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53:,60-- rga> ^S'o/: •SECRE11 /A/Afichse Latvian Intelligence Contacts

I. . A. SIB Almost all successful or unsuccessful Latvian operations based on Spdden appear to have been under SIS,TEPFERS control. Section A on the SIS . in Sweden has been subdivided as follows 1)TEPFERS and his coworkers in operational planning, 2) TEETERS operational con- tacts, and 3) miscellaneous Latvian BIS contacta not directly con- nected with TEPFERSeo far as we know. 1). General Verners TEPFERS . _ . In contact with SIB since 1943 according to his own statement. In summer 1948 signed agreement with SIS plan him Oontrol.over all operations using Latvians from Sweden. His main associates In operational planning have been the following:

Aldom TEPFERS, nee CAESTE, TEPFERS 1 wife and sister of LCP politician Mintauts CAXSTE, daughter of former president of . . • lp ; /Tarns ZIVERTS, Latvian P astor, member of TEPFERS LatV ian Assistance Committee in 1945, has since then remained in contact with TEPFERS onAltelligence matters according to TEPFERS t .own state- ment. • • . c. Valdemars DINTERS. Worked With TEPFERS during World War . II on evacuation of Latvians from Latvia, broke with TEPFERSand LCP on arrival .in Sweden at end of war, again became adsodiated. with him in operations in summer of 1948. According tb TEPFERS.. °INTERS lost interest in 1951 and has Since then had no operatiOnal. contact with him or with the SIS.

d. Voldemars SALNAJS, former Latvian ambassador to Sweden, • associated with TEPFERS-in intelligence since 1945 or before _•until his in 1948. • .2) Operational Contacts of ITTFERS

A:Spring 1948 was approached by V GINTERS for aid to following -group-then planning:operation/ E. °INTERS, J. LUK 7 NS; F:.T,AUNAGS;,. :K.MAGA4, :A . BROMBERGS . Refused assistance. . nOnrW .b • . Requested LAUNAGS to jciin/grou in July 1948; Gbtained from him general biographies on Gliorge PflENMOVS, Janis GUDBITIS and- janis- BANYAVS,. In late 1948 LAUNAGS volAnteered to return to Latvia and began training with SIS in January. 1949. • • • o Recruited Janis °RUNTS for inclusion in operation planned for late summer 1950 by It. Harlis VILKANKIS and Peter and 0.ani5. ROBESNIEES Operation did not take place. E.,


SEW do Recruited and trained Peters KARKLINS for TTLESTONE B but did not dispatch him.

e. Used mrs. Aliso LEJINS as radio contact during WW II. 3) Miscellaneous SIS contacts not directly aspociatfA with. TEPFERS so far as is known: a. Bruno Janis SAULITIS Former first 14Autenant in Wehrmacht, mad ft 5 parachute jumps for Germans behind Russian lines, return941,424, pia in 1944, ex- filtrated later in 1944, may have made l gter tri TA1949 was member of RMS associated with Major RAVITSCH, Captain RUSATS V. GINTERS, F. LAUNAGS,as well as the SIS, and in with LAMBERGS and A. ENDZINS. In 1950 planned operation returning to Latvia with Hans Joachim VON GERLACH, German national, former AFpilot., working in ASEA Factory in v asteras. SIS now using addresses and passwords in VALDEMAR contact including some on list given by SAULITIS to V. LAMBERGS in 1950. b. Bator RAVITSCH. Pole, said to be head of RBB group.wor- king with s l s and consisting of one representative from each S al- tiu country OW .

c. Lt. Karlis VILKANKIS

. See SAULITIS (above.) Suspected by F LAUNAGS of being in contact with SIS independent of TEPFERS or •. GINTERS.. d. Grigoriis KIKULIS Heaa of CE Section of Latvian General S af! until 1939. Sub-. semontly_MA to Sweden from Latvia. Served in swedish Defense Mini- stry is C expert during World War II Believed by some to . have had RIS connections during this time. M arhave been radio contact.fOr Mrs. LEJINS in Sweden during WW II. Believed by LAUNAGS to be - main authority in TEPFEES/VALDIVZILINSKAS committee. According to VALDIN, TEPFERS suspects he works for the SIS independently outside Off the TEPeEttS/SIS agreement.

