August 26, 2002 Today’s news fawning, reviews with 3, MSN for Macin- tosh, the true story of prebinding, and more. Up-to- Aer the double-plus-sized issue this weekend date imperatives, page 1. (MDJ 2002.08.24), we weren’t going to publish again until Tuesday, and even said so on our Web site, but Stuff to buy we managed to get Monday’s News finished, and thought (especially for our non-US readers still Product Showcase continues on the Jaguar updates, awake), “Why wait?” Follow-ups from MWJ edit- but once again, #1 is not 10.2 related: the mysteri- Professionals ing include more on Wired’s “cult” manipulations, ous and undocumented reappearance of Microso ™ another way to open second optical drive trays, and Handheld Synchronization for Entourage. ere are why Steven den Beste’s defense of his screen is still updates to .Mac programs, a hidden Dock feature wrong. Maarten Hekkelman is discontinuing his for free, CD Session Burner 1.0.1, and…well, you’ll Pepper text editor and DeLorme isn’t advancing just have to read it yourself. We need a bit more time Street Atlas, we note, along with Steve Jobs in Paris on the late Monday releases like Retrospect’s driver and more questions (and some answers) about the update and FileMaker Pro 6.0v3, so look for them in Power G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors). Briefs our next issue, along with iChat insights. Productiv- include HP printer dominance, more Ellen Feiss ity, page 5. Monday’s News

follow-ups decided to call Anderson a “Mac Icon” in the story’s headline “to get people to read u e one time we chose not to dissect a the story.” “Cult of Macintosh” article from Wired’s Kahney knows Anderson is no “Mac Leander Kahney (for fear we’d made the Icon,” Wired knows Anderson is no “Mac point too strongly), the MacJournals- Icon,” and yet the site printed something its Talk list made us realize we should have. editors and author knew to be a mischarac- We noted previously Kahney’s article on terization to fit the “Cult of Mac” stereotype how controversial Macintosh list manager and to sensationalize an otherwise-minor Shane Anderson had been arrested in Iowa story. If Wired has any Macintosh journal- on misdemeanor charges of unauthorized istic credibility le aer ruining a perfectly computer access and third-degree criminal decent story by a deliberately false head- mischief. line, it’s been hidden pretty darn well. (MDJ Kahney covered the dispute, which 2002.08.21) seems minor, fairly well and should get credit for it – but his clear reporting shows u Another drive tray opening note that there is a massive lack of support for An- came up during MWJ editing and was star-

e Daily Journal for Macintosh for Journal Daily e derson and his previous antics. at doesn’t ing us right in the face the whole time: to

jibe with Wired’s “Cult of Mac” spin that all eject the second optical drive on so-config- Macintosh owners are judgment-impaired ured Power Macintosh G4 (Mirrored Drive fawners who would praise someone like Doors) machines, press Option-Eject on Anderson no matter what he did. To get the Apple Pro Keyboard, or use the Eject around that, according to Shawn King on Menu Extra (since those machines come the MacJournals-Talk mailing list, Wired with Mac OS X 10.2 pre-installed). (MDJ 2002.08.22) 24 MDJ 2 MDJ 2002.08.26 t

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Steven denBeste chips were “overclocked,” popular blogger that Apple’s 1.25GHz new Power Macintosh Aer facing massive criticism for 7.5X multiplier). It’s far from “the only ex a 1.25GHz chip on a167MHz bus a (also on a133MHz bus (a7.5Xmultiplier) to moves thePowerPC G4from a1GHz chip hidden conspiracy of sign Motorola when a 5Xmultiplier), but for some reason it’s a to a667MHz chip on a133MHz bus (also chip on a100MHz bus (a5Xmultiplier) ola moved thePowerPC G4from a500MHz 133MHz. Itwhen fine was perfectly Motor in January 2001by moving thebus to G4 family from 500MHz to 733MHz chips sense” that Motorola moved thePowerPC the same bus multipliers. turers support, and that it happens to use existing bus that to aspeed other manufac chip generations, that Motorola moved the frontsidea new bus that last for will several is thatsense it takes along timeto engineer no. Another explanation that makes perfect only explanation that makes sense.” Well… faster CPUs any timesoon,” and “that’s the chines it because is “not to receive expecting faster buses, and Apple is using them in ma existing designs at run on faster speeds chips, thecompany so is just that verifying that Motorola is not going to make faster 167MHz bus. His “spidey-sense” tells him was tested and approved at 1.25GHz on a he meant designedfor apart 1GHz that tested only at 1GHz cranked up to 1.25GHz; said “overclocked,” he didn’t mean apart is somehow sinister. It’s afarcical argument and thebusspeed by thesame proportion a differentuse bus multiplier. Advancingthe G4s on a100MHz bus, that because would Motorola had released 1.25GHz PowerPC Beste’s logic, it would have just been fine if do that?”they it Because same as theold fastest Mac. Why would using aprocessor multiplier whose is the cable that fact fastest thenew Mac be will mation, proof, any or of evidence kind. admits he has absolutely zero inside infor planation that makes sense,” and den Beste By den Beste’s logic, it “doesn’t make He writes, “What Ihave is theinexpli

