
Terms $8.00 per annum, in ntlmt Tlie Portland Dally ^ '* MISCELLANEOUS. M1SCELLANEO US. W Avft’«ai> excepted) by miscellaneous. I. published every day (Sundays THE DAILY PRESS the ^ Portland Publishing Co., S 1I Wanted! daily press. CARRIAGES AS^A™N.a* h°u^kof*pfr by an American Stbekt, Portland. *" a BUSINESS DIRECTORY. At 100 Exchange Great Reduction ~T_,iIa.50 CARPETS! J unl7jt WOODFORD, vention. year. _ AT- __“ruRTER.” “OLD REPOSITORY.” FIRST DISTRICT. Wanted. Auctioneer. Kates of Housekeeper Tlic and all other voter* tf the Advertising.—One inch ofspace, We wnul.1 call the C. W. No. .T>7 st. ReptiVi.-ans First mpeclluily attention ol the Ridinz Pnhlic to the tact that we have in and con- tatuilv of two, a HOLMES, Congress Auction Salts DivrbicT of in of constitutes a Store I competent rerson, (American Covobbshiunal Maine, length column, “square." St ,l,e es lie, LANCASTER HALL. every Private Sates (be day. comprising kinds ot Vehle d in this Country, of the newest iietizns and takj cl,ar',r**. To an Evening. daring Hie routines ol York and Cumberland, $1.50 per square first week. 75 cents in.)?nllJ[,™1,nufac'unnz.al1 ons er,ie<^ *0, such, easy wi.o, rt- daily perfect ruction, and tor durability, eiegan -e ol linlsh, and comfort, l ave no superior. Every auda K°od home is ottered. stal- in the liaioiii freedom week Larriaae offer d tor «! Address, Joicini progress and per after; three or sale is equal ro those built to and will be sold at ''“ere an int- rview can be insertions, less, $1.00; specially order, Kprices that cannot tail 1 had. Agencies tor machines. Equal Rights, achieved ibo Na:i*»n under ibe ol- to all cu tnmcrs. JeUdlw* J. Sewing by continuing every other day after first week, 50 f. T.. Box or “Press Office.” r«cti<*n ol ill Part / in tbo endorse we make a 176;, | Repubdcan past, cents. speciality of Two Wheel Chaise f »r Physicians’ use. I shall cpen on an0. ATLA 1%’ tion to l*o led in city U*ll, Saco, on Wsdnfs- Advertisements inserted in the “Maine TIC. Boarders Wanted. W. C. COBB. No. 12 Pearl Street. DAY, JCNE TWENTY-NIMH, AT I | O’CUX K, A. State Press” (which has a circulation lor th** or nonnna large VELVETSl ENTLEMEN and their wives, or single geutle- M.» purpose ing a Oanpidai k UfPB»9E\rT 14 in every part ol the State) for $1.00 per square can oc#’ommcda'e*l with bo«rd and and DISTRICT IN THE bo* TY-SECOND Mutual Insurance >4hoes—(irnts Custom Work. loNu and p* for first and 50 cents for *Ion* at No. 37 corner BEB9, transact any oilier business lhat insertion, per square Oomp’-y.* si«rl^n* r°oths, High, ot Soring BRUSSELLS iua> ci me l*eiore the O- nventiou. each subsequent insertion. (ORGANIZED IN 1842.) WALTER BERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. properly 'I he ba^is ol will oe Address all communications to blr*et_je!5dlw» ripuscnntiou as follows: 51 Wall 8tcorner of William, New York. -AND Wanted Each city and town will b eolithd t»> one de'ejrate, PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Booksellers and stationers. and out* de tgate a*I*liii »naJ lor eve v 75 vo es cad lour STONE & MURRAY’S TTP»»PA^® rooms, or five, with c’osets, .or Joshua l. Cnambkbi a in. at the Uuberiiatori- Injures