AGENDA County Council Regular Meeting Thursday, March 8, 2018 Council Chambers 9:30 AM Page















1. Birchwood Estates Community Service Society - "Bringing the Beach 5 - 9 Back to Birchwood" Project AIR - 0211 : Birchwood Estates Community Service Society - "Bringing the Beach Back to Birchwood" Project - Pdf

2. Council Appointment - Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board 11 - 12 AIR - 0217 : Council Appointment - Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board - Pdf

3. County Owned Campgrounds Fee Schedule - 2018 Season 13 - 17 AIR - 0209 : County Owned Campgrounds Fee Schedule - 2018 Season - Pdf

4. Community Hall 19 - 39 AIR - 0162 : Glenevis Community Hall - Pdf

5. Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board - Meeting Minutes from November 41 - 46 21, 2017 AIR - 0215 : Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board - Meeting Minutes from November 21, 2017 - Pdf

6. Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant Allocations 47 - 67 AIR - 0216 : Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant Allocations - Pdf

7. Paddle River Dam Campground - Free Showers 69 - 70 Page 1 of 144

AIR - 0210 : Paddle River Dam Campground - Free Showers - Pdf


1. Highway 43 Come Play with Me Coalition - Meeting Minutes from Jan. 71 - 74 22, 2018 AIR - 0214 : Highway 43 Come Play with Me Coalition - Meeting Minutes January 22, 2018 - Pdf



1. Problem Wildlife Officer 75 - 79 AIR - 0202 : Problem Wildlife Officer - Pdf

2. Crop Inspector Seasonal Position 81 - 84 AIR - 0204 : Crop Inspector Seasonal Position - Pdf

3. Municipal Reserve Inspector (Seasonal Position) 85 - 96 AIR - 0205 : Municipal Reserve Inspector (Seasonal Position) - Pdf

4. Agricultural Services Policy Cancellations 97 - 112 AIR - 0218 : Agricultural Services Policy Cancellations - Pdf




1. Cancel Policy #265-1, Disposal of County Owned Lands 113 - 119 AIR - 0226 : Cancel Policy #265-1, Disposal of County Owned Lands - Pdf



1. Bylaw #xx-2018, Small Business Taxation Subclass 121 - 130 AIR - 0228 : Bylaw #05 - 2018, Small Business Taxation Subclass - Pdf



1. Spring 2018 Municipal Leaders' Caucus 131 - 134 AIR - 0220 : Spring 2018 Municipal Leaders' Caucus - Pdf

2. Town of Meeting with Mayor and Deputy Mayor 135 AIR - 0223 : Town of Mayerthorpe Meeting with Mayor and Deputy Mayor - Pdf

3. Repeal Motion #812-16 137 - 138 AIR - 0225 : Repeal Motion #812-16 - Pdf


10.1. CAO Performance Review 2017 139 AIR - 0221 : CAO Performance Review 2017 - Pdf

10.2. Regional Economic Development Initiatives Agreement

Page 2 of 144

10.3. RFP for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in 141 - 144 , AIR - 0227 : RFP for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta - Pdf




Alberta Beach IDP Committee

Agricultural Service Board

Athabasca Watershed Advisory Group

Beachware Park

Bus Committee (East & West)

Campground Committee

Central Alberta Rec. Lakes Committee

Community Futures

Darwell Lagoon Commission

Economic Advisory Committee

Enbridge Northern Gateway CAB

Fallen Four Visitor Center/Mayerthorpe Library Project Committee

Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)

George Pegg Botanic Garden Society

Growth Alberta/WILD Alberta

Highway 43 East Waste Commission

Industrial Investment Attraction Project Steering Committee

Lac La Nonne Enhacement & protection Association

Lac La Nonne Watershed Stewardship Group

Lac Ste. Anne Library Board

Lac Ste. Anne Foundation

Lac Ste. Anne/Lake Isle Water Quality Group

Mayerthorpe Fallen Four Memorial Society

Mayerthorpe IDP Committee

Mayerthorpe Tourism Committee

Miller Western Advisory Group

Municipal Services Committee

Page 3 of 144

North 43 Lagoon Commission

North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance Committee

Onoway IDP Committee

Physician Recruitment Committee

Provincial Ag. Service Board Committee

Reg. Collaboration Program: Revenue & Cost Sharing Study

Ste. Anne Emergency Response Centre

Sturgeon River Watershed Management

Upper Athabasca Watershed Council

Whitecourt/LSA Support for Adult Learning

WILD Water

Worksite Health and Safety Committee

Yellowhead Regional Library Board

Page 4 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Birchwood Estates Community Service Society - "Bringing the Beach Back to Birchwood" Project

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Community Services Proposed Actions: Action Item Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

POLICY & BUDGET INFO Expenditure: $10,000.00

RECOMMENDATION: that Council approve the recommendation of the Campground Committee that the "Bringing the Beach Back to Birchwood" project proposal (a proposed partnership between Lac Ste. Anne County and the Birchwood Estates Community Service Society for boat launch and park enhancement) with a budget implication of $10,000.00 be approved in principle and further that Lac Ste. Anne County support a funding application to the Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) for same.


The Birchwood Estates Community Service Society (Society) approached Lac Ste. Anne County with concerns regarding the current state of the boat launch area within the subdivision. What is nice to see - they also provided ideas, solutions and an approach to partnership with LSAC. Administration believes that this has potential to showcase a partnership model that could be shared with other associations with

Page 5 of 144 similar amenities/facilities.

Attached is a diagram depicting the Society's vision for the boat launch area "Bringing the Beach Back to Birchwood." GM Court attended a site meeting earlier in the fall 2017 to discuss ideas on the redevelopment of the space and partnership opportunities. In December of 2017 another meeting was held to discuss next steps to move the project along.

Administration is proposing a funding model that will have the Society make a funding application to the Community Facility Enhancement Program (municipalities are not eligible). If successful, the CFEP grant could fund up to 50% of the costs, with the remaining 50% shared equally between LSAC and the Society. The administration of the project would be shared between LSAC and the Society as well. And although LSAC would be the 'owner' at the completion of the project, some maintenance could potentially be shared with the Society as well.

The current proposal includes new floating docks with an extension, solar oxygen fountains, vegetation removal and control, launch improvements, beach development, and enhanced park amenities. The proposal was presented by Administration to the Lac Ste. Anne County Campground Committee at their February 8, 2018 meeting, resulting in a recommendation that Council approve the proposal in principle and that administration continue working with the Society to continue with the project's next steps. The next steps include a Water Act application (for authorization to complete work in the water) and a CFEP grant application.

Administration is developing a detailed project budget, but for the purpose of 2018 operational budgeting, the Campground Committee is recommending that $10,000 be budgeted for the County's contribution at this time.


1) That Council approve the recommendation of the Campground Committee that the "Bringing the Beach Back to Birchwood" project proposal (a proposed partnership between Lac Ste. Anne County and the Birchwood Estates Community Service Society for boat launch and park enhancement) with a budget implication of $10,000.00 be approved in principle and further that Lac Ste. Anne County support a funding application to the Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) for same.

2) That Council not proceed with improvements to the boat launch/docks within the

Page 6 of 144 Birchwood Estates subdivision a this time.


LSAC Campground Committee recommends proceeding with project in partnership with the Society.


ATTACHMENTS: Birchwood Estates Boat Launch & Pier - existing Bringing the Beach Back to Birchwood Proposal

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Range Road 45

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County Council

Title: Council Appointment - Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Community Services Proposed Actions: Action Item Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

POLICY & BUDGET INFO Council Committee Liaison Councillor Expenditure Required: No Bohnet & Reeve Blakeman Consistent to Policy: Related Policy Other Policies

RECOMMENDATION: that Council approve the Council representative appointment of Councillor Hoyda to the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board in place of Reeve Blakeman.


At the October 26, 2017 Lac Ste. Anne County Organizational Meeting, Councillor Bohnet and Reeve Blakeman were appointed as Council representatives to the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board. Due to schedule conflicts, Reeve Blakeman has requested that he be removed as the appointed Council representative to the Board, and that Councillor Hoyda be appointed in his place.

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An alternate was not listed as part of the October 26, 2017 Council representative appointments to the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board. Without an alternate appointed, any Councillor attending in place of either Councillor Bohnet or Reeve Blakeman has no voting privileges.


1) That Council appoint Councillor Hoyda to the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board, replacing Reeve Blakeman's appointment.

2) That Council appoint Councillor Hoyda as an alternate representative to the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board. (i.e. this motion allows Councillor Bohnet & Reeve Blakeman as the representatives, with Councillor Hoyda as an alternate).

3) That Council appoint Councillor ______to the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board, replacing Reeve Blakeman.

4) That Council appoint Councillor ______as an alternate representative to the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board. (i.e. this motion allows Councillor Bohnet & Reeve Blakeman as the representatives, with Councillor _____ as n alternate).

5) To receive for the discussion regarding Lac Ste. Anne County Council representation to the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board as information. (i.e. this motion has no changes - Councillor Bohnet & Reeve Blakeman remain appointed to the Board, without an alternate).


Page 12 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: County Owned Campgrounds Fee Schedule - 2018 Season

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Community Services Proposed Actions: Action Item Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

POLICY & BUDGET INFO Council Committee Liaison Councillor Budget Code: 1-72-60-1450- Bohnet, 0000/1-72-62-1450-0000/1-72- Councillor 64-1450-0000 Giebelhaus, Councillor Hoyda Consistent to Policy: Related Policy Other Policies

RECOMMENDATION: that further to the recommendation of the Campground Committee at their February 8, 2018 meeting, that Council approved the 2018 campground rates at our County owned campgrounds as follows:

Overnight Rates (GST included) Power/Water $33.00 (RV only, RV plus one tent, or up to three tents) Non Serviced $27.50 (RV only, RV plus one tent, or up to three tents)

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Weekly Rates (GST included) Power/Water $198.00 (RV only, RV plus one tent, or up to three tents) Non Serviced $165.00 (RV only, RV plus one tent, or up to three tents)

Special Rates - Overflow/Field Rates at Sangudo Riverside Campground Only (GST included) (Only available when all designated sites are already occupied) • Overnight Rate (Field - Non Serviced) $20.00/RV • Overnight Rate (Field - Non Serviced) $10.00/tent

Sewer Dump Rates (GST included) Registered Patron - No Charge Outside User - $5.00 per use

Water Fill Rates (GST included) Registered Patron - No Charge Outside User - $5.00 up to 100 gallons


The proposed campground rates listed reflect no change to the 2017 approved rates, with the exception of a new rate specific to Sangudo Riverside Campground for tents in the overflow/field area when all other designated sites are already occupied. The last increase to overnight/weekly rates was for the 2016 season, which reflected an approximately 10% increase over 2015 rates (motion 336-16). A copy of the 2017 Campground Fee Schedule is attached for information.

Reservations for all three County owned campgrounds (Lessard Lake Public Campground, Paddle River Dam Campground, and Sangudo Riverside Campground) are accepted starting May 1st, 2018 at 9:00 am.

2018 Seasonal Rates for the Lessard Lake Public Campground and the Paddle River Dam Campground were approved (motion 512-17) prior to the Seasonal Site Lottery held at those facilities in September 2017.


1) To approve the recommendation of the Campground Committee at their February 8, 2018 meeting and approve the 2018 campground rates at our County owned

Page 14 of 144 campgrounds as follows:

Overnight Rates (GST included) Power/Water $33.00 (RV only, RV plus one tent, or up to three tents) Non Serviced $27.50 (RV only, RV plus one tent, or up to three tents)

Weekly Rates (GST included) Power/Water $198.00 (RV only, RV plus one tent, or up to three tents) Non Serviced $165.00 (RV only, RV plus one tent, or up to three tents)

Special Rates - Overflow/Field Rates at Sangudo Riverside Campground Only (GST included) (Only available when all designated sites are already occupied) • Overnight Rate (Field - Non Serviced) $20.00/RV • Overnight Rate (Field - Non Serviced) $10.00/tent

Sewer Dump Rates (GST included) Registered Patron - No Charge Outside User - $5.00 per use

Water Fill Rates (GST included) Registered Patron - No Charge Outside User - $5.00 up to 100 gallons

2) To decline the recommendation of the Campground Committee and approve a different fee schedule for 2018 campground rates at our County owned campgrounds as follows:

Overnight Rates (GST included) Power/Water $______(applicable to the folllowing unit(s)______) Non Serviced $______(applicable to the folllowing unit(s)______)

Weekly Rates (GST included) Power/Water $______(applicable to the folllowing unit(s)______) Non Serviced $______(applicable to the folllowing unit(s)______)

Special Rates - Overflow/Field Rates at Sangudo Riverside Campground Only (GST included) (Only available when all designated sites are already occupied) • Overnight Rate (Field - Non Serviced) $______/(applicable to the folllowing unit(s)______) • Overnight Rate (Field - Non Serviced) $______/(applicable to the folllowing unit(s)______)

Page 15 of 144 Sewer Dump Rates (GST included) Registered Patron - No Charge Outside User - $______per use

Water Fill Rates (GST included) Registered Patron - No Charge Outside User - $______up to 100 gallons


ATTACHMENTS: 2017 Approved Campground Fees (Approved Aug. 25, 2016 - Motion #626-16)

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Lac Ste. Anne County Approved Campground Fees 2017 (All rates include GST) (ALL Campgrounds open May 15th – September 30th, 2017) Seasonal (Power/Water) PLUS $500.00 security deposit $2,100.00 (Lessard & Paddle Only) (refundable) Seasonal (Non Power) PLUS $500.00 security deposit $1,680.00 (Lessard & Paddle Only) (refundable) Monthly (Power/Water) n/a Monthly (Non Power) n/a Weekly ( Power/Water) $198.00/unit Pay for 6 nights, get 7th night free! Weekly (Non Power) $165.00/unit Pay for 6 nights, get 7th night free! Daily (Power/Water) $33.00/unit Daily (Non Power) $27.50/unit IMPORTANT NOTE: Overflow/Field (Non-serviced) @ For the safety of all $20.00/unit Sangudo Riverside Campground ONLY concerned, all (Only available if all designated sites occupied) Sewer Dump Fees (Registered Guest) No charge campground fees to be Sewer Dump Fees (Outside User) $5.00 per use paid by interact/debit Water Fill Fees (Registered Guest) No charge card or credit card. $5.00 per Water Fills Fees (Outside User) 100 gallons Updated August 25, 2016 (County Council Motion #626-16)

RESERVATIONS: Reservations for the 2017 season are available for all County owned campgrounds (Lessard Lake Public Campground, Paddle River Dam Campground, and Sangudo Riverside Campground) by contacting the campground caretakers directly, starting May 1st, 2017 at 9:00 am, at the numbers listed below. Payment for the first night is required at time of reservation, to confirm your booking. Cancellations with a minimum of 48 hours’ notice will be refunded. All other cancellations or “no shows” will forfeit the prepaid first night fee.

SEASONAL SITES: We offer seasonal sites at both the Lessard Lake Public Campground and the Paddle River Dam Campground. All seasonal site inquiries must be directed to the Community Services Department at Lac Ste. Anne County’s Administration Office in Sangudo by calling 1-780-785-3411/1-866-886-5722.

Campground Contact Information

Lessard Lake Public Campground 780-284-3643* *NEW TEL NUMBER STARTING JUNE 2016*

Paddle River Dam Campground 780-284-1753

Sangudo Riverside Campground 780-284-1985

Page 17 of 144 Page 18 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Glenevis Community Hall

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Community & Protective Services Proposed Actions: Action Item Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

POLICY & BUDGET INFO Expenditure: $5,000 Expenditure Required: Yes Amount Budgeted: $5,000 (2018 proposed budget)

RECOMMENDATION: for discussion and direction.


As per direction from County Council:

682-17 Mr. Vaughan – that County Council approve the request to terminate the lease agreement between Lac Ste. Anne County and the Glenevis Community Association, with the County assuming the care and control of the community hall and amenities, as requested by the Society, effective immediately. Carried. 683-17 Mr. Olsvik – that Administration review the Glenevis Community Hall property and allocate funds within the budget to resolve the matter to save the County harmless and transfer the utilities into Lac Ste. Anne County. Carried.

Page 19 of 144 Administration has been working with the Glenevis Agriculture Community Association to cancel the lease agreement and assume the care and control of the facility and grounds. 1. A playground safety audit was completed by Apple PlaySafe Inspections (November 5/17), resulting in a number of deficiencies being identified. Although some would require little effort or expense to repair, most are of serious nature with a significant cost associated. Inspector suggests replacement with CSA compliant equipment. Repairs or removal are recommended. 2. A building inspection for code compliance was completed by Superior Safety Codes (January 11/18), resulting in a number of deficiencies being identified. In order to be compliant to code, and operational as a public facility, all noted deficiencies must be addressed at an assumed extensive cost. 3. The Glenevis Agriculture Community Association provided their most recent Food Safety Inspection Report from Alberta Health Services (November 8/16). A newer inspection was not requested at this time, but it is presumed that many of these have not been addressed and perhaps additional deficiencies now exist. Again, some of the deficiencies may be easily addressed but many have associated costs that could be high. 4. The Glenevis Agriculture Community Association provided a rental breakdown from 2016 along with an estimation of utility costs. 5. A release, essentially absolving the Community Association from care and control of the facility and assigning that care and control to Lac Ste. Anne County, has been prepared by our legal counsel. (It is currently awaiting endorsement by the Glenevis Agricultural Community Association).

