 Decentralizált gázfűtés

prEN 17082 Domestic and non-domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space heating not exceeding a net heat input of 300 kW

CEN/TC 181 Propán-bután gázokkal üzemelő gázkészülékek

prEN 16436-2 Rubber and plastics hoses, tubing and assemblies for use with propane and butane and their mixture in the vapour phase - Part 2: Assemblies

CEN/TC 182 Hűtőrendszerek, biztonsági és környezetvédelmi követelmények

prEN 12693 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Positive displacement refrigerant compressors prEN ISO 22712 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Competence of personnel prEN 14276-2 Pressure equipment for refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Part 2: Piping - General requirements prEN 14276-1 Pressure equipment for refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Part 1: Vessels - General requirements EN 13136:2013/prA1:2017 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Pressure relief devices and their associated piping - Methods for calculation

CEN/TC 185 Kötőelemek

EN 14399-8:2017 High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading - Part 8: System HV - Hexagon fit bolt and nut assemblies FprEN ISO 1891-4 Fasteners - Vocabulary - Part 4: Controls, inspection, delivery, acceptance and quality (ISO/FDIS 1891-4:2017) prEN ISO 1891-1 Fasteners - Terminology - Part 1: Descriptions of fasteners and fasteners features prEN ISO 4042 Fasteners - Electroplated coating systems (ISO/DIS 4042:2017) prEN ISO 10683 Fasteners - Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings (ISO/DIS 10683:2016)


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prEN ISO 898-3 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 3: Washers (ISO/DIS 898-3:2017)

CEN/TC 187 Tűzálló anyagok és gyártmányok

prEN 993-1 Methods of test for dense shaped refractory products - Part 1: Determination of bulk density, apparent porosity and true porosity prEN 993-6 Methods of test for (dense) shaped refractory products - Part 6: Determination of modulus of rupture at ambient temperature

CEN/TC 188 Szállítószalagok

FprEN ISO 20238 Conveyor belts - Drum friction testing (ISO/FDIS 20238:2017) prEN ISO 21183-2 rev Light conveyor belts - Part 2: List of equivalent terms

CEN/TC 189 Geoszintetikák

prEN ISO 13438 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Screening test method for determining the resistance to oxidation (ISO/DIS 13438:2016) EN 13493:2018 Geosynthetic barriers - Characteristics required for use in the construction of solid waste storage and disposal sites EN 15382:2018 Geosynthetic barriers - Characteristics required for use in transportation infrastructure EN 16993:2018 Geosynthetic barriers - Characteristics required for use in the construction of storage lagoons, secondary containment (above and below ground) and other containment applications for chemicals, polluted water and produced liquids EN 13492:2018 Geosynthetic barriers - Characteristics required for use in the construction of liquid waste disposal sites, transfer stations or secondary containment prEN ISO 24576 Geosynthetic - Test method for determining the resistance of polymeric geosynthetic barriers to environmental stress cracking (ISO/DIS 24576:2017) prEN 17097 Geosynthetics - Characteristics required for use in surface erosion control on slopes and banks prEN 17096 Geosynthetics - Test method for the determination of the strain hardening modulus of HDPE geosynthetic barriers prEN ISO 10320 rev Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Identification on site EN ISO 10318-1:2015/prA1 Geosynthetics - Part 1: Terms and definitions - Amendment 1 (ISO 10318-1:2015/DAmd 1:2016) EN ISO 10318-2:2015/prA1 Geosynthetics - Part 2: Symbols and pictograms (ISO 10318-2:2015/DAM 1:2016)


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prEN ISO 13426-1 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Strength of internal structural junctions - Part 1: Geocells prEN ISO 12957-1 rev Geosynthetics - Determination of friction characteristics - Part 1: Direct shear test prEN ISO 10722 rev Geosynthetics - Index test procedure for the evaluation of mechanical damage under repeated loading - Damage caused by granular material

CEN/TC 190 Öntészet

FprEN 1563 Founding - Spheroidal graphite cast irons

FprEN ISO 945-1 Microstructure of cast irons - Part 1: Graphite classification by visual analysis (ISO/FDIS 945-1:2017)

FprEN 1011-8 Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 8: Welding of cast irons

FprEN 287-6 Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 6: Cast iron

CEN/TC 191 Beépített tűzoltókészülékek

prEN 13565-2 Fixed firefighting systems - Foam systems - Part 2: Design, construction and maintenance prEN 12259-12 Fixed firefighting systems - Components for sprinkler and water spray systems - Part 12: Pumps prEN 15004-1 Fixed firefighting systems - Gas extinguishing systems - Part 1: Design, installation and maintenance (ISO 14520- 1:2015, modified) prEN 12094-11 Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Part 11: Requirements and test methods for mechanical weighing devices prEN 13565-1 Fixed firefighting systems - Foam systems - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for components

CEN/TC 192 Tűzvédelmi felszerelés

FprEN 16712-4 Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by firefighting pumps - Portable foam generators - Part 4: High expansion foam generators PN16

CEN/TC 193 Ragasztóanyagok

prEN ISO 10364 Structural adhesives - Determination of the pot life (working life) of multi-component adhesives (ISO 10364:2015)


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CEN/TC 194 Élelmiszerekkel érintkező felszerelések

prEN ISO 8442-9 Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Cutlery and table holloware - Part 9: Requirements for ceramic knives (ISO/DIS 8442-9:2017)

CEN/TC 195 Légszűrők általános légtisztításra

prEN ISO 29461-2 Air filter intake systems for rotary machinery - Test methods - Part 2: Cleanable (Pulse jet) air filters

CEN/TC 196 A földfelszín alatti bányászat gépei. Biztonság

FprEN ISO 19296 Mining - Mobile machines working underground - Machine safety (ISO/FDIS 19296:2017)

CEN/TC 197 Szivattyúk

prEN 17038-1 Pumps - Methods of qualification and verification of the Energy Efficiency Index for rotodynamic pumps units - Part 1: General requirements and procedures for testing and calculation of Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) FprEN 17038-2 Pumps - Methods of qualification and verification of the Energy Efficiency Index for rotodynamic pumps units - Part 2: Testing and calculation of energy Efficiency Index (EEI) of single pump units prEN ISO 14414 Pump system energy assessment (ISO/ASME DIS 14414:2017)

CEN/TC 203 Öntöttvas csövek, csőidomok és kötéseik

prEN 15655-1 Ductile iron pipes, fittings and accessories - Requirements and test methods for organic linings of ductile iron pipes and fittings - Part 1: Polyurethane lining of pipes and fittings

CEN/TC 204 Orvosi eszközök sterilizálása

FprEN ISO 11737-1 Sterilization of health care products - Microbiological methods - Part 1: Determination of a population of microorganisms on products (ISO/FDIS 11737-1:2017) FprEN ISO 13408-2 Aseptic processing of health care products - Part 2: Sterilizing filtration (ISO/FDIS 13408-2:2017) prEN ISO 11737-2 rev Sterilization of medical devices - Microbiological methods - Part 2: Tests of sterility performed in the definition, validation and maintenance of a sterilization process


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prEN ISO 25424 Sterilization of health care products - Low temperature steam and formaldehyde - Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices (ISO/DIS 25424:2017) prEN ISO 17665-1 rev Sterilization of health care products - Moist heat - Part 1: Requirements for the development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices

CEN/TC 205 Nem aktív gyógyászati termékek

prEN ISO 7886-3 Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use - Part 3: Auto- disable syringes for fixed-dose immunization (ISO/DIS 7886-3:2016) prEN ISO 23500-1 Guidance for the preparation and quality management of fluids for haemodialysis and related therapies - Part 1: General requirements (ISO/DIS 23500-1:2017) prEN ISO 20696 Sterile urethral catheters for single use (ISO/DIS 20696:2017) prEN ISO 20697 Sterile drainage catheters and accessory devices for single use (ISO/DIS 20697:2017) prEN ISO 3826-1 rev Plastics collapsible containers for human blood and blood components - Part 1: Conventional containers prEN ISO 8536-4 rev Infusion equipment for medical use - Part 4: Infusion sets for single use, gravity feed prEN ISO 22413 rev Transfer sets for pharmaceutical preparations - Requirements and test methods EN 455-3:2015/prA1 Medical gloves for single use - Part 3: Requirements and testing for biological evaluation prEN ISO 23500-2 Guidance for the preparation and quality management of fluids for haemodialysis and related therapies - Part 2: Water treatment equipment for haemodialysis applications and related therapies (ISO/DIS 23500-2:2017) prEN ISO 23500-3 Guidance for the preparation and quality management of fluids for haemodialysis and related therapies - Part 3: Water for haemodialysis and related therapies (ISO/DIS 23500-3:2017) prEN ISO 23500-4 Guidance for the preparation and quality management of fluids for haemodialysis and related therapies - Part 4: Concentrates for haemodialysis and related therapies (ISO/DIS 23500-4:2017) prEN ISO 23500-5 Guidance for the preparation and quality management of fluids for haemodialysis and related therapies - Part 5: Quality of dialysis fluid for haemodialysis and related therapies (ISO/DIS 23500-5:2017)


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CEN/TC 206 Orvosi eszközök értékelése élettani szempontból

prEN ISO 10993-1 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process (ISO/DIS 10993-1:2017) prEN ISO 10993-9 rev Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 9: Framework for identification and quantification of potential degradation products prEN ISO 10993-15 rev Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 15: Identification and quantification of degradation products from metals and alloys prEN ISO 10993-18 rev Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 18: Chemical characterization of materials

CEN/TC 207 Bútorok

EN 1116:2018 Furniture - Kitchen furniture - Coordinating sizes for kitchen furniture and kitchen appliances prEN 1335-2 Office furniture - Office work chair - Part 2: Safety requirements

CEN/TC 208 Rugalmas tömítések csőhálózatok és csővezetékek kötéseihez

prEN 549 Rubber materials for seals and diaphragms for gas appliances and gas equipment

CEN/TC 211 Akusztika

prEN ISO 4869-2 Acoustics - Hearing protectors - Part 2: Estimation of effective A-weighted sound pressure levels when hearing protectors are worn (ISO/DIS 4869-2:2014) FprEN ISO 389-1 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 1: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and supra- aural earphones (ISO/FDIS 389-1:2017) prEN ISO 4869-1 Acoustics - Hearing protectors - Part 1: Subjective method for the measurement of sound attenuation (ISO/DIS 4869- 1:2015) EN ISO 11202:2010/prA1 Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions applying approximate environmental corrections prEN ISO 5135 rev Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise from air-terminal devices, air-terminal units, dampers and valves by measurement in a reverberation room prEN ISO 11691 rev Acoustics - Measurement of insertion loss of ducted silencers without flow - Laboratory survey method (ISO/NP 11691)


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EN ISO 11200:2014/prA1 Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions - Amendment 1 (ISO 11200:2014/DAmd 1:2017)

CEN/TC 214 Textilipari és hasonló gépek biztonsága

prEN 17116-3 Specifications for industrial laundry machines - Definitions and testing of capacity and consumption characteristics - Part 3: Continuous tunnel washer prEN 17116-4 Specifications for industrial laundry machines - Definitions and testing of capacity and consumption characteristics - Part 4: Washer-extractors prEN 17116-2 Specifications for industrial laundry machines - Definitions and testing of capacity and consumption characteristics - Part 2: Batch drying tumblers

CEN/TC 215 Lélegeztető és altatóberendezések

FprEN ISO 10524-2 Pressure regulators for use with medical gases - Part 2: Manifold and line pressure regulators (ISO/FDIS 10524- 2:2017) prEN ISO 10524-3 Pressure regulators for use with medical gases - Part 3: Pressure regulators integrated with cylinder valves (VIPRs) (ISO/DIS 10524-3:2017) FprEN ISO 10524-1 Pressure regulators for use with medical gases - Part 1: Pressure regulators and pressure regulators with flow- metering devices (ISO/FDIS 10524-1:2017) FprEN ISO 80601-2-55 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-55: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of respiratory gas monitors (ISO/FDIS 80601-2-55:2017) FprEN ISO 80601-2-61 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-61: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of pulse oximeter equipment (ISO/FDIS 80601-2-61:2017) EN ISO 80601-2-13:2012/prA2 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of an anaesthetic workstation - Amendment 2 (ISO 80601-2- 13:2011/DAM 2:2017) EN ISO 10079-1:2015/prA1 Medical suction equipment - Part 1: Electrically powered suction equipment (ISO 10079-1:2015/DAM 1:2016) EN ISO 15002:2008/FprA1 Flow-metering devices for connection to terminal units of medical gas pipeline systems (ISO 15002:2008/DAM1:2017) EN ISO 7396-1:2016/FprA1 Medical gas pipeline systems - Part 1: Pipeline systems for compressed medical gases and vacuum - Amendment 1 (ISO 7396-1:2016/FDAM 1:2017)


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CEN/TC 216 Vegyi fertőtlenítőszerek és antiszeptikus anyagok

prEN 17126 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectants in the medical area - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1) prEN 13704 Chemical disinfectants - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1) prEN 17122 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative non- porous surface test for the evaluation of virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area - Test method and requirements - Phase2, step2 prEN 17111 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative carrier test for the evaluation of virucidal activity for instruments used in the medical area - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2) EN 13624:2013/prA1 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of fungicidal or yeasticidal activity in the medical area - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1) EN 14476:2013+A1:2015/prA2 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity in the medical area - Test method and requirements (Phase 2/Step 1) prEN 16777 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative non- porous surface test without mechanical action for the evaluation of virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in the medical area - Test method and requirements (phase 2/step 2)

CEN/TC 217 Sportterületek felületei

prEN 14904-1 Surfaces for sports areas - Multi-sports floor systems for indoor use - Part 1: Essential characteristics prEN 14904-2 Surfaces for sports areas - Multi-sports floor systems for indoor use - Part 2: Specifications prEN 14904-3 Surfaces for sports areas - Multi-sports floor systems for indoor use - Part 3: In-situ testing

CEN/TC 218 Gumi és műanyag tömlők és tömlőszerelvények

prEN ISO 8028 Rubber and/or plastics hoses and hose assemblies for airless paint spraying - Specification (ISO/FDIS 8028:2017)


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prEN ISO 3949 Plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Textile-reinforced types for hydraulic applications - Specification (ISO/DIS 3949:2017) FprEN 13765 Thermoplastic multi-layer (non-vulcanized) hoses and hose assemblies for the transfer of hydrocarbons, solvents and chemicals - Specification prEN 13766 Thermoplastic multi-layer (non-vulcanized) hoses and hose assemblies for the transfer of liquid petroleum gas and liquefied natural gas - Specification prEN ISO 28017 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies, wire or textile reinforced, for dredging applications - Specification (ISO/FDIS 28017:2017) prEN ISO 10619-1 Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing - Measurement of flexibility and stiffness - Part 1: Bending tests at ambient temperature (ISO/FDIS 10619-1:2017) prEN ISO 10619-2 Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing - Measurement of flexibility and stiffness - Part 2: Bending tests at sub- ambient temperatures (ISO/FDIS 10619-2:2017) prEN ISO 10960 Rubber and plastics hoses - Assessment of ozone resistance under dynamic conditions (ISO/FDIS 10960:2017)

CEN/TC 219 Katódos védelem

prEN 12954 General principles of cathodic protection of buried or immersed onshore metallic structures

CEN/TC 224 Személyazonosítás, és kapcsolódó személyes berendezések biztonságos elemekkel, működéssel és titkosítással vegyeságazati környzetben

FprEN 419221-5 Protection Profiles for TSP Cryptographic Modules - Part 5 - Cryptographic Module for Trust Services prEN 17054 Biometrics multilingual vocabulary based upon the English version of ISO/IEC 2382-37:2012 prEN 419241-3 Trustworthy Systems Supporting Server Signing Part 3: Protection profile for Signature Activation Data management and Signature Activation Protocol (PP- SAD+SAP) prEN 419241-2 Trustworthy Systems Supporting Server Signing - Part 2: Protection profile for QSCD for Server Signing prEN 419241-1 Trustworthy Systems Supporting Server Signing - Part 1: General System Security Requirements FprEN 419231 Protection profile for trustworthy systems supporting time stamping

