

Ma£ci!l, 1953

, ' Disclaimer: The cover page of thlsluue is extensively deteriorated and cannot be filmed because handling will cause further damage., Th Jour'lal Official Iwbliclltioll 01 tliO ./VationlJI M,lr'aroni Mnnulacturel' A'!!OI..iation, 13' Nor'l Aslllanri A.·cnyf'. Palatine. lI/inois. Ad:/mslI .:1. " Jae.9pondence Vol 44 rcl2arding advltrtisII '1 ur editorial material to ,~ohort /\1. Grcen, Editor. No. 11 P.O. Box 336, Palatine, lIJinnis,

Presidl'll! ..... Al b · .. t Ru\',u •. ·.o l .• t.: ,· 1st Viloc Pfl·!I':' .. " ...... Fr ~i.1 SpmJnl •. !"'.l COllvcntio]l {,\' \,Crllj!(' ...... 2nd'..,'V kc Pres. ... Robert I. Cowen A Ne\\' Wny of Doin.! Tllln&S ...... I" 3rd Vil'(' P«:s.. ... Peter j. Vi\'i:atn Pre :Iurl pre ... , It :011--' .. nob.. -," , M. GrN.·" -:-' Ih rou'~h th!' Dururn Wllellt IlIstllut t.· ... . I .. , ~ Rl'!ol'nrch ...... I ...... Junll!!o J. " " l ~s ton AI the Ml'l'til1g·in-tlll' · F o unct - Rl' I~ i!itrnnt s ' 0 " Product Prom"ti m- Ih~ough till' h r.:ionul MUl'woni Institute '21r..'c/O/ ..I Sc~i.Annunl D urUI1\ Report ,x Enstertl A. en : · fr Robert 1. Cowen J.ester R. Thurston. Jr. Egg Pruccssin g-P.lll'ku~illg H. Edward :roner • Vin'cent F. LnRosn Your Stnke in N'ltional A~uirs Joseph . !!pUe~rino .. PU.ll Vermy!cn ! ntL'n _uuf ... . C f "~rr.l Afe:\: Wny 8 .•• :K V.'ht·n A. : rvin~ Orsss Rolph SArli hibert RUVll.r ..lo Peter J. VivilillO [nilt·s to Advert I" :s .. ~8 Albert S. Weisl

Westcrn': Nreo: r-"" Paskey tieDometnieD Edwnrd D c Rocco Viroccnt DeDo·oelli.:'u l-~rcd Sp.ulnrorn

At Lllo'le: So\'crio Arena Henry D. Rossi AIIl O Il~ M{ · cti n ~ · in · llIl" Rllul1c l pllr~kip[ll\lS ..... '·1'· ,\rvll1 E, Dllvis Nit-holos A, Rossi NMMA prl': .!ellt .\1 R ;. · ···rillll In.'lller) " 'lOl1 i 'l ~ with Ke llr1ct il J. Forbes .Tcrume L T lljogue S ..... iss !It'il'nli,,ts: 01 . ilull ....." (ri~I ~ I . Dr. :~ icgl\ 'r \len), R ... j"m .... Id DUdriS: Roht'rt WillullIl elm" '\'isl'. III Ill ':' " II1100l : WHller VilllilllllC, 1r .. nl,'; Huw­ J. T. Willinllls. Jr. unl E. Johnson. DurulIl Hl'latioll!i CUr.llllitll"!: 010' Slimp· .illI ~ . : .. mil Dnkula WheHI Commissilll'! H,. '·. In l Lal1lp, Post P rt' <;H1'1nts: ;,10n. Jurulll WhL'ul Instil\l"": 1... ·d £1 ... NulluIII •. Mor. Tur:i Illstitut·.-! Rill' V'. ·ntl,·I. '"'_fUI1\ Industry Am'is >TV Emanuelt' Ron __ lIli. Jr. C. Fn·d Mucllcl Cmnmiltl'L': !.Iuyd ~""IlI1I'f. Ch :~ irn.ulI . Dl.'fll lll I ' l'lut~ . HOrll'=c P. Oioio C. ·vV. J :k Wol;(' \.. oJ> .Illittt·p: AI\'1I1 K t.·n ru.' 1" pn·sidelll. DUfUIt G:n\\ l' : ~ - lewd E. Sk; "1 <.' r L:Ju,'1 S. VlIgnin • ", • . :- il'~ion. Peter LoRosa . -_.. _------_..... --.... .- -... -

r · · ~c ~ l. : ~S . o'J ' I('f vee. , ; . · ,.gn ~6 . 5 ! 1 p"'f veo' (\1 fv':J ~ . ~ . 19 ~ • • 11 (, ( 0;>1 .: . 75" Bo .k. ( 1 fli l'~ sl.oe

MARCH, 1963 ~ ------...::.:..--'-' ,,'.... ,.~. -,~'" ,""~,,,"..... ,--- ~""""":::"'-"j"';':"~"...... " .... ,,~ -~-- , ~,"'"'---::- ~---- -

thing of which we can all be proud. Since the orleln of the Durum IndJ :try CONVENTION COVERAGE Committee we seem much dOlier Bnd ~,.~ .... v< .. have more undel':otal'ldlng of the prub· lem! of each ;;; t'~m e n l of the indust",. £SEARCH" wa~ "the word re- , He obs~rv(!d thal the North Dakota -R State Uliivenity bas been asked to Together we ~a\' c fuum! the 'bued (or # ; iterated throughout the discus- double thl! .Izc of Its cereal quality lab· keeping Infc.t1n.1d un world l'l upplles .iunl or lhe MeeUng·ln.1he.Round held oratory, and the USDA crreal laborl· and world needs. 'foJ:l'tW, we have by tht Na'.t.:.nol ~anufae. ,tOl')' has lfioved into the lame building. gained by having dururr. rCji08nlz~ as a specially and a IIpeelnl cia!! of wheal. turers As!loclaUon~( tn mld-Jan\1~ This will prob::ably reluU In one of the Durum Experts: ,'I ... 'n Kenn!!r, Ray \ ':nll!!I, Oon Flelcner and Ole Sompwn the Hulel Diplomat, Hollywoodi Florida. flnest cereal lal;)qfatorlc, In the world. Toaethcr, :with nsll\\ance from the . , ' North Dakota Slatc Wheni,·tcommls- A . ' · " ", R.I.arch or Perlsh ...y r, \, J' ~ New' varieties!l' ~"of wheal IIro.. 'b engI d c· slon,.. we have joint prOluotionol von.' .,contllUW,,~ ~ 1'1'¥o coopernte,'1. • .J".i Here . we can Image Is our cooperlltive objectlvc. '~ Rcsearch or perish," w-rimed Dr,' E. ~ velnpt!d mulfh more rapidly than In tures. ",. movo fOr'Ward;. . With It wJII come lIppeal caw,ing dc· Zlcgle'r, chief cereal chemlltl'M Buhler paat.lean, h~ reported. It uscd to take mond unlmnglned to this dute. Drothers (rom Uzwit, Swlt.z.erland. ' abouC12 yean to develop a new vorl· ''The durum producer recol!~t\le ."Prodbccr, · In North... Dakoto ond domcsllc c!urum r market as 'hal£»l'thle ' other ale"4i-h~ve the eapac1,ty ~ nd abU­ . "Gentlemen, 1 think thllt tOijether. 1~ SQmu~1 B.' Shap~ro, president of t~c ,'" ely." but' ~-' use of Mexico to grow and most Irrportnnt markei: anlt for Uy to make availablE! supplies of tho. wa havq. 'O nly made a beginninr.. I Amer,tcan Soclety.. ' ot. ,Exec· two crops per year cuts this time In this market wtjplcG,te lh_~ produc:yon quality raw m.aterrol - durum. Ihlnk .tho·t by continuing to l ~or K tn­ o n, Uf1:J manufncturen eannot I Otiiurum' are.. beinc tClltd thlt year. together on IdiiJ-range p,,?mi,{)oll}... :fo lr~~'~ _~· .I ... to 'h\ve a a ablf! aip~unt Stuart Seller participated In the roUt ~. Increase domest1e CCI !~Umptlun, It J ap. O1~unmrto mo.v.~f!-dure . . We have. to tu~le dlsruulori }6peculatlng .. un tl.!ot of enjoytho , wlthQut !~~~~~!~~:~~~~:~ the qucs; "'t.th9.>heats'fi .oplnlon are beingof Mr. developed Fletcher. In DwarfWIl!.h· studying ond workina .through the de- providing forl1\e r'tsk' of storaRe. Along du~\n arowera In Tull'lake, C'i.lIfornla, no1 buy Ington atate wheh wl1l yield as high partmentl where chidges can'be mode. ,",'Ith this we need a , {~v9r.eble co ~ t for for the extension of allutments nr dur- serve it as. 125 bushels per acre. 1Jl~ r-, I som~~; thl'll: thal maybe wet&ro transpor~~!Wii 'to ml'tlIJII 'produt'l um acreage Ihere. ' ,' ,~, 'I'" ~ - '" klddin~iinelves W hcli we. think of~i\'6r •.,: ~rum growen' :Jre.exP,erts or '':In.' li\lroducinrf the dlScus~lons on re- .... CommlllH Report d u rum PTUduct,expandlna.f "' We specIilisl3, If you p e, '.81 pro~ucers, " " aren't 6elllng qny. ,Ie now thon' ,wo_--" Th:lf, hft , the ,kn'ow-how: 'n1C)', ' I ha~ : sear'\ib,J Chairman Peter J. Viviano de- Wentz;i oN~juahboY InduIo1rle!, ...."'" ...Ve :0. - dared: "We £lJ'O here to lenrn more on the ~actlVttlc!O 9t the Dur­ did ten YC~ .,i,o, en you COf\!I~ ,~, aIk)i. I lnv.estm~nI~ ' ~ .., ...... 'I.1 ma- ohout our own products." Advisory COrTrnlttee, laid t h e popuI a on increalie m~y'pe) • neo~ pcr.J1 ... ' ' Ion plant, ,.. D reebmmendatlon for should all be taking a a~d ,L~ 'iook equal or above,. ln proportion to any ~ "\ to sec whe~r we r.al!Y , ~~I~elli othe.!;. segment 'Involved .in making J . '. Product Re~p rc:h r to durum :,'Trh~;nJr;:%;:I~~~~.;~~ sUiu:e sted to ing. \' ~ • ,," .. 'irYRlfa~le , t ~~ final cons.umef.t efodbr.t, Dr. Kenneth A. Gille!, Chalrmlln. '90 .. I. "Now, In dosing, J would like to ~ '$ Th~::W!."Jn ow you apprecTate. Cereal Technology DYPJ rtmcn~o:'th and'25 cents for Hnrd togetht'r ~'e lJ',p:e.t tho 'pIOj:lle~~' "Llk~WiSe, we arc ma,k.lng every efTor\, Do~ot.a Stat~ Unlvcr~!y, led tlfT: 1"('(?' l~ ~e p~mlums that lie bM$,\ be l'C!odYI~ antti ~ to l ~pedY apprai!, your pesltlon In "One'of t~uesc apable lacls of~ mod. Ordinary Durum, 20 0 unlm~Uve ' uses. ~lr~~~~~~~~::~~~~E~~:~~~~~:J:and tbou~t t ,til more frl ' cipate .OUf3turl: a'l~ tII) " make, th~ust~. For example, justrecent)y ern Intl.ust~Y'ls that rCleatC"h. fiO 10nl\ change's, .' 011 . ~ too f¥~." II ~up o't producers wet{:. in Omaha: regarded 0.5 a luxury, which only the ~~~~~I;~~it;~,u~""'~~":Jli lt theiractivlllea, con- ~ committeeby,'" recommended.9\, 4l'rum ~ thal-werv.e ,:;rThe.6Tt r . -: ~ • \''''i~.' "' Whl~ ll!ef:c",we ·arcep.ted'"LloYd Skin- blggcst corporutions could rcadll )' nf- makers have em- sublldles-'for durum werti- needt'd, but -0:-,. Wheat Comml ..lon., .4\.' ner's Invitation to tol": hlll plant. We ford, has . been lrnnsfurmcd intu n ~ an Iliduat.ry research ellort . macaroni they t came too little and 100 late. - ... - know that a mocaronl plant such tu thl!! necessity that no company can ilo:ltUl'c 1/\ wood chemlatry a1med :@;\rdllcove~ what I, North Afnu This waj.1ollowed ~y ~mm~nts ~~f docs not jUst hapPfh! ThlaJ. tbtlrJ'l;ll.llt. wllhout pladng lis economic survivu l Ole Suml'"",n, ~urum t' p~~~e..l'i ! JiiB .. of kn q~ .ho\,! Macat;onft tcfdoy is rea1ly " In jeopardy. In these days when science of entirely panel materJatr"" , ;.t • und owUl The Notl r~ al Retall Furniture Asao- . du,'Llm membe off the N ?~ ~,ak~Q(; S~~ 0 g~~rmet foOd. You, gent!emen, ore to a;nd 1}rhnologj' fpr~_.Jhe~ i: urn e r s t ~nc elation by itl;..tudf'eS'lot" hlpplng dam· we ant In .... a In any quantity. Wheat ]:'u!".mlsslon, ~ "~ ' 'j , \\,II)'S .. , ods has ~ IDved untold ~xpensc and in the Unlt~d " Stutes and R.prtttn al ••. the mliliulacturers, the p.roducer of t1orf,"unlty of purpose and efl'ort, there empirical Improvlsa~lon_ ~an only lend headaches for ma#Uf.cturuil and dis· .. more !n Ciuiid! than wh~~ a -oAvln ' Kenner. presJdent, D u rum durt..t~ and the gencral public ,to kN!p I! no qucstlon"but what we can. double >4 10 cv~tunl extincllcm, o tributo""'" Thei'CoSt ot the ~ . ~rJd Ihortaa8 JUit • yeD! aao. Nlne· Growers Auoclatfon, madi'the follow , in close comrqynlcation, Dy dol 9,g this , the United States ~r capita ronsump- "To anyone, who, pas asked the !tim· caused some hesitotion al the .tart~but teen sixty-two wnatee most fa\'orable Ins: statement: - we lan marsh81lll).efTec~Y~.»tpmotion, . tlon ,of macllronl and J.-!l.Paghelti prod- pIe quesllon: \lfl'iy dUl·.i 80m l·lhi/lJ.\ It'was only a drop'"i!l the bu~ket com- y~ ar . for a 1'lUI~..f P ernie tha~rh:u::: .. . .fhe~ ioei:&~ market1nl year was a market de~elopment,"r. a~.dlsll'l~,"tlon ~ ucts, .(r.om't;even pouqjS to t'\'. work, and not how' can I make il wol'l; pared to' beneftts derived. " ever. seen The f1.!f~ reslstanet! .. probi'c'J"tor'flteryone connected with program. Thil'wl1l bCn~ftl-.lliJe ments ''In'Rolng forward l!ae t{..l ~gment · of better, ha has b'egun to think In term , This and many otb'el" research proJ- Md hard ::J\ar"heJd ~the line, ' (1~: ' the duQim tridUitry. Millers und mnnU' Involved. An ,example of th~ be !nnlng the Industry has ' an important role to 'If b~lIlc researCh. Doc.i u~ic J'('~eardl cds hove proved far'>mQP useful ~hen1'.. would have ad A, repeUtl'!~ 0, , ' ed ~ ractureiii-i iound themselves forcloJ to ~,: unJty In aet~on Prolltat1J!.) . e ftlm pJ.o)'. The producer, the miller, the pay 0111 Certainly In s Ullie Industries donu throu'jfh the Association: thaD when most of tile crop I w:" d eli :-O~h ~ • deviate frO~ !the . "gul" .emn1tna rr.ll. Stl! nr':. jolntl} pro~Ung', 'Purum- "Trionufarturer, and don't forget the re. It, docs. " would havu been' poulble if the m~- by .tem I'lUIL It was ent rc ~ u~ ~ J:.K' Producers Jost money on the market th~ndard of Quality. The reeept!on ot talh~,r. Tftts food in the form of maca. ' "This morning !)on Fletcher ~tllnl cd bel1l had attacked the probletn .. 1ndr. ,work of' the research peop e : ~~." bc(:ause ot low production. In spite (,I I I~ ill}n, world-wide, has been excel- } ronl, spaghetti, made from Lot.lt that In till' winter wheat nrell , vlduaUy' and without' coonUnaijon. . ' Dakota State ,U~~fI~Y... ~~'b:'::s"1'r ~"I the disaster year tor all, maybe we o:: n . ~i ~ . ' t.. durum cnn be made the gourmd lood. f.'ebred. whent wac very hnrd hit by ". . ~ k t at Ilt~ch i~ I . ,.trophe ",as ave · l,...... :,r /.. included have all lCll~ed something nnd will "Your counsel, and sUpp':~ort In having It can be eaten on thcf'nlllht out and rus t. He alluded to the (ncl thAt till' at. s. . ' . ,. wheat )Ycl'!~ J'~Pap. ~ "es:lo.ck ' lot. ,. !teneht'In t"~ .long f!ln. durum rel,.'Ognlzed 8.1 n Spt tal cominod-: It should be the main dish. It Is on rual 1Ppea rcd to ile stoppt'd when It Il 0.11 started with ~ pre:-meetin;J.:.t: ; root t rol :eo.~h d~~ . aie8!~rolt • '''T1~ ~ relatiomhip between manulae' Ity, with 0 s~lol ilngge apnrl from Inexpensive, nutritious, healthful, tasty "loved onto the north, 'I n.:! intI' thl'! together of thc durum growers;- "WIlU e~o. and n c.,. 1 tureD and mtJIcra'and growers Is some· wheat, 1.:. an esscntlo.t ~ l-Iel'(! we cnn nil and l'onvenicnc\! lobd. To cn'ale thl, durum aren . He o.lso It' "ratl'