At this time, Council must determine what to do with the hall. Options include but are not limited to: • the county operate the facility/grounds as a community hall and public space • the county enter into a lease agreement with a new society to operate the facility as a community hall and public space • the county sell the facility and property • the county sell the facility to be removed from the property • the county lease the facility and property to another entity (purpose would be approved through permit process) • the county lease the facility, but not the property, to another entity (purpose would be approved through permit process)

Additionally Council should examine next steps to address the health and safety deficiencies identified for both the facility and playground: • playground - repair, remove or combination • facility - repair or disposal as is

The discussion around these questions is probably best addressed together as the discussion will most likely be circular.

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Finally, should Council decide to dispose of the facility another discussion will be needed on the disposition of any contents. (At the time of the agenda preparation, an inventory of contents was not yet available). • distribution to existing county owned/operated facilities (outdoor education centre, campgrounds, administration office, fire halls, etc.). • donate to community organizations • public auction • silent auction/bids

OPTIONS: for discussion and direction


ATTACHMENTS: Glenevis Hall - Playground Inspection Glenevis Hall - Building Codes Inspection Glenevis Hall - Health Inspection Glenevis Hall - Stats & Utility Costs Glenevis Agreement (County Signed)

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WM. Page 39 of 144 Page 40 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board - Meeting Minutes from November 21, 2017

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Community Services Proposed Actions: Accept for Information Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

POLICY & BUDGET INFO Council Committee Liaison Councillor Bohnet and Reeve Blakeman Consistent to Policy: Related Policy Other Policies

RECOMMENDATION: that Council accept the November 21, 2017 Meeting Minutes of the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board for information.


The minutes from the November 21, 2017 meeting were approved by the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board at their February 26, 2018 regular meeting.

Page 41 of 144 OPTIONS:

1) That Council accept the November 21, 2017 Meeting Minutes of the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board for information.


ATTACHMENTS: 21-11-17 LSAC Library Board Minutes (Approved Feb. 26, 2018)


Call to Order Chairperson Judy Kidd called the meeting to order at 9:45 am.

Roll Call Present: Brian Hudson Community Member – Alberta Beach & Area Bonnie Bakos Board Member – Sangudo & Area Eleanor Parker Board Member – Rich Valley Area Judy Kidd Board Member – Mayerthorpe & Area Ross Bohnet Board Member – Lac Ste. Anne County Councillor Derril Butler Board Member – & Area Donna Kerr Administration – Lac Ste. Anne County Trista Court Administration – Lac Ste. Anne County

Absent: Joe Blakeman Board Member – Lac Ste. Anne County Reeve Marilyn Fearnley Board Member – Darwell & Area

51-2017 Ms. Bakos moved to approve the agenda as presented. Acceptance of Agenda Carried

52-2017 Ms. Parker moved to approve the September 21, 2017 Minutes of the Lac Ste. Anne County Approval of Minutes – Library Board as presented. September 21, 2017 Carried

Needs Assessment Ms. Court provided an update on the planned Needs Assessment. The tender has gone out and the contract will be awarded prior to December 31, 2017. A meeting will be scheduled at a later date with Library Managers to discuss specific questions to be included.

Terms of Reference - This item tabled until Governance Review Meeting. Tabled

Agreement & Municipal Affairs provided sample contracts with Societies, which will be used as reference Contract Review - for our Board. This item tabled until Governance Review Meeting. Tabled

53-2017 Mr. Butler moved to schedule a Governance Review Meeting, to follow the next regular Governance Review Library Board Meeting, to be held on Monday, February 26, 2018. Lunch will be provided. Meeting

Membership – Lac Ms. Kerr provided for information that at the October 26, 2017 Lac Ste. Anne County Ste. Anne County Organizational Meeting, the following Council representative were appointed to the Lac Ste. Representation Anne County Library Board:  Mr. Joe Blakeman, Reeve  Mr. Ross Bohnet, Councillor

54-2017 Ms. Parker moved to recommend that Lac Ste. Anne County Council appoint Chaddie Membership – Langman (Alberta Beach & Area) as a member of the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board for Chaddie Langman the term beginning December 15th, 2017 and ending on October 31st, 2020. Carried


55-2017 Mr. Bohnet moved to receive the financial report for the period ending October 31, 2017 as Financial Report: information. October 31, 2017 Carried

56-2017 Ms. Bakos moved that the Library Board request consideration of a 3% increase annually, for 2018 Library Funding three years, to the per capita allotment from the County. Formula Carried

Appointment Ms. Ohler, representing the Friends of the Sangudo Public Library Society, presented the 10:00 am Society’s proposal for relocating the Sangudo Public Library. Ms. Carol Ohler

57-2017 Mr. Bohnet moved to receive the presentation delivered by Carol Ohler, representing the Friends of the Friends of the Sangudo Public Library Society, for information. Sangudo Public Carried Library Presentation

58-2017 Ms. Parker moved to approve in principal, the relocation of the Sangudo Public Library from Relocation of the the Sangudo Community School to the Lac Ste. Anne County Protective Services Sangudo Public Administration Building, pending County Council’s approval to lease same. Library Carried

59-2017 Mr. Butler moved to approve the 2018 Budget as amended through discussion: 2018 Budget  3% increase to municipal allocation, and application distribution of same. Carried

60-2017 Ms. Bakos moved to approve the YRL Allotment Funding Assignment for 2018 as presented: 2018 YRL Allotment  Alberta Beach Municipal Library: 17%  Darwell Public Library: 13%  Mayerthorpe Public Library: 19%  Onoway Public Library: 30%  Rich Valley Public Library: 9%  Sangudo Public Library: 12% Carried

61-2017 Ms. Parker moved to recommend that County Council reappoint Ms. Brenda DeBock to Appointment of complete the 2017 auditing process for the Library Board. Auditor Carried

Ms. Court assumed the position of Chairperson for the purpose of board elections.

Nomination of Ms. Court called for nominations for Chairperson. Chairperson Mr. Butler nominated Judy Kidd for Chairperson.

Ms. Court called for nominations for Chairperson a second time.

Ms. Court called for nominations for Chairperson a third time. 62-2017 Ms. Parker moved that nominations for Chairperson cease. Nominations Cease - Carried Chairperson


Chairperson Ms. Kidd was declared Chairperson.

Nomination of Vice- Ms. Court called for nominations for Vice-Chairperson. Chairperson Ms. Bakos nominated Eleanor Parker for Vice-Chairperson.

Ms. Court called for nominations for Vice-Chairperson a second time.

Ms. Court called for nominations for Vice-Chairperson a third time.

63-2017 Mr. Bohnet moved that nominations for Vice-Chairperson cease. Nominations Cease – Carried Vice-Chairperson

Vice-Chairperson Ms. Parker was declared Vice-Chairperson.

Ms. Kidd resumed the position of Chairperson.

64-2017 In addition to Ms. Trista Court and Ms. Judy Kidd, both of whom currently have signing Signing Authority authority, Ms. Bakos moved to remove Mr. Bill Hegy and to appoint Mr. Joe Blakeman as a third signing authority on behalf of the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board. Carried

65-2017 Mr. Butler moved to approve the following 2017 Library Grants project change requests as LSAC Library Grants presented: – Project Change  Alberta Beach Municipal Library – from library resources to locking DVD cases Requests $1,250.00;  Mayerthorpe Public Library – from “Chair & a half” to shelving for the children’s area $1,250.00. Carried

66-2017 Mr. Bohnet moved to accept for information the special circumstance change of hours for the Sangudo Public Sangudo Public Library for the months of November 2017 – January 2018, as presented. Library Hours Carried

67-2017 Mr. Butler moved to receive the YRL Report as information. YRL Report Carried

68-2017 Ms. Bakos moved to accept the information and correspondence as information. Information & Carried Correspondence

Smart Hubs Ms. Kerr reported that the Smart Hubs being distributed to the three County service point libraries (Darwell, Rich Valley & Sangudo) are ready to go. Ms. Parker will deliver to Rich Valley Public Library and Ms. Bakos will deliver to Sangudo Public Library. As Ms. Fearnley is absent, Ms. Kerr will make arrangements to get the device delivered to Darwell Public Library.

County Maps Ms. Kerr distributed the updated Lac Ste. Anne County map to representatives from all libraries. One will be forwarded to the Darwell Public Library.


Invitation – Mr. Kevin It was the consensus of those in attendance to table the invitation to Mr. Dodds to the second Dodds, YRL Director meeting in 2018, and not the February 26, 2018 meeting. The February meeting already has a full agenda.

Next Meeting The next meeting of the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board will be held on Monday, (Regular Meeting & February 26, 2018. The regular meeting will commence at 9:30 am at the Lac Ste. Anne Governance Review County Administration Building, with the Governance Review Meeting to follow. Lunch will Meeting) be provided.

69-2017 Ms. Kidd moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 am. Adjournment Carried

Chairperson Secretary/Treasurer

Page 46 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant Allocations

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Community Services Proposed Actions: Action Item Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

POLICY & BUDGET INFO Expenditure: $7,300.00 Amount Budgeted: $15,000.00 Budget Code: 2-74-00-2354-0000

RECOMMENDATION: that Council approve the following Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant allocations as recommended by the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board at their February 26, 2018 meeting: • Alberta Beach Municipal Library (2018-1) - Signage $2,500.00 • Darwell Public Library (2018-1) - Adult Book Club, Expand DVD/Audiobook Collection $1,250.00 • Onoway Public Library (2018-1) - Projector $1,250.00 • Rich Valley Public Library (2018-1) - Computer & Computer Chairs $1,250.00 • Sangudo Public Library (2018-1) - Professional Grant Writer $1,050.00


Lac Ste. Anne County established the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grants Program

Page 47 of 144 several years ago. The funding is specific to libraries located within the boundaries of Lac Ste. Anne County, with two application deadlines annually. Total funding per library is limited to $2,500.00 annually, through a maximum of two applications. The Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board reviews the applications and makes recommendations for funding to Council. A grant application form is attached to provide additional funding criteria.

Each of the applications is also attached for reference.

The funding source for the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant program is the General Library Function. Per capita dollars are budgeted for library services, and of that budget, $15,000.00 is retained annually for this grant program.


1) that Council approve the following Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant allocations as recommended by the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board at their February 26, 2018 meeting: • Alberta Beach Municipal Library (2018-1) - Signage $2,500.00 • Darwell Public Library (2018-1) - Adult Book Club, Expand DVD/Audiobook Collection $1,250.00 • Onoway Public Library (2018-1) - Projector $1,250.00 • Rich Valley Public Library (2018-1) - Computer & Computer Chairs $1,250.00 • Sangudo Public Library (2018-1) - Professional Grant Writer $1,050.00 2) That Council fund the Library Grants differently than recommended by the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board at their February 26, 2018 meeting. 3) That Council deny all Library Grant applications.


ATTACHMENTS: LSAC Library Grant Application (Updated Sept. 28, 2017) 2018 Library Grant Chart Alberta Beach Municipal Library - 2018 Library Grant Application 2018-1 Signage $2,500.00 Darwell Public Library - 2018 Library Grant Application 2018-1 Adult Book Club, Expand DVD & Audiobook Collections $1,250.00 Onoway Public Library - 2018 Library Grant Application 2018-1 Projector $1,250.00 Rich Valley Public Library - 2018 Library Grant Application 2018-1 Computer & Chairs $1,250.00 Sangudo Public Library - 2018 Library Grant Application 2018-1 Professional Grant Writer $1,050.00

Page 48 of 144 Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant Application

Deadlines: February 15th/ May 31st

Completed forms can be submitted to: Lac Ste. Anne County Community Services Department Box 219 Sangudo, AB T0E 2A0

Or by email to [email protected]

Or faxed to 780-785-2985

September 2017

Page 49 of 144 Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant Application

What is this fund?  Lac Ste. Anne County Council values the importance of our Libraries and recognizes that our communities utilize the programs and services they provide. This fund is offered as a support tool to maintain, improve, and implement community programs through our libraries.  Total annual funding is $15,000.00 in this grant program.  There is a maximum of $2,500.00 available annually, per library.  A maximum of two (2) applications per library per year will be approved.  A detailed Final Accounting/Evaluation form must be submitted after project completion.

What can the funds be used for?  This fund has been created to financially assist libraries in the development and delivery of educational programs in their communities through various options: o Assistance to enhance library programs and services. o This fund cannot be used for facility construction or general operations. o Project changes or extensions must be submitted in writing & are subject to approval.

Who is eligible to apply?  Alberta Beach Municipal Library  Onoway Public Library  Rich Valley Public Library  Darwell Public Library  Sangudo Public Library  Mayerthorpe Public Library

How do we apply?  Complete the following application form. A separate application form should be submitted for each project.  Deadlines for applications are: February 15th / May 31st  Please return the completed application form to: Lac Ste. Anne County Box 219, Sangudo, Alberta T0E 2A0 Fax: 780-785-2985 or 780-785-2359  Questions can be directed to Lac Ste. Anne County at 780-785-3411 or 1-866-880-5722 or via email at [email protected]

Review Process  All applications are considered on a case by case basis and decisions will be based on the merit of the application at the time of the review.  The Lac Ste. Anne County Library Board will review all applications and make funding recommendation to Lac Ste. Anne County Council.  Lac Ste. Anne County Council will make the final decision to approve, defer or reject applications.  Applications not approved for the February review will be automatically forwarded for consideration for the May deadline.  Lac Ste. Anne County will notify applicants of funding decisions in writing.

The personal information provided will be used for the purpose of reviewing grant applications for funding recommendations and is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. The information collected on this form will only be used for the provision of the review process for the grant program you have made application to. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, please contact the FOIP Coordinator at Lac Ste. Anne County at 1-866- 880-5722. Box 219, 56521 Range. Rd. 65, Sangudo, AB T0E 2A0

Page 50 of 144 Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant Application

Library Information:

Contact: ______Position: ______

Library: ______Address: ______

Phone: ______E-mail: ______

Fax #: ______

Project Information:

1. Provide a brief description of what the grant funds will be used for?

2. Expected Completion date of project: ______

3. Will you be applying for other grants? _____Yes _____No If yes, please describe...

4. If your organization only receives partial funding, will the project still go ahead? _____Yes _____No

5. How do you intend to evaluate the project?

6. How does your library plan to sustain the program in the future?

7. How was the need of the project identified?

8. Please attach a detailed budget for your project.

Page 51 of 144 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY LIBRARY GRANT- PROPOSED BUDGET *Please provide as much detail as possible*

EXPENSES REVENUE Paid Administration (include rate) Agency Contribution – Cash (includes fundraising) Paid Staff/Instructor (include rate) Agency Contribution – In Kind

Volunteer Administration (include rate) Donation:

Volunteer Staff/Instructor (include rate) Donation:

Volunteer other (include rate) Donation:

Mileage (include rate) Registration Fees:

Advertising (please describe) Grants (not including Library)

Facility (include rate) Other:

Materials & Supplies Other:



Total Expense Total Revenue


Applicant Agreement I declare that: . I am a duly authorized representative having legal and/or financial signing authority for the above noted Library. . The information provided within this application form and supporting documentation is true and accurate and endorsed by the above Library. . The project will benefit community educational programs through our libraries. . An accounting of spending, showing compliance with the conditions of the grant shall be provided at completion of the project or no later than 30 days from the stated completion of the project. . Any grant awarded shall be used solely for the purposes stated within this application and according to the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant mandate. . As a condition of accepting financial assistance, access to all financial statements and records having any connection with monies received is hereby granted to Lac Ste. Anne County. . The contribution from the Lac Ste. Anne County will be recognized.

Library: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Print Name: ______Position: ______

Page 52 of 144 Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant Program - 2018

Total Annual Allocation = $15,000.00 Maximum ($2,500 per library) Amount Amount Library Program/Project Application Deadline Requested Approved CC Date/ Motion #

Feb. 15, 2018 (2018-1) Alberta Beach Municipal Library Signage $ 2,500.00 $ -

Feb. 15, 2018 (2018-1) Onoway Public Library Projector $ 1,250.00 $ -

Feb. 15, 2018 (2018-1) Rich Valley Public Library Computer & Computer Chairs $ 1,250.00 $ -

Feb. 15, 2018 (2018-1) Darwell Public Library Adult Book Club, Expand DVD/Audiobook Collection $ 1,250.00

Feb. 15, 2018 (2018-1) Sangudo Public Library Professional Grant Writer $ 1,050.00

Total requests to date $ 7,300.00 $ - Page 53 of 144 520/84 Lac Ste. Anne Cotmtv Librarv Grant Agplicatiw

Librarv Infomizltimiz

’ Position: l’ A Contact: WNW

Librzwy: /»\ddrcss: E~mail: Phone: H

Fax rt." _”_____ Proiuctlnfommtion:

1. Provide a brief descriptionof what the grant funds will be used for?

ExpectedComplexiondate of project:

3. Willyou be applyingf01‘oth<:rgrants?

4. Ifyoui‘ 0|'g2H1lZflllO!lonly receives partial funrliig. will the projectstill go ahead?

5. How do you intend to evaluate ille project?


, , «,5.\/» _,.a . . , 7. How was the need ofthe projecl identi?ed?



Page 54 of 144 l LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY DIBRARYGRANT PROPOSED BUDGET *1’lea.s‘epr0videas muchdetailas pass1‘I7le*

EXPENSES REVENUE Paid Adniiuisrralion(include rate) Agency Comribution~ Cash (includes fundraisiug) l

7 Paid Stail‘/lnsu'ur:tor(include rate) 7 Agency Contribution - In Kind

W ' " ' i . . . . ~« . Volunteer Adnunistralion(include rate) Donation:

‘ Volunteer Stz1l‘f/'liisu‘m:1or[includemte) Donzulonz

“ J Volunteer other(include rate) I‘ Donation:

q Mileage (include rate) RegistrationFees:

-n ? :‘\(i\’L’lilSiJlg(please describe) Grants (not including Library) ‘ i

7 in Facility (include rate) Other:

Other: [ (3no . oz:

E“: v

'Appli_cantAgreoiiient. " I declare that: Library-2 I I am a duly authorizedrepresentativehaving legal and/or ?nancialsigning authority for the above noted an ' The information provided within this application form and supporting documentation is true and nccunne endorsedby the above Library. I The project will benefit community educationalprograms through our libraries. - An accounting of spending, showing compliance with the conditionsol‘the grant shall he provided at completion 0 the project or no later than 30 days from the staredcompletionofthe project. E; * awarded shall be used solely for the purposes stared withinThisapplication and according to the Lac Slog Any grant T Anne County Library Grant ntandate. I As it condition ofacecpting ?imncialassistance, access to all linunciulstatements and recordshaving any conncctio with monies received is hereby granted to Lac me.Anne County‘ - The contrihuiionfrom the Lac Ste. Anne Count 3*will be recognized.