. - - AccOrding to LAUNAGB, the SIS-used the following.training peOonnel. in preparing candidates for TILESTONE BAKER: JAMBOR encoding and decoding instructor SIMANSON tradecraft instructor • Captain ANDREASSON, OB qnd weapons instructor, in charge of all training. . isEca, B. BIB

1) TEPFERS in contact since 1936. LAUNAGS believes V. SALNAJS served as BIB contact until his death in 1948. 2) Maior RAVITSCH, RM8 head . AY As 3) V. GINTERS. According to statement to LAUNAGS/ OTATERSi was in BIS contact without SIS Icnoweltige along with TEPFERS in 1948, 4) Leonids SILINS, in BIS contact ilk-1194U 5) F. LAUNAGS, contacted in 1950 by BIS George KILOOUR and Major HILLMAINS. KILGOUR requested and received from LAUNAGS cor es and ciphers for one of LAUNAuS two contact plans with VALDEMAR and agreed toturn over any letters received from VAL-. demar for s/W tests. LUKINS believes the support he received from ROESEA in 1946 was actually from the BIS not the FIS (See F IS.) • C. PIS

1) ,L MINS obtained financial support for his 1946 operation from Frederick Georges ROESER, a Frenchman reported to have made almost daily trips to the office of thr . French NA in 5tockholm:e4i1(7. As it was later ascrtained that C aptain Lrederic GOOWELL, assis- tant French NA in 5 ockholm had been buying rubles daily in 1946 at above the normal rate, the SIB concluded that LUKINS operation was backed by the FIS although LUKINS stated he believed the BIS WWI behind SOE6gR. LUKINS 1946 group co sisted of the following: LUE1NS, ARIAS LAUNAGS, SKOBE, ROBEZGRUNDNIEKS, TOMPSONS, FONZAVS, KONRADS, JUREVICS. LUKINS 1948 group consisted of H. GINTEHS, LAUNAGS, SACHS, BROMBERGS. 2) LAUNAGS believes Estre ALBERINGS, daughter of the former Latviai Minister of Agriculture and mistress of ROBEZGRUNDNIEKS May be in contact with the FIS, She recently contacted SILDE in Germany.


1) TEPFERS, In AIS contact since about 1949, Usually in indirect contact through Captain VALDIN. Has obtained covert support from AIS, agreed to recruit Latvians in Sweden for-AIS, has expressed dissatisfaction with SIC, 2) TI3ETAN/10 ( Identity unknown) - 3) TINWARE, Latvian journalist, (Identity unknown) MET, -

4) V. GINTERS, contacted by Stockholm station February 1951; still in contact.

5) L_LTEE5, debriefed by St ockhoMm station ea 1950. Claimed in 1948 -tb have contact with AI s through NA in American Embassy. Contact apparently actually limited to employment of LUKINSex- radio operator Janis DAIGA along with B oris MANGOLDS in Soviet broaMpsst monitoring. (See Alexander OZOLINS)

6) EaKo GINTERS, claimed Io,have AIP . contact in 1945 and 1948. In 1950 contacted stockholm S :Ation and Bremerhaven re VALDEMAR.

7) F. LAGNAGS, first Contacted by AIs summer 1950.

8) K . BACBS , first Con acted by AI s 1950. •

9) A.,BROMBERGS, ibid.. r.) 10) Alexander OZOLINS, attempted to obta:n AIS support for an operation during 1946 involving the following persons: A. OZOLINS, Leonids SILINS, Zanis EPNERS, V. GRINS, A. MUCH, Zinturs NIGALS, Boris MANGOLDS, Laimona FURMALIS, Biluno JAUNBALSEJS, Zanis ANDERSONS; Armins KREBBS, Z anis TOMSONS, Edvins OZOLINS, Robert SLOGS, Janis DAIGA, Janis VITOLS, Lt. Robert SEBRIS. The operation was unsuccessful. The only operational support given it by the AIS was to Boris MANGOLDS and Janis DAIGA (MANUOLDsr brother in law) who wer ,h i red b y U.S. Embassy to monitorlolsietworre! -8 viet ships until December 1947. MANGOLD then workeettor the §gedes, emigrating to the U.S. with all his material in 1948. . 11)Boris MANGOLDS, Janis DAIGA (see above)

• R. 12)Bruno KALNINS, contacted summer 1951; interestedaandestine propaganda in Latvia, claims able to deliver his Latvian Social Detoorailc.Bulletin irregularly to Latvia through seaman docking at GBteberg.