t.'.. \~UF! . c-rURERS .".INGINtERS_ DESIGNERS .- . 'l , '~ .MA'::AnONI r ROCESSiNG MACi(lNEIlY

G~IIl~ ra Veneta - :'adn.a -Italy .', ~ .' Z!eogllt end G. r-,~~ ~",;,;;,;,;;;;;;;;: TfUFOI'O 99 , 1$$.n . I]6-99,1 ; ~ TELEG~MMI : P"W , N-GA ~ ~'!ER', V~ flll " •• ••• -. c. C. I. A. ~AOOV" ~0129 I " " , ._ FF. ~~. CITIAOI.!.'.}. . ~ .-- I :.J ~~.' "'r: ~.\ ~... . . foclllties (a Cfo this type ~ t . , . Ii).. Rolng up aIOarrd'the cvuntr. Jrc bnsed thl, on adequate amount onally on ~ rlt that wail done in ::. " it:.crland ' SHAKER ORVER ~ TP 60 • don't "'io • ~~- some 20 ycnn ago "t lh ~ BU rl ier Lobo- brh~ l1y . w ~ ., J ~ n?we l'atury ~ ~ThII new type of mill is Just u _Cut Good. ~nd \ 'i ' this? Durin, tho past year larae s! ;-·~_·)jibot1"t o ry '1'111 , PrDctlcal the transfer of the miller.; hR~ ( dlt• . _'Jlty ,n,: ..: epllng ~hat ., Beltavllle to ,[argo:" su'lh 0 simple mill ~uld do such a job, in OUf b'3l1alne.(& We hll," difficulty convincing them. but I (.ous(' " growln.· nO$ .. ~ ,; Is regD:rderl os a bla new de· Ii PI.'l \' a~l ulX'n .velopmcnt at this time, pto!Jdft /unftt- ~Wo" !-fe very lortu ~~ te to have a boss I" "Il b thla_;" ' thq~is'1 very research-minded • • 0 much I 1; cH~t Iro~)]'I' ~ ~ to tt1al'\ ve do re' :-nrch work which has Iori (:II thit. the' .\if ' ~ " nl)}h!ng d i r~t1Y In do with our Job at p':!'JlIl! p'nd the ApJKoacli.s ' .;. tho moment. & Dr, GJ ~les l aYI, just to qUfl.it!(III!; tln,t lhat urc rol'J"~ !!!~'. r.~;p"' ~.'h~' (to I,' re- , . up"you~ no~· whY t'anJ . ~eryusc, We timfr areaomethln worklnal: onpops a \l. lvi they In' hIm O To those "':'study of pentoE &nll which hall no direct Ji lstimc:v.WhY doel Wh)' dop.! It br r- a~1 How ~ill;:~~~I~O~'~II;I.t~i';I~'Dc- ba~Inte~ brnughtt to a ftrmU!l tomaking several machinell, other Inter- but producL bllurH Why i stina question'). and put Ull in touch cooking prob1em" Why ~ wlfh Incn wh .... Kte 'do1fl'l Ihlll research i roruisteut? A b), •.; terrinUc 10 us ull ).i~ of ldo:t\f1. That is usln6 sclentlllln' Information ''';''¥-Ioui! arc l1!Ikrn if.,Hcr . , , 'I\U, I-J orca we ' aot into tht' - .. 3'i.i penetration into th[' PJ ...Uc:s Par.u.t • l ome Intcrellting ,.t ..l r ,: " • . ... ,'" '"I' I • t\ ll!chn!quc ho ~ ', .to: ." "Durini' the last 25 ye.fII( e pia ttl:' mliistul1l In ..-Eilfracf. 10% ol.\th. MOISTURE Indu.'1try l.wall born JIld ~ odyanced ~5 t!uil e a _. ..,~~~ pldly{\¥qut mo~~der a.t (4f.t50% ol . total ',amount.'~b. " . •-- an extracted) . ,- ·,,·tIl '\ill ,"". '.ihGl()!",, \ between plastb:s )fend. maca- , ~ .-; IV

rfmtn l ' .~ ~N butncemedf$e p'"'nwith1blems pla~lcitY. 'brat lh' eyrlgldltr. have'" ~~";~~~~~~§i~tOl, Ih!!!> klng out Q 1\" ',\ ' propertIes, physical and.chemlcal The Smallest ~nd Mo.t Efficient ...'lfI;r l ll re s'~ thr-le pliable - mDssell. frc.m O;::J:;~:'~'~ !!~~=~;;;l~~Et.:.~;: wMch in theJ (, IIns ~r the l t:cl~tist al'o ,.. inent A Dryer o~ 'tho Market .: .. .. y ,Imllar"tb the problems ybu have, ;1, und('r , . . • I • .::. ."-J !'twy (:xtrude pla:s.tic produch; you iX. J ~ menta of d%~~~']~I:~~~~::;;~::I : pnly 6 Ft. Wid. ,.. r, t:.HIe mlirartJni. illrYi,.;try tor harden '" tlnbatlon~ · ~~~f2.~~~~~~.;~~:W:~·t~, ' For 1,000 Lb •. 1,lus!!" pruductt:.you'arY mncnro.,nh. Dut tiorr nnd •., . , ..... , " 11 Ft. Long '_ Capacity :~ IIII! !!~ ycau:" theplu.tics- iriauItry procu .tng, 10 ~t. High lw" 1I!amcd " m ~H:~ ~mqre ,aboqt)ts'tec~ "I 'h.~~~~~~~':'~,:~,~~;~~'~:¥.~~~ - nlrnl '-"\n,,, r ~ ~li lng. than" the-D-maca. wil1 t:J ,'. (' rool iua ust~y hna. ,LarGely liect&.~ th~ disc~ later qn.'.\: . ~ mat'aruni mdUtlln:, ho ~ rellp.d ,) ~ U J';"~ , .. '." I.I r l. Thll: II not bad, but Wll must n.:· , I . .iI U,S. , ~nd Canadian RC)preic~totl,cl PAVAN knnwledge thnt the rcseardi effort ln~ Producf ""' C!- ' I.i~ " l)illltiC induItry.. hns been fnr more .... Dr, I ,I vi1!orou". I~r more (: fTt''CtivelY -' DI,l~ -.et\· I..·,. uhler l1na loloUc

$15eS.'llng,UOO. 'II~011 resea ~'e Bthl'rch~I:~n~;: ~:;!::"~~;~~~,:. ~ii:t~· .:;~&I~~"';~r:~~~~ I!l l)' In till" United

6 ----_._.,

have rigorous tantrot over the produc. them. The Italians have lrown up with Con ••ntlon CO ••ro._ tlon of wheat, new varieties, questions an entirely different kind of durum, (Continued from paJe II) "._ of t<:!ltinl, etc. 1 wnrk for the Doard of wUh much tougher gluten. requlrlnl ~...... ~'\i", Grain CommlSlt!OI.Cl", who arc charged much higher water absorption. One of Whd's in the 'MIDDLE' in Your Plant-between dryer i 'packaqillq ?? might corulder putting on-a school In with the r(.'~ponslblUty of maintaining l i ll~ questions to which W~ do not have the U,S. In coopcratlon with Dr, Glllcs_ the quality DC the grades of Canadian the an!lwer I!: 'Which hu the better "Then there III the chcmlst, who wheal. We con N u m e, domt!.Hcally. cooking quality?' What we mUlt nnd look, -' at things al. a very dltrercnt about ~ 3.000.000 Imahel. \it) durum a out Is the quality of gluten that make. J~USK TRUCKS 111 'tTOTE BOXES 111 CLOG""' IINS ?f? nngle. He Iii a specialist tl")'101 to f\nd ,. 00000 the Itallan,. the : mo:.t desirable type. year. Thill year 'We grew 61,0 I Thc~ all we have to do to put our plant (llil methods at control. Thl, Ls ~im~ bU!lh o~ IO~ you ~na .ec that prlmnrlly breeders on· the right track lA lay, 'ThlA . ~ . t ih• . '. cult area', and!we "l"must admit thal we ~ we arc ' ln'\the urorUng buslneS'. Ac ";, I. Ihe kind of q' uallty we need.' / ,~ aren't very far to date. .:-' ," .,k:' , cordlngly, our vlewpolntl on research ' ;t' .~., . ,, -, ,~ ~~ , In dururn .. and macaroni Sl~YiI an; ... 'OfIItfttt ft.Je.r.1.Pa- of varieties from all Whal 11 Good ~.ea I~'h"r those of a ,country whlch~arl1Y~ over, the world groVU' this year that intereded In SMlsfying ~the European we have jllst anlshed testing. For the "What Is Jood macaroni? To beg~ oveneas mtWull. I 1m ' dlstreis~ tlt 8rst (lrne J have leen the gluten ehar· ." c:,. ~ ."'\ ".: - . ~ ~ ,. .-. ~ilth It II wt.... ~ ~.re use4.aLand Dr Zlegler'."eO!l.:.ncnts that h1l friends acte-rUtlca..qI these Hullan and Medl· .. a~ what flts lnt':l ~our fI~ a'!Met Dr, ... in'Switzerland U!'C Jol~J to ~ start mak· te~nean ~rum H We have the rna· Let US ELTMM.ATE Labor, Handl·ing & Breakage INC~ASE Your Floor Spli~e ... (' Ich~ule, We have ~xacUy t1!,e ~e ina good macaroni from any kind of tenal wt',ch will allow us to Introduce " .' ""'.~ pfin)ic m In bread ba":!P.g. We h.ve t~...., wheal. with elm .. but I really~ lnk l:I these Quality characteristics InlD our conslde!" r-.. t.hele plycholqJI.c~ POln~;.. there wl1l be a very good market for breedirg prolG4DlJllf II. is detlrable. which ti..vc .io~hlng to do. with science.; J\UI1ldl fQ~ a lClD.J: tim'e to co/nt:, Somewht:re we have to make the Itep but they arc liDpo~ , ~ _ ~~'1't- . 1: j ~ !f' t'~ from what we can do In aut labara· ...... -~rA·~EY~RS "In Swlu.erland abou(~80 pe l\~~Of f ""',. ~ , ,,- . ,., t.ories and what you people will do in ~ ',. macaroni "'products 11 _made .. 1ijth IF.,j:. ,,: ' '1'" putuml . ,rl ,J;f. ~ YOur >Optantl. I think we have to de- 'J -' 'fhls improve.' the I, appearan~ ~ )VJth "Lwanl.. (j~llles~1. when we"",, vclop much closer ('ooperation between '. ,-- . '; beller color and makes a very deBni~ ... ~r.lliderlnl;tll1·1t QuiRty or out' own these two sides in getting on with both Suspend Yqur Storage in Space Improv':men\ in cooklnl q~aUty. By " durum heats, we do lO t:ith resPect the basic research and the practical using egg. it 11 ' ~tbJe _(0 use ~ ~ to wfia:t the ,l'"ui-ope,,91 are used to ~pecta. ~ '.~ ,-. the :.w~ace ' Re6~o~ery" Race durum al. aU, beca~~ttU can ev~ ¥f.4: dealkif7;with, Thll ,JntrodUcei an ele- '-.;:V ':;nh;'\: a very \2.ft type of whtat, ... ;jl . -..... menl Of'!\.arhty, petlcUtnrly in view Laboratory Work .-C~ P "In ~luslon, 1 would like t.o iI.Y a or the q~~I !n. we've brou.ht up to- lew worda about research and 'develop- day of p .\iQr~havlor and cooking ;t"l give you two examplel af what we SEE IN ACTION: ment. This ml!aM thlnklnJ diJ!e~!lY. .. Qualities. For~~ple : The ~ dunftns hav! done In our Inboratary: . In new dimensions. A 101. of mac~lIed1jn the UnTle~ St.o.te. and eanada .. ~ Jot of work went Into a study of l problems are just the ,apposlte,..p{ t 'U-~ili'~ from the af'liinal RuuW.~ Im- ~ 'lipoxidase. I.he eftl'tTe which destroys problems of baklnl bread. One~..!he ~ ~d. l llf Dr,,karletoo\.,at 'bie be· '~1Pe color durinJ processing. The job question of color. You want ~lotl and if" '1 o fll"thv~nt centurY.' Tftls was ftplshed and reported on by 19~1. the bread buker Ants hls flour bleech- Jlv" you II c1ua of dianuil.-';wtleal, Rus· It haittben ten year'S for anyone to ed. 'fbe bread maker want.l1}!sh Ptq: 11an, United Statel nnd Canadlan~n . t!!e pay ali1~al ~t~tlon to U, tein, and there II a quesUo ~.!!f ,,!h~ther on11hJ:' v.'hlC!lllB quite sl~~ ~ I>..~; ,have de~elopcd n farinograph th1l is to the IIklng ~ ot th.f ma~ hehav - i~i\ propertle--...Thlf,contrUtii ~~que to give uslndlcattons of dif­ l~akeJ', You WM~Qulte a dUt"eren.t ~ype very e~y :\WiUl tnc J du~ whea~i: f.iie nt qualities of alutel1.'.But ,we don't 6r.Jg ~ut c n~ ru to Impr0:t!:, ~ ' b~t produCed, In tJiI: .z.led.1terrane~ .. '!ta. 'hll:vc a.lnacaronl p~~on t do this ncedl an ~~Idller, whU ou probal)ly and whiCh has for a numberiot'J'can .L on , ~}arle .eale, an (on suggest need a reCiucing agent. u[ we don't heen1 01ng Into the Eurtipi"an iq';?k.eLWto- ~p1e ~haf'U I ~:very load, know enouah about thls 10rt of thing. In studyb lJl ~hese we were at a lou to ve?;y.{ ~restlnl. Then.Jt Is up to In­ "ha1 is whil1 ~'f. Ate trying to'~ get at. undentan~J thel.characteris:Ue 'dlffer- ~ujtiY , \aituke over some of these ideu, GAlNtD STORAG£ AREA ,. ", If there is e'!qugh IUPPO~ lh;e.,·'encel for a whq,e. I think ane of the t.o Take' a small investment, buying a ~ 'lIW\r . ,"\.. 6 ".-- •..t . _ j industry, mo ....upport l than....,01ere , ~ things thnl. Is nowappearlnl 11 that ~)'t.! ~trument !t and hiring n lew per· r. been, I am qllite sure th~we wi11 bl .. these M~itenanean d~1 are al1 ~ tcr.ftnd l. oul, If In fact, there Is I able to make 1\ In tlmp." • grown 81 'winter wl1ea~Tbls may have someuUri; uiefulJn it. HIli coneague.~ D~:; j:. Holll..Ker, ~_ a iorne etrL'Ct 'o,\ their general ~~r. ~ ..,-t'~h~; - "fMe d a number of other " < • mttCaronl expert" at B~rt! Brothers, bUts_ There\. ,", .very few 0.1~ problemi"whlch I think ate pc.: :t1nenl. 5-' 1;at.c Draper Belt sald· ..t the pr}!M=! ~l~ ~~~l~ l!l racin~ Ytlrietlel wflteh look -'I'-'e ~1'L~ elr bul l - wo'~'~ raille all of them now. 1 U!l Iii to l1nd , ~rrelatlon ' ~tw:e~r raw gluten Quality and thelt'rheolollcal be· '),t~Outd"lJk •.1 to get .ome Information ;, EI. -Packaging Machine mAtcrlal and eoo~lnl : qu,llty.i' ~The { ba~ior ~ ls different. People talk about ~ from y'ou.... Qn factors relating to brown­ problem' II exactly the lame In .... the ' gluten qUlllltr~ and what they arc ness ln ~y~ and macaroni, 00 any ;; Unltcd\States as Il.ila In Europe, He Is . really Interestid In Is what etrect~thla l of )Jo !&.~V~ ~vifa p;ooblem or dul!ness studying thll problem In Switzerland haS on the coalUng< qUllllty. NoW, you .... or browilnelir.-JiVyout maellronlT . - .. ulling 11 device for measuring .tretehlng~gat I.hat ~tatlan mllc~nl ls bet~r i;j! "An{ih;1';p~lem I think I't rcds strenalh of cooked spaghetti, 7'1 . . than onythJnl we can make. 1 don t .';I00king '1a:It.o is that of the effect 01 ; 1,"4- think that all of,; you woulp .. . th-C-Chemlcal ~ '!"" u. ~ · p~ure "O'i!1 prr, pcrt ~" , MAlfUfACTUltu' - Canilcu.n EJlpert' '. ~ :;;' ..,. J that, but I think that 10m! of 'you the drying propertlel'l , and thn COIlkill' Re IUJpect that certain 0r italian ' of macaroni. Yc: u ON! sel in: " •• '-9 N.ck!&H , .... ~ 'lrii ~ t~pes i. ro~rtles #. r.", - OAAIBALDQ AICCIAlItLU Dr, G. , N,orman hrvl~, ~~mmls= ' macaroni have bet!er~~,k!"1 qualltlCll 'fhe introduction o('preasute iau~es en ' 1030 W . OL.YMPIC DOUL.EYMO scorch Labaratary, oa 0 ~ than any Y0\.Vtura OUl . ~m your I'aw tin equipment Thi4 has LO!J · .... NGILI:S e, CALIPOitNlA • " . g:::= ~ftk~ ~' I Qh .~IQII C!"lrIg 11~~etl far ~:t'!:: ~:ea~b1stoh~:led~ material > ~:+. ",,-;: -\ , ~~ !" ::i~~mmon In E~rvPt! for I n our.~ . - d \ "You have grown uSed 1.0 American 1 exported and sold to the domestic tra e : ...~ , d I ~ h w to handle (CflnlinuCd on page 12) by the Canadian Wheat .. Board. We ,!~ms an ea 0 '" ,'- .... ". TIts MAcARom JOUJUfAL MARcH, 196,1 8 ---_.. - .