CEN/TC 225 Vonalkód (AIDC-technológiák)

prEN 17071 Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Electronic identification plate 48

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CEN/TC 226 Közúti berendezések

EN 1794-1:2018 Road traffic noise reducing devices - Non-acoustic performance - Part 1: Mechanical performance and stability requirements FprEN 1793-6 Road traffic noise reducing devices - Test method for determining the acoustic performance - Part 6: Intrinsic characteristics - In situ values of airborne sound insulation under direct sound field conditions FprEN 1793-2 Road traffic noise reducing devices - Test method for determining the acoustic performance - Part 2: Intrinsic characteristics of airborne sound insulation under diffuse sound field conditions prEN 1463-3 Road marking materials - Part 3: Active road studs

CEN/TC 227 Útépítési anyagok

FprEN 13880-10 Hot applied joint sealants - Part 10: Test method for the determination of adhesion and cohesion following continuous extension and compression FprEN 13880-13 Hot applied joint sealants - Part 13: Test method for the determination of the discontinuous extension (adherence test) EN 12274-3:2018 Slurry surfacing - Test methods - Part 3: Consistency EN 12274-1:2018 Slurry surfacing - Test methods - Part 1: Sampling of slurry surfacing mixture EN 12274-2:2018 Slurry surfacing - Test methods - Part 2: Determination of residual binder content including preparation of samples EN 12274-5:2018 Slurry surfacing - Test method - Part 5: Determination of the minimum binder content and wearing resistance EN 12274-6:2018 Slurry surfacing - Test methods - Part 6: Rate of application EN 12274-4:2018 Slurry surfacing - Test methods - Part 4: Determination of cohesion of the mix FprEN 12697-12 Bituminous mixtures - Test methods - Part 12: Determination of the water sensitivity of bituminous specimens FprEN 12697-26 Bituminous mixtures - Test methods - Part 26: Stiffness FprEN 12697-24 Bituminous mixtures - Test methods - Part 24: Resistance to fatigue prEN 14187-7 Cold applied joint sealants - Test methods - Part 7: Determination of the resistance to flame prEN 14187-5 Cold applied joint sealants - Test methods - Part 5: Determination of the resistance to hydrolysis prEN 14187-9 Cold applied joint sealants - Test methods - Part 9: Function testing of joint sealants prEN 13880-7 Hot applied joint sealants - Part 7: Function testing of joint sealants


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CEN/TC 229 Előregyártott betontermékek

prEN 13369 Common rules for precast concrete products

CEN/TC 230 Vízelemzés

FprEN ISO 7393-2 Water quality - Determination of free chlorine and total chlorine - Part 2: Colorimetric method using N,N-dialkyl- 1,4-phenylenediamine, for routine control purposes (ISO 7393-2:2017) prEN 17075 Water quality - General requirements and performance test procedures for water monitoring equipment - Measuring devices prEN ISO 7704 Water quality - Requirements for evaluation of membrane filters used for direct enumeration by microbiological culture methods prEN ISO 9698 Water quality - Tritium - Test method using liquid scintillation counting (ISO/DIS 9698:2017) prEN ISO 10704 Water quality - Gross alpha and gross beta activity - Test method using thin source deposit (ISO/DIS 10704:2017) prEN ISO 5667-3 rev Water quality - Sampling - Part 3: Preservation and handling of water samples EN ISO 11348-1:2008/prA1 Water quality - Determination of the inhibitory effect of water samples on the light emission of Vibrio fischeri (Luminescent bacteria test) - Part 1: Method using freshly prepared bacteria - Amendment 1 (ISO 11348- 1:2007/DAM 1:2017) EN ISO 11348-2:2008/prA1 Water quality - Determination of the inhibitory effect of water samples on the light emission of Vibrio fischeri (Luminescent bacteria test) - Part 2: Method using liquid- dried bacteria - Amendment 1 (ISO 11348-2:2007/DAM 1:2017) EN ISO 11348-3:2008/prA1 Water quality - Determination of the inhibitory effect of water samples on the light emission of Vibrio fischeri (Luminescent bacteria test) - Part 3: Method using freeze- dried bacteria - Amendment 1 (ISO 11348-3:2007/DAM 1:2017)

CEN/TC 231 Mechanikai rezgés és rázkódás

EN ISO 28927-4:2010/prA1 Hand-held portable power tools - Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission - Part 4: Straight grinders - Amendment 1: Cupped wire brushes (ISO 28927- 4:2010/DAM 1:2016) prEN ISO 28927-13 Hand-held portable power tools - Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission - Part 13: Fastener driving tools (ISO/DIS 28927-13:2017)


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CEN/TC 234 Gázszolgáltatás

prEN 15399 Gas infrastructure - Safety Management Systems for gas networks with maximum operating pressure up to and including 16 bar

CEN/TC 235 Gáznyomás-szabályozók és biztonsági zárószerkezetek a gázszállításban és gázelosztásban

EN 14382:2017 Gas safety shut-off devices for inlet pressure up to 100 bar

CEN/TC 237 Gázmérők

EN 12480:2018 Gas meters - Rotary displacement gas meters EN 12261 Gas meters - Turbine gas meters prEN 14236 Ultrasonic domestic gas meters

CEN/TC 238 Vizsgálógázok, vizsgálónyomások, készülékkategóriák és gázkézülék típusok

prEN 437 Test gases - Test pressures - Appliance categories prEN ISO 20765-1 Natural gas - Calculation of thermodynamic properties - Part 1: Gas phase properties for transmission and distribution applications (ISO 20765-1:2005) prEN ISO 20765-2 Natural gas - Calculation of thermodynamic properties - Part 2: Single-phase properties (gas, liquid, and dense fluid) for extended ranges of application (ISO 20765- 2:2015) prEN ISO 23874 Natural gas - Gas chromatographic requirements for hydrocarbon dewpoint calculation (ISO 23874:2006)

CEN/TC 239 Mentőrendszerek

EN 13718-1:2014/prA1 Medical vehicles and their equipment - Air ambulances - Part 1: Requirements for medical devices used in air ambulances

CEN/TC 240 Hideg-meleg fémszórás és ezen az elven felvitt bevonatok

prEN ISO 14918 Thermal spraying - Qualification testing of thermal sprayers (ISO/DIS 14918:2017) FprEN 17001 Thermal spraying - Components with thermally sprayed coatings - Coating specification FprEN 17002 Thermal spraying - Components with thermally sprayed coatings - Thermal spray procedure specification FprEN 1395-5 Thermal spraying - Acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment - Part 5: Plasma spraying in chambers FprEN 13507 Thermal spraying - Pre-treatment of surfaces of metallic parts and components for thermal spraying 51

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prEN ISO 14922 rev Thermal spraying - Quality requirements for manufacturers of thermal sprayed coatings - Quality assurance system

CEN/TC 242 Személyszállító kötélpályák biztonsági követelményei

prEN 17064 Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons - Prevention and fight against fire

CEN/TC 243 Tisztaszoba-technologia

prEN ISO 14644-16 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Part 16: Code of practice for improving energy efficiency in cleanrooms and clean air devices prEN ISO 14644-3 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Part 3: Test methods (ISO/DIS 14644-3:2016)

CEN/TC 245 Lakókocsik

FprEN 1647 Leisure accommodation vehicles - Caravan holiday homes - Habitation requirements relating to health and safety EN 1648-1:2018 Leisure accommodation vehicles - 12 V direct current extra low voltage electrical installations - Part 1: Caravans EN 1648-2:2018 Leisure accommodation vehicles - 12 V direct current extra low voltage electrical installations - Part 2: Motor caravans FprEN 1646-1 Leisure accommodation vehicles - Motor caravans - Part 1: Habitation requirements relating to health and safety FprEN 1645-1 Leisure accommodation vehicles - Caravans - Part 1: Habitation requirements relating to health and safety

CEN/TC 246 Természetes díszítőkövek

FprEN 16954 Agglomerated stone - Slabs and cut-to-size products for flooring and stairs (internal and external) prEN 12407 Natural stone test methods - Petrographic examination prEN 12670 Natural stone - Terminology

CEN/TC 248 Textiliák és textiltermékek

FprEN 16779-1 Textile child care articles - Safety requirements and test methods for children's cot duvets - Part 1: Duvet (excluding duvet covers) FprEN 16780 Textile child care articles - Safety requirements and test methods for children's cot bumpers FprEN 16781 Textile child care articles - Safety requirements and test methods for children's sleep bags for use in a cot prEN ISO 811 Textile - Determination of resistance to water penetration - Hydrostatic pressure test (ISO/DIS 811:2016) 52

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FprEN ISO 3175-1 Textiles - Professional care, drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and garments - Part 1: Assessment of performance after cleaning and finishing (ISO/FDIS 3175- 1:2017) FprEN ISO 3175-2 Textiles - Professional care, drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and garments - Part 2: Procedure for testing performance when cleaning and finishing using tetrachloroethene (ISO/FDIS 3175-2:2017) FprEN ISO 3175-3 Textiles - Professional care, drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and garments - Part 3: Procedure for testing performance when cleaning and finishing using hydrocarbon solvent (ISO/FDIS 3175-3:2017) prEN ISO 3175-4 Textiles - Professional care, drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and garments - Part 4: Procedure for testing performance when cleaning and finishing using simulated wetcleaning (ISO/DIS 3175-4:2017) prEN ISO 12138 Textiles - Domestic laundering procedures for textile fabrics prior to flammability testing (ISO/DIS 12138:2017) prEN ISO 15496 Textiles - Measurement of water vapour permeability of textiles for the purpose of quality control (ISO/DIS 15496:2016) FprEN ISO 15797 Textiles - Industrial washing and finishing procedures for testing of workwear (ISO/FDIS 15797:2017) prEN ISO 15487 Textiles - Method for assessing appearance of apparel and other textile end products after domestic washing and drying (ISO/DIS 15487:2016) prEN ISO 1833-20 Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 20: Mixtures of elastane and certain other fibres (method using dimethylacetamide) prEN ISO 32100 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of flex resistance by the flexometer method (ISO/DIS 32100:2016) prEN ISO 20418-1 Textiles - Qualitative and quantitative proteomic analysis of some animal hair fibres - Part 1: Peptide detection using LC-ESI-MS with protein reduction (ISO/DIS 20418- 1:2017)

CEN/TC 249 Műanyagok

EN ISO 472:2013/prA1 Plastics - Vocabulary (ISO 472:2006/DAmd 1:2016) FprEN 13655 Plastics - Thermoplastic mulch films recoverable after use, for use in agriculture and horticulture EN 14932:2018 Plastics - Thermoplastic stretch films for wrapping silage bales FprEN 13207 Plastics - Thermoplastic silage films and tubes for use in agriculture prEN ISO 7214 rev Cellular plastics - Polyethylene - Methods of test EN 17033:2018 Plastics - Biodegradable mulch films for use in agriculture and horticulture - Requirements and test methods 53

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FprEN ISO 20029-1 Plastics - Thermoplastic polyester/ester and polyether/ester elastomers for moulding and extrusion - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specification (ISO/FDIS 20029-1:2017) FprEN ISO 20029-2 Plastics - Thermoplastic polyester/ester and polyether/ester elastomers for moulding and extrusion - Part 2: Preparation of test specimen and determination of properties (ISO/FDIS 20029-2:2017) prEN ISO 877-1 Plastics - Methods of exposure to solar radiation - Part 1: General guidance (ISO/DIS 877-1:2016) prEN ISO 877-2 Plastics - Methods of exposure to solar radiation - Part 2: Direct weathering and exposure behind window glass (ISO/DIS 877-2:2016) prEN ISO 877-3 Plastics - Methods of exposure to solar radiation - Part 3: Intensified weathering using concentrated solar radiation (ISO/DIS 877-3:2016) FprEN 15860 Plastics - Thermoplastic semi-finished products for machining - Requirements and test methods FprEN 12814-4 Testing of welded joints of thermoplastics semi-finished products - Part 4: Peel test prEN ISO 29988-1 Plastics - Polyoxymethylene (POM) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications (ISO/DIS 29988-1:2017) prEN ISO 29988-2 Plastics - Polyoxymethylene (POM) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties (ISO/DIS 29988-2:2017) prEN ISO 2555 Plastics - Resins in the liquid state or as emulsions or dispersions - Determination of apparent viscosity using a single cylinder type rotational viscometer method (ISO/DIS 2555:2017) prEN ISO 14851 Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an aqueous medium - Method by measuring the oxygen demand in a closed respirometer (ISO/DIS 14851:2016) prEN 17104 Thermoplastics rigid protective wallcovering panels for internal use in buildings - Performance characteristics FprEN 478 Plastics - Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) based profiles - Determination of the appearance after exposure at 150 °C FprEN 479 Plastics - Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) based profiles - Determination of heat reversion FprEN 477 Plastics - Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) based profiles - Determination of the resistance to impact of profiles by falling mass FprEN 514 Plastics - Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) based profiles - Determination of the strength of welded corners and T- joints prEN ISO 1856 Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Determination of compression set (ISO/DIS 1856:2016) 54

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prEN ISO 846 rev Plastics - Evaluation of the action of microorganisms prEN ISO 10350-2 rev Plastics - Acquisition and presentation of comparable single-point data - Part 2: Long-fibre-reinforced plastics prEN ISO 15023-2 Plastics - Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVAL) materials - Part 2: Determination of properties (ISO/DIS 15023-2:2016) prEN ISO 19062-2 rev Plastics - Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties prEN ISO 19065-2 Plastics - Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate (ASA), acrylonitrile-(ethylene-propylene-diene)-styrene (AEPDS) and acrylonitrile-(chlorinated polyethylene)-styrene (ACS) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties prEN ISO 178 Plastics - Determination of flexural properties (ISO/DIS 178:2017) prEN ISO 21302-2 Plastics - Polybutene-1 (PB-1) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties prEN ISO 21309-1 Plastics - Ethylene/vinyl alcohol (EVOH) copolymer moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications (ISO/DIS 21309- 1:2017) prEN ISO 21302-1 Plastics - Polybutene-1 (PB-1) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications prEN ISO 21306-1 Plastics - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications prEN ISO 21306-2 Plastics - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties EN 17098-1:2018 Plastics - Barrier films for agricultural and horticultural soil disinfection by fumigation - Part 1: Specifications for barrier films EN 17098-2:2018 Plastics - Barrier films for agricultural and horticultural soil disinfection by fumigation - Part 2: Method for film permeability determination using a static technique prEN ISO 10352 rev Fibre-reinforced plastics - Moulding compounds and prepregs - Determination of mass per unit area prEN ISO 21970-1 Plastics - Polyketone (PK) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications (ISO/DIS 21970-1:2017) prEN ISO 21970-2 Plastics - Polyketone (PK) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties (ISO/DIS 21970-2:2017) prEN ISO 14852 Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an aqueous medium - Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide (ISO/DIS 14852:2017)


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prEN ISO 14855-2 Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions - Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide - Part 2: Gravimetric measurement of carbon dioxide evolved in a laboratory-scale test (ISO/DIS 14855-2:2017) FprEN ISO 11357-3 Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) - Part 3: Determination of temperature and enthalpy of melting and crystallization (ISO/FDIS 11357-3:2017) FprEN ISO 11357-6 Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) - Part 6: Determination of oxidation induction time (isothermal OIT) and oxidation induction temperature (dynamic OIT) (ISO/FDIS 11357-6:2017)

CEN/TC 250 Tartószerkezeti Eurocode-ok

FprEN 1992-4 Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete structures - Part 4: Design of fastenings for use in concrete

CEN/TC 251 Egészségügyi informatika

prEN ISO 13606-2 Health informatics - Electronic health record communication - Part 2: Archetype interchange specification (ISO/DIS 13606-2:2017) prEN ISO 13606-4 Health informatics - Electronic health record communication - Part 4: Security (ISO/DIS 13606-4:2017) prEN ISO 13606-3 Health informatics - Electronic health record communication - Part 3: Reference archetypes and term lists (ISO/DIS 13606-3:2017) prEN ISO 13606-5 Health informatics - Electronic health record communication - Part 5: Interface specification (ISO/DIS 13606-5:2017) prEN ISO 13606-1 Health informatics - Electronic health record communication - Part 1: Reference model (ISO/DIS 13606-1:2017) EN ISO 11073- Health informatics - Personal health device 10424:2016/prAC communication - Part 10424: Device specialization - Sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment (SABTE) - Technical Corrigendum 1