5' « Print Nmnc: ___


Page 55 of 144 15 Feb 18 O3:52p Darwell Public Library 7303923743 ,DWQ,\ilEU/P-2

Lac Ste. Anne County Librarv Grant Application aolis‘/l Libra? Information:

Contact: N: _;a1’_)d[Z"gg ;__.’Z1x2‘L!'«,L,/g Position:;~rz,'ir(,yla/H4 ‘@161’ Library: ?g-1i,£[( '/jgZ3/[CL (dug; Address: 75% %5<‘)’i«u€.//Ia/2%’) Phone: 760 P542. 37¢/é: E‘.-mail: 526/(L/’/ii)/ad/Q‘/J;/1*/.-45% Fax#: 780 86; 3443

Project Information:

1. Provide a brief description of what the grant funds will be used for? ,[k('~'LL(l,L:j;>/.c(_~,k(limb I'/‘1a[Lzc(/1%,I L300/Calso/211'/Hi:-, -‘_'L/J<()6LnC/Q13Vl_‘>cznc‘/???d‘/o/locokd3‘3L€Cv[4}CV“

2. Expected Completion date of project: 074/.Q’ M 070/ 3 :7 . 3. Will you be applying for other grants? Yes L/?e If yes, please describe...


4. If your organization only receives partial funding, will the project still go ahead? Yes /No

5. How do you intend to evaluate the project? ‘/Jéoug;/Ddi-7"/07,95»/4,»/SC‘cm,’>l,£75-<1(Ln ,5/»L/Ci./L-cf-char”)

6. How does your library plan to sustain the program in the future? 7/‘I,'?«'U\"{'$or 003+ Fpocsvvrcg

7. How was the need of the project identi?ed? "Q(\“:;LI’CI”7 ?éq (.(Lé'$‘7L

8. Please attach a detailed budget for your project.

Page 56 of 144 15 Feb‘1803152;: Darwell Public Library 7808923743 PA3

LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY LIBRARY GRANT—PROPOSED BUDGET *Please pravide as much detail as po.s'.s'ible"'


Paid Administration (include rate) Agency Contribution — Cash includes fundraisin

Paid Staff/Instructor (include rate) Agency Contribution v In Kind

ex /S13’ » 96.070 Volunteer Administration (include rate) Donation:_,. -If-*2/i _/ 7 - .7?'O Voiunteer Staff/Instructor (include rate) _

°"°‘““°‘“‘”’ ‘

C713zro Grants (not including Library) 90, ‘DO -

Ot er . tdiclscoés ‘z Ql>\Kb'$ 70

‘ L


Applicant Agreement I declare that: - I am a duly authorized representative having legal and/or financial signing authority for the above noted Library. I The information provided within this application form and supporting documentation is true and accurate and endorsed by the above Library. '' The project will bene?t community educational programs through our libraries. I An accounting of spending, showing compliance with the conditions of the grant shall be provided at completion of‘ the project or no later than 30 days from the stated completion of the project. I Any grant awarded shall be used solely for the purposes stated within this application and according to the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant mandate. - As a condition of accepting ?nancial assistance, access to all financial statements and records having any connection with monies received is hereby granted to Lac Ste. Anne County. I The contribution from the Lac Ste. Anne County will be recognized.


Print Name: Position: /\.}[)I’_£[IZ/1

I s 33”‘ Page 57 of 144 15Feb1803:52p Darwell Public Library 7808928743 p.4 5

County Lac Ste Anne Library Grant Application February 15, 2018

Book Club Exgenditure Income January, February, March, April, May, June

l Pd—Slaff—6 hrs @ 15.15lhr $ 90.90

Don- Library facility charge — 6 x 3540.00 240.00 Advertising - The Bulletin 6 X $ 15.00 90.00

Advertising — Articles, Posters, Website, Facebook, etc. 6 x $ 15.00 90.00 Materials (1Book Club Kit) 225.00 Materials Refreshments 50.00

Library Contribution — Facility $ 240.00

$ 785.90 $ 240.00 Grant Request: $ 545.9

Expand Audio Book 8- DVD Collection

Audio Book & DVD Collection $ 704.10

Grant Request: $ 704.1 0

Total Grant Request $1,250.00

Page 58 of 144 3018/I VweC‘<‘~ Lac Ste. Anne Cou11_§y_Librarv Grant Application

Library Information:

X i~m,: st ma , E i gt' 2 . ..kt ,~S“;‘tut »wv’

W Q£»1%US


Project Information:

l. Provide a brief descriptionof what the grant funds will be used for? (X 2;? ~»i;‘t‘x,»=c,=;t we 52%t t,\2~w. if tr 2:, o"~—:_{: t W‘tat "l*'l"‘=~K" é‘«'“u.,>, ‘\>"'l»/I?Lltfllt? 1"" é -.?.>'u’c,;u,>;

2‘ Expected Completion date of project: 622$;‘tag / 3. Will you be applying for other grants? Yes V No If yes, please describe...

4. If your organization only receives partial funding, will the project still go ahead‘?

5. Hpwdo you intend to evaluate the project? 8:»::t>w:.x:tt-(Film\.:<:;><;>:c;$z,

6. Howdoes yourlibrary plan to sustainthe program in the future? lg\.§4,ls-it5% 44:’;-»\/\%.$’€‘},';\t?;Pt‘t;.xl»‘awa,,s,v,‘t"€‘_’C‘,x,2LQ,\;~tn(~lt_

7. How was the needof theproject identi?ed? COM~w

8. Please attach a detailed budget for your project.

Page 59 of 144 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY LIBRARY GRANT- PROPOSED BUDGET i *Pleasepruw'de as much detail as possib/e*


- — — Agency Contribution In Kind I Volunteer Staff/Instructor(include rate) Donation:

Volunteer other (include rate) Donation: - - Registration Fees: - Grants (not including Library) Facility (include rate) -


Applicant Agreement I declare that: I I am a duly authorized representative having legal and/or ?nancial signing authority for tl1eabove noted Library. -I The infonnation provided within this application form and supporting documentation is true and accurate and endorsed by the above Library. I The project will bene?t community educationalprograms through our libraries. I An accounting of spending,showing compliancewith the conditions of the grant shall be provided at completion of the project or no later than 30 days from the stated completion of the project. I Any grant awarded shall be used solely for the purposes stated within this application and according to the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant mandate. - As a condition of accepting financial assistance, access to all ?nancial statements and records having any connection with monies received is hereby granted to Lac Ste. Anne County. ' The contributionfrom the Lac Ste. Anne County will be recognized.

‘ *2. ' ‘ i i 4 3 Library: Qigmi:,~L§;‘2 (‘ ‘i\,?;,.i€}ilCi1'-X$t)‘\!/5‘L‘i7~‘% Signature: 6;‘; at

Print Name: ll-1V‘.

Page 60 of 144 V

V 62/18/2318, 13:56 7869673195 ANDYDEZAEYER PAGE 82

aoI8«/ ARMab Lgc Ste. AnneConny Libng Qggnt Application

Contact?mania» €.§bC~;.-ZggggygPosition:§<=;u€E(L A Library:RIg|_~1)(gl.-.:q_1‘\>U$I~n<,Address:RR&l lb? {FLO

Phone:\I 0 ~ QQW- Q E-mail: gag]. g 3 Q g._.F;@~g£mall gggx, mm 730» ‘?aw- Ssas

1. Providea hriefdescriptionefwhatthe grant funds will be used for? ~ f\l~?-3 XESlg - CDthe 075 K

3* n-‘LV3 ‘ \")",P-—|5._Psb\~l.. Qho?rs

l Eon‘-0 - 0 2. ExpectedCompletiondate of project: H l 80 g Q I3 3. Willyou be applyingforother grants? Yes X No If yes, please describe...

4. If your orgm-u'2aticmonly receives partialfunding, willthe project still go ahead? Yes X No

5. How doyou intendto evaluate the project? E-3 be_.l:\&1-.,\§l2. k-le.Po\,{\ D? gum -l2.I5\0?PrI\»».'/l

QM (4.:-3‘ ' 6. Howdoes your libraryplan to sustainthe program in the ?xture?

W5 ‘*9’ '~*- . me..o‘r n no .9»... Doe Boon? rV“E.1\3‘f gmo E DUV~.S E 02¢;-\ 93:0. 7. Howwas the need of the project identi?ed?’

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Page 61 of 144 82/1/2618 13:56 7889673195 ANDY DEZAEVER 7 PAGE 53

LAC STE.ANNECOUHTYIAIIRARYGRANT- PROPOSED BUDGET ____i ‘Please provide as muchdetailas possible‘ muses nzmmn

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5 I

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I declare that ' lam a duly authorizedrepresentativehaving legal and/or ?nancial signingauthorityfor the above notedLibmry. ' The information provided within this applicationform and supporting documentation is mic and accurate and endorsedby the above Library. I The pmject willbene?t community educatibnnl programs throughour libi-arics. I An accoxmtiugof spending,showing compliance with the conditions of the grant shall be providedat completionof the pmject or no later than 30 days from the stated completion of the pmjcct. ' Any grant awarded shall be used solely (hr the purposes stated within this application and according to the Lac Ste. Anne County Library Grant mandate. I As a conditionof accepting?nancialassistance, access to all ?nancial statements and records having any connection withmoniesteccivcdis hereby granted to Lac Ste. Anne County. * The contributionfrom the Lac Ste. Anne County will be recognized.

Librnry: ?g;-33 y?iz) 5‘); E031.“ B51133; Signatnrmg 3 E3, , lg; Z,a_t,g._t4;g, Date: ¥‘&-b [Di1? PrIntNnmc: ab? T-.2 Posmonzso?gj?r i(2EF?\)Q— EQ

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no \. .\ xx. .33 mm3u_m gmscmé wk nopm Page 67 of 144

3% m Page 68 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Paddle River Dam Campground - Free Showers

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Community Services Proposed Actions: Action Item Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

POLICY & BUDGET INFO Council Committee Liaison Councillor Expenditure: $500.00 Hoyda, Expenditure Required: Yes Councillor Bohnet, Amount Budgeted: $500 Councillor (although 2018 budget not yet Giebelhaus approved by CC) Consistent to Policy: Budget Code: 1-72-62-1450- Related Policy 0000/2-72-62-2500-0000 Other Policies

RECOMMENDATION: that Council approve the recommendation of the Campground Committee, that in an effort to prevent further theft and vandalism of the washroom shower facility at the Paddle River Dam Campground, that free showers be provided for paid patrons for the 2018 camping season.


Page 69 of 144 Although we have had theft and damage of the coin boxes for the coin operated showers within all three of our County owned campgrounds, this escalated to an unacceptable level at the Paddle River Dam Campground in the 2017 season. Caretakers had been advised to empty the coin drawers daily, and post a sign advising of same, to try to deter thieves/vandals that there would only be a few dollars within the machine. This did not deter them. The coin drawers were pried open, often damaged beyond straightening, multiple times last season.

During the 2017 camping season, Paddle River Dam Campground brought in approximately $1,100.00 in shower fees. The 2016 camping season brought in approximately $900.00 in shower fees. The cost to replace the coin drawer of the coin operated shower boxes is approximately $110.00 each. As we have six coin operated showers in the washroom shower facility at this location, it costs $660.00 each time all six units are robbed and damaged.

Administration has contacted the contractor that built this facility, and have received an estimate of approximately $500.00 to convert the existing mechanisms to no charge showers, activated simply by pushing a button. The shower would run for a predetermined length of time.


1) That Council approve the recommendation of the Campground Committee, that in an effort to prevent further theft and vandalism of the washroom shower facility at the Paddle River Dam Campground, that free showers be provided for paid patrons for the 2018 camping season. 2) That Council decline the recommendation of the Campground Committee to offer free showers at the Paddle River Dam Campground for the 2018 camping season, and that the current coin operated shower mechanisms remain in place. 3) That Council approve an alternate solution to the theft and vandalism of the coin operated shower mechanisms at the Paddle River Dam Campground as follows: ______.


Page 70 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Highway 43 Come Play with Me Coalition - Meeting Minutes from Jan. 22, 2018

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Community Services Proposed Actions: Accept for Information Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

POLICY & BUDGET INFO Council Committee Liaison Councillor Giebelhaus Consistent to Policy: Related Policy Other Policies


That Council accept the January 22, 2018 Meeting Minutes of the Highway 43 Come Play with Me Early Childhood Coalition for information.


ECD-focused coalitions have been working in communities across Alberta since the Early Child Development Mapping Project. Between 2009-2014, over 100 coalitions were formed to plan and promote community based supports for young children and families. Recognizing the value of this work, the ministries of Health, Education and Community and Social Services committed resources for the continued support of the coalitions. Starting in 2015, working along with the tri-ministries, Family and

Page 71 of 144 Community Support Services Association of Alberta (FCSSAA) provide provincial coordination and support to all Early Childhood Coalitions of Alberta (ECCA).

Highway 43 Come Play with Me Early Childhood Coalition holds approximately 8 meetings annually. The meetings are held centrally, at the Lac Ste. Anne County Administration Building, as we have members attending from Blue Ridge, Mayerthorpe, Rich Valley, Onoway and Alberta Beach areas.

Community Services provides Administrative support (including as fiscal agent) for this Coalition. Councillor Giebelhaus is the appointed Council Representative to this Coalition.

There is no financial implication to the County's budget for this Coalition.


1) That Council accept the January 22, 2018 Meeting Minutes of the Highway 43 Come Play with Me Early Childhood Coalition for information.


ATTACHMENTS: 22-01-2018 APPROVED Meeting Minutes

Page 72 of 144

Highway 43 Come Play With Me! January 22, 2018 Meeting Minutes Lac Ste. Anne County Services Administration Building, Sangudo, Alberta

In attendance: Taryn Monteith Community Services Coordinator (Lac Ste. Anne County) Joanne St. Martin FCSS Coordinator (Town of Mayerthorpe) Sue Curtis Blue Ridge Moms & Tots Eleanor Parker Community Member Sarah Mitchell Coalition Co-coordinator, PLN/ECD Coordinator (Town of Mayerthorpe) Cathy Steeves Coalition Co-coordinator, PLN/ECD Coordinator (Lac Ste. Anne County) Karen Seinen Alberta Health Services, Onoway (Public Health Team Lead) Joanne Gravel Alberta Health Services, Onoway (Speech Language Assistant)

Call to Order Ms. St. Martin called the meeting to order at 1:19 pm.

01-2018 Ms. Parker moved to approve the agenda as presented. Acceptance of Agenda Carried.

02-2018 Ms. Mitchell moved to approve the minutes of the December 4, 2017 meeting as presented. Approval of Meeting Carried. Minutes – from the December 4, 2017 Meeting

03-2018 Ms. Gravel moved to approve the financial report to December 31, 2017 as presented. Financial Report to Carried. December 31, 2017

04-2018 Ms. Steeves moved to approve the financial report to January 18, 2018 as presented. Jan. 1, 2017 – Mar. 31, Carried. 2018 Budget Update (Extension/Reallocation)

Terms of Reference Coalition members reviewed the previous Term of Reference document. Ms. Monteith will make any Review necessary amendments as discussed and add to the next meeting agenda for approval.

Onoway Health Fair The Onoway Health & Wellness Fair will be held March 16, 2018 from 10 am - 2 pm in the Alliance Pipeline Activity Centre (Museum Gym).

Page 73 of 144 05-2018 Ms. Steeves moved that the Coalition provide seventy-five (75) developmental kits (for a variety of Developmental Kits – ages) for the Onoway Health & Wellness Fair on March 16, 2018. Onoway Health Fair Carried.

Co-Coordinator Updates Ms. Mitchell distributed six (6) developmental kits to the Blue Ridge Moms & Tots and thirteen (13) kits to the Anselmo Moms & Tots.

Lac Ste. Anne County Parent Link/Early Childhood Development is partnering with Alberta Health Services and Onoway Public Library to present another session of Baby Network, February 7 – March 14 in Onoway. Ms. Steeves requests fifteen (15) developmental kits to distribute at that program.

Ms. Steeves shared with the Coalition some other Lac Ste. Anne County Parent Link/Early Childhood Development events that are happening in the Onoway area.

06-2018 Developmental Ms. Mitchell moved that the Coalition provide fifteen (15) developmental kits for Baby Network Kits – Baby Network scheduled for February 7 - March 14 in Onoway. Carried.

Regional Gathering Members present discussed the possibility of participating in a regional gathering. Ms. Mitchell will Inquiry contact with the organizer of the event to inform them that our coalition is interested in attending.

Facebook Page “Likes” have remained consistent at 109. Ms. Mitchell continues to share items from other organizations and agencies.

CoLab Platform Ms. Monteith shared that there are updates to the participant and membership surveys. The new versions will be distributed for all 2018 events and meetings.

Next Meetings The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 26, 2018 at Lac Ste. Anne County Administration Office in Sangudo, AB. Lunch will be served at 12:45 pm with meeting to start at 1:00 pm. RSVP will be requested approximately one week prior.

