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Oligonucleotide abundance biases aid design of a type IIS synthetic genomics framework with virome capacity

Fabio Pasin 1,2

1School of Science, University of Padova, Padova, Italy 2Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

Correspondence: Fabio Pasin (e-mail: < [email protected] >; ORCID ID: 0000-0002- 9620-4301)

Keywords: DNA chemical synthesis; Golden Gate cloning; plant virome; type IIS restriction enzyme; viral infectious clone assembly

Summary. Novel methodological concepts for biosystems engineering are necessary to meet the ever - increasing human needs. In this study, compositional biases of biological sequences have been identified and exploited to design SynViP - a synthetic genomics framework with plant virome capacity. SynViP allowed rescue of a genuine based on a digital template and it has the potential to greatly accelerate the biological characterization and engineering of plant and derived biotechnologies.

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ABSTRACT Synthetic genomics-driven dematerialization of genetic resources facilitates flexible hypothesis testing and rapid product development. Biological sequences have compositional biases, which, I reasoned, could be exploited for engineering of enhanced synthetic genomics systems. In proof-of-concept assays reported herein, the abundance of random oligonucleotides in viral genomic components was analyzed and used for the rational design of a synthetic genomics framework with plant virome capacity (SynViP). Type IIS endonucleases with low abundance in the plant virome, as well as Golden Gate and No See’m principles were combined with DNA chemical synthesis for seamless viral clone assembly by one-step digestion-ligation. The framework described does not require subcloning steps, is insensitive to insert terminal sequences, and was used with linear and circular DNA molecules. Based on a digital template, DNA fragments were chemically synthesized and assembled by one-step cloning to yield a scar-free infectious clone of a plant virus suitable for Agrobacterium -mediated delivery. SynViP allowed rescue of a genuine virus without biological material, and has the potential to greatly accelerate biological characterization and engineering of plant viruses as well as derived biotechnological tools. Finally, computational identification of compositional biases in biological sequences might become a common standard to aid scalable biosystems design and engineering.

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1. INTRODUCTION Viruses are relatively simple biological entities, with genomic components whose size is compatible both in terms of technical feasibility and costs with current advances in de novo DNA synthesis (Schindler et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2020). Synthetic genomics is becoming commonplace for the study and engineering of animal viruses, especially those with medical interest and human pandemic potential (Coleman et al. 2008; Mueller et al. 2010; Dormitzer et al. 2013; Moratorio et al. 2017; Rourke et al. 2020). In plant virology, synthetic genomics can help to demonstrate correctness of genomic sequences, rescue of viruses that might not be physically available (e.g., ancient or environmental samples), as well as to accelerate virus reverse genetics, host-virus interaction studies, biological characterization of emerging viruses, or engineering of biotechnological devices (Massart et al. 2017; Pasin et al. 2019; Feng et al. 2020; Abrahamian et al. 2020). Adoption of this powerful approach for plant virology has nonetheless lagged and is reported only in a handful of studies (Pasin et al. 2019). The first reports of synthetic genomic approaches in plant virology included the use of oligonucleotides to assemble a synthetic (Cooper 2014), and the reconstitution of a full-length genome from synthetic fragments cloned in an intermediate vector (Lovato et al. 2014). Successful examples of synthesis and assembly of viral and bacterial genomes, whose sizes are orders of magnitude larger than those of plant viruses, suggest that the field of plant virology has additional constraints beyond DNA synthesis technology. Viral clone or vector delivery to requires specialized techniques (Abrahamian et al. 2020), one of the most efficient of which is Agrobacterium - mediated delivery (agro-infection). Agro-infection requires assembly of viral genomic sequences into binary vectors, which can pose technical challenges (Pasin et al. 2019). Adoption of synthetic genomic approaches by plant virologists would be greatly facilitated by improved molecular tools and frameworks that enable assembly and plant delivery of chemically-synthesized virus components. Low-cost and large-scale methods for de novo gene synthesis rely on barcode sequences that allow standardized, PCR-mediated assembly of short oligonucleotides (Kosuri and Church 2014; Hughes and Ellington 2017). Gibson assembly and its variants were used successfully for plant virus clone assembly (Blawid and Nagata 2015; Pasin et al. 2018, 2019; Zhao et al. 2020), but their applications are limited to linear fragments with terminal homologies. A cloning system compatible with linear or circular DNA molecules and insensitive to specific terminal sequences such as gene synthesis barcodes would facilitate low-cost, rapid engineering of plant virus clones and vectors without biological material requirements. Restriction enzymes (RE) are robust tools that have been used in molecular cloning for decades. Type IIS REs cleave outside of the recognition sites and can be used to produce cloning junctions with arbitrary sequences; correct junction design allows unidirectional, scar-free assembly (Casini et al. 2015; Young et al. 2020). Type IIS RE-based strategies such as No See’m cloning allowed recovery of infectious clones of large-sized viruses with no cloning scars (Yount et al. 2002; Cockrell et al. 2017; Ma et al. 2020; Xie et al. 2020). Multiple digestion, ligation, purification and/or subcloning steps were nonetheless required.

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Type IIS REs and DNA ligases can be mixed for one-step digestion-ligation reactions (Kotera and Nagai 2008; Marillonnet and Grützner 2020). Based on this property, unique junction sites, and different antibiotic selection schemes, Golden Gate cloning allows high throughput transfer of desired fragments from donor to recipient vectors (Marillonnet and Grützner 2020). Golden Gate syntaxes of unique cloning junctions have been used extensively for robust, directional assembly in a single reaction of over 30 standard parts, which are then flanked by 4-nt cloning junctions (Patron et al. 2015; Pryor et al. 2020). The plant virome is composed of highly divergent viruses with polyphyletic origins (Lefeuvre et al. 2019). Here I sought to explore compositional biases of viral sequences for rational design of a synthetic genomics framework to rescue Synthetic Viruses of Plants (SynViP). A sequence database was analyzed to measure random oligonucleotide abundance in the plant virome. The computational results were used to determine virome cloning constraints of REs and guide the development of a framework that combines Golden Gate and No See’m principles with low-cost DNA chemical synthesis. A new binary vector was generated to incorporate divergent sites of type IIS REs with low frequencies in the plant virome. Appropriate cloning designs allow one-step, seamless assembly of full-length viral genomic components suitable for agro-infection. The SynViP framework has plant virome capacity, can be used with linear and circular DNA molecules, does not require subcloning steps, is insensitive to fragment terminal sequences, and was used successfully to assemble an infectious clone and rescue a plant RNA virus based on a digital template.

Table 1. The type IIS restriction enzymes considered in the study and their features RE Isoschizomers (a) Recognition site Overhang References (b) Sequence nt %GC nt AarI n.a. CACCTGC 7 71.43 4 (van Dolleweerd et al. 2018; Čermák et al. 2017; Andreou and Nakayama 2018; Hussey et al. 2019) SapI BspQI, LguI, GCTCTTC 7 57.14 3 (Čermák et al. 2017; Pollak et al. PciSI 2019, 2020) BfuAI Acc36I, BspMI, ACCTGC 6 66.67 4 see AarI (c) BveI BsmBI Esp3I CGTCTC 6 66.67 4 (Moore et al. 2016; Martella et al. 2017; Vazquez-Vilar et al. 2020; Dusek et al. 2020) BtgZI n.a. GCGATG 6 66.67 4 (Sarrion-Perdigones et al. 2013) BsaI Bso31I, GGTCTC 6 66.67 4 (Marillonnet and Grützner 2020; BspTNI, Eco31I Vazquez-Vilar et al. 2020; Engler et al. 2008; Agmon et al. 2015) BbsI BpiI, BstV2I GAAGAC 6 50.00 4 (Marillonnet and Grützner 2020; Engler et al. 2014; Vasudevan et al. 2019; Chiasson et al. 2019; Occhialini et al. 2019) EarI Bst6I, CTCTTC 6 50.00 3 see SapI (c) Eam1104I (a) n.a., non-commercially available isoschizomers (source Rebase (Roberts et al. 2015))

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(b) Representative uses in Golden Gate-based cloning (c) BfuAI recognizes the AarI site; EarI recognizes the SapI site

