HPX – A Task Based Programming Model in a Global Address Space Hartmut Kaiser1 Thomas Heller2 Bryce Adelstein-Lelbach1
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Adrian Serio1 Dietmar Fey2
[email protected] [email protected] 1Center for Computation and 2Computer Science 3, Technology, Computer Architectures, Louisiana State University, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Louisiana, U.S.A. Erlangen, Germany ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION The significant increase in complexity of Exascale platforms due to Todays programming models, languages, and related technologies energy-constrained, billion-way parallelism, with major changes to that have sustained High Performance Computing (HPC) appli- processor and memory architecture, requires new energy-efficient cation software development for the past decade are facing ma- and resilient programming techniques that are portable across mul- jor problems when it comes to programmability and performance tiple future generations of machines. We believe that guarantee- portability of future systems. The significant increase in complex- ing adequate scalability, programmability, performance portability, ity of new platforms due to energy constrains, increasing paral- resilience, and energy efficiency requires a fundamentally new ap- lelism and major changes to processor and memory architecture, proach, combined with a transition path for existing scientific ap- requires advanced programming techniques that are portable across plications, to fully explore the rewards of todays and tomorrows multiple future generations of machines [1]. systems. We present HPX – a parallel runtime system which ex- tends the C++11/14 standard to facilitate distributed operations, A fundamentally new approach is required to address these chal- enable fine-grained constraint based parallelism, and support run- lenges.