Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 87, No. 03

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Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 87, No. 03 ::W^&f^^^KXmB ymmmm •^•^ \ r- . ^'5;-^~.> T'.^-y?;-A>'^ 'L~y VOL. 87. No. 3 APRIL 5/1946: NOTHE:OAME.:lllDUIIUl' •..?Mm^-^'i'^€t''j'z^'^ •.:mmsmmm^mmr.:^ ] Hickey-Freeman Society Brand Dobbs DEDICATED TO THE PRINCIPLES OF SUPERLATIVE QUALITY and COURTEOUS. CONSCIENTIOUS SERVICE Here — You. are always a Guest before you are a Customer GILBERT'S 813-817 S. Michigan St. Navy Man Receives LETTER Presidential Award >,^RuST CRAFT SIR: "For extraordinary heroism during ac­ tion in support of beach reconnaissance The Green Banner hit it right on the by underwater demolition teams at en­ EASTER CARDS head last week with the observation that emy Japanese-held Iwo-Jima." Such is the Army will probably think that the the heading of the Presidential citation entire student body hit them after they awarded LCI (G) Group 8 of which run into the Fighting Irish next Fall. Gunners Mate Ijc L. L. Adkins, attached Coach Leahy and his crew won't pull to ship's company here, was a member. any punches in that contest—but how Adkins was presented the citation Mon­ about letting the rest of the school pitch day by Captain J. Richard Barry. in? Why not make the prediction literal­ ly come true? Why not let all Notre The Silver Star, the navy's fifth high­ Dame men fight for that one victory est award for bravery, was presented to they want above all others by selecting Adkins on Feb. 18th for his stellar role A wide selection the Army game for the Student Trip? in the battle of Iwo-Jima. During the Surely anything less than our full sup­ battle the LCI on which Adkins was sta­ of port for the team would telle our pro­ tioned was hit by a shore battery and posed policy of retribution. Adkins organized a damage control par­ EASTER CARDS ty in an attempt to keep aCoat and Let's begin working for that goal right fighting. for every person now; the earlier we start, the more mo­ mentum we'll pile up; we'll roll into at New York next Fall with power against Yets Seek Training which even a merger of the armed forces There are now approximately 92,000 could not prevail! We'll hit them with veterans enrolled in schools and taking more than the student body. Army will on-the-job training under the GI Bill, feel the full weight of our Campus, our the Veterans Administration estimates, Dome, our History, our Home—the tra­ and approximately 40,220 takin;j advan­ ditional Spirit of Notre Dame! tage of training under Public Law 16. NEWS CENTER Sincerely, It is estimated also that about 463,000 127 W. Washington Street W. F. DONNELLY. veterans will be in training under both "In the J. M. S. Building" Am671, toe say. laws by next fall. BOTTUD UNDER AUTHOiUTY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY B^ COCA-COLA BOHLING COMPANY OF SOUTH BEND ^he SN^otre ^atne Scholastic College Parade Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus By THOMAS M. HIGGINS FOTTNDED 1867 Despite the fact that March 31 has come and gone and we were not announced as the winner of this year's Laetare Medal, do not imagine for a second that we are embittered. Nothing like that. Instead we shall buckle down to making a greater contribution to the field of literature, mindful at all times of the motto inscribed on the medal, "Magna €!st Veritas et praevalehit" (Truth is mighty and Axill prevail). Next year may be our year! Now we've heard everything! A professor at I.U. has come out with the bold statement that finals are not neces­ sary in the appraisal of a student's ability. — Uh-huh, but haven't Notre Dame students been claiming that for many JOHN DEFANT. Editor years? JACK HUMMEL Managing Editor PAUL WEYRAUCH Sports Editor And another new one. — At Swarthmore, the Jayvee bas­ GEORGE COLLINS Navy Editor ketball team engaged the women's squad in a hardwood con­ JOHNNY WALKER Feature Editor test. (Final score, 35-21, J.V.) — There's a good idea to swell the SMC Building Fund—schedule a contest between the All- Dixie squad and ND's All-Americans. 'Twould be worth a COLUMNISTS small fortune. THOMAS M. HIGGINS The College Parade SAM SMITH The Crow's Nest Here's a dandy excuse for the weak among us. The BILL BRAUN, FRANK McCARTHY The Green Banner script is contributed by the St. Benedict's Rambler. ED CASO, JOE PIEDMONT Soph Soap OFFICER: How did you get so completely intoxicated? GI: I got in bad company, sir. I had a bottle of whiskey and the other three didn't drink. PHOTOGRAPHY At Penn State, a professor of textiles suggests that the way to make white shirts last longer is to shave often. JIM FERSTEL AL KUNTZ "Tough whiskers are hard on shirts." — The Coeds must FRANK CACCIAPAGLIA CHRISTY WALSH have bribed him; methinks that tough whiskers are a mite harder on the cheek than on the collar. CONTRIBUTORS WJOTW Department—Contributed this week by the De­ troit Varsity News. JACK SULLIVAN JAMES JOHN BILLY SLAVICK JOE CHENEY 1ST STUDENT: "What is youth? JOE RENINGER JIM REGAN 2ND STUDENT: I'm a Thophomore. What ith youth? GERARD HEKKER JOHN THOMAS PAUL ABRAHAM DICK DEITZ Hooray! At Miami U. Professor C. H. Sandage states ". MICHAEL GREENE JIM CLEMENS the adage that two can live as cheaply as one is an erroneous BILL PFAFF PETE BROWN conception." — Now the girls from "The Eock" will have to DAVE WARNER • JIM MALER find a new angle of approach to use on you strong-willed men. RAY CHAMBERLAND MEL GODDARD PETER PESOU DICK DOWDLE BILL LEAVEY ' CLARENCE ZIMMER A coed spends half her time polishing her nails to improve her looks. The other half of her time is spent polishing the apple to improve her marks.—^Boston U. News REV. C. J. LASKOWSKI, C.S.C. - - Faculty Advisor ARTHUR COUGHLAN - - . Circulation Manager M. E. VARGA Advertising Here are some Daffinitions culled from the Utah State {Cover by Frank Cacciapaglia) Student Life: Wolf—a modern dry cleaner—^works fast and leaves no ring. Member of Catholic School Press Association, Associated GoUeeiate Press. Dress—^too long for a bathing suit. Kepresented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—^Boston—^Los Angeles— Sweet Adeline—bottle hymn of the republic. \ San Francisco. THE SCHOUASTIC is published weekly during the school year, except during vacations and examination periods at the University o£ Notre Dame. Address all correspondence to: Publications Office, Admin­ The Butler Collegian defines a pedestrian as a man who! istration Building, Notre Dame, Indiana. has two cars, a wife and a son. | THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1018. VOL. 87, NO. 3 APRIL 5, 1946 NOTRE PAME, INDIANA Laetare Medalist Noted Historian, Author By REV. THOMAS T. McAVOY. C.S.C. Rev. J. Hugh O'Donnell, C.S.C, presi­ Gov. Gates Formulates S.A.C. Announces dent of the University, last Saturday an- Plan to Aid Veterans Election Results noiinced the atvard of the Laetare Medal to Dr. Carlton J. H. Hayes, ivar-time Rev. John J. Lane, C.S.C, Director of The Student Activity Council an­ ambassador to Spain and an internation­ Veterans Affairs, and Mr. Edward J. nounced the names of the 11 men elect­ ally distinguished historian and author. Murray, Director of Students' Accounts, ed by the students in each hall and ap­ In the folloioing article Father McAvoy, represented the University at a meeting proved by the faculty to serve on the long an intimate friend of Dr. Hayes, re­ Monday afternoon in the office of Gover­ Student Council this semester. They are: veals' the character and gennis of the nor Ralph F. Gates for the purpose of Paul Abraham, St. Edward's Hall, man ivho this year tvas awarded the getting instructions and have explained Wheeling, W. Va.; James Wise, Breen- highest honor Notre Dame can bestoiv on to them the working of the new Veter­ Phillips Hall, Cherokee, Iowa; Arthur a Catholic layman. ans Educational Assistance Program Ulrich, Cavanaugh Hall, Columbus, which Governor Gates inaugurated Ohio; Richard Stack, Walsh Hall, Mat- Professor Carlton J. Hayes, the recipi­ through the Indiana Veterans Affairs tituck, N. Y.; Ralph Hayman, Sorin ent of the 1946 Laetare • Medal, is the Commission. Officials and representatives Hall, Philadelphia, Pa.; Thomas Mc- most distinguished of several American from 17 Indiana universities attended Mahon, Alumni Hall, Corning, N. Y.; historians whose scholarly paths have led the meeting in the Governor's office, and George Kierman, Dillon Hall, East Chi­ to the doorway of Mother Church. And expressed the need for the plan in their cago, Ind.; Nicholas Willett, Badin Hall, particular schools and their desire to par­ Buffalo, N. Y.; Steven Valetick, Lyons ticipate in the plan. Hall, Farrell, Pa.; Francis Feeney, How­ Governor Gates informed the group ard Hall, Cumberland, Md.; and Robert that the State had perfected the plan Hayden, Zahm Hall, Beacon, N. Y. following the request from the heads of The men appointed by the deans of several of Indiana's leading universities the five colleges to serve on the Council and colleges who had called on the State are: ^ for financial assistance to Veterans at­ James F. McCarthy, Arts and Letters, tending their schools who were several Pittsburgh, Pa.; James J. Coleman, Col­ months behind in receiving the payments lege of Science, Westfield, N.
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