explained works that he when . With den saying ------u u business news in brief u u press watch in brief u

MI) on 2002.08.31 (Wauwatosa, WI) and US retail efforts, opening stores in Apple Computer continues to expand its printer it produces monthseral single has re-engineered every fornews thecompany that in thepast sev printers,jet according to IDC; it’s good printerlaser market color and ink 46%of for printers: theblack-and-white 77%of figures IDC showinggrowing market share Hewlett-Packard is bragging about new ola’s biggest competitor. ( employed made by an engineer was who points out, has never aired on television commercial that, as writer Susan Carpenter such article in aweek in major over media a enough for original reporting –thethird “Switchers” commercial important to be the Now the ( making 17-inch both and 19-inch iMacs June said that suppliers were about to start oen gets Apple’s contractright stuff but in burn through existing inventory; DigiTimes prepare for larger-screen upgrades and to ordering 15-inch LCD panels to in October get Apple details right, says Apple stop will itors component supplies but doesn’t always Asia’s agents and liability lawyers a trainer and, one would think, insurance duringises opening night, accompanied by BC; thestore had a must surely Mac be Station in Vancouver, surrounding Mac OSX10.2, thecraziest theopening all weekend promotionsOf MDJ New York Times 2002.06.13) DigiTimes Los Angeles Times by Qualcomm –probably Motor , ajournal that closely mon live jaguar in judging Feiss’s Ellen Twelve Oaks MDJ joins 2002.08.21) on theprem most recently Wired Mayfair (Novi, and

- - - - - MDJ 2002.08.26 MDJ 3 2 MDJ 2002.08.26 u u u internet news in brief u u u

it is unencumbered by facts analysis on theMSN offering, the by way, as Crazy Apple Rumors may have thebest up for it thecommercials see who and want to sign est to professionals, but for good newbies for Macintoshservice much –not of inter Microso to offering start MSN Internet son mass outlet media not to have heard of Wat him the only Macintosh soware writer in a ers” than therest theOS, of perhaps making ment” that “stants out far more for most us Mac OSX10.2, it calling a “huge improve his “Soware ” on Sherlock 3from James the Coates of but, press as of time, is thelink broken) to already have this information just like Watson did earlier; Apple purports developers write Sherlock 3modules (again, breaks that thenews Apple intends to let product” Ink and Sherlock 3, but Pergoraro come for the “more potential than finished to abig improvement;” his harshest words sions and additions that (mostly) add up an upgrade,of packed withrevi dozens of Mac OSX10.2, saying it’s a “shopping bag Rob Pergoraro the of MDJ Rothenbergearlier flogged the in month, ther” from into booting Mac OS9(an idea block machineswill pre-loaded with “Pan “Panther” instead of “Pinot,” and that Apple next Mac OSXrelease is now code-named ates awhole article out arumor that of the lease, withBored “Jaguar” aday before its re Money 2002, Money 2003, or Project 2002 computers running Office 2000, Office XP, more flaws serious security that can leave updatessecurity –Microso discloses Mac OSXisn’t theonly OSwith frequent 2002.08.05) eWEEK’s Matthew Rothenberg cre Chicago Tribune Washington Post available puts - likes ------u what adeal! u other macintosh news u Apple’s knowledgebase in brief