2. RESULTS 2.1 Abundance of oligonucleotides in a plant virome is non-random and correlates negatively with their GC content For sequence analysis, I selected a reference plant virome dataset that includes 2044 accessions, which were grouped into 34 taxonomic families with 1 to >600 assigned genomic components (Figure 1A; Table S1). The virome had a guanine + cytosine content (%GC) peak at the 42% bin (Figure 1A), and an average %GC aggregate per family ranging from 31.48% to 58.22% (Figure 1B). To establish virus study systems, genomic components are usually cloned individually into suitable plasmid vectors. Multipartite viruses are inoculated by simultaneous plant delivery of multiple vectors that include each of the genomic components. REs recognize short DNA sequences. Complete non-redundant oligonucleotide (n.r. mer) sets were generated by random union of 3 to 8 DNA mononucleotides, and searched in the virome to comprehensively infer RE constraints in plant virus cloning (Figure 1C). Virome sequence analysis showed that n.r. mer counts had strong negative correlation with oligonucleotide GC content; abundance of an oligonucleotide in the plant virome is thus significantly reduced by an increase in its %GC. The result was confirmed for each of the n.r. mer sets, and the Pearson's correlation coefficients ranged between -0.948 < r < -0.997 (Figure 1D). The n.r. mer sets were classified by size and %GC, and the subsets obtained were ordered by their virome average counts. The ordered subsets failed to group uniformly by size (Figure 1E), indicating that a size increase alone is not sufficient to reduce virome oligonucleotide abundance. Abundance of the 6-nt subset with 100% GC was lower than that of the 7-nt subsets with 0%, 14.3%, and 28.6% GC; in turn, abundance of the 7-nt subset with 100% GC was lower than that of the 8-nt subsets with 0%, 12.5% and 25.0% GC (Figure 1F). The results revealed that (i) the virome dataset analyzed has a non-random oligonucleotide composition, (ii) the oligonucleotide abundance in the virome is reduced by a concomitant increase in oligonucleotide size and GC content and, by data interpolation, (iii) a RE that recognizes a long DNA sequence with a high %GC would alleviate unwanted targeting and thus cloning constraints of plant virome components.

2.2 Abundance of type IIS RE sites in a plant virome depends on site size and GC content Type IIS REs are compatible with high-throughput and automated construct design and assembly (Smanski et al. 2014; Casini et al. 2015; Young et al. 2020). A subset of commercially available type IIS REs with ≥6-nt recognition sites and ≥3-nt overhangs was considered (Table 1). Virome average counts for type IIS REs with 6-nt sites ranged from 1.24 to 3.99 (Figure 2A); this variation could not be explained by recognition site size alone. Abundance of the 6-nt type IIS REs was inversely related to their %GC, as counts for EarI or BsbI (50.00% GC) were greater than those for high %GC counterparts BsaI, BfuAI, BtgZI or BsmBI (66.67% GC; Figure 2A). Virome counts for the 7-nt type IIS REs were also inversely

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Pasin F. Biotechnol J. 2021 Jan 7:e2000354. related to the site %GC, as SapI frequency was 68% greater than AarI (0.74 vs. 0.44) (Figure 2A), which recognizes a sequence with 71.43% GC (Table 1; Figure 2A).

Figure 1. Biased abundance of nucleotide oligomers in plant virome sequences (A) Number of genomic components and guanine-cytosine content (%GC) distribution of the plant virome dataset used. ( B) Aggregate component numbers and average %GC per taxonomic family ( n = 34). ( C) Numbers of the random, non-redundant nucleotide oligomers (n.r. mer) used in sequence analysis. ( D) The n.r. mers were grouped by size and %GC, and virome average count ( n = 2044) is shown for each subset; linear correlation values are shown (Pearson's r). ( E) Scatter plot shows virome average counts (n = 2044) for the subsets in panel E. ( F) For each subset, the red line indicates the aggregate average count per taxonomic families ( n = 34, each point indicates a family); values for the 6-nt (0.79) or 7-nt subsets (0.22) with 100% GC are indicated by dotted lines.

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The virome dataset comprises diverse taxonomic families with large variation in the number of genomic components (Figure 1B; Table S1). Aggregate counts per family were considered to control overrepresentation of a specific taxonomic group; results confirmed those of Fig. 2A, as per-family abundance of EarI or BsbI was generally greater than that of BsaI, BfuAI, BtgZI or BsmBI (Figure 2B). The aggregate count difference among the 7-nt type IIS REs was significant ( p <0.01, n = 34), and SapI frequency was 42% greater than AarI (0.75 vs. 0.53) (Figure 2C). Virome counts for type IIS REs thus depend on both size and %GC of the recognition sites. It can be concluded that use of a type IIS RE that targets a 7-nt site with high %GC, i.e. AarI, would be preferable in the design of a cloning strategy with plant virome capacity.

2.3 Design of SynViP, a type IIS synthetic genomics framework with plant virome capacity Despite the low AarI frequency, data inspection identified genomic components with a larger number of AarI instances than SapI (e.g. Genomoviridae , Figure 2B). I asked whether a cloning system compatible with both AarI and SapI would confer a technical advantage. Virome abundance of REs with low %GC sites imposes substantial cloning constraints; EarI and BsbI (50% GC) were not considered further. Sequence analysis showed that a hypothetical cloning system based on BsaI, BsmBI, BtgZI, or BfuAI (6-bp targeting REs with 66.67% GC) would allow recovery of clones with no sequence modification for 30.58-41.93% of the virome; complete virome cloning would nevertheless require targeted insertion of up to 13 or 18 single-nucleotide mutations per component (Figure 2D). SapI- or AarI-based systems would respectively allow recovery of clones with no sequence modification for 56.70% or 69.81% of the virome, and insertion of up to 6 single-nucleotide mutations per component would confer virome capacity. The alternative choice of AarI- or SapI-based designs would allow cloning of faithful sequence copies for >80% of virome components (bottom row, Figure 2D). Similar designs coupled with a targeted insertion of single- or two-nucleotide mutations to remove RE recognition sites would allow recovery of full-length clones of >95% or >99% of virome components, respectively. In silico analysis thus showed that a system compatible with both AarI and SapI is superior to those based on an individual type IIS RE. Guided by these results, I generated pLX-AS, a mini binary vector compatible with Golden Gate and No See’m assembly strategies that employ either AarI or SapI (Figure 2E-G; see Methods, and Table S2- S3). pLX-AS is based on the pLX backbone (Pasin et al. 2017), which has been used for Agrobacterium - mediated delivery to plants of infectious clones of several RNA and DNA viruses (Pasin et al. 2018; Zhao et al. 2020). The T-DNA region of pLX-AS comprises a cloning cassette flanked by sequences of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter and the nopaline synthase (nos) terminator (Figure 2E) for in planta transcription regulation of cDNA clones from RNA viruses. The cloning cassette designed includes divergent AarI and SapI sites flanking the Escherichia coli lacZ reporter for white-blue screens of recombinant clones (Figure 2F). In RNA virus clone assembly, backbone overhangs generated by AarI or

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SapI digestion allow seamless fragment insertion downstream of the CaMV 35S promoter, and in planta generation of authentic viral genomic 5’ ends (Figure 2G).

Figure 2 . Differential abundance of type IIS restriction enzyme sites in the plant virome and design of the SynViP framework (A) Left, plot shows site size and %GC of reference type IIS restriction enzymes (RE); right, RE site counts in virome components ( n = 2044; bars, maximum; red lines, mean). ( B) Heatmap shows RE site average counts in each taxonomic family; Orphan, species with unassigned family. ( C) For each RE, the red line and value indicate the aggregate average count per taxonomic families (each point indicates a family, n = 34); p value by Wilcoxon signed-rank test is indicated for the AarI versus SapI comparison ( n =

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34). ( D) Cumulative component percentages relative to the complete virome are shown for site count numbers; values are shown for each RE, or considering the smallest count number among AarI or SapI, i.e., MIN(AarI,SapI); orange bars indicate 100%. ( E) Diagram of pLX-AS, a 4.5-kb T-DNA binary vector including divergent AarI and SapI recognition sites. Vector components are indicated (right); blue, lacZ reporter gene; npt I, kanamycin resistance gene. ( F) Detail of the T-DNA cloning cassette of pLX-AS. The 3’ sequence of the CaMV 35S promoter is in red; arrow indicates the nucleotide preceding the transcription initiation site; lines mark AarI (purple) and SapI (orange) sites. ( G) Detail of the pLX-AS cloning cassette, after AarI (top) or SapI (bottom) digestions; backbone overhangs are show in black.