Adjournment Ms. St. Martin adjourned the meeting at 2:25pm.

Page 74 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Problem Wildlife Officer

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Agriculture Services Proposed Actions: Action Item Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

POLICY & BUDGET INFO Expenditure: $100,000.00 Expenditure Required: Yes Amount Budgeted: $0 Amount Not Budgeted: $100,000.00


That County Council approve the addition of a second Problem Wildlife Officer within the Agricultural Services Department at Lac Ste. Anne County.


2016 and 2017 saw an unprecedented number of calls to service for problem wildlife control within the borders of Lac Ste. Anne County. The primary cause for concern were beaver issues, including flooded farmland, access roads, and municipal infrastructure. Often in large volume and scale. Anomalous precipitation within our municipality impeded an ability to keep these beavers within an acceptable tolerance. The volume of work fell outside the limitations of a single employee.

Page 75 of 144 The ask for an additional Problem Wildlife Officer will allow County staff to respond to the additional calls to service in a timely manner, in addition to a number of added benefits. First and foremost of these being elevated safety. Often times our problem wildlife officer finds himself in remote, difficult to access locations for extended periods of time. This is the nature of the position and the tasks required. With an inability to carry communication devices due to a risk of potentially detonating an explosive charge prematurely, the job becomes exponentially more dangerous. A second person to assist in these operations and ensure the safety of our officers, becomes a necessity.

Recently discussed at the 2018 provincial ASB conference was the transfer of wildlife encounter investigations from provincial conservation officers to officers and/or staff at a municipal level. While these changes have only just come up, an additional officer would give the County the ability to assist our ratepayers with such incidences.

An additional officer also gives the County a succession plan. The job of problem wildlife control takes a detailed understanding of a complex set of waterways, flow patterns, and infrastructure. Such knowledge is not something that is teachable or transferred on short notice. The ability to capture this knowledge is invaluable, and is something that must be retained.


1) That County Council approve the addition of a second Problem Wildlife Officer within the Agricultural Services Department at Lac Ste. Anne County.

2) That County Council approve the addition of a second Problem Wildlife Officer with the Agricultural Services Department at Lac Ste. Anne County on an temporary term.

3) That County Council direct administration to provide additional information regarding the addition of a second Problem Wildlife Officer, as noted below, and that the item be returned to Council for consideration: ______

4) That County Council receive the discussion regarding the addition of a second Problem Wildlife Officer as information.


Page 76 of 144 ATTACHMENTS: Problem Wildlife Officer Job Description 2018 DRAFT

Page 77 of 144 Page 1 March 1, 2018 Draft


Position Title: Problem Wildlife Officer Direct Report: Agricultural Services Manager

Departmental Management: N/A Primary Responsibility: Problem wildlife control, mitigation, and resolution.

Effective Date: March 1, 2018 DRAFT County Manager Authorization:

1) Problem Wildlife Control a. Beaver Control o Liaise with landowners on problem beaver complaints. o Removal of beaver dams by approved methods. o Removal of problem beaver by approved methods. o Facilitate the installation of beaver mitigation devices as required. b. Coyote Control o Investigate complaints of coyote predation on livestock. o Provide predation control work for coyotes by approved methods. o Liaise with livestock producers. c. Rats o Respond to incidents where rats have been potentially identified. o Validate the concern. o Report to the province as required o Assist in the control of validated instances. d. Wild Boar o Assist the Province with the wild boar eradication program as required. e. Problem wildlife Incident Investigation o Respond to incidents involving problem wildlife, and/or human interaction and/or domestic animals. o Report to the Province as required. o Recommend possible mitigation measures. f. Provision of strychnine concentrate to verified agricultural producers o Facilitate the Sale of liquid 2% Strychnine concentrate to qualified agricultural producers.

2) Assist in the creation and maintenance of County documentation including but not limited to budgets, agreements, inventories, and grant claims.

3) Promote and maintain a positive working relationships with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Alberta Environment and Parks, Local Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Officers, Lac Ste. Anne County Council, and the Rate Payers within Lac Ste. Anne County.

Page 78 of 144 Page 2 March 1, 2018 Draft

4) Provide the Agricultural Service Board with recommendations on programs, services, equipment and capital expenditures.

5) Operate County vehicles and equipment as required in a safe and proficient manner.

6) Keep confidential all information obtained while employed at Lac Ste. Anne County

7) Be aware of and adhere to the County's health and safety policies, follow the responsibilities as outlined in the Health and Safety Manual, comply with all safe work procedures, and monitor and enforce compliance of the health and safety program.

8) Other duties as assigned by the Agricultural Services Manager or as required to meet the obligations of this position.

Training and Experience:

1) Valid Alberta Form 7 permit

2) Valid Canadian Firearms Possession and Acquisition License

3) Valid Blasting/Explosives License

4) Ability to pass a federal security screening for the purpose of obtaining access to explosives.

5) Valid Transportation of Dangerous Goods Certification

6) Detailed understanding of the Animal Health Act, and Stray Animals Act.

7) A working knowledge of basic Cartography, Geographic Positioning Systems (GPS) & Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

8) Flexibility of hours due to overtime requirements, attendance at meetings, membership duties, and other County activities.

9) Attention to detail, problem solving skills, and an analytical ability are required.

10) Strong initiative and leadership qualities.

11) Strong Aptitude for outdoor activity

12) Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills. The ability to create, and sustain professional relationships.

Page 79 of 144 Page 80 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Crop Inspector Seasonal Position

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Agriculture Services Proposed Actions: Action Item Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

POLICY & BUDGET INFO Expenditure: $30,000.00 Expenditure Required: Yes Amount Budgeted: $0.00 Amount Not Budgeted: $30,000.00


That County Council approve the addition of a seasonal crop inspector position to the Agricultural Services Department at Lac Ste. Anne County.


The proposition to add a seasonal crop inspector position to the Agricultural Services team, is a direct result of the increased ask of local producers to collaborate on the management of crop pests and disease. While within our legal right and obligation to enter land for the purposes of the Pest Control Act without issuing prior notice, it is often times not without controversy. In an ever increasing number of circumstances we are asked by Farmers to give notice of our presence within their fields. Historically this has not been done in the interest of completing our obligations under the act in a

Page 81 of 144 timely manner. In an effort to work with our agricultural producers, engage them in the act, and collaborate at the field level, I am proposing the addition of a crop inspector to our seasonal positions. The role of the inspector would be to conduct the provincially mandated surveys, as well as those that are of benefit to the producers within the municipality. The Crop Inspector position would be directed to work with our Farmers to identify pest and disease issues, assist with agronomic concerns, promote, educate and instruct on agronomic best practices, and to continue building a strong tie between the County and local producers. Agriculture is the primary industry within this municipality, the addition of this position sends a clear message to Farmers that County Council and Administration is here to support them.


Option 1: That County Council approve the addition of a seasonal crop inspector position to the Agricultural Services Department at Lac Ste. Anne County. Option 2: That County Council not approve the addition of a seasonal crop inspector position to the Agricultural Services Department at Lac Ste. Anne County.


ATTACHMENTS: Crop Inspector Job Discription Seasonal 2018

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Position Title: Crop Inspector Direct Report: Assistant Agricultural Services Manager

Departmental Management: None Primary Responsibility: Crop Inspection/Agronomic Work

Effective Date: March 1, 2018 DRAFT County Manager Authorization:

General: 1) Conduct an annual Clubroot in Canola survey within the municipality, report to the Province as required. 2) Conduct an annual Grasshopper Survey within the municipality, report to the Province as requested. 3) Conduct an annual Fusarium survey within the municipality, report to the province as requested. 4) Conduct anomalous Pest and Disease surveys as requested by the Province and/or Municipality. Report as required. 5) Assist Producers in the sampling of soil, and forage as requested and resources allow. 6) Respond to instances of producer concern related to agronomic issues. 7) Complete Provincial Crop Reporting as requested by the Province. 8) Complete the Agroclimate Impact Reporter as requested by the Federal Government. 9) Conduct inspections under the authority of Alberta’s Weed Control Act for Prohibited Noxious and Noxious weeds throughout the municipality 10) Assist with extension programming as required, including but not limited to tours, field days, information sessions, etc. 11) Promote and maintain a positive working relationships with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Lac Ste. Anne County Council, and the Rate Payers within Lac Ste. Anne County.

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12) Provide the Agricultural Service Board with recommendations on programs, services, equipment and capital expenditures. 13) Operate County vehicles and equipment as required in a safe and proficient manner. 14) Keep confidential all information obtained while employed at Lac Ste. Anne Count. 15) Be aware of and adhere to the County's health and safety policies, follow the responsibilities as outlined in the Health and Safety Manual, comply with all safe work procedures, and monitor and enforce compliance of the health and safety program. 16) Other duties as assigned by the Agricultural Services Manager or as required to meet the obligations of this position.

Training and Experience:

1) Post-secondary education in an agriculture or an environmental sciences related field. Experience in a similar position may be considered as equivalent. 2) Thorough knowledge of agriculture and agricultural weeds, pests, and disease. With the ability to identify as required. 3) A working knowledge of basic Cartography, Geographical Positioning Systems (GPS) & Geographic Information Systems (GIS). 4) Flexibility of hours due to overtime requirements, attendance at meetings, membership duties, and other County activities. 5) Attention to detail, solid problem solving skills, and an analytical ability are required. 6) Strong initiative and leadership qualities. 7) Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills. The ability to create, and sustain professional relationships.

Page 84 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Municipal Reserve Inspector (Seasonal Position)

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Agriculture Services Proposed Actions: Action Item Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

POLICY & BUDGET INFO Expenditure: $30,000.00 Expenditure Required: Yes Amount Budgeted: $0.00 Amount Not Budgeted: $30,000.00


That County Council approve the addition of a seasonal Municipal Reserve Inspector within Agriculture Services at Lac Ste. Anne County.


As of last count Lac Ste. Anne County owns in excess of four hundred municipal properties, reserves, and green spaces. Many of these properties were acquired through the sub division process or alternate means, and have not been inspected since the original acquisition. While some of these properties may not have any significant issue or subsequent budget implication, some may. Without a current inventory of the properties and their condition, the total liability is unknown. The proposition to add a seasonal employee as a Municipal Reserve Inspector is to

Page 85 of 144 address this unknown liability. Compiling a detailed inventory of County owned properties, will allow us to make informed decisions in regard to weed and brush control, development opportunity, and budget implication.


Option 1: That County Council approve the addition of a seasonal Municipal Reserve Inspector to Agriculture Services at Lac Ste. Anne County. Option 2: That County Council not approve the addition of a seasonal Municipal Reserve Inspector to Agriculture Services at Lac Ste. Anne County.


ATTACHMENTS: MR Inspector Job Discription Seasonal 2018 Lac Ste. Anne OWNED PROPERTIES - Current as of April 19,2017

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Position Title: Municipal Reserve Inspector Direct Report: Assistant Agricultural Services Manager

Departmental Management: None Primary Responsibility: Property Inspection

Effective Date: March 1, 2018 DRAFT County Manager Authorization:

General: 1) Administrate, Execute, and Document the inventory of Lac Ste. Anne County municipal lands. 2) Assist in the creation and administration of a management plan for municipal lands. 3) Promote and maintain a positive working relationships Lac Ste. Anne County Council, and Rate Payers within Lac Ste. Anne County. 4) Provide the Agricultural Service Board with recommendations on programs, services, equipment and capital expenditures. 5) Operate County vehicles and equipment as required in a safe and proficient manner. 6) Keep confidential all information obtained while employed at Lac Ste. Anne Count. 7) Be aware of and adhere to the County's health and safety policies, follow the responsibilities as outlined in the Health and Safety Manual, comply with all safe work procedures, and monitor and enforce compliance of the health and safety program. 8) Other duties as assigned by the Agricultural Services Manager or as required to meet the obligations of this position.

Training and Experience:

1) Post-secondary education in an agriculture or an environmental sciences related field. Experience in a similar position may be considered as equivalent.

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2) An advanced knowledge of basic Cartography, Geographical Positioning Systems (GPS) & Geographic Information Systems (GIS). 3) Flexibility of hours due to overtime requirements, attendance at meetings, membership duties, and other County activities. 4) Attention to detail, solid problem solving skills, and an analytical ability are required. 5) Strong initiative and leadership qualities. 6) Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills. The ability to create, and sustain professional relationships.

