Tityridae  Gray-cheeked Thrush  Common Yellowthroat  Green-backed Sparrow  Northern  Swainson's Thrush  Hooded Warble Cardinalidae  Cinnamon Becard  Wood Thrush Belize Foundation for Research &  Wilson's Warbler  Red-crowned Ant-  White-winged Becard  Clay-colored Thrush Environmental Education (BFREE)  Canada Warbler  Red-throated Ant-Tanager  Rose-throated Becard  White-throated Thrush  Golden-crowned Warbler  Hepatic Tanager  Masked Tityra Mimidae  Summer Tanager  Black-crowned Tityra  Gray Catbird  Rufous-capped Warbler  Scarlet Tanager Cotingidae  Tropical Mockingbird  Yellow-breasted Chat  Rufous Piha Bombycillidae  Gray-crowned Yellowthroat  White-winged Tanager Pipridae  Cedar Waxwing Thraupidae  Black-faced Grosbeak  White-collared Parulidae  Gray-headed Tanager  Rose-breasted Grosbeak  Red-capped Manakin  Blue-winged Warbler  Black-throated Shrike-Tanager  Blue-black Grosbeak Vireonidae  Golden-winged Warbler  Crimson-collared Tanager  Blue Grosbeak  White-eyed Vireo  Brewster's Warbler  Passerini's Tanager  Blue Bunting  Mangrove Vireo  Tennessee Warbler  Blue-gray Tanager  Indigo Bunting  Yellow-throated Vireo  Nashville Warbler  Yellow-winged Tanager  Painted Bunting  Plumbeous Vireo  Yellow Warbler  Western Tanager Icteridae  Philadelphia Vireo  Chestnut-sided Warbler  Melodious Blackbird  Red-eyed Vireo  Magnolia Warbler  Golden-hooded Tanager  Great-tailed Grackle  Yellow-green Vireo  Bay-breasted Warbler  Green  Giant Cowbird  Tawny-crowned Greenlet  Northern Parula   Yellow-billed Cacique  Lesser Greenlet  Tropical Parula  Red-legged Honeycreeper  Green Shrike-Vireo  Black-throated Blue Warbler  Bananaquit  Chestnut-headed Oropendola Corvidae Species  Yellow-rumped Warbler  Variable Seedeater  Montezuma Oropendola  Brown Jay  Grace's Warbler  Black-cowled Oriole Hirundinidae  White-collared Seedeater  Golden-cheeked Warbler  Orchard Oriole of the  Tree Swallow  Thick-billed Seed-Finch  Black-throated Green Warbler Hooded Oriole  Mangrove Swallow  Yellow-faced Grassquit   Connecticut Warbler BFREE Reserve  Northern Rough-winged Swal-  Blue-black Grassquit  Yellow-backed Oriole low  Blackburnian Warbler  Grayish Saltator  Yellow-tailed Oriole Troglodytidae  Yellow-throated Warbler  Buff-throated Saltator  Audubon's Oriole  Band-backed Wren  Black-and-white Warbler  Black-headed Saltator  Baltimore Oriole  Spot-breasted Wren  American Redstart Emberizidae Fringillidae  House Wren  Prothonotary Warbler  Orange-billed Sparrow  Scrub Euphonia  White-breasted Wood-Wren  Worm-eating Warbler The rainforest is our classroom! Polioptilidae  Olive Sparrow  Yellow-throated Euphonia  Swainson's Warbler  Long-billed Gnatwren  Olive-backed Euphonia  Ovenbird BFREE Field Station & Private Reserve  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Mile Marker 58 Southern Highway  Northern Waterthrush Toledo District  Tropical Gnatcatcher We encourage you to  Louisiana Waterthrush Belize, Central America Turdidae upload your checklist to 671-1299  Slate-colored Solitaire  Kentucky Warbler eBird! Mourning Warbler  Veery  Compiled by the UNCW www.bfreebz.org Avian Research Team Tinamidae  Black-collared Hawk  Yellow-billed Cuckoo  Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Falconidae  Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet  Great Tinamou  Bicolored Hawk  Squirrel Cuckoo  Buff-bellied Hummingbird  Barred -Falcon  Greenish Elaenia  Little Tinamou  Crane Hawk  Smooth-billed Ani  Magnificent Hummingbird  Collared Forest-Falcon  Yellow-bellied Elaenia Anatidae  White Hawk  Groove-billed Ani  Black Crested Coquette  Laughing Falcon  Sepia-capped Flycatcher  Black-bellied Whistling-Duck  Gray Hawk Strigidae  Purple-crowned Fairy  Aplomado Falcon  Paltry Tyrannulet  Muscovy Duck  Common Black-Hawk  Vermiculated Screech-  Ruby-throated Hummingbird  Bat Falcon  Northern Bentbill  Blue-winged Teal