LOVES TO BE SERVED" "YOUT~ y"; M"caroni products made fr~;n .' Halion.1 Moc: ,onl M.nufcclure ...... ocl.lif~ ~ . r1 ou ha\'~ oh:mrvcd that we have a the publlc'l lnlel(~ ltt 4-a pr ..·lnenihlp of aU Y new formal !or this \Vinte~' Meet- the dements o( ttn: food Induslr\' Inll, nnd I wo:dd like to telJ'yotijtiJHefty whose goal\ 11I tht: .earching out aud " how thl!l come ,::hout. : ·U~' destroying of those parts of our total WI!! ," , It thought t' ;~ i";:nth;r"tb~n:n. business which represent uti"neecuar)' . ~ . { ~ nlnll nil motters ot Import:nice through costs. II we can do thllh thwt'partner­ :. ' .~ L !'...!' · ··• -r: u Board of Directors meeting at the ship will mean progrc~'nd very real . ~ve ""omolhlnK !lpecinl" III th.a ~IIO thllt III henrd more nnd mure ." ;tiftt of the week. It might ~ better to doUars and ~ ta progress-to every 111 • m~e the lubJect ~atter available to oompany and" every level In the Indus- thl~ihef'l~een'lI ~ers lI'!t In your hair "nu" rrom;.1few ork (0 I.. A', I.et'li have a difTer'ent kind of meol-hut wilh 10," of nPllet ite nntl :Y , .• lll:mlth "PllCnl. t.el II hnva II menl tlmt IIntUifiCllnlilhe fnmily nil tho time ~ CVfODOdy In general lCutOM. There- ~ try, and progresa in terms10f lowered today, Imail,ie wl ll.t we'll have In 1870...... '. r~e . VArious committees have been food prices to eOJUumera os well l ~ "Young adults are on their way up too. H\'cryono knows thnt . coroni producls "ro econnmicnl-hut do thoy " ~Iven C',e rcspoJUlbl1it7~ lo keep port 01... I ... Thlrty·nine per een~ more from ales tI. .. . k~ow Ihnt they enn be "aomelhinK 1I11t.'\:in'" dLdn,f tno. ~ , the pm(Tam In operation, 'p{!a~ : 1 " , ~ _ ~ Food 11 a lBarpln 20 to 2ll." 'This lJ' so'mcthlnl for us to Thoy moot 011 the requlrom l.! nla of hi ll'. fnmily hUd~ettl thl' "".}II('ltnlt ,~ uf ~u j:.lurmd. thl.' 1"elponlllblllty 10 th~t It s~lci~tea_~ ~_ " ~ 181n. In the United ·thlnk about In our indultry advertlalna To ohloln thRl"lIOmel~naipednl" in your cI.~:ntrfigeftt '{,.;e ' K ' ~Iid new thinking and n~ ' Ide",' w~ St8te~; R.nlY _Pc:r cent of tafl\!!y ,ln- and promotional programs. We are In , .. ., . .... _ InA: nil • ~11I make thing. different If not ~ler. come~ li~' on iood. Thl4 "~l!.te for b ot ot change, .. lot of new waYI A/;-t!i " .. .'. .,tr ... -..;,;,.: --::. • h(: Board, then, will meet a{ttr the ru~.. to vS5Jlor 40 ~r cent In" lOme of doing things. h • "",, ••• . , • !jenera! .e"lonl and set policy baled on European..... countrieir'and he ate n s Another thing I read recently said: .:.:. . .", ..~ - th., ('('Inclullons determined at ~ the knows what It II In those rountiies "People are thinking about plastic fll llud-lable I- tha~~~ called under-privileged. There, howes and two·way refrlgeraton that thelperc:entagc of IncOme If you want ,,!iIl open on both sldel. Remote ron· "ft{t ~ Big .;A .. to calf- It that, for, food ~N up to 80, trol unltl so you can phone home to Now, about new way. In( an'g{her . {lO and even.J OO per cent. So, when we Itart the dinner cooking. There wUl be direction-ali of you are ' aware I am oblerve tlliQs). -.),20 per Cf:nt ot our a!!-!omatlc lawn Iprlnklen that w111 go tlure that the grocel Indus!iY- ts '" Income goes f~fOod we have an Im- on when your lawn II thlnty, and Y ,I b1SIlC11 bUilness In the Unitiido1 Sta"t~· 'nant thlnl t:' emphasIze here that automatic time control centen to keep and therefore in the Iyorld. Itdf 1m-" ~e~.o!"etlmel overlook-the tact thah ~ youdr hOllie hot qs cold, whichever la portant and hlGhlv only we/ are .o..!o.tunate. nee edt Carrier is talklnl about an air re£arde~ no'\' ~ , ~, con by our own countqmell but bY ml!1l0tls '-~'" • . .4'\ ,.l dltloner unit which .mera the .Ir, I 01 people flll over the world. It 5C!l7'nU r Con.,..nl.nctl ~~Il nush ~~irt away, ablOrbs odon, reo , I to me that on those daY~ "'1~q we 4..,y In the~ food fteld, .~h;.~~,~~,~~~~~ I move~lIen, an~ humldlfte .... to solve the problems thatJ .ce UI ~d YI:ara .bas ..b'Yt!n( tor become discouraged, we ShoUld ',et l'nd macaroni products .optethln" of r~'1'ara:e out o.(:t~~'1~f"et Atar ..monl) thqJ,R. Some Interest to thnt w'" .,~c a part o ~ wonderful venience foiodl fhave met descrlp· thing. W~l!n t ~e tempt.a11o~ . comel to ..... hlle otheC'l have not "You ride mulu! a wllhy-washY dec1ilon or do\ a 1 mtnuon a cove~ "lIndy thlnlWemem~er that tho maea- thinking ride past run! Industry· hi a part or thll great ~ lla wares to you lpot what yOU groccry bu.tncu, and we have,a Won- ' ''chaslng a Ii ~ Sl oft 1!10 sidewalk, .tamp 11 derlul position ot respect to m al~t.a~ :. ':that, it i. yu".r marker, and depo.llt It In the wt ran at the A.4Soclatlon of Chain tlou," lood. ~.tver !'In. The moving Iidewalk Storel m~Ung, at presentaJlon was tlJis way ta~$l f ~ down the Iplral ramp ot the mode by on ecokbmlSt.'t'~~ed. the 'Mc;'" Cf:nt. .upermarke!,.. paat every Item on db· Kmsey, Report. I h l!X,e ~ asked to play. un\lt you finany reach an auto· mnke some c:gmni'enti atiOuf It, but I new m~tlc _ ~h~kout counter. Yllur pur- don't know.... wHere to ,!legln.1u I don't ..... may be faeed with tho of \i~~~l ! re;~there belore you, the com· understand ' it and hav8"had dU'RcUltyll,\hese day. '" "Ither join them lupply Jk'ter -' ~ddI, up everything you owe, In 'MUng InterpretalIons about' -It " them, and lh~ is .caUIO tor concern ,lilting t.v~thlng you'vo b.lughl by from people In the grocery Industry. both to the liidustry and to the Indl- wel(bt 1P,~I Prit; YOU put your money I would Just like to say thll: The reo vidual. In ~t. Times are chanlinl\ tBlt. ~:r Intour I¥'j ~ ':\lto aUe cl"h re"lster. gel port CDme Into existence because chain , and We ~ne.w thlniS will be dltterent Y2 c~1." 0 to your cor and pick '1tOrCR in the United State. are' tiay1nI "~' tomorrow. ' I 'T~PJ your... oi'der. How long will It take! n pront probl \-m. The squeeze is ' on," . . 1"'., '1" Aliout l ot)nlnu~e •• 11 It B dr,;am1 It iJ . t (~ nnd they nrc looking for solution.. The -"t: Youth lAd Chuap~ . ' :-r a new way}of doing thlnns. - report lay. : "If the food manufacturers - j I re«ntly ran o~y&n; ~ Icle in a At this point I want to put in a nluC .",~ and fooo rot.llen are iolng to live r malazine called Sa.!;!.);14iiketln To-'- the Nallonal Macamnl Manulae­ .. DURUM PRODUCTS l /f~r ,.r . ;' (.'';' consumera l' better values,. emplOYee! day, and quote: ' turera Association. Durinl the last s: , ", , "'You ~ UUft~ teen.alera ( ' .. , . better wagf!I, and stockholders a better are a market now;.{ B}t 1810 there will m ~~thI I have gotten a lot clooer ld <, . return on their investments, .we. are • be' ~41 per Cf:nl" ~re people betWCCli the Secretary a~d his office. I wou MIN N E A POll S ,., :\ MINiHS')TA going to have' to forge a partnerabJp 1n . tho;' aces ot IIJ wid 19 .~' DoY. tr you (Continued on peta:e 12) , ..?~ . • 10 Tlm MACARONI lou"'!'" 11 ,_.-I. ____ .__ •