Page 88 of 144 101010 1 NAME 1 NAME 2 ROLL # SUBDIVISION LONG LEGAL SHORT LEGAL ACRES LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302321027 Lakewood Estates SE 32 53 2 W5 R1 1 782 1410 39.11 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302321028 Lakewood Estates SE 32 53 2 W5 R5 1 782 1410 0.85 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302324033 Lakewood Estates NE 32 53 2 W5 R3 1 782 1410 4.59 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302324034 Lakewood Estates NE 32 53 2 W5 R4 2 782 1410 4.17 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302324035 Lakewood Estates NE 32 53 2 W5 R2 3 782 1410 8.32 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302331014 Lakewood Estates SE 33 53 2 W5 36W 4141 TR 0.3 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302332001 Lakewood Estates SW 33 53 2 W5 R1 4141 TR 33.1 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302332002 Lakewood Estates SW 33 53 2 W5 R2 4141 TR 0.94 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302332010 Lakewood Estates SW 33 53 2 W5 R1 792 2940 0.88 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302342014 Stony Ridge Estates SW 34 53 2 W5 12ER 2 0725837 2.18 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302342019 Stony Ridge Estates SW 34 53 2 W5 17MR 2 0725837 1 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302342020 Stony Ridge Estates SW 34 53 2 W5 18MR 2 0725837 1 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302342021 Stony Ridge Estates SW 34 53 2 W5 19MR 2 0725837 1.64 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302342022 Stony Ridge Estates SW 34 53 2 W5 20MR 2 0725837 2.22 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302342023 Stony Ridge Estates SW 34 53 2 W5 21MR 2 0725837 1 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302342024 Stony Ridge Estates SW 34 53 2 W5 22MR 2 0725837 1 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5302353001 N/A NW 35 53 2 W5 1 1 752 1623 40.01 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5303322023 Greentree Estates SW 32 53 3 W5 1 MR 1 822 0404 5.83 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5303322024 Greentree Estates SW 32 53 3 W5 10ER 1 822 0404 34.65 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5303322025 Greentree Estates SW 32 53 3 W5 1 MR 2 822 0404 0.56 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5303322026 Greentree Estates SW 32 53 3 W5 9 ER 2 822 0404 6.87 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5303322027 Greentree Estates SW 32 53 3 W5 1 MR 3 822 0404 9 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5303322028 Greentree Estates SW 32 53 3 W5 9 ER 3 822 0404 15.5 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5304322033 Rolling Woods SW 32 53 4 W5 R1 782 2327 16.16 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5304322034 Rolling Woods SW 32 53 4 W5 R11 782 2327 0.27 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5304322035 Rolling Woods SW 32 53 4 W5 R17 782 2327 4.93 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5304322036 Rolling Woods SW 32 53 4 W5 R30 782 2327 3.16 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5304322037 Rolling Woods SW 32 53 4 W5 R37 782 2327 7.89 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5304334005 N/A NE 33 53 4 W5 R1 4567 TR 2.67 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5304353003 N/A NW 35 53 4 W5 3R 5149 TR 15.93 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5304363025 Westlakes Estates NW 36 53 4 W5 R 2 1 782 2064 19.04 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5304363026 Westlakes Estates NW 36 53 4 W5 R 2 782 2064 0.71 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5304363027 Westlakes Estates NW 36 53 4 W5 R 1 2 782 2064 9.17 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5304363028 Westlakes Estates NW 36 53 4 W5 R 15 2 782 2064 15.93 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271052 Jones Beach SE 27 53 6 W5 R1 1 966 MC 1.17 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271053 Jones Beach SE 27 53 6 W5 R2 2 966 MC 0.7 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271054 Jones Beach SE 27 53 6 W5 R3 3 966 MC 2.28 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271066 Sherwood Cove SE 27 53 6 W5 1MR 1 0425225 0.06 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271067 Sherwood Cove SE 27 53 6 W5 2MR 1 0425225 0.02 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271068 Sherwood Cove SE 27 53 6 W5 3ER 1 0425225 3.88 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271084 Sherwood Cove SE 27 53 6 W5 4MR 3 0522420 0.08 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271087 Sherwood Cove SE 27 53 6 W5 5MR 3 0522420 0.05 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271091 Sherwood Cove SE 27 53 6 W5 6MR 3 0522420 0.08 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271106 Sherwood Cove SE 27 53 6 W5 15MR 4 0728804 4.7 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271107 Sherwood Cove SE 27 53 6 W5 16ER 4 0728804 5.63 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271108 Sherwood Cove SE 27 53 6 W5 17PUL4 0728804 0.23 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306271109 Sherwood Cove SE 27 53 6 W5 18PUL4 0728804 1.18 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306272032 Woodland Estates SW 27 53 6 W5 R1 1 792 2833 11.3 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306272033 Woodland Estates SW 27 53 6 W5 R1 2 792 2833 0.25 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306272035 Woodland Estates SW 27 53 6 W5 0.39 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5306272052 Woodland Estates SW 27 53 6 W5 16 MR3 872 2602 0.06 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401151005 Country View Estates SE 15 54 1 W5 1MR 1 1026886 0.11 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401151006 Country View Estates SE 15 54 1 W5 2MR 1 1026886 0.04 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401151007 Country View Estates SE 15 54 1 W5 3PUL 1 1026886 0.19 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401151012 Country View Estates SE 15 54 1 W5 45MR 2 1026886 0.16 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401153038 Eagle Ridge Estates NW 15 54 1 W5 1R 1 782 1310 0.29 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401153039 Eagle Ridge Estates NW 15 54 1 W5 1R 4 782 1310 0.37 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401153040 Eagle Ridge Estates NW 15 54 1 W5 7R 4 782 1310 14.75 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401153041 Eagle Ridge Estates NW 15 54 1 W5 1R 5 782 1310 1.04 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401154038 Eagle Ridge Estates NE 15 54 1 W5 2R 2 782 1310 9.34 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401154039 Eagle Ridge Estates NE 15 54 1 W5 11 3 782 1310 10.59 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401154040 Eagle Ridge Estates NE 15 54 1 W5 6R 6 782 1310 10.79 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401221013 Crystal Lake Estates SE 22 54 1 W5 6 2 782 2448 3.06 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401221022 Crystal Lake Estates SE 22 54 1 W5 4R 1 782 2448 7.17 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401221023 Crystal Lake Estates SE 22 54 1 W5 5R 2 782 2448 41.7 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401221024 Crystal Lake Estates SE 22 54 1 W5 13U 2 782 2448 0.85 Page 89 of 144 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401283005 Bilby Heights NW 28 54 1 W5 2PUL 1 0622924 3.16 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401283007 Bilby Heights NW 28 54 1 W5 4ER 1 0622924 0.67 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401283009 Bilby Heights NW 28 54 1 W5 6MR 1 0622924 2.13 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401283011 Bilby Heights NW 28 54 1 W5 8MR 1 0622924 0.07 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401283014 Bilby Heights NW 28 54 1 W5 11MR 1 0622924 0.12 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401283016 Bilby Heights NW 28 54 1 W5 13MR 1 0622924 5.58 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401283018 Bilby Heights NW 28 54 1 W5 15MR 1 0622924 0.75 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401283019 Bilby Heights NW 28 54 1 W5 17ER 1 0622924 3.14 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401283022 Bilby Heights NW 28 54 1 W5 21MR 1 0622924 0.14 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401283037 Bilby Heights NW 28 54 1 W5 36MR 1 0622924 0.13 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401283038 Bilby Heights NW 28 54 1 W5 37MR 1 0622924 0.11 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401284038 Knob Hill NE 28 54 1 W5 R15 1 782 2007 16 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401284039 Knob Hill NE 28 54 1 W5 R24 1 782 2007 0.38 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401284040 Knob Hill NE 28 54 1 W5 R25 1 782 2007 0.26 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401284041 Knob Hill NE 28 54 1 W5 R16 2 782 2007 0.64 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401301014 Bilby Common SE 30 54 1 W5 10MR 2 1123418 6.62 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401301026 Bilby Common SE 30 54 1 W5 12MR 3 1123418 4 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401301029 Bilby Common SE 30 54 1 W5 3PUL 4 1123418 2.01 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401301037 Bilby Common SE 30 54 1 W5 11PU 4 1123418 2.77 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401301051 Bilby Common SE 30 54 1 W5 25MR 4 1123418 1.24 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401301052 Bilby Common SE 30 54 1 W5 26MR 4 1123418 0.25 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401333013 Machayan Shores NW 33 54 1 W5 12 ER 922 2065 6.13 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401341008 Tuscany Hills SE 34 54 1 W5 7ER 1 0722913 10.72 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401341009 Tuscany Hills SE 34 54 1 W5 8MR 1 0722913 5.16 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5401341015 Tuscany Hills SE 34 54 1 W5 5MR 2 0722913 12.63 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402041030 Heather Downs SE 4 54 2 W5 3MR 3 032 6055 3.26 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402041032 Heather Downs SE 4 54 2 W5 5MR 3 032 6055 2.29 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402041045 Heather Downs SE 4 54 2 W5 18MR 3 032 6055 0.09 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402042027 Spruce Lane Estates SW 4 54 2 W5 R7 2 752 1407 22.03 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402042033 Spruce Lane Estates SW 4 54 2 W5 R1 1 752 1407 1.51 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402042034 Spruce Lane Estates SW 4 54 2 W5 R13 2 752 1407 0.59 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402042035 Spruce Lane Estates SW 4 54 2 W5 R21 1 752 1407 0.18 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402051032 Laurentian Heights SE 5 54 2 W5 R1 1 782 1474 0.22 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402051033 Laurentian Heights SE 5 54 2 W5 6U 1 782 1474 0.73 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402051034 Laurentian Heights SE 5 54 2 W5 R8 1 782 1474 6.99 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402051035 Laurentian Heights SE 5 54 2 W5 13U 1 782 1474 0.88 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402051036 Laurentian Heights SE 5 54 2 W5 R18 1 782 1474 12.59 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402051037 Laurentian Heights SE 5 54 2 W5 R1 2 782 1474 20.97 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402062021 Diamond Country Estates SW 6 54 2 W5 51MR 2 0420534 4.59 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402062025 Diamond Country Estates SW 6 54 2 W5 4MR 2 0420534 0.18 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402062034 Diamond Country Estates SW 6 54 2 W5 50MR 3 0420534 15.09 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402072016 Louden Park SW 7 54 2 W5 4ER 1 792 3054 0.51 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402072017 Louden Park SW 7 54 2 W5 6 2 792 3054 18.09 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402072018 Louden Park SW 7 54 2 W5 5ER 3 792 3054 0.38 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402073012 Louden Park NW 7 54 2 W5 R1 752 1380 17 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402073013 Louden Park NW 7 54 2 W5 R2 752 1380 1.45 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402073014 Louden Park NW 7 54 2 W5 R3 752 1380 0.52 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402073015 Louden Park NW 7 54 2 W5 R4 752 1380 0.24 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402172029 Cheyenne Estates SW 17 54 2 W5 11MR 1 792 3135 0.36 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402172030 Cheyenne Estates SW 17 54 2 W5 14MR 2 792 3135 0.62 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402172031 Cheyenne Estates SW 17 54 2 W5 6MR 3 792 3135 0.59 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402172032 Cheyenne Estates SW 17 54 2 W5 5MR 3 792 3135 3.9 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402172033 Cheyenne Estates SW 17 54 2 W5 6PUL 3 0821678 0.47 1 8626 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY COOPER, DAVID J. 5402182003 Forest West SW 18 54 2 W5 2 1 2356 TR 55.1 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402184040 Ste. Anne Park NE 18 54 2 W5 6MR 1 812 0122 15.94 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402184041 Ste. Anne Park NE 18 54 2 W5 13ER 1 812 0122 0.17 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402184042 Ste. Anne Park NE 18 54 2 W5 14ER 1 812 0122 5.04 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402184043 Ste. Anne Park NE 18 54 2 W5 16ER 2 812 0122 0.54 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402184044 Ste. Anne Park NE 18 54 2 W5 14ER 3 812 0122 0.38 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402293027 Valhalla NW 29 54 2 W5 1R 1 782 0942 0.39 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402293028 Valhalla NW 29 54 2 W5 3R 2 782 0942 12.1 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402293029 Valhalla NW 29 54 2 W5 8R 3 782 0942 1.4 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402293030 Valhalla NW 29 54 2 W5 25R 4 782 0942 1.02 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402293041 Valhalla NW 29 54 2 W5 1MSR 5 792 2595 4.2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402293042 Valhalla NW 29 54 2 W5 7MR 5 792 2595 0.23 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402293043 Valhalla NW 29 54 2 W5 13MR 6 792 2595 1.45 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402331004 N/A SE 33 54 2 W5 R1 2085 MC 0.3 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5402331005 N/A SE 33 54 2 W5 B 842 1980 2.87 Page 90 of 144 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403071039 Johnson Park SE 7 54 3 W5 39 MSR 812 0216 27.69 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403071040 Johnson Park SE 7 54 3 W5 40 MR 812 0216 0.4 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403071041 Johnson Park SE 7 54 3 W5 41 MR 812 0216 0.82 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403071042 Johnson Park SE 7 54 3 W5 42 MR 812 0216 0.41 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403072001 N/A SW 7 54 3 W5 1 1 1029 TR 17.49 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403073033 Paradise Estates NW 7 54 3 W5 8MR 1 802 0622 1.59 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403073034 Paradise Estates NW 7 54 3 W5 16MR 2 802 0622 0.72 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403073035 Paradise Estates NW 7 54 3 W5 7 MR 3 802 0622 0.52 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403073036 Paradise Estates NW 7 54 3 W5 6 MR 4 802 0622 0.51 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403073037 Paradise Estates NW 7 54 3 W5 5 MSR4 802 0622 23.9 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403121027 Golden Glen Estates SE 12 54 3 W5 117 MR5 792 0624 1.82 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403121028 Golden Glen Estates SE 12 54 3 W5 114 MR7 792 0624 0.64 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403122044 Golden Glen Estates SW 12 54 3 W5 118 MR3 792 0624 2.86 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403122045 Golden Glen Estates SW 12 54 3 W5 115 MSR 792 0624 3.98 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403122046 Golden Glen Estates SW 12 54 3 W5 113 MSR 792 0624 38.68 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403123023 Golden Glen Estates NW 12 54 3 W5 119 MR1 792 0624 0.59 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403124020 Golden Glen Estates NE 12 54 3 W5 111 MSR 792 0624 32.07 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403124021 Golden Glen Estates NE 12 54 3 W5 112 MR2 792 0624 7.6 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403124022 Golden Glen Estates NE 12 54 3 W5 116 MR1 792 0624 0.68 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403174004 N/A NE 17 54 3 W5 0.22 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403354006 Lucerne Beach NE 35 54 3 W5 R 4278 NY 3.22 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403502003 LSAS RL2 25 54 4 W5 8ER 2 1121489 0.13 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403504006 LSAS RL4 25 54 4 W5 1 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403504013 Thibault Settlement RL4 25 54 4 W5 6MR 1 842 1420 2.16 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403504014 Thibault Settlement RL4 25 54 4 W5 7ER 1 842 1420 1.56 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403504016 Thibault Settlement RL4 25 54 4 W5 7MR 1 0826248 0.68 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403504029 Thibault Settlement RL4 25 54 4 W5 20MR 1 0826248 0.45 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403506004 LSAS RL6 19 54 3 W5 R A 2035 RS 0.06 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403506008 Ste. Mary's RL6 19 54 3 W5 R5 A 760 TR 0.26 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403508009 LSAS RL 8 SUBDIVISION RL8 19 54 3 W5 1PUL 2 0426005 3.29 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403512002 LSAS RL12 19 54 3 W5 R1 2332 NY 2.52 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403521027 Lakeview Place RL21 26 54 3 W5 1MR 3 902 3655 0.28 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403521028 Lakeview Place RL21 26 54 3 W5 5ER 3 902 3655 1.55 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403521029 Lakeview Place RL21 26 54 3 W5 8MR 3 902 3655 2.12 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403521030 Lakeview Place RL21 26 54 3 W5 31MR 4 902 3655 0.68 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403521031 Lakeview Place RL21 26 54 3 W5 32ER 4 902 3655 4.1 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403521032 Lakeview Place RL21 26 54 3 W5 39MR 4 902 3655 0.11 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403521033 Lakeview Place RL21 26 54 3 W5 44MR 4 902 3655 1.05 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403521034 Lakeview Place RL21 26 54 3 W5 45MR 4 902 3655 0.35 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403521035 Lakeview Place RL21 26 54 3 W5 46MR 4 902 3655 0.77 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403521043 Lakeview Place RL21 26 54 3 W5 54MR 4 992 6332 0.27 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403521047 Lakeview Place RL21 26 54 3 W5 58ER 4 992 6332 0.7 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5403521065 Lakeview Place RL21 26 54 3 W5 4ER 6 012 1251 2.59 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404062005 N/A SW 6 54 4 W5 R 1 1589 TR 2.1 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404133031 Mission Creek Estates NW 13 54 4 W5 1MR 2 802 0022 0.85 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404133032 Mission Creek Estates NW 13 54 4 W5 1MR 3 802 0022 0.36 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404133033 Mission Creek Estates NW 13 54 4 W5 6ER 3 802 0022 1.49 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404133034 Mission Creek Estates NW 13 54 4 W5 9MR 3 802 0022 2.46 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404133035 Mission Creek Estates NW 13 54 4 W5 7MR 1 802 0022 12.44 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404133036 Mission Creek Estates NW 13 54 4 W5 17MR 1 802 0022 5.54 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404133037 Mission Creek Estates NW 13 54 4 W5 18ER 1 802 0022 8.94 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404173001 N/A NW 17 54 4 W5 139.79 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404173003 N/A NW 17 54 4 W5 0.47 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404182002 N/A SW 18 54 4 W5 A 882 0186 2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203044 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 11MR 4 0627281 0.09 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203045 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 R1 1 762 2324 25.4 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203046 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 R2 1 762 2324 0.9 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203047 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 U1 1 762 2324 0.54 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203048 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 R19 2 762 2324 0.44 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203049 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 U1 3 762 2324 0.6 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203050 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 R9 3 762 2324 0.11 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203051 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 R11 4 762 2324 0.28 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203122 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 12W 1 792 0270 0.26 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203123 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 20W 1 792 0270 0.28 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203124 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 24R 1 792 0270 0.17 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203125 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 34W 3 792 0270 0.53 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203126 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 18W 4 792 0270 0.23 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203127 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 29R 4 792 0270 0.5 Page 91 of 144 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404203128 Birchwood NW 20 54 4 W5 1R 5 792 0270 0.42 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404273011 Home Acres NW 27 54 4 W5 R1 2426 TR 2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404273013 Home Acres NW 27 54 4 W5 R 945 TR 1.5 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404273024 Home Acres NW 27 54 4 W5 R 11 752 1592 1.5 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404273025 Home Acres NW 27 54 4 W5 R 22 752 1592 9.65 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404273031 Home Acres NW 27 54 4 W5 38R 782 0144 0.9 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404273042 Home Acres NW 27 54 4 W5 39MR 802 2106 0.63 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404273043 Home Acres NW 27 54 4 W5 40MR 802 2106 0.41 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404301001 N/A SE 30 54 4 W5 6 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404342017 Warwa SW 34 54 4 W5 17R 1 772 1213 8.01 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404342055 Warwa SW 34 54 4 W5 21R 2 772 1213 4.08 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404342112 Warwa SW 34 54 4 W5 64MR 1 862 0850 2.99 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404342113 Warwa SW 34 54 4 W5 65ER 1 862 0850 2.62 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404342114 Warwa SW 34 54 4 W5 89MR 4 862 0850 3 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5404342115 Warwa SW 34 54 4 W5 90MR 5 862 0850 1.31 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405081015 Horne Beach SE 8 54 5 W5 R 1 895 MC 0.57 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405081017 N/A SE 8 54 5 W5 2 ER 832 1730 0.35 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405082044 Hofmann Beach SW 8 54 5 W5 P 1 5145 KS 2.24 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405082057 Hofmann Beach SW 8 54 5 W5 13R 3 1304 MC 0.9 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405082077 Hofmann Beach SW 8 54 5 W5 33R 3 1304 MC 2.01 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405082078 Hofmann Beach SW 8 54 5 W5 34 3 1304 MC 0.9 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405082081 Hofmann Beach SW 8 54 5 W5 R 3 1304 MC 0.33 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405101018 Bay Bridge SE 10 54 5 W5 17 1 2211 MC 0.32 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405101019 Bay Bridge SE 10 54 5 W5 01 2 2211 MC 0.12 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405101041 Bay Bridge SE 10 54 5 W5 23 2 2211 MC 0.13 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405101051 Bay Bridge SE 10 54 5 W5 R1 2211 MC 0.25 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405101052 Bay Bridge SE 10 54 5 W5 R2 2211 MC 1.17 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405101053 Bay Bridge SE 10 54 5 W5 R3 2211 MC 0.93 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405103004 N/A NW 10 54 5 W5 17 ER 792 2033 0.61 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104025 Sunnyside NE 10 54 5 W5 R5 4013 MC 0.68 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104026 Sunnyside NE 10 54 5 W5 R6 4013 MC 0.74 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104028 Sunnyside NE 10 54 5 W5 1R 762 2119 0.67 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104029 