E. GLS 1) Arnolds SALNAJS; ABWEHRAmstructor during WW II in radio and air dispatch. . . . - 2) Bruno l anis SAULITIS, performed special missiOns for Germans behind Soviet lines in Latvia under Major STRAUCH and Captain ENOCH- of 225th Infantry Division.

F. DanishIS 1) LAUNAGS contacted by Captain HVID of Danish IS in 1950. SEZL SELZ

HVID requested LAUNAGS assistance in locaing agents fnr dispatch to. Latvia, offering 400 kr. monthly for recruits while in training and additional compensations while on missions. Claimed p anes had specially built Speed boat (120,000 kr.) and training school for qualified recruits.

HVID is a Danish naval captain, used to live in Riga. In summer . of 1951 he was reported to be planning a trip to the U.S.


SECRET! II. ENGLAND A. BIS 1) ZARINS, Ambassador to London. 2) RUCELIS, Lt. Col., former Latvian AF member; worked for BIS in 1950, uses pseudonym ".Krauja." 3) .BULLE, Lt. Col. Adolf, believed by LAUNAGS and BACHS to be working for BIS. 4) EAGNV5, Lt. Col, fnu, believc.d by LAUNAGS and BACHS to be working foA(7. — . 5) Elmanj SKOBE, formerly associated with F. LANAGS in 3wot- 4eni emigratdd to Ebgland in 1946 after unsuccessful LUKINS, ope- ration, revealed BIB contact ta LAUNAGS in 1948. Still in BI6-- . contact in July 1949. Now in . 6)6Major A. AMERIKS., orderly in Aronside HospitalFverbmM, Worcestershire, England.. According to A. ENDZINS, AME..uin,s torw5-Ic frptitlIs but quit over policy disagreement. •

0- Peters MARTINSONS, being traced by SIS through RUCELIS • in early 1950 in Germany. S aid to h...ave been U.S agent in Latv.ie • wurin4 WW II through 1943 • 8.111S:

: 1) Approach to U.S. Embassy made spring 1952 by Latvian who formerly worked fo7- BIS . Identity, details withheld :from • Muni by HQ.

2 )



A. BIS r;•• Colonel V illa JANUMS. head Daugavas V anagi and Ex-Com LCP,,may be in BI S . contact. m akes frequent trips to England participated in military committee in which ANDERS and C olonel REBANE (both said to be workinF for BIS) are members, sent three DV .represen- tatives to LAK in England : ABAKUKS, SPRUDS, andSKUJEVIC$., m- possible to determine whether British contacts political only or 1 also,intelligence.

. Valdemars ALPS, rumoreU;have worked for BIS in Germany prior • to emigration to U.S. 'iif December"1951. According to ALPS own statemeMt although ao-rOeched by 8ISA.Ip 446,47,.and 48;Korked for

.• • British only as telephone operafOr fri l enterrogation center for a few wnths in 1949.. .. • VilhelMs FRIDBERGS, Latvian.44Lck marketeer, dropped by BIS 49/80. 2 . -.Following Latvians collected info. on Ger, political-activities :n5E:EDWARDS, Brit. education officer: W. ENDZINS, WURA, BES- . 1 HAUSKAB, VISNEVSKIS (Canda 48.) Not paid. June- July 48. • !

. KUNKIS and LYRA involved BIS project to send agents to Latvia. .. J • through HAW,HAW Englishman in Aachen. No pay offered; HAMM told i . 4 s . . :DMA. . he. could be infiltrated to Riga as a sailor, English firth. . !:.....:. .--Amember, or by land sea or air. Summer 49. No results. •! : • . . • ,, . • . . . • • . .. . . .. . .• • •

: .... • B SIS (Nothing; known.)