soware.” Registered users want who the story. I’m no longer orders taking for my Hekkelman’s on my soware have forced me to stop,” ‘clients’ combined with negative feedback nice with experiences lessso than honest changes in thevarious OS’s and not several ently quotes Hekkelman as saying, “recent version. Although a text editor derived from his original BeOS development on adeal.of Maarten Hekkelman has ceased Actually, two these items are not much so Explorer ingwith (erasing)when files used Internet vulnerable to reading and potentially writ September 11, questioning a thewisdom of tions cancelled theshow in theaermath of year’s Expo, but Apple Exposi and Reed was scheduled to deliver thekeynote at last (0800 GMT, or 3AMEDT). Apple’s CEO Paris on 2002.09.10at 10AM Paris time Steve Jobs helpful message “error 1016” code that’s not on theapproved list, you get the to open aClassic Controlyou then try Panel to restrict access to some applications, and aged Client X” 10.2) (in Mac OS XServer istrator either uses “My Accounts” or “Man aMacIf admin OSXor Mac OSXServer we just like saying “cartographic.”) support. (We know it’s not thesame thing, steamingstill over slow exist, but annoying still to cartographic fans USA release Mac OSXversions of customersfying that not it will develop or other latest builds can contact him directly. An – less of aloss since –less theprogram of didn’t MacNN story will open will Web site Pepper MacNN story says is noti DeLorme Apple Expo2002 says only, “End of National Geographic , his cross-platform Street Atlas appar in ------


u MDJ 2002.08.26 MDJ 3 4 MDJ 2002.08.26 t

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Jobs traveling be will back from Paris very for therecord, that this year’s dates means izens and international lots of travel. (Note, large gathering involving prominent UScit provides no benefitthe in slower machine 867MHz model, but that thefaster RAM PC2100 or PC2700DDR SDRAM in the Doors) Power Macintosh G4(Mirrored Drive #1191 ing Note, you can read developer new controversy –but there’s no note yet. and for internal drive bays, resolving the should list dimensions for any add-on parts thread findthis unlikely.Developer A Note figured drives, otherscommenting theon the bays are only sized for Apple’s pre-con you may have around. One customer says mean that hold they’ll any optical drive havethey dual optical drive bays doesn’t on themachines warns that just because For example, a tems, perhaps indicating strong the of sales than usual for early adopters sys new of that aDeveloper Note would answer –more questions alot of been in thefirst weeks few we’reand truly not. It’s just that there have G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors) Developer Note for the We’re to a harp on not thelack of trying both with information on theshow available in Badges are for free register who those now, and that’s got slightly to be nerve-wracking.) near theone-year theattacks, anniversary of themselves crazy(or crazier). mentation comes before soon people drive theDIMM.ognize Here’s hoping docu full or machines’ thenew firmware may not rec curately CAS latencies, report CAS and half Standard No. 21–C(Appendix D), and ac warns that DIMMs must follow JEDEC anyway (266MHz RAM). e Q&Aalso and just behaves like PC2100DDR SDRAM To compensate partially for themiss English , . It explains that you can either use Faster DDR in DRAM the 867MHz and French Power Macintosh . machines, really MacNN story Q&A ------u u u other macintosh news in brief u u u developer news in brief

Draw mean onthey the Macintosh and to Quick varioussignificance of pixel sizes whatand Image Description Q&A #1193, release, but details are no further available than the6C115in thefinal Mac OSX10.2 OS X10.2build 6C125installed; that’s later Doors) machines are shipping with Mac Power Macintosh G4(Mirrored Drive According to MacNN readers, some new prizessign over thepast four years group that has awarded Apple multiple de & Design Direction,Art thesame industry of “Rewind,” amajor exhibition by British e fivefruit-colored iMac models are part and T-shirt afree comes accommodations, with luxury meals, class from runs 2002.11.11–2002.11.15 and legass with Mark Dalrymple, theUS$3500 Mac OSX nine chapters of ready (thefirst basics understand Cocoa Programming” class is for people al who Big Nerd Ranch’s new “Core Mac OSX sources in a separate file O binaries; packages use and store there forks, don’t so put resource forks on Mach- Mach-O binaries and may strip out resource someOS X10.2runs tools automatically on Resource forks in Mach-O binaries In thesame vein, Apple warns in Q&A1175, under Macunnecessary OSX10.2and later manually updating any such prebinding is X’s “prebinding” mythology, including why vides an excellent explanation Mac OS of Long-time developer Bumgarner Bill pro ); taught by author Aaron Hil What depth should Iput in an Cocoa Programming for , explains thehistorical , that Mac

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- - - - MDJ 2002.08.26 MDJ 5 4 MDJ 2002.08.26 find somethinguse like straight path of to theDock “Scale,” but you have to the squeezing transformation of “Genie” with the a third minimization effect, “Suck,”that combines classic Mac OS). in Mac e Dock OSXsupports like a programmer’sis kind of message center for the implemented aspecific them unless you’dsee an installed extension that original…” command for files, but youcouldn’t a key equivalent for “Move to Trash” and a “Reveal hidden features. e Mac OS7.5Finder had both 3 Publisher, but this is its first release. updates. Apple had previously announced .Mac Slide slide show, people who’ve get automatic subscribed by anyone using Mac OSX10.2. you If update the to iDisk and turns them into ascreensaver viewable log. e new performance, more QuickPicks and abetter report ity to backup multiple CDs or DVDs, improved 1.2 soware that Apple this weekend. revised annualbers) .Mac membership provides exclusive 2 it was gone planation any of there differences are (if any) whyor sion 1.0, at still thesame URL, with absolutely no ex 2002.08.05), and is now numbered back –still ver drawn days later without much explanation ( world in New Expo York ( with Palm OShandhelds was released around Mac synchronizing Entourage v.X and events 1 Monday’s top 10 gets aMac OSX10.2-only update with theabil Hide fromHide Dock 1.0 e US$50(US$100for non-iTools mem X Updates.Mac Microso’s Palm Desktop 4.0conduit for Synchronization 1.0 Microsoft Handheld Apple soware has along tradition of X Hide from Dock 1.0a .Mac SlidePublisher TinkerTool Gestalt , utility afree that enables MDJ 2002.07.20), with to enable it. Now we selector ( transfers photos Backup Gestalt MDJ

X -

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interface. Even better, it’s free. all “want to donate minutes afew to translate” its sparse tion over versions, beta with others people possible if saw aquick 1.0aupdate to add aJapanese localiza thatfrom does Dock for you. is first 1.0 release youwhen enable it configuration in Dock files. Hide It’s implemented in theDock, but again, only visible ing down Option as well changes it to “Hide Others.” right-click) on its icon Dock and pick theitem; hold an application that’s not in front, Control-click (or program’sin every menu. Dock you If want to hide another hidden feature: a “Hide Application” item with Mac OSX10.2and gets other minor changes examination application of is objects now compatible Script interpreter in any application Cocoa for live 6 menu adds apreference to prevent opening folders from a using pears if “Auto-Hider” with MaxMenus, and rectly launches at login, makes sure disap theDock analogy); update adds Mac OSX10.2support, cor more (veterans of can think “Now Menus” for an applications,used documents, folders, volumes, and yourthe corners of display for access to commonly 5 compatibility for Mac OSX10.2 CD(mountedgle as one volume session) per gains 4 product showcase CD Session Burner 1.0.1 Nicholas Riley’s tool to free aF- embed X F-Script Anywhere 1.1.4 US$30 utility adds customizable menus at X MaxMenus 1.2 US$17 to burn multiple sessions to asin X - - - - -


u MDJ 2002.08.26 MDJ 5 6 MDJ 2002.08.26 t

5 updates RTP of records undo and redo, increases security, and gets automatic cord (AAAA, types RP, AFSDB, WKS), gets unlimited now offers support for BIND v9 and for four new re 8 pushes) that aren’t applications, despite Apple’s Dock-centric deprecated,still showing once again utilities useful Unsanity for theMenu is (and Extra Extra theDock patible but requires theMenu Enabler Extra from known bug fixes and is now Maccom OSX10.2 Preferences or aClassic application; update gets un bar, letting you Classic start without opening System 7 All Reserved. Rights Copyright ©2002,GCSF, Incorporated. sic control from or theDock themenu US$8 tool gives convenient access to Clas Classic? 2.1 US$349 DNS server managementUS$349 DNS server tool X QuickDNS 4.0

X - - - - your soware other than “it says ‘Oracle’ on thebox) don’t have to say anything to convince people to try have thesoware you’re (when licensed Oracle, you real details are available only to people already who 2for 10.2;Release Mac instructions and OSXServer report 10 OS X10.1.5and before for Mac OSX10.2; earlier use so versions for Mac CPU, disk, RAM, and network usage; update is solely 9 Contact usvia Staff:

, Oracle has updated its Oracle9i Developer Matt Deatherage, JustinSeal, Nathaniel Kindall Irons, Jerry “Pay what you want” utility monitors X XMonitor 1.5.1 According to a X Oracle9i


. MDJ 2002.08.26 MDJ 7