CEN/TC 252 Használati és ápolási cikkek gyermekek részére

prEN 13209-1 Child care and care articles - Baby carriers - Safety requirements and test methods - Part 1: Framed back carrier FprEN 1888-2 Child care articles - Wheeled child conveyances - Part 2: Pushchairs for children above 15 kg up to 22 kg FprEN 1888-1 Child use and care articles - Wheeled child conveyances - Part 1: Pushchairs and prams


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prEN 17022 Child care articles - Bathing aids - Safety requirements and test methods prEN 17072 Child care articles - Bath tubs, stands and non-standalone bathing aids - Safety requirements and test methods EN Child use and care articles - Soothers for babies and young 1400:2013+A1:2014/prA2:2016 children - Safety requirements and test methods FprCEN/TR 13387-5 Child care articles - General safety guidelines - Part 5: Product information EN 16232:2013/FprA1:2018 Child use and care articles - Infant swings

CEN/TC 254 Hajlékony lemezek vízszigetelésre

prEN 16002 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Determination of the resistance to wind load of mechanically fastened flexible sheets for roof waterproofing FprEN 17048 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing of concrete bridge decks and other trafficked areas of concrete - Definitions and characteristics prEN 12691 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Bitumen, plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing - Determination of resistance to impact prEN 13707 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Reinforced bitumen sheets for roof waterproofing - Definitions and characteristics

CEN/TC 256 Vasúti alkalmazások

FprEN 17065 Railway applications - Braking - Passenger coach test procedure FprEN 16834 Railway applications - Braking - Brake performance prEN 14811 Railway applications - Track - Special purpose rail - Grooved and associated construction FprEN 13231-5 Railway applications - Track - Acceptance of works - Part 5: Procedures for rail reprofiling in plain line, switches, crossings and expansion devices prEN 14587-1 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Flash butt welding of new rails - Part 1: R220, R260, R260Mn, R320Cr, R350HT, R350LHT, R370CrHT and R400HT grade rails in a fixed plant FprEN 16910-1 Railway applications - Rolling stock - Requirements for non-destructive testing on running gear in railway maintenance - Part 1: Wheelsets prEN 17069-1 Railway applications - Systems and procedures for change of track gauge - Part 1: Automatic Variable Gauge Systems prEN 15227 Railway applications - Crashworthiness requirements for railway vehicle bodies


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FprEN 16727-1 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Non- acoustic performance - Part 1: Mechanical performance under static loadings - Calculation and test method prEN 13848-1 Railway applications - Track - Track geometry quality - Part 1: Characterisation of track geometry FprEN 16989 Railway applications - Fire protection on railway vehicles - Fire behaviour test for a complete seat prEN 17084 Railway applications - Fire protection in railway vehicles - Toxicity test of materials and components FprEN 16727-2-1 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Non- acoustic performance - Part 2-1: Mechanical performance under dynamic loadings due to passing trains - Resistance to fatigue prEN 14535-2 Railway applications - Brake discs for railway rolling stock - Part 2: Brake discs mounted onto the wheel, dimensions and quality requirements prEN 14535-1 Railway applications - Brake discs for railway rolling stock - Part 1: Brake discs pressed or shrunk onto the axle or drive shaft, dimensions and quality requirements FprEN 14067-6 Railway applications - Aerodynamics - Part 6: Requirements and test procedures for cross wind assessment prEN 17023 Railway applications - Rolling stock maintenance - Creation and modification of maintenance plan prEN 17018 Railway applications - Rolling Stock Maintenance - Terms and definitions prEN 13146-7 Railway applications - Track - Test methods for fastening systems - Part 7: Determination of clamping force and uplift stiffness prEN 13146-1 Railway applications - Track - Test methods for fastening systems - Part 1: Determination of longitudinal rail restraint FprEN 16951-1 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Procedures for assessing long term performance - Part 1: Acoustic characteristics FprEN 16951-2 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Procedures for assessing long term performance - Part 2: Non-acoustic characteristics FprEN 16729-3 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Non-destructive testing on rails in track - Part 3: Requirements for identifying internal and surface rail defects prEN 16729-4 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Non-destructive testing on rails in track - Part 4: Qualification of personnel for non-destructive testing on rails


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prEN 15329 Railway applications - Braking - Brake block holder and brake block key prEN 17095 Railway applications - Rolling stock maintenance - Maintenance records prEN 13979-1 Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Monobloc wheels - Design assessment procedure - Part 1: Forged and rolled wheels EN 16186-1:2014/prA1 Railway applications - Driver's cab - Part 1: Anthropometric data and visibility EN 14531-1:2015/prA1:2016 Railway applications - Methods for calculation of stopping and slowing distances and immobilization braking - Part 1: General algorithms utilizing mean value calculation for train sets or single vehicles EN 14198:2016/prA1 Railway applications - Braking - Requirements for the brake system of trains hauled by locomotives EN 16185-1:2014/prA1 Railway applications - Braking systems of multiple unit trains - Part 1: Requirements and definitions EN 16452:2015/prA1:2017 Railway applications - Braking - Brake blocks

CEN/TC 260 Trágyák és meszezőanyagok

FprEN 17041 Fertilizers - Determination of boron in concentrations ≤ 10 % using spectrometry with azomethine-H FprEN 17042 Fertilizers - Determination of boron in concentrations > 10 % using acidimetric titration FprEN 17043 Fertilizers - Determination of molybdenum in concentrations ≤ 10 % using spectrometry of a complex with ammonium thiocyanate prEN 17090 Fertilizers - Determination of nitrification inhibitor DMPSA in fertilizers - Method using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

CEN/TC 261 Csomagolás

prEN ISO 20848-3 Packaging - Plastics drums - Part 3: Plug/bung closure systems for plastics drums with a nominal capacity of 113,6 l to 220 l (ISO/DIS 20848-3:2016)

CEN/TC 262 Fémbevonatok és egyéb, szervetlen bevonatok

FprEN ISO 2081 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Electroplated coatings of zinc with supplementary treatments on iron or steel (ISO/FDIS 2081:2017) FprEN ISO 28706-3 Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 3: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by alkaline liquids using a hexagonal vessel or a tetragonal glass bottle (ISO/FDIS 28706-3:2017)


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FprEN ISO 2819 Metallic coatings on metallic substrates - Electrodeposited and chemically deposited coatings - Review of methods available for testing adhesion (ISO/FDIS 2819:2017) prEN ISO 20728 Corrosion of metal and alloys - Determination of resistance of magnesium alloys to stress corrosion cracking (ISO/DIS 20728:2017) prEN 13144 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Method for quantitative measurement of adhesion by tensile test FprEN ISO 11130 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Alternate immersion test in salt solution (ISO/FDIS 11130:2017) prEN ISO 4531 Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Migration from enamelled ware in contact with food - Method of test and permissible limits (ISO/DIS 4531:2017)

CEN/TC 263 Készpénz, javak és adathordozók biztonságos tárolása

prEN 1300 Secure storage units - Classification for high security locks according to their resistance to unauthorized opening prEN 1143-1 Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Part 1: Safes, ATM safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms

CEN/TC 265 Folyadéktároló fémtartályok

FprEN 12285-1 Workshop fabricated steel tanks - Part 1: Horizontal cylindrical single skin and double skin tanks for the underground storage of flammable and nonflammable water polluting liquids other than for heating and cooling of buildings prEN 12285-3 Workshop fabricated steel tanks - Part 3: Horizontal cylindrical single skin and double skin tanks for the underground storage of flammable and nonflammable water polluting liquids for heating and cooling of buildings

CEN/TC 267 Ipari csővezeték-hálózatok

EN 13480-2:2017/prA1 Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials EN 13480-2:2017/prA2 Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials EN 13480-2:2017/prA3 Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials EN 13480-5:2017/prA1 Metallic industrial piping - Part 5: Inspection and testing

CEN/TC 268 Kriogén tartályok és egyes hidrogéntechnológiai alkalmazások prEN ISO 21012 Cryogenic vessels - Hoses (ISO/DIS 21012:2017) FprEN ISO 21028-2 Cryogenic vessels - Toughness requirements for materials at cryogenic temperature - Part 2: Temperatures between - 80 degrees C and -20 degrees C (ISO/FDIS 21028-2:2017)


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CEN/TC 269 Nagy vízterű és vízcsöves kazánok

FprEN 12953-4 Shell boilers - Part 4: Workmanship and construction of pressure parts of the boiler

CEN/TC 271 Felületkezelő berendezések. Biztonság

FprEN 16985 Spray booths for organic coating material - Safety requirements FprEN 17059 Plating and anodizing lines - Safety requirements

CEN/TC 274 Repülőgépek földfelszíni támogató berendezései

prEN 12312-15 Aircraft ground support equipment - Specific requirements - Part 15: Baggage and equipment tractors

CEN/TC 275 Élelmiszer-vizsgálatok horizontális módszerei

prEN ISO 18593 Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal methods for sampling techniques from surfaces using contact plates and swabs (ISO/DIS 18593:2016) FprEN 15662 Foods of plant origin - Multimethod for the determination of pesticide residues using GC- and LC-based analysis following acetonitrile extraction/partitioning and clean-up by dispersive SPE - Modular QuEChERS-method prEN ISO 20976-1 Microbiology of the food chain - Guidelines for conducting challenge tests of food and feed products - Part 1: Challenge tests to study the growth potential, lag time and the maximum growth rate (ISO/DIS 20976-1:2016)


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EN ISO 6888-1:1999/prA2 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase- positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) - Part 1: Technique using Baird-Parker agar medium - Amendment 2: Inclusion of an alternative confirmation procedure (ISO 6888-1:1999/DAmd 2:2017) EN ISO 11133:2014/FprA1 Microbiology of food, animal feed and water - Preparation, production, storage and performance testing of culture media - Amendment 1 (ISO 11133:2014/FDAM 1:2017)

CEN/TC 278 Intelligens közlekedési rendszerek

prEN ISO 17427-1 Intelligent transport systems - Cooperative ITS - Part 1: Roles and responsibilities in the context of co-operative ITS architecture(s) (ISO/DIS 17427-1) prEN ISO 18750 Intelligent transport systems - Cooperative ITS - Local dynamic maps (ISO/DIS 18750:2017) prEN ISO 16407-2 Electronic fee collection - Evaluation of equipment for conformity to ISO 17575-1 - Part 2: Abstract test suite (ISO/DIS 16407-2:2017) prEN ISO 16410-2 Electronic fee collection - Evaluation of equipment for conformity to ISO 17575-3 - Part 2: Abstract test suite (ISO/DIS 16410-2:2017) prEN ISO 17419-1 Intelligent transport systems - Cooperative systems - Globally unique identification (ISO/DIS 17419:2017) prEN ISO 17423 Intelligent transport systems - Cooperative systems - Application requirements and objectives (ISO/DIS 17423:2017)

CEN/TC 282 Szerelvények cseppfolyósított földgázhoz (LNG) és szerelésük

prEN ISO 20257-1 Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas - Design of offshore installations -Part 1: General requirements for floating LNG installations

CEN/TC 285 Nem aktív sebészeti implantátumok

FprEN ISO 14607 Non-active surgical implants - Mammary implants - Particular requirements (ISO/FDIS 14607:2017)

CEN/TC 286 Cseppfolyósított szénhidrogéngázok gázberendezései

FprEN 12542 LPG equipment and accessories - Static welded steel cylindrical tanks, serially produced for the storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) having a volume not greater than 13 m³ - Design and manufacture FprEN 12807 LPG equipment and accessories - Transportable refillable brazed steel cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) - Design and construction 62

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EN LPG equipment and accessories - Welded steel pressure 12493:2013+A1:2014/FprA2 vessels for LPG road tankers - Design and manufacture

CEN/TC 287 Térinformatika

FprEN ISO 19115-2 Geographic information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for acquisition and processing (ISO/FDIS 19115-2:2017) prEN ISO 19126 rev Geographic information - Feature concept dictionaries and registers prEN ISO 19142 rev Geographic information - Web Feature Service prEN ISO 19143 Geographic information - Filter encoding prEN ISO 19123 rev Geographic information - Schema for coverage geometry and functions EN ISO 19157:2013/prA1 Geographic information - Data quality - Amendment 1: Describing data quality using coverages (ISO 19157:2013/DAmd 1:2017) prEN ISO 19136-2 Geographic information - Geography Markup Language (GML) - Part 2: Extended schemas and encoding rules (ISO 19136-2:2015) EN ISO 19115-1:2014/FprA1 Geographic information - Metadata - Part 1: Fundamentals - Amendment 1 (ISO 19115-1:2014/FDAM 1:2017)

CEN/TC 288 Speciális alapozási munkák

prEN 12716 Execution of special geotechnical work - Jet grouting

CEN/TC 289 Készbőr

prEN ISO 4098 Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of water-soluble matter, water-soluble inorganic matter and water-soluble organic matter (ISO/FDIS 4098:2016) FprEN ISO 20701 Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to saliva (ISO/FDIS 20701:2017) prEN ISO 11640 Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to cycles of to-and-fro rubbing (ISO/DIS 11640:2017)

CEN/TC 290 Termékek geometriai és méretmegadási követelményei és igazoló vizsgálatai

FprEN ISO 5458 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing - Pattern and combined geometrical specification (ISO/FDIS 5458:2017) prEN ISO 20170 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Decomposition of geometrical characteristics for manufacturing control (ISO/DIS 20170:2016) prEN ISO 25178-73 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Areal - Part 73: Defects on material measures - Terms and definitions


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prEN ISO 25178-607 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Areal - Part 607: Nominal characteristics of non- contact (confocal microscopy) instruments (ISO/DIS 25178-607:2017) prEN ISO 25178-600 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Areal - Part 600: Metrological characteristics for areal-topography measuring methods (ISO/DIS 25178- 600:2017) prEN ISO 16610-29 rev Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Filtration - Part 29: Linear profile filters: Spline wavelets prEN ISO 16610-61 rev Geometrical product specification (GPS) - Filtration - Part 61: Linear areal filters - Gaussian filters prEN ISO 15530-4 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Coordinate measuring machines (CMM): Technique for determining the uncertainty of measurement - Part 4: Evaluating task- specific measurement uncertainty using simulation prEN ISO 14978 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - General concepts and requirements for GPS measuring equipment (ISO/DIS 14978:2017)

CEN/TC 294 Mérőeszközök kommunikációs rendszere

Communication systems for meters - Part 3: Application FprEN 13757-3 protocols Communication systems for meters - Part 2: Wired M-Bus FprEN 13757-2 communication Communication systems for meters - Part 7: Transport and FprEN 13757-7 security services

CEN/TC 296 Tartályok veszélyes áruk szállítására

prEN 14596 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods - Service equipment for tanks - Emergency pressure relief valve prEN 13317 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods - Service equipment for tanks - Manhole cover assembly prEN 17110 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods - Service equipment for tanks - Vapour manifold vent valve

CEN/TC 301 Közúti járművek

prEN ISO 18541-5 Road vehicles - Standardized access to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) - Part 5: Heavy duty specific provision (ISO/DIS 18541-5:2017) FprEN ISO 16380 Road vehicles - Blended fuels refuelling connector (ISO 16380:2014/Amd 1:2016) FprEN ISO 18243 Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles - Test specifications and safety requirements for lithium-ion battery systems (ISO 18243:2017)


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CEN/TC 303 Esztrich padló és esztrich anyagok

prEN 13813 Screed material and floor screeds - Screed material - Properties and requirements prEN 13892-9 Methods of test for screed materials - Part 9: Determination of shrinkage and swelling

CEN/TC 305 Robbanásveszélyessé válható légterek. A robbanás megelőzése és védekezés a robbanás ellen

prEN 17077 Determination of burning behaviour of dust layers FprEN 14460 Explosion resistant equipment FprEN ISO 80079-20-1 Explosive atmospheres - Part 20-1: Material characteristics for gas and vapour classification - Test methods and data (ISO/IEC/FDIS 80079-20-1:2017)