. • . C. FIS ISECIa Juris SPADE, nephew of Admral,,SPADE, believed to be working for PIS in Baden.Baden French 2- ne or in P aris. ii444eirday.k Gee:mg ODINS txxlm believes his work is limited to extracting a information from newspapers. Estra ALBEnINGS, daughter of former Ig nister of AgricUlthre of Latvia, educated in ranee, mistreF of E. ROBEZGRUNDNIEKS, - believed by LAUNAGS to Se in contitt with FIS .. Recently contacted SILDE in Germany.

D AIS Alberts Latmonis ROLMS, hired in Argehtina 1950, left abruptly for Germany, no recontact. VISGAUSS,.CIC agent, joined U.S. Army spring 52. ALPS, Valdemera, worked for DOMD, U.S. Constabularly, . . LAMBE-14GS, Valdemars, worked for CIC, Manpower Analysis mUnieh 5-2, and was in contact with BELVEDERE. andRERI-BERI, • Note: Both ALPS and LAWBERGB are of interest because of their. connections with SAULITIS and attempts to start an operation .in - 1948/49. The sponsorship for the operation was never determined, but may have been one of the miscellaneous American intelligence organisations connected with ALPS or LAMBERGS dUring 48/49. For this reason their contacts are listed below: ALPS- Sweden: LIMNS, PURINS, TEIDEMANIS, KIKULIS, KRODERS, KALNINS, GIUTERS, SAULITIS Germany: ENDZINS, R. LIEPI4S, Col. SKAISTLAUKS, V. MATUZELS, A. TRAPANS, V. LAMBERGS, JANUMS, KOVALEVSKIS LAMBERGS- Sweden: KIKULIS, Capt. RUSATS, SAULITIS, VACREUNIEKS StirmanyLMajor RAVITSCH,C01. LAUNICS, Col, RUDZITIS Germany: A. ABOLINS, A. NEPARTS, V. BUMBERS, Peteris BALUMA IS, V. BASTJANIS U.S.: MASENS (NCFE), DIM, C apt. John PETERSEN KULIKOVSKIS, George Gaston, worked for German IS in Latvia during war, for ossyssu after end of war.



■-• !. .7.

Present Contacts of ZIPPER

JORDAN, Georg G L ustav, instructor for atvian agents .

KROEGER , Ernst, absistanct instructor for L a tvian agents -

! WHIMS, AdOlfSI :assistent instructor for 14 tvian agents. :• -. ....-..• ....1

JANU.0,:OL.VILI g , contact planned by ZIPPER; possibly estabiishe

:RIME, : Adolf, Ibid. . .. . . . . . , .. ..,... - • . - ... - ., . . v.:.ANCANS.,- R oberts, contacted by ZIPPE R summer 1951, dropped Oct.:57.• . :.•.. 1 . .• • ...... ,_ . .. ..Rf : .. ,. lff-i acelMneoui:pelet..war,--- a . . ... contacts:

,..,.,•-• CElli4 . 4aniS-:contacted by it iCHUBERT former member C:mbai Gnit.i12::A. - . . . , . . . ;:: ..ii :. • .. after IT II. dELMS is head LCP. ,• : i . . . , •. , •

.--... .1-GZIlliu,A • - contacted by SCRDB ERT --after WW II. - . -.. . • . , -. . .--:•JARp".g - 0. ol... V ilia in contact SCHACHT FROEtICI(working.forMinister, r,:::::.:.....: :::- - :-.%, ..;., • D efense, SLANE of • L .101400.KIS., Paula. • , .1.014..

- ...:., ..,,,:.N.ILIWDS.,-.- 4.0(4: :.. Ibid.

I 3) Wartime contacts -. - 1): :: • BONG,. Otto: .- .