A N.w Woy- which I. past and hu been for,otten valuable. He anJWered that it wu dlm· bean the name of chan,e." I like thll cult to look for subUe chaRleJ without (Continued from pale 10) phllosophlcol emphosia on the stayln, knowin, what the major chanleJ mlaht like to lay that we hllve,..6"ad flrsthand power of Ideas and Ideals. Let us hope be. Cooking teats are a worthwhile experience in the lC!t srx months to that Ihe char, Ie, we are making In .heck. MACARONI NEW ENIGl.ANID prove that Indh'ldual1y we are nobody, planning our own lives, In our own Vincent F. La Rosa asked If we had 3 .licu freah breod no muttcr how bin wc nre In this busl· buslnt!sses. and In our Association. will examined MedUer.'lIncan duruma in the 1 CUTI finely gmted 2 tbr::p. butter Chclldur Ch" b h'- • Crooker recipo program nslt your o:.ppl),ln&: their knowled'l;! for the.Dene. l, then experiment as us e.go, Durum Sales representative or write, ftt of humanity, which may IO~ day the plant. For ~ Jl lsa!lpeDrance of durum from farms . , reward them! .' perature lit the Oclobtlr·D'!cember quarter was In another quote, he says: "We might make 5,4M.OO!' bushels. No ~mpD.rable data l ay that everything worthwhile ,t or are avaJiable as thL:l Is only the ltCOod perdurlng In human lUe,IJmd "'!n nil ycar t~at durum .locks have f?een re· DURUM SALES ' MINNEAPOLIS 28. MINNESOTA humun history, Is changel"ss. That lva8' plrtc: aep;>rately. ' . . 12 13 - ...... ------__ ._--_ _- DEIACO ENGINEERING- SAVES PRODUCTION COSTS! I ' • • MODEL SAS·J 500' WITH • THE NEW", A PRODUCTION OF • WITH 15UO LBS. PER HOUR • --. GUARANTEED DEMACO 4 AtlD QUALITY .~ , • . STICK SPREADER MODEL SAS 2000 • PRODUCTION .....)!- • .. WITH A PRODUCTION • ::JF 2000 LBS. PER HOUR • • .~ . ~ . ~ ...... SAVES FLOOR SPACE • i • • • • ". !iif. PRODUCTION- • WITH 2000 LBS. • THE NEWIi<. ~. GDARANTEED .~ PER HOUR • _...--. ",. DEMACO TWIN ,jilUALITY . it. AND OVER • PRODUCTI~'" DIE SHORT • }'\ . CUT PRESS • • TAKES HALF T!'lW-~ ,.~: .,' . ,!~ ' ! ' . ~ .... ~. ' ; ~ "I. • ~ ~J::::tll;t.,, }.·~ · I: ', . - SPACE, OF 2-'OOO~. "RESSUW:":';I'~-I' \. ~ '. ' 0 ... - ....~ .. 's:'~~r ...... · ~~. :.~. {i~!. ;~)~, q~, ~~...... • .,' J-.~" .' ".\. ,bl. t.y. • ~ ~ •. •!; , k.'!.! SINGLE UNIT VERSATILITY i', ';,.. '" • ACCURACY .: . . J • • IS MAIN· FROM 40 TO 50 HANDLES FULL RANGE THE NEW ,r._ TAINED BY ;" " , -, ...... UNITS PER MINUTE • OF DRIED LONG GOODS • DEMACO'S DEMACO • SPAGHETTI - SPAGHETTINI t" U_NIQUE • . "\ DOUBLE UNIT SPAGRETII • MACARONCELLI - LltJ.GU[NI •....;. • • STRAND PER . ttl' .,' FROM .80 TO 100 VERMICELLI· LINGUINI-FINI STRAND WEIGHER UNITS PER MINUTE • DRIBBLE .. FETTUCELLI /''':1, • \ . . . ., ••. "0 MECHANISM "\ · .i • \ , • 45-46 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn 37, New York DeFRANCISCI MACHiN'E CORPORATION Phone EVergreen 6-1)880

Tm~ MAt;AkONI JOURNAL MARCH, 1963 15 14

-- .... ------_.-.

durum macarOni dlahes, suitable tor =~le of your .euions here thit Betore-and-utter checks would pro- I restaurant, lnatltutlonal. club, or ,roup vide UI with our evaluatlon-a meu­ . - I• we. The mdhods and "materials we UN to urement of chanle. In the knowledge 3. ''Spec:la1Ues of the HoUle," a book- stimulate additional coDiumptioa of atUludcs, and UIC. And always w~ ' PRODU~J " PRPMOTIQN :' - let ot household •• lu reclpct derived maearonl toods are extremely Impor. would try to nnd out why. ~-f'l ') '~ xt~,)· ..,.f ff'm those coptalned In "Economical tan~ to u.-it for nO:' other realOn tban' So thl I t o IUnnet Entree.. " Several hundred" over a period of yeil'- 'A.hcy represent" ,,' as luggestlon II merely a . through the Du~um Wheat Institute t: lOusand "Spedaltlca" have been dll- an investment of many thoUiands of ~-?n for .Ize. The Idea hili already ...- : t • tdbuted by the North Dako... State dollars. Is it a good Investment? Yel- en exposed. to th?members ot the ot .the M•• tinl·ln.th. ~lound Wheat Commwlon. Curnntlu, the terda,. we heard. Ih. d'-tlngu'-h.d North Dakota to IIY" H. ' Howord 'LCi'inpmon. EIIecutl ...Director. N # U u th!?to..members ,ofWhett~~ls5lon, ~ ''U\irum Wheat . ... \. 6_ orth Dakota &rOup , hos purchased panel sound the dictum: "research or ' rtrmlute Commlitee:.nd to some reprc- ~ t~}J. .v~ft . ..,,\.. . . 50,000 copJes to maintain .1tsf .. c~edule perish." With limited reaources sentatives of the NationDI Macaroni HJ~ bill ~trAen a moit ~ ~\iiiuve well coJUIlder"ullnl the r«lpel In your ofI dlstrlbution.ul "".The book II avaIlable amona.tr growers, mll1ers, and manu, 'n.I'lule'~ ~. : ,,:_'• • - ' , or the ma- T mp.etln, ,9" your, Natlonat: ~cla- own promotion apart (rom the demon­ o man arturen ,81 well. aduren, it leerna o.n appropriate time terlals ,we_ -_'1-;1. d the tech- UaR Of.!4.r.... ~ac\uren. I hope stration outline. There il space on the 4. "Durum MacaroDl food.l _ From to uk whether we might not ducover nlques we employ tort'ltlmulatlng con~ thia rtpo . . D~~m ~Wh~at In- back tor your own Imprint. The tille, Farm to Table," a cluaroom chart. better ways of ltimulatlng conlumpUon lumptlon arc essentially common to .tltulo live. up OJ the high standard "12 Show.Orr Recipes" conveys you, have eatab1bhed. Like mOlt. re- demollltralion idea, but it alao ____ IhowinJ the history, a.Ific:Ulture. mJII~ ... whether we might not find more olmost all groups-i.e, the dairy: indus­ ,_'h.. in, of durum eemol1na.'"¥ranulan and emclent ways of spending our money. try, the meat. industry, cheese, 'and 10 porti, it contains something old, some-- the thousht that these twelve recipes flour. macaroni food production, nutrl- The theme of this meetlng-ques- on-what we really are proposinl Ii to ~¥al: J!.erw. There are a tew surprises- are lomethlnl the homemaker may Uve values, and Anal use. The chart tI~DI of "why" and "how"-appliea to measure or tett the elrectlveness of all if,4,.W. hope we CBn provoke you to want to prepare to ".how ofr" her e was espedaUy prepared,for d1Iplay in a ph85l!l of the IndUstry. Why do such program .. queltIima. ~ culinary talents. __ " I h ~ some people eat. quantities O""' maca· A r ~Ioo rooma. t 61 been well received ronl? tm. .. do th ~ t ....' '''- I.;,lormer prelldent. ot the Durun! You may recall'that at. your meeting b teachen and hu _I~ 1.. _ """ 0 er .... ",p e eat Imaller GroW'en A--·.I.U M R # ...... -vme a quanUUes of macaroni or reject the .n--.. on, r. ichard C. at. the ltomestead, In VirGinia, last ~ t'. IKoQOOIII_I. 'L \ID ch u July, we outlined three proMltI,l for ~ standard display piece In the ofllcel of product entirely? At a' mHu .... Mon Crl OCk'!htt, of Langdon. North Dakota, sut the DWI. These involve: ~ .l Back to thtiiliD.roblem of the type A durum maearolli manufacturen U day, where we heard t.h ~ - n on e meeUng, Dick t.hought that Fint, a concerted effort to gam a schoollunch:"a"'!ieleaation representlna waU. one manutacturet~.: :ltl~::i ~Ith thLs point of view, together with \ ll1Una tor enriched macaroni foods durum growers, mUlers. and manufac­ 5. "DuNm Wheat Notet," a bu11eUn mOlt peopJe ate )n'~n1 food in e record-break1n~ld of durum amonlst those pwducla specifted for bJ- turen T~ uP5'n omclals of the Fed- ( pubUshed flve times a year and e1reu. kitchen. But. of what heJp I. it-to': ~~:a~ this raJ;0 ,year, Unlted States 1 cluslon In the'''OPe A Federal School eraI Schoo,l x.iE:h. Program In W.. h­ laled to more than 4.2,000 home eco- to know where people eat. it not w" .. ? Inte a I,,:!n 1 ... \!'grieulture might be Lunch Program. , • f" ':-- Inlton l ..t JulrtS to discuss possible mi £_ al.a_ OY , rca 11.'\01 n undertaking such re- Second a de.tration outUne chanaes In the Ust of apeclfted foods to no CI \Ca\;£lo;n, aupervbon, wrlten, What 11 the mOlt efTecUve way of If!arch. He has left our meeting here to I wh1c:h projectmacaroni products Include enriched macaroni products as and other tpetlalbta in food prepara- reachina: consumen? We know tf9m go to WqhJngton, where he w1ll ex­ w~uld Uon and HI'Vic:e. .everal case hlstoriIt that the use -gta.plor;e the Idea with the USDA people. Inlo food ~all demonstrations before a proleln ~urce, More than 14 miUion home economics groUpl, .fIt clubs, ai "p]eab a dii,-are ,.erved In the Federnl 8. DlItrlbuUon of the movie, "Durwn Durum Wheat. lnstltutc materials dclli'i ~ An ouUlne of this proposal w at home demonstration meet.inas. , " t;unch Proeram' ,in more than 60,000 -Standard ot Quality," undertaken ~t~~~e consumption. But we djipot pored for the meeting with tile :at~:: with tho cost spUt three way. among n '" ow or why. \ al Macaroni Institute nod Durum Third, an inexpensive reclpe~ leaft " F~ools. lr .lddIUon, another 18 mUllon H. H... ttI u ... ,... oftcrlna recipel for demonatratilln as ' ~l meall a day are InlJuenced t.o a the North Dakota state Wheat Com- What 11 the mOlt eft'ecUve appeal one Growers. Copies are available. part of the outline. TbiJ lasi publlca- large exlent by the standards estab­ mlulon. NaUonal Macaroni IruUtute can \lie in trying to stimulate con- tlon would allo be made avaUable to lI.hed by the Federal Program. So It' the American School Food Service & ­ and Durum Wheat InaUtute. , sumpUon of addlUonai quanUtiei of t manufacturers for imprlnt and clrcula- is a bla market In itself. It it also a . soclatlon BI well. 1 Pro ' , J ID8caroDl foods? Is It taste, eppearance Uon in your market areas. "sampling" market. in which f' • posed t.clev1l1oD distribution of :q., (_~1eture on the package) economy ~rnollna Separator .r children learn to appreclate l f~ICho ~~.l · .c...... _~ Dlyilion of Labor ~ck and. white and &hort venionJ of "fiiifttltlon.' the quick-and-euy' Idea? And !!"'i I, . 1!.' I...'h macaronI. .. '"1.l\o ~~,\ft .. ~t~Theae ~p.rojecll are entirely In kct!plnl _uurum-Standard of Quallty." ..arn "IIiWIY ,l what ore the best media In "'VA vacuum AraVI~Y. eparator for . ~bOW OU RedP"( 4 ~>t Considerable quantities _of macaroiil ~!9H~.!!: divlalon of responsibility eJ· on the thred"Wty .pllt ot COlt bQl~ ," which ?to cOfivey thll appeal to con- separationfanna and~em Is nowo lln bet~ , "'· ofTered'-Ing orby germFred Rouah ~ 'of the text for the dem- products are ~lready .etvi!:~~jtbi t: ~.Jibt!d among the _National Macaroni orutratlon oiititnt and thi"reclpe leaflet, School Lunch prolramj the>lm f ' tttute, Durum WheaUnatltute, Dur­ Samplel ot thac materials, tOaetber ~... en , '....(" FOlllbcrg &: Son5, Inc" Thief River but~ with their price, are po.tcd on display .. J FallJ, Minnesota. According to the com· toa with "these layouli. has been mediate loal of the cau at thO' ederal t, urn Growers Assoclntlon, and the North ' ~ dher board.a oulslde our meetln. room. A Mor. Efhdln Effort pany extreme accuracy I. provided due submlUed,to-rriemben of your National offices WOUI th':.-tnclualon af ..-'mrtcbed "Dakota State Wheat. Commlulon. Younl number of macaronl manutacturen If we ftntme ..... w.n ,,)3011 ' ,' ,' .. to designed air-controlled Macaronllnltltute Committee 'and rep. macaroni foods amona those specl8ed will recall that the National J.(acaro 0 ~ ",Ipec:iallY rcsentatlvc:s of tho Durum Growers N- for the'type A lunch-to,:flve macaroni Institute, working through the aaeney .han demonstrated that this material _.. _I me or a "-deek <1l '. wU1 do a acod Job tor you-lf you put of these questions we wUl be able to ' II. ,..r r aocilitlon, We~ that. tog..,.,er tht~" foods ad", .latua as a ~ur to rreater of Theodore R. Silla and AIIociates, it to work. work mor. ~'efYccUvely together and to ''The VDcuum gravity licparator pass­ make 8 paCl(ile ~hlch wnt lain 8 , consumption. undertook chief rcsponslbl1lty for pub­ s~ our limited tund. to greater CK the product th n;~ch 8 controlled circulation of at le.. t 100,000 units- The immediate obitllilve was not IIclty and the consumer promotion of mOl.1 advantage. And 80 on Monda vulume or air whlcl1 ·.tratiftes it vert i- representing at'least. .. many demon- lalned, althouah 81 a rei""mt ot the caU macaroni foods. The Durum Wbeat In­ t.:.l.,., Whr and How I' a}",a meeting of the National Macaro~i cully, then turn the layers to dlachurgc stratlon. of l1!ucaronl f~ds. 1n the areu It was t.h!J growen, mtl1e#iff~d smute elected to accomplish lpeclal Each of thell! materials, as ... weU..... as InM.tute, it wu proposed that growe horizontally," the company said. "Vae- described. wH6n the fullahecl ' materlal macaroni manufadureR haC\.Ni5'citded proJecLJ as approved each year, and to '! thO.~1I: dtUle by Ted 51111. mUluates ml11ers, and manuracturel'll, once aa.~ uum l uctlon re mOVe!! nonting 'rifuterlal il,a .your hands, you mJ,~ i';JcolUlder in establishing excellent rappotlf.NUh t:w,?rk chleny in the re.taurant·lnstltu­ • m,thod or p~ure~Umulate work together to clUT)' questions like n:most Immedl~tely, lenving the deck u.lna: ~h~ demonstration outline and , the. Federal School Lunch omelats. As a It ~pal.M. ~a, In schools, and in ,home ~ tood CODiumP ~. ThUi far theso to the profeulonals-tho.e best c enr lor bellcr separating action. SIm- recipe feanet personally In calts, of' clired result, the DWI wUl loon begin econ0l1!lea. -;' .. """ thla mecUn. we have consid able to find out some of the answen pic, positive control over-all settings schooiJ or In work with 4H clubs and work with the Federal School Lunch Und! r ~1a ~rrangement, a ll,.u:nb~r~ .9f :\.1 ~~ be t A' lri • It . nssurel precise Reparation and a return home demonstration agents. You might. omelals In the development, telt.lng, PUbllca~' arid materials for lhe"rtI­ - ~, ~'itiiicU~ ~'I~,~.~~l=.i clly :r'!I~:,,;:1.'~;I\~:~t·;:':n I;'! ~:':'~:~;~I1~·"rr" 1,.mldd:ln't molorl,' consider provldlnl 'your own brand~ and Itandardlzat.lon of lpeclal recipes motloq,I, OI; " aroni producls pav':~ '.. . .Vle heard Dr~ ~ Ollie.. Chair- ~'t'0uld develop telts or melbodJ of rated:'!' ncomp \!Ic y :;epa· .name macaronl:'piOducts' for use In luch todille ..choollunch menu, erged.""".. produced or .. . a~o.pted iVtJ.:,tl!u ~ man of the Cereaf!echnololY Depart.- measurIng produCt' knowledge aUI- .. {'oA ~dl ~, ' dcmonstratlons. \ Since th~Washlnlton meeting, a call tlclpated,d n: "', . ment. North Dakota State Unlvemty, tudes, ~e13~qfd we, Jevell(.~ con: n a Uon. Fonberg :;ays the sepo- & soon os the copy la readY,4,lp. ~6n- has been made at the headquarters, p! 1. ''Trlctli: and~als ••. With Maca: . dl!lCl'lbe wbatJlII Is doln, in his laho- sumpUo d and out why. .. rotor ls dust free and Mcld be operated lahed form, It will a,aln be"'C:lrculated " the American School Food Service M- ronl Foods," a ftimstrip with narration ntory. Wf. .rd your pmJdent Mr. W ' I' ..,1- ... ~ in tin omce. Moreover, the machine is to the memben of your National Maca- soclation, an or'Mr'':'..~.,!l ! enrolling guide and recipe leafteu, The National Albert Ravariil.o, describe "a new way e "oul~ j.", ,\hi materlal~ we have counter-balonc«l to eliminate vlbra- roni Inltitute as well , (IS the Durum more than 29,000 hilitliiOOm managen. Macaroni Institute haa . lIumlod respon· of dolnC thln"." Researc:b. or limply or appl; ... UM.lwhnlquea curreatly em- tlons at the base, lind therefore, may Growen Association lind t.he North Do.- Once squared aWlYI JJi~Uttie rvlce for aibUlly for the dlstdbullon ot this aakInI''bow'' or "whY." hnI be<:ome the ployed under controlled condlti'o~ and be installed on any noor without Ipe- meuoe be(ore.and·atter rea~ dol bracln,. kota State.Wheat Commission, for flnalthe ,Federai otllee ( or ~~oollunch 81mstrip. ' " r' , . approval. Since it wUl cost. one-liaif • ~tlon, It 11 eJlpected that we wl1l 2, "Economical Gounnet Ent.reei." • . ct.nt or leA for each leaOet you might" .~ throulh coopentlve work with booklet of large-quantity redpes for M.utcB, 1963 , ' 17 " . ~~ ~ ~ THE ,MACARONI -JO'~'''' -Y~; 16 1. , " "I'o':'\' ' 1 t 1,' ' I' WHERE TOP