2.4 One-step digestion-ligation assembly of a virus clone using a digital template and uncloned synthetic DNA fragments An AarI/SapI-based cloning strategy including pLX-AS would (i) be compatible with linear and/or circular DNA molecules, (ii) be insensitive to specific terminal sequences such as gene synthesis barcodes, and (iii) facilitate rapid engineering of plant virus clones without biological material requirements. The family includes RNA viruses with an average genome size of 4208 nt, close to the aggregate median size (4154) of plant virome components (Figure 3A). As proof of the utility of the synthetic genomics framework designed, I focused on turnip rosette virus (TuRV; Solemoviridae ). The TuRV genomic sequence and its complex organization have recently been revised (Sõmera and Truve 2013; Ling et al. 2013), giving us a representative, high-confidence control during method validation. The TuRV accession KC778720.1 used as a digital template includes a single SapI and no AarI sites. Three linear DNA fragments ranging from 1.2 to 1.6 kb and spanning the TuRV genome were obtained by chemical synthesis (Table S4). Each synthetic fragment was flanked by convergent AarI sites that would allow removal of synthesis barcodes (Figure 3B), and the generation of orthogonal cloning junctions selected to allow (i) directional fragment assembly in pLX-AS by one-step digestion-ligation, (ii) recovery of a seamless TuRV genomic sequence, and (iii) in planta generation of the correct TuRV 5' end from the CaMV 35S promoter (Figure 3C). A synthetic ribozyme was included in the gene synthesis design for in planta removal of non-viral nucleotides from the TuRV 3' end (Figure 3B, Table S4). The uncloned synthetic fragments and pLX-AS were mixed and subjected to digestion-ligation using AarI and T4 DNA ligase in AarI buffer supplemented with ATP (see Methods); the reaction was transformed into E. coli and white colonies were selected using a chromogenic substrate to recover recombinant clones. Correct fragment assembly into pLX-AS was confirmed by restriction analysis of plasmid DNA (Figure 3D). A plasmid clone with the correct digestion pattern and sequence was designated pLX-TuRV, i.e., an 8.3-kb vector suitable for agro-infection that includes a cDNA copy of the full-length TuRV genome (Figure 3B).

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Figure 3. Use of SynViP for the one -step digestion -ligation assembly of an infectious clone and the rescue of a genuine virus with no natural template (A) Bar plot shows average component size and %GC of each taxonomic family; the red line indicates the aggregate virome median size (4154 nt; n = 34); Solemoviridae average size is shown (4208 nt; n = 19). (B) Top, genomic representation of turnip rosette virus (TuRV). DNA fragments spanning the TuRV genome were chemically synthesized; fragments were flanked by synthesis barcodes (black boxes) and convergent AarI sites (triangles); diamond, a synthetic ribozyme. Fragments were assembled into pLX-AS by one-step digestion-ligation. pLX-TuRV is a T-DNA binary vector with a seamless cDNA copy of the TuRV genome flanked by the CaMV 35S promoter (red arrow) and nos terminator (T-shaped mark). ( C)

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Detail of the orthogonal cloning junctions generated during the AarI-based digestion-ligation depicted in panel B; the 3’ end of the CaMV 35S promoter is in red. ( D) Restriction profiles are shown of plasmids purified from selected colonies; left, computed restriction pattern. ( E) A control vector (Mock) or pLX- TuRV were transformed into Agrobacterium and delivered to Arabidopsis thaliana by agro-infection. Images show plants at 30 days post agro-infection. ( F) Viral RNA detection in uninoculated leaf samples of agro-inoculated plants. RT-PCR reactions are shown using virus-specific primers (TuRV) or actin primers (CTRL); DNA size markers are indicated (right); M, mock sample. ( G) Transmission electron micrograph of particles purified from infected plant material; scale bar, 100 nm. ( H) Size mean ± SD and distribution ( n = 100), and micrograph magnification are shown of purified particles; scale bar, 50 nm.

2.5 Delivery of synthetic infectious clone to plants by agro-infection Arabidopsis thaliana is a model plant and TuRV host (Ling et al. 2013). pLX-TuRV was transformed into Agrobacterium , and its infectivity was evaluated in A. thaliana by agro-infection. After 30 days, plants agro-inoculated with pLX-TuRV showed severe symptoms and significant growth reduction compared to the mock condition (p <0.001; Figure 3E). Results are consistent with the stunted growth phenotype reported for TuRV-infected A. thaliana plants (Ling et al. 2013). RNA analysis of upper uninoculated leaves by RT-PCR assays showed TuRV accumulation in pLX-TuRV agro-inoculated plants, but not in the mock condition (Figure 3F). Nanoparticles were purified from infected plant material and analyzed by electron microscopy (Figure 3G); the particles observed had an icosahedral shape and an average size of 30.67 nm (Figure 3H), consistent with those described for TuRV virions (Horne et al. 1977). These results confirm the infectivity of the pLX-TuRV binary vector assembled, and thus the suitability of the SynViP framework and its cloning strategy for the generation of plant virus infectious clones and rescue of a genuine plant virus, with no natural template or biological material requirements.

3. DISCUSSION Gene synthesis has revolutionized the study of bacteriophages and animal viruses, and spurred major advances in prevention and control of human infectious diseases. First studies in synthetic genomics used viruses as simple model systems to prove the feasibility of recovering functional biological entities solely by sequence data and in vitro chemical means (Schindler et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2020). More recently, synthetic genomic approaches have been used in basic and applied research (Schindler et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2020), including sequence refactoring to facilitate human understanding and manipulation of individual genetic elements (Chan et al. 2005), to probe the completeness of our knowledge of biological systems (Jaschke et al. 2019), and for rational vaccine design and rapid vaccine manufacturing (Coleman et al. 2008; Mueller et al. 2010; Dormitzer et al. 2013; Moratorio et al. 2017; Rourke et al. 2020). In plant virology, studies have reported the recovery of plant infectious agents in the absence of a physical source of biological materials (Pasin et al. 2019), although they relied on cloning methods with limited scalability. Instructed by sequence analysis of a plant virome dataset, I describe here SynViP, a synthetic genomics framework with plant virome capacity. The SynViP framework described (i) does not

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Pasin F. Biotechnol J. 2021 Jan 7:e2000354. require subcloning steps, (ii) is compatible with DNA fragments generated by low-cost and large-scale chemical synthesis methods and thus has no natural template requirements, (iii) complies with Golden Gate principles to allow directional assembly of multiple DNA fragments in one-step digestion-ligation reactions, (iv) allows recovery of scar-free constructs by following No See’m principles, (v) through its simultaneous compatibility with AarI and SapI, considerably reduces type IIS RE constraints in cloning plant virome components, and (vi) relies on the newly designed pLX-AS binary vector for construct assembly. pLX-AS includes elements for stable vector maintenance in E. coli and Agrobacterium cells, and for viral clone delivery to plants by agro-infection. pLX-AS autonomously replicates in E. coli and Agrobacterium , thus overcoming a major limitation of the pSoup-pGreen system (Hellens et al. 2000; Lacomme and Chapman 2008; Wrzesi ńska et al. 2016; Majer et al. 2017; Bouton et al. 2018). To promote stable plasmid propagation in bacteria, pLX-AS includes bacterial terminators up- and downstream of T-DNA, and has a lower copy number than pPZP and derivative vectors (e.g., pCAMBIA, pCass4-Rz) (Annamalai and Rao 2005). The RK2-based pCB301 and its derivatives (e.g., pJL-89, pDIVA) have been used in virus infectious clone assembly (Xiang et al. 1999; Lindbo 2007; Wang et al. 2015; Blawid and Nagata 2015; Laufer et al. 2018; Feng et al. 2020); pLX-AS includes the pBBR1 origin, which outperformed the RK2 replicon in transient expression assays (Pasin et al. 2017). SynViP was successfully applied for one-step, seamless assembly of an infectious clone of a representative plant RNA virus with no natural template requirements. Uncloned synthetic fragments spanning the TuRV genome were assembled by one-step digestion-ligation into pLX-AS to yield pLX- TuRV, a TuRV infectious clone suitable for agro-infection. The pLX-TuRV infectivity and rescue of a genuine plant virus without biological material requirements was confirmed by visual assessment of host symptoms, and by detection of virus genomes and assembled virus particles in agro-inoculated plant samples. pLX-TuRV is a new entry in our previously reported binary vector collection of A. thaliana - infecting viruses (Pasin et al. 2018), which now covers members of families with disparate genome composition (single-stranded RNA, single- and double-stranded DNA) and organization, including , , , , and Solemoviridae (this study). Very short or repetitive sequences can limit efficiency and accuracy of Gibson assembly, but they do not interfere with type IIS-based methods (Casini et al. 2015). The approach described herein is therefore predicted to be suitable for assembly of tandem genomic repeats needed to rescue viral agents with circular components (Pasin et al. 2019; Marquez-Molins et al. 2019; Krupovic et al. 2020). Collectively, it can be anticipated that the framework described in this study will support spread and further development of synthetic genomic approaches for the biological characterization and engineering of plant viruses and derived biotechnologies. Finally, biological systems are often engineered through ad hoc strategies that can be applied to a limited number of related species (Lv et al. 2020); novel theoretical approaches and methodological concepts for biosystems engineering are necessary to meet the ever-increasing human needs (Nielsen et

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Pasin F. Biotechnol J. 2021 Jan 7:e2000354. al. 2016; HamediRad et al. 2019; Radivojevi ć et al. 2020; Bartley et al. 2020; Yang et al. 2020). Non- random compositional tendencies, dinucleotide frequency, and codon usage biases have been reported in genomic sequences, including those of viruses (Burge et al. 1992; Karlin and Burge 1995; Cheng et al. 2013; Kunec and Osterrieder 2016; Di Giallonardo et al. 2017). The proposed computational identification of compositional biases in biological sequences might become a common standard to aid scalable biosystems design and engineering.