CEN/TC 309 Lábbeli

FprEN ISO 20863 Footwear - Test methods for stiffeners and toepuffs - Bondability (ISO/FDIS 20863:2017) prEN ISO 17708 Footwear - Test methods for whole shoe - Upper sole adhesion (ISO/DIS 17708:2015) prEN ISO 20150 Footwear and footwear components - Quantitative challenge test method to assess antifungal activity (ISO/DIS 20150:2017)

CEN/TC 312 Napenergiával működő fűtőrendszerek és részegységeik

EN 12977-2:2018 Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 2: Test methods for solar water heaters and combisystems EN 12977-4:2018 Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 4: Performance test methods for solar combistores EN 12977-5:2018 Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 5: Performance test methods for control equipment EN 12977-1:2018 Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 1: General requirements for solar water heaters and combisystems EN 12977-3:2018 Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 3: Performance test methods for solar water heater stores

CEN/TC 315 Nézőtéri berendezések

FprEN 13200-3 Spectator facilities - Part 3: Separating elements - Requirements 65

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prEN 13200-1 Spectator facilities - Part 1: General characteristics for spectator viewing area

CEN/TC 319 Karbantartás

EN 16991:2018 Risk-based inspection framework

CEN/TC 327 Takarmányok. Mintavétel és vizsgálati módszerek

FprEN 17049 Animal feeding stuffs: Methods of sampling and analysis - Identification of tylosin, spiramycin, virginiamycin, carbadox and olaquindox at sub-additive levels in compound feed - Confirmatory analysis by LC-MS EN 17053:2018 Animal feeding stuffs: Methods of sampling and analysis - Determination of trace elements, heavy metals and other elements in feed by ICP-MS (multi-method)

CEN/TC 335 Szilárd bioüzemanyagok

prEN ISO 20023 Solid biofuels - Safety of solid biofuel pellets - Safe handling and storage of wood pellets in residential and other small-scale applications (ISO/DIS 20023:2017)

CEN/TC 336 Bitumenes kötőanyagok

FprEN 12591 Bitumen and bituminous binders - Specifications for paving grade bitumens EN 1431:2018 Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of residual binder and oil distillate from bitumen emulsions by distillation FprEN 13302 Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of dynamic viscosity of bituminous binder using a rotating spindle apparatus

CEN/TC 337 Közlekedési eszközök és termékek

prEN 15597-2 Winter maintenance equipment - Spreading machines (gritting machines) - Part 2: Requirements for distribution and their test prEN 15597-1 Winter maintenance equipment - Spreading machines (gritting machines) - Part 1: General requirements and definitions for spreading machines

CEN/TC 338 Gabona és gabonatermékek

prEN ISO 16624 Wheat flour and durum wheat semolina - Determination of the colour by reflectance diffused colorimetry


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CEN/TC 340 Födrengésálló megoldások

FprEN 15129 Anti-seismic devices

CEN/TC 341 Geotechnikai feltárások és vizsgálatok

prEN ISO 22477-5 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Testing of geotechnical structures - Part 5: Testing of grouted anchors (ISO/DIS 22477-5:2016) FprEN ISO 14688-1 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Identification and classification of soil - Part 1: Identification and description (ISO/FDIS 14688-1:2017) FprEN ISO 14688-2 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Identification and classification of soil - Part 2: Principles for a classification (ISO/FDIS 14688-2:2017) FprEN ISO 14689-1 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Identification and classification of rock - Part 1: Identification and description (ISO/FDIS 14689-1:2017) FprEN ISO 22477-4 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Testing of geotechnical structures - Part 4: Testing of piles dynamic load testing (ISO/FDIS 22477-4:2017) prEN ISO 22475-1 rev Geotechnical investigation and testing - Sampling methods and groundwater measurements - Part 1: Technical principles for execution FprEN ISO 17892-7 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of soil - Part 7: Unconfined compression test (ISO/FDIS 17892-7:2017) FprEN ISO 17892-8 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of soil - Part 8: Unconsolidated undrained triaxial test (ISO/FDIS 17892-8:2017) FprEN ISO 17892-9 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of soil - Part 9: Consolidated triaxial compression tests on water saturated soils (ISO/FDIS 17892-9:2017)

CEN/TC 344 Acélok nyugvótároló rendszerei

prEN 15512 Steel static storage systems - Adjustable pallet racking systems - Principles for structural design

CEN/TC 345 Talajok jellemzése

prEN ISO 15175 Soil quality - Characterization of contaminated soil related to groundwater protection (ISO/DIS 15175:2017)


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CEN/TC 346 Kulturális örökség megőrzése

EN 16893:2018 Conservation of Cultural Heritage - Specifications for location, construction and modification of buildings or rooms intended for the storage or use of heritage collections EN 15759-2:2018 Conservation of cultural heritage - Indoor climate - Part 2: Ventilation management for the protection of cultural heritage buildings and collections FprEN 17036 Conservation of Cultural Heritage - Artificial ageing by simulated solar radiation of the surface of untreated or treated porous inorganic materials prEN 17114 Conservation of cultural heritage - Surface protection for porous inorganic materials - Technical and chemical data sheets of water repellent product

CEN/TC 348 Létesítménygazdálkodás

prEN ISO 41001 Facility management - Management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (ISO/DIS 41001:2017)

CEN/TC 350 Építmények fenntarthatósága

EN 15804:2012+A1:2013/prA2 Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Core rules for the product category of construction products

CEN/TC 351 Építési termékek. A veszélyes anyagok kibocsátásának értékelése

prEN 17087 Construction products - Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Preparation of test portions from the laboratory sample for testing of release and analysis of content

CEN/TC 386 Fotokatalízis

prEN 17120 Photocatalysis - Water purification - Performance of photocatalytic materials by measurement of phenol degradation

CEN/TC 391 Társadalmi és polgári biztonság

prEN ISO 22397 Societal security - Guidelines for establishing partnering arrangements prEN ISO 22315 Societal security - Mass evacuation - Guidelines for planning (ISO 22315:2014) FprEN ISO 22300 Societal security - Vocabulary (ISO/FDIS 22300:2017)


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CEN/TC 396 Földmunka

FprEN 16907-1 Earthworks - Part 1: Principles and general rules FprEN 16907-2 Earthworks - Part 2: Classification of materials FprEN 16907-3 Earthworks - Part 3: Construction procedures FprEN 16907-4 Earthworks - Part 4: Soil treatment with lime and/or hydraulic binders FprEN 16907-5 Earthworks - Part 5: Quality control FprEN 16907-6 Earthworks - Part 6: Land reclamation earthworks using dredged hydraulic fill

CEN/TC 402 Privátmedencék és masszázsmedencék

prEN 17125 Domestic spas and hot tubs - Safety requirements and test methods

CEN/TC 407 Henger alakú spirális rugók kerek huzalból és rúdból. Számítás és tervezés

EN 13906-3:2014/prA1 Cylindrical helical springs made from round wire and bar - Calculation and design - Part 3: Torsion springs

CEN/TC 411 Bioalapú termékek

FprEN 16785-2 Bio-based products - Bio-based content - Part 2: Determination of the bio-based content using the material balance method

CEN/TC 413 Szigetelési feltételek a hőérzékeny áruk szállításakor hűtő- és/vagy fűtőberendezésekkel vagy anélkül

prEN 17066-1 Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods - Requirements and testing - Part 1: Container

CEN/TC 415 Fenntartható és követhető termesztésből származó kakaó

prEN ISO 34101-1 Sustainable and traceable cocoa beans - Part 1: Requirements for sustainability management systems (ISO/DIS 34101-1:2016) prEN ISO 34101-2 Sustainable and traceable cocoa beans - Part 2: Requirements for performance (related to economic, social, and environmental aspects) (ISO/DIS 34101- 2:2016) prEN ISO 34101-3 Sustainable and traceable cocoa beans - Part 3: Requirements for traceability (ISO/DIS 34101-3:2016) prEN ISO 34101-4 Sustainable and traceable cocoa beans - Part 4: Requirements for certification schemes (ISO/DIS 34101- 4:2017)


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CEN/TC 423 Hőmérséklet mérésének és/vagy leolvasásának feltételei a hűtési láncban

prEN 12830 Temperature recorders for the transport, storage and distribution of temperature sensitive goods - Tests, performance, suitability prEN 17093 Domestic appliances used for drinking water treatment not connected to water supply - Jug water filter systems - Safety and performance requirements, labeling and information to be supplied

CEN/TC 430 Nukleáris energia, a nukleáris technológiák és sugárvédelem

prEN ISO 27048 Radiation protection - Dose assessment for the monitoring of workers for internal radiation exposure

CEN/TC 433 Szórakoztatóipari technológia. Gépek, eszközök és felszerelések

prEN 17115 Entertainment technology - Specifications for design and manufacture of aluminium and steel trusses

CEN/TC 442 Épületinformációs modellezés (BIM)

prEN ISO 19650-1 Organization of information about construction works - Information management using building information modelling - Part 1: Concepts and principles (ISO/DIS 19650-1:2017) prEN ISO 19650-2 Organization of information about construction works - Information management using building information modelling - Part 2: Delivery phase of assets (ISO/DIS 19650-2:2017) prEN ISO 16757-1 Data structures for electronic product catalogues for building services - Part 1: Concepts, architecture and model (ISO 16757-1:2015) prEN ISO 16757-2 Data structures for electronic product catalogues for building services - Part 2: Geometry (ISO 16757-2:2016) EN ISO 29481-1 Building information models - Information delivery manual - Part 1: Methodology and format (ISO 29481- 1:2016)

CEN/TC 443 Toll és pehely

EN 1883:2018 Feather and down - Sampling in view of tests prEN 1885 Feather and down - Terms and definitions prEN 12131 Feather and down - Test methods - Determination of the quantitative composition of feather and down (manual method) prEN 13088 Manufactured articles filled with feather and down - Method for the determination of a filled product's total mass and for the determination of the mass of the filling 70

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prEN 12130 Feather and down - Test methods - Determination of the filling power (massic volume)

CEN/TC 444 Környezetközpontú jellemzés

prEN ISO 11260 Soil quality - Determination of effective cation exchange capacity and base saturation level using barium chloride solution (ISO/DIS 11260:2017) prEN ISO 14254 Soil quality - Determination of exchangeable acidity using barium chloride solution as extractant (ISO/DIS 14254:2017) prEN ISO 21268-4 Soil quality - Leaching procedures for subsequent chemical and ecotoxicological testing of soil and soil materials - Part 4: Influence of pH on leaching with initial acid/base addition prEN ISO 15952 Soil quality - Effects of pollutants on juvenile land snails (Helicidae) - Determination of the effects on growth by soil contamination (ISO/DIS 15952:2017) prEN ISO 23611-1 Soil quality - Sampling of soil invertebrates - Part 1: Hand- sorting and extraction of earthworms (ISO/DIS 23611- 1:2016) prEN ISO 17601 Soil quality - Estimation of abundance of selected microbial gene sequences by quantitative PCR from DNA directly extracted from soil (ISO 17601:2016) prEN ISO 18311 Soil quality - Method for testing effects of soil contaminants on the feeding activity of soil dwelling organisms - Bait-lamina test (ISO 18311:2016) prEN ISO 18187 Soil quality - Contact test for solid samples using the dehydrogenase activity of Arthrobacter globiformis (ISO 18187:2016)

ASD-STAN Repülés és űrhajózás

FprEN 2279 Aerospace series - Steel FE-PM37 - 900 MPa ≤ Rm ≤ 1 100 MPa - Forgings - De ≤ 150 mm FprEN 2280 Aerospace series - Steel FE-PM37 - 900 MPa ≤ Rm ≤ 1 100 MPa - Sheet - a ≤ 6 mm FprEN 2566 Aerospace series - Fluorocarbon rubber (FKM) - Hardness 70 IRHD FprEN 2567 Aerospace series - Fluorocarbon rubber (FKM) - Hardness 80 IRHD FprEN 2568 Aerospace series - Fluorocarbon rubber (FKM) - Hardness 90 IRHD FprEN 2795 Aerospace series - Fluorocarbon rubber (FKM) - Low compressions set - Hardness 50 IRHD FprEN 2796 Aerospace series - Fluorocarbon rubber (FKM) - Low compressions set - Hardness 60 IRHD FprEN 2797 Aerospace series - Fluorocarbon rubber (FKM) - Low compressions set - Hardness 70 IRHD 71

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FprEN 2798 Aerospace series - Fluorocarbon rubber (FKM) - Low compressions set - Hardness 80 IRHD FprEN 2799 Aerospace series - Fluorocarbon rubber (FKM) - Low compressions set - Hardness 90 IRHD FprEN 6126 Aerospace series - Fitting end, 24° internal cone, external thread, flareless type, size –32 tube diameter D = 2 inches (D = 50,8 mm) extra fine thread pitch inch series - Inch series - Design standard FprEN 6109 Aerospace series - Static seal elements elastomer, moulded, phosphate ester resistant - Technical specification prEN 8.2124 Minature, High Density, Circular Connector (M38999 Seies III / EN 3645 connector using size 23 contacts) prEN 8.2125 Series, Connectors, optical, circular, single and multichannel 1.25mm contact, coupled by self-locking ring, Operating temperatures –65 ºC to +150 °C continuous FprEN 2591-100 Aerospace series - Elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods - Part 100: General prEN 3745-301 rev Aerospace series - Fibres and cables, optical, aircraft use - Test methods - Part 301: Attenuation prEN 3745-411 rev Aerospace series - Fibres and cables, optical, aircraft use - Test methods - Part 411: Resistance to fluids prEN 4641-301 rev Aerospace series - Cables, optical 125 μm diameter cladding - Part 301: Tight structure 50/125 μm GI fibre nominal 1.8 mm Outside Diameter - Product Standard prEN 4708-002 Aerospace series, Sleeving, heat-shrinkable, for binding, insulation and identification - Part 002: General prEN 4724 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P7010 - T76 - Extruded Bars - 150 mm < D 250 mm prEN 8.5137 Aerospace series - Polyetheretherketone extrusions reinforced with 30 % glass fibre by mass (PEEK-GF30) for military aerospace applications - Material Specification FprEN 3646-003 Aerospace series - Connectors, electrical, circular, bayonet coupling, operating temperature 175 °C or 200 °C continuous - Part 003: Receptacle, square flange mounting - Product standard prEN 3646-006 rev Aerospace series - Connectors, electrical, circular, bayonet coupling, operating temperature 175 °C or 200 °C continuous - Part 006: Receptacle, hermetic, jam-nut mounting - Product standard prEN 4533-001 rev Aerospace series - Fibre optic systems - Handbook - Part 001: Termination methods and tools EN 4533-004:2018 Aerospace series - Fibre optic systems - Handbook - Part 004: Repair, maintenance, cleaning and inspection


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prEN 4611-005 rev Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family - Part 005: Silver plated copper - Operating temperatures, between –65 °C and 150 °C - Single extruded wall for enclosed applications - UV laser printable - Product standard prEN 4611-006 rev Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family - Part 006: Silver plated copper - Operating temperatures, between –65 °C and 150 °C - Dual extruded wall for open applications - UV laser printable - Product standard prEN 4611-007 rev Aerospace series - Cables, electrical for general purpose single and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family - Part 007: Nickel plated copper - Operating temperatures, between –65 °C and 150 °C - Dual extruded wall for open applications - UV laser printable - Product standard EN 4691-2:2018 Aerospace series - Tie rod with integrated bolts - Part 2: Overview construction kit FprEN 2084 Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, general purpose, with conductors in copper or copper alloy - Technical specification FprEN 2234 Aerospace series - Cable, electrical, fire resistant - Technical specification prEN 2591-228 Aerospace series - Elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods - Part 228: Ferrule withdrawal force FprEN 2812 Aerospace series - Stripping of electric cables FprEN 2944 Aerospace series - Inserts, screw thread, helical coil, self- locking, in corrosion resisting steel FE-PA3004 FprEN 3155-004 Aerospace series - Electrical contacts used in elements of connection - Part 004: Contacts, electrical, male, type A, crimp, class T - Product standard FprEN 3155-005 Aerospace series - Electrical contacts used in elements of connection - Part 005: Contacts, electrical, female, type A, crimp, class T - Product standard EN 3475-603:2018 Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Part 603: Resistance to wet arc tracking EN 3475-604:2018 Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Part 604: Resistance to dry arc propagation EN 3475-605:2018 Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Part 605: Wet short circuit test FprEN 3542 Aerospace series - Inserts, screw thread, helical coil, self- locking, in heat resisting nickel base alloy Ni-PH2801 (Inconel X750) prEN 4641-001 rev Aerospace series - Cables, optical, 125 µm diameter cladding - Part 001: Technical specification


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FprEN 4832 Aerospace series - Adaptor, Pipe coupling 24° Cone up to 35 000 kPa (5 080 psi) Ring-locked fitting and Ring- locked fitting-reducer - Inch Series - Technical specification FprEN 4833 Aerospace series - Pipe coupling 24° Cone up to 35 000 kPa (5 080 psi) Ring-locked fitting - Flareless End - Inch Series - Extra Fine Thread Pitch FprEN 4834 Aerospace series - Adaptor, Pipe coupling 24° Cone up to 35 000 kPa (5 080 psi) Port for Ring locked fitting - Inch Series - Geometric configuration FprEN 4835 Aerospace series - Installation and removal requirements for Ring locked fitting and reducer, 24° Cone up to 35 000 kPa (5 080 psi) - Inch Series FprEN 4836 Aerospace series - Adaptor, Pipe coupling 24° Cone up to 35 000 kPa (5 080 psi) Ring-locked fitting - Reducer - Flareless End - Inch Series - Extra Fine Thread Pitch FprEN 4838-001 Aerospace series - Arc Fault Circuit breakers, single-pole, temperature compensated, rated current 3 A to 25 A - 115 V a.c. 400 Hz Constant Frequency - Part 001: Technical specification FprEN 3745-505 Aerospace series - Fibres and cables, optical, aircraft use - Test methods - Part 505: Cable tensile strength FprEN 3745-506 Aerospace series - Fibres and cables, optical, aircraft use - Test methods - Part 506: Impact resistance FprEN 3719 Aerospace series - Aluminium or aluminium alloy conductors for electrical cables - Product standard prEN 4612-008 Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single and multicore assembly XLETFE Family jacketed or screened and jacketed - Part 008: Silver plated copper - Operating temperatures, between - 65 °C and 150 °C - single extruded wall for open applications, with jacket and screen (braid) - UV laser printable - Product standard FprEN 9300-200 Aerospace series - LOTAR -LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval of digital technical product documentation such as 3D, CAD and PDM data - Part 200: Common Concepts for Long term Archiving and Retrieval of Product Structure Information FprEN 9136 Aerospace series - Root cause analysis and problem solving (9S Methodology) FprEN 9146 Aerospace series - Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Program - Requirements for Aviation, Space, and Defence Organizations FprEN 4122 Aerospace series - Shank nuts, self-locking, in heat resisting steel FE-PA2601 (A286), silver plated on thread - Classification: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 650 °C


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FprEN 4123 Aerospace series - Shank nuts, self-locking, in heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-PH2601 (Inconel 718), silver plated on thread - Classification: 1 550 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 600 °C FprEN 4124 Aerospace series - Shank nuts, self-locking, in heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-PH1302 (Waspaloy), silver plated on thread, for 60° swage - Classification: 1 210 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 730 °C FprEN 2667-2 Aerospace series - Non-metallic materials - Foaming structural adhesives - Test methods - Part 2: Compressive tube shear FprEN 6041 Aerospace series - Non-metallic materials - Test method - Analysis of non-metallic materials (uncured) by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) FprEN 4730 Aerospace series - Anthropometric dimensioning of aircraft seats FprEN 4731 Aerospace series - Spectral quality of LED luminaires used with photoluminescent marking systems FprEN 2899 Aerospace series - Vulcanized rubbers - Test on the susceptibility to corrosion in a damp atmosphere of metals in contact with vulcanized rubbers FprEN 4165-022 Aerospace series - Connectors, electrical, rectangular, modular - Operating temperature 175 °C continuous - Part 022: Insertion/extraction tool for removal of modules - Product standard FprEN 4604-010 Aerospace series - Cable, electrical, for signal transmission - Part 010: Cable, coaxial, light weight, 50 Ohms, 200 °C, type KX (light WD) - Product standard FprEN 3475-411 Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Part 411: Resistance to fluids FprEN 3375-001 Aerospace series - Cable, electrical, for digital data transmission - Part 001: Technical specification FprEN 6059-309 Aerospace series - Electrical cables, installation - Protection sleeves - Test methods - Part 309: Fire resistance when fitted on a cable bundle FprEN 4838-004 Aerospace series - Arc fault circuit breakers, single-pole, temperature compensated, rated current 3 A to 25 A - 115 V a.c. 400 Hz constant frequency - Part 004: With signal contact - Product standard FprEN 4838-005 Aerospace series - Arc fault circuit breakers, single-pole, temperature compensated, rated current 3 A to 25 A - 115 V a.c. 400 Hz Constant Frequency - Part 005: With polarized signal contact - Product standard FprEN 4840-001 Aerospace series - Heat shrinkable moulded shapes - Part 001: Technical specification FprEN 6049-003 Aerospace series - Electrical cables, installation - Protection sleeve in meta-aramid fibres - Part 003: Braided, tubular, expandable - Product standard FprEN 6049-001 Aerospace series - Electrical cables, installation - 75

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Protection sleeve in meta-aramid fibres - Part 001: Technical specification FprEN 4839-001 Aerospace series - Arc fault circuit breakers, three-poles, temperature compensated, rated current 3 A to 25 A - 115 V a.c. 400 Hz constant frequency - Part 001: Technical specification FprEN 4839-003 Aerospace series - Arc Fault Circuit breakers, three-pole, temperature compensated, rated currents 3 A to 25 A, 115/200 V a.c. 400 Hz constant frequency - Part 003: Without auxiliary contacts - Product standard FprEN 9115 Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations - Deliverable Software (Supplement to EN 9100) FprEN 3660-001 Aerospace series - Cable outlet accessories for circular and rectangular electrical and optical connectors - Part 001: Technical specification FprEN 2369 Aerospace series - Wires, heat resisting alloys - Diameter 0,2 mm ≤ D ≤ 8 mm - Dimensions EN 4652-221:2017/prAC Aerospace series - Connectors, coaxial, radio frequency - Part 221: Type 2, TNC interface - Crimp version - Right angle plug - Product standard

CEN/SS C01 Élelmezési termékek

prEN ISO 22000 Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organization in the food chain (ISO/DIS 22000:2017) prEN ISO 10399 Sensory analysis - Methodology - Duo-trio test (ISO/FDIS 10399:2017)

CEN/SS F01 Műszaki rajzok

prEN ISO 6413 Technical product documentation - Representation of splines and serrations (ISO/DIS 6413:2016) prEN ISO 6412-1 Technical drawings - Simplified representation of pipelines - Part 1: General rules and orthogonal representation (ISO/FDIS 6412-1:2017) prEN ISO 6412-2 Technical drawings - Simplified representation of pipelines - Part 2: Isometric projection (ISO/FDIS 6412- 2:2017) prEN ISO 6412-3 Technical drawings - Simplified representation of pipelines - Part 3: Terminal features of ventilation and drainage systems (ISO/FDIS 6412-3:2017)

CEN/SS F02 Mennyiségek és jelképek

prEN ISO 80000-1 Quantities and units - Part 1: General (ISO/DIS 80000- 1:2017) prEN ISO 80000-2 Quantities and units - Part 2: Mathematics (ISO/DIS 80000-2:2016) 76

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prEN ISO 80000-4 Quantities and units - Part 4: Mechanics (ISO/DIS 80000- 4:2016) prEN ISO 80000-5 Quantities and units - Part 5: Thermodynamics (ISO/DIS 80000-5:2016) prEN ISO 80000-9 Quantities and units - Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics (ISO/DIS 80000-9:2017) prEN ISO 80000-10 Quantities and units - Part 10: Atomic and nuclear physics (ISO/DIS 80000-10:2016) prEN ISO 80000-11 Quantities and units - Part 11: Characteristic numbers (ISO/DIS 80000-11:2017)

CEN/SS F20 Minőségbiztosítás

prEN ISO 9004 Quality management - Quality of an organization - Guidance to achieve sustained success (ISO/DIS 9004:2017) CEN/SS M11 Porkohászat

prEN ISO 3923-1 Metallic powders - Determination of apparent density - Part 1: Funnel method (ISO/DIS 3923-1:2017) prEN ISO 4490 Metallic powders - Determination of flow rate by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall flowmeter) (ISO/DIS 4490:2017) prEN ISO 4506 Hardmetals - Compression test (ISO/DIS 4506:2017) prEN ISO 3252 rev Powder metallurgy - Vocabulary

CEN/SS S03 Fecskendők

prEN ISO 15747 Plastic containers for intravenous injections (ISO/DIS 15747:2017)

CEN/SS S26 Környezetközpontú irányítás

EN ISO 14044:2006/FprA1 Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines - Amendment 1 (ISO 14044:2006/FDAM 1:2017)

CEN/SS T01 Hajógyártás és tengeri létesítmények

EN ISO 15085:2003/FprA2 Small craft - Man-overboard prevention and recovery - Amendment 2 (ISO 15085:2003/FDAmd 2:2017) prEN ISO 13297 rev Small craft - Electrical systems - Alternating current installations prEN ISO 14945 rev Small craft -Builder's plate prEN ISO 12216 rev Small craft - Windows, portlights, hatches, deadlights and doors - Strength and watertightness requirements prEN ISO 16147 Small craft - Inboard diesel engines - Engine-mounted fuel, oil and electrical components (ISO/DIS 16147:2016) prEN ISO 14946 rev Small craft - Maximum load capacity (ISO 14946:2001) prEN ISO 10240 rev Small craft - Owner's manual (ISO 10240:2004) 77

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FprEN ISO 8099-1 Small craft - Waste systems - Part 1: Waste water retention (ISO/FDIS 8099-1:2017)

ECISS/TC 100 Általános témák

prEN ISO 4885 Ferrous materials - Heat treatments - Vocabulary (ISO/FDIS 4885:2017)

ECISS/TC 101 Acélok (nem vegyvizsgálati) vizsgálati módszerei

FprEN ISO 4545-1 Metallic materials - Knoop hardness test - Part 1: Test method (ISO/FDIS 4545-1:2017) FprEN ISO 4545-2 Metallic materials - Knoop hardness test - Part 2: Verification and calibration of testing machines (ISO/FDIS 4545-2:2017) FprEN ISO 4545-3 Metallic materials - Knoop hardness test - Part 3: Calibration of reference blocks (ISO/FDIS 4545-3:2017) FprEN ISO 4545-4 Metallic materials - Knoop hardness test - Part 4: Table of hardness values (ISO/FDIS 4545-4:2017) FprEN ISO 6507-4 Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 4: Tables of hardness values (ISO/FDIS 6507-4:2017) FprEN ISO 6507-1 Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 1: Test method (ISO/FDIS 6507-1:2017) FprEN ISO 6507-2 Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 2: Verification and calibration of testing machines (ISO/FDIS 6507-2:2017) FprEN ISO 6507-3 Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 3: Calibration of reference blocks (ISO/FDIS 6507-3:2017) prEN ISO 204 Metallic materials - Uniaxial creep testing in tension - Method of test (ISO/DIS 204:2017) prEN ISO 10113 Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Determination of plastic strain ratio (ISO/DIS 10113:2017) prEN ISO 6892-2 rev Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 2: Method of test at elevated temperature prEN ISO 7500-1 Metallic materials - Calibration and verification of static uniaxial testing machines - Part 1: Tension/compression testing machines - Calibration and verification of the force-measuring system (ISO/FDIS 7500-1:2017) prEN ISO 26203-1 Metallic materials - Tensile testing at high strain rates - Part 1: Elastic-bar-type systems (ISO/FDIS 26203-1:2017)

ECISS/TC 102 Vas és acél vegyvizsgálati módszerei

prEN ISO 4829-1 Steels - Determination of total silicon contents - Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method - Part 1: Silicon contents between 0,05 % and 1,0 % (ISO/DIS 4829-1:2016)


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ECISS/TC 103 Szerkezeti acélok kivéve a betonacélokat

prEN 10164 Steel products with improved deformation properties perpendicular to the surface of the product - Technical delivery conditions

ECISS/TC 104 Betonacélok és előfeszítőacélok

prEN 10348-2 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Galvanized reinforcing steel - Part 2: Galvanized reinforcing steel products prEN ISO 15630-1 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete - Test methods - Part 1: Reinforcing bars, wire rod and wire (ISO/DIS 15630-1:2017) prEN ISO 15630-2 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete - Test methods - Part 2: Welded fabric and lattice girder (ISO/DIS 15630-2:2017) prEN ISO 15630-3 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete - Test methods - Part 3: Prestressing steel (ISO/DIS 15630- 3:2017)

ECISS/TC 105 Hőkezelhető acélok, ötvözött acélok, automata-acélok és korrózióálló acélok

prEN ISO 4957 Tool steels (ISO/DIS 4957:2017) prEN ISO 9443 Surface quality classes for hot-rolled bars and wire rod (ISO/DIS 9443:2017) prEN ISO 683-2 Heat treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels - Part 2: Alloy steels for quenching and tempering (ISO 683-2:2016) prEN ISO 683-4 Heat treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels - Part 4: Free-cutting steels (ISO 683-4:2016) FprEN 10277 Bright steel products - Technical delivery conditions prEN ISO 683-1 Heat treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels - Part 1: Non alloy steels for quenching and tempering (ISO 683-1:2016) prEN ISO 683-3 Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels - Part 3: Case-hardening steels (ISO 683-3:2016)

ECISS/TC 110 Acélcsövek, vas- és acélszerelvények

prEN ISO 8434-1 Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use - Part 1: 24° cone connectors (ISO/DIS 8434-1:2016) prEN ISO 21809-1 Petroleum and natural gas industries - External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems - Part 1: Polyolefin coatings (3- layer PE and 3-layer PP) (ISO/DIS 21809-1:2017) prEN ISO 6149-1 rev Connections for hydraulic fluid power and general use - Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 metric threads and O- 79

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ring sealing - Part 1: Ports with truncated housing for O- ring seal EN ISO 3183:2012/FprA1 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Steel pipe for pipeline transportation systems - Amendment 1 (ISO 3183:2012/FDAmd 1:2017) EN 10216-2:2013/prA1 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties

ECISS/TC 111 Acélöntvények és kovácsdarabok

prEN 10340-1 Steel castings for structural uses - Part 1: General Steel castings for structural uses - Part 2: Technical prEN 10340-2 delivery conditions

CEN/CLC/JTC 1 A megfelelőségértékelő szervezetek követelményei

FprEN ISO/IEC 17011 Conformity assessment - Requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies (ISO/IEC FDIS 17011:2017) FprEN ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC FDIS 17025:2017)

CEN/CLC/JTC 3 Minőségirányítás és az orvostechnikai eszközökkel kapcsolatos általános szempontok

FprEN ISO 80369-1 rev Small-bore connectors for liquids and gases in healthcare applications - Part 1: General requirements (ISO/FDIS 80369-1:2017)

CEN/CLC/JTC 5 Világűr

FprEN 17030 Space - Earth observation - Image processing levels prEN 16603-31-04 Exchange of Thermal Model Data for Space Applications prEN 16603-10-04 rev Space engineering - Space environment prEN 16602-80 Space product assurance - Software product assurance prEN 16603-31-02 Space engineering - Two-phase heat transport equipment Space engineering - Gyros terminology and performance prEN 16603-60-21 specification


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CEN/CLC/TC 1 Megfelelőségértékelési testületek kritériumai

FprEN ISO/IEC 17011 Conformity assessment - Requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies (ISO/IEC FDIS 17011:2017) FprEN ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC FDIS 17025:2017)

CLC/BTTF 69-3 Közúti forgalomjelző rendszerek

FprEN 50556:2017 Road traffic signal systems

CLC/SR 10 Folyadékok elektrotechnikai alkalmazásokra

prEN 60376:2017 Specification of technical grade sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and complementary gases to be used in its mixtures for use in electrical equipment FprEN 61125:2017 Insulating liquids - Test methods for oxidation stability - Test method for evaluating the oxidation stability of insulating liquids in the delivered state

CLC/SR 100 Audio-, video- és multimédia rendszerek és berendezések

prEN 63059:2016 Multimedia vibration audio systems - Method of measurement for audio characteristics of audio actuator by pinna-conduction prEN 60728-113:2017 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 113: Optical systems for broadcast signal transmissions loaded with digital channels only prEN 62919:2016 Stress Free Content Management - Monitoring and management of personal digital content (TA 8)

CLC/SR 101 Elektrosztatika

FprEN 61340-4-3:2017 Electrostatics - Part 4-3: Standard test methods for specific applications - Footwear FprEN 61340-4-5:2017 Electrostatics - Part 4-5: Standard test methods for specific applications - Methods for characterizing the electrostatic protection of footwear and flooring in combination with a person FprEN 61340-4-4:2017 Electrostatics - Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC)


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CLC/SR 104 Környezetállósági feltételek, osztályozás és vizsgálati módszerek

FprEN 60068-3-5:2017 Environmental testing - Part 3-5: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of temperature chambers FprEN 60068-3-6:2017 Environmental testing - Part 3-6: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of temperature/humidity chambers FprEN 60721-3-1:2017 Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3- 1: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Storage FprEN 60721-3-2:2017 Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3- 2: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Transportation and Handling FprEN 60068-2-52:2017 Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Kb: Salt mist, cyclic (sodium chloride solution) prEN 60721-2-4:2016 Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2- 4: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Solar radiation and temperature

CLC/SR 112 Villamos szigetelőanyagok és rendszerek értékelése és minősítése (meg kell határozni)

FprEN 62631-3-11:2017 Dielectric and resistive properties of solid insulating materials - Part 3-11: Determination of resistive properties (DC Methods) - Volume resistance and volume resistivity, method for impregnation and coating materials FprEN 62631-2-1:2017 Dielectric and resistive properties of solid insulating materials - Part 2-1: Relative permittivity and dissipation factor - Technical Frequencies (0.1 Hz - 10 MHz), AC Methods prEN 61857-33:2017 Electrical insulation systems - Procedures for thermal evaluation - Part 33: Multifactor evaluation with increased factors at elevated temperature

CLC/SR 120 Villamos energiatároló (EES) rendszerek

FprEN 62933-2-1:2017 Electrical energy storage (EES) systems - Part 2- 1: Unit parameters and testing methods - General specification prEN 62933-1:2017 Electrical Energy Storage (EES) systems - Part 1: Terminology


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CLC/SR 15 Szilárd villamos szigetelőanyagok

FprEN 62677-1:2017 Heat shrinkable low and medium voltage moulded shapes - Part 1: General requirements FprEN 62677-2:2017 Heat shrinkable low and medium voltage moulded shapes - Part 2 Methods of test FprEN 62677-3-101:2017 Heat-shrinkable low and medium voltage moulded shapes - Part 3: Specification for individual materials - Sheet 101: Heat-shrinkable, polyolefin moulded shapes for low voltage applications FprEN 62677-3-102:2017 Heat-shrinkable low and medium voltage moulded shapes - Part 3: Specification for individual materials - Sheet 102: Heat-shrinkable, polyolefin, anti-tracking moulded shapes for medium voltage applications FprEN 60370:2017 Test procedure for thermal endurance of insulating resins and varnishes for impregnation purposes - Electric breakdown methods

CLC/SR 23G Készülékcsatlakozók

prEN 60320-2-3:2017 Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2-3: Appliance couplers with a degree of protection higher than IPX0 prEN 60320-2-1:2017 Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2-1: Sewing machine couplers prEN 60320-2-4:2017 Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2-4: Couplers dependent on appliance weight for engagement prEN 60799:2017 Electrical accessories - Cord sets and interconnection cord sets

CLC/SR 23J Készülékkapcsolók

prEN 61058-2-1:2017 Switches for appliances - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for cord switches prEN 61058-2-4:2017 Switches for appliances - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for independently mounted switches prEN 61058-2-5 Switches for appliances - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for change-over selectors prEN 61058-2-6 Switches for appliances - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for switches used in electric motor- operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery

CLC/SR 28 Szigeteléskoordináció

prEN 60071-2:2017 Insulation co-ordination - Part 2: Application guide 83

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CLC/SR 29 Elektroakusztika

FprEN 60942:2017 Electroacoustics - Sound calibrators EN 60118-4:2015/prA1:2017 Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 4: Induction- loop systems for hearing aid purposes - System performance requirements EN 62489-1:2010/prA2:2017 Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency induction loop systems for assisted hearing - Part 1: Methods of measuring and specifying the performance of system components

CLC/SR 3 Információrendszerek, dokumentáció és grafikus jelképek

prEN 81346-2:2017 Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring principles and reference designations - Part 2: Classification of objects and codes for classes

CLC/SR 32B Kisfeszültségű biztosítók

HD 60269-3:2010/prA2:2016 Low-voltage fuses - Part 3: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for household applications) - Examples of standardized systems of fuses A to F

CLC/SR 32C Miniatűrbiztosítók

prEN 60127-8:2017 Miniature fuses - Part 8: Fuse resistors with particular overcurrent protection

CLC/SR 36 Szigetelők

EN 61466-2:1998/prA2:2016 Composite string insulator units for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V - Part 2: Dimensional and electrical characteristics

CLC/SR 37 Túlfeszültség-levezetők

FprEN 60099-5:2017 Surge arresters - Part 5: Selection and application recommendations FprEN 60099-8:2017 Surge arresters - Part 8: Metal-oxide surge arresters with external series gap (EGLA) for overhead transmission and distribution lines of a.c. systems above 1 kV


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CLC/SR 37B Túlfeszültség-levezetők és túlfeszültség-védelmi eszközök különleges alkotóelemei

FprEN 61643-352:2017 Components for low-voltage surge protection - Part 352: Selection and application principles for telecommunications and signalling network surge isolation transformers (SITs) FprEN 61643-331:2017 Components for low-voltage surge protection - Part 331: Performance requirements and test methods for metal oxide varistors (MOV)

CLC/SR 4 Vízturbinák

prEN 62364:2017 Hydraulic machines - Guide for dealing with hydro-abrasive erosion in Kaplan, Francis, and Pelton turbines

CLC/SR 47 Félvezető eszközök

FprEN 62969-1:2017 Semiconductor devices - Semiconductor interface for automotive vehicles - Part 1: General requirements of power interface for automotive vehicle sensors prEN 62969-2:2016 Semiconductor devices - Semiconductor interface for automotive vehicles - Part 2: Efficiency evaluation methods of wireless power transmission using resonance for automotive vehicles sensors FprEN 60749-26:2017 Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 26: Electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitivity testing - Human body model (HBM) prEN 62969-3:2017 Semiconductor devices - Semiconductor interface for automotive vehicles - Part 3: Shock driven piezoelectric energy harvesting for automotive vehicle sensors prEN 62969-4:2017 Semiconductor devices - Semiconductor interfaces for automotive vehicles - Part 4: Evaluation method of data interface for automotive vehicle sensors FprEN 60749-13:2017 Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 13: Salt atmosphere prEN 60749-12:2017 Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 12: Vibration, variable frequency

CLC/SR 47D Félvezető eszközök mechanikai szabványosítása

prEN 60191-1:2016 Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 1: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings of discrete devices 85

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CLC/SR 48B Csatlakozók

FprEN 61076-3-119:2017 Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-119: Rectangular connectors - Detail specification for shielded and unshielded, free and fixed 10-way connectors with push-pull coupling for industrial environments for data transmission with frequencies up to 100 MHz FprEN 61076-2-111:2017 Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-111: Circular connectors - Detail specification for power connectors with M12 screw-locking prEN 60512-8-3:2017 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 8-3: Static load tests (fixed connectors) - Test 8c: Robustness of actuating lever

CLC/SR 49 Piezoelektromos és dielektromos eszközök frekvenciavezérlésre és szűrésre

EN 60122-1:2002/FprA1:2017 Quartz crystal units of assessed quality - Part 1: Generic specification

CLC/SR 51 Mágneses alkatrészek és ferritanyagok

prEN 63093-7:2017 Ferrite cores - Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities - Part 7: EER-cores

CLC/SR 56 Megbízhatóság

prEN 62853:2017 Open systems dependability prEN 60812:2017 Failure Modes and Effects analysis (FMEA)

CLC/SR 66 Mérő-, szabályozó- és laboratóriumi berendezések biztonsága

FprEN 61010-2-120:2016 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2- 120: Particular safety requirements for machinery aspects of equipment EN 61010-031:2015/prA1:2017 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 031: Safety requirements for hand-held and hand- manipulated probe assemblies for electrical test and measurement

CLC/SR 68 Mágneses ötvözetek és acélok

prEN 60404-6:2017 Magnetic materials - Part 6: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of magnetically soft metallic and powder materials at 86

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frequencies in the range 20 Hz to 200 kHz by the use of ring specimens prEN 60404-8-11:2017 Magnetic materials - Part 8-11: Specifications for individual materials - Fe-based amorphous strip delivered in the semi-processed state prEN 60404-16:2017 Magnetic materials - Part 16: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of Fe- based amorphous strip by means of a single sheet tester prEN 60404-13:2017 Magnetic materials - Part 13: Methods of measurement of resistivity, density and stacking factor of electrical steel strip and sheet

CLC/SR 86C Fénytávközlési rendszerek és aktív eszközök

prEN 61281-1:2016 Fibre optic communication subsystems - Part 1: Generic specification

CLC/SR 87 Ultrahang

EN 62359:2011/FprA1:2017 Ultrasonics - Field characterization - Test methods for the determination of thermal and mechanical indices related to medical diagnostic ultrasonic fields

CLC/SR 89 Tűzveszélyességi vizsgálatok

prEN 60695-6-2:2017 Fire hazard testing - Part 6-2: Smoke obscuration - Summary and relevance of test methods

CLC/SR 90 Szupravezetés

prEN 61788-24:2017 Superconductivity - Part 24: Critical current measurement - Retained critical current after double bending at room temperature of Ag- sheathed Bi-2223 superconducting wires prEN 61788-23:2017 Superconductivity - Part 23: Residual resistance ratio measurement - Residual resistance ratio of Nb superconductors


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CLC/SR 91 Elektronikus alkatrészek szereléstechnológiája

FprEN 61190-1-3:2017 Attachment materials for electronic assembly - Part 1-3: Requirements for electronic grade solder alloys and fluxed and non-fluxed solid solder for electronic soldering applications EN 61760-4:2015/prA1:2017 Surface mounting technology - Part 4: Classification, packaging, labelling and handling of moisture sensitive devices

CLC/SR 94 Kapcsolórelék

FprEN 62246-1-1:2017 Reed switches - Part 1-1: Generic specification - Blank detail specification

CLC/TC 100X Audio-, video- és multimédia-rendszerek és berendezések

FprEN 50643 Electrical and electronic household and office equipment - Measurement of networked standby power consumption of edge equipment FprEN 62731:2017 Text to speech for television - General requirements prEN 61938:2017 Multimedia systems - Guide to the recommended characteristics of analogue interfaces to achieve interoperability (GMT) prEN 62684:2017 Interoperability specifications of common external power supply (EPS) for use with data-enabled mobile telephones

CLC/TC 106X Elektromágneses terek emberi környezetben

FprEN 62704-1:2016 Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Body from Wireless Communications Devices, 30 MHz - 6 GHz- Part 1: General Requirements for using the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Method for SAR Calculations prEN 62704-3:2016 Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Body from Wireless Communications Devices, 30 MHz - 6 GHz - Part 3: Specific Requirements for using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) Method for SAR Calculations of Mobile Phones FprEN 50496 Determination of workers' exposure to electromagnetic fields and assessment of risk at a broadcast site CLC/FprTR 50442:2017 Guidelines for product committees on the preparation of standards related to human exposure from electromagnetic fields 88

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FprEN 62368-3:2017 Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Part 3: Safety aspects for DC power transfer through communication cables and ports

CLC/TC 11 1 kV ac (1,5 kV dc) feletti feszültségű szabadvezetékek

prEN 50341-2-12 Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV - Part 2-12: National Normative Aspects (NNA) for ICELAND (based on EN 50341-1:2012)

CLC/TC 116 Villamos motoros szerszámok biztonsága

FprEN 62841-4-2:2017 Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools, Transportable Tools and Lawn and Garden Machinery - Safety - Part 4-2: Particular requirements for hedge trimmers Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for EN 62841-2-11:2016/FprA1:2017 hand-held reciprocating saws Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery - Safety - Part 2-21: Particular requirements for FprEN 62841-2-21:2017/FprAA:2017 hand-held drain cleaners Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools, Transportable Tools and Lawn and Garden Machinery - Safety - Part 4-2: Particular FprEN 62841-4-2:2017/FprAA:2017 requirements for hedge trimmers

CLC/TC 13 Villamosenergia-mérés és -szabályozás

EN 50470-1:2006/FprAA Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Part 1: General requirements, tests and test conditions - Metering equipment (class indexes A, B and C) EN 50470-2:2006/FprAA Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Part 2: Particular requirements - Electromechanical meters for active energy (class indexes A and B) EN 50470-3:2006/FprAA Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Part 3: Particular requirements - Static meters for active energy (class indexes A, B and C)

CLC/TC 14 Teljesítménytranszformátorok

prEN 60076-22-2:2017 Power transformer and reactor cooling equipment - Part 22-2: Removable radiators prEN 60076-22-3:2017 Power transformer and reactor cooling equipment - Part 22-3: Insulating liquid to air heat exchangers


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prEN 60076-22-4:2017 Power transformer and reactor cooling equipment - Part 22-4: Insulating liquid to water heat exchangers EN 50629:2015/A2:2018 Energy performance of large power transformers (Um > 36 kV or Sr ≥ 40 MVA) EN 60076-3:2013/prA1:2017 Power transformers - Part 3: Insulation levels, dielectric tests and external clearances in air FprEN 50588-2 Medium power transformers 50 Hz, with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 2: Transformers with cable boxes on the high- voltage and/or low-voltage side - General requirements for transformers with rated power less than or equal to 3 150 kVA FprEN 50588-3 Medium power transformers 50 Hz, with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 3: Transformers with cable boxes on the high- voltage and/or low-voltage side - Cable boxes type 1 for use on transformers meeting the requirements of EN 50588-2 FprEN 50588-4 Medium power transformers 50 Hz, with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 4: Transformers with cable boxes on the high- voltage and/or low-voltage side - Cable boxes type 2 for use on transformers meeting the requirements of EN 50588-2

CLC/TC 17AC Nagyfeszültségű kapcsoló- és vezérlőkészülékek/berendezések

FprEN 62271-110:2017 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 110: Inductive load switching

CLC/TC 2 Forgógépek

prEN 60034-4-1:2016 Rotating electrical machines - Part 4-1: Methods for determining synchronous machine quantities from tests prEN 60034-27-1:2017 Rotating electrical machines - Part 27-1: Off-line partial discharge measurements on the stator winding insulation of rotating electrical machines FprEN 60034-27-4:2017 Rotating electrical machines - Part 27-4: Measurement of insulation resistance and polarization index on winding insulation of rotating electrical machines prEN 60276:2017 Definitions and nomenclature for carbon brushes, brush-holders, commutators and slip-rings


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CLC/TC 20 Villamos kábelek

FprEN 60230:2017 Impulse tests on cables and their accessories EN 60332-3-10:2009/prA2:2017 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-10: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Apparatus EN 60332-3-21:2009/prA2:2017 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-21: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Category A F/R EN 60332-3-22:2009/prA2:2017 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-22: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Category A EN 60332-3-23:2009/prA2:2017 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-23: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Category B EN 60332-3-24:2009/prA2:2017 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-24: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Category C EN 60332-3-25:2009/prA2:2017 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-25: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Category D