:liA ~t COUNTS you can count on ADM!

It tultes 1\ combil1lltion of olltstanding in(H·

vidual sldlh;, plll~ 11li~hty !-lilal'p tOIlIll \\' Ol'lt.

to SC01'e l\ winning lm!-;kut ... o r tu pl'odu(!u It

1I11il'ornl, lopqulllit,\' dlll'lIlll produc t that will

score high with AnH'rica's leading IllUCl.ll'U lli 111ukcl's. You cun (!U Ullt u n ADM fo)' slur pur* rOl'lnU1'8 to Beluet t h e rillcst dUI'lIlIl, t o mi ll it to your ""net requi rellH'llt;;, IIlld to r ush it t o you whull Il lid whu J'e you wanl i t .

Whethe1' it's fur spaghetti. lasuglw . . . UI' Illly winnin g Illlleanll1i pl'mhu.: l. g i\'u the ball to

yOllI' ADM mUll. H u'll shoo t yuu It top-pu),· fUl'lning c1Ul'lI111 product yuu na n (;Oll l1l 011.


-. DURUM DEPARTMENT At the Me.tlng-I-.-the-Round a.,the traditional Rossotti Spaghetti BuHet . \ " COJlYlJltiOJl R.. latrallt.- :...~. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Sarli Mr. ~ ~ '?toui Dr. Z. HolU,er Ame,tlcan Beauty Macaroni ProclDo ,, ~ 1IoIit Corporatlon ", Dr. Eo Z1e,ler Kansb City, Mluouri Auburn...... , Buhler Brotben ,;J.t:.. .•.:. ... . ~ Utwl~ 5wlllerland F. Denby Allen · T '.~ . Mr • ..and Mfa. AI RavariDo WWllm lIerIer Mr. and Mn. A. J . Bono, St. . William J •• J'reachl ~;' Buhler CorporaUon The John B. canepa Com~ 1o.I'!t' I RavariDo & I"reKhi. Inc. Mlnneapo"" MlMlIOta Chl,CIIO" nUnola , i'>. t.!'-: ... •... I ~' . r~h SL LoulJ. MlAouri Mr...... ii:L>1. A. YOUDI Mr. 'and Mn. Guido deLucl Albert P. RobUlo Bur«"'l'Ieteher Company CateW.H~~.).Ltd . Ronco J'oodI ~ City, Montreal.' . . 1 r Mempilb. TumeDIe MlH'!I'" nu -.. .. ~ Mr. and lin. Eo Ronzonl. Jr. " Mmr.,l ~W ':'I "d' ~- ""-ft' .' • JOM Cnm~eU1 1 CompanJ Mr. d Mra. Chari ' 8cI1a Romonl IIlw'On:. Company Jersey C1ty'< New Jene:r Don Fletcher Dr. Ziegler, Mr. ·and Coo 'Luna 11= Company Lona Wand. City, New York 0( Sk.lnner, Kurt lorwn. Al vin Kenner, N~wn, PIMIY vanla lJoyd E. Skinner " .....~ IIr. 1 and Kra. JohD .Amato J im Steams. r.b-, and lin. i. T. Wlluam.. Jr. C1ete Haney Clermont lIachlne Company Howard E. Jobnlon Mr. and JIn. It O. St.aDway Brooklyn, New York The Creamette Company SkiJ)Mr·1hcaron1 Company Mr. and )(1'1. Joseph'De J"nzlcbcl M,1nne.pou.. Minnesota ' ~ . 'il arna., Nlbl"llb AI and Nat Bontempl - ~. i.". De FnnclIcI lIachIrie Corporation Olear Eo Garber • Fred ~8IiId&tora'" Brook11n. New York The Crnmette.Co. of Canada SU&,"nl CoIDPMY WlDnlpeL CaJWIa Loa Co11Ion>Ia Ray Wentzel ' PeIu'J ,'VlvIaDo Mr. ' A. S. Wela Do\llhboy IndUltd... Inc. ~ New RJcbmond, Wbc:ona1n Joseph P. Viviaao , tS The We1iI N_le Company Delmonico Foodo, .1D9.C. .1',' , CJeveJaDd, otao B. C. Buck RobblDa 1.Pu1svlUe, KentudEY'i~ Paul Veimylen E. L DuPont de Nemoun " Co. WIIm_ Dela..... Mr. and lin. A. L Grua v A. .7Arf.I'. 80~ Inc. I. J.,Gnu Noodle Co. Fairlawn, N w lUll1 Thom~ F. Sanlcola ChIcalo,' lIIIDoIII and II. Olfil\ raUII Packaalnll Corp. "t J

, ,

:' . '-


" < . ~ A new concept of extrudor con.tructlon utilizing I' tubular .toul framo" eliminate, those hard-to-clean area'. For the lint a completely sanitary extruder .• • for ' e\ls!.~ maIntenance • •• Increaud 1'1 " f. ~ pr;'~uctlcin, .. .• • hlghe't quality. Be .ure to check on the,ee,« Ic ent ,pace-.av Ing mac hi ne •. -!" "' ~ :/. SHORT CUT MACARONI EXTRUDERS

Model BSCP .. 150U pound. capacity per hoe, Model DSCP., 1000 pound. capacity pe, hour Model SACP , 600 pound. capacity per hour ModelLA<:P i .. " .300 pound. capacity pe, hour

LONgiRONI : PREADER EXTRUDERS Mo"aJel BA" ,~F');F' ;~ . 1500 poun d • capacity pe, hou, ModelOAFS , 1000 pound. capacity pur hour Model SAFS 600 pound. capacity p.. hal" CliMBINAT!.TRU~EJ.!-e Short Cut ...... , Sheet For ;\; .'~ MODn Ise,­ flhC'lrt Cut .. . Spreader Short cut macaroni •• "yd., Three Way Combination .;" r. ( ,,' -. . ". ~ ,W'-.

. ... .; ~ QU4'LlTY •••••• dough 01 10ft a~ desired '.9 enhance t.~ turtl e nd " "11 -. ") . ~- ~'t:...... ,...... PRODUCTION. •• Positive scr.w feod without any po ..iblllty of webbing mak .. for po,l. " ' l l " . live ~[lIr delivery for production beyond rat.d capacilio, . '~ . "'t.'\.. • .. POSITIVE SCREW CO.-.,!RO LS • : ;l, :~:~So fl ~so po.ltivo that pre .... run Indo~without adju'tmonts, Incr.;iii'il"roduction of long goods, short goods and . J '1': '\ ... ~A,~i~ARY. ~ .~ . Easy to clean tubular .to.1 frame. give you the first truly sanitary 3STIC~ 1800 POUND LONG GO~~S~PRE'\9.!! ~. ~ ::", ' ;. ~ .~:r extruder. ," Increcis.s roductlon while occupying the same space 01 a 2 ~k 1000 pound 'preader, . " . \' ~ .. ~ ';7 ' " , . ~ ~ ~ J ". • ' . I >i:'ti ,,~, ,t ."" JIIIOO.I!OUND EXTRUDERS AND DRYERS LINES '- . 'or Inlormatlon regarding Ihe •• and olher mode". prje , ~- :"-, r":" . ,: " I') t jiftw In ~pe'4t1on In a r uo:nher of macarq~ l.noodle plants, occupying sll9~tly more spa.e sorv;ces. wrile ,or phone, I ~." than lOOO,pound Ii no.. ?i'~ '\. ~ . . !? , , .• ' ,_i , -, THlSllXllUOUS AND DlTHS ••' . r.:~ . . ., ~ I NOW OIYINO IXClll~T, . ISULTS " 'H'!l-Y/ihGj,, lHI ~'t;IT.C~ r.' Am .,!!.~~ . 0' 'LAN15, 1 . . ~"'Y' ~~1' . IY• t . .. ~~'!.-.. • . . 6,; "'t " .. ----. -_ ..... -,~''''-~------" ~' ------_.-.,

PRODUCT PROMOTION,, - . . 1 •. I , '~II .....1. • BRONZE ALLOYS through the National Macaroni Inft~tute • STAINLESS STilL ~Q • SPECIAL ALLOYS " by T.d Sill. and Elinor EI ...ftan at th. M ••tin •• ln-th •• Round • TIFLON . ~, . . ISS Ehnnan reported: Our presen· M tation Is divided Into two parts­ wo are 80inl to do a. quick·~ re'l!~w, of ~ our prolrom for the last six months, and wo will teU you briefly what lies '(@ ,. ahead for 1983. We hove listed alphabetically by <$ cities the results of our Foo.i Editors' C'lPference pal'UclpaUon September 20 g~ I at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City where we entertained 1M) 6' edltClr. from leadlnl newspapers all over the country. Monsllnor John Romaniello wu a featured ,peaker; and Harold Hofltranl', durum grower, told about the bum~r crop. The book is here for you to examine later. ~ Father Romaniello was interviewed on the ''Tonllht. Show',' on 8 rout·to­ COPt network tel~ t'" and received la. MalJulMt recipes in~lude SultJyakl Cutin. folded lreat coverale ' In ·' newlpa~ Father Ladles Home Journal, Winter Num- fedeUnl)i Armenian Lamb Stew with John created\ lreat attention; and we _ January.February, starting on ArtIchokes: Italian Stuffed RlCatonlj had many letten from many I 74, there is a ~~ Perfett Portfolio of with Loblt.er and " 18ylnl ours wu one 'Of the Completely at Home In Any Veletablcsj Bunnese ChkkeDj Para­ wormlnl& Hlllons that they : ~~:;~:: .~Kitchen." Food Editor Nancy IU8)'RIl Puta with MushroomI and 'Jttended at the Food p~senta a collection of Meat Sauce. , t cnce. Macaroni , "15'ral'" recipes beautifully 11- . American Home "a.uiDe, December .;~~ ._ with pictures m~de~ on !>Joca. ~~ue,~ featured a photo ....ph and recipe Immediately followlrt. th~e Food Edi- lion In Italy under lhe -j ~ ~)h):t;....!. f~~! Strolanotr .erved on noodlet, ton' ConferenC(!, ~e - plu'haed into Na- Rome ...... Recipes' IncJi de?Bhel1 ,:lft.! \ 1tOIy entitled ~ollclay Dinlnl a' © "1"" tlonal Macaronl Week, tM -last part of Macaroni with Filherman'j S au c e.. · ~ltl ' l!dt.» Cl.rculaUon, S,773,8Ol. October. fIn the Dallal, .. TexJ~ Tj,me!l Noodles Pucdnlj StufTed RJp.tOnl · Wl th '"'·.\ 5l~_ , H~keeplnl. JanulI7 laue, c:ountries Herald they lave pales of macaroni Veal Rolls; Macaroni CarJ:tcinVa; Cali· fe,t~ Hungarian Oxtail RaJout with recipel for Macaroni Week. Another nelloni Genovesej Luallilr 5pI&het~ , "_!,~lp. · in • full·pq:e. color photo­ • .• NGLAND • G.IICI lcod example was ' ln the PII-lsburah Sicilian; Green Noodles AU~' Gnte.~-paph. accompanied by the recipe. Cir­ Preu where ttiar uied our recipes and chi Alia Romano' Spalheltl s&u:..e "'th~'cu1aUpn 15,138,553. • JA'AN photoarapba. There was . coveraae In Sausage; Spaah~ttl Sauce wlth'btam · " f famUy Circle, January laue, In­ • UNITIO STAUS every major market. We did. disk ' .~ Baked Macaroni Loaf; Veal and Hoodl; cludes two photoll'lPhi in color with • 'unTO llCO jockey release ¥Iyln. facta ·and fllures ' r C4Slerolej Chicken Tetraulnl: Clam the recipe:J in article entitled, "PI.ln • CANADA • COLOMIIA of mllocaronl consumption and received Noodle ScalloPi SpaaheUi with Herhai and Fancy Penny-wile D1nn.en." One • CUIA good responJC. ,.. Tagl1arinl, and Manicotti. The contlnu. UI Manicotti, the other Tum·About • 'ANAMA • DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Our newl department allO sent out atlon concludel fortuitously with an· Macaroni Loaf. Clreulation 11,534,&87. • SOUTH A,RICA. • AUSTRALIA • SWIDEN focb, 8gurel and statllUcs lm an item other Item: "How to Dine Wen on 300 Parents Maguine. January , laue, ~ .• HAITi ' released by UPI l8ying the pe';i aplta Calorlel," uses noodle. in two reclpn liven in cOlllumption.of macaroni, sPlgheUI and In the American Home Winter Num. menu' ~f "FamUy J'ooda for Tocldlen, ., noodles for iincricans durlnl,the past ber _ January.rebrua~, starlin, on Too." Recipes are Veal Paprika with f .:' ."",,;.. ~;;;ton"illonl'" gUlrlnl,,'" year was .f,42~ feet eccording to the paael &2.~S, Food Editor June M, Buttered ~lel and Smoked Beef I,' National Macaroni IIliUtute. Thll WaJ Towne sny,: "It'L..Tlme You Uled Your Bake m,!lde ,wlth ell noodles or maca· ~ , . .. ' ~ ,,< -t -,. picked up by a Canadian paper, Ow Noodles .. • and aU' the other pallas! ronl. ClrculaUoJl 1,883.730. . ,1:> . Hnd 'or our ,'J I Vnncouver Sun, who wrote an editorial The whole wide world lovel puta, The True\,;~nf~loRl, Janu1i-y laIue, about nelRhbol'J across the bordii: eDt. Burmese have a pUilon for puta. So gives recipe and photograph of Meat .... , ,fRII c.t~ . Ina aU this spaahetti This ha4 . f~! do the Chinese and Japanese, We've Balls 'n' ~~Iet au GraUn. In a star)' .." to .upp'.m.nr~Y~ r play In American paPt}rs, plckiiii.1f!'p even favorite tricks from Annenta and about electi'lc sklllet cookery. Clreul.· 'pr".. ~t products. Wrlll.n In the editorial. ManY/,of. you have Ren Paraauay. Yuu'U flnd. puta teamed tlon 1,.02,m. the Saturday Evening Post Article In wlthllinder lamb an Iril~kes . with Workbuket, Janu.,ry,,·luue, devOtes SPANISH, ENGUSH, ITAUAN. 1 the December 8 Issue on ''The Myriad Ileak'trnd bamboo ~ fWith,.,chlcken an entire story to "Maearont" Included Uses of Macaroni." The POlt hal a clr- and cocoanut with JnUahroanu 'and are seven reclpel for maearon1, lpa' D. I:tQI.E.. Sons, Inc. eulatlon of over 8,500,000. Abo In the t'!lS!\t. and, of 'OOurM~ ~ loOd~ld. ltallan- ,betti, and ell noodles. ClrculIUon~ AVE. IlOOKLYN 15. H.Y .. U.S.A. ThankJllvinl food iaIIue of LIfe Maga. It7ijf ~m.c810111 Iluffed' with sausage ,.,093,644. . . ~ zine we had macaroni Itatlltica qU'll«.od. ~cl blkt!d In tomato sauce." Wustrated I:. (CoD~Ued 00 pille 2d) ., . . r'''' •. ' - ~ ...... --...... ---.. ------.