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4. MATERIALS AND METHODS Methods and details of the sequence analysis, digestion-ligation (van Dolleweerd et al. 2018), virus inoculation and purification (Denloye et al. 1978; Pasin et al. 2018, 2020) are provided in the Supporting Information.

5. SUPPORTING INFORMATION The supporting PDF file includes supporting materials and methods, supplementary references and the supporting tables as follows: Table S1. Accession numbers of the plant virome sequences analyzed in the study Table S2. Plasmids used in the study Table S3. Sequences of the primers used Table S4. Sequences of the chemically synthesized DNA fragments

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to D. Endy, K. Gandall, and the BioBricks Foundation for the supply of materials, to D. San León for bioinformatics advice and scripting, to X.-A. Tseng for technical support, and to C. Mark for editorial assistance. Resources from Y.R. Chen, W. Schmidt, S.-T.D. Hsu, P. Draczkowski, and Academia Sinica Cryo-EM Center (ASCEM) are acknowledged. F.P. was the recipient of a post-doctoral fellowship from Academia Sinica (Taiwan).

CONFLICT OF INTEREST The author declares no financial or commercial conflict of interest.

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Oligonucleotide abundance biases aid design of a type IIS synthetic genomics framework with plant virome capacity

Fabio Pasin 1,2

1School of Science, University of Padova, Padova, Italy 2Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

Correspondence Fabio Pasin E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9620-4301

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SUPPORTING MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant virome sequence analysis Accessions of virus genomic and subgenomic components were obtained from a Virus Metadata Resource file (VMR version June 1, 2019) of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses [1] . Accession sequences were downloaded from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (Table S1). accessions including host sequences were not considered in the analysis. Sets of random DNA sequences of 3 to 8 nucleotides were generated by combining A, T, C, and G in all the possible mononucleotide associations; sense and reverse-complement sequences were filtered to generate random, non-redundant oligonucleotide (n.r. mer) sets using an in-house written script (Python). Virome sequences were assumed to be linear, double-stranded DNA molecules (i.e. as those used in cloning procedures) and counts of each n.r. mer were obtained by RSAT [2] including the -2str -subst 0 options. DNA plasmids To generate pLX-AS, a mini binary vector based on the pLX series [3] , the following fragments were obtained by PCR: (i) backbone, amplified from pLX-B2-TagRFP-T using W144_F19/W145_R19 primers; (ii) the lacZ cassette, from pLX-B3 using W146_F19/W147_R (Tables S2, S3). PCR reactions for pLX-AS assembly were performed with the Q5 High-Fidelity 2× master mix (New England BioLabs) and treated with DpnI; the gel-purified amplicons were joined using a one-step isothermal assembly kit (NEBuilder HiFi DNA assembly Master Mix, New England BioLabs). Blue colonies were selected on medium plates supplemented with kanamycin and X-Gal. AarI-based digestion-ligation assembly DNA fragments spanning the turnip rosette virus (TuRV) genome sequence [4] (GenBank: KC778720.1) were chemically synthesized (Twist Bioscience; Table S4). AarI sites were included to each DNA fragment end. Overhangs produced after AarI digestion were designed as follows: (i) the outermost 5' and 3' overhangs were GAGG and CCCA, respectively, to be compatible with the AarI-linearized pLX-AS vector and initiate CaMV 35S promoter-driven transcription at the correct TuRV 5' end, and (ii) internal overhangs were selected from the TuRV genome sequence to recover the intact wild-type sequence after ligation. In the selection of internal overhangs, palindromic sequences were avoided, and reported design rules [5] were considered to enhance assembly efficiency and fidelity. Fragments were PCR-amplified using primers W158_F/W159_R, gel purified, and assembled into pLX-AS by AarI-based, one-step

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Pasin, F. (2021). Biotechnol. J, e2000354 digestion-ligation [6] reactions including 1.5 µL ATP (10 mM), 0.8 µL T4 DNA ligase (400 U/ μL; both from New England BioLabs), 1.5 µL AarI buffer (10×), 0.3 µL AarI primer (50×), and 0.5 µL AarI (2 U/ μL: all three from Thermo Fisher Scientific) in a final volume of 15 µL. Reaction mixtures were subjected to a 15 min step at 37°C, 45 cycles of 7 min each (2 min at 37°C and 5 min at 16°C), followed by 5 min at 37°C, and put on hold at 16°C. Reactions were transformed in E. coli DH10B competent cells, spread onto medium plates supplemented with kanamycin and 40 µL X-Gal (40 mg/mL), and incubated (28°C, ~36 h). White colonies were selected. Virus inoculation Plants of Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia-0 (Col-0) ecotype were maintained in a growth chamber at ~22°C, with a 16 h light/8 h dark photoperiod. For agro-infections, the binary vectors were transformed in Agrobacterium AGL1 cells by the freeze-thaw method and delivered to plants as described [7] . The pLX-B3-TagRFP-T vector [3] was used in the mock condition, and pLX-TuRV for TuRV delivery. Virus detection by RT-PCR assays Upper uninoculated leaves of A. thaliana plants were collected at one month post-agro- inoculation, and total RNA was purified using the plant total RNA mini kit (Geneaid). The RT- PCR assays were done as described previously with minor modifications [7] . The Q9_F/Q10_R primer pair for the plant actin transcript was used as a template control, and W154_F/ W155_R for TuRV genome detection. TuRV purification Aerial parts of infected A. thaliana plants were collected at one month post-agro-inoculation, and TuRV was purified as described [8,9] with minor modifications. Briefly, plant material was ground in liquid nitrogen and viral particles were extracted by mixing 1 mL ice-cold 0.2 M sodium acetate, pH 5.0, 0.5 mL chloroform, and 0.5 mL n-butanol per gram of plant material. The sample was shaken at room temperature (5 min), and cleared by centrifugation (20 min, 2’330 g, 4°C); the supernatant was collected and centrifuged (20 min, 10’000 g, 4°C). The supernatant was collected, adjusted to 0.2 M NaCl and 10% w/v polyethylene glycol 6000, stirred (1 h, 4°C) and centrifuged (20 min, 10’000 g, 4°C). The pellet obtained was resuspended (~16 h, 4°C) in ice-cold 0.1 M sodium acetate, pH 5.0, and then centrifuged (10 min, 10’000 g, 4°C). The supernatant was collected and ultracentrifuged (2 h, 35’000 rpm, 4°C) in a Beckman Optima L-90K with the SW 41 swinging-bucket rotor. The pellet obtained was resuspended (1 h, 4°C) in ice-cold 0.1 M sodium acetate, pH 5.0, and then centrifuged (6 min, 8000 g, 4°C); the supernatant collected was used for viral particle imaging.

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TuRV particle imaging Viral particles (see above) in 0.1 M sodium acetate, pH 5.0 were incubated with collodion- coated carbon-stabilized copper grids that were negative-stained with 2% uranyl formate and observed in a transmission electron microscope (JEM 1400, Jeol). Images were taken with a CCD camera (Gatan) and processed with ImageJ [10] . Statistics For two-group comparisons, a two-tailed Student’s t test was used; the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used in paired comparisons of non-normal datasets The virus agro-inoculation assay was repeated three times with similar results.

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SUPPORTING TABLES Table S1. Accession numbers of the plant virome sequences analyzed in the study Family GenBank accessions Components X06728.1 D13747.1 D13957.1 D00344.1 D12517.1 M97264.1 Z21647.1 M62730.1 D29630.1 D26017.1 51 S73580.1 U23414.1 U89243.1 U62963.1 AB010300.1 AB010302.1 AF406744.1 AJ292230.1 AF484251.1 AB066288.1 AF308158.2 AY366208.1 AY366209.1 AY707100.1 AY789138.1 AJ620114.1 AY863024.1 AJ633822.2 AB206396.1 AB219105.1 DQ660333.1 AB353071.1 AB304848.1 EU489641.1 AM745758.1 AY366207.2 JN053266.1 FJ670570.2 JN389521.1 JF930327.1 KC923234.1 KF555653.1 KJ711908.1 KM379144.1 KP313240.1 KR872420.1 KX058345.1 KY288487.1 KY696659.1 MF150239.1 MF150240.1 Alphasatellitidae M29963.1 L32167.1 U16731.1 U16735.1 X80879.1 AJ005966.1 AB009047.1 AB000920.1 AB000922.1 63 AJ132344.1 AJ238493.1 AJ416153.1 AF416471.1 AJ579359.1 AJ512960.1 DQ641718.1 AM236765.1 EU589450.1 EU384623.1 EU384656.1 AM749493.1 FN658711.1 FN658716.1 FN436007.1 FN436008.1 HM163578.1 HQ407396.1 FN675285.1 FN675296.1 FN675297.1 FN675299.1 HQ343234.2 HQ616080.1 FR772086.1 FR772088.1 JX183090.1 HE984148.1 JX458742.1 JX570736.1 JX913532.1 JX569789.1 HF546575.1 HE806451.1 KC959931.1 KF435148.1 KC978990.1 KC979051.1 KC979052.1 KF785752.1 HG530543.1 KF471043.1 KJ939346.1 KT099170.1 KT099172.1 KT099173.1 KX759649.1 KX168428.1 KX348228.1 KX534398.1 KX534399.1 KX534400.1 KX534408.1 KX534409.1 EF442780.1 HQ128706.1 HM029246.1 3 Aspiviridae AF525933.1 AF525934.1 AF525935.1 AF525936.1 AY535016.1 AY535017.1 AY535018.1 AY535019.1 14 AY654892.1 AY654893.1 AY654894.1 KJ704366.1 KJ704367.1 KJ704368.1 Avsunviroidae J02020.1 M83545.1 Y14700.1 AJ536613.1 4 Benyviridae D63936.1 D84410.1 D84412.1 D84413.1 D84411.1 EU410955.1 EU099844.3 EU099845.3 FJ424610.2 13 JF513082.1 JF513083.1 AB818898.1 AB818899.1 M58152.1 L25658.1 X82547.1 X75448.1 AF017780.1 AF057136.1 AF237816.1 AF170028.1 AB032469.1 90 AF314662.1 AB051848.1 AJ318061.1 AF315308.1 AJ292226.1 AJ516059.1 AY505475.1 AY461421.1 AY713379.1 D14995.2 AJ620300.1 DQ098905.1 D14449.2 AJ863509.1 DQ117579.1 X75433.2 DQ455582.1 AM158439.1 AM182569.2 EF492068.1 EU020009.1 AM493895.2 EF527260.1 EF693898.1 EU162589.1 EU074853.1 EU527979.1 EU835937.1 AB432910.1 EU433397.2 FJ531634.1 FJ196835.1 FJ685618.1 AY072921.2 EU754720.2 FJ824737.1 AB517596.1 HQ184471.1 HQ339956.1 D88448.2 HQ241409.1 JN039374.1 JN427015.1 JF320810.1 JQ245696.1 JQ904630.1 JX212747.1 JX105428.1 JX277553.1 JX173276.1 JX173277.1 D21829.2 KC218926.1 KF533710.1 KF533711.1 HG008921.2 KF700263.1 KJ415259.1 KF958838.1 KJ789130.1 KP784454.2 KM507061.1 KR349343.1 KT763043.1 KT893294.1 KJ572562.2 KJ572563.2 KJ572564.2 KX000914.1 KY392781.1 KY363796.1 LC224308.1 MF095096.1 MF521889.1 MF405923.1 MF927925.1 MF440375.1 MG637048.1 MG783575.1 MG254193.1 FR877530.2 Botourmiaviridae EU770620.1 EU770621.1 EU770622.1 EU770623.1 EU770624.1 EU770625.1 FJ157981.1 FJ157982.1 9 FJ157983.1 X01572.1 X02380.1 X01678.1 X00435.1 M60291.1 M65138.1 M64713.1 D10538.1 D00356.1 D00355.1 105

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D10663.1 D10044.1 L00163.1 K02703.1 J02042.1 M65139.1 M28817.1 M28818.1 L28145.1 U15608.1 U17726.1 U17389.1 U17390.1 U15729.1 U15730.1 X86352.1 U15728.1 U23715.1 U34050.1 U35145.1 U57046.1 U57047.1 U57648.1 U75538.1 U80934.1 U85399.1 U93192.1 U93193.1 U93194.1 X76993.1 X94346.1 X94347.1 AF174584.1 AF174585.1 AJ277268.1 AJ272327.1 AJ272329.1 AF226160.1 AF226161.1 AF226162.1 AF235033.1 AF235165.1 AF235166.1 AF277662.1 AF278534.1 AF278535.1 AJ272328.2 AB080598.1 AB080599.1 AB080600.1 AY496068.1 AY496069.1 AY500236.1 AY500237.1 AY500238.1 AY707771.1 AY707772.1 AY682102.1 AB194808.1 DQ091193.1 AY363228.2 AY743591.2 EF584664.1 EF584665.1 DQ318818.3 DQ091194.2 EU919666.1 EU919667.1 FM881899.1 FM881900.1 FM881901.1 DQ091195.2 AB444583.1 AB444584.1 AB444585.1 FN669168.1 FN669169.1 HE572565.1 AB724113.1 AB724114.1 AB724115.1 JX463340.1 JX463341.1 JX463342.1 AB194806.2 AB194807.2 KF031037.1 KF031038.1 KF031039.1 KT290039.1 KT290040.1 KT290041.1 KT779204.1 KT779205.1 KT779206.1 Caulimoviridae X06166.1 V00141.1 X04658.1 X52938.1 X57924.1 M89923.1 L14546.1 U13988.1 X97304.1 U59751.1 76 AJ002234.1 AF190123.1 X15828.2 U95208.2 AJ277091.1 AF347695.1 AF404509.2 AF454635.1 AF357836.1 AY180137.1 AF364175.3 AY493509.1 AY750155.1 AY805074.1 DQ822073.1 EU034539.1 EU554423.1 FJ493469.1 FJ439817.1 FJ824813.1 GU985153.1 GU121676.1 HQ694979.1 HQ694978.1 HQ593107.1 HQ593108.1 HQ593109.1 HQ593110.1 HQ593112.1 JF411989.1 FJ560943.2 JF301669.2 JN606110.1 JQ316114.1 JX028536.1 JQ926983.1 JX272320.1 JX429923.1 KC808712.1 KJ013302.1 KM078034.1 KM229702.1 KP710178.1 HG940503.2 KJ413252.1 KR080327.1 LN651258.2 KU508800.1 KX066020.1 KX008573.1 KX008574.1 KX008577.1 KX430257.1 KU168312.1 KX276640.1 KX276641.1 KX168422.1 KY827394.1 KY827395.1 KX852476.1 MF642719.1 MF642724.1 MF642725.1 MF642728.1 MF642736.1 MG686421.1 X73476.1 U15440.1 U15441.1 U16304.1 Y10237.1 AJ428554.1 AJ428555.1 AF037268.2 AJ508757.2 52 AY242077.1 AY242078.1 AF531505.1 AJ557128.1 AJ557129.1 AY792620.1 AY881628.1 AY903447.1 AY903448.1 DQ860839.1 DQ357218.1 EF546442.1 AF414119.3 EU191904.1 EU191905.1 FJ380118.1 FJ380119.1 FJ467503.1 FJ815440.1 FJ815441.1 FJ869862.1 AY330918.2 AY330919.2 AY488137.2 AY488138.2 AY776334.2 AY776335.2 HM588723.1 GQ376201.2 GQ225585.2 HE588185.1 JQ023131.1 AB733585.1 KC904540.1 KJ748003.1 AB923924.1 KR349464.1 KT203917.1 KR002686.1 KR002687.1 LC052212.1 KX857665.1 MH206615.1 D32136.1 AJ000929.1 AB014344.1 JN880414.1 AB844264.1 KF562072.1 KJ634409.1 KR080326.1 14 KT456287.1 KT456288.1 KT721705.1 KT727022.1 LC144945.1 KX977569.1 Fimoviridae AY563040.2 AY563041.2 DQ831828.1 DQ831831.1 FM991954.1 FM992851.1 FM864225.2 AM941711.6 49 HQ871942.1 HQ871943.1 HQ871944.1 HQ871945.1 FR823299.1 FR823300.1 FR823301.1 FR823302.1 FR823303.1 HE803827.1 HE803826.2 HF568803.1 HF568804.1 HF568801.1 HF568802.3 HF945448.2 KJ939623.1 KJ939624.1 KJ939626.1 KJ939627.1 KJ939628.1 KJ939629.1 KJ939630.1 KJ939631.1 KM007081.1 KM007082.1 KM007083.1 HF912246.1 HG939489.1 HG939490.1 HF912243.1 HF912244.1 HF912245.3 KP970121.1 KP970122.1 KP970123.1 KT861481.1 KT861482.1 KT861483.1 KT861484.1 KT861485.1 Geminiviridae Y00514.1 X70418.1 X70419.1 M88179.1 M88180.1 D01030.1 D00940.1 D00941.1 S53251.1 L14460.1 617