CLC/TC 204 Elektrosztatikus festő- és felületkezelő berendezések villamos biztonsága

FprEN 50059:2017 Electrostatic hand-held spraying equipment - Safety requirements - Hand-held spraying equipment for non-ignitable coating materials

CLC/TC 205 Lakás- és épületelektronikai rendszerek (HBES)

EN 63044-3:2018 Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) - Part 3: Electrical safety requirements

CLC/TC 209 Televíziójelek, hangjelek és interaktív szolgáltatások kábelhálózatai

FprEN 60728-3:2017 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 3: Active wideband equipment for cable networks (TA 5)


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CLC/TC 210 Elektromágneses összeférhetőség (EMC)

prEN 55015:2017 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment EN 55016-1-4:2010/prA3:2017 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity (fragment 1) measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Antennas and test sites for radiated disturbance measurements EN 55016-4-2:2011/prA2:2016 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity {fragment 1} measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty - Conducted disturbance measurements EN 55016-1-2:2014/FprA1:2017 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-2: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Coupling devices for conducted disturbance measurements FprEN 55014-1:2016/prA Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission EN 55014-2:2015/prA Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 2: Immunity - Product family standard EN 55020:2007/prA Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement EN 55015:2013/prA Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment prEN 61000-3-11:2016 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-11: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems - Equipment with rated current <= 75 A and subject to conditional connection EN 55016-4-2:2011/prA2:2016 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity {fragment 2} measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty prEN 61000-6-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments EN 61000-6-3:2007/prA2:2016 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-3: Generic standards - Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments 92

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EN 55016-4-2:2011/prA2 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity {fragment4}:2016 measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty FprEN 61000-3-2:2017 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤ 16 A per phase) EN 55016-4-2:2011/prA2:2016 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity {fragment 3} measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertain EN 55016-4-2:2011/prA2:2016 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity {fragment 5} measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty EN 50498:2010/prA1 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Product family standard for aftermarket electronic equipment in vehicles

CLC/TC 213 Kábelszerelési rendszerek

FprEN 50642 Cable management systems - Test method for content of halogens prEN 50626-2:2017 Conduit systems buried underground for the protection and management of insulated electrical cables or communication cables - Part 2: Particular requirements for conduits for special applications

CLC/TC 215 Távközlési berendezések villamos szempontjai

FprEN 50173-1 Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 1: General requirements FprEN 50173-2 Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 2: Office spaces FprEN 50173-3 Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 3: Industrial spaces FprEN 50173-4 Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 4: Homes FprEN 50173-5 Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 5: Data centre spaces FprEN 50173-6 Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 6: Distributed building services

CLC/TC 216 Gázérzékelők

FprEN 50291-1 Gas detectors - Electrical apparatus for the detection of carbon monoxide in domestic premises - Part 1: Test methods and performance requirements 93

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CLC/TC 21X Akkumulátorok és telepek

prEN 62902:2017 Secondary batteries: Marking symbols for identification of their chemistry prEN 62485-1 Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 1: General safety information prEN 62485-2 Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 2: Stationary batteries prEN 62485-4 Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 4: Valve-regulated lead- acid batteries for use in portable appliances

CLC/TC 22X Teljesítményelektronika

EN 62909-1:2017 Bi-directional grid-connected power converters - Part 1: General requirements EN 62751-1:2014/prA1:2017 Power losses in voltage sourced converter (VSC) valves for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems - Part 1: General requirements prEN 62477-2:2017 Safety Requirements for Power Electronic Converter Systems and Equipment - Part 2: Power Electronic Converters from 1000 V a.c. or 1500 V d.c. up to 36 kV a.c. or 54 kV d.c.

CLC/TC 23BX Kapcsolók, dobozok és burkolatok háztartási és hasonló célokra, csatlakozódugók és -aljzatok egyenáramra és villamos járművek töltéséhez, beleértve a csatlakozóikat

FprEN 60669-1:2016 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements EN 60669-2- Switches for household and similar fixed electrical 1:2004/prA2:2015/FprAA:2017 installations - Part 2-1: Particular requirements - Electronic switches

CLC/TC 23E Megszakítók és hasonló készülékek háztartási és hasonló alkalmazásokra

FprEN 63024:2017 Requirements for automatic reclosing devices (ARDs) for circuit-breakers - RCBOs, RCCBs for household and similar uses FprEN 63024:2017/FprAA:2017 Requirements for automatic reclosing devices (ARDs) for circuit-breakers, RCBOs and RCCBs for household and similar uses


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CLC/TC 23H Csatlakozódugók, csatlakozóaljzatok és csatlakozóeszközök ipari és és hasonló jellegű alkalmazásokra, valamint villamos járművekre

FprEN 62613-1:2017 Plugs, socket-outlets and ship couplers for high- voltage shore connection systems (HVSC-Systems) - Part 1: General requirements FprEN 62613-2:2017 Plugs, socket-outlets and ship couplers for high- voltage shore connection systems (HVSC-systems) - Part 2: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability requirements for accessories to be used by various types of ships

CLC/TC 26A Villamos ívhegesztő berendezések

prEN 60974-9:2017 Arc welding equipment - Part 9: Installation and use

CLC/TC 31 Robbanásbiztos villamos gyártmányok

prEN 60079-19:2017 Explosive atmospheres - Part 19: Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation FprEN 60079-15:2017 Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n" FprEN 60079-0:2017 Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements EN 60079-7:2015/A1:2018 Explosive atmospheres - Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety "e"

CLC/TC 34A Lámpák

EN 60081:1998/FprAA:2017 Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications EN 60598-1:2015/A1:2018 Luminaires - Part 1: General requirements and tests EN 60570:2003/prA1:2016 Electrical supply track systems for luminaires prEN 60400:2016 Lampholders for tubular fluorescent lamps and starterholders prEN 62386-216:2017 Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 216: Particular requirements for control gear - Load referencing (device type 15) prEN 62386-217:2017 Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 217: Particular requirements for control gear - Thermal gear protection (device type 16) prEN 62386-218:2017 Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 218: Particular requirements for control gear - Dimming Curve Selection (device type 17) prEN 62386-222:2017 Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 222: Particular requirements for control gear - Thermal lamp protection (device type 21)


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EN 60598-1:2015/prA1 (fragment Luminaires - Part 1: General requirements and tests 1):2016 prEN 61347-2-14:2017 Lamp controlgear - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for d.c. and/or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for fluorescent induction lamps EN 62612:2013/prA2:2017 Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services with supply voltages > 50 V - Performance requirements EN 60809:2015/FprA2:2017 Lamps for road vehicles - Dimensional, electrical and luminous requirements FprEN 60810:2017 Lamps, light sources and LED packages for road vehicles - Performance requirements FprEN 62386-332:2017 Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 332: Particular requirements - Input devices - Feedback prEN 62386-333:2016 Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 333: Particular requirements for control devices - Manual Configuration (feature type 33) EN 60061-1:1993/FprA57:2017 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 1: Lamp caps EN 60061-2:1993/FprA53:2017 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 2: Lampholders EN 60061-3:1993/FprA54:2017 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 3: Gauges EN 60061-4:1992/FprA16:2017 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 4: Guidelines and general information prEN 62031:2017 LED modules for general lighting - Safety specifications EN 62554:2011/prA1:2017 Sample preparation for measurement of mercury level in fluorescent lamps prEN 62386-207:2017 Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 207: Particular requirements for control gear - LED modules (device type 6)

CLC/TC 37A Kisfeszültségű, túlfeszültség-védelmi eszközök

FprEN 61643-31:2017 Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 31: Requirements and test methods for SPDs for photovoltaic installations FprEN 61643-31:2017/FprAA:2017 Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 31: Surge protective devices connected to the d.c. side of photovoltaic installations - Requirements and test methods


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CLC/TC 38 Mérőtranszformátorok

FprEN 61869-10:2017 Instrument transformers - Part 10: Specific requirements for low power passive current transformers FprEN 61869-11:2017 Instrument transformers - Part 11: Additional requirements for low-power passive voltage transformers prEN 61869-13:2017 Instrument Transformers - Part 13: Stand alone Merging Unit (SAMU)

CLC/TC 40XB Ellenállások

prEN 62812:2017 Low resistance measurements - Methods and guidance

CLC/TC 44X Gépi berendezések biztonsága: villamos szempontok

prEN 61496-3:2017 Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment - Part 3: Particular requirements for Active Opto-electronic Protective Devices responsive to Diffuse Reflection (AOPDDR)

CLC/TC 45B Sugárvédelmi műszerek

prEN 60846-2:2017 Radiation protection instrumentation - Ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for beta, X and gamma radiation - Part 2: High range beta and photon dose and dose rate portable instruments for emergency radiation protection purposes

CLC/TC 46X Távközlőkábelek

prEN 50441-5:2017 Cables for indoor residential telecommunication installations - Part 5: Cables up to 2 200 Mhz for one pair and remaining pairs up to 1 000 Mhz prEN 60966-1:2016 Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 1: Generic specification - General requirements and test methods prEN 62783-1:2016 Twinax cables for digital communications - Part 1: Family specification prEN 62783-2:2016 Twinax cables for digital communications - Part 2: Cable for ethernet-over-twinax physical interfaces EN 62153-4-7:2016/prA1:2017 Test method for measuring the transfer impedance ZT and the screening attenuation as or coupling attenuation aC of RF-connectors and assemblies up to and above 3 GHz, triaxial tube in tube method


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CLC/TC 55 Tekercselőhuzalok

prEN 60317-73:2017 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 73: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled rectangular aluminium wire, class 200 prEN 60317-74:2017 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 74: Polyesterimide enamelled rectangular aluminium wire, class 180

CLC/TC 57 Energiarendszer-irányítás (-menedzselés) és információcsere

EN 61850-6:2010/FprA1:2017 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in power utility automation systems related to IEDs EN 61850-7-2:2010/prA1:2016 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-2: Basic information and communication structure - Abstract communication service interface (ACSI) EN 61850-7-3:2011/prA1:2016 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-3: Basic communication structure - Common data classes EN 61850-9-2:2011/prA1:2016 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 9-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) - Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3 prEN 62325-301:2017 Framework for energy market communications - Part 301: Common Information Model (CIM) extensions for markets EN 61850-8-1:2011/prA1:2017 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 8-1: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) - Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3 prEN 61850-8-2:2017 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 8-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) - Mapping to Extensible Messaging Presence Protocol (XMPP) prEN 62351-4:2017 Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security - Part 4: Profiles including MMS


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CLC/TC 59X Villamos háztartási és hasonló készülékek működési jellemzői

EN 60350-2:2018 Household electric cooking appliances - Part 2: Hobs - Methods for measuring performance prEN 50640:2017 Household and similar electric appliances - Methods for measuring the performance of clothes washing machines intended for commercial use prEN 50594:2017 Household and similar electric appliances - Methods for measuring the performance of tumble dryers intended for commercial use prEN 60665:2017 A.C. ventilating fans and regulators for household and similar purposes - Methods for measuring performance prEN 62885-4:2016 Surface cleaning appliances - Part 4: Cordless dry vacuum cleaners for household or similar use - Methods for measuring the performance CEN/FprTR 50674 Guidelines for the verification of household appliances under energy labelling and eco design

CLC/TC 61 Villamos háztartási és hasonló készülékek biztonsága

prEN 60335-2-21 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-21: Particular requirements for storage water heaters EN 61770:2009/FprAA:2017 Electric appliances connected to the water mains - Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose- sets FprEN 60335-2-97:2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-97: Particular requirements for drives for shutters, awnings, blinds and similar equipment EN 60335-2-27:2013/FprA2:2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-27: Particular requirements for appliances for skin exposure to optical radiation EN 60335-2-14:2006/prAD:2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for kitchen machines prEN 60335-2-40:2016 {fragment 1} Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers prEN 60335-2-40:2016 {fragment 2} Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers prEN 60335-2-40:2016 {fragment 3} Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers 99

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EN 60335-2-6:2015/prA1:2016 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for stationary cooking ranges, hobs, ovens and similar appliances prEN 60335-2-43:2016 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-43: Particular clothes dryers and towel rails FprEN 60335-2-58:2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-58: Particular requirements for commercial electric dishwashing machines prEN 60335-2-82:2016 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-82: Particular requirements for amusement machines and personal service machines EN 60335-2-95:2015/prA2:2016 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-95: Particular requirements for drives for vertically moving garage doors for residential use prEN 60335-2-102:2016 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-102: Particular requirements for gas, oil and solid-fuel burning appliances having electrical connections EN 60335-2-81:2016/prA1:2016 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-81: Particular requirements for foot warmers and heating mats EN 60335-2-12:2003/prA2:2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-12: Particular requirements for warming plates and similar appliances EN 60335-2-52:2003/prA2:2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-52: Particular requirements for oral hygiene appliances FprEN 60335-2-60:2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-60: Particular requirements for whirlpool baths and whirlpool spas EN 60335-2-78:2003/prA2:2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-78: Particular requirements for outdoor barbecues EN 60335-2-85:2003/prA2:2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-85: Particular requirements for fabric steamers prEN 60335-2-114:2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-114: Particular requirements for self-balancing personal transport devices incorporating batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes prEN 60335-2-76 {fragment 1}:2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-76: Particular requirements for electric fence energizers


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prEN 60335-2-76 {fragment 2}:2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-76: Particular requirements for electric fence energizers

CLC/TC 62 Gyógyászati villamos berendezések

prEN 80601-2-60:2017 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-60: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of dental equipment FprEN 80601-2-30:2017 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-30: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of automated non-invasive sphygmomanometers EN 60601-2-4:2011/FprA1:2017 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of cardiac defibrillators EN 60601-2-54:2009/prA2:2017 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-54: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment for radiography and radioscopy EN 60601-2-65:2013/prA1:2016 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-65: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of dental intra-oral X-ray equipment EN 60601-2-43:2010/prA1:2016 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-43: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment for interventional procedures FprEN 80601-2-49:2017 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-49: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of multifunction patient monitoring equipment prEN 60601-2-16:2016 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-16: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of haemodialysis, haemodiafiltration and haemofiltration equipment prEN 60601-2-39:2016 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-39: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of peritoneal dialysis equipment prEN 60601-2-76:2017 Medical Electrical Equipment - Part 2-76: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of ionized gas coagulation equipment


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CLC/TC 64 Villamos létesítések és áramütés elleni védelem

FprHD 60364-7-719 Low-voltage installations - Part 7-719: Requirements for special installations or locations - Lighting installations for advertising signs with a rated output voltage not exceeding 1 000 V, which are illuminated by hot-cathode-fluorescent-lamps, luminous-discharge tubes (neon-tubes), inductive discharge lamps, light emitting diodes (LED) and/or LED modules prHD 60364-7-711:2016 Low voltage electrical installation - Part 7-711: Requirements for special installations or locations - Exhibitions, shows and stands

CLC/TC 65X Ipari folyamatok mérése, szabályozása és automatizálása

FprEN 61804-2:2017 Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device description language (EDDL) - Part 2: Specification of FB concept FprEN 62828-1:2017 Reference conditions and procedures for testing industrial and process measurement transmitters - Part 1: General procedures for all types of transmitters FprEN 62828-2:2017 Reference conditions and procedures for testing industrial and process measurement transmitters - Part 2: Specific procedures for pressure transmitters FprEN 62443-4-1:2017 Security for industrial automation and control systems - Part 4-1: Product development requirements prEN 61918:2017 Industrial communication networks - Installation of communication networks in industrial premises prEN 61987-92:2016 Industrial-Process Measurement and Control - Data Structures and Elements in Process Equipment Catalogues - Part 92: Lists of properties (LOP) of measuring equipment for electronic data exchange - Aspect LOPs prEN 60534-1:2017 Industrial-process control valves - Part 1: Control valve terminology and general considerations prEN 61207-3:2016 Expression of Performance of Gas Analyzers- Part 3: Paramagnetic oxygen analysers prEN 62714-1:2016 Engineering data exchange format for use in industrial automation systems engineering - Automation markup language - Part 1: Architecture and general requirements prEN 61784-1:2017 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 1: Fieldbus profiles prEN 61784-2:2017 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 2: Additional fieldbus profiles for real-time networks based on ISO/IEC 8802-3 102