• ti 01 ; 114.. CO ...• - - .40RDAN, GoOrg GlistaV: • - : (font l d. on attached list) •

. . . tatic

Late. Used by GS WW II

ALPS, V. Abt, I Koenigsburg, Abt I. Leningrad; escaped Germany 44, now in U.S. DAMSONS, fnu naval reconnaisince, Rigs Sept 44

BERZINS, 1/4 dropped 1 Nov. 48, fnrmer Gestapo agent, now Stoc. Ker its FAX 166M , trained w/t op., born 1923 f;;;; BRACEJS, Janis cS CELMINS, Janis, FAX 166 M, observer, agent, born 1913, in GerMany : In 1946 ••issNER, Dr. Iy ar Nitkolaj, Latvian born Riga 1909, naturalised as German citizen 1928, citizenship restored sentenced tn kanghai for espionage aga net Germany °span while working for Abwehr in , in Germany in 1945. RIRARDS, fnu Sondergrnppe. R,.Riga. tRRAUTINS KARKLINS,- FAX 166M agent, in Germany 1946 VEOMANtS @ VELDRE FAX 166 M born 1919, chief agent, "instructor military matters, maxx .NITOLINS @,.SARALINS FAX 166 M . b; 1914. Agent, observor. . BRIOS,-Julijs Now in Rannover/Stocken, ABN rep and head local: Lat.-Lit. Committee..German collaborator 45) BIRZGALE, Dzilda Leader clubs %rachuted for GerTens.,

• SVEILE, Maija 0a4and, Calif. F o rachuted . for Germans. • XENIEVICS OE, Lajben.. al Staff ReereegruPpe . Nord.Now • in Germany. GULANS, Janie • Kaiserslautern LS C • Farachqted for Germans..

ert f r Gefma S den: .FLIKOVSEIS Georg Gaston : KUZNETZOFF, Pavel, @ MIKHAILOVITSCMavel Gustav 4 11 sabotage missions for GIS behindaupaiaii:iines; fluent Ruesian,. employed by OSS/SSU.:4fter-WW.LI4


.••••-••••• [SHUT Tha EIS

. The F M main Lithuanian Contact after World WarII was and, still • • • is BACKIS of VLIK. PIS was also in contact with SIDZIKAVSKAS (through . BACR1S, SOUSTELLE of the De G aulle Movement and Foreign. Miniater . SIDADLT) andwith KRUPAVICIUS, both from 1947 to. at least 1949. .• .. . Through.BACKIS, SIDZIKAVSKAS arranged the transfer of two Lithuanian . couriers to the FIS in 1947 ( Jonas KLYEALISKAS-KUKIS and Jonas . . ... KUPSTAS). and also turned over SKRAOMAS in 1948. The latter . was acCompls -ed in accordince with an SIS/FIS agreement made • r . : • , .after the postponement of TILESTONE ABLE (scheduled for Spring 48 • . and dispatched Fall 48.) According to the agreement the PIS leas to:infiltrate SKRAOMAS by plane. DEKSNYS was in contact • .. • ,. • • ii/ith theTIS:direetly in arranging this. transfer, as well as with . .. • . . . : 13ACKIS. SKRAJVNAS continued to keep in touch with the VLIK cciUriOr.. .. inWareaw-after his transfer to Germany with the other twocoUriers. . . :--Jutia:SPADE; nephew Of Admiral SPADE, worksWith FIS. according ... - :.te,tweideistirceis. According tOderie: source his work is limited to_iny: ..,terVieesend . scankitig newapapers. SPADE at l ended war college,iri . . . : 1 • t. Frahaa before WW II. Now locatwd in either baden7Eaden Or Faris : :::,-.2] (p .T.y. Bureau .78, 19 Rue montevieo, Paris 16e. ). • - ,. • -..: 1 • , Eatra ALABINqs, daughter of the former:Latvian minister of 1... , :Agriculture , and mistress of E. ROBEZGRUNDNIEKS, educated- in prande is said .: to be working. .for .F IS by LAUNAGS. She recently contacted - . SILDEWGermany .. • • ....!

-• • 'SEMI

: . Currently emploYed by GIS(ZIPPER) . . .. : TUKKUMS, Adolf recruited 9/8/51. agent for penetration on. JORDAN Georg Gustav recruited 12/11/51, aest instructor . Dat ops.- OEGØH , Ernst Alexander Rehina spring 53 co east instruct.or Lat ops. mt. experience 7..; I with OKW and RSHA Amt VI, Zipper : agent till July 48 when dropped for lack of - ac- tivity. in his field. . Current contacts GIS (alleged): - SHILDE, LCP member - 1ANCHS, C01. D. V . :President, Chairman LCP board. :EnDzrigs,-. A., DT, ADM member • :COntaCts- i3onn Ministry of Defense: