ASSOCIAZIONE Musicale Comune LUIS Culturale di BACALOV




The municipality of Taranto and the ICO cia Orchestra and its activity which is Orchestra of Magna Grecia in collabo- the “” International Conduct- ration with the Luis Bacalov Association ing Competition. announces the first edition of the “LUIS The two competitions will be biennial BACALOV” International Composition and alternating, and the works award- Competition which aims to represent a ed in the “Luis Bacalov” International heartfelt and fitting tribute to one of the Composition Competition - 2020 edi- most important figures of international tion may be taken into consideration music of the last 60 years, Composer for auditions for the “Nino Rota” Interna- Luis Bacalov. tional Conducting Competition - 2021 Principal Guest Conductor of the ICO edition. Orchestra of Magna Grecia from 2005 until he died in 2017, the Italian-Argen- CONDITIONS OF APPLICATION tine Maestro represented an irreplace- able human and artistic reference. Art.1 Inspired by his multifaceted musical Each edition of the “Luis Bacalov” In- production, the International Composi- ternational Composition Competi- tion Competition aims to promote the tion will be thematic. The 2020 edition creativity of composers from various theme is TANGO. cultural backgrounds. A special added The competition is open to compos- feature of the event is that it is closely ers of any nationality with no age limit. connected to the other, already exist- Each composer may participate with ing competition tied to the Magna Gre- only one piece. Art. 2 Art. 3 The composition presented by each To participate, the following doc- candidate must have the following umentation must be submitted characteristics: (points 1, 2, 3, 4) exclusively by filling 1. must meet the following criteria *: out the enrollment form found on the String Quintet (2 Vl - Vla - Vc - Cb) + website Wind Quintet (Flute In C/Piccolo (one by 12:00 pm on Tuesday, September performer) Oboe/English Horn (one 22nd, 2020. performer) B-flat Clarinet/Bass Clarinet (one performer) - Bassoon - Horn) and 1. Enrollment form 2 percussionists (shaker, wind chimes, The enrollment form, duly completed, marimba, glockenspiel, bass drum, must contain: snare drum, suspended cymbals, slap- - name and surname; stick, wind machine/aeoliphone, n ° 3 toms, n ° 3 woodblock, cajòn, drum set) - place and date of birth; - nationality and residence; 2. must never have been performed in telephone number and public concerts, nor released in any - e-mail address; form through any channel whatsoever; - the title of the composition; 3. must never have been a candidate - a photocopy of an identification or won any prizes in other contexts document; nor been in any other competitions; - receipt of payment made 4. the maximum duration of 15 minutes; 2. Composition * the present ensemble is therein defined, at the the candidate must submit exclusive- date of publication of this notice, in compliance ly the following materials in electronic with the “probable” health requirements follow- ing the COVID-19 health emergency, and which PDF format, which will be submitted determine, for this edition, the choice of reduc- to the attention of the Artistic Com- ing the symphonic ensemble size down to the mission and which, under penalty of chamber ensemble music one of 12 people. exclusion, shall not bear any sign that could lead to the recognition of the the “Nino Rota” International Conduct- author. ing Competition with the obligation, in the event of selection in the final phase, - SHEET MUSIC of the composition (PDF - as a single file) to transfer the publishing rights to the Eleutheria Edizioni Musicali publishing - INDIVIDUAL PARTS of the composition house ( (PDF - one or more files) - AUDIO RECORDING of the composi- 4. Enrollment fee tion, also deriving from the conversion The candidate must attach the re- of MIDI files (WAV, MP3, M4A, AIFF - as a ceipt of payment of the enrollment single file) fee of € 80,00 Euros (eighty/00) net of any transaction cost made through 3. Self-certification the following channels: the candidate must complete and sign a self-certification as per the form at- - BANK TRANSFER tached to this announcement, certify- Made payable to: ing the originality of the composition, Orchestra della Magna Grecia” which, under penalty of exclusion, has IBAN – IT37A0311115802000000063868 the following characteristics: BIC/SWIFT – BLOPIT22 C/C – 000000063868 - must never have been performed in Purpose: public concerts, nor released in any Enrollment fee. Luis Bacalov Compo- form through any channel whatsoever; sition Competition 2020, Tango theme - must never have been a candidate nor won any prizes in other contexts and - PAYPAL www. in other competitions. It must also include authorization to re- cord and broadcast the work, as well Art. 4 as to perform it in live performances, An e-mail will be sent to each