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prEN 61158-1:2017 Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 1: Overview and guidance for the IEC 61158 and IEC 61784 series prEN 61158-3-x:2017 Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3 - X: Data-link layer service definition - Type X elements prEN 61158-4-X:2017 Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-X: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type x elements prEN 61158-5-x:2017 Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-X: Application layer service definition - Type X elements prEN 61158-6-x:2017 Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-X: Application layer protocol specification - Type X elements prEN 60534-3-1:2017 Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-1: Dimensions - Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern and centre-to- face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, angle pattern control valves prEN 62443-4-2:2017 Industrial communication networks - Security for industrial automation and control systems - Part 4- 2: Technical security requirements for IACS components prEN 61784-5-x:2017 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5-x: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for CPF x

CLC/TC 69X Közúti villamos járművek villamos rendszerei

FprEN 61851-21-2:2017 Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 21-2: Electric vehicle requirements for conductive connection to an AC/DC supply - EMC requirements for off board electric vehicle charging systems prEN 62576:2017 Electric double-layer capacitors for use in hybrid electric vehicles - Test methods for electrical characteristics

CLC/TC 72 Automatikus szabályozók háztartási használatra

FprEN 60730-2-13:2017 Automatic electrical controls - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for humidity sensing controls EN 60730-2-5:2015/prA1:2016/prA Automatic electrical controls - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for automatic electrical burner control systems EN 60730-2-9:2016/prA1:2017 Automatic electrical controls - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls


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CLC/TC 76 Optikaisugárzás-biztonság és lézerberendezések

prEN 60825-4:2016 Safety of laser products - Part 4: Laser guards

CLC/TC 78 Feszültség alatti munkavégzés eszközei és szerszámai

EN 50321-1:2018 Live working - Footwear for electrical protection - Insulating footwear and overboots prEN 61482-1-1:2017 Live working - Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of an electric arc - Part 1-1: Test methods - Method 1: Determination of the arc rating (ELIM, ATPV and/or EBT) of clothing materials and of protective clothing using an open arc

CLC/TC 79 Riasztórendszerek

EN 50136-1:2012/FprA1:2018 Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment - Part 1: General requirements for alarm transmission systems FprEN 62820-3-1:2017 Building intercom systems - Part 3-1: Application guidelines - General prEN 62820-3-2:2016 Building intercom systems - Part 3-2: Application guidelines - Advanced security building intercom systems prEN 62676-5:2017 Video surveillance systems for use in security applications - Part 5: Data specifications and image quality performance for camera devices

CLC/TC 81X Villámvédelem

FprEN 62561-2:2017 Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) - Part 2: Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes FprEN 62561-7:2017 Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) - Part 7: Requirements for earthing enhancing compounds FprEN 62561-6:2017 Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) - Part 6: Requirements for Lightning Strike and Surge Counters (LSC) FprEN 62793:2017 Protection against lightning - Thunderstorm warning systems

CLC/TC 82 Napenergia-rendszerek

prEN 62892-1:2017 Testing of PV modules to differentiate performance in multiple climates and applications - Part 1: Requirements for testing


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prEN 62938:2016 Non-uniform snow load testing for photovoltaic (PV) modules

CLC/TC 85X Villamos és elektromágneses mennyiségek mérőkészülékei

prEN 61557-12:2017 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 12: Power metering and monitoring devices (PMD) prEN 60051-2:2016 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 2: Special requirements for ammeters and voltmeters prEN 60051-3:2016 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 3: Special requirements for wattmeters and varmeters prEN 60051-4:2016 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 4: Special requirements for frequency meters prEN 60051-5:2016 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 5: Special requirements for phase meters, power factor meters and synchroscopes prEN 60051-6:2016 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 6: Special requirements for ohmmeters (impedance meters) and conductance meters prEN 60051-7:2016 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 7: Special requirements for multi-function instruments prEN 60051-8:2016 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 8: Special requirements for accessories

CLC/TC 86A Fényvezető szálak és fényvezető kábelek

prEN 60794-1-31:2017 Optical fibre cables - Part 1-31: Sectional specification for cable element - Optical fibre ribbon FprEN 60794-1-22:2017 Optical fibre cables - Part 1-22: Generic specification - Basic optical cable test procedures - Environmental test methods prEN 60793-1-45:2016 Optical fibre - Part 1-45: Measurement methods - Mode field diameter measurement FprEN 60793-1-47:2017 Optical fibres - Part 1-47: Measurement methods and test procedures - Macrobending loss 105

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FprEN 60793-1-54:2017 Optical fibres - Part 1-54: Measurement methods and test procedures - Gamma irradiation

CLC/TC 86BXA Fényvezető csatlakoztató, passzív és csatlakozóval ellátott alkatrészek

FprEN 50377-18-1:2017 Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 18-1: type 4+4x10.3125 Gb/s MPO (QFSP) transceiver mated with an MPO connector equipped with 12 fibre PPS ferrules terminated on EN 60793-2-10 category A1a.3a or A1a.3b 50/125 micron multimode fibre prEN 61753-1:2017 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standards - Part 1: General and guidance prEN 61300-2-46:2017 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and procedures - Part 2-46: Tests - Damp heat, cyclic prEN 50377-14-1:2017 Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 14 1: Simplex and duplex cords made from simplex plugs with cylindrical ferrules, using EN 60793-2-50 singlemode B1 or B6 fibre for Category C according to EN 61753-1 prEN 62005-9-4:2016 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Reliability - Part 9-4: High power qualification of passive optical components for environmental category C prEN 61300-3-30:2016 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-30: Examinations and measurements - Endface geometry of rectangular ferrule prEN 61755-6-2:2017 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 6-2: Connection of 50,0 μm core diameter multimode physically contacting fibres - Non-angled for reference connector application, at wavelength of 850 nm using traditional macrobend attenuation fibre only

CLC/TC 88 Szélturbinák

prEN 61400-1:2016 Wind energy generation systems - Part 1: Design requirements EN 61400-11:2013/prA1:2017 Wind energy generation systems - Part 11: Acoustic noise measurement techniques 106

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prEN 61400-6:2017 Wind energy generation systems - Part 6: Tower and foundation design requirements prEN 61400-21-1:2017 Wind energy generation systems - Part 21-1: Measurement and assessment of electrical characteristics - Wind turbines

CLC/TC 8X A villamosenergia-ellátás rendszerszempontjai

prEN 62559-1:2017 Use Case Methodology - Part 1: Concept and Processes in Standardization

CLC/TC 9X Vasúti villamos és elektronikus berendezések

prEN 50129:2016 Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety related electronic systems for signalling prEN 50318 Railway applications - Current collection systems - Validation of simulation of the dynamic interaction between pantograph and overhead contact line prEN 50388-1 Railway Applications - Fixed installations and rolling stock - Technical criteria for the coordination between traction power supply and rolling stock to achieve interoperability - Part 1: general prEN 50388-2:2017 Railway Applications - Fixed installations and rolling stock - Technical criteria for the coordination between power supply and rolling stock to achieve interoperability - Part 2: stability and harmonics EN 50239:2018 Railway applications - Radio remote control system of traction vehicle for shunting application prEN 61375-2-6:2016 Electronic railway equipment - Train communication network - Part 2-6: On-board to ground communication FprEN 62928:2017 Railway applications - Rolling stock - Onboard lithium-ion traction batteries


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ETSI EN 319 411-2 V2.2.0 (2017-08) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates; Part 2: Requirements for trust service providers issuing EU qualified certificates ETSI EN 319 411-1 V1.2.0 (2017-08) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates; Part 1: General requirements ETSI EN 319 401 V2.2.0 (2017-08) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); General Policy Requirements for Trust Service Providers ETSI EN 305 550 V2.1.0 (2017-10) Short Range Devices (SRD); Radio equipment to be used in the 40 GHz to 246 GHz frequency range; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum ETSI EN 305 200-3-1 V1.1.0 (2017- Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing 11) (ATTM); Energy management; Operational infrastructures; Global KPIs; Part 3: ICT Sites; Sub- part 1: DCEM ETSI EN 305 200-2-1 V1.1.0 (2017- Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing 11) (ATTM); Energy management; Operational infrastructures; Global KPIs; Part 2: Specific requirements; Sub-part 1: ICT Sites ETSI EN 305 174-8 V1.1.0 (2017-10) Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM); Broadband Deployment and Lifecycle Resource Management; Part 8: Management of end of life of ICT equipment (ICT waste / end of life) ETSI EN 305 174-2 V1.0.0 (2017-11) Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM); Broadband Deployment and Lifecycle Resource Management; Part 2: ICT Sites ETSI EN 305 174-1 V1.0.0 (2017-11) Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM); Broadband Deployment and Lifecycle Resource Management; Part 1: Overview, common and generic aspects ETSI EN 303 980 V1.1.1 (2017-08) Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Harmonised Standard for fixed and in-motion Earth Stations communicating with non-geostationary satellite systems (NEST) in the 11 GHz to 14 GHz frequency bands covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 303 520 V1.0.0 (2017-07) Short Range Devices (SRD); Ultra Low Power (ULP) wireless medical capsule endoscopy devices operating in the band 430 MHz to 440 MHz; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum


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ETSI EN 303 454 V1.1.1 (2017-10) Short Range Devices (SRD); Metal and object detection sensors in the frequency range 1 kHz to 148,5 kHz; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 303 446-2 V1.1.0 (2017-03) ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for combined and/or integrated radio and non-radio equipment; Part 2: Specific conditions for equipment intended to be used in industrial locations; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 303 446-1 V1.1.0 (2017-03) ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for combined and/or integrated radio and non-radio equipment; Part 1: Requirements for equipment intended to be used in residential, commercial and light industry locations; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 303 345 V1.1.7 (2017-03) Broadcast Sound Receivers; Harmonised Standards covering the essential requirements of Article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 303 316 V1.2.0 (2017-11) Broadband Direct Air-to-Ground Communications; Equipment operating in the 1 900 MHz to 1 920 MHz and 5 855 MHz to 5 875 MHz frequency bands; Beamforming antennas; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum ETSI EN 303 098 V2.2.0 (2017-05) Maritime low power personal locating devices employing AIS; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 302 502 V2.1.3 (2017-07) Wireless Access Systems (WAS); 5,8 GHz fixed broadband data transmitting systems; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum ETSI EN 302 454 V2.2.0 (2017-11) Meteorological Aids (Met Aids); Radiosondes to be used in the 1 668,4 MHz to 1 690 MHz frequency range; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum ETSI EN 302 054 V2.2.0 (2017-11) Meteorological Aids (Met Aids); Radiosondes to be used in the 400,15 MHz to 406 MHz frequency range with power levels ranging up to 200 mW; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum ETSI EN 301 598 V2.1.1 (2017-11) White Space Devices (WSD); Wireless Access Systems operating in the 470 MHz to 790 MHz TV broadcast band; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU


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ETSI EN 301 489-53 V1.1.0 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 03) radio equipment and services; Part 53: Specific conditions for terrestrial sound broadcasting and digital TV broadcasting service transmitters and associated ancillary equipment; Harmonised standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.1.0 (2016- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 11) radio equipment and services; Part 52: Specific conditions for Cellular Communication Mobile and portable (UE) radio and ancillary equipment; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-51 V2.1.0 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 03) radio equipment and services; Part 51: Specific conditions for Automotive, Ground based Vehicles and Surveillance Radar Devices using 24,05 GHz to 24,25 GHz, 24,05 GHz to 24,5 GHz, 76 GHz to 77 GHz and 77 GHz to 81 GHz; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-50 V2.2.0 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 03) radio equipment and services; Part 50: Specific conditions for Cellular Communication Base Station (BS), repeater and ancillary equipment; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-35 V2.2.0 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 03) radio equipment and services; Part 35: Specific requirements for Low Power Active Medical Implants (LP-AMI) operating in the 2 483,5 MHz to 2 500 MHz bands; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-34 V2.1.1 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 04) radio equipment and services; Part 34: Specific conditions for External Power Supply (EPS) for mobile phones; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 6 of Directive 2014/30/EU ETSI EN 301 489-33 V2.2.0 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 03) radio equipment and services; Part 33: Specific conditions for Ultra-WideBand (UWB) devices; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU


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ETSI EN 301 489-31 V2.2.0 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 03) radio equipment and services; Part 31: Specific conditions for equipment in the 9 kHz to 315 kHz band for Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implants (ULP-AMI) and related peripheral devices (ULP- AMI-P); Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-29 V2.2.0 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 03) radio equipment and services; Part 29: Specific conditions for Medical Data Service Devices (MEDS) operating in the 401 MHz to 402 MHz and 405 MHz to 406 MHz bands; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-27 V2.2.0 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 03) radio equipment and services; Part 27: Specific conditions for Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implants (ULP-AMI) and related peripheral devices (ULP-AMI-P) operating in the 402 MHz to 405 MHz bands; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-20 V2.1.0 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 10) radio equipment and services; Part 20: Specific conditions for Mobile Earth Stations (MES) used in the Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-19 V2.1.0 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 03) radio equipment and services; Part 19: Specific conditions for Receive Only Mobile Earth Stations (ROMES) operating in the 1,5 GHz band providing data communications and GNSS receivers operating in the RNSS band (ROGNSS) providing positioning, navigation, and timing data; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-17 V3.2.0 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 03) radio equipment and services; Part 17: Specific conditions for Broadband Data Transmission Systems; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU


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ETSI EN 301 489-15 V2.2.0 (2017- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for 03) radio equipment and services; Part 15: Specific conditions for commercially available amateur radio equipment; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-12 V3.1.0 (2017- Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum 10) Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 12: Specific conditions for Very Small Aperture Terminal, Satellite Interactive Earth Stations operated in the frequency ranges between 4 GHz and 30 GHz in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) Harmonised Standard for electromagnetic compatibility ETSI EN 301 489-9 V2.1.1 (2017-03) ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 9: Specific conditions for wireless microphones, similar Radio Frequency (RF) audio link equipment, cordless audio and in-ear monitoring devices; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-6 V2.2.0 (2017-03) ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 6: Specific conditions for Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) equipment; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-5 V2.2.0 (2017-03) ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 5: Specific conditions for Private land Mobile Radio (PMR) and ancillary equipment (speech and non-speech) and Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-4 V3.2.0 (2017-03) ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 4: Specific conditions for fixed radio links and ancillary equipment; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-3 V2.1.1 (2017-03) ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 3: Specific conditions for Short-Range Devices (SRD) operating on frequencies between 9 kHz and 246 GHz; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU


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ETSI EN 301 489-2 V2.1.0 (2017-03) ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 2: Specific conditions for radio paging equipment; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI EN 301 489-1 V2.2.0 (2017-03) ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 1: Common technical requirements; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU and the essential requirements of article 6 of Directive 2014/30/EU ETSI EN 300 718-2 V2.1.0 (2017-09) Avalanche Beacons operating at 457 kHz; Transmitter-receiver systems; Part 2: Harmonised Standard for features for emergency services ETSI EN 300 718-1 V2.1.0 (2017-09) Avalanche Beacons operating at 457 kHz; Transmitter-receiver systems; Part 1: Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum ETSI EN 300 440 V2.2.0 (2017-09) Short Range Devices (SRD); Radio equipment to be used in the 1 GHz to 40 GHz frequency range; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum ETSI EN 300 392-3-3 V1.4.0 (2017- Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Voice plus Data 09) (V+D); Part 3: Interworking at the Inter-System Interface (ISI); Sub-part 3: Additional Network Feature Group Call (ANF-ISIGC) ETSI EN 300 328 V2.2.0 (2017-11) Wideband transmission systems; Data transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM band and using wide band modulation techniques; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum ETSI EN 300 220-2 V3.2.0 (2017-09) Short Range Devices (SRD) operating in the frequency range 25 MHz to 1 000 MHz; Part 2: Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum for non specific radio equipment ETSI EN 300 176-1 V2.3.0 (2017-10) Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT); Test specification; Part 1: Radio ETSI EN 300 132-1 V2.0.1 (2017-11) Environmental Engineering (EE); Power supply interface at the input to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) equipment; Part 1: Operated by Alternating Current (AC) source