out that every macaroni saIe aeU. f •.31 Natlonol Macaroni of' relaled. Itel1\l. Every one dollar, 1 Inltltute Report- '. worth of macaroni aellJ t8.50 worth of CONTINOUS NOODLE DRYER (Continued from paae 24) ~ related JtemJ, and thia too it the theme r we/ are loinl to let into In the Everywoman'l Family Circle Maaa. and w. are lolnl to keep pound· DrCimatlcally New lri-Appearance dn. In September featured a "., away at thll fad with the retaUen. , Minute Spaahettl Dinner" in a full- We think that Inatltute memben rolor photoll'Dph. In October,. !her~ :,!"as... should 'foUo.,J up and their lale,men a fCc ipe for Sea-Food La·agna. In No- pretent theae brochurel to tho buyen \ vember, Buttered Noodles with Sliced on whom tliey call. Do a aelllni job on Radishes was featured in ~ a;~uU.pelge thitillated Item 'procram, because we rolor photograph. ..: ~ ;·, I'; ./iH ' \ . J think it 1i loin,' to be 'a load,one. In True Story. for Oetober featured any oL, our promot~olll. 'we can do a I' Maearonl and Cheese In a full-page part of the work, but the actuallClllinl rolor photolraph of meals for lunch and cooperation ~ the chain h .. lot boxes, In November a recipe for to be aecured by 'you and your people. t' ' School-Day Cayo!role appeared featur- , .,. ~ Ini elbow marnonl. Sondra' Brewer demonltroles that 0 package Art Oan., f In the Eund"y Supplement, Suburbia of macaroni generales $1 ,31 In related lIem Here it another thina that we are Today, October wue, the rolor photo. lain. Bob Gr"" (Ieltl and Ted Sills like going to do-we are puttln, out a bf'()& graph of Chicken Sauterne with Spa- Ihe Pfi\i)e CI . chure caned the Macaroni Art Galler)'. ghetU, Delectable Ham.Noodle Cas· TheJe are lOme of the plctUl'H that we serole and Mocaronl Vegetable Medley a1')' , throu"ib MaKh _ low Calories; have used In the put which hive been IU Vln were featured, along with Apr11\through June _ Women', Clubs, publbhed by fteWJP'pen. beina made reelpealn a double.page spread. tn the and ~ b~~e v{e will '10 Into quantity available to the chain ',tores 'or their lame ,tory were recipes 'or Sea Food· coo!iC!fy, 8S ilwIPp,pen are Interated we in advertlainl: or ftyen or however Siured Grcen Noodles and Lasagne. I h Iplng the club women with dithes they want to use them. Alt the, bave The story title read: "There', Some· t~atearc easy to prepare for a number to do 11 write to the NaUonat Macaroni thinl about" to Ch ~l~!,~~ , C~a- of pL'O pie; July to September wUl bo Institute, and they will be supplied live Cookl, .~ . : the Cookout period, because as you with copies. Alain we have talked to a A Nationp,l Macaroni Institute color ~;~ know America 1I1olni overboard more number of the chain ,teres, and they photo of Noodle-Sproul Ring was f ~~~'Wand more for ouidoor cookery. Tho acem to be Interested in letUnl load tured with reeipe in the Denver, Col.~i.t'lfoc t(jber to December period which we photographic material to be uaed. In r .. do POll Empire Sunday Magazinc·,:fcaIiICosu meaM economy and bud~et ada. Thitll an added aervlce that IllItl· October, The same publlcatlon used a items, Durin, the hoUday leuon when tute members ,hould be .offcrinl their color photo of many macaroni shapes food budgets are under heavy Itress,. ~ ;.'= ustomen . ,.' (01 prcpnrld by the Wine InsUtutel on ,...Rcaronl Is a Iiload, economical. tood to ~~,:' .MIII Ehrman concluded with notel ::t!pternber 0, fe ature Dnd wUl enoble , lhe~ hOUlewife ~~~on ... project.s for 1963. One ytll on a AdvertlsinR wa. plac~d in the Oelo- to catch up on her budge\."-:. " • l aerlea of lUi malUnll to edlton of ber Issue of Practical Home ~nomlcs, l ... ~:' • ~ moguln", .upplemenu, and the major which is read by IOrq; 43,000' school Monthl Tblm.. • met;ropolltan dallies. It II planned to teaeherJ and people ,iri.t he ... rood fteld , ' ~"1' ha'{e} hree durlnC the year.

We emph ..lzed"'M~ .car~nl Makes Your Now, we have broken-dow!, the lea· #. A)so planned t. another ad in a pro- Party Menu" w,lth ~ ;~ I~ , for Be- 1I,1m'.. month by month: Ii~re arc the t eialonal book .uch II Practical Home witched M"~ ancf'lhcnort ncorpor- H:r.me. ror the vanoUi montha: Janu- "" Economics or Foree.. \' oft'erinl a reelpe ated .Ix PPrlY Idf!n.I' ln a leaflet. Over ary-"Battle the Bulle w1th ~ Macaronl leaflet We mllht teU .choot YOlanpttn 50000 of these Je ~Jf. 1.a haVl! been cir- ~ Broducts"; February-"Keep SUm with about the fo!' lealOllI theme with a .Iew noodle finish dryer'taken at plq~t..... f Tharing"r cuiaterl. .I~ ~~~: " " Spaghetti"; Mareh - "Macaroni for new serles c.t recipes. Macaroni Company, Milwaukee, Wilconllfi-. '" ~ \- . MeaUeu Meals"; April - "Usc Yuur Another project recommended Ia to ', ' ,- ThlDgs to ~m. Noodle to Entertaln"; Ma)'-"Maearonl shorten the 8lm "Durum: The Standard. Clermont realizes that the basic goodness of a dryer is large doors permitting ready access for cleaning; large: Mr Sills then contln~ ed the presen· for Goodness' Sake"; June-"Macaronl of Quality" to 13'.\ minutes and offer it represented by the sum total of the care and attention lucite windows giving clear v1rtaf the various drying A, a TCsull of with the ond Cheese. Please"; July_ult', a Pic- to ,televilion .tationJ throua!1.out the tatlo~ : tal~ that goes Into the deSign and development of each in· stages: all are Incarpoia~ he Clermont Noodle NMI Committee and as Ii: result of sur· nlc-with Maclaronl"; AUlust-"Maca- eotintry. dlvlduol port. Perfnrmance, dePendability and quality Dryer. ...i.. .. " YI:Y' that we havo madetplus P,ersonal ronl Salad Day,"; September-"Cook- ' # ... cont-';ct.a with-chain Itorcs, we.declded out with Macaroni"; October-"Maca- you naturally expect from a Clermont machine - in The only Noodle Dryer a~ I ilabie that affords free .JC' 1,0 go' into a heavy drive this year un ronl Money Maken"; NovemLl:r - ar~ SaluJ .. Ex"...•• , ~ suprr-abundance. But~, r~ are also mary lesser Cl!<;S to the screens from bC'lh the fan chamber and lhe ~tatcd items. We have laid ou~ a t'alen· "FrCC1. cr Maile . ')Yith Macaroni"; De­ points about a machine ,t t~' make It 0 loy to own air chombEor sides. When Ih'" new Don Ryan EJCprmwoy was andJo pleasure to opera B, 'tI: Jn he Clermont Noodle . , • dar of promotional theme:! for every cember-hDeat the Bucl:aet Blues with opened,.-..;.ently In ChICOOO ,Nnnlng In frpnt Dryer many of these feature ,' uch as electronic can· The only Noodle Dryer t~pt hos conveyor screens thol ,J, of the I; J. Grall Noodle ComponyL. compony month and four broad promotional Macaroni." trois, controlling the Inlok,.. ,Q fresh air and exhaust interlock with stainless ife~I ' side guides. Monyother Ihe.lles tor the seasons, The cJlaln .tore Beceuse the cholnl hove been inter­ prelldtnt Irving GralS and hi, son uonold hit on the Ideo cf ,rectlng 0 h~e Ii(ln In front af exce.s~~~~ inldltY;" contr~1 pf temperaturej extra featu.res ore Incorp~ ~ &~J : ~ t are solely Clermont 's, people with whom we have r ~-;'" , ested In the themes that we have talked at Ih,lr building reading: ~ Hurrah-Won· and these are basically prom'oUonal about Ilnd ha\'e been Interested in re­ derful, Mrs. GraIL" The dlaplcry cought the • . lilt, . mltter what (Ierma"t dry .. ,ou bu" ,OU mo, be lUI. that ~he. ,e" .et It, .' tf It will It, la 'nry datln thl fI"e.t drylr )'1" hen e ••r ow"ed, ..-I' people-are tremrndoii.ly Intereited In lated ~:.lc~ " WI! hAVO . don.e a brochure ey' af Moyer Dolaftond his covalcade, mo!'Y what II Dppearlng in newspapel'l ond whic - will bt> mnUed ~ ~ 'about 1.200 molorlsts and nn/spope,t~,tographert, Please ~MUI ;:.1.\ for full Infurmation. malazlnes, becawe they have learned of the to, ('hulns.(volun,arlel, and eo­ 'i=' that what the rood cdlton feature oper3ti\lcs. "he ~a~nl , p~mutlonal .J.~:1~ 1 ~ r \ \· heavily the women will buy. cp.lt,pdur li:.v ~Cl li tcma -that will be Sin it not hurUul~~ause it,ll for­ . - . 266-~~6 Walla bout Str ••t, We are calling thi' promotionll! pe- i~1ured III om' nc ..... t puper at orj c~ .'" bidden, but it it forbidden becauae it 11._ '1 i.1 rlod tho tour "C-[:ms." The C'., Jar,u· that ('helnt! CkU C'I\('tpcrute, We pcunt hwtful.-Poor Richard. I' Brooklyn 6, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.