candi- both during the “Luis Bacalov” Interna- date confirming receipt of enrollment, tional Composition Competition and which will not guarantee formal suit- ability, but the sole attainment of en- to the final phase of the Competition. rollment for participation. Each com- Finalist composers are required to at- position received, once verified that it tend the final phase both in person does not bear any sign that could lead and via online streaming. to the recognition of the author, will be assigned an alphanumeric shell- FINAL PHASE: code that will identify the composi- the compositions selected for the final tion anonymously up to the time of the phase will be performed on the oc- AWARD CEREMONY in the Final Phase casion of the evening devoted to the of the competition. performances of the finalist pieces of the “Luis Bacalov” International Com- Art. 5 position Competition to be held at the Fusco Municipal Theatre of Taranto on The Competition foresees an Elimina- SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 2020 AT 7:30 tory Phase and a Final Phase: PM with the broadcast of the event in LIVE STREAMING on the Magna Grecia ELIMINATORY PHASE: The compositions received and found Orchestra digital channels (Facebook suitable from a formal point of view, and Web). once anonymity has been verified, will On this evening the finalist compo- be examined by a preliminary Artistic sitions will be judged by the specially Commission chaired and nominated, appointed QUALITY JURY composed of: among illustrious personalities of the ac- ademic world, by the Artistic Director of - Artistic Director of the ICO Magna the Magna Grecia Orchestra, which will Grecia Orchestra select up to a maximum of 6 composi- - Superintendent/Artistic Director of the tions in number for the final phase. The Arturo Toscanini Foundation of Parma secretariat of the competition, having - A series of Renowned Composers, verified the IDENTIFIER-COMPOSER CODE Conductors, and Musicians combinations, will inform the parties - Artistic Directors of Italian and concerned via e-mail of the admission international Orchestras Art. 6 € 300,00 Euros + possible inclusion The following prizes will be awarded: in the “NINO ROTA” International Con- ducting Competition performance BY THE QUALITY JURY: auditions - 2021 edition. - First prize: “LUIS BACALOV” € 2.000,00 Euros + performance during Decisions made by the Quality Jury, the Orchestra of Magna Grecia con- the Artistic Committee, the Public Jury, cert season 2021/2022 + performance and the Orchestra Professors will be fi- during the Toscanini concert season nal and reserves the irrevocable right 2021/2022 in Parma + publishing with to not award one or more prizes. The the Eleutheria Edizioni Musicali publish- finalist compositions that will not re- ing house ceive any of the aforementioned priz- - Second Prize es will receive a certificate + an at- € 800,00 Euros + publishing with the tendance fee of € 150.00 Euros. All cash Eleutheria Edizioni Musicali publishing prizes will be paid by Bank Transfer. house - Third Prize Art. 7 € 500,00 Euros + publishing with the Participation in the Competition im- Eleutheria Edizioni Musicali publishing plies unconditional acceptance of house these Regulations. For any controver- sy, the city of Taranto will be the com- BY THE PUBLIC JURY: petent court. (public jury chaired by the Municipality of Taranto Cultural Affairs Councilor) - Ma.Ta. Award € 300,00 Euros (awarded via televot- Mayor of Taranto ing after live streaming) Rinaldo Melucci BY THE ORCHESTRA JURY Cultural Affairs - The “Magna Grecia” City of Taranto Councilor Fabiano Marti Award Artistic Director Piero Romano 1933 - 2017

Luis Bacalov was born in to a family of Bulgarian origins. In 1959 he moved to , immediately establishing himself as a brilliant arranger for the most important singers of the time. In 1960 he began composing for film collaborating, among others, with , Damiano Damiani, Ettore Scola, Emidio Greco, Robert Duvall, Francesco Rosi, and . In 1995 he won the Oscar for Best Music (Original Dramatic Score) for the film Il Postino (The Postman). He was the lecturer of the Composition of Music for Films course at the Chigiana Musical Academy in Siena and teacher at the Cinecittà ACT MULTIMEDIA Film Academy in . A pianist of rare refinement, he dealt with some of the most varied of musical genres with naturalness and eclecticism, achieving worldwide fame both among rock enthusiasts and among lovers of classical music. He held the position of Principal Conductor of the ICO Orchestra of Magna Grecia in Taranto for almost 15 years until his death. He performed with the ICO both as a pianist and conductor, performing more than 50 concerts in Italy and abroad. Si ringrazia:

Regione Puglia

TO REQUEST Tel. +39 099.7304422 Cell. +39 392.9199935 INFORMATION [email protected]

Artistic secretary | Via Giovinazzi, 28 - 74123 - Taranto (TA)