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M20021.1 J02057.1 J02058.1 M23022.1 M88686.1 M88687.1 L01635.1 L01636.1 K02029.1 K02030.1 M38182.1 M38183.1 M82918.1 M81103.1 Z24759.1 Z24758.1 D14703.1 D14704.1 L39638.1 Z48182.1 L14461.1 U49907.1 U57457.1 X84735.1 X99550.1 X99551.1 U38239.1 Y11100.1 Y11099.1 U88692.1 AF012300.1 AF012301.1 Y15033.1 Y15034.1 AF029217.1 AF039841.1 AJ223191.1 AF037752.1 Y15934.1 AF049336.1 AJ002449.1 AJ002455.1 Y14874.1 Y14875.1 AJ006460.1 X61153.1 U77964.1 AF101476.1 AF101478.1 AF126406.1 AF110189.1 AF110190.1 AF142440.1 AF141922.1 AF141897.1 AF112354.1 AF112355.1 AF104036.1 AF072672.1 AF134484.2 AF195782.1 AF188481.1 AF139168.1 AF170101.1 AF155806.1 AF126806.1 AF126807.1 AF241479.1 AF155807.2 AF274349.1 AB007990.1 AF260241.1 AF291705.1 AF291706.1 AF224760.2 AF224761.2 AF311734.1 AJ012081.1 AJ012082.1 AF314531.1 AF327436.1 AF264063.1 AF336806.1 AF350330.1 AF314144.1 U65529.2 U65530.2 AF440790.1 AY064391.1 AF271234.1 AJ314737.1 AJ314738.1 AJ420319.1 AF422174.1 AF326775.1 AF421552.1 AF421553.1 AJ437618.1 AF490004.1 AF491306.1 AY090558.1 AF499442.1 AJ457986.1 AJ457824.1 AJ489258.1 AF130415.2 AF261885.2 AJ495813.1 AJ495814.1 AY044133.1 AY044134.1 AY044135.1 AY044136.1 AY044137.1 AJ507777.1 AJ512761.1 AB050597.1 AF511528.1 AF511529.1 AJ438937.1 AB085793.1 AB085794.1 AB100304.1 AY190290.1 AY190291.1 AJ542540.1 AF480940.1 AF480941.1 U15015.2 U15017.2 AJ549960.1 AF422175.2 AF509739.1 AF509740.1 AF509742.1 AF509743.1 AY297924.1 AY271891.1 AY339618.1 X15983.2 X15984.3 Y11023.2 AJ558121.1 AJ557450.1 AJ557451.1 AJ557453.1 AJ557454.1 AJ558118.1 AJ558122.1 AJ558124.1 AY502935.1 AY502936.1 AJ627904.1 AJ627905.1 AY602165.1 AY602166.1 AY727903.1 AY727904.1 AJ508783.1 AJ851005.1 AJ608286.1 AY705380.1 AJ786711.1 AJ783960.1 AJ876550.1 AY754814.1 AJ865338.1 AJ865340.1 AY927277.1 AF068636.2 DQ022611.1 AY965899.1 AM048837.1 AJ965540.1 DQ127170.1 DQ178608.1 DQ178609.1 DQ207749.1 AJ965539.2 AM050730.1 DQ318937.1 DQ318938.1 DQ336350.1 DQ336351.1 AJ971263.1 DQ339117.1 DQ347950.1 DQ356428.1 DQ406672.1 DQ406673.1 AJ717572.1 DQ406674.1 AJ704971.1 DQ519575.1 DQ520943.1 DQ520944.1 DQ512731.1 DQ641688.1 DQ641690.1 DQ641692.1 DQ641694.1 DQ641695.1 DQ641696.1 DQ641697.1 DQ641698.1 DQ641699.1 DQ641701.1 DQ641689.1 DQ641691.1 DQ641693.1 AM183224.1 AF189018.4 AB267834.1 AB267835.1 DQ875879.1 AM238692.1 AM236784.1 DQ866132.1 DQ875868.1 DQ875869.1 DQ875870.1 DQ875871.1 DQ875872.1 DQ875873.1 EF016486.1 AM236755.1 DQ871221.1 EF165536.1 AM411424.1 EF121755.1 EF194760.1 AM491778.1 EF373060.1 EF417915.1 EF417916.1 EF197941.1 AB236323.1 EF450316.1 EF175733.1 EF408037.1 EF534708.1 EF547938.1 DQ395343.2 AM296025.1 EF602306.1 AM701758.1 AM701760.1 AM701763.1 AM701764.1 AM701765.1 AM701768.1 EF585290.1 EF585291.1 EU158095.1 EU158096.1 EU158097.1 AM886131.1 EU350585.1 EU339937.1 EU377539.1 EU244915.1 EU273818.1 EU360303.1 EU487042.1 EU487046.1 EU365613.1 EU585781.1 EU445699.1 EU596959.1 EU596960.1 FM160943.1 AJ488768.2 EU710749.1 EU710750.1 EU710751.1 EU710752.1 EU710753.1 EU710754.1 EU710755.1 EU710756.1 EU710757.1 AM992534.1 AM884015.2 EU734831.1 EU910141.1 EU798996.1 EU914817.1 EU914818.1 FJ011668.1 FJ011669.1 FJ174698.1 FJ213931.1 EU862323.1 FJ515747.1 AM712436.1 FJ589571.1 FJ455449.1 FJ685621.1 FJ619507.1 FJ237617.1 FJ665631.1 FJ600483.1 FJ600484.1 FJ972767.1 FJ972768.1 FN396966.1 FJ999999.1 FJ529203.1 FJ601917.2 FJ561298.1 FN552749.1 AM999981.1 AM999982.1 FN543425.1 FN543426.1 GQ273988.1 FJ969831.1 AM182232.2 FJ944019.1 FJ944020.1 FJ944021.1

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FJ944022.1 FJ944023.1 FM877858.1 M24597.2 GU972604.1 GU997691.1 GU997692.1 GQ472984.1 GQ472985.1 GQ472986.1 FN436001.1 GU456685.1 HM163576.1 HM163577.1 HM003779.1 HM003778.1 HM230683.1 GU734126.2 HM236368.1 HM236369.1 HM236370.1 HM236371.1 GQ334472.2 HM122238.1 HQ180391.1 GU111998.1 HM992939.1 HM140367.1 GU256530.1 GU256532.1 HQ008338.1 HQ009518.1 HM991146.1 HQ113104.1 HM777508.1 HM777510.1 HM585435.1 HM585441.1 HM585443.1 HM585445.1 HM585436.1 HM585442.1 HM585444.1 HM585446.1 FJ619508.2 HQ443515.1 HM357458.2 HM357461.3 HQ162270.1 HQ201952.1 HQ201953.1 HQ393477.1 HQ333144.1 JF265670.1 HQ896204.1 HM007106.1 HM007121.1 HQ396465.1 JF508490.1 HM626515.1 JF694461.1 JF694462.1 JF694471.1 JF694473.1 JF694479.1 JF694480.1 JF694484.1 JF694485.1 JF694486.1 JF905486.1 FJ177030.2 JF803252.1 JF803254.1 JF803264.1 JF803265.1 JN411687.1 JN411688.1 JN564749.1 JN564750.1 JN809819.1 FR772082.1 JN555601.1 HE616777.1 HE617299.1 HE617300.1 JN419002.1 JN419013.1 JN419021.1 JN381814.1 JN381819.1 JN989422.1 JN989439.1 HM357456.2 JQ911766.1 JQ361910.1 JQ897969.1 JQ624879.1 JQ429791.1 JQ821386.1 JQ821387.1 JQ793786.1 JQ866297.1 JQ920490.1 JQ948088.1 JQ948061.1 JQ948051.1 JQ948052.1 JX025358.1 JX094280.1 JX162595.1 JX183732.1 JN848771.1 JN848774.1 JN848776.1 JN848770.1 JN848772.1 JN848773.1 JN848775.1 JQ283246.1 AY508993.2 AY508994.2 JX827487.1 JX827488.1 JX458740.1 JX857691.1 JX857693.1 KC176780.1 KC176781.1 HE862273.1 JN135234.2 JX871376.1 JX871380.1 JX871383.1 JX871385.1 KC149938.1 KC488316.1 KC223600.1 KC706615.1 KC430935.1 KC430936.1 KC202818.1 KC426927.1 KC426928.1 KC577540.1 KC686705.1 KC791690.1 KC791691.1 KC626021.1 KC907406.1 HF921459.1 KF414123.1 KF429251.1 KC898543.1 KC769819.1 KF358470.1 KF358471.1 KF150142.1 KF156759.1 KF446659.1 KF551578.1 KF551585.1 KF551592.1 KF660223.1 HF912280.1 KF723258.1 KF723261.1 JQ901105.2 KJ437671.1 KJ210622.1 KF661331.1 KF661332.1 KF927128.2 LK054801.1 KJ739692.1 JQ714138.2 JQ714137.2 KJ476510.2 KM244718.1 KM244719.1 JN698954.3 KJ957157.1 KF806701.1 KM377674.1 LK028570.1 KM887907.1 KM926624.1 KP663484.1 KP663485.1 KP303687.1 KP195260.1 KP195267.1 KP188831.1 KM411359.1 LM651400.1 KM880103.1 KP732474.1 KR263172.1 KR263181.1 KM359406.2 KT390456.1 KR150789.1 KR612272.1 KT099124.1 KT099125.1 KT099127.1 KT099128.1 KT099139.1 KT099156.1 KT201151.1 KT201152.1 KT201153.1 KT201154.1 KT899302.1 KT899303.1 KT454832.1 KT159766.1 KT444609.1 KT388076.1 KT948785.1 KT948786.1 KT948787.1 KT948788.1 KT582302.1 KT582303.1 LC080677.1 KT809345.1 KT878828.1 KT878829.1 KT966771.1 KT966772.1 KT948069.1 KU131588.1 KU131589.1 KT992056.1 KT962229.1 LC091538.1 KT214389.1 KU323597.1 KU683748.1 KU683750.1 KU522485.1 KU569583.1 KU852742.1 KX691396.1 KX691400.1 KX691402.1 KX691407.1 KX691411.1 KX691412.1 KX691413.1 KX691415.1 KU058856.1 KU058860.1 KX011473.1 KX011474.1 KX011477.1 KX011471.1 KX011472.1 KX363443.1 KX787914.1 KX831132.1 KX096982.1 KY001635.1 KX943290.1 KX943291.1 KX853168.1 KY294725.1 KY294727.1 KX348183.1 KX348184.1 KX348185.1 KX348225.1 KY617094.1 KY565231.1 KX857725.1 KY962377.1 KY962381.1 KY449275.1 KY373213.1 MF185002.1 MF167297.1 KY196216.1 MF402918.1 MG001960.1 MF510408.1 MG969497.1 Genomoviridae JQ412056.1 KF413620.1 KT253577.1 KT598248.3 4 Kitaviridae DQ352194.1 DQ352195.1 JN651148.1 JN651149.1 JN651150.1 JN651151.1 HQ852052.1 HQ852053.1 11 HQ852054.1 JX000024.1 JX000025.1