Sunnyside NE 10 54 5 W5 2R 762 2119 0.28 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104069 Sunnyside Estates NE 10 54 5 W5 1MR 10 822 0730 1.63 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104070 Sunnyside Estates NE 10 54 5 W5 17 ER10 822 0730 0.98 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104071 Sunnyside Estates NE 10 54 5 W5 1MR 11 822 0730 0.46 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104072 Sunnyside Estates NE 10 54 5 W5 8MR 11 822 0730 0.4 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104073 Sunnyside Estates NE 10 54 5 W5 15 MR11 822 0730 0.14 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104074 Sunnyside Estates NE 10 54 5 W5 16 ER11 822 0730 6.43 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104075 Sunnyside Estates NE 10 54 5 W5 2MSR 12 822 0730 33.41 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104076 Sunnyside Estates NE 10 54 5 W5 14 MR12 822 0730 0.49 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405104077 Sunnyside Estates NE 10 54 5 W5 15 MR12 822 0730 1.79 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405134003 Darwell NE 13 54 5 W5 1 1 1222165 6.99 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405134009 Darwell NE 13 54 5 W5 0.13 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405141003 N/A SE 14 54 5 W5 2 ER 912 0909 2.37 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405313058 Lake Arnault NW 31 54 5 W5 201 1 1323364 25.45 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405313059 Lake Arnault NW 31 54 5 W5 202 1 1323364 11.17 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5405313060 Lake Arnault NW 31 54 5 W5 203 1 1323364 3.31 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5406131002 N/A SE 13 54 6 W5 2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501023031 Noyes Crossing NW 2 55 1 W5 12MSR1 782 2726 13.14 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501023032 Noyes Crossing NW 2 55 1 W5 13ER 1 782 2726 5.15 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501023033 Noyes Crossing NW 2 55 1 W5 4R 2 782 2726 1 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501052004 N/A SW 5 55 1 W5 R1 A 5231 TR 1.12 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501053018 Hillview Estates NW 5 55 1 W5 8MR 3 802 0791 16.36 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501054011 Karma Cay NE 5 55 1 W5 8 MR 5 822 1144 0.92 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501071006 Bridlewood Mews SE 7 55 1 W5 4MR 1 1026113 0.03 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501082036 Hillview Estates SW 8 55 1 W5 1MR 1 802 0791 0.31 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501082037 Hillview Estates SW 8 55 1 W5 5ER 2 802 0791 0.91 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501082038 Hillview Estates SW 8 55 1 W5 6ER 4 802 0791 1.95 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501082039 Hillview Estates SW 8 55 1 W5 5MSR 5 802 0791 33.82 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501083006 Aspen Hills NW 8 55 1 W5 6R 1 772 2436 1.04 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501083014 Aspen Hills NW 8 55 1 W5 8R 2 772 2436 0.3 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501083025 Aspen Hills NW 8 55 1 W5 11 3 772 2436 51.37 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501163023 Ardea Park NW 16 55 1 W5 6R 792 1072 18.84 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501163024 Ardea Park NW 16 55 1 W5 15R 792 1072 9.87 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501163025 Ardea Park NW 16 55 1 W5 21R 792 1072 0.74 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501163026 Ardea Park NW 16 55 1 W5 23R 792 1072 0.16 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501164029 Cheviot Hills NE 16 55 1 W5 6MR 822 2558 15.99 Page 92 of 144 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501164030 Cheviot Hills NE 16 55 1 W5 7ER 822 2558 2.62 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501164031 Cheviot Hills NE 16 55 1 W5 9ER 822 2558 6.87 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501164032 Cheviot Hills NE 16 55 1 W5 12 ER 822 2558 5.68 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501164033 Cheviot Hills NE 16 55 1 W5 16PUL 822 2558 0.86 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501164034 Cheviot Hills NE 16 55 1 W5 17 ER 822 2558 2.35 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501164035 Cheviot Hills NE 16 55 1 W5 35 ER 822 2558 8.06 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501164036 Cheviot Hills NE 16 55 1 W5 36 ER 822 2558 10.53 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501164037 Cheviot Hills NE 16 55 1 W5 37 MR 822 2558 0.37 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501164038 Cheviot Hills NE 16 55 1 W5 38 MR 822 2558 1.04 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501164039 Cheviot Hills NE 16 55 1 W5 39 MR 822 2558 0.27 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501331008 Tree Farm Estates SE 33 55 1 W5 4 0123592 1.33 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501331037 Tree Farm Estates SE 33 55 1 W5 25PUL3 112 3799 1.36 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501331040 Tree Farm Estates SE 33 55 1 W5 3PUL 4 112 3799 0.94 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501331047 Tree Farm Estates SE 33 55 1 W5 10MR 4 112 3799 5.93 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501331048 Tree Farm Estates SE 33 55 1 W5 11ER 4 112 3799 9.88 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501331051 Tree Farm Estates SE 33 55 1 W5 14PUL4 112 3799 3.95 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5501331053 Tree Farm Estates SE 33 55 1 W5 16ER 4 112 3799 0.37 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5502013028 Sturgeon Heights NW 1 55 2 W5 1MR 4 812 2209 0.27 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5502013029 Sturgeon Heights NW 1 55 2 W5 8ER 4 812 2209 19.79 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5502013031 N/A NW 1 55 2 W5 2 ER 832 0435 3 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5502082003 N/A SW 8 55 2 W5 R 782 2093 3.43 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5502082005 N/A SW 8 55 2 W5 2 ER 922 3825 2.64 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5502122044 Sturgeon Heights SW 12 55 2 W5 1MSR 1 812 2209 23.25 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5502122045 Sturgeon Heights SW 12 55 2 W5 2MR 1 812 2209 0.35 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5502122046 Sturgeon Heights SW 12 55 2 W5 1MR 3 812 2209 1.17 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5502122047 Sturgeon Heights SW 12 55 2 W5 7ER 3 812 2209 15.69 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5502123002 N/A NW 12 55 2 W5 5437 PX 13.74 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5502323002 N/A NW 32 55 2 W5 79.02 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503023018 Gunn NW 2 55 3 W5 P 707 NY 0.49 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503023037 Hanson & Moyer NW 2 55 3 W5 R 1 1679 MC 0.74 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503073053 Highland Park NW 7 55 3 W5 P 5001 KS 0.37 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503073054 Highland Park NW 7 55 3 W5 P1 5001 KS 1.42 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503073055 Highland Park NW 7 55 3 W5 P2 5001 KS 0.55 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503073056 Highland Park NW 7 55 3 W5 P3 3 5001 KS 0.3 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503073057 Highland Park NW 7 55 3 W5 P4 5001 KS 1.97 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503084007 N/A NE 8 55 3 W5 R 6255 RS 4.04 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503101005 N/A SE 10 55 3 W5 2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503102012 Corsair Cove SW 10 55 3 W5 R3 1 2364 TR 0.21 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503102017 Corsair Cove SW 10 55 3 W5 R5 1 2364 TR 0.21 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503102022 Corsair Cove SW 10 55 3 W5 R1 1 2364 TR 20.02 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503102033 Corsair Cove SW 10 55 3 W5 W2 2 2364 TR 0.59 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503102044 Corsair Cove SW 10 55 3 W5 W4 3 2364 TR 0.59 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503102097 Corsair Cove SW 10 55 3 W5 R1 6 762 0842 4.42 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503102098 Corsair Cove SW 10 55 3 W5 R7 7 762 0842 1.46 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503102099 Corsair Cove SW 10 55 3 W5 R16 8 762 0842 2.28 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503102100 Corsair Cove SW 10 55 3 W5 R9 9 762 0842 0.61 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503113005 N/A NW 11 55 3 W5 R4 1 782 1372 1.21 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503152029 Mayfair Park SW 15 55 3 W5 15MR 792 2674 1.45 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503152030 Mayfair Park SW 15 55 3 W5 18MR 792 2674 1.16 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503152031 Mayfair Park SW 15 55 3 W5 23MR 792 2674 0.76 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503152032 Mayfair Park SW 15 55 3 W5 14PUL 792 2674 5.88 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503152033 Mayfair Park SW 15 55 3 W5 24PUL 792 2674 3.68 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503153004 Mayfair Park NW 15 55 3 W5 31MR 792 2674 42 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503153005 Mayfair Park NW 15 55 3 W5 37MR 792 2674 0.19 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503164022 Fern Meadows NE 16 55 3 W5 33 2 822 0896 3.26 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503164031 Fern Meadows NE 16 55 3 W5 1 4 822 0896 3.66 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503164032 Fern Meadows NE 16 55 3 W5 10 1 822 0896 18.43 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503164033 Fern Meadows NE 16 55 3 W5 11ER 1 822 0896 20.59 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503164034 Fern Meadows NE 16 55 3 W5 35ER 2 822 0896 6.94 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503164035 Fern Meadows NE 16 55 3 W5 36ER 2 822 0896 0.73 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503164036 Fern Meadows NE 16 55 3 W5 2ER 4 822 0896 7.41 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503171004 Darbyson Estates SE 17 55 3 W5 R1 1 1309 NY 2.2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503171005 Darbyson Estates SE 17 55 3 W5 R2 1 1309 NY 0.16 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5503171029 Darbyson Estates SE 17 55 3 W5 2 MR 3 802 0353 8.4 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5504331003 N/A SE 33 55 4 W5 0.15 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5504331004 N/A SE 33 55 4 W5 1 922 2525 9.24 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5504342050 Glenevis SW 34 55 4 W5 R 1392 BT 2 TAX ROLL IN ERROR 5505054003 N/A 0 0 0 W5 0 Page 93 of 144 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505261001 N/A SE 26 55 5 W5 153.09 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505262062 Lessard Lake Estates SW 26 55 5 W5 162 M 802 1106 16.77 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505262063 Lessard Lake Estates SW 26 55 5 W5 166 P 802 1106 0.62 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505262064 Lessard Lake Estates SW 26 55 5 W5 171 E 802 1106 3.49 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505262065 Lessard Lake Estates SW 26 55 5 W5 172 E 802 1106 1.6 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505262066 Lessard Lake Estates SW 26 55 5 W5 173 E 802 1106 36.7 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505263001 N/A NW 26 55 5 W5 42.6 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505264001 N/A NE 26 55 5 W5 A 1 1220040 178.9 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505271039 Lessard Lake Estates SE 27 55 5 W5 163 P 802 1106 0.65 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505271040 Lessard Lake Estates SE 27 55 5 W5 165 M 802 1106 16.86 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505271041 Lessard Lake Estates SE 27 55 5 W5 169 E 802 1106 2.03 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505271042 Lessard Lake Estates SE 27 55 5 W5 170 E 802 1106 0.22 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505271043 Lessard Lake Estates SE 27 55 5 W5 174 E 802 1106 2.45 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505271044 Lessard Lake Estates SE 27 55 5 W5 175 E 802 1106 15.88 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505272063 Lessard Lake Estates SW 27 55 5 W5 164 P 802 1106 0.2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505272064 Lessard Lake Estates SW 27 55 5 W5 167 E 802 1106 1.04 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505272065 Lessard Lake Estates SW 27 55 5 W5 168 E 802 1106 13.61 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505272066 Lessard Lake Estates SW 27 55 5 W5 176 E 802 1106 43.84 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505273001 N/A NW 27 55 5 W5 13.7 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505344003 Lessard Landing SE 34 55 5 W5 2ER 1 0726923 1.31 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505344007 Lessard Landing NE 34 55 5 W5 6PUL 1 0726923 1.62 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505344008 Lessard Landing NE 34 55 5 W5 7MR 1 0726923 0.07 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505344011 Lessard Landing SE/NE34 55 5 W5 10MR 1 0726923 0.15 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505344013 Lessard Landing SE 34 55 5 W5 13MR 1 0726923 0.05 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5505344014 Lessard Landing SE 34 55 5 W5 14MR 1 0726923 0.05 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5506041001 N/A SE 4 55 6 W5 156 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5506042001 N/A SW 4 55 6 W5 156 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5506051001 N/A SE 5 55 6 W5 156 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5506262002 N/A SW 26 55 6 W5 0.72 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5507363002 N/A NW 36 55 7 W5 2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5601091014 Belle Vista Estates SE 9 56 1 W5 13 1 0623018 3.06 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5601091016 Belle Vista Estates SE 9 56 1 W5 15MR 1 0623018 1.03 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5601091049 Belle Vista Estates SE 9 56 1 W5 48MR 1 0623018 12.01 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5601091050 Belle Vista Estates SE 9 56 1 W5 49ER 1 0623018 10.48 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602071001 N/A SE 7 56 2 W5 160 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602072002 N/A SW 7 56 2 W5 80 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602073002 N/A NW 7 56 2 W5 45 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602074001 N/A NE 7 56 2 W5 90 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602082002 N/A SW 8 56 2 W5 78 LSAC -NOT FOR SALE 5602082003 N/A SW 8 56 2 W5 2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602334005 N/A 0 56 0 W5 1 ER 1 902 0242 1.2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602334006 N/A 0 56 0 W5 2 MR 1 902 0242 1.51 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351012 Fouroake SE 35 56 2 W5 R3 2287 MC 1.78 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351037 Fouroake SE 35 56 2 W5 R 7 4313 MC 0.2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351038 Fouroake SE 35 56 2 W5 R 8 4313 MC 1.19 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351071 Fouroake SE 35 56 2 W5 R11 5 782 1036 7.91 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351072 Fouroake SE 35 56 2 W5 R14 5 782 1036 0.34 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351073 Fouroake SE 35 56 2 W5 R17 6 782 1036 6.5 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351074 Fouroake SE 35 56 2 W5 R23 6 782 1036 0.17 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351075 Fouroake SE 35 56 2 W5 R17 8 782 1036 3.83 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351099 Nakamun Lake Estates SE 35 56 2 W5 1MR 2 0425881 0.04 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351104 Nakamun Lake Estates SE 35 56 2 W5 2MR 2 0425881 0.05 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351108 Nakamun Lake Estates SE 35 56 2 W5 3MR 2 0425881 0.04 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351112 Nakamun Lake Estates SE 35 56 2 W5 4MR 2 0425881 0.05 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602351117 Nakamun Lake Estates SE 35 56 2 W5 5ER 2 0425881 3.04 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602352008 Losie Glade SW 35 56 2 W5 R7 15 4840 TR 2.62 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602352024 Losie Glade SW 35 56 2 W5 R13 15 782 2461 8.88 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5602352028 Losie Glade SW 35 56 2 W5 8 MR 15 862 2884 0.03 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5603221003 Rich Valley SE 22 56 3 W5 R 5618 RS 0.2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5603221006 Rich Valley SE 22 56 3 W5 3 2 2220 HW 0.5 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5603221020 Rich Valley SE 22 56 3 W5 R 782 2511 1.01 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5603231002 N/A SE 23 56 3 W5 10 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5603303002 N/A NW 30 56 3 W5 2.99 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5603323010 Lake Majeau NW 32 56 3 W5 R1 1 6129 MC 1.82 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5603352002 N/A SW 35 56 3 W5 4 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5604032002 N/A SW 03 56 04 W5 1 902 1634 12.68 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5604193005 N/A 0 56 0 W5 R1 762 1092 32.03 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5604272006 N/A 0 56 0 W5 5ER 832 0132 0.52 Page 94 of 144 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5605012003 N/A SW 1 56 5 W5 4.95 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5605044002 N/A NE 4 56 5 W5 3A 1 842 0783 43.54 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5605091012 Cherhill SE 9 56 5 W5 0.23 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5605091031 Cherhill SE 9 56 5 W5 18 1 1774 BW 0.14 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5605091032 Cherhill SE 9 56 5 W5 19 1 1774 BW 0.14 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5606221003 N/A SE 22 56 06 W5 1 012 0797 20.02 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5606311002 N/A SE 31 56 6 W5 5 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607361001 N/A SE 36 56 7 W5 A 6011 RS 34.85 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607361004 N/A SE 36 56 7 W5 1 802 2234 49.11 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607361005 N/A SE 36 56 7 W5 2 ER 802 2234 1.64 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607363003 N/A NW 36 56 7 W5 R1 772 1958 0.52 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607363005 Sangudo NW 36 56 7 W5 1 1 1023203 7.29 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364029 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 14U 14 5862 RS 0.03 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364060 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 7 1 6967 BG 0.09 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364061 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 8,9 1 6967 BG 0.18 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364088 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 20 2 6967 BG 0.14 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364115 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 6,7 4 6967 BG 0.18 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364125 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 19 4 6967 BG 0.14 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364126 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 20-234 6967 BG 0.57 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364171 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 R2 11 7621213 0.25 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364181 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 U1 16 7821378 0.09 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364188 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 U1 17 7821378 0.09 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364189 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 U2 17 7821378 0.09 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364194 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 6.55 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364204 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 2 11A 8522174 0.56 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364226 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 0.6 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5607364227 Sangudo NE 36 56 7 W5 875BO 0.06 PURCHASED FOR GRAVEL REMOVAL 5608214002 N/A NE 21 56 8 W5 11.48 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5702073007 Winkelmann NW 07 57 02 W5 R1 5 772 0502 2.6 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5702073032 Winkelmann NW 7 57 2 W5 P 3996 KS 1.43 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5702073033 Winkelmann NW 7 57 2 W5 P1 3996 KS 4.25 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5702073034 Winkelmann NW 07 57 02 W5 R2 1 772 0502 0.23 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5702073035 Winkelmann NW 07 57 02 W5 R3 4 772 0502 1.03 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5702073044 Winkelmann NW 7 57 2 W5 2A 1 0525012 0.3 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5703123004 N/A NW 12 57 3 W5 2 ER 802 0041 7.54 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5703123005 N/A NW 12 57 3 W5 3 MSR 802 0041 2.89 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5703131041 Williams Beach SE 13 57 3 W5 R 2 6218 KS 1.27 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5703221013 Fisherman's Cove SE 22 57 3 W5 1 MR 912 0954 1.92 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5703221014 Fisherman's Cove SE 22 57 3 W5 9 ER 912 0954 0.39 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5703224020 Mortenson Beach NE 22 57 3 W5 R 1 3956 MC 1.81 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5703224058 Chrystyna Beach NE 22 57 3 W5 2R 1 939 MC 0.35 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5703224059 Chrystyna Beach NE 22 57 3 W5 12R 1 939 MC 0.96 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5703224063 N/A NE 22 57 3 W5 1PUL 942 0004 0.91 TAX ROLL IN ERROR 5703224064 N/A NE 22 57 3 W5 0 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5705033003 N/A NW 3 57 5 W5 2ER 812 1054 1.08 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5705241002 N/A SE 24 57 5 W5 R2 1 782 2192 3.75 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5706353002 N/A NW 35 57 6 W5 6.37 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707011020 Sangudo SE 1 57 7 W5 7 13 1685 HW 0.04 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707011022 Sangudo SE 1 57 7 W5 57 RW 5716 RS 0.97 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707011024 Sangudo SE 1 57 7 W5 3.88 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707011041 Sangudo SE 1 57 7 W5 2ER 14 8422125 0.42 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707011045 Sangudo SE 1 57 7 W5 1A 1 8920470 1.26 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707011051 Sangudo SE 1 57 7 W5 2ER 1 8321527 0.11 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707012003 N/A SW 1 57 7 W5 1.05 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707012006 Sangudo SW 1 57 7 W5 682JY 4.11 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707012009 Sangudo SW 1 57 7 W5 1.96 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707012013 Sangudo SW 1 57 7 W5 15.9 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY-FIRE HALL 5707073003 Rochfort Bridge NW 7 57 7 W5 1 1 6 CL 0.09 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY-FIRE HALL 5707073004 Rochfort Bridge NW 7 57 7 W5 2 1 6 CL 0.09 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY - ROADWAY 5707073071 Rochfort Bridge NW 7 57 07 W5 6 4 6 CL 0.09 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707073099 Rochfort Bridge NW 7 57 7 W5 R 6 CL 2 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707073103 Rochfort Bridge NW 7 57 7 W5 5106 EO 0.86 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707073104 Rochfort Bridge NW 7 57 7 W5 5106 EO 0.41 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5707182002 N/A SW 18 57 7 W5 10.03 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5708191002 N/A SE 19 57 8 W5 802 1403 63.5 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5708212001 N/A SW 21 57 8 W5 69.13 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5708224003 N/A NE 22 57 8 W5 2 ER 792 2889 5.63 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5708252002 N/A SW 25 57 8 W5 20 Page 95 of 144 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5709231002 N/A SE 23 57 9 W5 A 937 TR 32.46 2 105653 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY ALBERTA ENVIRONMENTAL PROT. 5806313002 N/A NW 31 58 6 W5 4.69 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5807022003 N/A SW 2 58 7 W5 3.98 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5807082001 N/A SW 8 58 7 W5 160 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5809141002 N/A SE 14 58 9 W5 11.77 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5809142046 Greencourt SW 14 58 9 W5 R 661 CL 2.17 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5809142047 Greencourt SW 14 58 9 W5 A 782 1483 2.46 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY 5809143002 N/A NW 14 58 9 W5 3 482 4154.7 Page 96 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Agricultural Services Policy Cancellations