-, --.--.----

or 65,77":933 bushels, Acreage s('eded to Carlol In!pecllonl of Durum Wh.al July Ihrough Dec.mber. 1912 il ~ 1,,,,,p,,r,.,I,, 1101111' iLnd lIlodernized Its More Durum: Heovy Grind Sample durum III Canada reached II recllrd Lt ;"I,·ltlll L·k. M;nnearo:b ' ,200,000 acres, and the a\'C'rDge \'I(.ld The Semi-annual Durum Bcpurt is­ No.3 No.4 No. 5 Grada Tolal OL·It:i ll:.lly " ~ Inbli s hed before Ihl' turn No. I No.2 or 19 bushels was nearly t\\'o ·a ~d.n. sued by the United Stotcs Dcpartm{'nt l iD 3< 82 2420 "r till' l'l'nlury II !> F . H. Peavey & Cum. Hard Ambt'f Durum 802 521 m half time!! the overage yield obtnlncd In o f Agriculture. Agricultural MBrkl>lin~ 2).1 53 28 31 671 P:lII,\', the firm hus ndopled Ihe s impler Amber Durulll I:!!) 120 1961. Exports (rom Canada August I Service, from Minneapolis, in January, , ~onn Pe n\'l~ Y Compunr und pluns 10 ust' Durum II 13 5 5 10 '8 1003, noted that n durum whent crop through December, amounted to 13· Lt Ino!'e J.!t·ncrnlly in Identifying ils "rend Forkl 080.953 bushel, compared with -1.581,25'" II! 11,800,000 bU5hcls was hsn'cstcd in 3303 j'Pl'rIltU 1Ll !!. 12~3 078 860 , 53 32 HB~d Amber Durum .. bushel.~ the same period in 1001. Visible 1002, nccordlng to the Crop Reporting 8 25 280 TCrLninul groin c l!' \'alor lind nlL 'r· Amber Durum 110 33 110 19 I>UPP~), on Januarl' 2, In all ClLlludlnn Utlord. This compares with onl:; 8 d H Ul I " ~ i ll/: 11(·ti\'lIies 01 \'aritlus puillis 10 18 2 I 6. positions, was 18.-103,757 bushel ~ I·nm· 21,200,000 produced In )061. In spite of DUl'um W I,II bt: l'alll'd PeIL\'!'Y CUlllpany TI' \" parcd with only 4,234,232 bu s l ll' l ~ IL II bud shift In the spring, when execs­ '" mSlwl O\l, ~ r;J'lun. .~ , with cal'll division Flock. Up-Exporll Dawn year nco on that date, IIlve moisture In northeastern NOI'lh Durin~ the I1rllt ~ Ix muntIn uf tho! Ltle nlifh'd b~' its 10clllll\'. Dakota and in important c{)unticI> in crop Yl!ar (July· Dt't'e mbl'r) 0,88\,000 Durum wheat stocks on January 1 Flotll' mi ll ill g Ill'th:Ltil'S, fUrnlt' rh' north .. estern Minnesota delaYl'd plant· buslll'l ~ of durCIll were milled to pro· in all positions totnled 04,900,000 bush· December Egg Proc.lling lWlIl'1l1 g Ih,' 1I11 .~." ell Milll'r.King Mid , {~ ing, the ovC'rull yield pl'r ucre was at duce -1 .8 12,000 hundredwel ~ ht of semo· t'i!l, Sixly·elght per cent of the 1002 Production ot liquid egg and liquid t llHlll ' S, \\'i ll lillW bl ' l'alh-d J't'u\'e\' a rccord le\'l'1 In nil pruducing slntes lina, T his compnred with 8,2-11.000 crop dt,:rum produced was stili on egg products dUring Dccemhe r HlII2 C"lIlpan,\' FlolII Milk with lu c alil~' except South Dukota. The uverage yield bushels J[rnund 1 n ~ t Yl'ilr durinJl tlu'St, forms, w ith a total of 48,889,000 bushels •. was 21,075,000 pounds, compured with LI)la in u ~ , ' d 10 i(knt ir.\' II partil-ular unit. uf 20.7 bushels per IICrt' \\'US more thun mon l h ~, Mnst o f the mills rl'\llrned to in tl'ct pu ~ itlon , Stocks In that posilion 3 1,Oll9,OOO puunds In Decl!rnber 101i 1 lind C"tll1tQ' l'It'\'nlur, f"I 'd lind lumbl' r doublc the 1061 nvcrnge uf 13.1 bushcls grinding a 100 per Cl'nt durum prodm'l last Januory 1 were 11 ,322,000 bushels, the a~'eragc o f 22,591.000 pound!!. Thl! "Now look lit tha shopa Ipogh, fli'. In," \ av ~ a"'I\· 1LIt · ~ 111 Il l<' upp,·'· IIlldw!'st will be ImOCJene COCIl. uclov(d \ 10' 0 1 TV . • odlo nnd the 10SI·flO uveralll' of 14,6 bushels this M'II!lIn when supplies bf'('nml! read· Durulll mills hod a total o f 4,900.000 quantlt)' used for Immediatt' (·onsump· " :11"1'11'11 011 h .\ ~ " \ ' I'nLI s"I'\'kc divi ll ioll ~. e:,t! the the:!! er, 0 \ she d ' ~ l) l o\'! f1 foO.:L.. OQC per acre. A few ('lIunties in Nol'th Da· ily n\'llilablc, Thi ,~ is rcf\to l· Ll·d in till' bushels this January 1. compared with a ll U I1t1" L' tI\I' I" ' ; I\ ' I ' ~' C"mp:llly ntllllt'. lion was larger than In December lUUI. of S(IUO !C S~og hc"" Ihe ne .... PO\IO shape sl'mnlina prudul'liun 1I~lIr e. Ih" lotal kota yie\dl'd on nvcruce tlf :1:1 bushC'\ 1l or 6,300,0:10 bushels a year before, eec The quantities used tor drying lind crealed by PrinCl' ~o c o, o ni Mon ... laclu,,,,o . 'filu" Pl' aVt'~' C"mpany Pruducer s emoll n~ productiun 2.1011,000 hundred· per harvested oere. had no durum in their In\,entor)' Janu· (reezlnc were s maller, Camponv. The "'''''que lo.... ·\idcd. oolden . !-il'I'\'U'l' bt'colllc" 11.,· IIt'W di \'!s iunul weight were strnh:ht nnd 2.33 -1 .000 h ... ed ~ "ond " cUfJenl ly !>e,no In!JC'd ... ced In The n l1 owah~ ... increa ~ e s grnntl'd for ary 1. n :t1 Ill' till' Liquid Egg 26 co~ l e tl1 , mid· ... c.lc,,, Qnd ~"' ul he", ~ Ialt s . "r {onlll'r 1" ·;l\'t'\··Ol·ddent durum whent undl'r Ihl' IOO:! Whe llt blended In the July.Dl!ccmher 1961 Expo ~ l ; o f durcm whe ot totaled only Ea. ·valu\' tI;visiun : I', ' a\ ' e~: LumbC'r pe riod, while 1,011.000 humlrl'dwciRht Liquid egg used for Immed lule cun­ Program resultcd in a 39 pcr Cl'nt in· 3.0-12,000 bushels In the first half of \'lInl ~ and Pe:\\'j'Y h 'ed Mills bl,t'ume were slralJ:ht and 3.037 ,000 bll'nded in \,umptlon was 3,272,000 pClunds. com. crense In planled acreage frum 1001. the l D6:!·(!3 season. This Is sharply b(!· I-~ t:~ m lids PI'PdlU'liull durill~ Ol'Cl'lII ­ 1', 'iI \"'y Compan.\· Lumber Ser\'it-e and Ihe January·,lu ne IU6::! period. Buw· Only 2,4 pcr cenl uf thl' acres planled h,w II:e H,200,000 exported 8 year pored with 2.299,000 In Decembl'r I!lOl. Ul',' 1!l!i2 wa~ iJi-lO,or,l) ptiuLld ~ , 1"'111 . 1-', ..." SI'L·\'iI·e. L·'·ll p'·' li\'e lv. eVl!r. in the July·Dl·rembcf I06:! period Liquid frozen totaled 11 .080,000 pllunds were abandoned, with 2.4111,000 "Cfeg eadil r. Genc rcus amounts of durum I)an'd with :!,5:17.UOO p l ' lLnd ~ in D"",'LLI' 'I'h" l'omp LLL1 ,\' IL l.,,, ~ illd i'l \\'111 nLllduct hnrvl!!lted 1,022,000 In Nurth ' D,tkulll. 3,2('1';' ,UOO hundn·dwejght were S l nLi~ht Dre a\'lIllable from several exporting -down 38 PCI' cent from Dl'l'embl!l' 1ll' 1' I!UiI and Ihc U\'NiLIlC uf I.U .': l uun onrt only 1.51!'1,000 blended. uccording 1001. Slorage holdings ur rruzcn l'ggS nt ,\.. WhOJt'lll dt, "pl'L'a I"'Il~ unci' l Ihl' TIll' 1002 l'rol), plus the nearly 5,000,000 counlrie!l, lind In view of the larger pIllLl1d ~. Cun"'nl pn.dLlI'liun CIlII :: i.-t ... tlllf IWLlW P"HVl'Y C'''UIIaU.\' 11L·.. le r :-;, , , ., I'. I.JL L.. !lcl CUrLyO\cr un July 1. 10U2, gives 10 !'c p('l rls to the Census DUfCitU, Must the end of Decembl'r 1!J1i:! were wurld supplies export demand Is 11m· li!ii.OOO p"lInd ~ "f ". h"lt.· I 'I!~ ~ "l lt b. insl, ·.ld "I thl' \,ilL'l,t.\' nf lot'al '"H H, ·· 1IIIIIi of till' mills used II blend III I.al·d wheat 62.375.000 pound!!. c tJ m par" d with a supply Ilf 70.700,000 bughcls for ited, The expurt Eubsldy rate on durum 5:1O.0U::I ptlulL(b of ulIlLInlt'n ~ lIlili ~ ••nd U ~ f'tI ;n till' PII ~ t. a nd dururn in till! munuflLl'ture of 01,355.000 pounds 0 )'ear CIlI'Iil!I' und thc Il .. ~ 1U02·0~ l'rup yetiI' us ugulnst 41.200.· wheat on January 28 was 50 cents per 45:\,000 p'!LLllIl ~ "r yolk ll"Ud .•. In D.!· III thl' "asl' "r alllli:lll'd '1I' IL\'lI,, ·. · ' wh 000 for IfIUI·li:! . sctnullna during 11101-02. bushel fur delh'rry from the East 1056·60 a\'erage o f 72.2-13.000 pounds, !· .. mllc!' UUiI p/'tIductiulI c()lI ~i~ II ' d of Thill was a dl!creose or 1-1 million a .~ Omaha t:1t:\'ut"r C" LIl llot\l \ ", .. I === Coast. Exporls, July-No'/ember. totaled lIOO.OOO p()und ~ IIf who It, I'/:/: ~u 1itb. pounds In December, compared with C"u ~ t · lJak"ln FI,,"I' C" III P ;, n ·.\' . 1111' 6,809 hundredwell!'hl of mlcoronl ond B08,000 pounds o f ulbUllLt'lI ~ "lId s und 1" '1'\'1',\' Lllt 'nIHll'ali"lL \\' LII It l' 011"'''111 _ siml!ar products and 22,250 of durum nine million In Dccember 1061 and the 020,000 puullds uf ~·tl lk ~nlid~ , 1056.6~ average of 21 million pnunds. pl i~ h ed Ihruu~h u l'''I\ ~b lent 1( ." 1' .. r tl\L' flour, This Is also below tI:c 18,694 l'''rnpnnY'll ,'l'ti Ilimnllnd !L!lIrk WhidL hundredweight 01 macaroni and 110 ,010 QuantLtic!s of liquid egg used tor drying has b"t'il ).:n"'11 a 111'\\' d ... s i ~ lI . hundrt'd ..... C'ig ht of dl,;fl'm fl our exported were 0,723,000 pounds In December Fro •• n Eggs 1962 nnd 10,720,000 pounds In Dccem. in July·DC'c cmber of 196). Culd, ('uld wenllh'r III J :' II\Il1L'~' ditlll't ber 1001. nPlleal ttl lil!ns IUlY more tlW II hUllliIll ll . Prle. Dawn s? the r,Lll' 01 la.\· wa ~ d"\\'n, and I " '~ Dutum whest prices druppcd sharply ,ubly !IORIO enJ.! ~ \n' l'o ' b,wk"d 1111 hI lit' l',mulry. due' III "nllWI,. ,Ulld I :,d. :111'1 at the beginn:ng uf the sca ~ o n farm· n, l'stn'lIll' (·old. crs bCJ:an morketing t ~ c ncar record t'rop. Since Septe mber, priC{!s have • n n' a ~t'L' ~ an:1 dr~' I ' L's "II' 111'.\' " f ' · ~j.;, S . I-.\·ell If " i:!j.!'; W" I'I' ;i\'.1I1"bll-. IIIU.;1 strengthened somewhnl. rf'nccting in part a holding Il!ndency on the parI 1)lanls l·"uld 11,,1 b ... ·ak bl" ': m"" IIf fl Lt'1 f h,u la r: l'll. T il t· l ' i:!I:~ ,·"rnLn g " ul ,'I uf the formers und some Impro\,ement ~ ll' !'a"(' Il ll:! " I" rac., ~ l" l' k !o un' h,I" I\ In dcmund. Prices ot Minneapolis - July through January this yeat- aver· I" !!:! 1t:\'I·I ,. E ' l! \\, 111 1\'S an' a ~ .~,·;tL · " " II~ I : , : n ~ ' 11'l'lh. !:'Ul11l' :11 '1' pL't,tlktill/: WhLll's uRed 75 cents per bushel beloW the wme monthll u year a go, In Jnnunry \\'111 I!" t" :! n ' · "III ~. \\'huh, ! ' L!~ ~ ha\'l' alro ad.l· ~ ,,!d al :!:p~ \'I 'L'" lind l' tL g"r"d the l1verage was $1.00 under Jllnuury .\·,,1I1'; -l~ : I I ' r r " ~ I'1L yulks wilh -l!i Ilt'l' 11102, Prices hD\'c been romewhnl bclnw ('I 'ILI H I1Ld ~ lind No. -l l'ul,,1' hUV l' bl "' 11 Ihl! fiU ppOl't Ic\'d und In J unuury ll ll'udy al 51i I.. ;-)7 I"'uls ill Ih" Chil'a,.:" runlled 10 to 15 c ~ nt!l bdow suppurt. markel . Dril'd .\ ,,11; ~ 1 .l llls hU\'I ~ rallg,.d INSTAL.L.ATION No I1gures arc IIvailuble on Ihe quunti· ...... tics of durum wheat put under support. from 51.08 Itl ~l.W n I)uund. TL'Ud"r .~ ure lIullish, and till'l'e nl'l' pn·t\il'tll1ll" A special tabulutiun Is expectcd some ..,. tI ~1l 1 ~ pl'ing shell l·t::g pI i l · t, ~ \ :11 lIl' Ml!gl Macaroni CO I'IPon" IIq rJl ,huro, Penn, t ime the Intter p urt tlf MILY , Chi ..... Dlnnl!ll-A ~e l af three, tull .colar wlvcnlO, nos caml.',·It'ty r cdl' ~ lg ncd lis Penn. c ~ ..... mf"ln carlons have been d~velopcd by iugh"t· Ihan U YC:lr iL].! !!. Sp rout, Waldron & Company, Inc. now ha~e nYfu lablc!. a buli, flour package ' y~ lcm idecl Producllon IIf durum in Cunada In wlva nia Oulc l> El l Mccoro'" (orLan. The tar thc ~ mall plant. U\i"O Ihc Moyna dry pa ....· dc r " ... .,.1' os thc ;l ri nclpal means cl coroyey_ Un,'1!d Slolcs Printing and Ulh.",aph C' . new ., u,'al1, Pf(k!·.r., .1 !w Un.,('d Sioies P. inl . 1062 was nn oll·time record l'rop, total. ing. proceuon ccn e"J . ~ Lhe economies 01 b:.·L.. hand .. !I{I wiLl, a minimum 1""c\lmcr.:' The , ron of Ihe ,?iamafld N"lionol Cat~,al:~~ "I{l .! L.thograph. J , ~, ~ , u" ul the Dlamolld for Aran Slte,', Inc. The COfl,,,,, fcolurc Ihe Mc)'no pump con cos,,, convey fla ~ ., a d,slc"ce 0 1 .!OO leel ~ I a rnte of <4'" pc.u,,1. :'tlr ing 61.200.000 bu shc l ~ . Thl! crop, plus Peavey Compony ,.01. ",11 Carpa.at"",. t.·nl"'L·\ 0 round cel· minute, The pac)"age ~ ·" " e m , IIclIib!(! (md eO ~ll y .Mlalled, l.. ~l udn b,ns. \C~t c " ,he Moyno realism of a Ch i ll': ~ ": dmfl(! r fr.: the plctarial I",,· , .... : window ,. ... " II on t'OO pictorial the visible ~ "!'lp l y uf cumnll'rclal carry­ and genuine C!lIne ~ e w r i l i,~, ' )11 Ihe facc dc. Pt';! \·" y ('''': , )1; 11'\' . Mlml1' : tpu ll ~' UlL :{ l ' d pump, 'iller and ~, .: ...... c(" " eyors plu ~ "cce,\a r,. com,oflenl pa·li. In Cd::l ll lc" ll. a ml .. !! r hom ,I" ,; , '\ , ullound,.1 \.\ <) 1... 11 colOl iIIu~lra . 10 ' . ','(> r.:rll1 ll " .1 I, Sproul.Wald.on', cc mplc' ~ line a l dry !oO lid m,"ing equipment " oya,lable 10 C O "' I" " L ~ Ihe over August I, the m Il totot l uppl)' scribes tho pr ll ~ .'el W" . ' 1, :iuu! lin". hilS .; impliO,'d " 'JOI " I the prodUCI on u ~ c , ,y)lcm as \hown in \tIl' phoLograph. THE MAC,\~ONI JOURNAL MARCH, 1963 19 28 --.. ------~~-~

Specially designed to produce long goods 01 IInest QUALITY Sl!WCz!':CJ:m!'llC't! . '.'/'j.~'