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Luteoviridae X07653.1 X13063.1 D11028.1 D00530.1 L25299.1 X76931.1 X83110.1 AF157029.1 AF352024.1 36 AB038147.1 AF441393.1 AF473561.1 AF235168.2 AF218798.2 AY695933.1 AY956384.1 EF529624.1 EU000534.1 EU024678.1 GU167940.1 HM439775.1 AB594828.1 HM439608.2 KC921392.1 KC571999.1 HF679486.1 JQ700308.2 KP326573.1 KT273409.1 KU999109.1 KU297983.1 KU315177.1 KU248489.1 KX159470.1 KY523072.1 LT559483.1 Metaviridae (a ) X13886.1 1 S56276.1 U16730.1 U16732.1 U16733.1 U16734.1 U16736.1 L41574.1 L41575.1 L41577.1 L41578.1 75 L41576.1 AB009046.1 AB000923.1 AB000924.1 AB000925.1 AB000926.1 AB000927.1 AJ132179.1 AJ132180.1 AJ132181.1 AJ132182.1 AJ132183.1 AJ132184.1 AJ132186.1 AB027511.1 AJ290434.1 AJ749902.1 AB255373.1 EF546808.1 EF546809.1 EF546810.1 EF546811.1 EF546812.1 EF546813.1 GQ150778.1 GQ150779.1 GQ150780.1 GQ150781.1 GQ150782.1 GQ150783.1 GQ150784.1 GQ150785.1 GU553134.1 JN133279.1 JN133280.1 JN133281.1 JN133282.1 JN133283.1 JN133284.1 JN133285.1 JX569847.1 JX867540.1 JX867546.1 JX867548.1 JX867550.1 KF435143.1 KF435145.1 KF435146.1 KF435147.1 KC978958.1 KC978959.1 KC978960.1 KC978961.1 KC978962.1 KC978963.1 KC978964.1 KC978965.1 KC979054.1 KC979055.1 KC979056.1 KC979057.1 KC979058.1 KC979059.1 KC979061.1 KC979062.1 Orphan V01468.1 S55890.1 S51557.1 M17182.1 M55012.1 M64479.1 AJ000898.1 LT221868.1 LT221869.1 11 KX960111.1 KX960112.1 AY705784.1 AY705785.1 AY751737.1 AY751738.1 EU195326.1 EU195327.1 EU489061.1 EU489062.1 31 FJ550604.1 FJ550605.1 HM560702.1 HM560703.1 HM560704.1 FR687854.1 FR687855.1 JN117276.1 JN117277.1 JN117278.1 JN117279.1 JN196536.1 JN196537.1 JX971976.1 JX971977.1 JX971978.1 JX971979.1 JX971980.1 JX971981.1 JX971982.1 JX971983.1 JX971984.1 JX971985.1 Phenuiviridae X53563.1 D10979.1 D13176.1 D31879.1 AB000403.1 AB000404.1 AB009656.1 AB010376.1 AB010377.1 14 AB010378.1 MG566074.1 MG566075.1 MG566076.1 MG566077.1 Pospiviroidae X17101.1 X17696.1 X52960.1 X15663.1 X14638.1 X07397.1 X06719.1 V01107.1 V01465.1 J02049.1 28 J02053.1 M20731.1 J04348.1 K00818.1 K00817.1 U21125.1 X99487.1 X95290.1 X95365.1 X95734.1 D12823.1 AF059712.1 AF162131.1 AB019508.1 AF447788.1 EF617306.1 FJ409044.1 JX263426.1 Potyviridae X67673.1 M96425.1 M11458.1 X90904.1 D83749.1 U42596.1 U09509.1 Y09854.1 D86371.1 X04083.1 139 Y10973.1 AF023848.1 AF057533.1 AJ001691.1 D86634.1 D86635.1 AJ132268.1 AJ132269.1 AJ243957.1 AB027007.1 AJ296311.1 D00507.2 AJ298033.1 AF127929.2 AJ306718.1 AJ306719.1 AJ312437.1 AJ297628.1 AJ316084.1 AF499738.1 AJ437279.1 BD171712.1 AJ437280.1 AJ237843.3 AY377938.1 AY206394.2 AY437609.1 AY623626.1 AY623627.1 AY642590.1 AY656816.1 AF169561.2 AY578085.1 AJ851866.1 AJ865076.1 DQ299908.1 AB246773.1 AM039800.1 AB219545.1 DQ645484.1 DQ821938.1 DQ851493.1 DQ851495.1 DQ851496.1 AM181350.1 AY994084.1 AM182028.1 EF219408.1 AY626825.4 EF579955.1 EF608612.1 EU259611.1 EU564817.1 EU410442.1 FJ263671.1 FJ185044.1 GQ421689.2 FM206346.1 GQ388116.1 GU181199.1 GQ916624.1 AF538686.2 AB541985.1 AB551370.1 GU207957.1 GU563327.1 HM363516.1 EU847625.2 HQ676607.1 HQ161081.1 HE600072.1 JF838187.1 JN190431.1 JQ314463.1 JN613807.1 JQ395040.1 JQ723475.1 JQ824374.1 DQ925486.2 AB710145.1 JX156425.1 JQ692088.1 JQ350738.1 JQ807997.1 JQ807999.1 JX470965.1 JQ801448.1 JX867236.1 HQ122652.2