Psittacidae  Great Black-Hawk  Crested Owl Trogonidae  Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher Cracidae  Olive-throated Parakeet  Solitary Eagle  Spectacled Owl  Black-headed Trogon  Common Tody-Flycatcher  Plain Chachalaca  Scarlet Macaw  Roadside Hawk  Central American Pygmy-Owl  Gartered Trogon  Yellow-olive Flycatcher  Crested Guan  Brown-hooded Parrot  Zone-tailed Hawk  Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl  Collared Trogon  Stub-tailed Spadebill  Great Curassow  White-crowned Parrot  Mottled Owl  Slaty-tailed Trogon Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher Ciconiidae  Crested Eagle  Caprimulgidae Momotidae  White-fronted Parrot  Wood Stork  Harpy Eagle  Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher  Lesser Nighthawk  Lesson’s Motmot  Red-lored Parrot Phalacrocoracidae  Black Hawk-Eagle  Ochre-bellied Flycatcher  Common Nighthawk  Tody Motmot  Mealy Parrot  Neotropic Cormorant  Ornate Hawk-Eagle  Eye-ringed Flatbill  Common Pauraque Alcedinidae  Yellow-headed Parrot Anhingidae Rallidae  Royal Flycatcher  Chuck-will's-widow  Ringed Kingfisher Thamnophilidae  Anhinga  Ruddy Crake  Black Phoebe Belted Kingfisher Great Antshrike Areidae  Yucatan Nightjar    Gray-necked Wood-Rail  Bright-rumped Attila  Bare-throated Tiger-Heron  Whip-poor-will  Amazon Kingfisher  Barred Antshrike  Sora  Rufous Mourner Green Kingfisher Western Slaty Antshrike  Great Blue Heron Heliornithidae Nyctibiidae    Olive-sided Flycatcher  Snowy Egret  Sungrebe  Great Potoo  American Pygmy Kingfisher  Plain Antvireo Bucconidae  Eastern Wood-Pewee  Little Blue Heron Aramidae  Northern Potoo  Slaty Antwren Apododae  White-necked Puffbird  Tropical Pewee  Cattle Egret  Limpkin  Dot-winged Antwren Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Jacanidae  White-collared Swift  White-whiskered Puffbird   Great Egret  Dusky Antbird  Northern Jacana  Chimney Swift Galbulidae Formicariidae  Acadian Flycatcher  Green Heron Scolopacidae  Vaux's Swift  Rufous-tailed Jacamar  Black-faced Antthrush  Alder Flycatcher  Agami Heron  Solitary Sandpiper Trochilidae Ramphastidae Furnariidae  Willow Flycatcher  Yellow-crowned Night-Heron  Lesser Yellow Legs  Long-billed Hermit  Emerald Toucanet  Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner  Least Flycatcher  Boat-billed Heron  Spotted Sandpiper  Stripe-throated Hermit  Collared Aracari  Scaly-throated Leaftosser  Dusky-capped Flycatcher Carthartidae Columbidae  Band-tailed Barbthroat  Keel-billed Toucan  Tawny-winged Woodcreeper  Great Crested Flycatcher  Black Vulture Picidae  Pale-vented Pigeon  Scaly-breasted Hummingbird  Ruddy Woodcreeper  Brown-crested Flycatcher  Turkey Vulture  Black-cheeked Woodpecker  Short-billed Pigeon  Wedge-tailed Sabrewing  Olivaceous Woodcreeper  Great Kiskadee  King Vulture  Golden-fronted Woodpecker  Scaled Pigeon Violet Sabrewing Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Boat-billed Flycatcher Pandionidae     Ruddy Ground-Dove  Ladder-backed Woodpecker  Osprey  White-necked Jacobin  Northern Barred-Woodcreeper  Social Flycatcher  Smoky-brown Woodpecker Accipitridae  Blue Ground-Dove  Green-breasted Mango  Ivory-billed Woodcreeper  Streaked Flycatcher  Golden-olive Woodpecker  Hook-billed Kite  White-tipped Dove  Canivet's Emerald  Streak-headed Woodcreeper  Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher  Chestnut-colored Woodpecker  Swallow-tailed Kite  Gray Fronted Dove  Violet-crowned Woodnymph  Rufous-breasted Spinetail  Piratic Flycatcher  Lineated Woodpecker  Double-toothed Kite  Gray-chested Dove  White-bellied Emerald  Plain Xenops  Tropical Kingbird  Pale-billed Woodpecker  White Tailed Kite  Ruddy Quail-Dove  Azure-crowned Hummingbird Tyrannidae  Couch's Kingbird Cuculidae  Acorn Woodpecker  Plumbeous Kite  Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet  Eastern Kingbird