

A Ying 23n73 Boccaccio, Giovanni 8n25 Addison, Catherine 143 Book of Changes 8n25 Adey, William More 157 Book of Changes (Yi jing) 129n38 Africa 95, 100 Book of Songs (Shijing) 75, 75n83 American literature Book of the Way (Dao de jing) 173 Cooper, James Fenimore 112 Booth, Michael 108n93 Fitzgerald, F. Scott 30 Bourdieu, Pierre 42 Hawthorne, Nathaniel 112 Brame, Charlotte Mary 88 Payne, John Howard 180 Poe, Edgar Allan 178, 207 Adey, William More 157 Stowe, Harriet Beecher 106–107 Austen, Jane 103 Whitman, Walt 112 Brame, Charlotte Mary 88 Wilcox, Ella Wheeler 160 Burns, 130–131, 135 Amicis, Edmondo de 51–52 Byron, George Gordon (Lord) 16, Austen, Jane 103 126–127, 126n21, 130–131, 138–140, authorship 21, 32, 57n33, 72–73 142–143, 142n71, 148–149, 156, 163 autobiography 126 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 173 and colonialism 141–144 Bakhtin, Mikhail 10–11, 149 Conrad, Joseph 95 Baldensperger, Fernand 120 Dowson, Ernest 165, 170, 189–193, 203 Balzac, Honore de 84 eighteenth-century 121 Bannet, Eve 10n32 Eliot, T. S. 1, 20, 203 Bao Tianxiao Haggard, H. Rider 14, 28, 58–66, 76–77, and Butterfly School 27, 42–43, 48n7, 79, 95, 100–101, 103–105, 109–114, 205 114n107, 201, 204–205 and creative translation 50–52, 201, 206 Henley, William Ernest 165, 193–194 influence on Li Dingyi 70 Housman, A. E. 197–198, 197n105 Joan Haste 8n25, 51, 58–66, 70n75, 73, Howitt, William 130 76–77, 114, 114n107, 201, 204–205 James, Henry 84 La Dame aux Camélias 64 Johnson, Samuel 17n56 life of 58n36, 59n39 Keats, John 18n60 multilingualism of 56–57 and melodrama 83–85, 95–97 Orchid in an Empty Valley 52n17, 88 Milton, John 30 pseudonyms 51n13 and modernity 170 scholarly writings on 23n73 Murray, David Christie 116 “A Strand of Flax” (Yilü ma) 46–47, 49 and Perils of Fair Ladies 71 Xin’er Goes to School (Xin’er jiuxue ji) Pope, Alexander 17n56, 18n60 51–52 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 128n30, 130–131, Barthes, Roland 11–14 135, 143, 163, 191 Baudelaire, Charles 5, 207 Stevenson, Robert Louis 28, 79, 88, Baxandall, Michael 121 95–103, 105–114, 190, 190n86 Beerbohm, Max 170, 193, 194n96 in United States 10n32 Beijing Normal University 176n38 Wilde, Oscar 165, 170, 170n17 Benjamin, Walter 5–7, 14, 138n61 Wood, Ellen 52n17, 88 Bergson, Henri 196 Wordsworth, William 170, 186 Bloom, Harold 3, 15–16, 138n61, 184, 191 Brooks, Peter 84–87, 85n20 232 Index

Buddhism and intertextuality 29, 31, 172–175 in classical Chinese 146, 149 and language reform 29 vs. Confucianism 150n91 Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons, and Indian literature 140–141, 140n65 The 172 and Su Manshu 125 of Ming Dynasty 70, 76 and vernacular Chinese fiction 173 of Northern Song Dynasty 16, 137–138, in work of Bao Tianxiao 52 145–146, 148–149, 152, 185 Burns, Robert Poetic Exposition of Literature 171–172, Poetical Works of 193 171n20, 173 “A Red, Red Rose,” 130–131, 135 and poetry 134n55, 137–138, 146, 167, Butterfly School. see Mandarin Duck and 182–185 Butterfly School and polysystem theory 7 Byron, George Gordon (Lord) quotations in 14–15, 124, 171–175 “Apostrophe to the Ocean,” 156 scenery in 38, 150, 188 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 126 scholar-beauty romance in 27, 65, 70, 76, Don Juan 126, 142n71 78, 89–91, 108, 108n90, 202 Island, The 142–143, 148–149 Songs of the South 181 “To a Lady Who Presented the Author of Tang Dynasty 128n30, 152, 182–183 with the Velvet Band Which Bound Her Tang Dynasty 90, 128n30 Tresses,” 130–131, 138–140 of Western Han Dynasty 108 “Live Not the Stars and the Mountains,” of Western Zhou Dynasty 152 130 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 173 popularity of 126n21 Confucian ethical values Selected Poems of Byron (Bailun and Buddhism 150n91 shixuan) 131 and Butterfly School 8n25, 37n113, 62, 68, translations by Huang Kan 156 139–140, 205 in work of Su Manshu 16, 127, 154 filial piety 65, 97n66, 115–116 in Joan Haste 62n47, 76, 201–202 Candlin, George T. 128 and love 40 Cao Xueqin 90–91, 174–175 moral function of literature 37, 88n30 Carpenter, Edward 194 self-sacrifice 52n17, 64, 76, 114–115, Casanova, Pascale 157n112 114n107 censorship 8n25 and sexuality 60–62, 68 Chapman, George 18n60 and virtuous sentiments 56, 74, 202, 205 Chen Duxiu 127n24, 129–130, 162 and widowhood 74, 75n83, 76 Chen Jianhua 94n52, 106–107 Conrad, Joseph 95 Chen Lengxue 23n73 Cooper, James Fenimore 112 Chen Pingyuan 2, 26n110, 41 Creation Society 42, 123, 127, 165, 165n2 Cheng Fangwu 123, 165 Cultural Revolution 170 Chow, Rey 25, 112 Cultural School 7 Christianity 143, 158, 173 Cicero 1, 199–200, 206 D’Annunzio, Gabriele 193–195, 194n96 Civilization Press (Wenming shuju) 59 “Death of the Author, The,” 11–12 classical Chinese literature Denton, Kirk x, 166n4, 181n51, 185–186 Analects 171n20 Derrida, Jacques 5 Book of Changes (Yi jing) 129n38 dialogism 10–11 Book of Songs (Shijing) 75, 75n83 Dickens, Charles Book of the Way (Dao de jing) 173 Old Curiosity Shop, The 116 conceptions of beauty in 106–108, 117, 145 Oliver Twist 84n16