Against Marine and Inland l0fe"fOom. wa'i-r. ior HOYT. FOGG A 92 Middle Street. Navigation Risks. &c.; two ladle? and a BREED, a I election ot 1808. a traction ol 40 votes TAPESTRVS, a majority BUSINESS CARDS '“’"v'? g'ntiet house; Hilh qui r people wlU l*e entitled to an additional delegate. *'▼« table boaul a b is PURELY MUTUAL. The whole PROFIT reverls AT PBlCKft THAT WILL w days or weeks J lie Chairmen ol the several and town com- to the ASSURED, and are divided a'yP'l ! Book-Binders. city Wm,er or CIRCUS below Hi*»h arc ABKU1I.LV, upon the Cremams Iciminated during he year: tor which Certificates are Ipsutd, hearing 1?ot mittees rtquesttd to lorward nmun ot dele- interest until loc SMALL A GREENE <£ DANFORTB, redeemed. llity' A,Mr"SF’Ke*' SHACKFORD, No. 35 Plnra Street. gates, as soon as ch<*en, to the chairman oi' tho In wX&uttE? The CoIosfus of Exhibitions. restrict Committee at Portland. January 1870, the Amntin A ccnmultili.l tram iff. Rukium were a* follow*, Tin Look Like Old Times. 8t Bonnet 'the Committee will be m 8 ssion at the Hall on (Jnitcd States and of ___janl5 and CIVIL State Ncw-York Stocks,City, Bank and other Stocks.97.85fl.290 00 Bleaehery. the day above at 10 o’clock a. m., to re- ENGINEERS, Loans seemed Indicated, by Stocks and otherwise. .1.148.1 Oo OO G1RDIN8R JORDAN. W-*?.?'5I‘-?-aENTS-T,.fe" tie HOME SHCT- H. E. UNDER WOOD, No, 310| Commas Street. ceive credentials. T4 cor. street, Premium Notes 11>K SEWING NEW DESIGNS TO AMUSE! middle, Exchange and Bills Receivable, Real Estate, Bond and and other securities.. ji)t.9d3w ’7 MACH1NS. Price, |v5. It The ri to the Lasn In Mortgages *J.9.11,Oil makes the **L ck apportionment delcgites feve.ai Stiieh” (alike on both sides) and is ci'ie# ami town* ME. Bank,.,,,,,,...... S-fH 997 tlie on in the District is as follows: PORTLAND, y licenced under-‘eed Shuttle Machine so d Peerless t’oal and Wood. NEW for 'es: than Talent—Matchless Skill, Total amount of fGO. Licensed bv Wheeler <& PAUI. PRINCE * footof Wilraot street. Acton.3 Llmiugton.4 CM' in all branches, and Asrete.814,469,30* Wilson, SON, A Engineering Purveys Kaker> aua linger & Co. All ocher under Itred....3 Lvuitn.3 Fstimates tor Roads and Railroads Water W. H. H. Mo°BE,2d Vlce-Prcat. ,fnUN d. tfedr,0.Vfcl*v Fresh Supoly ,Ionf.s, President. Machines sold for less than $60 a?e m- Sensations for 1870. Baldwin.3 Naples.3 and Water P Des and J. Hkwlktt, Oil Vice-Prest. JjJntUe Cabinet Furniture manufacturers. lb*« wer; gns. Specifications OBAiiLEa UtNiia, Vicc-PrcAhUn,. tniigFSihnis and ibe sell^r undmer liable to nr.wu. wick.4 New field..3 Estimates lor Wood anil Iron ai»d Ro »ts. J Carpet Warehouse! WILL Bridges U.UHArXAK, Secretary. culion Address JOHNSON, CLAKK & Co., Bos- KXHIBIT IN THEO. JOiTfeaiuN Jt CO.. No. 131 Union Street. Brfcls'ou.« New Gloucester.4 Char. E. Greeks. J. H. Dak forth. AT TUC ton, Mass., Pittsburg, Pa., Chicago, 111.,or Si. .12 Nrtllh BcrW ck 4 JOHN W. 1JUNGEU, Louis, Brunswick.h Noth Djy7d3m» Correspondent, and Builders. Yarmouth.3 Spacious and Elegant Chambers Mo.___jun9'ilm PORTLAND Carpenters Buxion.6 otif.fle)d. 3 Office, 166 Fore street, Portland. Cornish.3 lar-onsue’d....A arm8,WO., TWO WHITNEY