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JX156434.1 KC443039.1 AB818538.1 KC345607.1 KF260962.1 KF649336.1 KC691259.1 KF906523.1 KF984546.1 KJ830760.1 KM523548.1 KP405232.1 KP343681.1 KP769852.1 LC055681.1 LC060925.1 KT222674.1 KT692938.1 KT834407.1 KU053507.1 KT724961.1 KU556609.1 KU981084.1 KT633868.1 KX013584.1 KU685505.1 KU935732.1 KY612317.1 KX856009.1 KY491536.1 KY649478.1 KY657266.1 KY623505.1 KY623506.1 MF622947.1 MF997470.1 MF509898.1 MF953305.1 KY562565.1 KY828925.2 Pseudoviridae X53558.1 X13291.1 X13777.1 X52387.1 X63184.1 Z17327.1 U12626.1 D83003.1 U41000.1 U68408.1 21 Y08010.1 U96748.1 U68072.1 D85597.1 Y12321.1 AJ000893.1 AF039373.1 AJ005762.1 AB021265.1 AY016208.1 AH005614.2 D13410.1 D13411.1 D01047.1 D13774.1 U36402.1 L38899.1 U36562.1 U36563.1 U36564.1 U36565.1 84 U36566.1 U36567.1 U36568.1 U36569.1 U33633.1 U72757.1 U73201.1 U73202.1 L46682.1 U66712.1 U66713.1 D86439.1 AF020334.1 AF020335.1 AF020336.1 AF020337.1 U66714.1 AF050086.1 AF049704.1 AF049705.1 AB030009.1 AJ297427.1 AJ297430.1 AJ297431.1 AJ297433.1 AJ293984.1 AJ294757.1 AJ409145.1 AJ409146.1 AJ409147.1 AJ409148.1 AF356083.1 AF359556.1 AY029520.1 AY029521.1 AF395872.1 AF395873.1 AF499925.1 AF499926.1 AF499927.1 AF499928.1 AY297693.1 AY297694.1 AY607586.1 AY607587.1 AY789927.1 AY923115.1 DQ023312.1 D76429.1 AB254451.1 AB254452.1 AB254453.1 AB254454.1 AB254455.1 EU523359.1 EU523360.1 FN563989.1 FN563990.1 FN563991.1 FN563992.1 FN563993.1 FN563994.1 FN563995.1 FN563996.1 KU984966.1 KU984967.1 KU984968.1 KU984969.1 KU984970.1 KU984971.1 KU984972.1 KU984973.1 KU984974.1 KU984975.1 L32603.1 AB011257.1 AB030277.1 AY618417.1 AY674964.1 AJ867584.2 AB244417.1 AB244418.1 21 EF687738.1 GU734660.1 KF812525.1 KF812526.1 KM213865.1 KT381973.1 KY700685.1 KY700686.1 KY751404.1 KY751405.1 KP205452.2 MG938506.1 MG938507.1 X00206.1 X00729.1 X15346.1 X15163.1 X16907.1 X04062.1 X64886.1 M62738.1 D00915.1 M83830.1 106 M83309.1 M14913.1 M95497.1 D00322.1 L19655.1 U50869.1 U67839.1 U70866.1 AB030941.1 AB030940.1 AF020051.3 AF225953.1 AF225954.1 AY017339.1 AB054688.1 AB054689.1 AF368272.1 AJ311875.1 AJ311876.1 AY157993.1 AY157994.1 AY291207.1 AY291208.1 AY363727.1 AY303787.1 AY303788.1 AB084450.1 AB084451.1 AY303786.1 AJ621357.1 AJ621358.1 AB009958.2 AB009959.2 AY860978.1 AY860979.1 AB084452.1 AB084453.1 D12477.2 DQ344639.1 DQ344640.1 DQ388879.1 DQ388880.1 AB295643.1 AB295644.1 EF681764.1 EF681765.1 EU980442.1 GU810903.1 GU810904.1 AB518485.1 AB518486.1 FN691934.1 FN691935.1 FR851461.1 FR851462.1 AB649296.1 AB649297.1 EU881937.2 EU881936.2 JQ670669.1 JQ437415.1 HE613269.1 HE774604.1 JX304792.1 JQ581051.1 KC855266.1 KC855267.1 KC832887.1 KC832892.1 KC595304.1 KC595305.1 KC904083.1 KC904084.1 KM229700.1 KM229701.1 KP404602.1 KP404603.1 KT238881.1 KT692952.1 KT692953.1 KU052530.1 KU052531.1 KX269865.1 KX269871.1 KU215538.1 KU215539.1 KX656670.1 KX656671.1 KX424571.1 KX424572.1 KF533719.2 KF533720.2 KY646466.1 KJ572573.2 LT608395.1 LT608396.1 Solemoviridae L20893.1 M23021.1 Z48630.1 U31286.1 AF055887.1 AB040446.1 AF208001.1 AJ867490.1 AY004291.2 19 AM940437.1 AM990928.1 JF495127.1 HM754263.2 JN620802.1 JX123318.1 AY177608.2 KC577469.1 LC019764.1 LC081344.1 Tolecusatellitidae U74627.1 AJ252072.1 AJ308425.1 AJ298903.1 AJ438938.1 AJ420313.1 AJ421484.1 AY244706.1 72 AJ557441.1 AJ566746.1 AJ316026.1 AJ316032.1 AJ316036.1 AJ316040.1 AY428768.1 AY438558.1

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AJ542498.1 AJ542489.1 AJ542491.1 AJ542492.1 AJ542493.1 AJ704609.1 AB182263.1 AJ968684.1 AM072289.1 AJ966244.1 DQ641714.1 DQ641716.1 DQ644564.1 AM410551.1 AB236324.1 AB307732.1 AB308071.1 AM933578.1 AB300464.1 EU862324.1 AM260465.1 FM164737.1 FN435836.1 FJ914390.1 GQ478344.1 HQ180394.1 HM143906.1 FR717140.1 HM007103.1 JF733779.1 JN638445.1 JN819490.1 JN819495.1 JN819498.1 JN986808.1 JF919717.1 JQ866298.1 JX443646.1 KC282642.1 KF433066.1 KC952006.1 KF499590.1 KF640694.1 KF641186.1 KF912951.1 KF716173.1 KF267444.1 KJ642219.2 LK054803.1 KP322555.1 KC967282.2 KP752092.1 KM051528.1 KT099179.1 KT454829.1 KU232893.1 X62493.1 X15511.1 X08021.1 X02986.1 S46028.1 L07884.1 M25270.1 M29671.1 J04357.1 M21958.1 65 L16015.1 U03563.1 U20976.1 X83964.1 X87115.1 X94560.1 X85989.1 Z69910.1 U57305.1 U72332.1 U55002.1 Y13463.1 U62546.1 M88589.2 L18870.2 X14736.2 D86123.1 X86448.2 AF402620.2 AY163842.1 AB086951.1 AJ514833.1 AJ557804.1 AJ607402.1 AF452884.3 AY038069.2 AY616760.1 AY830918.1 AF266518.2 EF207438.1 EF589670.1 EU127904.1 EU081018.1 FJ188473.1 FJ457015.1 GQ244431.1 FJ768020.1 X85215.3 HQ677625.1 HM640935.2 JX197071.1 JQ864181.1 KC166238.1 JX848617.1 KF482072.1 AY613852.2 AY038066.2 AY038068.2 M22445.3 KJ918748.1 EU151723.4 KP901095.1 KU187189.1 KX712140.1 DQ219415.2 Tospoviridae X66972.1 D10066.1 D00645.1 S48091.1 M74904.1 U27809.1 X93218.1 U42555.1 U78734.1 U75379.1 45 AF001387.1 AF025538.1 AB038343.1 AF133128.1 AF214014.1 AB061774.1 AB061773.1 AY867502.1 DQ256123.1 DQ256124.1 DQ256125.1 FJ623474.1 FJ822961.1 FJ822962.1 GU584184.1 GU584185.1 GU735408.1 HQ728385.1 HQ728386.1 HQ728387.1 JF417980.1 JN587268.1 JN587269.1 KJ541744.1 KJ541745.1 KJ541746.1 KM114546.1 KM114547.1 KM114548.1 KU641378.1 KU641379.1 KU641380.1 KX698422.1 KX698423.1 KX698424.1 X07441.1 D00637.1 J04374.1 J04375.1 U87832.1 Y16104.1 AF098523.1 AJ271595.1 AF195000.2 26 AJ309022.1 AY789137.1 AY884005.1 AY751777.1 AY751778.1 AY751779.1 AY751780.1 EF554577.1 FJ436028.1 FJ444852.2 FN563123.1 JX508290.1 JX508291.1 KC840043.1 KX354202.1 KY084481.1 AF265566.2 Virgaviridae X03854.1 X14006.1 X03241.1 X51828.1 V01408.1 L07937.1 L07938.1 J04342.1 M16576.1 M81413.1 75 M34077.1 L23972.1 D13438.1 L07269.1 X82130.1 X78602.1 U30944.1 X99149.1 U64512.1 D12505.1 Z97873.1 U03387.1 AJ223596.1 AJ223597.1 AJ223598.1 D86636.1 D86637.1 D86638.1 AJ012005.1 AJ012006.2 AF166084.1 Z36974.2 AJ132576.1 AJ132577.1 AJ132578.1 AJ132579.1 AJ238607.1 AJ243719.1 AB033689.1 AB033690.1 AB033691.1 AB033692.1 AJ277556.1 Z66493.2 AF321057.1 AF332868.1 AJ295948.1 AJ295949.1 AB017503.1 AB089381.1 AF447397.1 DQ355023.1 DQ356949.1 AM040955.1 AM398436.1 AB261167.1 EF375551.1 EU043335.1 HM026454.1 HQ389540.1 HQ667979.1 JF729471.1 JN566124.1 KF477193.1 KF495564.1 AF395898.3 KJ395757.1 AB976029.1 AB976030.1 AB917427.1 KT383474.1 KT225271.2 KT225272.2 KT225273.2 KU659022.1 (a) The Metaviridae accessions AB005247.2 and AC007209.6 were not considered in the analysis since they include host sequences.

Correspondence: [email protected] 11/15

Pasin, F. (2021). Biotechnol. J, e2000354

Table S2. Plasmids used in the study Plasmid name GenBank Usage Reference pLX-B3 KY825144 Cloning purpose [3] pLX-B2-TagRFP-T KY825142 Cloning purpose [3] pLX-B3-TagRFP-T KY825147 Transient expression [3] pLX-AS MW281334 Cloning purpose This study pLX-TuRV MW281335 Virus inoculation This study

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Pasin, F. (2021). Biotechnol. J, e2000354


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Pasin, F. (2021). Biotechnol. J, e2000354


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Pasin, F. (2021). Biotechnol. J, e2000354


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