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Agriculture Services Proposed Actions: Action Item Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

RECOMMENDATION: that County Council cancel the following Agricultural Services Policies as presented: Policy 403 - ASB Provincial Tour Policy 410 - Dynamite Purchase Policy 415 - Environment Concerns Affecting Water bodies Policy 430 - Farm Family Award Policy 440 - Meetings (Date, Per Diem & Mileage) Policy 460 - Rental Equipment for ASB Policy 461 - Roadside Seeding Policy 484 - Vegetation Control Policy 489 - Weed & Pest Enforcement Policy 490 - Weed Control on New Road Construction Policy 491 - Weeds - Alberta Transportation


During an extensive review of the policy handbook the following policies were found obsolete and required cancellation.The cancellation of these policies will assist in the

Page 97 of 144 redevelopment of the policy and procedure system currently in progress.

Policy 403 - ASB Provincial Tour This policy is no longer relevant as the tour is not a mandated board activity. The decision to attend is based on the direction of the ASB and County Council on an annual basis.

Policy 410 - Dynamite Purchase This policy is not required as the purchase of dynamite by Lac Ste. Anne County is legislated by superseding Federal legislation.

Policy 415 - Environment Concerns Affecting Water bodies This policy is not policy, rather procedural in nature as it outlines procedures to address how to work with landowners having environmental concerns on their property. Further a policy would not be required as concerns involving bodies of water are dealt with in accordance with superseding Provincial and Federal Legislation.

Policy 430 - Farm Family Award This policy is not required as the award was offered through Northlands and awarded during Farm Fair International. Lac Ste. Anne County has not been approached with potential nominations for a number of years. This award is administered through a private organization and is not a mandated municipal duty.

Policy 440 - Meetings (Date, Per Diem & Mileage) This policy is no longer current following the development of the new Agricultural Service Board.

Policy 460 - Rental Equipment for ASB This policy is no longer relevant two fold - 1) much of the equipment specified within the policy is no longer relevant or available

Policy 461 - Roadside Seeding This policy is not relevant as the activity of roadside seeding is conducted by the public works department and is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Policy 484 - Vegetation Control This policy is not policy, rather procedural in nature as it outlines guidelines on the process to control weeds on Lac Ste. Anne County property. A Vegetation Control policy is not required, as it is legislated by superseding Provincial legislation.

Policy 489 - Weed & Pest Enforcement This policy is not policy, rather procedural in nature as it outlines process to enforce the control of noxious weeds in relation to the Weed Control Act. A Weed & Pest

Page 98 of 144 Control policy is not required, as it is legislated by superseding Provincial legislation.

Policy 490 - Weed Control on New Road Construction This policy is not relevant to current practice, is procedural in nature and the Weed & Pest Control is legislated by superseding Provincial legislation.

Policy 491 - Weeds - Alberta Transportation This policy is not policy, rather procedural in nature and Weed & Pest Control in Lac Ste. Anne County is legislated by superseding Provincial legislation.

OPTIONS: that County Council cancel the following policies as presented: Policy 403 - ASB Provincial Tour Policy 410 - Dynamite Purchase Policy 415 - Environment Concerns Affecting Water bodies Policy 430 - Farm Family Award Policy 440 - Meetings (Date, Per Diem & Mileage) Policy 460 - Rental Equipment for ASB Policy 461 - Roadside Seeding Policy 484 - Vegetation Control Policy 489 - Weed & Pest Enforcement Policy 490 - Weed Control on New Road Construction Policy 491 - Weeds - Alberta Transportation that County Council cancel the following policies with these amendments: Policy 403 - ASB Provincial Tour Policy 410 - Dynamite Purchase Policy 415 - Environment Concerns Affecting Water bodies Policy 430 - Farm Family Award Policy 440 - Meetings (Date, Per Diem & Mileage) Policy 460 - Rental Equipment for ASB Policy 461 - Roadside Seeding Policy 484 - Vegetation Control Policy 489 - Weed & Pest Enforcement Policy 490 - Weed Control on New Road Construction Policy 491 - Weeds - Alberta Transportation


Page 99 of 144 ATTACHMENTS: Cancel 403 - ASB Provincial Tour-22Feb05 Cancel 410 - Dynamite Purchase2008 CANCEL 415 - Envir.Concerns Affecting Waterbodies Policy Cancel 430 - Farm Family Award Cancel 440 - Meetings (Date, Per Diem & Mileage)revised-22Feb05 Cancel 460 - Rental Equipment (ASB) For Ref. Only-see Pol 235 -2001 Cancel 461 - Roadside Seeding Cancel 484 - Vegetation Control Cancel 489 - Weed & Pest Enforcement Cancel 490 - Weed Control on New Road Construction Cancel 491 - Weeds - Alberta Transportation

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LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY Section: 400 Policy: 403 Cross Ref.: 440




DATE: February 22nd, 2005

PURPOSE: Provincial Agricultural Service Board Tour Attendance

GUIDELINES: That Lac Ste. Anne County provide the registration, mileage, per diem and expenses for the Agricultural Service Board members, the Agricultural Services Manager and the Assistant Agricultural Services Manager to attend this conference annually.

August 2006

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LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY Section: 400 Policy: 410




DATE: 1995, June 24, 2008

PURPOSE: Conditions pertaining to purchasing dynamite.

GUIDELINES: Dynamite for local beaver dam control shall be purchased through the Agricultural Service Board from private supply companies for the purpose of dam removal & flood control.

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LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY Section: 400 Policy: 415




DATE: November 28th, 2002

PURPOSE: Procedures pertaining to reported or observed environmental concerns on all land surrounding water bodies.

GUIDELINES: That the following steps be followed when dealing with a landowner(s) who has environmental concerns on his property. These steps would be followed through on a progressive basis until a satisfactory solution has been reached and implemented:

1) Initial contact by Agricultural Service Board (ASB) personnel. 2) Set up a meeting with the landowner(s), local Councillor and the appropriate Municipal, Provincial and/or Federal personnel. 3) Involve Provincial departments, such as Alberta Environment or Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB). 4) Federal involvement – Department of Fisheries And Oceans (DFO)

NOTE: In extreme situations, notification to Department of Fisheries And Oceans (DFO) may be performed at the initial stage.

Contact with NRCB/DFO to be coordinated by the ASB.

April 2003

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LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY Section: 400 Policy: 430




DATE: June 23rd, 1998

PURPOSE: Conditions to be met before the Agricultural Service Board recommends an applicant for the Farm Family Award.

GUIDELINES: That we will not recommend a Farm Family unless there are at least 3 applicants.

October 1998

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LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY Section: 400 Policy: 440 Cross Ref.: 403





DATE: Annual Organizational Meeting

PURPOSE: Meeting attendance and payment.

GUIDELINES: Motion #1170-98 - The Agricultural Service Board holds meetings beginning at 9:30 AM on the fourth Tuesday of every second month beginning in February. Meetings are attended by all Councillors, Agricultural Fieldman, Assistant Fieldman, Conservation Coordinator and ASB Secretary.

For attendance at these meetings a member receives a “per diem” according to County Policy plus round trip mileage as per Policy (Motion #642-03). The same rate of compensation is paid for attendance at special meetings and at the Regional ASB Conference. For the Provincial ASB Conference held in February a member receives “per diem” and mileage in accordance with County Policy.

August 2006

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LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY Section: 400 Policy: 460 Cross Ref.: 235





PURPOSE: To provide specific equipment for rental to County residents.


Hoof Trimming Table $30.00/day $100.00 Portable Squeeze $30.00/day $100.00 Calf Cradles (2) $30.00/day $100.00 Corral Panels $30.00/day $100.00 Portable Loading Chute $30.00/day $100.00 Portable Scale $30.00/day $100.00

2. Soil Mover (8.5 cu yd Capacity) $50.00/day $250.00

3. Tree Planter $30.00/day* $250.00 *Rental rate will be waived for one days use for ratepayers approved for Field Shelterbelt Trees from the Alberta Tree Nursery.

4. Sprayers a) Pasture Sprayers - self contained trailer mounted sprayers capable of spraying a 40 foot swath. Also equipped with spraygun. Rental Rate: $20.00 Damage Deposit: $250.00

b) John Bean High Pressure Sprayers - trailer mounted, 160 gallon tank equipped with handgun and 100 feet of hose. Available at NO CHARGE

c) Backpak Sprayers - available from County Office or locations throughout the County (Inquire at 785-3411 or 459-1900) Rental Rate: None Damage Deposit: $25.00

d) Meter-Miser - for weed control on lawns Rental Rate: $10.00 Damage Deposit: $50.00

Rental Equipment (ASB) September 2001

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6. Skunk Traps/Cage Traps Rental Rate: None Damage Deposit: $25.00

7. Dehorners Rental Rate: None Damage Deposit: None

8. Shock Chlorination Tank 300 gallon plastic tank available for Shock Chlorination of water wells.

Rental Rate: $20.00 Damage Deposit: $50.00

Fees do not include G.S.T.

Rental Equipment (ASB) September 2001

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LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY Section: 400 Policy: 461





PURPOSE: Purchase of the seed for the purposes of seeding backsloping after new construction to be responsibility of the Agricultural Service Board.

GUIDELINES: That the seeding of roadsides under new construction, where backsloping occurs and where erosion takes place shall be done by the Public Works Department, and further that the Agricultural Service Board purchase the seed as required.

September, 1997

Page 108 of 144 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY Section: 400 Policy: 484

TITLE: Vegetation Control Policy



DATE: March 12th, 2010

PURPOSE: To establish guidelines to control weeds and woody vegetation on Lac Ste. Anne County owned properties and roadsides. This provides for the control of weeds under the Weed Control Act and for the control of encroaching woody vegetation (brush) in County Rights-of-ways (ditches).

1. Spraying will be performed by employees of the County and/or by contractors under direction of the Agricultural Services Manager holding valid Pesticide Applicators Licenses. Spraying will adhere to the guidelines set out in the Industrial Vegetation Management Association of Alberta (IVMAA) Industry Standards and Good Practices handbook, and the Environmental Code of Practices for Pesticides.

2. The Vegetation Control program will be advertised annually.

3. Spraying will not be performed within 30 meters of any water course; or visible shelterbelt, garden, residence, unless spot treatment is required or under a Special Use Approval.

4. No spray areas can be acquired under the strict guidelines of the “No Spray” Policy. (Policy 450)

5. Woody vegetation will be sprayed or mechanically removed to control encroaching brush which inhibits snow removal, grading, construction, or maintenance of roads.

6. Brush will also be removed to improve sightlines at intersections and along rights-of-ways that may reduce incidents with other traffic and/or wildlife.

7. Brush Spray agreement may be entered into with the landowner to control brush inside the fenceline upon written approval from the landowners to remove vegetation in fencelines adjacent to County improved roads or rights-of-ways.

8. Vegetation (weed) Control may also take place on privately owned land with a custom spray agreement between the landowner & the County.

Page 109 of 144 LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY Section: 400 Policy: 489


LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE: Weed Control Act & Agricultural Pests Act of Alberta RSA 2000


DATE: June 24th, 2008; April 24th, 2012

PURPOSE: To help in the enforcement of the Weed Control Act, and Agricultural Pests Act of Alberta. Landowners not complying with weed and pest control orders pay administration fees


a) Land within Lac Ste. Anne County will be inspected for the presence of weeds listed under the Weed Control Act each growing season. This will take place during the growing season in the months between May and September. b) Inspections will be conducted by the Agricultural Fieldman or by an Inspector appointed by the Lac Ste. Anne County Agricultural Service Board. c) Weed Notices will be issued on land(s) where cooperation by the landowner is not achieved. d) The expenses of the removal of the prohibited Weeds or Pests will be charged to the landowner plus a 20% administration fee. e) Agricultural Services administration staff will provide information and education to landowners regarding the control of weeds and the spread of disease in crops.

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LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY Section: 400 Policy: 490




DATE: July 27th, 2000

PURPOSE: Control of noxious weeds only on portions of private land disturbed for the purposes of road construction or improvement for a period of no longer than five years.

GUIDELINES: That a weed control policy be implemented by the Agricultural Service Board with cost of same to come out of the Public Works construction budget, as follows:

WEED CONTROL ON NEW ROAD CONSTRUCTION POLICY: That the County be responsible for the control of Weeds designated as Noxious or Restricted (under the Weed Control Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 1980, Chapter W-6 with amendments in force as of November 9th, 1990) on only the portions of private land disturbed for the purposes of road construction or improvement for a period not exceeding five (5) years from the date of this agreement. The land must be left accessible for weed control to be carried out. The County will carry out the said weed control in a manner consistent with good agricultural practices. The landowner will hold the County harmless from any claim for loss or damage caused to his property by reason of the performance or non-performance of the said weed control, whether such loss or damage is the result of the negligence or any act or omission or commission of any servant, agent or employee of the said municipality, or otherwise.

M#769-00 – that the Agricultural Service Board and Public Works Department coordinate inspection and control of possible weed infestations on new construction.

January 2001

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LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY Section: 400 Policy: 491





PURPOSE: Control of noxious weeds along Highway 43.

GUIDELINES: That Alberta Transportation be contacted to establish a program with Lac Ste. Anne County for control of noxious weeds along Highway 43.

September, 1997

Page 112 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Cancel Policy #265-1, Disposal of County Owned Lands

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Corporate Services Proposed Actions: Action Item

RECOMMENDATION: that County Council cancels policy #265-1, Disposition of County Owned Lands. Further that County Council approves policy #03-050-003, Disposition of County Tangible Capital Assets (TCA).


Policy 265-1, Disposition of County Owned Lands, was created to provide guidance on the disposal of tax recovery, direct purchase and reserve lands. In 2016, the tax recovery property disposal process was clarified with policy #03-010-006, Disposal of Tax Recovery Properties. There is no policy guiding the disposal of all other remaining categories of tangible capital assets (TCA).

Policy 265-1 contains no effective policy statement, deferring instead to "consider each disposition and determine the method of disposition. Given how seldom land disposition is required, the recommendation from Administration will be to cancel this policy and consider each land disposition on its individual circumstances. This is the same practice recommend for the disposal of all other municipal assets.

Although the absence of a policy would mean that each TCA disposal would be reviewed individually by Council, Administration does recommend approving a policy,

Page 113 of 144 to ensure the process is clear to the public.


1) that County Council cancels policy #265-1, Disposition of County Owned Lands. Further that County Council approves policy #03-050-003, Disposition of County Tangible Capital Assets (TCA), as presented.

2) that County Council cancels policy #265-1, Disposition of County Owned Lands. Further that County Council approves policy #03-050-003, Disposition of County Tangible Capital Assets (TCA), with the following amendments:

3) that County Council cancels policy #265-1, Disposition of County Owned Lands.


ATTACHMENTS: Policy 03-010-006 Disposal of Tax Recovery Properties Policy 03-050-003 - Disposal of Tangible Capital Assets 265-1 - Disposition of County Owned Lands-8Jun05

Page 114 of 144

Function: Corporate Services - 03 Department: Assessment & Taxation - 010 Policy No.: 006

Disposal of Tax Recovery Properties Effective Date: June 9th, 2016 Review Date: June 9th, 2021 References: Cancel: Resolution #: 459-16

CAO Signature:

Purpose: This policy establishes the process the disposal of tax recovery properties that fail to sell at public auction. The goal is to expedite returning these properties to a taxable status.

Guidelines: 1. Council directs that tax recovery properties that fail to sell at public auction will be disposed of as outlined below. Further, Council authorizes the sale of these properties within the guidelines below. Administration is responsible to ensure that all aspects of the MGA and Tax Recovery Regulations are followed in the execution of this policy.

2. Action plan for properties that went to public auction less than 15 years ago:

a. Compile an electronic listing of all properties offered for sale but not sold at a public auction for each year of the action plan

b. By acquiring a copy of the property title from Alberta Land Titles, each property will be reviewed for encumbrances.

c. Properties will be forwarded to a contracted real estate agent for assessment and a report of the market value of the property.