Here fa a Jong goods dryer thnt features the lak!st techniques and developments In the in. dustry. Ultl'll modem and (ully Qutomntic, thla new dryer WRI dcalilled from the begin­ nIn, with the quality of tho long goods prod­ uct in mJnd. Preci80 control of temperature, hwnJtUty, and air circulation Insure tho even and Utorouah drying nl'CCSSary to producing unilonn and .turdy Jong ,oods. CUltom ..n.ln .. nod. Buhler long good. dry. en are cuttom-cnaJnecred to fit your floor apace requJruncnla and can be adapted to handle ,tIck lenathe lrom 54 to 80 InchC:!l with capaclUee up to 1600 pounds 01 long goods per hour. 'lbe entire long loads line ncoed not be installed end·to-end. If Hoor SPliCC docs not permit It 11 possible to arrange the varJ. oua unitt alde-bY'lide or on different Hoon. A... New po,llIye·coqlrol slick oloyalor. This new sUck elevator Is:in exclusive Buhler feature. The sticks nrelinCtually picked UJ) by ~pcdal stick Guides which control them positively in transrer. Unlike conventional stick elevator chain deyict'S, these guided atlCka enn't roll or slide from the chnin nt the transCpr point to the drying tiers, thus practically eliminating mechanical breakdowns . . , .-{ . . ~t ': " . .., . ~

.... SWing·out panels for .• ISY acc .... Individunl ." panels on cnth of '(he' d[yer units 8wing ."'4t, to provide quick IInel simple cleaning or in • • Sanitary off.the.floor conltNdlon • Centralized control panel. con· spection. It tnk~ olily seconds to get at the preventl condonlation on the floor taln unlquI cllmatl control lyate",1 interior of the dryer. The panel swings out underneath and allowl fot lalY which all~w the product to .., It. far enough to giv r. sumclent room lor c1enn. jng and mainten:ml"{! CCJulpme?.t,. I '~ cleaning. own drying t.mperature according ';.: .. to UI wat" fll.ase capability, and • New polilln.control IticK ,I.va. , 0110 all .1'drlc~1 control .. tor with .peclol .tlck guides pflvlnt • Po.III ~. 01, circulation produce. roiling or IlIpplng of long good. . uniform controll,d drying. . Pre-dry.,. DryIng or' tho product begIn. 1m. operation by Installing n Buhler pre-dryer in 'n tran,f.~. ' mediately at tho entrance to the pre-dryer to your present -production ·lIne. prevent stretching of tho lonl goods on the r ~. NIW dllign pan.~lng .....1ti. .pe­ ,. dl')'ln ••Ucb. The Buhler "Mammoth" pre- Inquire now. H you nrc)nterp.stcd In prooul." • Swlng.out pone': mok. Inlplc- clal thick In.ulatlon ItOpi h.ot and vapOr. dryer h8ncUea up'to 1500 pounds of Jonl g9Qd,s ing the finest qunlity loni\II'OOds while at the tlon and c1.anlng .easy, per hour nnd enn rcduco moisture by ·lP%. SlIme Ume incrC'[lsinR: tho cffichmcy DC your , YOI,!,~n 0110 improve your Pl'CSCntr~K . operation, coli or write BUHLER loday . • . ~.:\) ; '\,u.. . l f -' nn GUHIU CO.'OlAtlON. In, W.,I.t. II... " .. MI" ....."cl il 26, MINI""II. 11"011'. til•• ", So1401 IUlau UOlMl1i tc..... "a) lTD .. III g".. " '""' M.C~~~}~:nls BUHLER' (01', ' '''~ Io I, 01110<1 • • , ....." (,IoIplli '.211.t 'Y ' V ' . __ "", 10lH 011..., .... r .... e.I" 710 ,.,.. A...... ,. • • ~. ",,\h,., HilI ,.$-446 ," • d • I ------.,-_ ..

Your Stake irtNational ~AHclits' " # ,,' ,I l. ",' by Chari •• C. Coon, Dllfrlct M...... , SOiItIM:ti ....., Dlyillan, " , Chamber af Ceinmlrc. of ... UII'" St.Ift J,: ~ coune debt aervlce keepa: I~!.'" up and afla1n , OUR ltake In national up and up. ' You don't know wl;.~n to should be obvious. Run down the ' Y atoP' and calculate that percenlille. , llit of propoaals th.t will be before the Now ••• the Anal)'lit Iet!JnI to IUliest ,that the Eighty-Ellhth Conareu and you will over-rldlnl conaidentlon fat' the wel~ ftnd that almost every one is purely • ' fare or the United States II a reduction local in nature-u local u any of your , ofl, the deftclt. a reduction of the Fed.. "BEST" city councll ordinances. Aside from the '-' era} budJet. Thla can be done in do- fteld of International attain and forelan mestic proanms with areat etrect. .ld, perh.pI almost everything else that II touect in the hopper in Wuhlngton In sUmmary then. Write, w'ln at' tete­ is Yours hu local Impact. Think about Jt that . phone your Conareuman. He will way--l~d1n1 cUll have plenty to do never refuse your call If you talk with with YOUo' Edu(:;1tion ,ubsldles, a De­ him In Wuhlnaton or at home, talk partment of Urban Main, union mo­ about centratlzatlon of power and talk For the Ordering nopoly power, c.!ompullory health care about lpendinl. These fellows are not -you teU me what II more local than completely obllvloUi to our view•• to that. All these would have immediate youn and mine. They have a peat by Gene Kuhn and peraonal etrect on each one of you. amount of lndullence and load sense. I think there 11 a dt.concerting note These aN Dot ' pieces of lellll.tion. and It II merely 8 question of puttinJ Manager: .bout the land on tht. matter of na- IUliest these· are· matten basic to 0';1' ftnt thlnp ftrst. Spendinl II on thelr AMBER MILLING DIVISION •... 1 ala. Th traditional phnosophy of lovemment. minds. and U you think theN it: too lonal alrain and natlo~p'o e Thll is where the battie II today. You much spendlnl you oulht to let them long ranle load of lh!..~try. It hear about UlH',rnls and c:onservativeJ, ..,..;,"\ seems to me, is belnlsubm~ed In too know. • many eilles for the expediency of short and It lets confu \lna:. But what you are Ye., the big durum crop " rango economic ald. Thll l,....,ropelled , gettinl down to is the phllolophy of Tooll AnDabie production problems. Consist- by the simple act of taking $2.00 out of the lovernment under which we are 'I1le third part or our dlacualon Is enables Amber to fill your ent Amber color, unP.orm your pocket and sending It,tO Washing- going to live. I think that the preserva.. on tooll to \lie tn help promote thu orders for the finest Amber granulation and uniform 'high Ion and sendlnl $1.00 bact:for you to tlon of our philosophy of a:o~~ment thinl th.t we call a lovernment ti~ •• ar.d I.belin, 01 Macaroni, Noodle and E" Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Swanson Product .. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Faber Mr. and Mn. David Wilson Ruuell Ml11er·Klna: Midu Mills Mlnneapoll•• Minnesota 1-Vlto",lnl ond Minerai. Enrichment .....y •• Mr. and Mn. Walter P. Muska' 2-1•• Solf4a .nd Color 5cor.ln E"" Yolles and Trlanale Packale Machinery Co. III Noodl ••• Chicago, IIUnoli l-SemoUno ond Flo.r "noly.I •• John Guatelll William KOllc 4-Rodent and In.ect Inf'ltatlon Investigations. U. S. PrlnUn, & Lithograph New York. New York MlcroICoplc Anoly .... LouiJ A. Viviano, 'Jr. ..-...... S-S"NIT"RY PLANT INSPECTIONS "NO VUamllll Inc. . -_ ... WRITTEN REPORTS, Jeney ell)', New Janey Donald G. Fletcher • ...u.IIIiI~i , Crop Quailly Council 1 lableopoon aall James J. Winston, Director Minneapoili. MlnneJOta Here II an unu.ual but euy treat to 3 quartl boUlnt water H. Howard Lampman make for Lent: Layered Tun. and Noo· 8 ounces wide e" noodles ~~U, '1,t4d1«e S~ 156 Chom6ers Street Durum Wheat Institute dIe Loaf. Recipe makes six to eight (about . 'cups) 2.11 II:-J Imet, III_ ',._clKe 11, CeU •• New York 7, N.Y. Chicago, tlllno" ,2 tablespooni melted butter servlnp. T__ ...... 2.27 .. Jamel Ole Samplon or maraar1De '. North Daltota Wheat Conunwlon 1 teupoon Alt Lawlon, North Dakota • , " "1 \: '140 teaspoon pepper Alvin Kenner 2 6~ ounce ;.~~~.~t~~.. ,t~ . 'ri cup evaporated milk '. , Richard Crockett drained .,".\ ' roC.' I ::\~{ !:::~ . 1/3 cup anted Amerlean cheese Richard Saunder. 'I Durum Growen Auoc1atlon ' 2 cups sort bread; cnimbl ' 1 • :~' :', '2 e''''lepara~ .. : < •• • .1 'ri cup evaporated '-mUll} . " .. I.. Co~bine twa and J'UDalnlnJ In. Jame. Stearn. , ~~ .. .. Kenneth O. Baahott • ".,.. 1 e." well beatej!;",'" " gredJentl for tuna mixture; mix well. Tulelake, Callfomla 1 tablespoon &rated. onlon . To cook DOOdles. add ODe tablespoon Dr. K. A. Gille. 1 tablerpoon mlnJpara1ey ..It to nIlldly boUinI water. Gradually North Dakota State University % teaspoon aalt '"{: "\ . .add noodletllO.. ~t water ~ntJnues to Fargo, North Dakota ._ f • • boiL Cook uncovered.. .tlrrlnl occasion· .PROFIT Gla PURPOSE dash 0 pepper ,. . ~,. ally; unW.tender. Dr~ In colander. Dr. G. N. Irvine 2 tablespoons melted butter or mar· -', Combine noOdlet wIth' butter or mar· Grain Research Laboratory Winnipeg, Canada. ",' .1 ,atlno ,u-Ine, one te~ll. · sa1t, ~. ml1k ~III be. the editorial theme of the and cheeH. Beat el' )'ol~ lho"~~IY; Supplie .. HOlt Sociall Burd &: Fletcher Company add to noodle mliture"'and mix -well, Kansas City. Mluouri . Be.t e" whites unUl sUfI. fold into Macaroni Journal for April, An "Icc-Breaker" Party opened feJ· Clermont MachIne Corporation • noodle mixture. Line add.inch loa! tivitles on the IOClal calendar at the ·Brooklyn. New York t...... aile Meet!ng.in-the.Round. Receptions were DcFr.nclscl Machine Cor...,raUon I '. pan with aluminum foil. Arranle r· 44th Annlvenory H~mber. held prior to the RossotU Spaghetti Brooklyn. New York ~- nate layen'or tuna and. noodle mixture Buffel and tho Dinner·Dance, partlel· Doughboy IndustrluL ~~c. In pan. Bake In.. mod,!Rte 350 ,de" New Richmond, Wwconsln ' for 50 to 60 mliiutea, or patlng firm. included the followlnl: Du Pont FUm Department Wllmlnlton, Delaware I Amaco Inc. (Hoenlger & Karl) , :~ J .. Chicago Illinois Faust Packagln. Co~ration Amber M'lIIng Division, GTA Brooklyn, New York , "," .... Don't miss a single issue. .) .A ~~ 'f~' St. Paul. Minnesota Fbner Flourlnl_Mllll Co, I Ambrcttc Machinery Corporation ,Seattle, .WashiqJ.\On -;" Brooklyn, New York General M.Ula, In~ rJ A.D.M. Commander.Larabee MUllnl Mlnne.poUs, M.qmeaola • Twelve monthly numbers $5; add $1.50 for foreign postage. M.lnneapolls, MlnnelOta Henningsen 'Foott., Inc. " Ballas Egg Products Company New York, New York Zanesville, Ohio Hoskins Company ..., V. James Benincasa Company Libertyville, llllnoll Macaroni Journal, P.O. 'Box 336, Palatine, Illinois Zanesville, Ohio Intern&lion&l MIIlInI Co, Bralbantl.Lchora Corporation Mlnneapolls. Minnesota New York City. New York D. Maldarl & So"'J.Inc. The Buhler Corporation Brooklyn, New ¥or:c. Mlnneapoils, Minnesota .l/..' 11 37 3~~~ ,. , . ,...... Ii

I. r CWSIFIED ADV'I~MC1 IA'{!S _ " ' ~ W;4Y BACK WHEN ...., tU ..., ...... A"Ilcellon L ______~ ':... ______.J I w ...... ,.... 71 Cnh,.r II .. . fOl "" Buhl.r Prea, like new. Bu 40 Yean A~o 20 Vurs Ago " 175, Mocoror\l Journal, Polotlna, 111 . • The poet, RUlkln. wu quoted an the • Reltef from the Offlce ot PrIce Ad­ cover of the Macaroni Journal: "All ministration lUted the maximum price work of tute must bear a price In pro­ level on macaroni product.a to eover INDEX TO portion to the .k1lJ: tute, lbne, expenso hleher Inp-edjent and packaein, COIla. ADVUTJSERS and rlak attendln, their invention and OPA predicted prlee. on macaroni and ,... "YOU BET ell noodlea would increase from one manufacture. Thinls called dear are, __ MIUet ,,"... , aT'" ...... J3 when JusUy eillmated. the che.petti to two centa at retail. they arc .. ttended with much leu proftt ...... Medii..., c.r..ntlH ...... 22·21 to tho I\ttl.d than those which every­ • Ration coupons were more valuable ADM-Ce.aM. : ~ La ..1tee MUla ...... 1.. " than money In the lrocery dore. ae­ A.-- , , ,J~. CI \' ~ . cheap." c.opw.'...... ,...... ,.... , cordln, to Paul Wlllll ot the Grocery .,.Mltl'. Mull... sa...... 17 • "Good ..-kln, protects lood will." Manufacturers of America, because ex· ...... , c-t,..,. M. • Go .. ,..... 35 IT'S GOODI" ,r aid an ad tor ,ood wood boxe. backed ceNlve consumer purchasing power had ..... C.I,..,_, no ...... 30·31 by the ,National AuoclaUnn (.f Box. put price in the background 81 a tactfIT ('1 ..... MM'5M c:-,.." lie. ,, " 27 Manufacturer'll. In buying. ' .....IKIMI MecII ... c.r,.. ..11H ...... 14-15 (;..,.! ¥Its; 1M...... 13 Sometimes therc'tI no need to aRk nbout cU!ltomel' • 11 Popolo of New York City reported • The Supreme Court · of the Unite


~ . ) fl' I I I, I 'F' , .. If it's SE~VlC.E, you get' it with a .. ~ J. ,. smile' from International! The convenient locations ol.lnlemationaI miJJs at Baldwinsville and St. Paul mean faat, efficient Saint Paul. Minnuol4 service •.. in bog or in bulk • •• via ran&'r or truck .. . "piggy·back" or llfishy. .. be.ck." too. . r So, f~r dependable'deJivery ~f top-qUaJity dunun 1 .. products, BOO. yow" representative. from •••

Baldwinlllli/k , ,. '. , Nrw York """:bte,lUIIionlll . M I I I , N G .C 0 M PAN Y DURUM ' DIVISION