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d. The properties will be listed with a contracted real estate agent as available for sale at or above the estimated market value of the property.

e. Listed properties will not be open to offers for the first 14 days following initial listing.

f. All offers must be made conditional to the County making application for title under section 424 of the MGA and that the title is not revived by the previous owner prior to the sale.

g. Proceeds of the sale net of those items listed in section 427(2) of the MGA will be held in trust in accordance to 427 and 428 of the MGA

h. The properties will be advertised as available for public sale. This will continue until the property is sold or 15 years from the date of the public auction.

3. Action plan for properties that went to public auction more than 15 years ago:

a. Compile an electronic listing of all properties offered for sale but not sold at a public auction for each year of the action plan

b. By acquiring a copy of the property title from Alberta Land Titles, each property will be reviewed for encumbrances.

c. A request will be made to the Registrar to cancel the title and reissue in the name of the municipality under section 428.2 of the MGA.

d. The properties will be listed as available for sale at a rate not exceeding the greater value of the amount owning on the roll or 50% of the assessed value of the property, using a contracted real estate agent.

e. Listed properties will not be open to offers for the first 14 days following initial listing.

Page 2 of 3

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f. Proceeds of sale are applied to the tax roll, with any amounts exceeding the amount owing on the roll being forwarded to general revenue. Any amounts remaining on the tax roll after the proceeds of sale are applied will be cancelled.

Page 3 of 3

Page 117 of 144 Function: Corporate Services - 03 Department: Finance – 050 Policy No.: 003

Disposal of Tangible Capital Assets Effective Date: March 8th, 2018 Review Date: March 8th, 2023 References: Cancel: Resolution #:

CAO Signature:

Purpose: This policy establishes the process the disposal of tangible capital assets, with the exception of tax recovery properties that fail to sell at public auction. As these types of disposals are so infrequent, County Council will review the process for each occurrence.

Guidelines: County Council will review any disposal of tangible capital assets and determine the appropriate disposal process on a case by case basis.

Acceptable public road access shall exist prior to the County disposing of any land. An agreement accompanied by an irrevocable letter of credit for the entire estimated amount required to construct acceptable public access will be considered by the County.

County Councillors and County Employees are not eligible to purchase tangible capital assets sold by the County.

Page 1 of 1

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LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY Section: 200 Policy: 265-1

TITLE: Disposition of County Owned Lands



DATE: June 8th, 2005

PURPOSE: To establish a policy regarding the disposition of all County owned lands.


Guidelines and Objectives:

Over many years, the County has obtained title to numerous lands through the tax recovery process, direct purchase or through reserve dedication. In some instances, the dispositions (sale) of these lands are deemed to be appropriate and the County may dispose (sell) same following the procedures below:

1) Acceptable public road access shall exist prior to the County disposing of any lands. An agreement accompanied by either a cash deposit or irrevocable letter of credit for the entire estimated amount required to construct acceptable public access will be considered by the County, in lieu of existing road access. 2) The County may advertise the lands for tender or alternatively list the lands with a real estate agent. County Council shall consider each land disposition and determine the method of disposition. 3) County Councillors and County employees are not eligible to purchase lands sold by the County.

June 2005

Page 119 of 144 Page 120 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Bylaw #05 - 2018, Small Business Taxation Subclass

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Assessment Proposed Actions: Action Item

RECOMMENDATION: that County Council provides three readings to Bylaw #05-2018, Small Business Taxation Subclass.


At the time of publication the exact text of Bylaw #05-2018, Small Business Taxation Subclass was not available, a draft copy will be brought to the Council Meeting.

Recent changes to the Municipal Government Act (MGA), provide Municipalities the ability to provide a discount to the non-residential property tax rate for qualifying Small Business non-residential property. The guidelines governing this subclass are set out in the Matters Relating to Assessment Sub-Classes Regulation 2017_202. Ther regulation has been attached for your reference.

Bylaw #05-2018, Small Business Taxation Subclass, creates the subclass which can later receive a municipal property tax rate up to 25% lower than other non-residential subclasses. Administration is recommending that we use the existing Business License to collect the required information to verify qualification for this discount.

This program will be advertised to the public in two ways. The first will be general

Page 121 of 144 advertisements about the program in the Bulletin, on our website and social media. These pieces will focus on Council's efforts to create a program that reduces taxation on the County's small business operators, the base of local economic prosperity. The second round of advertising will be direct advertisements to those properties that may qualify for the Small Business discount. These advertisements will focus on collecting the proper information to administer the program, and hopefully curtail a flood of calls from non-qualifying properties.

If we are unable to identify a qualifying Small Business property, a correction and credit can be made up to December 31, 2018.

OPTIONS: that County Council provides three readings to Bylaw #05-2018, Small Business Taxation Subclass. that County Council provides first readings to Bylaw #05-2018, Small Business Taxation Subclass. that County Council accepts the presentation of Bylaw #05-2018, Small Business Taxation Subclass for information.


ATTACHMENTS: Matters Relating to Assessment Sub-Classes Regulation 2017_202

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Province of Alberta



Alberta Regulation 202/2017


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Page 123 of 144 Copyright and Permission Statement

Alberta Queen's Printer holds copyright on behalf of the Government of Alberta in right of Her Majesty the Queen for all Government of Alberta legislation. Alberta Queen's Printer permits any person to reproduce Alberta’s statutes and regulations without seeking permission and without charge, provided due diligence is exercised to ensure the accuracy of the materials produced, and Crown copyright is acknowledged in the following format:

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All persons making use of this document are reminded that it has no legislative sanction. The official Statutes and Regulations should be consulted for all purposes of interpreting and applying the law.

Page 124 of 144

(no amdt)


Municipal Government Act


Definition 1 In this Regulation, “Act” means the Municipal Government Act.

Prescribed sub-classes 2(1) For the purposes of section 297(2.1) of the Act, the following sub-classes are prescribed for property in class 2:

(a) vacant non-residential property;

(b) small business property;

(c) other non-residential property.

(2) The subclasses referred to in subsection (1) can be applied to both the Urban and Rural Service Areas for Lac La Biche County and the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo as if the service areas were separate entities.

(3) For the purposes of subsection (1)(b), “small business property” means property in a municipality, other than designated industrial property, that is owned or leased by a business

(a) operating under a business licence or that is otherwise identified in a municipal bylaw, and

(b) that has fewer than

(i) 50 full-time employees across Canada, or

(ii) a lesser number of employees as set out in a municipal bylaw,

as at December 31 or an alternative date established in a municipal bylaw.

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), a property that is leased by a business is not a small business property if the business has subleased the property to someone else.


(5) For the purposes of subsection (3), a municipality may, by bylaw, prescribe procedures to allow for the effective administration of the small business property sub-class tax rate, including, without limitations, a method for determining and counting full-time employees, and the frequency of that count.

Tax rates 3(1) For the purposes of section 354(3.1) of the Act, the tax rate set for section 297(1)(d) of the Act to raise the revenue required under section 353(2)(a) of the Act must be equal to the tax rate set for property described in section 2(1)(c) to raise revenue for that purpose.

(2) The tax rate set for property referred to in section 2(1)(b)

(a) must not be less than 75% of the tax rate for property referred to in section 2(1)(c), and

(b) must not be greater than the tax rate for property referred to in section 2(1)(c).

Coming into force 4 This Regulation comes into force on January 1, 2018.


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Page 130 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Spring 2018 Municipal Leaders' Caucus

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: County Manager Proposed Actions: Accept for Information Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

RECOMMENDATION: open for discussion


Attached is an invitation to the Spring 2018 Municipal Leaders' Caucus, through the AUMA. It is a two (2) day meeting being held on March 14th to 15th, 2018 in Edmonton.

OPTIONS: that County Council receive the information regarding the Spring 2018 Municipal Leaders' Caucus, through the AUMA being held on March 14th and 15th 2018, as presented. that County Council receive the information regarding the Spring 2018 Municipal Leaders' Caucus, through the AUMA being held on March 14th and 15th 2018, as presented and further direct Administration to:


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ATTACHMENTS: Agenda Spring 2018 MLC

Page 132 of 144 Spring 2018 Municipal Leaders’ Caucus March 14 and 15, 2018 Shaw Conference Centre, 9797 Jasper Ave, Edmonton *Subject to Change*

Wednesday, March 14 7:00 a.m. Registration for Mayors’ Caucus Opens 8:00 a.m Buffet Breakfast 9:00 a.m. President’s Opening Remarks 9:15 a.m. Ministers’ Dialogue Session I Honourable Kathleen Ganley, Minister of Justice and Solicitor General Honourable Shaye Anderson, Minister of Municipal Affairs 9:45 a.m. Ministers’ Dialogue Session II Honourable Brian Mason, Minister of Transportation Honourable Sandra Jansen, Minister of Infrastructure 10:15 a.m. Break 10:30 a.m. Ministers’ Dialogue Session III Honourable Deron Bilous, Economic Development and Trade Honourable Shannon Phillips, Minister of Environment and Parks 11:00 a.m. Ministers’ Dialogue Session IV Honourable Sarah Hoffman, Minister of Health Honourable Lori Sigurdson, Minister of Seniors and Housing 11:30 a.m. Premier’s Remarks (Tentative) 12:00 p.m. Provincial Leaders’ Lunch (Premier and all MLAs invited) 1:00 p.m. Education and Working Session: Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) 2:00 p.m. Education and Working Session: MGA Change Management Tools 3:00 p.m. Break 3:15 p.m. Education Session: Municipalities’ Roles in Regulating Cannabis 4:15 p.m. Closing Remarks 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Networking session sponsored by Reynolds Mirth Richards and Farmer

Thursday, March 15 7:00 a.m. Registration and Buffet Breakfast 8:00 a.m. AUMA President’s Report 8:30 a.m. Executive Committee Dialogue Session 8:45 a.m. Education Session: Welcoming and Inclusive Communities

Page 133 of 144 9:45 a.m. Break 10:00 a.m. Working Session: Community Power Generation 11:00 a.m. Education Session: Regulations and Bylaws for Cannabis Legalization 12:00 p.m. Lunch: Dialogue Session with Jason Kenney, Opposition Leader 1:00 p.m. Working Session: Waste Management 2:00 p.m. Break 2:15 p.m. Member RFDs 2:30 p.m. Zone Meetings 2:30 p.m. CAO Session (runs concurrent to zone meetings): Social Media Strategies 3:30 p.m. Closing Remarks

P a g e | 2

Page 134 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: Town of Mayerthorpe Meeting with Mayor and Deputy Mayor

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: County Manager Proposed Actions: Action Item Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

RECOMMENDATION: that County Council make arrangements with the Town of Mayerthorpe Mayor and Deputy Mayor to arrange a meeting with the County Reeve and Deputy Reeve for either April 17th, 18th, or 19th as discussed.

OPTIONS: that County Council make arrangements with the Town of Mayerthorpe Mayor and Deputy Mayor to arrange a meeting with the County Reeve and Deputy Reeve for either April 17th, 18th, or 19th as discussed.


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County Council

Title: Repeal Motion #812-16

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: County Manager Proposed Actions: Action Item

RECOMMENDATION: that County Council repeals motion #812-16, a direction to Administration to proceed with a demolition plan with costs to demolish the County Administration office located at 4928 Langston Street, Sangudo, Alberta.


Motion at County Council November 10, 2016:

812-16 Mr. Olsvik – that County Council direct Administration to proceed with a demolition plan Direction and costs to demolish the County Administration office located at 4928 Langston Street, Sangudo, Alberta. for Old Carried. Office

Although at the time demolition appeared to be the only option for the old vacant County Administration office located at 4928 Langston Street, Sangudo, Alberta, Administration was able to identify an alternative to sell the property and avoid the costs of demolishing the building.

Page 137 of 144 OPTIONS: that County Council repeals motion #812-16, a direction to Administration to proceed with a demolition plan with costs to demolish the County Administration office located at 4928 Langston Street, Sangudo, Alberta. that County Council accepts the report on motion #812-16, a direction to Administration to proceed with a demolition plan with costs to demolish the County Administration office located at 4928 Langston Street, Sangudo, Alberta, for information.


Page 138 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: CAO Performance Review 2017

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: County Manager Proposed Actions: Accept for Information Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes


Open for discussion


The 2017 Performance Review for the County Manager is provided for Council's review and discussion.

OPTIONS: that County Council accept the CAO Performance Review as discussed.


Page 139 of 144 Page 140 of 144 Meeting: County Council Regular Meeting - 08 Mar 2018

County Council

Title: RFP for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta

PREPARATION DETAILS Department Of: Community & Protective Services Proposed Actions: Action Item Severed in Accordance with FOIP: Yes

RECOMMENDATION: that pursuant to Section 197(2) of the Municipal Government Act, Council Move InCamera and close the meeting to the public for Agenda item __.__.__ – Request for Proposal for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta, as per Section 16, of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act at __:____ a.m./p.m.

that Lac Ste. Anne County enter into a lease agreement with Doing It Right Track Promotions Ltd. as per their submission to the Request for Proposal for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta, and further that Reeve Blakeman and CAO Primeau be authorized to execute same.


This item will be discussed in camera and should be kept confidential until and if Council accepts a proposal submitted to the Request for Proposal for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta.

Page 141 of 144 As Council will remember, much discussion over several meetings occurred related to the development of a new lease agreement for the racetrack facility located in Sangudo, which was initiated by LSAC Administration through an agreement review process. Through discussions with the Sangudo Speedway Society 2008, who held the lease at the time of the agreement review, the Society proposed dissolution and operation as a corporation.

At that time, administration was directed to advertise that Council was considering entering into a lease agreement, below fair market value, with a corporation (i.e. the proposed agreement was similar for the corporation as it was for the society = $1.00/year). The County received six responses in opposition of this and therefore passed the following resolution: M825-17 Mr. Bohnet – that County Council advertise for a request for proposal to lease a portion of SW 01-57-7 W5M and a portion of NW 36-6-7 W5M (Sangudo) to operate as a racetrack facility, and further that Administration bring all submissions back to a future meeting for consideration. Carried.

A copy of the published RFP is attached for your reference. Two submissions were received and are attached for your consideration: 1. Doing it Right Track Promotions Ltd. 2. Drayton Valley Speedway Ltd.

As both submissions are from corporations, only the proposed agreement with a corporation is attached.


Option 1: that Lac Ste. Anne County enter into a lease agreement with Doing It Right Track Promotions Ltd. as per their submission to the Request for Proposal for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta, and further that Reeve Blakeman and CAO Primeau be authorized to execute same.

Option 2: that Lac Ste. Anne County accept in principle the proposal from Doing It Right Track Promotions Ltd. for the Request for Proposal for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta, further directing Administration to negotiate the terms of the proposal/agreement to be ______and that any amended terms of the agreement be returned to Council for consideration at a future meeting.

Option 3:

Page 142 of 144 that Lac Ste. Anne County enter into a lease agreement with Drayton Valley Speedway Ltd. as per their submission to the Request for Proposal for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta, and further that Reeve Blakeman and CAO Primeau be authorized to execute same.

Option 4: that Lac Ste. Anne County accept in principle the proposal from Drayton Valley Speedway Ltd. for the Request for Proposal for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta, further directing Administration to negotiate the terms of the proposal/agreement to be ______and that any amended terms of the agreement be returned to Council for consideration at a future meeting.

Option 5: that administration be directed to re-advertise the Request for Proposal for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta.

Option 6: that the Request for Proposal for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta be cancelled and the two proponents be notified that the facility will be closed and not available for lease/operation at this time.


Previously, six oppositions were received to not enter into a lease agreement with a corporation for the lease and operation of the racetrack facility. These were presented to Council previously, resulting in the Request for Proposal for the Lease & Operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta.


ATTACHMENTS: RFP - Sangudo Racetrack Facility 01-30-18 Drayton Valley Speedway - Proposal to RFP (2018) Sangudo Racetrack - Proposed agreement for business (redacted) For 03-08-18 Council Meetingpdf

Page 143 of 144 Lac Ste. Anne County is seeking proposals from interested Proponents for the lease and operation of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility in Sangudo, Alberta.

The proponent will assume all costs related to the operation, maintenance and construction requirements of the facility as necessary to carry out the permitted use of same. The proponent will be entitled to retain revenues generated through the permitted use operations of the Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility.

The successful proponent will be required to enter into an agreement with Lac Ste. Anne County. The term of the agreement is proposed for five (5) years, with an allowance that either party may terminate the agreement by providing the other party with sixty (60) days written notice. A copy of the draft agreement will be made available upon request.

Proposal Specifications

Provide a detailed, well thought out proposal plan, demonstrating an understanding of the RFP requirements, including but not limited to: • Letter of introduction • Overview of organization or individual • Pricing • Proposed race schedule • References It is the proponents’ primary communicative tool that must convince Lac Ste. Anne County that the facility will be professionally, responsibly, and innovatively operated.

Lac Ste. Anne County may require the lead or short-listed proponents to participate in an interview to present or discuss their proposal.

Closing Date & Time Proposals must be received before 4:00 p.m. on Monday, February 12, 2018. Lac Ste. Anne County will not accept submission of any proposals after the closing date and time.

Proposal Submission Proposals must be clearly marked: Motor Vehicle Racetrack Facility – RFP

Proposals can be mailed to Lac Ste. Anne County Office at Attn: Trista Court, General Manager of Community & Protective Services Box 219 Sangudo, AB T0E 2A0

Or hand-delivered to the Lac Ste. Anne County Office at 56521 Rng Rd 65 Lac Ste. Anne County

E-mailed proposals, submitted to [email protected] will be accepted providing they are consolidated into one (1) pdf document (for ease of printing and evaluation).

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